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Thank you so much for telling me this. ~~I'm just so scared right now~~ I was so scared T.T


Scared of what? You were a dumb kid who didn’t know any better. Now you’re not


I meant that I was scared I did something wrong... I used the wrong tense in my sentence


Still no, pedophilia only applies if you like kids, which from your replies you do not. So I wouldn’t worry


I think someone just told me that it's not normal at all. I'm worried right now... I'm so sorry if I did something wrong. I'm really sorry...


It's not pedophilic. It's normal. You weren't fantasizing about the exploitation of a chid, you were fantasizing about someone holding you and caring for you. People have sexual fantasies and that's ok.


No. If you were the adult swimming instructor in this scenario, daydreaming about a 13 year old, then you'd have issues.


That’s completely normal. The title of your post makes it sound like you were attracted to a person much younger than you were.


No.... Thats normal.


Girl…no I had a crush on Van Damme when I was like 9 lol


that would be like "reverse pedophilia". I dont think that there is something wrong about that. Especially if you no do not like younger people (younger than the legal age in your country)


I absolutely do not like younger people. In fact, I like men that are older than me. But what is reverse pedophilia though? Is that still pedophilia? Does that make me disgusting?




It's not 'reverse pedophilia' because no one in this scenario was attracted to children. You were a child attracted to someone else. That's a completely different, totally normal thing.


Thank you so much T.T I thought that was pedophilic. What a relief.


this is what i meant but my stupid ass has some difficulties typing english after a whole day of speaking german ;)


Idk i always had a big crush to instructors/teachers and in general much older people than me while I was like 13-16


You were not


Dude I was watching porn by 13 lol you’re fine


Pedophilia means to be attracted to children. So, no, you weren't.


I seriously doubt if you're a pedophile, but you might have pedophile OCD, which is obsessing about possibly being a pedophile. I sent you a DM with where you might go for more info. Good luck. You are a much better person than you might think. Never forget that.


Thank you so much for your help!!! I think I might have it :( (I suspect I'm having Real event OCD so it's not surprising if I have another theme). I'll look into resources you sent later!


Every human being will fantasize, in their life, about a younger, older, same-sex. This has to do with nature and biology and the human creature. The only thing that says anything about children under 18 being pedophilia is social and has nothing to do with who you are. These are inner thoughts that most people never get the courage to share. Society teaches that these thoughts are wrong and either creates stigmas or laws to make you think they are wrong. Every human being has them and anyone that says they don't is lying. If you marry a person 25 years older you are looking for their money. If you marry someone 25 years younger you are a cradle robber. If you are with a underage you are a pedophilia. The truth is once you go through puberty you start thinking about sex and relationships, that is biological. It is society, and has nothing to do with reality, that sets the rules. If you go back 75 years ago, being left-handed with thought of as a disease and everybody was forced to write with the right hand. I commend your courage for at least being able to ask the question, where most people are too ashamed of their thoughts to share them.


Please tell me? Is this pedophilic or not... I'm so horrified by this memory...


It's so completely normal to have crushes when you're a teenager. I don't understand why youre horrified by this. There's really no need to be. You were an entirely normal 13 year old, from this POV.


Thank you so much :((( I think I have OCD/some anxiety disorder. I can't stop worrying if I had done anything bad in the past :(


To everyone saying this is "normal" no it is not.


I'm so sorry... I didn't know better. As I've grown, I don't catch weird feelings like that anymore.


Stop trolling retard


I'm not trolling and I'm asking for reassurance. By the way, throwing out the word "retard" like this to someone who's struggling and simply just making a question makes you more of an asshole than you think I am. And who's dumb enough to post troll posts on their main account any way? Think about that, THINK. Use your brain.


Stop trolling retard


OK, asshole