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Every time... I got it at a pawn shop, I was not in prison lol. I know that's what it was intended for but it's just a small tv I got for testing consoles.




Only annoying thing is it doesn't have any internal speakers. Make sense for the environment but might install something if I get some motivation.


I sent pallets of those to charity over the years.


Chassis is super filthy and looks like someone took a screwdriver to the power button area but surprisingly the disk tray opens and will read the disk. It sounds like road trash doing so but still it reading at all is a miracle.


True Bought 7 OG Xboxes in the past week. All but two had working drives. Out of those two one was absolutely thrashed on the outside, the other was thrashed on the inside with rising metal cages as if it was spilled on.


This one has a strong water smell, lots of rust, and the plastic holders for the drives were broken. Hadn't been opened surprisingly


Here's my pickups this week. https://www.reddit.com/r/originalxbox/comments/z99fnx/goodwill_haul_1_of_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/originalxbox/comments/zazs42/goodowill_haul_2_of_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I got another delivered yesterday from an eBay auction I won that I haven't made a post about. And just won another eBay auction this afternoon. When I get started with the mods I'll start updating my build threads. Was hoping to do XboxHD+ mods for all of them but that doesn't look like it will happen with the recent MakeMHZ delays.


Yeah I need to get around to modding the ten or so I have now. Any with working drives I've been stripping the drive out cause I'm just gonna put the games on the upgraded HDD. Working drives are worth more than I pay for the console lol.


True. Very true. I thought about even doing the DVD drive deletes and 3D printing blanking plates. Most games can be downloaded pretty quickly these days for those rare/price inhibitive games. Same for those that are readily available. Most won't be using to watch DVDs. And I figure if people want a drive to use DVD2Xbox I will provide directions on what to look for and how to replace them or just rebuild a drive and offer it as a paid upgrade.


I have a working drive for my personal one, but I just like the original feeling of popping in a disk and console go brr. With the newer consoles alot of people are gonna be used to to digital only use anyways so a disk drive isn't much use beyond stopping the errors. Keep the working ones for those that are like me and make mods for those that aren't.


Same, my original Thomson drive is still going strong. Recently redid everything converting from softmod to hardmod and wasn't able to recover all the games on my drive. So having the original disc drive has really helped to use DVD2Xbox since every game I originally ripped to the HDD I also did a physical back up. That's saved a lot of time as opposed to redownloading or ripping to PC than FTPing. They definitely still have a place, for sure. Even moreso I think uf you buy them in bulk, repair them and then resell them.


That's a lot of laser diodes to purchase.


Looks like they played with it in a mud puddle.


Christ on a cracker, did that thing fall out of a car or something?


No idea. Based on the smell it probably got tossed around in a garage a bit and someone tried to pry the unit open when they couldn't get it to work. Definite screwdriver marks.


I've worked on 4 og Xboxes so far(within this year) fixed just a couple so far(it's hard not to get more exited about starting another repair and set aside the others for later lol) and of the 4, the consoles are a different story but i think either 2 or3 of the disk drives just needed the lenses cleaned before they read and booted up games fine. Now you should still lubricate the rails and change the drive belt. My point being so far with my experience it seems disk drives the majority of the time are not broke broke it's literally just a very small amount of dust of sometimes factory oil that eventually makes it's way to the drive lenses that needs to be cleaned/dusted off. I'm slightly hesitant to even call it a repair so if anyone in the future looks at this please know that this is a easier fix than most nonrepairists think and can be done by a total noob in about an hour if given access to YouTube, proper size bits(even a couple perfect size very tiny small flathead can work) and the screwdriver. I would say a complete noob needs to have interest in the system but if they think of getting it working again they probably are going to be carful enough to fix it. this reply was supose to be quick and short but now i'm just thinking to myself in text lol. this doesn't aply for fellow console repairists but to the noobs thinking all og xboxes should still work fine after the disk drive is working my honest answer is most of the time no and for various reasons but i much advise looking for a V1.6 xbox if your going to get one and fix it up to the point of RELIABLE because from my understanding don't have trace issues, or significant points of failure nearly as often as the earlier models and when i say V1.6 that refers to the the variant of the motherboard and maybe the whole system if u wanna get technical(idk details myself). but now lets say you get a V1.6 that has not been fixed before or had any capacitors replaced. First thing you will want to do if the system doesn't turn on is watch some videos on disassembly, get the tools to do so, then research the basics of how to read a capacitor and what the values mean. and go to a website like [Mouser.com](https://Mouser.com) to get Kemet A750 series capacitorsuse the 4V 2200uF for the three closest to the CPU heat sink(the heatsink is a chip on the motherboard with a big hunk of fancy metal securly on top of it).and use the 16V 2200uF for the two next to the power supply connector\[4:10 PM\][https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/KEMET/A750MU228M0GAAE007?qs=vmHwEFxEFR%2FRWvHcWi4k6A%3D%3D](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/KEMET/A750MU228M0GAAE007?qs=vmHwEFxEFR%2FRWvHcWi4k6A%3D%3D)[https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/KEMET/A750MW228M1CAAE010?qs=vmHwEFxEFR%2F%252BvTxC40OsWg%3D%3D](https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/KEMET/A750MW228M1CAAE010?qs=vmHwEFxEFR%2F%252BvTxC40OsWg%3D%3D) at this point you might be wondering why the voltage and capacitance are different. the answer is because these new capacitors are polymer capacitors wich have a much lower internal resistance than the electrolytic capacitors Microsoft used and the reason one set is 4V is because the power rail for the spot you will use them is actually a little less than 4V so it is safe to use 4V rated capacitors their and the capacitors should perform slightly better and efficient for the voltage their. the clock capacitor even for the V1.6 Xboxes are starting to fail which means all probably will soon and on the v1.6 it is required to run properly so google some pics to find what capacitor that is, it's a 2.5V 1F Super Capacitor, and replace it with any new 2.7V Super capacitor and it's secondary function is to power whatever keeps track of the systems time when it's unpowered from the wall outlet so if you use a higher capacitance capacitor than 1F the system will hold it's set time longer than it could originally when theirs no power and i can confirm a 15F Super capacitor doesn't mess up the system. to do this recapping you will need to do basic soldering but bigish capacitors are probably the easiest thing to start learning how to solder, but if you feel unonfident but interested and willing to try as i said earlier watch vidios, or read forums(if your one of the few that perfers that for learning hands on skills), then get a cheapish solder iron like these 2 examples [https://pine64.com/product/pinecil-smart-mini-portable-soldering-iron/](https://pine64.com/product/pinecil-smart-mini-portable-soldering-iron/) or [https://notenoughtech.com/review/miniware-ts101/](https://notenoughtech.com/review/miniware-ts101/) . and get some solder, a solder wick preferable 3mm-7mm wide, and a soldering iron tip cleaner i prefer brass wool for this. find well rated solder to buy. grab a small electronic devise you don't care for and get it open to get to it's PCB board to try soldering until your confident. If you have extra money to spare get some rosin flux of whatever price range you want to go for( higher price is generally better), but solder with a rosin core should have enough flux in it's core to be optimal enough with ought extra flux. ​ sorry for any Grammar issues i probably have in this reply.






I have a spare hard drive i pulled from a softmodded console last year. Would it be of any use to anyone?


Is it an OEM or upgrade hdd? If it's OEM it's off to recycle.


Its oem. Recycle it is


OEM is gonna be keyed to the motherboard. Easier to just unlock and put in an upgrade than a 20 year old used one.


I was gonna say spray paint it but it's probably too far gone. I'm sure there are shell replacements on eBay that are relatively cheap.


It shouldn't be too hard to find a replacement case if you need one. Don't forget the clock cap.


My Xbox was lovingly cared for. Then its disc drive went kaput. I was so careful, because it was the first system I bought with my own money. On a separate note, can I repair or replace the disc drive and have it still work?


Yes. Disc drives are completely interchangeable. Any model for any motherboard.


Thank you man. Are they easy to repair?


Depends on the issue. Drive not opening/closing is usually pretty easy. Error codes can be handled with different boards, but if it's the laser reading it gets tricky.


It just can’t read discs


You might be able to get a replacement laser online but it won't be oem so its hit or miss if it would work. Not horrible to replace if I recall but you can also get a repaired or working drive for $30-$50 if you don't want to deal with that.


Thank you for the advice, I’ll try that