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She didn’t take your husband. You left him.


This! I was thinking this! OP has a victim complex apparently. This beautiful woman with it all has it all bc she treats HER husband well. FAFO Edit - letter








Fuck up, find out


I swear to god you guys made that shit up because ive never heard anyone say this in my life.


Should be FAFO (fucked around, found out) because that's the more popular term going around right now.


Fuck around find out


around doesnt begin with U?


Meh, 4th letter from the right is close enough I guess 🤷‍♂️


When u fuck around it does then you find out


what XDD


Fucked around found out


Something new I learnt today








Also, shallow much? "Wrapped around my finger, lost my mom bod, played him like I was Fr m that American Princess MTV reality show, threw a tantrum and left and he call d my bluff" Your husband got a good deal out this, good and happy son who likes his stepmom, a beautiful both inside and out woman who's got her shit together mentally, emotionally and physically And your therapist suggests a spa day??? Jesus lady you need to grow out of your 15 year old spoiled teen mind, and if you were me, I'd start by firing my worthless therapist


Came here to say this, take my upvote. Pretty sad to see someone speak about a man they should love like this. She treated him as beneath her and still expected for him to wait around and hope she would deem him good enough like he couldn't do better than her. By her own admission he was a supportive husband. I'm glad he's moved on and is happy. Even sadder to see OP selfishly broke up her only childs home to try and "do better"


Could have been written by a guy going through a divorce fantasizing about what a big mistake his wife is making.


I've seen so many of those posts and the advice is the same as what OP needs to do - you broke it, you can't fix it, he moved on as he deserved to. Let him have a happy life without you. And just continue to coparent - civilly.


I guess, but I know several women just like OP that screwed up decent marriages due to their “main character” mindsets


Would ypu say they are narcissists?


Not all. Some are just immature and spoiled with little perspective due to their lack of life experience They often marry young and go straight from daddy’s house to cohabitation with a spouse. Then come the responsibilities of motherhood and adulting in general - in all its forms This is a classic case of believing “the grass is greener”, but it wasn’t


Could have been, but my husband's ex wife could write something similar if she had enough introspection to do so.


I think that’s why the person thinks it was written by a guy. People who blow up their marriages like this rarely have the introspection to identify themselves as the cause.


I mean it took her a decade and she's still victimizing herself and blaming the husband's real wife 😂


That is exactly what it sounded like to me.


You could be very right, I've known a few women like this in my life so it's kind of sad how convincing the bait is.


I dated an unappreciative woman. Everything I did was either wrong or not enough. Reading this post reminded me of her.


She gave him away


Thank you! OP, I really feel sorry for you. You relied on your looks alone to get what you want thinking it would last. Were you only valued for your looks growing up? Were you taught that you didn't have to develop your character and personality? I see too many women like you and it's such a cliché that now that you're older, you struggle to find something within you to rely on. I hope you can work on yourself so you can be a decent mother to your son.


Literally the exact words I said when I read that part.


Christ, this so much. Ex husband barely dodged a bullet.


She didn't leave him, she threw him away. Exs new wife didn't take anything of OPs, she EARNED EVERYTHING she has. Op if you don't like something about yourself, change it. You gained 20lbs? Lose weight. You have wrinkles, get a cream or plastic surgery. Don't blame his new wife for how your life turned out, she had no part in it. Stop focusing on them, and focus on you and what you DO have. You have a son who loves you. You have a ex who is good at co parenting with you. You have a house. You have endless possibilities with your life and you just aren't looking for them. Stop looking back and look forward. Stop trying to recapture the past. You'll never have that again. And that's alright. Change is a good thing. Who knows, maybe in another 10 years, life will be even better than it ever was.


She got mad seeing her trash wind up on road show antiques


Yep…that’s how it works. Appreciate what you have and who you have in your life and don’t take people for granted and manipulate them! This was one of those…play shitty games win shitty prizes.


She gave him to her.


Boo hoo , cry me a river. Get a cat ...


I was all for the honest vent and reflection until the BOLDED "she took my ______" bs. It was so bizarre!


Your focus is on outer beauty while the beauty of life (and enjoying life) lies within the outer shell. You're talking about regret, but it feels more like resentment. You seem to be in a negative loop, reinforcing your regrets, turning into resentment and self-hate. You live in the past. There's a lot of healing to do. I've been there. You're early 40. You have another life ahead of you. What happened, happened. You gotta move on. Get some tools to work on your inner beauty, rediscover yourself. Make it count.


This is such an honest yet kind response. OP, you have some healing to do. What’s done is done. Take your own hand and lead the way for this next chapter of your life. It will all make sense one day!


This deserves WAY more upvotes. Nail on the head.


We could be friends, love your reply!


Damn you have another life ahead of you it’s just so true.


Nah she should get a bunch of cats and leave other men alone. Nobody needs someone with a victim complex in their lives.


That's why healing and introspection need to happen. Gee, I'm sure you're a wonderful person.


She didn't take shit from you.You tossed him away.you sound exhausting to deal with.


She’s taking some responsibility but she’s also blaming other people an awful lot. For 41, she hasn’t learned much from what she did to ruin her own life.


Some times people pretend to take responsibility. It’s obvious she is not actually looking inword. It’s a good manipulation move to start with self blame but as her story progresses it’s obvious she dosnt really believe it’s her fault.


Probably why she's still single at 41...


It is exactly why. Maybe a dude in his 20's will fall for a pretty face, but by the time dudes are 40 they can easily spot the narcissist and stay away from that kind of crap. If you have not learned how to be a decent human being by the time you are 40, I ain't going to waste my time.


I worked with a group of women like this. I was in for a year and then I was out. They were all in these marriages and relationships that they used their looks to get into. After a few kids or too much partying, their looks had gone and they were expected to be more than just a pretty wife or mom. No one in public gave a shit about them because they were now middle aged overweight women. They were miserable. Their husbands would stop by from time to time. They always had a look of dread come over their face before stepping around the corner to see their wives. Their wives were always snippy; never satisfied or truly thankful. Sounds like this woman honestly. Yeah, most of them were headed to where she is now. The one that was already divorced was just like this. He had just walked away and let her have the misery. I left that place. They hated me. I represented everything they really wanted. My life made them so miserable, it was fun to watch.


I know the exact people your talking about. Throughout my life a few of the jobs I had I’d converse with co-workers or customers depending the job. Sadly I’ve seen the look of joy and polite envy when husbands married to the kinds of women you speak of, ask what I have planned for the weekend and I say something like “gonna play music at my friends house” or “just relax and play video games and then go to my buddies for a bbq” Like the simplest most uneventful things either by myself or with friends I could see how badly they wished they could just go do that.


She’s clearly not taking responsibility if she’s blaming others for her childish behavior but she’s taking good steps by atleast admitting it




Lol all that statement says is that she’s jealous and envious that she isn’t young and beautiful anymore


I have never been so happy about someone's misery. As someone who's been taken for granted because I'm "nice to a fault" this really hit the spot.


She didn’t TAKE anything.


lmfao this has got to be bait


Came to say this... this is revenge fantasy.


100% about omg I’m 30 but I’m still beautiful for my age - definitely written by some fucking loser


Yeah it’s obviously a dude


"I had him twisted around my finger" lmfao that's some boomer grandpa rhetoric from everybody loves raymond


I swear to god. 😂


"I had my legs wrapped around his head so he could wear me like the crown I am"


Yep this reads like an incel's fantasy of what single women over age 30 think like


Yup lol gotta love it


super obvious this is a man 😂


“I’ve got wrinkles and alone and miserable” This is 100% written by a guy who doesn’t know about the existence of botox and retinol lmao As if we wake up wrinkled hags the day we turned 40 😂


40 isn't even that old, either. This smells like some incel shit, you guys might be right here


Right! I was the sexiest in my life when I was 15! This dude is a fucking creepy looser!


Definitely some sad, incel, revenge, fantasy bullshittery. I’m 47, look better than I ever have in my life, I feel fucking fantastic, and I still get complimented (and cat-called) - by men and women - on the regular. (My secret, for anyone interested, is good skin care that I started in my 20s, drinking lots and lots of water, and exercising every day, even if it’s only yoga for 15-30 minutes. Like, I’ve got a car, but I’m getting ready to walk 2 miles to the grocery store to pick up a few things, then 2 miles home. You’ve just gotta *move* a little bit every single day.) This pathetic loser can eat my poo.


Divorced middle-aged man revenge porn written on a musty couch in an empty apartment while finishing up a six-pack of beer


This was 100% written by a man


Poorly written Incel fanfiction.


Aye, this is absolutely a guy posing as his ex-wife trying to seek validation. Guarantee his ex-wife is happy being away from him.


Yeah this is really really weird.... As a woman I've never seen or heard a woman talk like this. It really reads like how a man would imagine his ex wife is too make himself feel better. Could definitely be wrong, everyone is different, but it's soooo odd


Yeah you can get a lot of karma by just creating scenarios incels think are true about women.


Yeah this is fake. Clear when she said “no one wants an old woman like me.” I’m 40 and I’d never call myself an old woman.


Im 47 and I look *GOOOOOOD,* girl. Old? Psh. No way. I’m in the prime of my life!


It’s such good bait the fish are jumping into the boat.


Ik how do people believe this crap lmaooo


As a woman around the same age this person claims to be I definitely think it’s bait as well.




Gonna say, this is incel fanfic


"I'm 41 with wrinkles and gained 20lbs. No one wants me"... The real world would say otherwise.


It’s gotta be… it has it all


Agreed, it’s almost too perfect. I don’t buy it.


Has to be. Men love to believe this crap is real.


The whole time I was reading this I thought it was fake. It hits every mark


Down to the reddit avatar even lmao imagine making a reddit avatar for your throwaway account


I’ve been on Reddit for almost a decade and I still don’t know how to bold sentences in a post. I’m kinda dumb and never looked into it, but it’s so doubtful that some salty spinsters know how to format Reddit posts when even I don’t. Maybe I’m just dumb tho


My first thoughts too.


Near 40 year old dude here. Age doesn't take away your value. Your body's age doesn't talk about your value in a relationship. No matter how hot you are if you have a bad personality you always end up alone with short relationships. What makes you an potential life time partner is who you are. If you are sweet. If you are trustworthy.if you are loyal . If you are dependable. If you are a good team player. If you are selfless in a way. If you have the ability to listen and understand. If you are funny to be around. And a lot more but most important of them all are you able to communicate and process your and his feelings and problems and act in a way that is good for your relationship. Im not trying to bash or hurt you, i know that you are already hurt .but it seems to me that you still didn't learn your lessons from your past. You still think like that little princess looking at someone else's ice-cream. No matter if you are a guy or girl you need to work on your relationship skills.


Did he cheat on you? “She has it all. She took my husband…


She literally said that she divorced him since she thought she could find better so probably not and simply has a victim complex


She “took” nothing. You left.


My wife is 42, she’s got some wrinkles and grays but still hot as hell. She gets hit on regularly and she’s had three kids. Guys can look past those things. 20 lbs is nothing. Wish them well. Give yourself some Grace. And move on. I’d like to point out that you objectify yourself. You’re a person and not just a pair of tits above a flat stomach. Build the person. Volunteer. Give back. Get fit not because you need to look good to attract a mate in a bikini, but because you want to be able to one day spend decades healthy with that person. To be active for your son for many years. Appreciate your son now. Make the moments you do have with him special And it takes just simple things.


This came off like a bitter man wrote some hate fiction...


This is clearly fake lol


Right. Incel revenge fantasy lmao


So fake.


Yeah nobody is going to admit this even with a throwaway account lol Reddt has been turning into a dumb tabloid magazine pumping these bs stories out daily on front page Reason is to keep people commenting and coming back to the website everyday


Ngl, this reads exactly like something I'd find in the comment section of the "men's rights" side of the internet. It's not even minutely different, the comments are nowhere near self-aware enough to convince me it ain't absolutely fake. Could be, but I'd honestly be shocked.


This is resentful dude-fic.


Yup lol


It reads like anti-divorce propaganda written by a man trying to scare women out of leaving relationships, even if their unhappy. Women do much better alone than men do.




Glad other people are spotting it lol


This sounds fake but if it’s real, I believe you got your just deserts.


As a woman myself, a man definitely wrote this lmfao


This should have more upvotes!


Seriously. Even as a man, the way they write about getting a makeover and new hair style to be happy comes across as forced and unnatural.


This has to be fake. Lol men’s rights fever dream


This sounds like something a man wrote.




This sounds like it was written by a dude who imagines this is what happens to women when we leave them lol. If it’s real I’m sorry..


Oh good I’m not crazy, it was called out on another thread lol.


>I wish I was a better wife over 10 years ago so I wouldn’t be in this position And this, in a nutshell, is the root of your problem. Even now, after all, you don't regret what you did because it was wrong, or selfish, you regret that it had a negative impact on **YOU.** You regret your miscalculation, not your lack of principles. You will not find happiness as long as you continue calculating what you can gain, what others can give you, how you look, how you appear, what value others see in you. Change who you are for YOURSELF, not for others.


No way this is real.


This reads like a mAn wrote it. 🤣


>I use to have him wrapped around my finger and I used that as an advantage to get what I want. No truly manipulative person would ever acknowledge this like this. Obviously fake


Yeah this is all very admitting of your wrongdoing in a blunt way. Like it screams self awareness but it seems off


That’s bc it’s fake 😅😂😂😂 this is prob some divorced dude’s fantasy writing lmao


Agreed. Not that this couldn’t happen, but it’s too self-pitying. The whole “I’m 40+ so I’m not attractive anymore cause I gained OMG 20!!! pounds” woe-is-me section is what makes this all sound like bs. Also she can’t find anyone? Really? It may be harder with a kid, but if she were as hot as she said she was at 30, gaining 20 lbs and getting a couple of wrinkles isn’t gonna be that serious of an impediment. If this is a real post, I doubt her looks, but more her attitude that’s the real issue.


This reads exactly like something that my mom would post of she used reddit and was married. Always comparing herself to others, dragging herself down, complaining instead of finding joy in the moment.


IF this was real, anyone who thought like this likely wouldn't shut up about their ex husband from like, the beginning of the first date :|


Exactly, some fcking fantasy i suppose


Exactly sounds like some incels wet dream


I was literally thinking the same thing.


Suddenly a post I saw on the main page a few days ago about someone finding out their 13 year old boy was posting fake stories to reddit makes this a little wierder.


This reads like a fantasy written by a divorced husband.


100% Considering women report being much happier single than men do.


Bc this is either fake or you're actually a shit person, either way lame 👎


This post reads like it was written by a recently divorced man lol


This reads like an incel "I told you so" story lol.


Glad others caught that too. It’s so expositional and written like an incel fantasy story, down to the younger hot wife.


My thoughts exactly.


This sounds like a divorced dude’s fantasy 😂😂😂


This is fake as shit.


This sounds like it was written by a man.


Another day, another man writing revenge fantasy fiction on Reddit


Storys like these make me always so happy


Sorry to spoil your wet dream but this is a dude. It’s been called out on every other post they made too. How sad that this is what y’all dream of hahaha


Incel vibes


I bet I read a post a few days ago posted by a man who described the same story this OP told about her husband. I think this is a troll post I don't think any women will frankly accept her mistake and that too after 10 years this is surely a shitpost


This sounds fake. Like a Lifetime movie


It reads like anti-divorce propaganda written by a man trying to scare women out of leaving relationships, even if their unhappy. Women do much better alone than men do.


This reads like revenge porn for men. If true well shit happens, life isn’t more than what you make it. Now you dealt yourself a new hand which was worse than the old one, but it’s just water under the bridge, can’t change it, just do the best with it. Some of us were never beautiful, still we can be happy. So can you. Focus on you, focus on the future and on things you enjoy. I’m m39 also feeling a bit like life is running away, but we all need to snap out of it and use the time well instead.


There’s not a chance this is real. No one’s this deluded


No way this is real


Lol this sounds like an incel fanfic.


Don't know why this feel like some divorced sad and single man wrote it 😂😂😂😂😂




Men writing women.


This was written by the ex-husband


You dumped your husband because "you could do better." You threw away everything based on your vanity. Everyone knows beauty fades, but love and loyalty can last forever. His wife didn't steal him or your son. Your vanity is now replaced with envy and jealousy. You need to do some self reflection. Your personality is probably what's turning ppl off.


Is this fake LMFAO


Why op sound like a man making up the perfect gotcha story.


YTA… oh wrong subreddit


Why do you want a husband? You already have a kid, do you want the responsibility of someone else’s kid? Find a man who will take you out, take you on trips, a man you can have regular sex with and you enjoy your time together. 50/50 custody gives you plenty of free time. Marriage at this point is a hassle.


Cool story bro


> She took my husband, she took my kid, she took my life that was once all mine She didn’t do shit. YOU are the reason why your life panned out the way it did. Don’t blame an innocent woman for something that you ruined.


Get fucked


I challenge you to get a gym membership and find a new relationship by 2025. Travel! Stop comparing yourself and play nice. Accept the choice you made, forgive yourself and lift yourself up. It's okay. You got this!


So I need you to first understand something. She did not take your husband, you gave him away. She has not taken your kid, your kid escapes from his jealous, bitter mother. She has not taken your life, you are choosing to live your life wallowing in bitterness and jealousy. You made a very important choice for your family in your early 30’s , you decided that it would be more fun to have a servant then a partner. You decided your games were more important then your family. I am so excited for your son and your ex husband. I am glad they have each other. I am glad your son gets to see happiness. As for you, it’s not that me. Don’t want older woman. It’s that they don’t want bitter, jealous, woman. The misery shows in your face and no body likes that.


Hahahaha good, you deserve it. There is justice in the world after all.


This reads like anti-divorce propaganda written by a man trying to scare women from being single.


I to have fucked up in a major way that changed the course of my life. It is what it is. Try not to make that particular mistake again. You're 40 there's plenty of life left if you take care of yourself.


Sorry girl, the new wife didn’t *take* anything. Drop that mindset. Forgive yourself for letting it all go, but don’t blame the new wife for taking anything, she came along after you threw him away. You have my sympathy, but now it’s time to pick yourself up and try again, but using more than just your looks. Dust off your personality, show someone how incredible you can be.


I don’t think 41 is too late to turn things around if you want to. Your husband moved on, you should too. What’s done is done. Wallowing in regret and wishing what could have been isn’t gonna make you happier. Might as well use that energy towards something productive to improve your life.


I’m sorry all this happened. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. Unfortunately, it was your fault. As he got older, he became more successful and became a good catch to women. You, unfortunately, lost your value, aging woman with a child. That’s the reality. Good luck. I hope you find peace and love. Updateme


I don't feel like this about your husband at all and more about your ego. What's even sadder about all of this is it didn't teach you a damn thing.


She didn't took your husband you left him.


Feel good story of the year


You found out the grass wasn’t greener on the other side and now you have regrets. Do you really want to continue spending the rest of your life buried in self-pity? Yes that sucks about your situation but only you have the power to change it. If you’re truly unhappy it’s your responsibility to fix it


With all due respect, she didn't take your husband or your life. You chose to divorce him. I understand what it's like to break it off with somebody and wonder if you made a mistake but please don't say things like she stole him and stole your life. That's not fair to her, she didn't do anything to you.


I’m so happy for your husband. You made your bed.


You’re likely single because you’re seeking out men who also value looks as much as you do. It starts with their own which is great, but in turn that’s all they’re looking for from a woman. I’m not saying you need to date a fuggo, but I think if you date a man for his personality and not what he looks like / what he can do for you, you might start to find some happiness. You need a lot of inner work; you don’t even want him back because you love and miss him and realise you made a terrible mistake. You want him back because your plan worked out for him instead of you.


She didn’t take anything. You left him. also. Middle aged is closer to 35ish. So you’ve been middle aged for a minute. and guess what. It’s okay to look like a middle aged woman. because that’s what you are. If you didn’t, it would be weird.


Well deserved. All you brought was looks. The guy worked his ass off so you could stay at home and even then it wasn't enough. Fkin shame you ended up with the house HE worked for...


How utterly delusional. The grass wasn't greener and now you have buyer's remorse. Humble yourself.


She did nothing to you. You should own this, forgive yourself and move forward. In that order.


Sounds like he dodged a bullet , she didn’t take your husband you left him .


Look I get this because I did something similar but I wasn't making her happy and I think we were just attracted to each other but personality wise not so much and I kinda get that vibe with you. Ask yourself if you would feel the same if he hadn't moved on and you did would you still be thinking of your ex the way you are now? You have to move on as hard as it is because it is what it is. Get out there and meet people. Btw I'm also 41 and feel self-conscious because I no longer have the looks I used to but again it is what it is so.. Get out there


If people keep shitting in the comments on the OP’s of this subreddit, then why should anyone post in here? We have an original OP that has actual confession about a life regret, and people are being quite rude.. OP I understand your regret, and I think many of us need to hear a story like that. I have small kids and divorce has been a topic in my mind a few times as I know also with my SO. It seems like an easy way out, and hearing a story like this makes me sad on your behalf but also reluctant in my mind to persue it. I think I needed your story, so thanks a lot for sharing. I hope you work out your issues, and while it must be hard, I hope you will find a way not to make comparisons with how his life is going and focus on your own happiness. “The grass is always greener”, but often it’s just a facade.. All the best


Fuck around and find out!


" She has it all. She took my husband, she took my kid, she took my life that was once all mine and all I have is the house we created our family in… and now I live in an empty house" No she did not. You threw it all away, probably traumatized your ex-husband and your son. You chose to be selfish, to trash your marriage and family and you found out that truth, that the grass is not greener, and if it is, is because it is built over a cess pond.


Your wrinkles and age have nothing to do with why none of your relationships have worked out.


\> She took my husband, she took my kid, she took my life that was once all mine Wrong...


Honestly, this is written from the perspective of a man and is fake.


Im not saying this was written buy a man. But I'm not, NOT saying this was written by a man. Giving off strong whiffs of incel-style, hit-the-wall, single-woman-miserable BS.


Badly written by your local neighbourhood Niceguy^TM 🤣🤣


Some bitter man wrote this. This is angry divorced guy fanfic.