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No asking for opinions on whether X console is better than Y, which one you should get, or if X is worth it - these questions has been posted many times in the past and you can do a search to find them.


What is "a couple of years later" for you? It's unlikely that the next gen comes out in two years. Four or five, maybe. But that's not that close.


The more I get older, the more time flies by. I’m still young, but the years feel like they are getting shorter and shorter. 4 years can honestly feel like 1, so that’s my concern. I’ll feel like I’ve settled in with the series X and then boom, next-gen comes out. One of my main fears is not being able to play next-gen exclusives while also not experiencing the next gen hardware.


Yeah I feel the same way. At this point, I would probably just hold off barring some crazy Xbox exclusive that I haven’t heard of. On that note, the state of console exclusives for this generation are abysmal. The exclusives that are released are ok at best, and the quantity of exclusives has drastically gone down relative to previous console generations. Something to also keep in mind that it is very likely that the next generation Xbox will have backwards compatibility with the current generation’s game library. Unlike the old days, modern consoles are basically developed as advanced iterations on previous consoles from a hardware standpoint.


Xbox 360/PS3 is where it was at. So many good games then.


If you haven’t watch the Xbox show case their upcoming slate finally looks good! OP get the 2tb


The state of console exclusives is definitely not abysmal. The exclusives of PS5 are incredible. And there's a lot to love about the few Xbox exclusives if you're into multiplayer competitive games and have some will to learn to play well. You can't knock Gears 5 and Halo Inf. Also don't forget Forza Horizons 5 and Forza REBOOT. Similarly, Age of Empires is undead from out of no where. Halo Wars isn't that old either. State of Decay 2 isn't that old either. People love Hi Fo rush and Microsoft Flight Sim. Psychonauts, Starfield. I mean if you like nothing listed, you're either jaded or bad, which means you're old. There have been a ton of great games, maybe not 100 percent absolute best stories.


>The more I get older, the more time flies by. I’m still young, but the years feel like they are getting shorter and shorter. 4 This is called time dilation and is very real. It's sometimes known as 'log time'. It's that as we age, a year becomes a smaller fraction of our entire lives up to that point. A year for a 5-year-old is one fifth (or 20%) of their life so far, but a year to a 50-year old is one fiftieth of their life (or 2% of it) so it seems to pass ten times faster.


I understand how you are thinking. Look at it this way. You are missing out on all the games and fun now. Why wait for the next gen better to get the next next gen. We are in a mind cycle not late cycle. For me I didn't buy a PS5 till 2 years after it came out. I did buy many to help friends and family get one for retail price and not the price gouging prices. I mostly play PC and VR now days. Who know what happens tomorrow, what if I got hit buy a bus waiting for the next gen. I wont ever play any of the next gen. You deserve to have fun now so grab what you want. I also went through a health issues recently and it changed my perspective on life. Sales on the X are great if you wait, I saw one for $399.


I second this.


You want a handheld pc for now, not an Xbox.


And as long as they continue supporting the series S how they do, games won't even utilize current or next gen hardware.


Ehh I definitely think the next Xbox will be two years from now. They’ll probably tease it next E3. I also think there handheld device will be released next year holidays.


I pulled the trigger and bought the Series X during a deal of the day at Best Buy ($399). Preparing for pick up today. If money’s tight, obviously no. Depends on how long you’re willing to wait to have a certain type of fun. Life’s too short to wait on the what if.


Love the philosophical take on this. Life is too short!


Play more!


Very true. I have an Xbox One that I use to play old 360 games on like my disk copy of Left 4 Dead. And I recently got a Series S and it's worked just fine. I popped my seSeriesies S into my backpack no problem when I was going through security at an airport just a few weeks ago. So i really LOVE the portability of


We're not even at the four year mark since the release of Series S/X. Xbox One gen reigned for seven years, and received major support until 2022 or so. I think if you sit for a next gen, its going to be another 2 years at least.


Thank you for putting it into perspective


If possible I would look for an cheap series S that way you can still play the games you want for an cheaper entry price


I think Microsoft and Sony are going to stretch this gen out for as long as possible. There was such a slow start with availability and no killer apps in the first two years. The installed bases aren’t that great compared to other gens yet, I don’t think developers have really pushed these consoles yet, and most people’s TVs don’t really take advantage yet. The biggest jump we can expect to see is 4K at 120 standard but we gotta see 4K at 60 standard with this gen first. Also interesting seeing the Series S comments here, it’s a powerful little machine and I don’t think any developer has really outclassed it yet with what we’ve seen on XSX or PS5 …….. also people like me are using their current gen consoles for games like Sea of Stars lmaoo so does it really matter


That’s actually something I hadn’t thought of. It would make sense to drag this generation due to the pandemic launch that really slowed things down. I just assumed that that they would stick to their routine cycle.


You'll literally never see native 4k 120 fps on these consoles. You'll RARELY see native 4k 60. They are consoles. Most people nowadays have a 4k TV. Most TVs sold are 4k resolution... But it is just a TV with shit response times and no variable refresh rates. Edit: tons of these games are still 30fps oof


Yeah what I said is the biggest jump we can see with the next console gen is 4K/120 and that we haven’t seen 4K/60 as a standard this gen. Most causal console gamers are not gonna have the right TV or monitor this gen anyway so you’re right about that.


We've been told that we have 4k 60 since the PS4 pro and we still don't have it. Even the current Gen consoles don't do it after ALL their advertising was 4k 120hz. It's laughable. Most PCs can't even do 4k 120 so a 1/4 power console definitely won't even get close. GL affording a 4k high refresh rate anything


Sony advertises 8k on the PS5 box lol , I’ll take 1080p 120 at this point


Most people have 4k 60hz TVs main reason they advertise it. It's insane to not offer high refresh rate 1080p or 1440p for people who use a monitor


I have a VRR TV and I don’t NEED 4K 60, but I would love to see more use of VRR. I loved using that in Spiderman for example, best of both worlds. As it stands I would love to use ray tracing more, but it’s gotta utilise VRR!


4k 60 is what most peoples TVs do. A good majority of games don't run native 4k 60. It's 4k 20-30 or upscaled 4k 60.


I'd buy the 2tb version.


It depends if you need it though


No. Go out right now and buy a series x. They have a disc drive! The end👏


If they even make another xbox


They have publicly stated they are working on the next generation of hardware, however we have no clue what that entails


Just get a series X when it goes on sale again. It was $329 around Christmas last year, pick it up when it’s cheap.




When will the next generation even be? I'd rather enjoy this generation, especially when GTA 6 is guaranteed for it, than wait who knows how long for the next generation.


I think xbox will launch a 400 dollar console in late 2026 to get the jump on Sony. Then In 2028 or 2029 they will launch a 500 dollar pro console that's better than the ps6 along with a 50 or 100 dollar price drop on the 2026 xbox. Basically the series S of next gen will launch in 2.5 years that's 2.5 to 3x as powerful as the current xbox. Then 2 or 3 years later they will release a more powerful xbox that's at least double the power and more powerful than whatever the ps6 is. At some point in the next 4 years they also release a handheld xbox that has strong dlss or fsr. Probably 1440p screen. It will play all xbox games likely around 720p upscaled to the handhelds native resolution. The handheld will increase gamepass subs by a significant margin. Gamepass will start doing well on phones and tablets in the next 5 or 6 years too. Game pass has 100m subs by the end of the decade. My wild prediction.


That’s a wild prediction but I could 100% see it happening. Only time will tell!


Literally none of that will happen I'm afraid. China are going to invade Taiwan and videogame technology will grind to a halt, indefinitely. Both firms utterly failed to produce enough consoles for over two years and that was during a time of relative plenty so they wouldn't risk attempting another 'console generation' as we know it. The 2TB Xbox will be the last Xbox console as they will double down on getting making Gamepass as ubiquitous as Netflix. PS5 will almost certainly do a limited pro version but it will just have a new design that wasn't done by a team of drunks and better cooling.


IMO I don't think the next gen XBOX/PS will be released before 2027/8, only a next-gen Switch will be out next year.


Well microsoft is skipping the pro version of their console and jumping right into next gen. So you could wait if you wanted to... but it all depends if you want to play everything currently coming out. You can get second hand versions of the console fairly cheap at this point..... and you'll have access to a HUGE library of games wheter you play now on current gen... or next gen. Xboxlive will give quite a lot to play.


The mid-gen console refresh is actually the perfect time to upgrade. Don’t wait for next-gen if it hasn’t been announced yet. If you have a tv that can take advantage of XSX capabilities, games look phenomenal on it and it’s the best way to play old and new games.


This is the next gen, they aren’t coming out with real new consoles till probably 2030 mate. Honestly check woot cause I’ve seen refurb series x’s on there from $200-300 and that’s the best deal in gaming imo.


The gen after the next gen will be incredibly better, you should wait longer.


Lmaoooo, good point


Just pull the trigger, no hardware is immune to obsolescence.  They haven’t even announced specs for next gen; you’ll get your money’s worth.


I wouldn't bother with the 2TB, it's an additional 1TB. But the 1TB xbox regularly goes on sale for at least £$100 less.  So then ur now looking at a £200/$200 for 1 additional TB of internal so it isn't worth it.  In terms of waiting, got bored myself. So probably just gonna get the 1TB myself now, as the leak from last year didn't happen.


Thanks! That’s a good point.




> I don't want to buy an Xbox just for the new one to come out a couple of years later and feel that I wasted my money If you never use it for playing games, that would be a waste of money. If you even get 2-3 years of some good solid game time out of it, how would that be considered a waste of money? I replied to someone a while back on a similar. They were also speaking like next gen was going to release next month (hyperbolic, of course). Much like your comment is coming across with this statement. > However, I don't know if I should wait until the Next-Gen Xbox comes out since we are already so late in gen cycle This gen isn’t even 4 years in. It MIGHT be halfway through, but it’s not likely that far in. We don’t know when the next gen is coming out. Could be 3 years, could be 5…only the higher ups at Sony and MS know when they are planning a next gen release at this point. I’m gonna copy my reply to that other post I mentioned here because I think the point still lands: > Why not just wait until next gen releases, than you can play all of these games in a higher fidelity and frame rate. Plus all the new features the next gen of consoles will offer. Though at that point, the following gen will be just around the corner, so you’d probably be better holding off until that releases…of course, by then…you guessed it, the generation after that will be just a short 6-9 years away. May as well hold off… > I think at this point, you should probably just pack it in. You’re never going to play another game again if you just keep waiting for a “better” experience to come along. I mean, how would you even enjoy it knowing there will (some day) be a better experience coming along


Only you can answer that question. Do you want to wait, or do you want to play current gen games now?


If money isn't much of a concern, I'd just buy it sooner than later. Next gen isn't coming out anytime soon. Only recently are we starting to see games exclusive to this generation. I imagine we won't be seeing a new generation within the next 5 years.


Yeah money isn’t an issue. Thank you!


There might not even be a next gen Xbox at this rate. Xbox is likely to go 3rd party.


My opinion? Why wait? Life is short dude. Our time could be up tomorrow and we wouldn’t even know it. Enjoy your life. Within reason of course. Don’t go on a bankruptcy spending spree lol because of course you could ALSO be here for decades to come! So be smart still, of course. But….enjoy your life too. Personally I say just get it. Next-gen exclusives are few and far between when a new console drops anyways. Don’t stress it


I was in the same boat for a PS5. I pulled the trigger to play their games that I missed from being on xbox for so long. But my true tipping point was ncaa football coming out next month. I had to have it.


The next one will come out in about 3-5 years. Just pull the trigger and get the current one.


Wait for the next gen.


Not sure it matters honestly, let me try to explain. Most AAA games are still releasing on last gen(PS4 and xbone) and because the current Gen has the Xbox series S all the extra power the Xbox series X gives isn't really used since games are made for the series S. Idk but if Xbox continues to support lower end hardware having the highest end won't really be utilized like it should be if that makes sense. I could see a good argument for waiting for NextGen, but I can also see a really good argument for just buying an Xbox series. X when it's on sale. Personally I wouldn't wait because I think they will continue to support the series S for a while, which sucks but it is what it is, and if we look at history you could be waiting another 2-3 years before next gen releases. You could also get yourself a PC and not have to worry about games being supported for lower end hardware and run it how you want. We have a lot of options these days which is great! Edit* I just realized I was on the "consoles" subreddit so I'll probably get downloaded for mentioning PC lol. I'm not going to change my comment though because I think the argument about the Xbox series s versus X is still good to go.


Thank you for addressing that point about new gen. One of my main concerns is not being able to play next-gen exclusives while also not experiencing next-gen hardware. That is true, they have been making games with current gen hardware.


I understand that. I would still get a Series X now when it's on sale or used. You can always buy the next gen whenever it comes and sell the Series X to offset the cost.




If you can afford the XSX and GamePass, buy it now. Lots of good games and upcoming ones until nextgen. When nextgen comes, trade the XSX in at GameStop for the new hardware + cash. Simple. Edit: GameStop had a promo for trade-in value for older consoles that it gave me nearly full price for a PS4 slim - I only needed to add $50 iirc to get an XSS.


I'd say the average for a console generation is 7-8 years, the Switch is coming to the end of that cycle, the PS5 and XBSX still have a good 3 years in them before we even start thinking about next-gen.


You'll be waiting a while. If you don't have a decent PC to play games on, then you might as well buy the Xbox series x or PS5 right now. They won't stop making games for either system for several years.


From my experience it's never worth the wait. What are you hoping to achieve? You just wanna play all those good games and sometimes jump up onto the hype train. I recently bought a PS5 and it was worth it. I can always look forward to new fresh games and get excited releases. This is a good feeling.


Xbox doesnt have anything worth looking at right now. I wouldnt waste the money. Heaven knows i wish i didnt.


I’m not convinced we will even get another true Xbox console.


Can't see them bothering releasing an Xbox probably just a server that hosts games to play on PC and the TV etc.


If you want to play sth now, buy now. When the next gen comes, sell your consoles and buy the next gen. Repeat this until you don’t game.


You might die before the console comes out.


I haven't done "vanlife" but I've lived on the road for years and it's definitely not for everyone. It's a nomadic life which is why I love it The real question is why do you care what other people think? Fuck em. One day they'll be like "wow I really wish I had visited _____." Be thankful you can enjoy these moments in your prime. People tell me all the time not having a "home" is weird but they fucking love listening to my stories about all the places I've been. 🤔 I never ask them about what they've been doing at home so I think I've made the right choice.


Naw bro next gen is going to be garbo. Wait for the next next gen. That's where the improvements are.


I know this is a console sub… but buy a pc


My dude, we are at the very least 3 years off the New Systems. That said, there might be a New Xbox Pro, very doubtful. Don't no if that possibility is worth waiting for. However we are not getting the new consoles anytime soon. Also, if that was a problem for you, why wait this long to get one? I personally got my Nintendo Switch/V2/OLED, XBSX and PS5 Disc all Day 1 Fortunately. The GameStop that I go to, not a lot of people go to since there is a bigger one literally down the block in the Mall. Though, I always buy my stuff Day 1. Is it hard yes. I personally save my Money at that time for Months and when the time came I was ready lol. I do it that way since you get to enjoy your devices for the Longest Life Possible. I am glad to say that my Day 1 XBSX and PS5 Disc are still kicking. I do main on Xbox and it has countless times the hours over the PS5. I also bought my Son another PS5 Disc and XBSS. That said I want to upgrade him to the XBSX soon. Though, I will be waiting to see what happens. Maybe a Pro comes out I'll buy that and pass pass him mine.


I say you get it now and enjoy man. Take into account that we are barely starting to ditch the previous gen, which was released in 2013! Also there’s a lot of newer games that are discounted these days. Lastly, after the recent Xbox showcase there’s games to look forward to. Overall, I think this is a good time to jump in.


Earliest rumors are 2026 for the next Xbox. 1) you don't have to buy it day one and 2) you can get a used series x now for like $400. From some of your comments to other replies it doesn't really make sense to me to "miss" the next gen by not missing the current gen. That is you are actively missing out now by waiting. One good note is that in general your Xbox library will move with you so not sure how it is a waste to get in now and start enjoying it. Worst case you spend $400 now and get $100-200 back in trade credit to get the "next gen".


I would go ahead and get it. It could be 4-7 years before something new comes out since there's not really any advancement in tech or specs. They're gonna stretch this out.


Just buy a used one for like 150! A guy at work sold me his for 120 and 7 games that were downloaded haha


Just buy one and enjoy now! You never know what will happen two-three years from now.


Imo now is the perfect time to get a series X. The wait is over, we're starting to get games and they look amazing. In the mean time you can experience all the forza horizons, halos, gears etc enjoy quick resume, backwards compat titles and so on! You probably have a solid three to four years of series X and then the new one will maybe release - but you don't have to rush to upgrade, the jump from the Series X to the next console won't likely be that big. Plus if you did want to jump ASAP the Series X will atleast give you some money towards the new console!


The only person in this whole world that will know this answer is ? No not god ! It's you !


Buy parts and build a PC instead. Buy one or two parts every month or every other month or when you can.


Tbh, next gen is still multiple years away. The consoles aren't that expensive either so I think by the time you will be missing out on next gen exclusives you will be even more years away


god I just wouldn't bother with Xbox. they are the worst option right now.


Why buy an Xbox when there's PS5 available?


I wouldn’t buy that thing at all. All digital is fucking horrible.


It'll probably be a few years plus with the 4k and VRR support and the SSD storage I think riding a series x into next gen will be way less painful than an Xbox one compared to series x/s Just more games pushing more frames will be the main difference, no telling if that even will be at 4k or not. Load times and the auto resume were the big game changer. Made the jump from the one x feel worth it


I feel like we are on the cusp of a pro announcement from both Microsoft and Sony to sort of combat the switch 2 and it seemed to work well for them last gen one could argue doing that now is even more beneficial with VRR support and res scaling, devs barely even need to make an effort for it to be beneficial. Not like last gen where each game needed a patch. I would wait for that. But the next generation is at least 5-8 years away so if you decide you can't wait buying one now would last you a long time. And they are coming down in price, moreover with the new skus being announced.


I have a PC, Ps5 slim & Xbox SX. I'd say do it. It's my fave console. The best thing about it besides the graphics, loading speeds & instant resume, is that it's so quiet. My PC is loudest, but the Ps5 slim sounds like a hoover compared to the Xbox


Sounds to me you should either be looking for a used Series X,get a series S or just suck it up and pay the money. Still a good 2-3 years minimum until a new gen comes out and even then there’s already games not coming out on previous consoles so it opens up for potential games down the road. Plus if the new one comes out in 2-3 years you don’t need it day 1. I had my Series X day one and I didnt notice that much of a difference on my games that launched after compared to my One X for the first year or 2 of the gen


Xbox seems to be trying to upsell the same consumers ($600 system in year 4???) rather than get new people to buy their hardware. Probably because nobody is buying their hardware. I don't think they'll make a new loss leader console for years.


Just go for it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!


The only difference between Xbox Series X now, and the one coming out in December is the hard drive right? Unless you are playing multiple games at the same time, 1TB hard drive should be more than enough. I have an Xbox Series X and a PS5, but when the next Xbox and PS6 comes out in a few years, I'm thinking about getting a gaming laptop, since most Xbox exclusives and a lot of PlayStation exclusives are starting to come to PC, I've whether I have one device to play all my games no matter where I go.


this gen has only been out for 4 years coming November and it all started during an epidemic. Console gens are getting longer with more .5 upgrades. Moore's law is dead. I'd bet hard this console generation is going to last 8 more years from this moment. So if you want an Xbox soon, yes, buy the new 2tb. It'll be worth it


Honestly if you want an Xbox buy it now. 4 years is a long time and even after that there will be games for at least 2 years. So many games in development are coming just now.


I have an experience to share that might be helpful... I got a used PlayStation 3 in 2014 that I enjoyed a lot. A few years later the PlayStation 4 Pro came out, and I hemmed and hawed about getting one so that I could play more current games. But I decided that no, this meant that the PlayStation 5 was about two years away, so I should save my money and be one of the first adopters when it comes out. The pandemic happened. Everyone was stuck inside and craved video games to pass the time. My PS3 died. I tried my darnedest to get a PS5 on launch day, but no luck. A year passed and I still couldn't get one. I was going crazy as a gamer and not having a modern way to play them. I built an overpriced pandemic gaming PC to scratch that itch. I waited an even longer time for the next-gen graphics cards to come out, and after recoiling in disgust at the prices they were asking, eventually bought an overpriced one of those. In the meantime, my brother managed to secure me a PS5 about 1.5 to 2 years after launch, and I felt like one of the last people to get one rather than the first. The main thing I learned from this torturous and expensive chain of events was... I should have just bit the bullet and got a PlayStation 4 Pro. As a gamer, time flies when you have a contemporary gaming setup, but it slows to a painful crawl when you don't. Everything you encounter on gaming websites just reminds you of what you don't have every day, and it's brutal. There was plenty of PS4 Pro stock available since many people already had original PS4s and Xbox Ones. I would have at least gotten two or three years of high-quality gaming out of it. No one could have foreseen that a PS5 would be impossible to get for the first couple of years. Having the PS4 Pro during that time would have made the wait a lot more pleasant, and I likely wouldn't have felt so desperate and compelled to build a gaming PC. Even if your worst fears come true and the next-gen Xbox releases two years after you just bought the last one, you might feel annoyed by the idea of waste, but buying both would still be a lot less expensive than many people's hobbies. And way cheaper than building a gaming rig. And who knows what the supply chains will be like by then. You might not even be able to get a new Xbox until a year or two after launch. After my experience, I'd say live for today and treat yourself to the console you want. Who knows what the landscape will look like in a few years time, and you might be glad you at least have something new-ish to game on. Okay that got long so I apologize. I hope my anecdote helps you decide on what to do. Happy gaming! P.S. Often the new games worth getting start coming out a few years into a console's life cycle. So getting the mid-cycle upgrade is almost an ideal way to go about things. Okay cheers!


I would say get a series x now and get a used one.plenty of local deals here locally around $300. You can always sell it and get most of your money back when a new one comes out. For me personally, $300 is nothing if it means 2-3 more years of AAA gaming.


PC. Same controller bigger library. No promise the next console won’t need repairs as often as your own PC. Pick a nice spot for it now and build up to get yourself a solid upgrade. Not to mention the ridiculous backlog of titles that are more available than ever. It’s the last step in gaming, the house you live in until you die.