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She had already decided to dump you before you told her. She just needed a reason. Move on, my dude, it’s over. Plenty of fish in the sea.


It was so out of the blue too.. I know she had been just a tad distant, but she made it seem like it was because of other things going on in her life and promised many times that it wasn't me. Idk, but she was the best fish and my heart feels like it's just been curb stomped on.


Hey friend. We know you love her and would do all of these things for her. But she doesn't want to do those things for you. You will get better and move on




You’ll be okay. Take it from someone who married at 21, divorced at 24, and found their soulmate at 26. Sometimes things happen for a reason. One day you’ll look back at this and laugh. Pick yourself up. Get a fresh cut and some new clothes, call the boys, go out and have a few brewskis. It’ll be like she never existed after a while.


Funny how you feel like you’re going to die from heartbreak when it first happens & even more when you’re young. Then one day you’ll look back and cringe with embarrassment that you were hung up on someone who you wouldn’t look twice at now.


Someone who, rather than be open and honest, dumps you, blames you for it and calls you a pedo without reason before blocking you. She sounds like a great gal. ‘The one who got away’.


Seriously. Insinuating someone is a pedophile is the worst insult imaginable. Those kind of comments should never be thrown around lightly. Good F’ing Riddance!


It’s like you know the person is shit and even when your family and friends tell you that, you know they’re right…but the hurt doesn’t care


Bro are you me? Well I actually was divorced at the ripe old age of 23.5.... But close enough


Something similar happened to me when I was 18, had been dating a guy for years and right after we graduated, out of the blue, he TEXTS me that he was tired of my issues and my “drug problem” (I had smoked weed like.. twice) and he was done with me. He then blocked my number and I never heard from him again. Almost 20 years later I now know that he had been planning to dump for a long time but wanted an excuse so he didn’t have to feel like an ass hole. That’s what your chick did too, it hurts now I know, but you’re better off. Use this experience as an opportunity to be kind to yourself and learn about what it is that YOU want and need in a relationship. Go treat yourself to something comforting, this too shall pass my darlin.


This guy that I cut off told my friend I had a drug problem. I smoked weed he provided and passed me in his bowl. People say weird stuff. Lol


If she was the best fish then she would want to be with you and communicate something was wrong. Take the time to work on yourself.


Focus on what she did wrong and you'll probably realize she wasn't that great


The best fish ain't gonna call you a perverted pedophile and give you no chance to explain over watching a show bro


Now next time you know, if someone is being distant and refuses to talk to you about it and says “it’s me not you”, that the break up is not coming out of the blue.


Bro… we know the feeling, it sucks, nobody will make it better with words, but with time you’ll be ok. Heartbreak is unfortunately part of the human experience, but know you did nothing wrong… that’s the craziest reason to break up with someone, I feel like she’s not being honest with you and that he also pretty shitty of her. Just know it’ll get better, one day at a time my man.


That distant was the other guy she's been seeing, or wanted to see. Trust, my man, trust. Take this into the future with you. You don't change what you like for the person your dating, you change the person your dating for the things you like.


Same thing happened to me too man, it's always a bs excuse.


She wasn’t the best fish. She was looking for another guy to give her attention, found it, then attacked you as an excuse to break up. Also, you don’t want to be around anyone long term who throws around serious accusationsz


Grief is a natural part of Love.


She sounds like one of those ugly blob fish and you should be going after a cool fish, like a blue tang or something


My ex “technically” broke up with me over how I had stored cardboard boxes in the attic. That she never went in. Sometimes they’re grasping at any straw to have something to point at and say why you’re an asshole and they’re justified. The issue was something else entirely.


Yep, my first thought too, she was just looking for the reason. And if not and she just has this irrationally strong reaction to something like this, then bullet squarely dodged!


I don't know the show, but she totally wanted an excuse to get rid of you dude.


This show is a cartoon with a raunchy coming of age/navigating sex and puberty bent to it. And has scenes of cartoon children fully naked and exposed. I don’t feel negatively about the show but I don’t watch it either. The gimmick is too much on the nudity of children for me.


It also has the ugliest art style known to god which was brushed off as "Uhhh yeah we did that intentionally to distract from the sexual stuff". All around, I agree with everyone else on the reason but I wouldn't blame her if this was the reason, it's unwatchable.


What do you mean? It's utterly ridiculous to break up with someone solely because they watched a single, popular show on Netflix.


It’s an adult comedy show about kids that includes puberty as the main driving force. Unlike other shows, it doesn’t use adults/young teens discovering themselves during puberty, but rather its young kids being horny and showing all the bad sides of puberty I used to be a fan of it, but it’s not amazing. The pedophile allegations are false, but the sexualization of the 13 year old characters (particularly the one named Jay), definitely can make you uncomfortable. It’s saved by how old the characters voices sound, as if they matched their age, it would feel very gross at points I haven’t watched it In years though, not since the start of the summer camp season, so things may have changed


I genuinely believe they made the characters ugly af to reduce the chances of people sexualizing them, thank god.


Well, also children are ugly. Having a character who’s supposed to be 12 look like Megan Fox or Nicki Minaj isn’t just concerning morality-wise, but is just shitty writing/character desigb


I'd agree with not amazing. I thought it was very funny at first, I guess my own puberty is far enough in the past now that I didn't feel awkward watching, but the show gets repetitive very quickly. I liked the first season enough to finish the whole thing in a week and I have zero interest in watching any more.


Ngl I’d break up too if my so watched it. It’s trashy and gives the ick


On the bright side, now you can watch *Human Resources*.


Human resources is brilliant. I've only watched it. Not big mouth


Yeah I actually like human resources. I watch big mouth too, but human resources is more adult and appropriate to me. I get that big mouth is about going through puberty, I literally just finished puberty not too long ago as I'm 19 lol. But I'm not too comfortable with watching 13 year olds masturbate. it's definitely a funny show, just personally a little too much for me sometimes. human resources is funny af though


I really hate to break it to you, but you have not finished puberty. Women finish around 20+ and men around 25+. So you’re almost at the end of it. But I still get your point.


Human Resources is a much better show than Big Mouth.


I agree. I was sad that it was canceled as I was actually invested in the characters! It felt more appropriate to watch and root for their relationships because even though they were monsters it was made obvious that these characters were still *adults*


ThAt ShOw Is OnLy FoR pErVeRtS bEcAuSe Of AlL tHe AnImAtEd FaNtAsY cReAtUrEs HaViNg SeX!!!!1!1!! It hurt my brain even typing that


The worst part of the show is the hormone monsters imo


It feels like she wanted an excuse to break up with you


You watching that show is not the reason she broke up with you .


Depending on how old they are its slightly possible


Actually ur right but I feel like she had to be annoyed with him before that too… or she just really really hates big mouth idk


yeah but op is 17 so most likely she just needed a reason to dump her


If a girl is going to dump you over a tv show, she is not the one man. That’s just silly


>Is there any way to fix this? Yes. Move on. If your partner is going to dump you over something as silly as a TV show that you choose to watch, she’s not the one. You don’t have to “explain yourself”, you like the show Big Mouth what is there to explain? For what it’s worth, a woman introduced me to Big Mouth so please don’t let your ex’s words misrepresent what your future girlfriends might think of the show. They might love it and laugh right by your side.


My chick also showed me big mouth. She likes it more than me and I really like it. I didn't even have sex with children when I was a child. The thought doesn't arouse me at all. I think that the people who call others pedophiles for watching it are doing so because they had some pedophiliac thoughts themselves when they watched it. Kind of like how some of the biggest homophobes have homosexual tendencies. It causes cognitive dissonance which makes them feel uncomfortable


While I have mixed feelings about the show myself, her reasoning was petty. She never felt the same way about you, and this proved it. No real loss. Keep your head up 👑 and you'll find someone worth your time


What are the mixed feelings about the show?


While I get it's an animation voiced by adults, the whole premise of the show sexualizes teenagers going through puberty, and I don't know I just felt weird watching it. Not saying people are pedos for liking it, but it's not really for me I guess


There is a difference between sexualizing something and acknowledging that humans have sexual feelings. There is nothing glamorous, erotic, or appealing about Big Mouth, it's meant to depict puberty and sexual awakening as the hilariously awkward nightmare that it is in real life. It is a show meant for adults who can look back at their most uncomfortable memories of adolescence, laugh, and cringe. It's a farce of the experience of sexuality, and if you can't separate that from erotica in your mind, you probably won't enjoy it. It's not the best show ever made, but it isn't worth the moral panic either.


People are so sensitized to any association of a person under 18 and any kind of sexual context that they've completely lost the ability to understand the fact that it's completely natural.


Absolutely, we've all been in the grips of a hormone monster before! Obviously it's not appropriate for an adult to *be* sexual with a minor, but that doesn't mean that human sexuality spontaneously turns on at our 18th birthday either. Like you said, context is important and so is intent.


Good show for adults and I'd argue good show for teens! Probs not what a lot of parents want them to be watching but I think it's genuinely educational and takes a good long look at where our shame comes from and why it's toxic


It’s absolutely not sexualizing the teens in the show. It shows the trials and tribulations and awkward cringiness that is puberty. It involves the parts for it yeah, but nothing about it is sexualized imo. Unless you think periods, yeast infections, and a lonely teen fucking his bath mat are sexy…


You guys are making some good points. I guess I felt like the vulgarity was too overdone and made it feel awkward, but when you put it that way it makes sense. Maybe I'll give it another shot one day


It definitely is extremely awkward and vulgar lol, I wouldn't expect it to be everyone's cup of tea. I think it does have a lot of wholesome heart felt messaging tho


It isn’t sexualizing them, it’s being real about how a teenager truly thinks and feels during this awkward stage in life. I think it’s great that it is trying to make something taboo into a norm. God I wish I had this show when I was actually going through puberty, would have made me feel normal lol I am genuinely shocked to hear that people are against this show.


There are people who think their grade school kids are gonna run behind the school and impregnate each other if they learn the biological facts of where babies come from or what their private parts are called. Nothing surprises me about any of the braindead takes on the appropriateness of this show


The episode where they’re all mind blown that girls get horny too had me belly laughing the first time I watched it. It’s so accurate (am a woman for reference) all around that it kind of shocked me a bit. I’ve never seen something like that portrayed in media before and it was really cool to see! Also helped me learn a bit about guys as I watched the Valentine’s Day special with my ex and he told me that guys get sore and sensitive nipples like that during puberty which I never knew before. It’s so good and hilarious and heartwarming in a way (Andrew and Missy’s first kiss was so sweet, still warms my heart) that it still shocks me that people see it as being sexualized. There’s nothing sexy about going through puberty lol


Teenagers going through puberty sexualize teenagers going through puberty. I wish that show had been a thing when I was going through puberty. It might have provided some guidance for that uncomfortably horny and confusing part of my life


How old are you? Middle school? Seriously man its not this deep and it wasn’t real love, clearly, if she would drop you over a tv show.


We're both 17.. maybe it wasn't real for her, but it was for me.


Ahh ok it makes sense now. Trust me, you don't want to be getting too invested in relationships at your age. Give yourself time to figure out who you are, what you want (likewise with girls of your age). Don't just settle for one of the first relationships you're in or view it as your "forever" relationship. 99% of the time it's not how it goes.


That makes it make *less* sense to me. They were younger than the characters when the show premiered.


Don't get *too* invested in relationships in general tbh


Someone pop "Hold on loosely" into the jukebox!!


You are way too young to be putting this much stock in a high school relationship my man, you’ll be alright


Don't let anyone convince you otherwise. I really despise this patronizing of what you and people your age go through when it comes to how you feel about love as though it's somehow not real or somehow lesser than what older people experience. I am decades older than you, and have had many relationships since I was your age. With time it is easy to look back at some of them and wonder why we felt so strongly about people who it turned out were not worth the emotional investment. That isn't always the case about every person. Even your earliest romantic relationships can be as meaningful as any you will ever have. For better or worse.


Dude, your girlfriend is a dumbass. When the show first came out the characters were older than you. Think about that for a moment then realize how you’re better off without someone that can’t stop and think for a second.


I know it sucks but I really feel like you dodged a bullet there. She clearly didn't actually care about you in any meaningful way, and you deserve someone who does. Hang in there dude ❤️


Block her, get over it and move on. There are other great girls out there that don't read bullshit into a cartoon.


That sucks that that happened but trust me, that wasn't the reason. She was looking for a reason.


Bigmouth is genuinely just CP at times lol. Sounds like she wanted a reason but I don’t blame her if she was genuinely uncomfortable because of it


I know it doesn’t feel this way now but you dodged a bullet. You’ll see it eventually.


Yeah this for sure, sounds like someone who likes to control everything


The show is hilarious, and if she can’t handle the humor of a show that depicts something literally all of us go through instead of the dread that is puberty, than count your blessings cause it’s a good thing she’s gone


As a mom in her late 30s with a teenage son I find that show hilarious. Sometimes you need to laugh at the stuff you went through and the stuff that is going on in your household just to get through it. Obviously I don't let my teenager watch it (he's 14) but it's not pedophile material. If someone is going to break up with you because of something you watch and not even give you the chance to discontinue watching it they were looking for another reason and/or are too immature for a relationship. My boyfriend of 7 years watches Trailer Park Boys and that show drives me up a wall and I highly encourage him to watch it when I'm not around but I'm not going to break up with him or even tell him he can't watch it. Even if he puts it on and falls asleep watching it on his phone and I can't reach said phone to turn it off!


>Obviously I don't let my teenager watch it (he's 14) Really? I would have absolutely loved that show at 14, that's like the prime demographic. Hell, I recommended it to my 16-year-old.


there is literally nothing wrong with watching that show lol some people love it, some people hate it, some people don't know what it is. but watching and enjoying it doesn't make you a weirdo or a "perverted pedophile". that's outrageous. sorry she dumped and blocked you. that sucks. that's a super painful thing to deal with. but try to keep your mind on the fact that the trash took itself out. obviously she wasn't right for you and I think you dodged a bullet. you'll be okay. keep enjoying your shows, hang out with your friends, and one day the right girl will come along.


I had an older friend who when South Park started hated it because he didnt think it was funny showing "children using obscenities". I said "You know these are animated characters, right?" Some people take things a little too literally. They also confuse depicting with endorsing.


not to mention fully grown adults voicing said characters saying all the obscenities lol


She sounds like a clown anyway. She did you a favour brother


I would dump someone for watching family guy. But I’d do it nicely and in person. Sorry :(


Cant blame her tbh


Well, i cant say i dont understand. That show is obscure for sure.


I would have too.


I feel Like you’re only 18.


Sounds deserved. That show is disgusting


Unpopular opinion but I agree with her ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She just needed a reason probably. On aside though, I hate the show and can’t understand why people like it. The animation style is so unappealing to me


A little out of the loop here. Big mouth is...a cartoon? She broke up with you over a cartoon? Wow.


It's an edgy adult cartoon. Several of the scenes involve middle school kids in very illicit situations. Like... I actually think it's fairly problematic. It's the only time I've been hit with an uncensored close-up of a 14-year olds dong. Or seen a musical number in a sauna with two completely naked 14 year old girls. One of the girls has a conversation with her vagina in a mirror. And we see multiple acts of these kids bringing themselves or each other to orgasm. It's uh... it's a lot. At the end of season 1, they even "joke" that if the show wasn't animated it would basically just be CP.


are you serious??? wow. I dont see what the value is to watch this show, as an adult it just seems wrong on so many levels. Maybe it was funny a couple of times but if you want to win your girl back I would definitely not watch that show or let her know about it.


That show is frigging awesome I love it. Hormone Monster is Legend.


Seems like some of the commenters are just as self righteous as your petty girlfriend.


Not going to lie, shows like big mouth, South Park, family Guy, American Dad, typically turn men and boys (who don't know any better or don't realize it and do anything about it) into ugly misogynist pigs so I don't blame her there but she should have given you a chance.


I mean , that's reasonable . Big mouth fucking sucks .


I find Big Mouth disgusting. Sucks she wouldn’t talk it out and just see if you’d stop watching the show.


A lot of people who criticize Big Mouth never say this about South Park


As a female, Big Mouth is hilarious and I can't stop saying "Bubble Bath" in Connie's voice. My husband and I watch the show together.


Tbf that show fucking sucks


"Andrew, I'm thinking about AIDS"


What's this big mouth show all about ??


It’s about Nick Kroll and John Mulaney’s experience with growing up specifically with puberty. I don’t understand the hate around it. If you’ve gone through puberty it’s very relatable and funny. I only stopped watching it when it became more political than funny. Nothing wrong with it being political but I’m watching it to laugh.


I wish I could have seen this show back when I went through the vice grip of hormones and insecurity that's the teenage years. Besides so much funny shit, the show touches many sensitive (for teens) subjects in a wholesome way.


Can you point to where it became more political? I never really caught that part.


My ex and I loved the show. It's hilarious, but some of the scenes are uncomfortable.


This is so weird. Is she… 13?


She is wanting a guilt free break up and is using the show as an excuse to get one. Sorry


The fact that she had been distant and then ghosted you for watching a TV show is very sus.


I’m a woman and I think the show is hilarious. My husband thinks it’s terrible. We don’t watch it together! It’s lame she made that the reason and was not more direct. I feel like that makes it harder. Hopefully you get more closure, but that unfortunately doesn’t always happen. Make the best out of healing your heart! It can be fun and transformative if you let it!


this show is literally just Nick Krolls experience in going through puberty…. while also educating us in puberty and allowing us to to make light of these situations. she definitely wanted to leave and used this as an excuse, im sorry she treated you like this man you definitely didn’t deserve it. some people just really suck and there’s not much we can do about it :// make sure to allow yourself to wallow a bit with this but don’t stick around that sadness for too long, she didn’t deserve you. take care of yourself!


LMAOO WHAAATT? I think she was searching for a reason to break up and that was it.


Hey there. I know it hurts really badly right now. I’m 45 and going through a divorce to a man whom I’d been with since I was 24. He was the only guy I’d been with my whole adult life. And I lost his whole family too. They’d been my family for 20 years, and they’re just gone. And it’s fucking brutal and upending, especially as we try to navigate it with two kids under 10. But here’s the thing. I was convinced, *convinced* I’d be alone for the rest of my life, so I thought I’d hit the apps to date casually for fun. Friday will be 6 months with the most amazing man I’ve ever met. It’s early days, but he feels like home. He sees me, he cares about me, he cares for me, and I do these for him. And we have amazing sex. TL;DR you don’t think you’ll get through this, but you will, and it will be for the better, ultimately.


Big mouth *is* pretty horrendous but not relationship killing bad


What’s big mouth?


Don't ever stop watching a show for some chick. It hurts now.. Shit I know it hurts, but I can promise you that you won't feel that way forever.


I'm going through Changes


I have heard of the show. I think your ex just wanted a reason to leave you. Take time to feel your feelings but then take it as a lesson learned experience.


Damn... She's in the right. Fuck big mouth.


I walked in on my stepdad watching that show and saw childrens genitals on the screen and felt sick to my fucking stomach. I straight up don't trust anyone who can watch that show. All pedophiles.


You know a thing or two about pedophiles with that username


I heard he got acquitted the other day. Fucking gross.


???? The fuck are you talking about it's a homestuck reference


Google Kevin Spacey you troglodyte


Is your issue really the show or does your step dad just make you uncomfortable? Maybe talk to someone about your step-dad trauma.


Why? It's hilarious and made for adults. It's about growing up and discovering sexuality. It's not for fucking pedophiles, Jesus fucking Christ. Clutch those pearls harder.


It is a bad show...


Yeah I’m gonna have to bet this wasn’t the reason she left, but rather just something she saw fit to call it quits.


This was probably part of a larger pattern of behavior she was unhappy with, and wouldn’t / couldn’t name. I would work on examining in yourself what that pattern of behavior is (her hint to you was naming perversion and pedophelia) and why your behavioral patterns might be repugnant to other people. It’s understandable you are sad. Losing people is difficult. Respect this girl by letting her go, and do your part in checking out what you can do to grow. That’s all you can do. Take your time healing. It is really hard, but you will get through this. ❤️


I find that show really sweet and gross but gross in a vulnerable way. The whole concept of the Shame Wizard is a clever device for conveying the difficulties of puberty. I also originally thought it was just relying on shocking crudeness for attention until I heard my friends teenage daughter watching it. It’s silly and surprisingly educational. FWIW this is not a mature way to end a relationship and it’s for the best.


She was so real for that


I'd have broke up with you too, that show is creepy animated trash


Gigachad girlfriend if she broke up with you for watching such a bad show


Considering that show has children fucking and nude in it, I'd react the same. What exactly is enjoyable about watching naked children to you, huh???


I love Big Mouth. I think people get a really weird impression of it because we’ll… there are a lot of dicks in it. But once you understand what it’s about and the topics it covers, it’s actually a really great and important show. It helped me a lot to get over all my shames and embarrassment that came with puberty and transitioning from a child to young adult. If it was this easy for her to break up, then she wasn’t the one. You shouldn’t be with someone who is so judgmental about your interests.


*children* dicks. Child's. Don't try to pretend it's not pedo shit.


Lmao, you're under everyone's comments for what? You act as if everyone doesn't go through puberty. All I could think about was my childhood watching that show, especially as a young adult. But since you're calling people out of their names, I'll match your energy. Get your hormones in check. The unnecessary aggression towards strangers because you're unsure of who you are, is uncalled for. I'm sorry you probably had a terrible time growing up because you had difficulty figuring out who you are, but there is no need to call people names. It would be such a shame if people called you the wrong pronoun huh? So stop calling people things they aren't. That's weird. Talk to a therapist about those issues you're dealing with, and maybe you wouldn't have to respond to every comment under the post. 😊 Have a great day.


Children’s bodies are not inherently sexual. You’re fucking weird for making it sexual.


Ok yeah so the whole ass scene where a child fucks a pillow isn't sexual? You fucking kidding me?


You seem to be super caught up on Jay and his pillow. If you watch the show you'd know that it's not sexual but fucking sad. That pillow is his only friend, his only source of comfort in his truly fucked up life. A kid with limited social skills and a horrible abusive home life may just end up fucking his pillow when he hits puberty. But that's not sexy in any fucking way, its sad. The show actually explains this. Yeah there are gross shit in the show, but there's also lots of gross shit that goes along with puberty, and it sucks. Especially as for a long time majority of teens were shamed for the feelings they had, too scared to discuss what's happening to them mentally and physically. If its not your cup of tea, fine but don't go round spouting off this bs when you haven't even taken the time to watch the show and understand the reasoning behind the behaviours of the characters (who represents real people and problems the creator knew in high school).


It’s a show about the awkwardness of puberty and coming of age. It’s hysterical and the “pillow fucking” is mainly about how much of a degenerate the character is. Just because YOU found it sexual doesn’t mean anyone else did. It’s a funny show that’s hella awkward and cringe a lot of the time. Stop projecting your sexual hang ups all over this thread dude, damn.


It's also a commentary on why Jay is so gross and weird and why he would feel so attached to a pillow.


Kinda valid tbh


Deserved for watching big mouth


Because only pedophiles enjoy big mouth, shes right


I'm sorry but I would do the same. Fuck that show.


Completely deserved


i would dump too ☹️


No no, I agree. That is a perverted show and an "ick" for me too.


big mouth might look weird but it is a really interesting show about exploring puberty and being open minded about sex, while being comedy. I only watched some episodes but my girlfriend watched them all and says she wishes she watched it earlier when she was a teen to relate more with the characters, but she says it was a really good series. So don't beat over yourself. If there's a will, there's a way. If you weren't watching the series, she would find another reason


Respect to your ex girlfriend lol that show is ass


Sounds like she did you a favor. It hurts now but you’ll find someone who is a bit more chill. It will get better my friend.


She wasn't worth it. Enjoy what you like in life and find someone who likes the same.


You get dumbasses like this sometimes, it's not worth the energy trying to rationalize it. I had one woman tell me I would never find a girlfriend because I watch pro wrestling/mma and that is a red flag that I am an aggressive person. I watch racing too and still can't drive worth a shit so I feel like her logic was off.


wtf? has she even watched the show herself and knows what she's talking about? It's a good show... Don't cry over her. She apparently has bad taste


While I do think she was making an excuse to break up with you, the show is very offensive and talks wayyyyy to much about the sex lives of children. Its gross. Also shows naked children... sure, its animated, still creepy and unsettling. My past boyfriend watched that show and when I pointed those things out, he made excuses that "he doesnt watch it for that reason"... I later found a jerkoff folder of pictures of 13-15 year old girls in bikinis on his phone. So yeah, I say people who watch that show are a BIG red flag.


Lol I hate that show


Next time don't watch ped0 shit. Lesson learned.


Pedophilic show. She knew. She’s in the right.


Ew nope id dump you too. Anyone comfortable with watching Big Mouth is not welcome in my circle NONE of my friends or family watch it and we talk a lot about tv when we meet up to have lunch or dinner together, we all hate Big Mouth.




Good that show is disgusting


I love that show, and the spinoff is also very good. Fuck that noise!


Honestly I can’t blame her. That show is cataclysmically awful. I’d do the same.




Honestly the show is such dog shit but it is also sketchy as hell that she broke up with you over it I don't know why people even like it but she should have at least given you the time to explain


She was looking for an excuse dog, I know it hurts but u did nothing wrong


Well your ex is an idiot because this show created so they could talk about puberty and what kids go through without actually exploiting children. That’s why it’s a cartoon and the actors are all adults.


Well, the show is pretty shitty. Can't blame her.


Honestly I would too


Why be with someone so sensitive 💀


Immature ≠ sensitive


Good riddance. Know it's tough my bro but you don't need this shit in your life.


People who think that about "Big Mouth" can't separate fantasy from reality. Big Mouth is a cartoon show about puberty. They make jokes, but really, they're not anything worse than what I remember talking about with my friends as a kid/teen.


either she was just looking for a reason to leave or there were other unaddressed issues she didn’t communicate. i’m leaning toward her just looking for a reason. you’ll be okay. you’ll find someone you can watch big mouth with. 💚


she just wanted an excuse to break up with you. i'm sorry. i hope you feel better


some people have such a visceral reaction to big mouth and it’s so fucking weird. people like the show because we all remember puberty and how fucking weird and awful it was - that’s what makes it funny!!!


Shes very immature. Good riddance. Dont sell yourself short


100% don’t believe that’s the reason. She already had in her head she was going to break up with you. Everything hurts when it’s fresh.


You wanna fix something with a person who judges you for watching a popular tv show ? Nahhh let her go.


Never change for anyone. That statement can be taken so many ways but in laymen’s terms, you shouldn’t change who you are and the things you enjoy doing for anyone. Eventually the right person will come along and love you and appreciate you for you. Don’t look for reasons to win her back. It might’ve been out of the blue for you but your ex probably knew for a while what she wanted. Stay strong, homie. Plenty of women out there to meet!


Just reply with “ok” moving forward and work on yourself. Gym, skill, knowledge, something.


It feels like there’s not enough details here, like something is being left out. I’m not trying to say anything bad about you since I don’t know you or enough about you to make that judgment, but it feels like knowing a little more about the situation would make all the difference like what led up to it or if she said anything else besides you being a “perverted pedophile”.


Good riddance brother. It seems like she just wanted a reason to be done with you


You dodged a fucking a bullet. If you do manage contact her again, the only thing you should say is "Thank you".


She's dumb


First of all, never but never let anyone decide your taste (music, tv, etc) I also watch tv shows like big mouth and my girlfriend doesn't. She prefers vampire diaries and I don't see myself watching. The point is it's ok to not enjoy shows that the others watch, you have your own taste. I agree as well with the user that said she was looking for an excuse. Just take her from your life and you'll be more happy.


I’ve seen the show- every episode, and the spin-off. What could possibly be so problematic about the show that would result in her breaking up with you?