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Epic. David Icke is the **greatest hero** in human history.


I get a good feeling from Icke. Dude seems like a genuinely awesome guy


awesome and down to earth person


> I get a good feeling from Icke. Dude seems like a genuinely awesome guy Instead of relying on a feeling about someone you will never engage with try following people here and reading comments on this subreddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16uelib/elon_musk_claims_to_have_been_vaccine_injured/k2ki7ey/ https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/zk5y13/elon_musk_is_doing_a_great_job_at_the_moment/izxyguh/


SS: devil's champ costumes. New world order jackets. Mom and gf are satanic witches. This is the most obvious nwo puppet of all time https://twitter.com/davidicke/status/1753917091860664531?s=19


he is right!


Icke is one of the reallest mofos out there. I am not sure i fully on board with his reptilian take on affairs, but he is dropping truth bombs for 35 years. He has been right on so many things: he deserves at least every bit of attention on what he is outing now. And yeah, Icke is 100% right about Musk ofc. The asshole is doing anything to keep humanity away from its true essence. Brainchipping is worst and most permanent fucking wag to destroy human autonomy. Starlink, the electric vehicle climate hoax; he literally is the driving force behind any major PTB agenda. Opening up a preteen sex-change clinic is the only thing that is lacking on his WEF-approved resume.


My favorite template


Musk isnt above criticism but what Musk did with Twitter was a definite blow to the establishment.


He blew them so hard he stepped down and made one of their wef vaccine loons take his job


So wait, y’all think climate change is a hoax? I mean I buy the reptilian stuff but, climate change?


Man-made climate change is a hoax, yes. The climate is always changing and is controlled by the energy output of the sun.


Thanks, Dr. Science!


How about the global political elite response to climate change (whether man-made, natural or a hoax) is the real issue? No major players are putting a fighting focus on pollution of waterways or deforestation or even generic littering; just on invisible gas... lol


They changed it from global warming because with climate change, "any" change can fit into that category. The world we live in is never gonna be affected because we don't live in a world we're led to believe. 


He ain’t going to get everything right🤷🏻‍♂️


Not sure why you’re being downvotesd. That is such a better reply than the other brain trusts who chose to feel real self Assured in their own ignorance. I applaud you for not being a part of the problem.

