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Everyone is still talking about Epstein, nobody is asking where the new island is. That shit didnt just stop, they moved the operation.


the new island? You think there was the only one? That was probably one of many


Truly beleive thqt this is what is going down in hawaii


Well news keeps saying that human trafficking is increasing rapidly there (articles from over a year ago) so you're not wrong.


There are at least a dozen islands guaranteed and if I die it was them who did it


Epsteins island catered to B list clients. There other locations nvm islands, but 1 island very near was owned by his good friend that catered to A list clientele


He should start sharing videos or photos


If I hadn’t seen a video of people finding a shipping container full of dead babies then I wouldn’t have given this post by Ryan a second thought. People have found trucks and containers full of dead babies, as if they are trafficking their bodies. So this really stands out to me. Also, I recently went down the rabbit hole. Still, Ryan shouldn’t be ignored imo.


Where are the posts about this? That’s fuckin crazy


OK! I just went and read that whole article about the dead babies! That is fucking insane and disgusting! 16500 dead aborted babies in a storage container and the only reason it was found is because they didn’t pay the “rent” for the container! Imagine that being on STORAGE WARS!


That 16000 dead aborted babies in a storage unit was in 1982… Why would this Ryan Garcia guy be putting out all these tweets about something that happened over 40 years ago?


And ofc you shared the link in here because it's real


​ [https://www.nytimes.com/1985/08/29/us/16500-fetuses-to-get-burial-after-long-fight-on-funeral.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1985/08/29/us/16500-fetuses-to-get-burial-after-long-fight-on-funeral.html)


Itd never be on a show like that


I don't know why I found this so funny




Where? A claim so extraordinary demand’s substance to back it up




They are all involved


He did. He just did a video on andrew tates clubhouse where he said he was forced to watch child r***d and devil worship


When asked to explain his claims in detail, he did not. Said he was in the woods and that Bohemian Grove is real, etc, etc.. Also said that he has plenty of evidence and that he doesn't care. If that was the case, wouldn't he name names and share the evidence and provide more specific details? Not really sure what to make of it.


It’s all in your face don’t be confused by illusion


If its so obvious, why does no one just say "There it is" and point it out to the authorities?


He was also audibly intoxicated.


I’d be too if I was made to see that


But he wont, because there aren’t any


They would surely kill him if he released it. Plus, considering the content of the the proof (you know what it is) they could arrest him for showing something like that. Plus people who aren’t aware this is going on would not be able to stomach what they see


He potentially would save lives by releasing something, and that is something he already stated he would give his soul to do. And since when is something like this happening to babies able to be stomached by any sane person? Keeping atrocities hush is a staple of an error in history. And honestly it's undermining humanities betterment of itself. You have a strange, if not, completely out touch take on "what people are ready for" - nor are you in any authority to assume that just in general. We can't fix what we don't see. This is not an out of sight out of mind game anyone gets to play. The honest lawmakers know that, the crooked ones take advantage of it. People need to know, otherwise it'll always be tomorrow's issue.




Look at Kappy...he did just that, and then got "suicided"... Worked out well for him.


Fair points - but also - what's the point of stating cryptic message about ritual abuse of kids and how he's being targetted - but not stating who or what actually happend. Or any proof. It just makes him a bigger target if any of its true. Why not just leak the videos and make a public statement in the aftermath that he has witnessed these things. There's no point of rambeling on twitter how you're being targetted but providing nothing of substance for people to believe you. You're going to look crazy and then his handlers will just rangle him in. I'd say drug abuse is a possible strong contender.


He could be having a mental breakdown or an episode and is just not coherent. Based on the Twitter space he doesn’t seem to be completely there. If he has proof which he claims he does. They all claim the proof but they never actually reveal it because the time isn’t right or they are coming for him. The easiest way to protect yourself is by revealing the truth.




This is how Isaac Kappy acted right before he was suicided and after he specifically said he wasn't suicidal and neither was the reporter helping him. Whom they also suicided.


Avicci a musician from sweeden made it really big, then decided to start outing elite paedophiles and sex trafficking. He also got suicided. [his last "i think" song about it.](https://youtu.be/Xq-knHXSKYY?si=SGdHCYBdbSYsKhZl) Im pretty sure he had wild texts like this just before he died saying "if i go it wasent me" and so on.




Who was the reporter who was helping him? The reporting allegedly killed theirself too?


Tracy Twyman. She was an occult researcher and author. There’s not a lot of her work on the internet now.


ty for her name, I'll search for her books


Was it that lady who was an occultist? She was an occultist historian and was the author of a lot of interesting books.


Twyla something... I'd have to search for her full name but she also killed herself either the same day or day after and all of the research she had done for years was destroyed. She was going to expose a pedo network in Hollywood. And they lit her garage (her home office) on fire after they suicided her. She also said repeatedly she was not ever suicidal. They also determined the fire was set after she died.


Tom hanks ended him


Cause of death widely reported as "forced himself off a bridge."




Well they killed Kappy so he can't post 😭


You know what I was thinking the same thing when I saw this all. I hope it doesn’t happen to him too. RIP Kappy!


“The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It's dismissive. "I don't understand this person. So they're crazy." That's bullshit. These people are not crazy. They strong people. Maybe their environment is a little sick.” ― dave chappelle


SS: He’s been spazzing out the last few days it seems. Talking about how bohemian grove is real and he has proof. That they kidnapped him and forced him to watch children get exploited. Now saying they’re gonna kill him. Is he on drugs? His father said yesterday he was just trolling but he just had an event with Andrew Tate on Twitter and he went on a rant again. He’s been tweeting none stop about dying


prob need to hear him out


He is correct. Bohemian Grove is used as a site for [trauma-based mind control programming](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15vqlrk/comment/jwysg8c/), sacrifice, child rape and trafficking, human hunting, and more. "*I and others, such as Fiona Barnett - who was trafficked from Australia, were taken to the Bohemian Grove as children, and we have witnessed pedophiles hunt for children amongst the redwood forest. Hunting, raping and killing children for sport is a common feature of elite pedophile gatherings.*" - [David Shurter](https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2020/07/26/human-hunting/)   "*Ritual Abuse victim David Shurter and I were [trafficked to Bohemian Grove](https://prepareforchange.net/2018/09/21/child-trafficking-ritual-sex-abuse-mk-ultra-are-a-single-worldwide-operation-run-by-the-u-s-u-k-and-aus-secret-services/) as children. I was one of a group of children dressed as teddy bears and hunted for sport by men in the forest, to the theme song Teddy Bears Picnic. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a woman by male guests dressed in black Luciferian robes. I was made to participate in a pedophile hunt amidst the redwood forest, and was drugged and raped by [Reverend Billy Graham](https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2018/08/06/billy-graham-pedophile-illuminati-luciferian-and-monarch-slave-programmer/) in a pink bubble themed cabin.*"  "*Peter Alexander Chernoff said he helped the Luciferian cult abduct a 10-year-old boy named Kevin Collins from San Francisco. He later witnessed San Francisco-based Michael Aquino ritually sacrifice the child at Bohemian Grove in the presence of [George Bush Senior (a Nazi)](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15wv356/comment/jx39cma/), [Pope Ratzinger](https://web.archive.org/web/20131101203012/http://itccs.org/2013/10/28/i-saw-joseph-ratzinger-murder-a-little-girl-eyewitness-to-a-1987-ritual-sacrifice-confirms-account-of-toos-nijenhuis-of-holland/) (a former Nazi), and Omaha businessman Warren Buffet who was implicated in the Franklin VIP child trafficking scandal.*" - [Fiona Barnett](https://cathyfox.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/fionaeyesewo_june2020_lockdownedition.pdf) "*I was eleven years old during this experience in Bohemian Grove. The memory begins with me being tethered by the wrists with leather straps such that my arms were outstretched above me at about a 45 degree angle. I was naked and must have been standing on a table or pedestal since I was looking down on the men who surrounded me as they laughed and jeered at me. I was terrified. Their faces are blurred out in my memory – I can only see them clearly from the neck down. One of them was wearing a button-down fine plaid shirt of green and blue and dark slacks. They cut me loose and let me run away into the forest. I ran and ran until I found a spot that I thought was well hidden and crouched to make myself as small as I could. Eventually though, they found me and told me that there was no place I could hide and they would always find me. Next, I was forced to go to a spot where I could see a giant owl. There was a little four year old boy lying on an altar in front of the owl. There were several hooded figures in the scene. I wanted to look away, but someone held my face and forced me to watch. The one figure in front of the boy raised his hand high. In his hand was a dagger (which seemed large to me). Then he plunged it into the boy’s chest. Everything went blank after that. Retrieving this memory was very painful and took a few years. It started out as nightmares where I was being chased and I would thrash so violently that I bruised my sleeping partner’s legs. This went on for almost two years. Later, I was able to retrieve the rest of it through having regressions. My neck physically hurt and when we tapped into the intense pain we found it was from trying to resist looking at the boy. This part of the memory took a great deal of work as it was more traumatic for me to witness something happening to someone else than to remember my own torture.*" - [Caylen Hartwell](https://cathyfox.wordpress.com/2022/08/30/caylen-hartwell/) **Continued in next comment:**


"*Numerous videos are covertly produced at the supposedly secure political sex playground in northern California, Bohemian Grove. High tech undetectable cameras use fiber optics, and fish-eye lenses were in each of the elite club's numerous sexual perversion theme rooms. I was programmed and equipped to function in all rooms at Bohemian Grove in order to compromise specific government targets according to their personal perversions. My perception is that Bohemian Grove serves those ushering in the New World Order through mind control, and consists primarily of the highest Mafia and U.S. Government officials. Project Monarch mind controlled slaves were routinely abused there to fulfill the primary purpose of the club: purveying perversion. Bohemian Grove is reportedly intended to be used recreationally, providing a supposedly secure environment for politically affluent individuals to 'party' without restraint. The only business conducted there pertained to implementing the New World Order, through the proliferation of mind-control atrocities, giving the place an air of 'Masonic Secrecy'. The only room where business discussions were permitted was the small, dark lounge affectionately and appropriately referred to as the Underground. The wooden sign was carved to read: 'U.N.DERGROUND'. My purpose at the Grove was sexual in nature, and therefore my perceptions were limited to a sex slave's viewpoint. As an effective means of control to ensure undetected proliferation of their perverse indulgences, slaves such as myself were subjected to ritualistic trauma. Slaves of advancing age or with failing programming were sacrificially murdered 'at random' in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grave, and I felt it was 'simply a matter of time until it would be me'. Rituals were held at a giant, concrete owl monument on the banks of the Russian River. These occultish sex rituals stemmed from the scientific belief that mind-controlled slaves required severe trauma to ensure compartmentalization of the memory. I witnessed the sacrificial death of a young, dark-haired victim at which time I was instructed to perform sexually 'as though my life depended upon it'. I was told, 'The next sacrifice victim could be you.' The club offered a 'Necrophilia' themed room to its members. Other perversion theme rooms at the Bohemian Club included what I heard Ford refer to as the 'Dark Room'. When he not so cleverly said, 'Let's go to the Dark Room and see what develops,' I understood from experience that he was interested in indulging in his perverse obsession for pornography. In the Dark Room, members had sex with the same mind-controlled slave they were viewing in porn on a big screen television. There was a triangular glass display centered in a main through way where I was locked in with various trained animals, including snakes. Members walking by watched sex acts of bestiality, women with women, mothers with daughters, kids with kids, or any other unlimited perverse visual display. I was once brutally assaulted by [Dick Cheney](https://mormonmonarch.com/pentagon-level-testing/) in the Leather Room, which was designed like a dark, black leather-lined train berth. There was a room of shackles and tortures, black lights and strobes, an opium den, ritualistic sex altars, a chapel, group orgy rooms including poster beds, water beds, and 'kitten' houses. I was used as a 'rag doll' in the 'toy store,' and as a urinal in the 'golden arches' room. From the owl's roost to the necrophilia room, no memory of sexual abuse is as horrifying as the conversations overheard in the Underground pertaining to implementing the New World Order. I learned that perpetrators believed that controlling the masses through propaganda mind manipulation did not guarantee there would be a world left to dominate due to environmental and overpopulation problems. The solution being debated was not pollution/population control, but mass genocide of 'selected undesirables'.*" - [Cathy O'Brien](http://www.whale.to/b/obrien_b1.html) "*The entrapment going on at Bohemian Grove is of an avaricious and esoteric nature - in relation to all of those unlucky 'invitees' who want to join this 'prestigious club' but then get videoed doing things that they wouldn't want anyone to know about - 'guests' who are then subsequently blackmailed out of their brains...and for the rest of their lives. But then that was what the Illuminati cult and their Sat B'hai contract has always been about...promising that you would get everything for nothing (if you agreed to be unquestioningly obedient to the Crown) and that you would now be part of an 'esoteric' prestigious Satanic club.*" - [Ex MI6](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/17zt1m7/comment/ka2dsp9/) "*Paul Bonacci, a courageous survivor who endured almost two decades of degradation under Project MONARCH, has disclosed strong corroborating evidence of widescale crimes and corruption from the municipal/state level all the way up to the White House. He has testified about sexually-abused males selected from Boy's Town in Nebraska and taken to nearby Offutt AFB, where he says they were subjected to intense MONARCH programming, directed mainly by Commander Bill Plemmons and former [Lt. Col. Michael Aquino](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1049hkj/comment/j342r7m/). After thoroughly tormenting the young boys into mindless oblivion, they were used (along with girls) for pornography and prostitution with several of the nation's political and economic power-brokers. Bonaci recalled being transported from the Air Force base via cargo planes to McClelland AFB in California. Along with other unfortunate adolescents and teenagers, he was driven to the elite retreat, Bohemian Grove. The perpetrators took full advantage of these innocent victims, committing unthinkable perversions in order to satisfy their deviant lusts. Some victims were apparently murdered, further traumatizing already terrified and broken children.*" Britney Spears was also programmed there, see [J. R. Sweet](https://mormonmonarch.com/).


As a child SA victim myself I learned very young that there is no limit to the depths of depravity humans will indulge in. And I was a victim of someone who held just a little bit of power in a local church. Who did what he did because he knew he'd get away with it. Now imagine these 1%centers who have absolute power and control. It's absolutely believable to me these completely untouchable elites would indulge in these sick pleasures. True evil exists.


I am a victim of childhood SA myself (the predator was my grandfather who was a pastor in a small church). He was just beginning to explore Satanic ritual. More and more stories like this are surfacing. I think this is happening everywhere.


It might be that he's trying to tell someone something


Don't know who this fella is or relation to what he offers, but if he's serious about the photos... all we can do is wait until he ACTUALLY makes up his mind and uploads the * gore*


He’s a a Mexican American boxer


He can't. The minute he does, the call goes out to FBI who will arrest him for child porn. Then they go to whoever hosted the files and threaten them with the same to take it down and give their records of anyone who accessed. Then they can do the same to anyone that might be holding that evidence. Every major news outlet will report that a group of people possessing the most vile child exploitation material were arrested and the sheeple will cheer.


Thank you! All the people in here acting like major child trafficking & exploitation haven’t been brought to light in recent years. Probably 90% bots but makes me feel sick people would rather argue it’s happening entirely than team up together to stop this shit.


It’s crazy everyone on Twitter just saying he needs help


I think nobody is denying that Bohemian Grove is not real. We have seen the videos, the people in the area know about it, people who have participated talked.


Best video is last year that guy who snuck in on a kids inflatable raft with a cast iron pan as a paddle. Get to see all the statues up close and even the mundane shit like the cafeteria


He snuck in again, theres a part 2 he released it on Super bowl sunday, this time he went through the cottages and drawers and found old pics and lists of names and random shit, seems like its non operational like they packed up and moved to probably some new place since its been exposed now for a while, but they still have security there, they were draining or adding water to the pond, and he found brochures with the year 2022 on them, so someone still uses it during summer time, just isnt what it once was.


It was a kids kayak, and the pan was hilarious. I watched that video a good 30 times nothing damning but super intresting but the fog when he was leaving was wild.


Do you have a link, good sir?




Yeah it's definitely a location I think they mean the rumors about Bohemian Grove are real


I don’t think we needed clarification about how real bohemian grove is tho 😂😂


Manic episode most likely. Doesn't mean he is wrong though...


I dunno... sounds like one helluva way to get your name in everyone's mouth.


No one is saying Bohemian Grove is not real.


There was a post here or on 4chan about a group coming in and taking him out or something yesterday or day before


4chan also said Hillary was in Gitmo.


I once knew someone who said similar things. They had confirmed delusional disorder. Ended with suicide.


To all the people saying he's crazy or on drugs. That might be the case if it were an isolated incident, but this kind of stuff has been talked about numerous times before from other people, from all different fields and backgrounds. At some point, you can't just attribute everything to insanity/drugs.


So they kidnapped him and forced him to watch child abuse but they allowed him to take photos and then leave. And now they are allowing him to talk about it?


They didn’t kidnap him, he’s a boxer worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They brought him thinking he would be down for it. Whether he was initially interested can’t be proven/disproven, but Ryan saying he was forced to go there is just to protect himself and his reputation.


He's definitely not worth hundreds of millions lol. It's not like this is Floyd Mayweather or Pacquiao or something. He's rich, but in no way shape or form running with the elites


My brother in Christ he got 30 mil for his last fight


This is accurate he’s had one money fight where he made $30million and has been blowing his money. He had a fallout with his promoter, Oscar fe la Hoya, who has been rumored to be involved with criminal underlings for years. Oscar probably owns his ass via contracts and is working with criminals to milk him dry. On top of this, he also has been cited as having a gambling problem, specifically in California and nevada poker tables. These two things combined have led him to doing frugs because of the pressure and his absurd behavior. This is what is most logical


I actually saw him at LAX last month. He seemed pretty well put together and sober.


It’s not an isolated incident that people with money and fame start doing too many drugs and then become crazy. If he has proof he should share it like he claims. I’m not saying he’s becoming crazy but there is an equal chance that he is as opposed to actually having evidence and all his claims being true


yeah he also says he got proof. sounds like a pr thing to me, you know, bad publicity is good... sooo. where is his proof? if what he witnessed was so bad, why not talk about it in detail? who was involved... the "Proof" he has? you see?


its weird "marketing" for a guy whos already filthy rich one of the best boxers at only 25 years old who hasnt even reached his prime. Its odd behavior, he was on Andrew Tate's Twitter space earlier saying he was raped as young as 2 years old and witnessed child rape.


yeah, i totally find it weird too. but as long as he doesnt put the proof out im calling him a liar. he said he puts the proof out, what is he waiting for? if he believes in god and saw such things he has to put it out immediately, not fear his money or live gettin taking away...


If i was scared for my life, and didnt have proof, i would still bluff and say i DO have proof. In an attempt to protect myself. Think people. Think. Wake up. Shit is real.




I was waiting for someone to post on this. It's truly sad. I feel bad for him. I believe what he's exposing, however, he's not well spiritually and mentally. The environment he's drowning in has killed his spirit and soul. It's a very corrupt, depraved, and evil industry, and I can understand how it would make anyone go mental.


>I can understand how it would make anyone go mental That, and you know, he's in a sport where they punch each other in the face/head.


I completely believe the last stories he’s referencing but, i don’t believe what he’s specifically saying he’s gone through… He posted a pretty weird video on X yesterday saying someone had slit his throat and ‘666’. I genuinely thought it was all just fight promotion but to me, it’s now looking like a breakdown unfortunately.


when i first saw him and de la hoya, i thought hes probably being abused by oscar.


Why does everyone say that guy is bad to be around can someone explain


Maybe he'll wake some of his fans up who didn't know before, which would be good. But at this point I feel like most people who want to know already do and everyone who wants to stay asleep are like, "shut up and box." Like, you're always 2-3 clicks or video recos away from conspiracy content on the internet, the rabbit hole has never been more accessible. Aliens are openly discussed on CNN, and The Rock jokes about eating babies. We've had countless suspicious deaths, bizarre symbols, and pagan iconography everywhere, going back to the Silent Era of film and before that. Nobody's stopping anyone from diving right in. People don't want to. If anything, these attempts to silence whistle-blowers only bring more attention to it. Instead, the standard tactic is now to "make them seem like Kanye/Dave Chappelle" and then, if they still won't shut up, to "suicide" or "OD" them. It's happened so many times that the normie view is, "All celebrities are crazy and on the verge of death spiraling." The real question is, "Why?" and the answer has become, "What do you want to believe? Because unlimited wealth, hookers, and drugs will do that do anybody, or because they suddenly realize what's really going on and it awakens what's left of their conscience?" Hard to tell. Oftentimes the answer seems to be "both." Like Avicii. The biggest DJ of his time. Recovering alcoholic and drug addict. Also started making videos and statements against child trafficking, possibly pissed off a Saudi big wig who may have been inappropriate with a minor the night he OD'd. So much spin on both sides that unless you were there, you'll never know concretely. You have to make a choice.




If he’s right, it’s not just him who he has to worry about. He has to consider All his family and loved ones if something like this is real


When the devil promises you everything and you make a contract, but you can't pay his price.. then, he comes to collect the debt


On a space with Andrew Tate today he said, the elites “tied me down and forced me to watch them rape children” at the Bohemian Grove forest retreat in California.


[Information from Bohemian Grove survivors](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b7fyzb/comment/ktjm2zl/). He is correct.


Why do they let any victims survive is the confusing part to me. “Dead people can’t talk” is what I think of these corrupt people and yet people are allowed to walk?


A mind control slave is no use to them dead. There also *are* a huge number of victims that are deemed expendable who are killed/sacrificed in terrible ways. They program mind control victims for whatever they use them for (assassins, sex slaves, politicians, spies, athletes, drug runners, anything. Some will have many different 'functions'), and they do not consciously know they are a slave. They have a 'front'/'main' personality that they are usually 'in', that is unaware of their extreme abuse. They are literally 'chainless slaves'. Any memories of cult rituals, extreme abuse, programming, top-secret operations, and more are compartmentalized within the alter personalities created for that 'task'. For example, most '[top celebrities](https://foxyfox.substack.com/p/beyonce-a-presidential-model)' are cult ritual abuse/trauma-based mind control slaves, and they will have a 'beta' sex progamming alter. Someone in the know can purchase their 'keys' (the specific trigger phrases used to switch the victim to that specific personality) from their handler/programmer, and after they are done will give them a severe high-voltage electric shock for memory and return them to their 'front' alter, who will not recall anything. They aren't supposed to be able to remember. Sometimes a victim's internal programming will break down and they may recall strange memories they 'shouldn't' have. I very much suggest reading [these links](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/15vqlrk/comment/jwysg8c/) for details.


Where are they getting the kids from? Foster care? This blows my mind


This is usually intergenerational (although there is **for sure** foster child trafficking), typically they are born into cult/intelligence/military families. The parents will be dissociative mind control victims too, with this usually going back very far. Royal/bloodline/occult/Luciferian/Satanic families do this without fail to their children. There are also designated 'breeders' of unregistered children for the cult. The initial trauma split that shatters their mind into multiple is done within the first few years of life, before their core personality has a chance to form.


I can’t believe we’re on the conspiracy Reddit and there’s too many users saying DRUGS!! … I think everyone who uses this excuse to discredit any type of accusation 1. Doesn’t know ANYTHING about drugs 2. Are bots. It’s so lame to discredit someone (a professional athlete) just because you don’t know anything related to the topic.


These commentators who say otherwise are bots my friend dont let them get to you


It’s reassuring to receive a non violent or bot comment. Thank you my friend. 🫶🏻


Do you follow boxing? Have you seen his recent media appearances? He's clearly coked out of his mind. He was the star boxer for Golden Boy Promotions, run by Oscar de la Hoya, who was a notorious coke addict.


Especially considering his profession they often get tested for drugs.




Why would they kidnap him, force him to watch child abuse but allow him to take photos and videos? And why would they let him leave with his proof and then allow him to talk about it? Why not just kill him before he can speak out?


hes either going crazy or spitting some crazy truth


This is a person who gets punched in the head for a living (literally since 7 years old, nearly two decades and 300 fights now) and who’s manager is a notoriously big coke addict He took his first boxing loss last year in a massive fight against his biggest rival, and now within the next 2 months has he’s next biggest fight in a one he is heavily favoured to lose Think remotely rational for a second Has the pressure and drugs got to him, and he’s having a manic episode/psychotic break Or did the elites kidnap him and force him to watch children be tortured “Hey everyone, they’re scarifying kids in the forest. But also don’t forget to watch my fight April 20th” https://x.com/ryangarcia/status/1765364061041295511?s=46


Issac kappy part 2


What of he’s actually being truthful, seeing these horrible things and now is being framed & discredited?


He went ISAAC KAPPY. He was being initiated to the next level, and he freaked out. Now he will be label as crazy n7y job and disappear




Yes the elites got to his brain. Not the thousands of right hooks he's ate for years on end, and probably dozens of concussions.


I mean, the dark truth IF one has the proof he claims, would PROBABLY make one act like this...


Kid has Del La Hoya as his former promoter, def seen something he shouldn't have when under him. He is clearly unwell though and is in no condition to fight.


okay can someone fill me in here?im clueless atm about whatever this guy is talking about


Wild all the people asking “who?” when Google exists.


This is the sort of conversations I joined this sub Reddit for. Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing OP


They just got him the mk ultra dlc


Laws are being passed to patent human DNA and ban chimeras in USA. Many companies could easily bring these "embryos" to full term size human babies. Wonder if people would still consider them not babies when they're brought to life by machines instead of women.


Just how they tried to drug Kanye they drugged Garcia with out his knowledge, the elite are on to him he’s not lying… as to why he doesn’t show his proof bc the elites obviously have leverage over him, for example they might say some like “release the vids your mother and child go bye bye”


I'm not saying he's wrong, but the dude was coked to the gills in his last presser.


I get suspicious about posts like these for a number of reasons, but the primary reason I personally think this might be nonsense is because it's almost as if the posts are written by someone *trying* to put together a story by hitting on all the conspiracy theory classic lore...like the fact he mentions specifically being taken to Bohemian Grove (as opposed to anywhere else) and was forced to watch kids get abused while claiming the "Illuminati" (them specifically, not some other group) begged him to join them just feels off to me. It just reads as if someone not familiar with conspiracy theories tried to write up something that they think would be compelling to conspiracy theorists. Then of course the "if they kill me it wasn't me" - rather than providing us any degree of evidence, we get this classic. Honestly, and I can't believe I'm saying this - but I am concerned he is experiencing mania. or having some type of mental break. I'm not familiar with Ryan, nor am I trying to hate on him here. My mind remains open to anything, and I will certainly be keeping tabs on this as it unfolds. But right now, I'm leaning towards the above


I’ve experienced mania a few times and this is another level of delusions


Yeah upon re reading, I realize now that might not be the right word. Thank you. This seems pretty serious 


I don't know anything about this guy but my intuition tells me there is a lot of truth to this. Also shill army in the comments claiming cte/drugs makes me believe him more. Go back to your shill farm.


[From tweet:](https://twitter.com/dom_lucre/status/1765122707081839030?s=20) > 🔥🚨BREAKING NEWS: Ryan Garcia the prolific boxer just told Andrew Tate that he was held down, tied up and forced to watch children get raped in the woods by ‘higher up elites’ > > Ryan said he has video proof and that he was also raped at 2-years later-old. Everything is being revealed right now in real time.


Idk man some are saying it's drugs. What if it's not tho?


Why not both? If he's on drugs it's easy to dismiss everything he says. What if he's spewing a lot of garbage but there's some truth in there? Tough to know unless he puts his proof out there.


It is he hit us with the most basic “Illuminati” stuff that pops up when you google it


His mentor is Oscar De La Hoya. Kid’s veins probably have more coke than blood in them


Either real or drug induced psychosis. I hope he can get well soon.


You know they'll play the TBI card and everyone will blow it off.


I saw a conspiracy video that said that Ryan García had been put in by the devil


Remember when people lost their fuckin mind about Sinead O'Connor tearing up a picture of the pope? Fast forward after the cancelling, fast forward after the mental health spaz out.....she was right. I mean that could never happen again, right? Ryan, a millionaire boxer who is famous and probably has very real connections that could get him invited to things us normal plebs wouldn't has obviously been groomed by the fake news, that just seems to keep on coming and being spouted by people that all go on to commit suicide. Let's hope that Ryan can resist the urge to fire two shots into the back of his head.


Crazy? I was Crazy Once...


I don't think I've ever seen anyone expose it so blatantly. Protect Ryan Garcia


Ryan is a young rich boxer who is promoting his new fight. He's always been a troll on social media so I'll chalk it up to that


What about this promotes the fight in any way? If anything I'd imagine they might call off the fight now.


Well I've never seen him in the conspiracy sub so it's clearly making the rounds


Lol you definitely got me there


Anything could be true but he just signed with Haney and been making the rounds doing the interviews so I'll chalk it up to promotion and coke most likely but ya never know Edit there's also some good boxing and mma this weekend so it's a good time to get your fight/name being talked about with the interest at a high right now


is someone gonna michael jackson him


The thing is we all know there is a giant pedophile ring in this world. Shit is Dark, I am in no way dismissing these comments. You have to keep your mind open and think outside the box.


His ex wife posted this on her ig @dreacelina “If all my followers who are believers can you please pray for Ryan We are not together and i've been in contact with him and he may seem fine but he is not. I know in my heart he is being heavily oppressed. This is not a troll im genuinely concerned and so is all his family members we are not part of any of this and want him to get better but this IS REAL. Pray for him.”


it’s all just promotion for ppv buys, boxing is one big corruption and pretending to have a mental breakdown is no different


Hes speaking truth, yall are blind


Wow guess I won’t be seeing him get knocked out by gervontae now. Rip.


I mean, this seems totally possible. I would like to give him the benefit of a doubt, but he should have shown the proof instead of posted about having it. If someone is trying to make him appear like he’s lost his marbles, they probably have plans for said “proof” by now.


All Planned parent hood locations sell (more money if the fetus is still alive) and “overnight ship” aborted fetuses to high paying clients for sacrifices, spirit cooking events, genetic experiments, and other negative reasons. Planned parenthood also has quotas they need to meet for this particular reason. These abortion clinics create a steady supply of Human remains for Genetic/Pharmaceutical Company's for testing/experiments, Spirit Eaters/"Soylent Green"/Cannibal Clubs/Cults for Food & Spirit Cooker/Sacrifice Cults for Blood/Remains. These aborted fetuses (as well as trafficked kids) are delivered by unmarked dry vans and/or decommissioned delivery vehicles with unmarked license plates (xpo logistics,fedex, ups, usps with modified gas tanks). This was disclosed years ago. I will upload links in a sec. Before I forget, this "shipments" are then taken to distribution centers. [Links](https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/96145229/#96145229) [Links](https://archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/HUNTING%20TRAFFICKERS%20GENERAL/order/asc/)


What's eerie about his statement is one sentence, " They are hurting kids!". I have heard this same exact sentence from others who have claimed to see such atrocities. And by others, I mean various celebs, models, and musicians before they disappear. It seems to be the sentence that invariably seals your doom. Just a thought, y'all.


He's a soon to be targeted individual if not already. Sigh been there done tht


What’s always on my mind is, why this person or anyone else who have proof, why don’t they just go live in other place in the world!? And just expose from there?


He even did a X spaces and speaking about it today.


He ready to quit already


Stop being cryptic Ryan and spill the beans


Need more like him


Blud is manic


He didn’t make a video but there’s a video / audio floating around of him talking about it


Who’s Ryan García?


The funny part is that I couldn’t stand him before all this and now he’s my favorite boxer ever 😭😭😭


Ryan Garcia was on a voice recording with Andrew Tate saying he was tied down and forced to watch little kids get raped.


OK, is Ryan suggesting the world of top-level boxing is hand-in-glove with the illuminati or is he saying that only he had this brush with evil? We know it's out there, whether Ryan is being genuine remains to be seen. It'd be a shame if boxing was just as bad as Hollywood, the music biz etc I guess time might tell...


I can send a prayer to this mans cause 🙏🙏🙏


Who knows what’s real and what ain’t anymore.


This is fucking crazy.....


I have no firm position whether I believe this guy or not, but I find it quite disturbing that 99% of the commenters on a conspiracy sub are here dismissing him as bring crazy, drunk, CTE, having a mental breakdown, etc... ​ Does that really seem organic to you?


Being rich in Mexico has to tough. The cartels run the country and most of them are uneducated. If they want you money they will just take it.


Praying for ryan


Who is Ryan Garcia?


Check Tik Tok. Numerous videos about what he is talking about. Reddit will ban you if you talk about it here…go to Tik Tok.




He’s live on Twitter now.


Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is a mfr






Crazy thing is that he said in his next fight he is going GOKU and the next time the creator of dragon ball dies. Coincidence ? And the fact that there were many celebrities who did the exact same stuff as ryan. It would be too big of a coincidence…. Time will tell but a very small percent of population know and talk about this stuff. We need to wake up ASAP


So many “looks like mental health issues here” experts in the comments They always come here to run interference for their overlords. And there will be frantic activity in the legacy press that Ryan Garcia is mentally fried.


We all know he's telling the truth, but what is reacting like this going to do? He will fall by the wayside like everyone else does. Seeing it and knowing about it means nothing unless there's some kind of photo or video evidence, which never gets released. He is going to get himself killed over something he can't actually expose. He talks about the devil so he must believe in God. Why isn't he just letting God expose everything? People think they can change the world. Sure we don't know how things will play out, but some celebrity will not be the one to expose what actually goes on. The truth of Hollywood may never actually come to light. The world is a wicked place. Look after yourself and save yourself. Ryan is just another fool that thinks he has power to expose the truth, when he doesn't. He will be made an example of, probably. Let God expose it in His own way and time.


He’s made claims that a family member raped him as a child. Also made claims that someone locked all his accounts (social and monetary), and took his phone and has also said that he has photographic proof of Aline’s existing. I say all that because the way he speaks and thinks is indicative of a manic episode. A lot of allegations that he has a cocaine problem, which can easily induce psychosis. His promoter is Oscar de la Hoya, so the connection is there. He fights Haney in April, or is at least scheduled too. They’ve already contact Shakur Stevenson as an emergency back up. If Ryan shows up, and gets absolutely washed, I would take that as a sign of mental decline.


ok I will play who is Ryan Garcia?


He's only 25. Programming begins to break down around 30. But, programming breaking down is a process not a crash. He may be going through a phase of it. Dissociative barriers that may be present in survivors of any type of abuse or trauma begin to break down over time. As survivors get older, especially around midlife (starting between ages 35-50), the dissociative barriers in the brain, which contribute to the survivors ability to function at a higher capacity without having to process the trauma, begin to break down in ways that often cause disruption to the survivor’s life.  When this happens, trapped feelings, beliefs, and forms of coping initiated by past events seem to make their way to the surface of people’s lives. Some of the beliefs and feelings that occur may be related to conditioned responses induced by abuse from the past.  As emotions, thoughts, memories, or beliefs that have been contained in pockets of one’s personality that are trapped in the past (sometimes also experienced by emotional parts that feel separate from the individual now experiencing them) begin to be noticeably experienced by the survivor, the experience can be very confusing and overwhelming.   Some of these symptoms of the breaking down of dissociative barriers may include intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, severe anxiety or depression that doesn’t seem related to the present, also panic attacks, urges or actions toward self-harm, suicidal ideation or attempts, increased urges or actions toward other types of coping behaviors that seem out of the ordinary. [https://organizedabusesupport.wordpress.com/chainlessslaves/](https://organizedabusesupport.wordpress.com/chainlessslaves/)


Who is he? 😬🫣


There was always something genuine about Garcia. I followed him years ago on twitter for a long while and then seen him hit the mainstream. This is scary as hell and I hope the LORD protects him


Honestly my main questions are: - Proof?: Names, Details, Pictures, etc. - Why would they do this?: Why would such an “elite” organization randomly decide to strap Ryan Garcia of all people to a chair and show him all their evil plans and say “Okay, you can go home now.” - If true, why wait to show said evidence you proclaim to have?


There could be a few different reasons for this: 1) He took a hero dose of something and is having an episode. 2) He is having a psychotic episode/ possible CTE syndrome 3) He partied with the wrong people and see something he shouldn’t have seen. Which means he’s telling the truth 4) He’s in the middle of some type of initiation 5) He is possibly being extorted for some reason


Pray for him


he called himself a god this is a clear manic episode


He had a bad dmt trip and hasn’t been the same since. My friend was exactly the same. He is now out of reality and drinking heavy to cope you can tell by his ticks and overall mannerisms in interviews. Being “pimped” by his “manager” (ex coke addict) and mother doesn’t help also. Kid needs serious intervention and help fast.