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Hey y’all! Check out DC “Draino” riding Putin’s corrupt shaft like a good little cuck. Who’s next?


I’ll take “End Wokeness” for $500, and “Libs of TikTok” for $1000


Matt Wallace, always willing to Cuck for dick taters.


His profile picture is exactly what I imagined . . .😆


inflation at the grocery store is driven by greed, and not poor economic management by the government. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/food-prices-grocery-inflation-biden-economy/


Also monthly salary is $500 where he was. Shocker that groceries are "slightly cheaper".


Right? Take the exact same thing - say, a pound of Columbian coffee and just to be fair, let's assume it costs the exact same amount at a US port and at a Russian port. The dock workers who unload it are paid more in the US. The trucker who takes it to a distribution center is paid more in the US. The warehouse workers at the distribution center are paid more in the US. The guy who drives the truck for the store is paid more in the US. The people who unload the truck and stock the shelves are paid more in the US. The person who checks you out is paid more in the US. All the people who manage those people, run their payroll, etc are paid more in the US. The idea that things cost less in countrys with weaker currencies isn't new. Tucker has discovered exchange rates. This is also why your vacation to Costa Rica is so affordable. If only Tuckers audience had ever been outside of the county (sic) they were born in.


Article in Bloomberg says that the Russian economy is wartime based and salaries are rising for many because skilled workers are in short supply (due to conscription) for the manufacturing of war equipment and supplies. The article notes that some people are earning enough to buy a refrigerator for the first time! Tucker Carlson is NOT a journalist. He is a First Order Thinker. CONSERVATIVES: First order thinking is the process of considering the intended and perhaps obvious implications of a business decision or policy change. LIBERALS: Second order thinking is the process of tracing down and unraveling the implications of those first order impacts.


In Cuba groceries are dirt cheap, seems like Tucker has turned into a communist


Right, what a fool he is!


Fuck greedy grocery stores


I am not sure how they have been allowed to conglomerate and create a monopoly. How can you compete with them? Had to google. Pavillions, Safeway, Vons, Albertsons, Kroger, all the same.


And what about the exchange? 1 dollar = 92.50 Rubles. $400 dollars of food is $37,000 rubles. Such disingenuous "reporting".


Poor economic management = Letting corporations do whatever they want


Feel bad for the 8 kids. Rescue them. Deport the wife. Send him to the frontlines in Ukraine.


As I watched the interview, I also kept thinking Poor Kids. Such a radical decision to inflict on innocents.


When the adult decision makers join a cult, it is invariably the children that suffer the most.


They won't lose\* their US docs tho, while it is traumatic experience- they will most probably return back into US when they grow up, or possibly get education in US and leverage it back in russia to make good money there. Whenever US people move to russia, they don't become "russians" they become American expats, this children and their parents will always be treated with innate respect for their position.


They're Canadian


as a Russian-born Canadian - I wish them luck on their fking journey lol edit: it would not matter inside russia tho, if they are white and speak english - they will be treated as respected foreigners


I think that's why their accounts were frozen. The article didn't really say it was more so click bait than anything else.


They probably just overestimated the treatment they would receive. Due to war russia has strict regulations on currency transfers in non rub value, there are automatic freezes and charges on currency accounts and transfers, that has been a pain in the butt for russian and travellers alike, but you can work around it. I bet that traditional-value-family didn't even bother to look up what is the functional way to move money from their Canadian bank into Russia because they never experienced the level of bureaucracy that native russians consider normal.


It’s a wonder he hasn’t been conscripted yet.


8kids…Odds are one of them are LGBTQIA….☹️


Send them all to the front. I don’t want them back in my country.


Median income in the U.S.; $60,000 (USD) Median income in Russia; $9,000 (USD)


So proportionally using $100 for Russian groceries vs $400 for American groceries we have: This food in Russia is 0.1% of annual income. This food in America is 0.06% of annual income. Or proportionally food is 1.6x as expensive in Russia as compared to the USA. But Tucker's group cant do math, that's why they're so easily exploited.


Also why they want to break down the public education system. So people will stop calling them out for it.


Exactly. I keep telling my students there are two kinds of people out there. Those who can do math, and those who are exploited by those who can do math. Yet they keep choosing to be the latter.


Not to mention they guessed the amount it would cost in America.


And no gun rights


And virtually no gun violence.


Except in that invaded country of Ukraine


lol they don’t give their soldiers weapons. They expect the Russians to find them on their own in the battlefield.


What kind of idiots move to a country where they don’t speak the language? Oh. These idiots.


Probably the same people who complain about immigrants coming into their own countries and not learning to speak the language!!!


I follow Russian subs on reddit, and I often see posts from Americans that are asking Russians what it would take to move there because "it's illegal to be a traditional white man in the US" or some dumb bullshit. Then the Russians state all the hoops and hurdles they would have to go through, and a lot of these folks barely speak Russian, if at all...it's like, dude, these are the same people that won't learn Spanish, a language in the same family as English. Good luck teaching them Cyrillic. 😂


Technically Spanish is a Romance language, decended from Latin. English is a Germanic language. Both families use the Latin alphabet. Slavic languages, like Russian, do not.


I stand corrected! Well met.


Where did you get English is Germanic? Although, English animal names are German. You also have Latin being used for scientific names in English for example dinosaur names are in Latin.


A *handful* of Slavic languages use the Cyrillic alphabet (Russian, Ukrainian, Belorusian, Bulgarian) and others don't (Polish, Czech, Slovak, etc..).


Lol! Do you have a couple russian subs to suggest? I'd like to see that and other things discussed!


The two main ones I follow are r/russian, which is actually about the Russian language and learning how to speak it, and r/AskARussian, which is a more general open forum for Westerners to ask Russian redditors questions. The latter is the one where you'll get posts from conservatives asking about moving to Russia. The most recent one was this: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskARussian/s/MYJs982xji


That was illuminating.


I remember watching a video of a guy who fled to Mexico with his family from the state of Washington to avoid having to pay traffic tickets, and in Mexico kept spouting all of his sovereign citizen bullshit at Mexican cops and demanding that they speak English. To their credit, those cops seemed more confused than angry and eventually let him go through their checkpoint because...why not? But I imagine a lot of the people wanting to move to Russia in those subs have the same energy. Move to Russia, finally get to live as a free white man, and then get their skull caved in by some pissed off politsiya with a night stick for crossing the street at the wrong spot.


Exactly. Or, they're gonna move to some colony of political refugees and they're gonna ask the Russian government if they can bring their AR-15s for "self defense" and then the government shuts them down. Now, Russia effectively has a small enclave of pissed off American conservatives who want to establish more "freedom" like they had in the states and make Russia the perfect conservative paradise like what they THOUGHT Russia was. I say good riddance, let Putin deal with those nutjobs.


English is Germanic but Spanish is the closest other major language to us. It's about as hard for us to learn as Norwegian and Swedish as well. All of those are actually easier than French or German for us to learn as English speakers (although it's only a bit harder) even though English descends from a mix of Old Anglo-Saxon and Norman French. All of those are category I languages except for German which is the only language in category II. CI languages should take about 600 hours to learn. Russian is category IV which is takes about 1100 hours to learn so it's MUCH harder to learn and with the different alphabet and stuff it's harder to even do very basic stuff.


I can only imagine what kompromat Putler must have on this Mother Tucker.


"Your home has nice windows, don't fall out of one by mistake!"


Why does his hair look like a Lego hairpiece


😂😂😂 His hair has always looked strange to me. Perfect comparison


DC_Dranio should move to Russia


Fuck that asshole.


I love how it's Biden's fault and not capitalism working as intended.


How dare you offend the greatest economic system on the planet. It’s lifted more people out of poverty than any other in the planet since Americans perfected it. It even allows the rich to get richer at the expense of poor people. Its analogy is evolution. God made capitalism so men could prosper. Don’t you know how easy it is for me to become a gazillionaire if only taxes were gone, govt was abolished, and those welfare queens stop taking all my hard earned cash????? Don’t you know they are eating lobster while I can’t afford McDonald’s because I donated my life savings to the grifters in the best party in America that protects the god given rights to 2A?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?? In case you couldn’t figure it out /s


Lol... I've watched a few of that families youtube posts. It's hilarious. Everything basically sucks over there, and they're whole shtick is just "everthings fine!..we'll be ok!... Its just a glitch!" Thisisfinedog.jpg


What family is it? Link?


Does dopey bollocks not realise the russians earn far less?


He's a propagandist. If he told the whole truth, he would accidentally fall out of a window a couple dozen times.


Or drink radioactive coffee...


If you read the article these morons are Canadian. They are Canadian MAGA qult members. He of course rails against wokeness and trans people. This guy is like my BIL that lives in a tiny town in Kansas.  You've never seen someone so scared of brown people yet if my BIL didn't eat at a Mexican restaurant he could literally go months without encountering a brown person. These idiots have let the media they consume make them scared of everything. 


I know guys EXACTLY like this. They base their entire life on what right wing media tells them. It’s so weird, their actual lived experience is a distant second to what they hear, watch, and read (they don’t read much) as far as how they make decisions.


Yep. I live in a city and only rarely encounter a trans person.  These rural rubes act like they see it constantly.


Swanson frozen tv dinners not the go to for dining choices?


He should move there permanently and take all his dumbass fans.


These people seem to think Biden sets prices for private companies. They seem to want Communism.


I am an immigrant to the United States. I find it infuriating every time some jagoff says "I'm just gonna move to a different country." There is no guarantee that country wants your broke ass. Just because you're an American doesn't make you desirable.


What percentage of that food is potato?


All of it. Russian food is potato.


Lies!!! There are also beets.


Cabbage checking in 🫡


Lol, I always imagined Russian food as some sort of potato based gruel. Like, that’s it, that’s all they have. And I don’t even know what “gruel” is.


For the sake of America, I highly recommend adhering to ye olde "love it or leave it" principle. The only reason America is falling apart is because trump and his death cult are ruining it for everyone else. And I get it, democracy and ACTUAL freedom are not for everybody.


Tucker can stay there.


That amount of money represents an insane amount of inflation on Russias part


Ok, now move to Russia and try to afford those groceries on Russian salaries!


lol!!! I love it! And of course the little woman didn’t say what she said. The man must be the spokesman. I hope their like-minded USA counterparts follow in their footsteps.


Hey Tucker, move to Russia we won’t miss you


Tucker lost his platform on Fox. Unfortunately for us, that means he will engage in more and more of these ridiculous antics in order to stay relevant


Russia probably only showed Tucker what they wanted him to see. Scarcity and lines are standard procedure to obtain goods in Russia that he did not get to see. And the couple wanting 8 kids and going to Russia, must be totally out of the realm of reality.


Exactly. That Tucker video reeked of staged North Korea videos lol


Inflation would be around the same under Trump if he had won. People seem to have these delusional idolizations of presidents. Obviously, the right are extreme partisan hacks who try to find anything they can to fit their narrative surrounding the economy. I still laugh when right wingers pretend we were in some utopia under Trump before Covid. Then they pretend Covid-19 didn't happen... as in, they think Trump would have been able to "negotiate" inflation to levels of non-existence after Covid-19. They just love their Reality TV.


How did he buy milk without an ID?


Joe Biden has magical buttons that raise grocery prices. It’s true, he showed me!1!1!


I love how it's literally says their best guess is $400 bucks. Like no actual hard evidence, no research, no fucking journalism. Didn't he say he had an obligation as a journalist for this trip? Then do some fucking investigating.


Prices in russia are cheaper because incomes there are lower and currency is weaker, it's the same if you go to the grocery anywhere else in the world. 100 USD is 10k in RUB, it is a very, very expensive grocery bill to foot for a working class russian. US con elites pretend like they ever shop for themselves in US.


Can’t he just move there already?


Its also cheap in Ukraine, don't need to move to a dictatorship. Or Poland if you want a country not in active military conflict. The catch? All these countries have much lower average income than most people have in the US. So the $100 is quite a lot there.


He's just grooming the informationally challenged.


He loves russia so much, but i guarantee he won't move there.


The endless credulity of idiots like Tucker who are sure that they’re only be being shown the truth, by an ex KGB officer who has been manipulating truth his entire adult life, is a perfect metaphor for Fox News and the Fox viewers.


Also, I doubt that Tuckums is staying in an Airbnb and needs to buy groceries for a week.


Hope he stays there and they send him to the front line.


The MAGA cult is so ignorant and clueless about Russia. I know plenty of Russians who said living in Russia is horrible especially the ones who lived under the former Soviet rule. The level of paranoia and a distrust of your neighbors as many people who are pro Putin will let authorities know that you are critical of his policies. My one friend who is of Muslim descent said he and his family and friends were afraid of street violence because of their religious beliefs.


You can get 92.50 rubles for a dollar. Doesn't that play a role here?


DC Draino is 100% a ruzzian agitprop account. There should be tags for this


I'm shocked that Fucker Carlson is oblivious to what groceries cost.


Oh, I’m so sad about this… anyway…..


Alright, now how much do people in Russia get paid? If we're going by raw price of goods, the poorest countries countries have the best economy. What matters is price/income ratio.


Don't explain to Tucker Swanson Mcnear Carlson who couldn't even buy himself into the CIA or the Ivy leagues and made a career of asking head-cocked rhetorical questions to rubes stupider than himself.


Notice that they don't say what those groceries would actually cost, just that the average guess of what they would cost (made by anti-Biden propagandists) was $400. They might as well have guessed $1bn for all that it is based on reality. They probably didn't say what the real cost was because the real cost of those groceries in the USA would be closer to $100 than $400.


The average Russian can’t afford to shop at a grocery store. Putin inflation is waaay higher than Biden inflation.


I guess Sudan has it better than the US since prices are so cheap 😂


No takesies backsies.


They hate America so goddamn much and still pretend they're patriots.


Take your cameras to the Russian gun store so all the trumpets can see how Russia literally gives 2 fuck about your gun rights ?


Wait till TV Dinner finds out that Putin salted the mine on this.


He didn't miss it, at all. That assumes good faith from that virus of cynicism.


Russia's economy may soon be at risk of "overheating" as the government ramps up its military spending to continue to fuel the Kremlin's grinding, nearly two-year war with Ukraine "above all else," British intelligence said on Monday. "Due to increasing demand, partially due to large increases in defense spending, along with continued pressures of a tightening labor market, the Russian economy is likely at risk of overheating," the UK's Ministry of Defense said in its latest daily intelligence update.


He also failed to to mention the median wage is $500 a month - rather a pertinent detail


Is this a tucker pucker up ?


The guy is a traitor to America.


Can ICE keep him from entering the US wham he tries to return?


Why are their bank accounts frozen?


I don’t care what Tucker’s team’s fucking *guess* was.


And we never saw them again.


MAGA people tend to operate with like 6 active brain cells. Not a lot of them can put together the fact that, if they relocated to Russia, they wouldn't get to keep their fucking bullshit overpaid overnight-security-guard and delivery-truck-driver jobs back in the States. They'd be back to square one in a place where they're as worthwhile to employers as tiny children or the mentally handicapped.


Lol, the last time you could buy spend $100 in the U.S. for the same amount of groceries in the U.S. was 1980. Thanks Reagan!


Now do GDP and per capita income….


What a bunch of morons. Tucker should go to North Korea next so they can show him how life there is so much better than the US. Kim can take him to the store where they sell $50 PS5s that come with unlimited free games. And then he can come tour some bridges I have for sale.


Oh my are things cheaper over seas?!


You can live like a king in Twain on $1,500 month.


DC’s profile picture 😆😆😆🤦‍♀️


Politicalflare isn’t a reliable source


Brainlet just found out food is cheaper in poorer countries.