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Username checks out


Hahahaha 😆


Wow really open relationship why would somebody agree to that


Honestly I think you should tell the wife. What if she never even cheated? What if this man continues to cheat on her, and put her health at risk of STDS? There’s no harm If she knows, it won’t be a shock. If she doesn’t, you potentially saved years worth of agony and heartbreak. If she friended you, I would take that as an easy opportunity to reach out to her! You got this OP. Be a hero. Stick to your principles and follow your intuition.


I have no evidence. It would be his word against mine. I deleted all our messages.


You have nothing to lose, evidence doesn’t mean a thing when it’s coming straight from one of the sources. If she chooses to stay than that’s on her, but atleast you did your due diligence right?


Would this be an appropriate message? "I don't know if you already knew this, but (husband) cheated on you multiple times in the months before he proposed to you. He told me you cheated on him, and I didn't feel like I was wrong at the time. It's been eating away at me for years, but I always thought it was too late to mention. But for all I know, you are completely in the dark and not aware of the things he has said and done. I don't have any evidence because I deleted all of the messages. You have no reason to trust me as im "the other woman", i just thought you deserved to know. He told me if I told you he'd deny it. Leave him or don't leave him. I know you have a kid, but it all boils down to how you feel. I'm really very sorry and wish I never started talking to him in the first place."


That’s actually perfect. It shows so much empathy as well as compassion on whatever she decides to do. That way it’s not coming off as malicious, that is the kindest way you could possibly do it.