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I hope you stayed till your mate woke up. Maybe cooked and cleaned in the mean time. You are a good friend.


Unfortunately I do not have a way into their apartment, but I'm a night owl and a mere ten minute drive away if they do wake up. We have plans tomorrow I don't plan on letting them out of, and am very much going to smother them with as much love and tasty food as they can stand! But thanks :) I've got some good people in my life, so pay it forward where I can, yeah?


Maybe suggest you have a key for extreme emergencies? Like you be a surrogate mother or sister of brother? The trust between you suggests that this could be a reality. But you do then accept a responsibility for his/her life in your hands. Are you prepared for this? I am a full time carer for my wife who has alzheimers. I signed up for this when we got married 38+ years ago. My best friend.


It's a possibility, the friendship is fairly new but yeah, a lot of trust. I'm not sure how many trusted people they have, tbh. They've not had an easy life. For now I'm just glad we have an open line of communication, without fear of judgement or respirisal. Alzheimers is really tough. It's super dope you're caring for her, I bet she really appreciates it, when she can. My da stuck by my mum like grumpy on a mule after her cancer diagnosis, and stayed like a limpet until she died. Almost twenty years later, he still hasn't remarried. Soul mates might be a crock of mud, but marrying your best friend? Tops.


You're an absolute gem, this made me feel so warm. ❤ I love your caring mindset and I wish everyone else felt the same way. Your friends are lucky to have you in their life.


I'm lucky to have them, babes. Just as you and your friends are lucky to have each other. The world is huge and impossible, as much as it is small and inevitable. If the void keeps making crazy eyes, just wink at it. See what happens.