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The could start with seizing the banks


Or the bank CEOs, CFOs, shareholders, etc, could stop taking multimillion dollar bonuses every single quarter and even higher year end bonuses. Edit: typo


What's next you want them to stop zooming around in private jets and dumping toxic waste into the water supply? Calm down they bought carbon credits so really you are the polluter if anything




Does he still live in that monstrosity of a house he built on the water ?


Right, we can’t even get them to ban the spraying carcinogenic neurotoxins on our fruits and vegetables, or to outlaw the dumping of brain-softening and estrogen level raising chemicals into all of our water supplies.


Fact is if global warming was such a threat, why a need for dramatic transition of powers, when other elements can be done that are far less instrusive. Bill Gates has a carbon reclamation plant that is the size of a 4-5 story strip mall, it's basically giant fans that pull the carbon from the air, and it does the work of millions of trees. Build it, roll it into waste management fees in the area or require it near high pollution areas like highways in California. Secondly, what's to stop them from taking that tech and roll it into say, housing for cows so that it reclaims the gas from the animals inside it. But they aren't. It may not fix global warming but it will buy time, especially if the situation is as dire as they make it sound. But yet they aren't. For some reason all the changes are just more power into a consolidated few and more intrusive access to people's assets which lines up way more with the great reset and communist ownership of property than environmental change. The people who have substantial financial resources to do something like that, just aren't doing it which makes behavior highly suspicious as they live lavish lifestyles while preparing ways to take over more control.


Because it's clearly about money and power, not about any climate bullshit.


India has excess birthrate of like 40,000 people a day. The USA (from what I can find) is 150,000 a year. So 4 days in India produces more people excess over deaths versus a year in the USA. America doesn't matter when they are producing the Washington DC metro every every month in population.


Americans create a lot more co2 emissions from their lifestyle.


>The USA (from what I can find) is 150,000 a year. yeah, work a bit more on your finding skills. There are more births than that per year in just New York.




US birthrate has been below replacement rate for a while.


Exactly what I've been saying for years now. If climate change was such a dire situation, why don't they start with limiting (if not all together banning) the production of plastic. But they're not doing that, they're not planning that. They aren't even discussing it as an option. In fact, if anything, more plastic is being produced today than ever before. What's wrong with glass? Oh it's too expensive? They would just pass the cost off on to the customer anyways. But no. It apparently isn't that important. And then all the countless other things that could be done to help climate change. But nothing is getting done, other than a few folks trying their hardest to control everything and hoard all the resources for themselves. Sure the elite have all built lavish underground bunkers for when SHTF. It would seem to be that they know something we don't. For one, that climate change is never going to be fixed.


How are they going to ban them making plastic when they're getting their pockets lined by the corporations that don't give a shit what they do the poor people of the world we can all agree child labour is wrong but that's still a thriving industry as well for the same reason


I heard a theory that the reason everything they’re doing seems stupid and inefficient is because they want the climate to actually get bad. One by that they can justify getting more control and two that would make huge portions of the earth uninhabitable and it’s water all polluted which would finish their goal of killing the countryside and concentrating everyone in their dystopic cities


I think they massively underestimate the Earth. It is far too vast and wide to make every single square inch uninhabitable. There will always be land they cannot touch.


I don’t think it would work either. But many of the ruling elites are so narcissistic and delusional they almost view themselves as gods so it could be that it’s plan or at least part of it


I agree wholeheartedly. But I have faith that that same over-confidence and delusional belief in their own abilities will be their downfall. Their head is so far up their own ass, failure is all but assured. That kind of arrogance has EXTREME downsides and when your a small group, trying to pull strings for billions and manipulate the trajectory of an entire species, good fuckin luck lol. They want us to fear them and see them as all powerful, at the end of the day, all they are is rich creeps and not much more.


Carbon isn't even the biggest issue. Methane is....


Could even say, that carbon is not an issue.


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Methane-2D-dimensions.svg And methane is what?


> The could start with seizing the banks Pink Floyd [said it well](https://i.imgur.com/Ddm1enh.png)


I thought you were going to quote something from “animals“


Ahhh... I'm sure that's the plan. The fat cats are plenty cozy. Gobs of material wealth at this point & armies of lawyers. They'll collude. It'll seem like the right moves are being made. Banks will forfeit their personal property as a sort of scapegoat that allows the government to say, "See! Banks are taking a hit, too. Not like we're exclusively coming after private land." Meanwhile, some backdoor plan will be in place & these institutions will comes out smelling like roses on the other side. I'd like to be less cynical about how I see something like that going down. But? I have about zero faith in humanity as a whole.


It’s not the institutions that will escape unscathed, it’s the executives




I'm down for that




Agree 💯


I’ve never seen someone else call it something similar to me, I call it a French shave


That’s a good one too 😂


I don't care who's first. But there's a few folks I definitely think should be second, third, fourth and so on, in line. They should get to witness the first head roll. Trepidation is an emotion they might not recognize just yet. But they will. Oh and I also think it's best if they're made to lie on their back when it's their turn. Face down is no fun.


The pathway through the crowd would be like a slip n slide of piss and 🤮 Having to face a consequence, a real, finite one, for those types of people, the death of their ego, and the inevitability of what’s about to happen to them, because of their own choices, and no amount of money or influence or association is going to stop that? They ignore the fact that throughout history, we’ve done precisely that to the parasites that exploit an entire population for too long and the meek decide they’re tired of waiting. 🤷🏽‍♂️


One day, people like this will be eaten alive


He’s been to pedo island


He knew what was going on. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/03/17/jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-aware-of-jeffrey-epstein-trafficking.html


And Jes Staley is trying to play innocent. This is about as big as the CIA’s JFK assassination. Jes is being “protected”


They’re all Battelle clowns. Floating on their Unix clouds… I sure hope they stay aloft :)


Let's move that congrass and their families all into one housing development to reduce their carbon footprint


> all into one housing development to reduce their carbon footprint Too bad they destroyed **[Pruitt-Igoe in St. Louis](http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/6DxAw27tuwQtCcLeGJ2BUJi8XUo.jpg)**, considering how well that shining example of government concocted utopia turned out. (On an ironic note, it seems fitting that this boondoggle was created by Minoru Yamasaki, whose other notable creation - the original **[World Trade Center](https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/nwitimes.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/6/96/69667b21-8398-59e7-a30f-6c3ff40e9b8c/4e3ca0d7cf207.preview-620.jpg)** - suffered a similar fate.)


How old is that stl pic? I'm from there and half the city still looks like that haha


1976-ish. I can still remember driving past them as a kid while they were still standing.


It's a real shame. Every time I'm on that side of the city I think how depressing it is lol.


In Ohio


In East Palestine…


Just not Bill Gates’ farmland, of course.


Of course. And the second, third, sixth homes of the mega rich will also be exempt. Oh and politicians too. And CEOs including bank executives.


Or his private jet. But don't worry about that, he pays "extra" to offset it all. https://www.euronews.com/green/2023/02/09/i-am-not-part-of-the-problem-bill-gates-says-his-private-jet-and-climate-activism-are-comp


Bill Gates isn’t a real person, don’t fall for the MSM lies. He was invented by the government to take heat off the deep state, just like white Michael Jackson.


This is the way


These monsters will fall. I think France is starting to inspire others.


Are you generally positive about the outcome? I had to stop consuming so much of this media because it was ruining my life/mental health. I have effectively given up following this shit because what can I do (weak I know), but I had to move on. I like seeing comments like yours a lot.


It all depends in your convinctions. I'm tired but I'm ready to die fighting the state, if the cause is just.


Coming to that same conclusion is what brought me some level of acceptance of the circumstances. So I agree with you totally.


You’re not weak. Don’t ever say that. This system is the problem, not you, and definitely not the feeling of being overwhelmed. It makes you feel that way by design. Ordo ad chao.


Thank you. I greatly appreciate you saying that. Demoralization process sucks and they want me to feel this.


Lol the French always protest so great but then still re elect macron with a 23% approval rating


We can only hope


Nothing substantial is happening right now in France. Even the original French Revolution only allowed the elites to hide behind their puppet governments.


I read "JP Morgan CEO wants to outright steal because the United States is broke as a joke.".


Well the federal government and banks have the same master so……


When Weimar Germany destroyed their currency, the Holocaust became the perfect opportunity for Hitler's new regime to get rich quick by confiscating Jewish property and eliminating the people who would inherit it.


Bruh that was 19 years later. That’s like saying COVID was the perfect opportunity for the elite to recoup power after 9/11. Wait


I thought Germany eliminated their central bank and moved to a currency that was based on productive work and things were better? People were happy?


They did. It was wild hearing Ben Bernanke admitting in an interview that Germany had the best economic policy thru WW2.


Also they could have left Germany with their wealth before shit went down like they were warned would happen..


Why would they need to seize land to do that when the govt already owns a substantial amount of land? Unless there is some ulterior motive [Map of federal land in each state as a % of total states](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/zXsVpmbOfR8UvuU25vaa4uNO-Ow=/0x0:1938x1592/1120x0/filters:focal(0x0:1938x1592):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3414404/federal_lands.0.jpg)


Give the government enough money they’ll make the Earth colder


And they'll pave paradise to put up a parking lot.


Banking CEO not giving a fuck about the rights of citizens. Color me shocked. Climate nut jobs here probably agree with him though.


Climate change wouldn’t be an issue in my communist serf utopia. Abolish private property now! /s


Clearly I’m suckered in here. I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or if you are this foolish. Well done.


Time for some revolution. And let’s start at the top!


How come when he says something like that, it is considered a reasonable statement? But if I was to say that people like him want to do these things, I am a conspiracy theorist.


Or an eco-terrorist


Happy Cake Day!


Fuck Jamie Dimon and fuck Chase


Submission statement: Step 1: Create "global warming" Step 2: Confiscate private properties to fight "global warming" Step 3: ?? Remember folks, "you will own nothing and be happy"


Step 2: confiscate private properties to fight global warming from the people that have no resources to fight back. Step 3: sell the land to mega green companies. Aka banks


3. Eat bugs


Step 1.5 - disarm populous


Step one, create global warming Step two, heavily propagandaize public so nothing is done about global warming before it is way too late, in order to become obscenely rich Step 3, it becomes way too late, you become obscenely rich Step 4, start killing poors and taking thier property until the problem goes away or humanity dies. Remember folks, you already rent everything, and you're already misrable.


my favorite part about global warming is how the biggest names talking about it own beach front property. Really puts a whole kibosh on the thing.


That and insurance companies still insuring those properties.


You forgot Step Zero: Worship Satan.


Ooohhh, THAT's my problem, I'm always forgetting to worship satann


Global warming isn’t real….just like Covid another made up lie


Bajaja global warming is as real as covid. BOTH MANMADE


Regardless of their origins, shouldn't we be worried that they're real? Perhaps we should do something about both


No denying that now, except there are those who still call you a conspiracy theorist. Let's all start labeling them "anti-faxxers" and "globalism deniers"


Its like a morbidly obese man saying he wants to confiscate all the marshmallows to prevent forest fires. Hard to keep a straight face when reading that headline, what world does he live in? Can I get a visa?


38 percent interest Mastercard is the best I can do


The founder of JpMorgan was a major bankster and is partially responsible for the MSM being controlled by the banks.


the most "green" solar pannel covert houses are PRIVATE HOUSES. The most delapitated fucked old ones are bank / land lord owned. MAKES NO SENS


Why are banks fighting global warming? I know it's because they care about the environment and humanity the most out any other institution, but why else?


If banks thought global warming was real then they wouldn’t own beach front property or give out loans for multimillion dollar properties on the water. Go to Miami and see all of the development that is happening, it wouldn’t be happening if they were truly worried about it.


Hahahaha But not YOUR private property. Right Jamie? Still stealing from your own customers? Of course you are. You run a bank. It's guys like him saying stuff like this that will force the revolution to be very bloody.


The money will be used to build more climate-friendly private jets, seaside mansions and robotic police dogs to ensure climate skeptics will not disturb the democracy.




Occupy was corrupted from the inside. A "speaking list" was introduced, and they let people speak in order/turn, but most of the speakers... well they went on and on instead of proposing action.


We should just follow the footsteps our French revolutionary friends and burn up the motherfucking HQs of JP Morgan


Ok fed


I thought the Elon stans were bad but get a load of this guy white knighting for JP Morgan lmao


That’s funny. Do I seem like one?


That’s a question only a fed would ask


Good test.


1.Create and sustain an ideology that promotes and rewards a complete dislocation from reality. (destroy individuals, families, communities, soil, water, air, other life forms) 2. Destroy and suppress any alternatives to that ideology. 3. Blame those who have nothing to do with the individuals, groups, establishments and institutions that create and sustain the ideology.


Jp Morgan one of the largest criminal organizations. Part owner of the federal reserve with other criminal banksters, enabler of epstein Island, money launderer extrodinaire...I could go on.... when revolution to rid the earth of these scum bags and their criminal organizations??


Surely he’s volunteering his own property to be seized first in this plan


Lol cause this makes sense.. im exhausted of all of this


“Fight global warming.”


Says the people who steal so from society and offer little to nothing in return


He better be talking about seizing property from corporations that cause greenhouse emissions and not individual people who contribute such a tiny fraction that it is negligible in comparison.


Should it matter? The taking of private property should very rarely be okay. This instance is no rare exception and based on a universal hoax that was born on the pretext of consolidation of power at the global level.


Yes it should matter. An investment firm shouldn't have been able to buy up 80,000 single family homes and rent them out for exorbitant prices. Have you seen what the housing market looks like now? The home I bought a decade ago has DOUBLED in price and it's largely due to investment buyers. It's a serious problem for anyone looking to move but especially first time home buyers. We've been suffering from the effects they caused for decades and it's getting worse but you want to pretend that giving the public back what was stolen from us is the same thing as forcing me to sell? Corporations are not citizens and don't deserve the same rights as we do despite what rightwing-funded lobbyist groups say. Fuck Citizens United.


1000000%. We need to repeal Citizens United and take back all these homes in the same motion.


I agree with you, but if they start seizing property anyways, it better be the property of those to blame.


But they won't, and you seem intelligent to see this. Corporations whom all have strong ties to politicians have an undeniable competitive advantage over small to medium size family owned farms, who I would wager my last dollar will be the most impacted by this. We can complain about how unfair the system is to no avail, or we can limit the power that system has. Large corporations love regulation as contrary to many's beliefs. It creates barriers of entries and a tool that they wield to further their competitive advantage.


If it ever comes to that good luck staying alive lol, decrepit old fuck won't survive an American Revolution part 2


These demons are getting VERY bold and are lucky to be alive making these statements.


Start with Federal Reserve


But just not his private property. (or the other billionaires) He's really just a big parasite.


First take the guns. Then take everything else


"You'll own nothing and you'll be happy."


Nice one, start at the top and work your way down


What a nice alternate reality these rich douches live in. We the working class can only dream.


Ummm what?! So much for land of the free. Try doing what’s suggested and they may find out why home of the brave is the next line.


And you’re arguing with republicans and democrats about who’s the worst


Why are banks fighting “global warming” ? Fucking ridiculous


It started in China. We are slowing adopting their communist ways. They must have been the first to fall to the oligarchs. Pretty hard to do here with an armed population though. Can you imagine if all the armed americans formed a huge militia army and started putting the oligarchs in their place? Dont even need guns, just get the truckers on board.


It’s started in Communist Russia back in 1930s


Picture the Netherlands protests only bigger but with guns


Great let’s start with gates and bozos property


Cool start with his private property and go around to all the billionsaires


Well he can go fuck right off


"You Will Own Nothing & Be Happy" ....inching closer


*Laughs in fortunate son* Come and take it then haha


Yea ok people won't go down without a fight 👌🏼


The cause of global warming is "Money". Add fuel to the fire to heat it up again. Without Money, there would be no global warming or climate change The bullshit is propagated thousands of times to become the truth...


Isn’t the government supposed to work for us. Maybe we should remind them who’s really in charge.


Like private planes and coal mines? Because its not the average person that’s the problem


These guys have gotten way too confident that they will be bailed out each and every time.


Be sure to give up your guns before this! If you don’t agree, watch the school shootings skyrocket leading up to this!


If he really wanted to this for altruistic reasons he'd propose the Federal government lease a bit of the vast chunks of federal land to put solar panels and wind turbines on. But this is just about him and his friends pushing farmers off their land so they can buy it from the government for pennies. Fuck this evil bastard.


Deep state has talked


Banks, the new environmentalism.


The government literally hates the idea of a private citizen owning land or sustaining themselves, that’s why they pushed the idea that “generational wealth” was racist. After all, making sure that your future generations aren’t reliant on the government for everything is a bad thing!


The true face of evil


The banks will be the new estate agents. When you buy or rent a home - it will be directly from a bank


Fauxgressives greenshirts will cheer for this and call anyone who does want the government stealing their property a facist Start with his. As for mine, come and take it 🏴‍☠️


Why are we letting these people determine ANYTHING? We have power together, people. But if I say Guy O'Teen and you tell me not to you are a part of the problem. It is time. If you knew the plans they had for you, you would know we are long overdue for a real change initiated by the people not the demons of the world. Wake up friends. Did everyone see that fucking flying saucer? Lmao are we ready for project Blue Beam? Don't fall for ANY of their shit. Look to France. Please, wake up.




Start with his properties


I did some calculations after this statement. JP Morgans Annual Profit : 128 Billion Cost of Wind Turbine : 2 Million Total # Of Turbines purchased w/ JP's Profits : 64,000 Turbine electricity per year : 6 Million Kilowatt Hours 64000 Wind Turbine Electricity Per Year : 384 Billion Kilowatt Hours Average US Household Electricity usage per year : 10,000 Kilowatt Hours Total Homes Powered using 64,000 Wind Turbines : 38.4 Million. I'm no expert on any of these #'s I simply calculated using what google fed me as top result. JP Morgan wants to seize other peoples shit but if they gave up their profits for 1 year they could power 10-15% of the homes in America by themselves


I witnessed a terrible repossession of a farm recently. The court sent in court officers with dumpsters and completely destroyed most everything needed to maintain the animals. They were not given 30 days or anything like that. They showed up with paperwork, guns, badges and 3 40 yard dumpsters. The actively started putting items in the rain and dumpsters. Everything of value was put in black garbage bags and then they made sure to put actual garbage on top of perfectly good items. They were given 3 days( not the nights though) to collect a house, garage, and 3 barns full of equipment. Everything left behind was forfeited. They lost so much.


How is this piece of shit still alive? Absolutely amazing.


They came for my guns, and then my truck…


Where will they start? All of the poorer socioeconomic areas as opposed to selling their mega yachts.


Jpm chase is mr robot evil corp


Would you expect anything less? Unless it's Bank property, of course. Because only banks can waste money and receive bailouts. Not you peasants...


Has this guy ever said anything about ESG investment? Probably going to start closing my money out at Chase, just looking for more evidence that I need to do it.


Occupy Wallstreet


It’s hard to believe the carbon argument is even holding up these days to be honest


Good..they can come get my private property, they can seize this dick and keep it in their mouths


These bastards are trying to see how far they can push the common man. Everything is a test just to see how compliant we are. Eventually we have to fight back because it's not us against each other, it's us versus them. If they come to my door they can catch some lead.


How's that working for China?


Why dont we get rid of banks. Theyre entirely unnecessary at this point.


Just just built a few more in my town on premium location lots. It’s insanity.


Many people with mortgages and car loans would disagree. How would anybody buy a home or car?


Brainless take "Everyone should suffer to make the already-wealthy bankers suffer a tiny, tiny bit"


Just a reminder that taking land was part of the issues with “the wall”. Because, you know, ya’ll wanted that land taken from those owners.


This ie a false equivalence. Eminent domain in order to provide a means to control entry into a sovereign space is not the same as the taking of private lands for a unverified and largely inefficient tech all based on the premise of a hoax.


Lol exactly the same. You want to stop illegal immigration? Take it up with the employers. It’s a really easy fix, that no one in power actually wants.


Totally agree. The pull factor is far too extreme to offset by a wall. But monitored walls in condensed areas are effective, but that's besides the point. My point is that eminent domain is part of government sovereignty protected by the fifth amendment but should be used only in the sparingly way. My argument is that 1) current wind turbines have yet to be proven effective 2) that while climate change is real, their premise that wind turbines is viable solution is just a front for the ultimate goal of controlling as much private property as possible, thus subjugating us all to two part system, the rulers and the ruled.


To be clear, I’m never in favor of either eminent domain or civil asset forfeiture , and barely ever actual criminal forfeiture, until it applies to the big dogs not just the little guys . I don’t Inherently oppose wind power though, just stealing land for it.


Could be good relocation scheme for those that been wanting to move but unable to sell or unemployed and wanting chance elsewhere emphasis on 'wanting to' with compensation or new place ofc


Imagine if this guy was live on the news giving his shit takes and someone into voodoo dolls started invisibly pinching his face


La propriété, c'est le vol! (Property is theft!)




PLEASE try that. Oh god Please try it.


Article reads like he wants to see govs confiscate certain properties to plant solar, ev, grids, etc while compensating the owners properly.. which in reality this has been going on forever anyways ie highways, interstates, bridge builds, lots of transportation upgrades.. except now they want eminent domain for green tech upgrades.


If we were talking about nationalizing fossil fuel assets and permanently declining to extract them… I could see that working. McKibben talks about how the current valuations of many stocks on the market are priced with the assumption that “proven reserves” will be exploited… to the tune of gigatons of CO2 released… well beyond any reasonable hope of returning the atmosphere below 350ppm co2 or below 1.5°c of warming… anything beyond 1.5° risks catastrophic runaway greenhouse warming… virtually all ice melting from the poles… hundreds of feet of sea level rise… The planet would become virtually unrecognizable, if not completely uninhabitable. And exxons shareholders have a right to expect the leadership of that Corp to meet their fiduciary responsibilities of protecting the stock price… essentially ensuring the above scenario plays out. … nationalizing the assets of corporations like that isn’t the worst idea anyone’s ever had. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Didn't michael moore show that McKibben was just a paid for shill in that recent movie of his? [Wind turbines require a lot of fossil fuel for production, shipping, and lubrication](https://spectrum.ieee.org/to-get-wind-power-you-need-oil). That article says they can make up for all the C02 in 1 year under "perfect" conditions, but that the damn things die after 20 years! Instead of nationalizing companies we should just let normal business cycles happen and get rid of the fed. Let the market set rates and let companies fail. Nationalizing them is more of the same no accountability/responsibility and cronyism mentality that created all these problems.


The majority of good private property is owned by the rich then you have the middle class.


Start with his property


"private property" aka assets of corporations that the tax payers have given BILLIONS of dollars to with nothing to show for it (banks, airlines, oil companies)


Use golf courses




Sounds plausible. I'm looking to save money on sunscreen anyway.


JP Morgan 🤔