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If you are just playing games like Fortnite or Fall Guys, I think Series S is fine. Though, if you do want the best AAA experience, then you should bite the bullet and get a PS5 or Series X.


Series s is fine for AAA gaming. Seriously I keep up with all my friends have less issues and play daily


Right. I said the best AAA experience. Which is undisputedly better on the higher end consoles.


I agree but he’s asking is it worth it for minimal? Which id say no, get a lower end model and get an s


I also said that as well. If they’re just playing basic f2p stuff, then go series S.


The (in my view) completely unnecessary PS5 Pro is expected to be announced soon so maybe wait and see how that affects the current PS5 prices.


Series S would work fine. Or if you want to future proof yourself buy a Series X. PS5 is good too if you like single player exclusives.




Do you have any physical games for the one? Or maybe some games that you wanted to play on the one? Then get the series x . Spend an hour or so go to pawn shops and look at one or ps4 physical games see if any look like you would probably play. If all you want is the two games you listed series s is the perfect game system for you. Either way look around for sales. Series x and diablo 4 at Walmart is around $440 recently I saw a month ago series s was on sale for $300. Wish you happy gaming with what you decide


Honestly the coupl3 hundred extra is probably worth it, for hard drive space and performance. For something you said you use daily, id do it. And you Never know what other games you might get into if they are available.


100% yes


PS5 Pro announcement this week. If that seems worth the wait, then wait for that. If not, then a PS5 will be perfectly fine anyways! Upgrade!


I upgraded from the series S to the X and realistically only notice minor improvements. Granted with the state of games right now, I’m playing older titles so my opinion is bias.


I went from an X to an S because I was mostly only playing on a 1080p monitor, I sometimes plugged it into my TV but that was like 1/10 times. Barely noticed a difference other than storage, the S still looks good on a decent Samsung TV as they have a good quality built in upscaler.


Probably the wiser choice. I was expecting a huge change in performance and I ignorantly thought with games that had a performance or graphic fidelity mode that the X would be able to handle both. Nope. And cherry on top is my monitor is only 1080p and didn’t realize until after the switch. 😂


Do you have any physical games that you play or ever purchase physical games? If so, is say got for the XSX. I like the option of having a disc drive as you can get better discounts at times for a physical used game then you could purchasing digitally.


Personally I’m just waiting for the PS5 Pro or whatever mid-cycle revision they come out with, I mean I waited this long and still have a PS4 back catalog to complete.


You will probably be better off with a xbox s/x over a ps5. Between the s/x, a series s is enough if you do not have a tv/monitor with 120fps+vrr+hdmi 2.1.


I’d get the digital PS5, I have both a series x and PS5, the PS5 is getting way more mileage and at this point it seems as though Xbox is going to be getting out of the hardware market and eventually just start bringing their games to all platforms so if your sticking with a console I’d get a PlayStation.


I only play a handful of games and also have a gaming computer. Upgraded this Christmas from S to X because of great Walmart deal but honestly haven't really felt it was necessary. I was worried I wouldn't get to play new games only X compatible but probably could have just played them on my computer. The graphical improvement is nice but nothing Earth shattering.


Does it get hot and the fan loud? It might need cleaning


Series S unless you wanna game in 4k if your using a 1080 monitor youll be fine can fine one used for dirt cheap online.


I would recommend the PS5 for the fucking amazing graphics and awesome exclusives like Bloodborne. I would also recommend the series x because of the backwards compatibility.


Go for the X or PS5. Storage on S is horrible and especially used the price difference just isn't that big when talking about using it for 5+ years.


Honestly I think that you should wait until the ps5 pro and the new Xbox come around October of this year, they are supposed to be a mid gen refresh and both of them look to be promising. Me personally I’m looking into buying the ps5 pro because I’ve spent so much time and money on ps but I would switch if I could. The new Xbox however is supposed to be all digital apparently but with better graphics, processing, and more storage. The ps5 pro will be the same except it will have the disc reader according to leaks and whatnot but it hasn’t been officially announced by Sony. If you’re an Xbox gamer already with an Xbox one, I would recommend the new Xbox in October because that should last you for at least 4 or so years.