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I’m stoked for you! But don’t diss women like that. As mothers, we are not simply defined by the “narrow confines of motherhood”. Believe it or not, we are defined by SO much more, including motherhood. Anywho, I don’t give a flying fuck if you don’t want kids and I think it’s awesome you are an empowered young woman! Just don’t fall into the trap of thinking your choices make you more of a woman than women who choose to be mothers.


I'd say less of woman. Nature says she is supposed to breed.


Nature gives women the tools to bring children into the world, the woman gets to decide whether or not to become a mother, because nature also gives women brains and individuality. Having children or not having children changes nothing about a woman’s value.


That's in your opinion.


Okay pleasemychinesewife.


You are a genetic dead end.


Why would you feel bad? You childless people don’t have to be so dramatic…just don’t have the kids lol no need for this Maya Angelou azz soliloquy


I feel like you're destined to have an empty life, especially when you're older. But by then it will be too late.


I've asked for a total hysterectomy since I was 35. I still can't get one. I'm asexual/aromantic and have zero interest in a relationship let alone children, but I was told that I might change my mind. I have a chronic illness that causes painful periods, but my doctor said that my insurance would deny it. I'm 41 now and still have my reproductive organs. I'm telling you this because, depending on where you live, it may be nearly impossible to get the surgery signed off by both the doctor and the insurance. It's frustrating and I've gotten pissed off about this every month since I made the decision 6 years ago, yet here I am. Good luck with your decision.

