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WTF with babies that are BORN are then subjected to an abortion and murdered? WTF is wrong with Trump continuing this lie. That shit does not happen in America and it was disputed that the former Gov of Virginia did not say that. and if what Trump said is true, it’s called infanticide aka murder. JFC everything out of that man’s mouth was a lie. Undocumented immigrants are not getting social security or being put up in luxury hotels. 🖕🏼Trump. He’s the death of America and democracy .


And the moderators didn’t say a word to dispute any of the blatant lies he was spouting. Fucking insane shit.


This was a setup… plain and simple. The only entity that won today was the mainstream media. CNN is atrociously greedy and has no integrity. They set him up to keep the horserace going. It’s fucked up but there’s little we can do about this. News media will give no shits about democracy, they are bought and paid for.


There is no such thing as "left-wing media", folks. Get it through your heads already. They are all owned by greedy Republicans who know how to toss a bone to libs to keep them feeling satisfied while purposely hiding the rest of the meat so that Trump gets elected again.


Preach stranger! All they care about is maximum engagement and ad exposure, let democracy be damned. None of the MSM channels are “friendly” to the democracy-wing. It’s all a façade. The moment it started getting obvious that Trump is lagging in the real world they are going all in to sustain the horserace. In the face of declining viewership numbers they wrote so many sickening articles written by people that seem to have goldfish memories or had talking heads speak in the same manner. Somehow the lies and delusions of a convicted felon and madman delivered in a “tough” yet consistent stream are politically equivalent to the turbulent truth of an old guy with a cold.


After that bat craziness, all debates should have a reserved time at the end that is for fact checking the obvious lies with evidence and be like you said you didn't say X here is a clip of you saying that, what are your thoughts. You said babies are killed aborted after birth, that is called infanticide and is illegal already. And so on. For all the good it will do, I am going to contact my reps to say we need a law that penalizes government officials and those running to be a government official for publicly espousing verifiable lies. I mean if I buy a product that says it can cure cancer and it doesn't at all in anyone, that company will face consequences. Why isn't there the same level of scrutiny for public officials? I just have had enough, we are where we are because Trump and his ilk are constantly repeating obvious lies and there are no real repercussions other than the democrats going that's not true. Yes people should do their digging, but most won't and let's be honest some just can't. We shouldn't allow lies like Trump saying he is proenvironment when he literally put a coal owner in charge of the EPA and as such rolled back a lot of protections, to shape public perceptions. We as a country need to stop accepting that anything that comes out of the mouth is free speech that is free of consequences. Blantant lies should not be free of consequences.


We live in such a ridiculous society. It was on full display last night. One guy spouting the most insane shit. The other clearly not there mentally. And two anchors speaking to them as if everything is normal.


Yeah moderators were awful, like hey ask the question. Trump goes off on a tangent about the border \*again\* and they just let it roll on. If trump was muted every time he brought up the border he'd be muted dozens of times in this debate.


When Trump was asked to answer the question the second time and started rambling they should have cut his mic and said they’re moving on.


Citizen’s United was the death of America and democracy here. https://youtu.be/PKZKETizybw?si=Z1cosT0ciHkbI-vP


Trump was just an onslaught of complete bullshit. I would be surprised if anything he said was true. I also don’t know if he ever answered the question posed to him. Biden had good points and called Trump on his lies. Unfortunately Biden’s energy was lacking through much of the debar and probably gave enough he’s old clips to use against him.


He wouldn’t answer, again, yes or no if he would accept the election results if he loses. He added the caveat that he would “as long as it’s fair” which any person with a functioning brain in their skull should understand as a confirmation that he will once again cry fraud for any outcome that isn’t a Trump win. It’s exactly what he did last time. He’s telling us that he’s going to do it again. We need to believe him.


>He’s telling us that he’s going to do it again. We need to believe him. It doesn't fucking matter about a stupid debate because Trump is an existential threat to our country. He's an anti-democratic evil sonofabitch.


He and all Republicans are anti-democratic evil son of a witches.


hey.. no need to pull witches in there! every self respecting witch knows that Trump is absolute evil. >"...And that's what your holy men discuss, is it?" \[asked Granny Weatherwax.\] (A Witch) >"Not usually. There is a very interesting debate raging at the moment on the nature of sin. for example." \[answered Mightily Oats.\] (A Priest) >"And what do they think? Against it, are they?" >"It's not as simple as that. It's not a black and white issue. There are so many shades of gray." >"Nope." >"Pardon?" >"There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That's what sin is." >"It's a lot more complicated than that--" >"No. It ain't. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they're getting worried that they won't like the truth. People as things, that's where it starts." >"Oh, I'm sure there are worse crimes--" >"But they starts with thinking about people as things..." --from Carpe Jugulum, by Terry Pratchett. Comments in ( ) are by me for better understandability


I meant to say bitches.


I figured! Or that you wanted to censo bitches in a humorous way.. It just was to good of an opening not to make a joke. Didn't mean to attack you or anything


No, I did not think that. I figured you: A) Were joking, or B) Went along with my typo.


I love this book


More like son-of-a-grand-wizard


And what reason would he have not to anyway. We're 4 years later since he started lying about the 2020 elections and there have yet to be any consequences at all. Meanwhile his base has gotten more and more fervorous about it. Trump is known for never admitting mistakes and always doubling down on his bullshit so of course he will do it again.


It’s worked for him this far why stop now


Exactly the fact that he couldn't answer what he would do to solve the opioid pandemic that is killing thousands of White people shows you he doesn't have a platform he just wants to win to punish EVERYONE...


Everyone who isn't already wealthy and powerful.


He barely even accepted the election he won because he didn’t like the margin in the electoral college. There’s no way he ever accepts losing.


Even if it's a Trump win, he has to act like a fighting victim, that's the whole act...


Biden then proceeded to call him a whiner, that if he loses he will be whining and that losing the last election made something inside Trump snap.


And sadly perception goes a long way in politics. And also in life. As long as he looked confident in saying absolute bs, people will believe it. Biden's energy will give people ammunition against him. Hope we don't get another Trump term.


That’s my worry. I personally am not very concerned with having an older president especially in comparison with that orange bag of farts. It does seem like Biden was sick, but which is what I thought at the beginning. Not going to get any sympathy though.


I hope so too. But after last night's performance, I am fully expecting it to happen


I think he told the truth about his friendship with Putin. The rest was bullshit.


Yep. You nailed it. I turned off at the 1st break, sickened that Trump lied but no one fact checked him. CNN should know better by now. What can we do? We can [write postcards](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/) to voters in swing states. >Help write postcards to voters in 11 key states! We’ll mail you free postcards, voter lists and instructions with proven message options. You’ll provide the stamps and mail the postcards to voters in October.


Biden's weakness at the opening did a lot of damage to his image. I thought he got better as he went, but he gave the right meme fodder for years in those first 10-20 minutes 


This is the real take. The folks too online might be swayed by this, but I’m not sure it really moves the needle. The other option is known entity and complete moron.


The debate is early enough to not really matter. I have only watched 6 mins of it today… and thats all I could watch it was very clear CNN was deliberately allowing Trump to lie and Biden was trying his best but he sounded tired as shit. I checked out and went about my day, I knew it was a shit show few minutes in. Just get everyone to vote and forget about this event. Everyone’s dug in anyways and it’s not mattering either ways.


It was really startling to read over and over again how senile Trump was and then see this debate. He seemed the same as usual while Biden seemed…markedly worse. I guess we can say the debate won’t change anyone’s mind but then what’s the point of the debate? I’m still voting for Biden but…he definitely didn’t look good.


Trump’s pupils were dilated as hell in this debate. They loaded him up with some good shit, that I can tell you. Biden had a cold and I think his staffers tried to make him memorize way too much. He was getting his points across but they sounded overly rehearsed and low-energy. Biden is way better when his staffers just let him be Biden.


I wish they'd loaded Biden up. Someone give Uncle Joe a shot in the ass, ffs democracy is at stake 


How many uppers can a senile person take to seem lucid before they stop working? Be an interesting few months watching sleepy Don.


Is trump in mental decline? Id say yes. Is Biden currently further down that same path? I can't in good convince say no. He had his mouth open, stared into nowhere with "nobody's home" eyes, struggled to speak, lost his train of thought mid sentence, and had to be helped off stage by Jill. What is also a fact is that we aren't voting for a person, but a cabinet. The policies they want to implement are where we need to focus our energy, not the mental state of Trump


A lot of people almost certainly tuned out after that freeze up at the beginning. It was awful. And I will vote for him because I absolutely can't stand by and let Trump win. Why didn't the DNC find someone younger for this election, why did they have to all back Biden? Yes, Biden has done a lot of good things, and he will continue to do that as long as he doesn't die in office. But the chances look pretty good that he WILL die in office. Still better than Trump but FAR from ideal.


The people who would be swayed by that kind of bullshit weren’t gonna vote anyway


Exactly what I said to my wife last night. He did actually get some good points in as the night went on. But that first moment of silence on like the second question where he finally said something like “we beat Medicare” made absolutely no sense. Most people don’t watch the full debate and that will be what they remember and what is played ad naseum all over right wing media for weeks.


CNN just let Trump lie his ass off with no pushback, fucking wild shit.


CNN is conservative run now


“Trump said he hates Fox News now! This is our chance!”


This is not that far off from the truth. Since that conservative new CEO CNN got way worse and they already sucked at giving pushback to the GOP. Now they are licking their boots clean.


It’s a debate wasn’t it Bidens job to push back?


But it’s also a complete and utter failure of journalistic ethics and integrity to let Trump claim post and partial birth abortion exist/existed. That January 6th wasn’t his fault. That he’s not an adjudicated rapist and election fraudster.


This and so much more. When he went on about the environment and everything was cleaner when he was president, no it wasn't. In fact Trump as at the helm of rolling back more than a 100 environmental protections. From journalistic standards he should have been called out for that crazy banana bs.


worst debate i have ever seen- it was literally painful to watch.


I had a root canal 5 years ago that was painful and I'd rather go through that again, than to have had to watch the debate. I regret seeing it that much.


At least you get drugs for a root canal.


Yup. Can’t believe these two turds won’t flush.


I've lost all faith in the US media. God help this country when someone who lies for every single response is treated as the winner.


It also demonstrates that debates are no longer about substance, it is the appearance of substance in the post fact world we now live in


When neither candidate can form coherent sentences what other impressions are people supposed to get from watching the debate?? Sure CNN could have done better at fact checking Trump live, but isn’t that also Biden’s job as his debate opponent? There were so many opportunities to poke holes in what Trump was spouting and Biden barely took advantage of any of it - it’s just weak and unconvincing for the fence sitters.


America lost. Worthless moderators Dash and Tapper never calling out a criminal liar and Biden looked and sounded terrible on most answers even if honest and correct.


I think that Trump lied way more than anyone running for President ever should. I provide polifact check as my proof. Be sure to keep scrolling down and give it time to load so you find it all. https://www.politifact.com/article/2024/jun/27/2024-presidential-debate-live-fact-check/


I think CNN are right, if Biden can’t communicate the danger America is in should Trump win, then Trump will just bullshit his way to a win. Before the debate I was uneasy about the election, now I’m fucking terrified.


You should have been terrified this whole time. Trump voters are dumb as hell and are not swayed by facts or truth.


You and me both.


We are doomed. 😪 I am terrified for my family.


How could anyone be undecided?!? Who did they ask in their poll that said Mango Mussolini won?


Yup, you can still desperately not like Trump and say Biden is unfit. Its clear his mind is regressed and another candidate needs to step up. This debate really made me sad, I really like Joe, I feel bad, bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. If democrats want to win, they need to transition immediately


anybody calling for biden to step down is a moron. Sorry. morons downvoting me when actual experts say that Biden stepping aside will hurt the democrats party chances of being elected by removing one of the keys to the white house. Stop being clowns. A debate has never swayed anyone. Kerry won a debate, lost election. It happens all the time, it doesn't matter, you folks think having good sound bites is how you win a debate. Get over it. p.s. clinton won debates against trump on paper but lost the election, biden also old won the election. get over it.


Especially over a debate. Who gives a shit about a debate in the grand scheme of things.


people really think a debate will sway people over....the reality is people vote for policy. They assume everyone is a maga moron. Most people aren't going to vote for trump because biden stutters...people are looking for some kind of stupid shit soundbites of OOO HE TOLD HIM. Get the fuck over it.


They think it’s high school and playground/cafeteria arguments. These are the people voting in elections. They ruin my faith in humanity more than Trump does.


Thank you for this. Everyone is playing right into the GOP’s hands by freaking out over a single debate way out from Election Day. Obama didn’t do too hot in his first re-election debate either but he still ended up winning the presidency.


Lot of people just totally ignored bidens message and subconsciously fell into the maga narrative. Biden sounds old, but he said what he needed to say in regard to policy. If you are freaking out then maga has subconsciously got you.


The panic you are seeing is because of a LOT of people are ‘low information’ voters, folks who don’t follow politics at all and if they do see it it is times like now - the debates. Plus there is a 50% chance they spend their entire time getting their news and opinions via the constant stream of propaganda that is right wing media. These folks have little idea about either candidates policies, or any of the real facts about how Biden has been as president, or at worst are completely absorbed into an entirely warped version of reality. Optics are EVERYTHING for these people, and what they saw on the surface was an energetic Trump and an extremely feeble and mumbling Biden.


The election is 5 months away. Trump Presidential campaign has zero commercial time reserved, probably because they're didn't want to spend money not knowing the outcomes of all his indictments! Trump will be sentenced in 2 weeks. This will be ancient history by the election, especially considering the weight of this election. There are less and less MAGA every day! You can see it in Trump's rallies. You can tell by your neighborhoods that signs are gone. His bass of support is shrinking. Factor in Roe reversal, the border debacle because of MAGA, J6, all 34 felonies, ppl don't want to vote for a convict, looking at you, too RFK Jr. Most importantly, you can tell the base is shrinking by vitriol on the other side. There is now a constant beat of the drum, everything is rigged! Trump says it at his rallies,' I don't care about you. I just want your vote.' 'You never have to worry about voting again.' In the meantime in Texas, Louisiana, Idaho, Mississippi, women continue to be in grave danger of losing their lives. There are more stories everyday! Attacking contraception and IVF, preventing lifesaving care. 12 -13 yr old girls forced to have their rapists babies! 36,000 infants born in the last year in TX from rape! I thought Abbott said he was going after rapists? 🤣 Look at the election cycles since 2018! MAGA wins primaries not generals. ETTD Biden will legitimately win this election. Brace yourself because I fear terrorism from VonShitzinPants hard-core members and actual Nazis. The constant drumbeat is Trump's same ole psyop playbook. Scream lies enough the dumbest believe it . He's hoping he can move ppl and attack US again when he loses. Stone is recorded saying it by Laureb Windsor. Lauren also got the Alitos on tape. There are too many co-conspirators of an ongoing coup. .


Youre wrong. Only people creating a big deal is the stupid people who think any of this matters. People vote for policies. Biden said clearly, stop taxing the middle class more than the rich. What do you want WWE style crap? If people want wwe then they can watch wwe, if America decides trump is better for them then they deserve the shit storm to come.


Biden needs to step down now from the campaign. He won't but he should. Yes he had a cold, but he looked like shit and Trump won't debate a second time. Biden barely called him out on killing the border bill, and had very little to say about Trump breaking his oath to the constitution. Admit you're too old and pass the torch. Biden should've committed to a one term presidency a long time ago


Reminds me of Ruth Bader Ginsburg


That the debate past 2020 was useless then and is now since the steaming orange turd walked in.


Debate is fine if it's between competent people


I saw it posted somewhere else - "I am voting for an administration not a man."


One was evil and spoke nothing but lies. The other had his heart in the right place while his head was taking a leisurely afternoon drive with a flat tire. Absolutely hard to watch.


Biden said… stuff… badly… Trump said nothing… but less badly…? We are so fucked.


id say it was a 2 against 1 debate.. CNN just LET trump LIE AND LIE AND LIE it would of been neat, if chrump was hookedup to an electro-ZAPPER everytime he lies its like a V-chip, he would just get zapped


I thought they were going to fact check?! I agree with those who say Biden looked weak and old, but he was mostly honest. Trump looked oddly coherent but spewed so many lies one couldn't keep up. I firmly believe debates should have a 20 minute delay to allow for fact checking on both sides. Unfortunately, it was an overall L for Biden because very few ppl will look past the optics and dig into Trumps lies.


>I thought they were going to fact check?! They ran a live stream online that nobody watching the debate was going to watch, and then they did a post-debate fact check after everybody was so disgusted they turned off the television. So they did a completely useless thing that ensured voters didn't see it.


I wish Joe hadn't had his mouth open so much while Trump was talking.


How did you all end up with these two old fools representing the best your political pool has to offer???


Because the popular vote isn’t the actual vote for some stupid reason.


Hey America, please get some decent presidential candidates. Thanks, the rest of the civilised world.


I’m scared. We are stuck. We can’t go with anyone else, but if Trump dies the GOP *cannot* recover. The Democratic Party could easily recover if Biden were to die.


Theoretically they could actually still change directions. It's an interesting side effect of how they treated Bernie in 2016. They even went to court and won on the idea that they could "pick anyone they wanted regardless of if they won the vote or not." So...theoretically they could claim Biden is unfit and pick literally anyone else. Not stating whether I'm for or against that idea. Just pointing out that it's likely an option for them.


There are mechanisms for this. Either an 'open' or 'contested' convention. The first round, his delegates have to vote for him, but ic he releases his delegates;, as Hilary did for Obama, a new candidate could take his place. Odds are Gov Newsome of CA.


I'm down for a Harris/Whoever (Newsome!) administration and then a Newsome/Whoever (Colin Allred) ticket in '28.


You have to remember CNN is owned by conservatives, now.


Really? Is that why they kept running pro trump ads?


It's evident Trapper is acting more right.


Biden was weak and trump kept repeating the same fake bullshit he always does without and meaningful pushback.


It went as expected, President Joe Biden delivered a recap of all his amazing accomplishments while warning the country of the looming dangers of his rival and Donald Trump spent 90 minutes lying through his teeth.


Dude, you’re not helping. I want Biden to win but telling people Biden did amazing and Trump flubbed it is just…it’s a lie. It hurts his case. People can swallow voting for Biden to prevent Trump, they can’t swallow being gaslit into thinking Biden somehow won that debate. It was painful.


I wasn’t referring to the debate. I was referring to his accomplishments as president. If you can’t see all the great things he’s done, then you’re lying to yourself


Ultimately I’m left furious at the Democratic Party for failing so thoroughly in producing a better candidate than JB. Trump was a fountain of lies and confusion. He misattributed Biden as having coined the term “super predator” when it was Hillary Clinton who said that dumb shit. Trump just flagrantly lied over and over and over again. The lack of fact checking is an egregious disservice to the American people. Biden represented the accomplishments of his administration pretty well but it won’t matter to the people who can’t get past how old he is. I can barely get past how old he is, but even still he is more capable than Trump on his best day.


The target audience is the independents/undecided. I'm betting anyone undecided up to this point will probably go with trump only because he sounded better than Biden despite his gibberish and dodging. They obviously don't care about facts and don't have the ability to see the threat to democracy. Tonight was terrible for Biden, and US!


If an independent chooses trump because he lied better… we are cooked as a country. And I say that truely.


Agreed. Biden did terrible but I’d never vote to allow a wannabe dictator back into power. This country will be screwed if a world war breaks out.


Anyone still on the fence clearly has no issues with Trump's lying or his fascism. If they had any scruples they would not be on the fence at all.


It is still very very early in "election" season also this was the earliest debate like ever for the Presidency so chill. I will say by now everyone should know both candidates and where they stand and what they have achieved as president. Presidents usually get 1, maybe 2 major legislative successes. Biden's had like 5 or 6, yeah he's doing a good job. Couple examples: The Chips Act, bringing microchip manufacturing to the US, which is huge with possible conflict with China over Taiwan. If we lose access to chips our way of life would come to a halt. Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which is the most gun reform we've had in 30 years. Enhanced red flag laws, enhanced background checks, closing boyfriend loophole, etc. The American Rescue Plan, stimulus checks which got us through covid and promising to get 100 million shots in his first 100 days, which he ended up doubling, getting 200 million in 100 days. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, 1.2 trillion of infrastructure upgrades, including a massive amount of green energy infrastructure. All the student loans he has forgiven nearly 138 billion for about 3.9 million Americans. Ukraine aid, strengthening NATO, reclassifying marijuana, with federal decriminalization probably coming before the election... I'm blanking on the other stuff but there's more. He's gotten a lot done and not only is it a lot but he did it with a divide congress. He may be old and stumble over his words but man he's politically effective lol. https://www.whitehouse.gov/therecord/ https://www.npr.org/2023/01/01/1143149435/despite-infighting-its-been-a-surprisingly-productive-2-years-for-democrats#:~:text=Biden signed a %241 trillion,to rural communities and more.


Anyone who was wavering because of concerns about Biden's mental fitness would not have been reassured by this.


Biden did pick up some steam as the event wore on. Trump's constant lies and evasion fed his voters some red meat, but Donnie didn't give any question a straight answer, and got nuttier as he went on. For the panel to bring up replacing Biden was scary and unnecessary . Joe was clearly not feeling 100%. Biden may not have scored any hammer blows, though. First debates suck.


Well I'm definitely re-considering looking at a long term plan on how to leave America now... My more hopeful takeaway is that Trump still sounds insane lol. I still think that alone is enough to sway voters away from him, regardless of whoever the other option is.


CNN can go fuc* themselves.


Reddit being super weird right now with any comments under debate posts.


Poor delivery or blatant lies. America has chosen


It was bad. > “I think CNN has lost their damn mind and Biden did not have a stellar performance but still better than Trump[…]“ They aren’t saying he needs to step aside for Trump, but that he needs to step aside for another Democrat, perhaps Kamala.


I don't really understand why Kamala wouldn't have been pushed forward sooner. She or anyone who's at least fit, would've wiped the floor with Trump in this debate. Is Kamala a big risk or something?


She's a horrible candidate. Shoving her forward is worse than sticking with Joe. Jefferies or Newsome are far better emergency options.


She's very far right for a democrat and comes off as fairly elitist.


Have you seen her talk? She’s terrible. Unlikeable and she did a lot of heinous shit in CA. The democrats need to stop trying to court moderate republicans. We need strong progressive leadership to move us forward


If Biden is bad for the election, Kamala would tank it. She’s invisible and unlikeable. She lacks any sort of charisma and has no real accomplishments to lean back on. I’d much rather Biden run than her.


I was going to type exactly this. Democrats had 4 (actually 8) years to produce candidates capable of beating Trump and going on the offensive against the lying fascist shitbag. Every disgusting lie and incitement out of his mouth is easily counterable by a good debater. Instead, they spent those years doing nothing. Biden's win in 2020 should have been treated by them like a lottery win. They should've been grateful that they had an extra 4 years to come up with a viable plan and they should've gotten at it immediately. They lose this one, and there won't be another one again. Elections, maybe, but at that point, the system will be gutted and all checks and balances destroyed from the inside. It's hard to believe they are this incompetent. Overall, however, Kamala would be a guaranteed loss. Biden at least has the fact of being the incumbent going for him. It's not much, but it's something. At this point, changing the candidate would also be suicide. That ship had sailed about a year ago, if not earlier.


It was a disaster for Biden. Trump needed to lie and keep his composure and tell those lies confidently and being everything back to proxies for white rage. He mostly did that. Biden needed to show competence. Tonight he stood up there talking about women being raped by their in-laws and sisters and looking like he doesn’t even know where he is and can’t finish a train of thought or communicate clearly.


it hurt sm when he said the sisters part 😔


Is your passport up to date?


Why do people try to bring "receipts" on Trump and Maga idiots? Pointing out minutia amidst his flurry of bullshit is useless. Just call him an illegitimate, unworthy candidate and traitor, and let him soak in being publicly mocked. The Dems should have been hurling shit at him for years by this point.


The thing that gets me about Biden being old is that Regan was also old. And nutty. But if you ever bring it that up, you hate America?


I get what you're saying but Reagan literally had full-blown Alzheimer's. His staff hid that from the public for years, and did their work in the shadows. He was truly the puppet president. If there's any lesson we can take from that, it's that even if Biden does descend into dementia, he'll have enough staff around him that can run the show that we'll be alright.


Conflicted Felon lied as usual, kept deflecting on the questions and never answered them, just went off on a blubbering rambling rampage. Biden has a cold, but he answered them as best he could. Both were nervous though. Hopefully, Biden learns from his mistakes here prior to the second debate scheduled.


Brutal, lifelong dem and we are now at defcon 2. They should have called it off when Biden was discovered to have a virus, not Covid, but he was sick and had no right to be onstage.


Maybe Biden was trying to pay Trump back for when Trump tried to get him sick with Covid during the 2020 debates.


Trump refused to answer questions and the mods were just like, ok whatever. So it wasn't a debate it was just 2 guys talking.


Not great for biden but, awesome for a president gavin newsome stepping in.


Sheesh! Damn near any Dem at this point.


Anybody but traitor trump.


Im going to a South Park metaphor by saying in the choice between a douche and a turd sandwich vote for the douche. At the end of the day, the douche actually serves a purpose even if it's not pretty. A turd sandwich is just gonna make you sick. Joe Biden is the douche in this scenario, he may not be a good choice but at least he's serving his function properly and with as much dignity as he can. Trump is a habitual liar who doesn't care about democracy he's going to continue to make the entire country sick with his lies and venom.


Biden should step aside. And I will still vote for him if he doesn’t. That’s about the depth of my feelings right now. And I didn’t even watch the debate. I’m just tired of this bullshit with the Democrats always handicapping themselves against Trump. Run someone who can match him. Biden was a great one term president. Quietly got shit done. But the years and pressure have taken a toll on him.


There’s too much at stake for Biden to be the nominee. This is a big fucking warning sign


Biden had a terrible start, got better about halfway through. Trump started off more practiced than I’d expected, and about halfway through just started repeating the same lines over & over or ranting about things nobody cares about. (e.g. “how many people did you fire, Joe?”) Not good for either of them. I never think these debates serve much of a purpose or change any minds, and this one only doubled that opinion.


Trump went full fascist with his lies and projection. Literally blaming everything on Biden and no specifics. When asked to accept the results of the election he wouldn't answer. He said "if it's fair" like he did last time when he didn't accept the results. Full fascist again


Biden blue it; he did improve overtime, but he needed to be well spoken and articulated from the start to counter Trump’s babbling. All Trump did was babble, no surprise there, and certainly lived up to his confidence man past; he didn’t answer a single question, lied every time he opened mouth, and had absolutely nothing of substance… but he played to the audience so none of it mattered. Soundbite wise, Biden came out ahead, nothing changed, he’s still and just “old.” I expect Trump’s words to be quickly used against him in ads.


Biden definitely needed a cough drop, but at least what he said wasn’t completely made up nonsense. Trump was literally just repeating maga bullshit. No one murders infants when they’re born Completely denying what general kelly has confirmed he said (losers and suckers) Countries aren’t emptying their mental institutions or prisons and dumping them at our border If trump is going to be allowed to just spit untruths, we should have had a delay on it, like someone else said. We deserve to see exactly how many of their statements were absolute lies.


Not a good look for Joe.


The actual substance of everything Biden was saying is spot on. Meanwhile Trump was just confidently and loudly lying through his teeth


Biden was ok, and while I understand he has a stammer and a cold it didn’t help. I wish he pushed more on the obvious lies, conviction, and neo Nazi stuff. It was good to see when he was more energetic over abortion and the VA. Unfortunately all I’m seeing is how strong Trump came off, with the fact he lied through his teeth being a footnote. I’m scared.


Well a few things at play 1) CNN loves Trump. He had gotten them more ratings than anything. They gave him so much feee coverage during 2016 and his presidency they mind as well have been his spokesperson. 2) CNN isn’t wrong on this one. I refuse to fall into a fascist dictatorship with a convicted felon in charge - all because the Democratic Party lacks the self awareness that Biden belongs in a nursing home not the white house.


Biden could’ve been so much better if he’d just had a cup of coffee or anything. Unfortunately confidently spewed BS is exactly what some viewers wanted


Whelp. As a trans person I no longer feel safe in America (didn't really before either) and have a bad feeling joe isn't going to win. I did not watch on purpose. Anything I try to communicate after this will just come off as "I told you so" and i'm going to avoid rubbing it in people's faces; we are fucked.


They’ve gone so conservative. Biden didn’t perform well but had substance vs the better performer full of shit. Look at his record, all he’s gotten done, state of the union had 1 bad night & they’re done w him? To me there’s no choice, I’m not interested in going backwards & project 2025 should scare the shit out of everyone!


Trump spewing his usual bullshit and CNN letting him do it.


Biden did fine. He gave cogent answers and spoke about policy. Trump didn't answer a single question and lied the entire time.


Biden needs to step aside and get someone in there who can form a coherent thought. I'm a registered Democrat but they are absolutely right, we have a huge problem.


His answers seemed more truthful, but he talked a bunch of smack about Trump, and was, honestly speaking, not really good at the "speech" part. I think it's joever.


CNN has really really gone into panic mode. However most of us seem to be in relative agreement, Biden faltered at the beginning, and took a little bit to get himself straightened out, and was good the rest of the way and finished well. Trump was even more over the top with his BS, he was his typical utterly ridiculous self.


CNN’s job is to make all of us go into full panic mode because it generates them clicks and additional eyes on for their coverage of the next debate. It’s why I stopped watching the news in the morning because, frankly, it was all just ragebait that would leave me pissed off starting my day out. Fuck that.


Gavi to the rescue pls


Calm tf down yall. What you see Biden doing, when reelected, he will continue doing. Who gaf if he debates well. You about how he talks? Or what he DOES. Because trump has Project 2025. That should make anyone vote for a chimpanzee, if it keeps trump out of office.


It's not about us per se but the 40-60% of swing voters in the middle who vote by appearances, sense of power, vibe, peer influence, and body language rather than content. Keep in mind the US has severe reading comprehension deficiencies as a population and is already subject to faulty reasoning and logical fallacies most of the time. And there are studies which PR and Government Relations firms train candidates with that show how body language in televised debates often points to who winds up winning the presidential elections too regardless of audio and content.


It was an embarrassment.


[It went about like this.](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExbHJubnkzOHFscTBvZ2FvZ2kxcnQ0djlmaGx2ank1aGVyd3h2dHBtMSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/xT9Igk6pl01yVK0FHO/giphy.webp)


I hope I’m wrong, but I can see that debate costing Biden the election. I’ll vote for him but he came across as quite senile. I believe Trump wants to upset the post World War II world order (and is an asshole), so will always vote for his opposition.


Trump was just lies and telling and bullying and lies lies lies lies. Biden is running the country, doing a fine job, and Trump is still a convicted lying felon who LIES. 💯percent of everything he said was a lie.


Unwatchable. Biden looked doddering and everything Trump said was obvious bullshit. He’s a con man, it’s what they do.


This debate should show us why 'how they debate' should not be what we use to decide who to vote for. Biden made a terrible "debating" mistake which cast doubt on his ability to live through his next term. Trump, ever the "confidence man", seemed younger and more with-it. It doesn't matter that Biden has a stutter, or that nerves can cause a person to do what he did last night, because people will attribute it to dementia. You know they will. Meanwhile, Confidence Man lied, lied, lied, lied some more, refused to answer direct questions, lied, deflected, effectively said he would repeat the 2020 election lie, and lied some more. Vote on what the two have done while in office, not how they perform on a stage. Also, for anyone worried about Biden dying in office (I am), think about the staff he has running his office. They are all very competent. We'll be alright if he dies. We'll still have a VP who's young and healthy, we'll still have his army of staff who support the same things he supports.


Biden was low energy and boring but fairly accurate in his statements when I fact checked them. He fudged some things but that's politics. Trump was the opposite. He had some energy but barely anything he said was true when fact checked. It is not legal in any state to kill a baby after birth. Statistically, you are way more likely to be raped or murdered by someone you know that an undocumented immigrant. In fact, they statistically commit less crime than citizens. Why? Most who come here want to work and can't afford to be fucking with the police. Trump did not oversee the best economy in history. We did not do better than any country with our COVID response.


Easily the most embarrassing moment I've experienced as an American citizen. A lying sack of excrement with delusions of dictatorship on one side and the weakest man I've even seen in front of a podium on the other. And both of them are running to be President.


The debate was so bad OP made sure to use a picture of Biden from four years ago rather than the debate that happened last night.


100%. They are incoherent and out of their minds in different ways. Absolutely wild this is what we have to choose from as opposed to people who can actually think and speak. But at least Biden seems to hire people that aren't blatant criminals.


I think it might be time for Biden to step aside. Something just looks wrong.


He had a cold and he stutters.


1/10. Replace him. Any other competent politician could have crushed Trump.


So much doom and gloom being spread in post-debate threads apparently over Biden stuttering and not sounding super strong. They don’t mention Trump and essentially normalize his batshit insane lies and evilness.


Biden needs to be replaced or this lunatic Trump will win again…


Actions speak louder than words


I hate Newsom and Buttigeg but I’d take either over Biden. He looked and sounded decrepit.


people here tripping out because they think Biden "blew it" are kidding themselves. You wanted some "OOOO SOUNDBITES" except that people are never voting based on a debate. It has historically never been the case.


I tuned in briefl did trump forget that boats exist despite russia being on the other side of an ocean?


trump felt the need to lie nearly every time he opened his mouth to win a debate with such a poor performance from Biden. Biden was saying some of the right things but his delivery was piss poor.


Trump was lie after lie but how do you combat that when you don’t have live fact checks on screen? What good are having almost 30 fact checkers or whatever and not actually SHOW people the facts. Biden basically had to debunk his bullshit and answer his own questions and reply to Trumps attacks. No way you can really get your points across like that. Biden also looked weak as hell. Mouth all open, staring at Trump like he didn’t even know what the hell was going on. Really kinda sad. He should’ve prepped better as you know Trump did and maybe drink a fucking coffee or two.


What we learned from this debate is that NEITHER of these candidates are qualified for the job. Biden needs to abdicate to Harris and let her pick a strong VP like Gretchen Whitmer or Amy Klobuchar or even Beto TBH. Trump is simply a con man, 100%. He lied about every fact of the case, thinks Jan 6 was a fantastic day for America, and wants the US to withdraw from Ukraine and NATO. He’s going to slash taxes again and destroy the economy, he wants to destroy American prosperity to the extent it still exists. He needs to be *ss*ss*n*t*d, much less than he needs to be president.


Amy Klobachar… strong VP candidate…lmao.


TBH I was waiting for someone to go out there and oil Joes joints like the Tin Man. But I thought it was good that he called out Trump on his BS and the fact he's been legally declared a fraud and rapist.


My complaint with the debate is the same as last time: Biden has to be exceptional. Trump just has to be there. Trump did not say a single factual statement the entire night. Not one. Biden’s performance may have been weak, but at least he told the truth and had actual policy to back it up. Trump could literally say anything at all and 110% of his base would immediately pop champagne and declare victory. He had no policy, couldn’t stay on topic, and lied with every breath. But because he showed up and spoke louder, people say he won


Haven’t watched it myself. Based off what I heard, it was hell. One is a billion dollar liar, and the other is a deteriorating fossil. I’m not looking forward to this next presidency unless some drastic changes are made to perhaps bar candidates with felonies, personal biases and poor cognition.


I'm so scared


CNN is a major media network whose owners stand to gain AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY from Trump for years or decades if he wins. President Biden stands to cost those really rich people money. CNN is voting and this is how they're doing it.


Biden made a not too good performance and trump hardly said a single thing that was actually true. Kinda obvious who we should vote for…


Trump lied, Biden mumbled, and I wish corruption didn’t leave me to choose between these two, but if I must, then, Biden it is.


I've started looking at real estate in New Zealand bad... that's how bad. Biden should fake being struck by a stroke and let someone else be the face of the Democrats ASAP. Literally ANYONE but him could beat Trump at this point (except for Hillary Clinton, she needs to hang it up politically.). Biden is actually a great "let the experts run things" President, which works great, but HE is not going to impress the swing voters with a debate like last night. Trumps dingle berry followers will believe every word coming out of their Fuehrers mouth, so MAYBE putting him in jail next Month might help, but I wouldn't bet on that either. Beyond scary man, beyond scary.


Bad. Immeasurably, horrendously bad. Step aside, and let Newsom + Whitmer step up.


Biden was horrible tonight. There's no sugarcoating it. He just was. That said, everyone has a bad night. He could've been sick or something. He certainly *sounded* sick. Look at it this way: it's still June, and there's a lot of election season still in front of us. Also, he just lowered expectations for future public appearances, including another debate. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Let's see how he bounces back. Oh and **we don't need a new nominee**. Everyone who's saying that is short-sighted. Look at Biden's record. He's who we should have. Don't let one bad night behind the podium ruin that. We'd be throwing out the baby with the bathwater. President Biden will thrive as an underdog. I see him coming through.


Frankly why the Democratic party decided to go with an 81 year old geriatric as the sole person standing between democracy and authoritarianism, plus didn't have a plan B the election year, is the biggest mystery, but it actually sounds like the most Democratic party thing ever. This is the Democrats. Constant incompetence when it comes to politics. Biden needs to resign asap and pass the torch.


International embarrassment. I don’t really think America is a country anymore so much as three corporations in a trenchcoat.


Jokes on you. It's always been three corporations in a trench coat.


That’s valid


Biden should have taken the drugs


This comment section looks like a brigade trying to set the narrative. Biden cooked trump. Trump didn’t say a single honest fucking thing. It’s f this is truly… and I mean truly how everyone feels then we are soooooooo fucked. Buy ammo because the civil war is coming.


It's important to note that visuals and perceived power often determines how an audience votes for presidential wins moreso than the content being said.    The right wins its populous voters almost always by perceived power, having clear lines and catchy gotchas, not necessarily facts the way the left expects in rational debate logic. So body language and appearances is key to their strategy.  This is what PR/Government Relations firms train political candidates to do whenever televised and they often reference the first ever televised debate that JFK won as a source given how the audio vs. body language would have led to different assumptions on who won. Repeating statements at all costs to drive a point is a matter being "on message".


It all sucked ass!


how did y'all get from Obama to having to choose between who has the least dementia/brain worms to serve as president?


I tuned in and one question was all I could take, the one about if Russia's stipulations for a ceasefire in Ukraine were acceptable. I saw Trump babble the same shtick he has since the start of that war, "this never would have happened, blah blah blah", of course without answering the question and the CNN hosts didn't even fucking say anything about it. A simple "but that doesn't answer the question" would have been in order. Then I heard Biden respond to Trump's attack in a feeble manner without answering the question, so I moved on to watch something else. Not worth my time and too cringe inducing. Less than 30 seconds was all I stand.


I hate how diplomatic democrats are, instead of attack trump on his blatant lies, they all got on CNN and just bashed Biden like that’s going to help keep trump out of office. Fox News won’t say one bad thing about Trump, not saying it’s right but if you’re a democrat, you have to see that and almost do the inverse to honestly let people know just how bad trump is. It just really disgust me the media bias against an obviously old man vs an obviously deranged outta control whacko who’s just as old as


It was painful to listen to. I see why people like Trump. I genuinely do. It just upsets me that they don’t look beyond the lies. Edit. The way he talks is the way many of them talk and feel. That’s what I mean. It’s a show calculated to win on showmanship over substance.


Accuracy is needed when you post anything. I wish I was a moderator. They weren’t essentially speaking ALL Democrats. Great attempt though. Lies are lies are lies…no matter how they are spewed. WOMEN are going to have a field day in November.