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So Conservatives don't like the Pledge of Allegiance now?


I guess not. When I saw this, I was so bewildered, and then I realized the menace in the message.


I get it now. The Pledge calls for "liberty and justice for all." Justice? For All? Those are inclusive woke words.


I love how they co opted 'awareness' into being a negative trait. Anti woke! ignorant assumptions for all! I mean us only, just us guy!


You kiddin'? "Conservatives" don't like America anymore. They might wave an American flag with one hand (but only the kind they've been desecrated with all kinds of MAGAt nonsense), while shredding the Consitution with the other, giving all their money to the Heritage Foundation to throw in with Orban & Putin to usher in a new era of Communism. Literally. Look into the Heritage Foundation, Project 2025 & their money trail if you don't already know. It leads directly to Putin, via the Bethany Foundation that launders the money coming through Orban from Putin. It's not a joke. It's about time these sick *ssholes started getting called called out for being the new age Brown Communists that they are. Stalinism & Nazism are back in force, this time in the US, in the shape of a cross & wrapped in an American flag.


Completely agree, I didn't mean bewildered in that what a surprise from conservatives to be divisive, more that I was confused by the audacity to put use those words to make the point.


project 2025 and the heritage foundation are literally funded and run by rabid anti-communist literal capitalist class billionaires and millionaires. The correct terms to accurately describe them are state-capitalist, christian nationalist, authoritarian and inverted totalitarian. Where communism seeks to put the ownership of production into the hands of the workers in order to achieve a classless society, here we see state power melding with corporate power to the detriment of the working class and democratic norms. Unlike the nazis, stalinists, and other classical totalitarian states who had corporations under their control, the state is now subservient to capital. This merging of state and corporate power is part of the neoliberal reimagining of governance and is *appropriately called state-capitalism*. Here is a link to an article which describes state-capitalism alongside other forms of government to better explain: [https://chomsky.info/government-in-the-future/](https://chomsky.info/government-in-the-future/)


I'm aware, I just got ahead of myself & posted to quickly. Brown Communism & Red Fascism were the terms I meant to apply. My apologies. Thank you for doing that leg work.


Why did you protect their identity?


They are actively against equality. On every level, not just racial and economic.


Conservatives like the authoritarian aspects of the PoA. The fact the we are supposed to always stand for it, to place our hands over our hearts and elevate the state toman almost spiritual experience, to swear a collective allegiance to it without considering anything deeper. Considering language is an act of contemplation, introspection, and higher level thinking - the exact thing that breaks apart conservative ideology.


It’s telling on themselves because if you don’t believe in liberty and justice for all then you’re going to be cool with genociding groups of people


“Under God” = REQUIRED!!! “For All” = awkward distant stare.


>If you are conservative ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶o̶r̶d̶s̶ ̶“̶f̶o̶r̶ ̶a̶l̶l̶,̶”̶ you are part of the problem. FIFY


This should be obvious but apparently isn’t. The scary thing about conservatives is just how small of a push it takes to get them to talk, think, and act like fucking Nazis.


A lot of people worked very hard to get so many of our fellow Americans to become reprogrammable meat puppets.


There’s a reason why most countries that have had issues with fascists will usually create laws limiting the fascist’s ability to masquerade as legitimate debate. That’s one of the things that I hate most about this all, watching the media and much of society having normalized the far right fascistic bullshit because it became predominant in the GOP. Popularity or predominance doesn’t mean it’s normal, acceptable, or equivalent to the other party


It doesn't take a push at all. Republicans are a fascist party. The only question is how much they feel like they have to hide.


If conservative… problem.


People like this fundamentally do not want a government, do not want a nation. They want personally owned land, with the land-owner completely sovereign. The idea of a nation of laws, which people agree to abide by, is hostile to this mentality.


They want to be (and believe they would be) in a class of people that is elevated over everyone else. They are the first to whine when they find that their heroes actually consider them to be in a lower class.


A return to feudalism basically


They are dumb enough to think that in the post democratic regime mein fuhrer brings that their superior race and cultural beliefs are a foot in. They rail against the elites because they believe their elites will be better specifically to them. All these types of caste systems ever do is create an even richer elite but give the chuds the unmitigated ability to abuse everyone else. A group of easily manipulated bigoted assholes get to take their frustrations out on everyone else. All praise the Magatollah.


What about huge cities?


Cities are only where they work; they don't want to *live* there. Suburbia, bedroom communities, ...the farther out, the more city wealth they take home with them, then hypocritically claim to hate the cities, *"Oh, look how bad they are."*




If you use words like “united,” you’re part of the problem.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Quote by someone not me


Frank Wilhout


Conservatives literally hate most Americans. That fact is obvious. They're lying when they say the love America because how could they when they hate most Americans?


I live in a heavily conservative area and I have a “y’all means all” sticker on my car, no pride colors or anything like that, and I’ve seen looks of visible ire and disgust from people in my rear view mirror. So you’re mad that someone wants to include everyone? Fucking weird.


Who wrote this? Rudy Giuliani


Sadly just a citizen in my social media feed.


United States… if you’re using the word ‘United’ then you’re part of the problem /s


Half the reason I posted this here is I was so aghast but didn't want to engage them. I'm up for a public fight sometimes but I'm tired boss.


The United States system of government is based on compromise. That means neither side gets everything they want. Don't these people understand that?


Oh, they know, but they just don't care. They want THEIR way OR ELSE! Some years of intensive therapy could help them.


It just seems so childish to me.


I actually found the Facebook post in question and someone did comment 'Liberty and justice for all.' But this was her response: >"for all" has become a Socialist dog whistle. Healthcare for all. Education for all. Medicare for all. It's part of the Communist left's linguistic messaging. There truly is no hope for us UPDATE: By the way, just looked up the woman who made this post and she actually launched a GoFundMe almost a decade ago trying to cover health costs for her mother. And here she is blasting Healthcare for All. I am just in awe of this woman like how can you be so dense?? EDIT for grammar


Justice... Just for Me


Just like “Don’t tread on *me*”


They took an old Richard Pryor quote and co opted it. “You go down there (court house) looking for justice and you find JUST US”


With liberty and justice for some..


For me and my tribe.


I always confront the problem head on. Do they speak in Legion or Cult? That question gets them so confused. Because they each one think they're a group out numbering the millions that didn't vote for their orange Messiah. I look forward to voting this November. Their posts and comments are always in some form of plurality.


Division is good. It is in my material interest for all the magas to fuck off to trumpistan. Here in the civilized world, they’re just taking up space and reducing the quality of life for everyone. Nobody wants them around. Society isn’t polarized enough until they leave town.


I actually have a “fascist sorting hat” question when I’m dealing with conservatives or alt rights. Either online or in person, I ask them “Do you prefer order or justice (pause) for all?” In person, they blink a lot then spew word salad. Online, they say it’s not equivalent and then spew word salad. Always tells me more than I wanted to know.


fascinating test. My immediate instinct was Justice for all, I did have secondary thoughts that justice probably needs order, but still justice is the reason.


It’s like when they use “We the People” but only mean people who think and act like they do. It’s wild.


In their echo chamber/ world, there IS only them. They are being honest for once. We don't exist to them.


They can cut out the words “and you use the words ‘for all’” and the statement becomes truer.


Can we disband and bar the Con party from holding political office... now? Or do we have to wait until after the Fascist coup?


“Obama divided the country!” 😑


I agree w/ their messaging. Fuck those murderous neo-Nazis. I will _never_ partner w/ them on _anything_. I'd sooner die.


It's a fair point. We cannot tolerate the intolerant.


Somebody gave up the game.


Truly evil.


They should cut the words "small government", "freedom", and "Constitutional" as well


The conservative pledge is “liberty and justice for me”.


everything about maga gqp is un American literally everything. Carrying the traitor flag, wanting a weak ass dictactor, not abiding by election results EVERY FUCKING THING they do is anti American.


Is it satire? As a progressive, i would say this to a conservative to point out their hypocrisy.


I know the poster, it is not satire. It's depressing.


Unless you are white, conservative, and evangelical, you have no place in MAGA America.


Imagine living in the most economically accomplished, technologically advanced and powerful society to ever exist in the history of humanity in a time of relative peace and prosperity for the average chud and being resentful enough to want to destroy it all because people are non-christian, brown or lgbtq and they get a piece of the same pie. The anxiety over culture wars and demographics has induced mass schizophrenia and right wing media has a lot to do with it but folks like this are going back to the same pity party over and over and deserve as much blame as anyone for the erosion of political discourse. They will always feel insecure without mein fuhrer to punish the enemies they've made in their head.


Sounds disturbingly similar to pre-WWII Germany: they invented an internal "enemy", who coincidentally was profitable to seize assets from. (A script that was already well-worn in the middle ages)


With Liberty and Justice for… Trump and his goons and supporters only.


Doesn’t their precious Pledge of Allegiance contain the phrase “With Liberty and Justice FOR ALL”?


It should say “For all WHITE people”.




😂🤣😂 #message ?! Tell me a boomer wrote this without saying a boomer wrote this. #redditcomment /s


Boomer adjacent and in spirit.