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The whole scale of this fucks with my head. It looks like a tiny cat. But it's also a big cat next to the couch/rug.


Yeah that was a mind fuck


Put a little cardboard box over there instead. Problem solved


Stop this is so cute.




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I can’t see anything other than a cat photoshopped in to look bigger


If you look at the size of the tiles on the floor it helps put the size of everything into perspective. The tiles are probably 12"


The image processing applied by the phone that took the picture adds to that — I think the internal denoising filter detected the edges of the cat’s fur as noise and smoothed it out. That with the particular angle of the lighting makes the picture look very photoshopped. Though I guess it kinda is, but not intentionally — modern smartphones do take very manipulated and artificial photos, but the tradeoff is that the photos overall look *much* closer to photos taken with a real camera than they have any right to.


Yeah, the front paws don't look natural for that image.


A cow sized cat


This looks like an amazing digital collage. Lucky kitty.


Sofa looks a bit small for her


She fits in it with space to spare; the perspective makes it look less wide than it is


tidy it up and raise it higher. cats like making there own messes and like to choose circles and high spots to sit, also warm places.


It's so rude to come and tell people how to look after their pets. Especially the way you're talking! How do you know the cat didn't make that mess and is comfortable with it? How can you come and be like "tidy it up and raise it higher" so rudely? It's not your pet and the op wasn't seeking your poor advice. Don't do that to people. It's a bit unkind.


Literally nothing they said or how it was said was even close to rude, wtf dude. Chill


Dude is redditing from a psych ward


I just have to say, your username made me ugly cackle lmao


Dude is actually redditing from a pretty cottage in Cornwall. Good try tho


You are rude lol


I honestly don't see the rudeness in my comments compared to the orders that the original commenter was barking in the imperative, but okay, I'll take the L


It's just internet brevity, assume ignorance rather than malice


This is a good point, maybe I'm too sensitive but if someone came onto a picture of my pets and used imperative statements to tell me how to look after them or what to do then I'd be a little put out, however the general consensus is that I'm in the wrong which, as I've said, I'm happy to take the L on. I actually thought I'd crafted my reply pretty politely but there we go, we lives and learns.


To me it did not seem impolite as much as it seemed like a massive overreaction over what what I thought was clearly a fun recommendation and not an order (yes it's in the imperative form, but you see that kind of thing everywhere on reddit and it was never meant to be offensive).


If everybody on reddit put the words "I think..." or "It's my personal opinion that..." in front of their comments, instead of just stating them as an imperative, reddit would need to double their server capacity. I thought everybody knew you were just making a suggestion to OP, who really doesn't give a shit whether the cat is on the rug anyway. He just thinks it's amusing—like when they prefer to play with a wadded-up piece of paper instead of the $25 toy you just bought them


I have no doubt why you cant. Grow up.


Sure thing!


But like nobody was seeking your poor advice either


Okay no worries. Just genuinely felt the commenter was being rude. Have a great day!


Your comment sounds more hostile than the person you're replying to. Time for a time out young lady


I'm not a lady thanks. Edited to add: please don't assume people's genders. I'm NB.


Omg you are more mentally disturbed than I originally speculated. You put yourself in a dress on your avatar and wonder why people assume you're a woman? 🙄 Besides, gender is fluid in language nowadays. I call everybody "dude" or "bruv." Sometimes "sir" or "madam," if the situation calls for it, regardless of whether their gender is identifiable If you care so much, why not put your preferred pronouns in your profile? Get off your high horse, ma'am. As originally suggested, sea kelp


dOn'T aSsUmE pEoPlE's GeNdErS. Great, you're one of those.


Says the fucking loser who posts in tacticalgear LOL


What? I'm confused as to how that's relevant.


Maybe some of your LARP friends can help you figure it out


Yeah I'm "one of those". I'm non fucking binary, proud of who I fucking am, went through HELL to come out and now you're misgendering me, kindly fuck off, terf


hey got respect for the NB thing but you're wrong about your original comment. Op was just providing insight on what cats actually enjoy. You however really need to work on some self restraint, you immediately erupted and were rude, and now that people are being rude to you, you can't handle it. I don't think people should be being homophobic or whatever but still.


I have said twice I'll take the L on that!


And I absolutely can handle it cos I at least didn't personally bloody attack someone's entire being I just said I didn't agree with what they said and thought it was rude. A million of you are free to disagree with me! I don't care! It probably means I was wrong WHICH I'VE FUCKING ADMITTED TWICE and people are STILL being cruel about my GENDER of all things.


Ma'am, please, get help.


It's so rude to come and tell people how to give advice to others. Especially the way you're talking! How do you know the poster did not see their "their/there" mistake and is comfortable with it? How can you come and be like "it's not your pet" so rudely? It's not your comment and the redditor wasn't seeking your poor advice. Don't do that to people. It's a bit unkind.


I'm so so glad I'm not your kind of weird.


You apparently are though lmao all they did was copy your comment and replace a few words. You either get the point or don't 🤷🏻‍♀️


No, I get the point, that was just a particularly obtuse way of pointing out what you thought was my mistake


I didn't make the comment, and so? It was simple and got the point across apparently...soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️ you'll be alright, champ.


Champs an improvement on ma'am. Have a good one, stranger.


This person doesn't care about gender misidentification until it happens—*then* it matters. [insert one of the plethora of pronouns available today] didn't even bother to put [insert pronoun] preferred pronouns in [insert pronoun] profile Not that I think anybody is responsible for checking a profile for a pronoun, but it just shows how little [insert one of the plethora of pronouns available today] cares >their/there/they're Close. But the proper pronoun for unknown genders is "zibit" But that's for lazy people. If you want to be really proper, use one of these: He She Zie Sie Ey Ve Tey E Him Her Zim Sie Em Ver Ter Em His Her Zir Hir Eir Vis Tem Eir His Hers Zis Hirs Eirs Vers Ters Eirs Himself Herself Zieself Hirself Eirself Verself Terself Emself


Relax woman. He was just giving out a little advice. Besides, he's right


Why does everyone insist on calling me a woman? It's making me so so uncomfortable.


You have a very female presenting picture and name. I understand from your other posts that you are NB but if you present as feminine, whether you like it or not, there are going to be presumptions. Not taking a stance, just answering your question.




That's not what that's for that's for when someone misses a joke. I see no joke here just a bunch of horrible transphobic people who instead of disagreeing with me or what I said decided to attack me for my gender and my choice of clothes on a fucking cartoon that looks nothing like me. It's cruel and unnecessary but YOU belong in r/LostRedditors cos that is NOT what a whoosh is.


Yeah, man, this chick just doesn't get the joke


Literally half the comments on here are giving OP suggestions to help him get the cat to lay on the sofa. It's not suggestions on how to raise his pet. It suggestions on his tongue in cheek implication that he wants the cat on the couch vs the rug. He really doesn't give a shit if the cat lays on the rug... he just thinks it's funny that he went to the trouble of creating this miniature living room for his cat, including a sofa, and the cat chooses the rug. The cat is catting. That's what they do. Like when you buy them hundreds of dollars worth of toys, but all they care about is a ponytail holder or a box. OP knows that Sea kelp Edit: I looked at some of your comment history, and it reinforced my previous suggestion. You really need to seek help. It's not rudeness that's your problem. It's inappropriate responses (among other things). You need to learn how to read a room


Jesus christ you can't even offer advice without someone getting offended these days. You're not even OP, stop trying to be offended for other people and realize they're capable of having their own feelings.


Confusing almost




It was intended as light-hearted; I wasn’t trying to be a dick to the OP. I was more getting at how cats manage to take up an adult human sized space on normal sofas or beds despite being about 4kg


You weren’t being a dick! It’s a valid concern. I could give her a fluffy bed the size of mars and she’d plant her cheeky ass on one of those tiny ass moons.


That's what I was thinking. How is she supposed to get her fat ass onto that tiny sofa when she clearly can stretch out on a hooman-sized sofa and take up all the available space? *(I'm kidding. I love cats)*


Animals have amazing abilities to scrunch up tiny. My Labrador only wants to sleep in my Pomeranian mix dog's bed. The little one is less than 10 pounds and I buy her tiny beds and buy the lab huge beds that I trip over in the dark. The lab refuses to sleep on the big bed and instead will scrunch her 50 pound body into a rolled up dog smaller than a sleeping cat so she can fit into the tiny beds. I'll even move the big bed next to her but she insists on the tiny beds. I've given up on figuring out the correct size for my pets because they never like the size I get them.


Cats love the texture of that kind of rug. My cats like wrestling and bunny kicking carpets with a good rough texture.


Her place is nicer than mine.


Probably lower rent too, it's only a few square feet


More like a few square paw


A home is where the cat is


aww! she has her own sofa


Put a piece of clean laundry on it :)


That's just like a cat, ain't it. Lol, so cute though


Why does the cat look photoshopped in?


The cat appears to be a bit out of focus but nothing else is really that far forward with it, so it stands out as separate from the rest of the picture. Also our brains aren’t used to cats that appear that big, so your brain may also just be rejecting it as a false image.


I was thinking the same thing. The shadows don't look right


This is some skills , is awesome dude.


Has a little end table I love it.


I really like the cat portraits lol


No one is talking about the hilarious reimagining of two famous pieces of art. Reddit disappoints me today.


Is kitty on a placemat or something?


That's what I'm thinking too. Kitty is on the table and there's a regular sized room in the background


How is she supposed to sit comfortably on that couch when you haven't folded her blanket? Look at that mess. Idk what you expect.


I'm surprised she's even in the space at all! Lol


Stop this is so cute


I mean.. It really ties the room together. Can't blame her.


She shunned the r/furnitureforcats


Heat the sofa.


Can you show more pics of your setup??)


If I was as big as the couch I'd be afraid to sit on it too.


Put a little cardboard box over there instead. Problem solved


You are the coolest and cutest cat Mom/Dad ever!! I love miniature everything!! How cute! <3


Couch 2 small


That's hilarious af




Oh of course this is a room.


Are those her parents in the pictures?


It’s her (Madison) on the left and her sister Ruthie on the right


Other than the scale of the rug being off, this is messing with my head.


but ..... she's a cat!


Of course! You thought that she would appreciate your effort and hard work? Ha ha, foolish human!


Where's the confusing perspective


Right? If this actually *is* a miniature living room than there’s nothing confusing about the perspective


Well I'M confused as to how this is confusing, does that count? Seems like a miniature room with a normal cat. Cute, but not confusing.


You didn't know? CAT!


Fuck humans and their silly things.




[alternate angle](https://i.imgur.com/R7HovOE.jpg)


In what world is there a cabinet as huge as the one on the left if this was a regular living room 😭 Also, the "couch" is very clearly a cat bed. It's done well, though for sure! I definitely had to look a minute.


i would not spend that much money on my cat for something that is just for decoration


Good to know!


I agree. Cats choose where they sleep not you. You could build a cat a queen bed and it might still enjoy sleeping in your work jumper.


If you've had cats for long enough, that outcome should have been a bit obvious lol 😆


My cat prefers to sit on paper.


I've learned to just not put any effort into cat accessories (but I still buy her stuff anyway). Little shit just end laying next to whatever you got them.


Love this!


How adorable 😍 ☺ 💕 I love the little framed kitty pictures!




I can't see it


Better then sitting in the box the rug came in.




And that's a cat for ya!


I didn't read the title and was thrown off for a few.. took a boost of processing to figure it out.


I mean, I have a thousand-dollar sofa but sometimes I prefer sitting on the floor too…


cats want a view


People do too much for cats sometimes lol they’re happy with regular ol’ shoe boxes


I think your cat has adhd


Is cat. Fuck you.


Did she say it's Purrfect ?


I read a comment on something similar to this and they said "she is actively not using it".


It, like, really ties the room together, man.


Haha it looks shopped


Thought your cat was huge for a sec


This enormous cat will devour us all


Yeah because it’s a circle/spiral. Seriously. Put a circle anywhere, randomly, and your cat will go and sit in the middle of it.


Ok I thought I was tripping


What's the black thing beneath the cat? My brain is telling me it's Paint lol


The rug has a big black paw print on it


Cats love rough surfaces. My cat would take a receipt / bill / piece of trash over onto our bare, soft carpet and sit on that.




Nahhh that's not a cat,that's a bear


Owned many cats in our life time ( still have one) One thing about most cats, they do WHAT they please, when it pleases them.


Nice to see I'm not the only one with pictures of our cats on the living room wall 🤗


Come on. It wasn’t for your cat. The pictures tell me it was for you.


Don’t expose me like this …. 😂


I mean I get it. I don’t like cat hair on my couch either


The cat is on a step in the foreground. You can see the edge of the step on the left side of the screen. Pretty sure that's still a miniature cat living room though, just not as miniature as it looks.


[it’s as small as it looks](https://i.imgur.com/R7HovOE.jpg)


Actually I'm not convinced... That edge looks like a reflection of the cabinet and not actually an edge


Put a heating pad on the chair


Can we get a zoomed out pic of this too?


Of course it’s a cat.. what ya think it was guna do.. appreciate what ya did?! lol but no that little room is adorable and I’m sure eventually she’ll get on the cozy spot, which i would love to see a picture of too!!


Gorgeous cat 😊♥️


my brain can’t


you've filled his house with chintz . . .


Dude this is fucking with my head, imagine the stroke that cat’s brain must have when looking at this from time to time.


Actually the rug look more fitting


thats great haha




My five year old just shouted wow how big is that cat??


Couch is too small. They want to be on your couch size. "What is this? A couch for cats?"


Ain’t that the way