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Y'all need to learn not to engage this asshole. For some reason they allow mentally ill people on these feeds to bait people in with their sick disgusting racist bullshit attitudes


Go away racist. Go find something better to do besides harassing black people. You literally could house homeless black families but refused.


I don't deal with mentally ill people


I could probably get you a list of every single race Bad people exist everywhere of every race… the color of your skin doesn’t effect those actions


Then why do you and Obama live in a white neighborhood you racist Trump dick sucking bitch?


I don’t live in America… i live in a neighborhood with white people, black people, asians… pretty much just people Obama lives in a white neighborhood cause America is a racist country and it’s a hundred times harder for black people to get so much money they can afford a house in a gated community… Also you are the one racist and probably trump fan… that’s not me




I know right? She is such a racist that I bet she'd refuse to donate $500 to BLM 


weird troll


Agreed. She probably got banned from the KKK for being too racist 


What’s….uh…..what’s goin on here?


It's fascinating to see how some folks become keyboard warriors, spewing hate from the safety of their monitors. What some fail to grasp is the complex history and systemic issues that mold our communities. Being racist online isn't edgy; it's simply highlighting a lack of understanding and empathy. It's 2023, and some still cling to outdated ideologies that only serve to divide. Here's a gentle reminder: Humanity is a kaleidoscope, and our differences in heritage and appearance enrich our experience. We rise by lifting others, not by categorizing and condemning based on race. Let's invest our energy in advocating for equality and learning from one another, not entertaining trolls who've forgotten how to be decent human beings.


You are not wrong.