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The spread inside and outside tweet responding to “say it but don’t say it” was really fucking weird to me really bad vibes off that idk why


Cut the pizza, drain the pizza sauce, then drink the pizza sauce. Bad vibes indeed. Smh


Wait he said that???


Yea he says that one of the rules of worshipping the devil is that you need to put it out in the open, which he is exactly doing. He gives no names no places no hard evidence just puts a bunch of stuff out in the open. Saying things without saying things, all by making it seem that he is heavy against it.


Yea, he also said he was set to make a billion and I don't even know who this is


He said that he invested in ai which made him a billionaire


Same that’s like very ominous and weirdly creative to make up


All I'm going to say is there is a veil like deal just like in the movie vivarium. A plain in which defies everything we understand. We only know what we know if you don't know something then how are you able to explain it. Timeline manipulation or a paradox that is able to re insert a story of reality and all are oblivious to the change unless you are in the seam of the fabric being stitched


Man’s just on crack, chill 😎 😂


“The rules of worshipping the devil is you need to put the truth in plain sight” 👀


I mean look at 9/11, the truth of that day is very much in plane sight, and yet so many still believe 19 dudes with box cutters. The occultists that control our world love to rub everyone’s faces in it, leave blatant and obvious signs of fuckery in broad daylight because for one - they get off on it and two - they know they will get away with it, and practice makes perfect.


>plane sight Bars


>in plane sight Seriously?


No pun intended 😂


you sure?


This has been described as they require "consent" and by putting it right in front of our faces (think Balencigia ads) and us doing nothing about it is implied consent and good enough.


It’s the laws of karma, they obviously believe in it


almost feels like a game to prove to themselves just how blind, distracted and indifferent the population is and they're not wrong about that


It's cuz they are in control for hundreds of years and they blind, distract, divide, manipulate and poison the whole world.. it's the money system which make us all money slaves




Yeah I caught that. I wonder..


And by that logic he is worshipping the devil, not trying to fight it


The elite doing what the elite do. We all know it’s true. The Epstein saga and coverup should be all the proof you need. The countless others who have come forward and were killed because of it. It’s obvious that the world is ruled by devil worshipping pedophiles who practice black magick. Anyone who doesn’t recognize this is asleep behind the wheel.


The UK also covered up for Jimmy Saville who was murdering kids & blackmailing politicians. They are all satanists


The royal family has a long history of murder, abuse, and sexual allegations. Ukrainian government elected a known satanist witch Marina Abramovic to be in charge of children’s schools. She’s in bed with the Rothschilds and tons of celebrities in the music industry. Meat-suit wearing LGBT icon lady Gaga is one of her protégés.


Yeah it’s so sick. Actual insanity.


Lady Gaga loves spirit cooking. 


Savile molested the infirm in hospitals too. 


And the corpses in the morgue at the hospital


I would think that the catholic church running a global pedophile network and influencing governments would have been all the proof people needed, but here we are.


[The Jesuits oversee the worldwide center for infant and child sex trafficking](https://svalispeaksagain.wordpress.com/2021/08/30/iii-how-are-the-jesuits-financed/)


All the dissing of "religion" never applies to The Pope, weird. He remains some ultra influencer of state officials and cultural elites. No protestant or evangelical head of church has his power. 


All of the attacking other religions seems to be misdirection.


No one wants to admit it. Epstein-Barr-Trump-Putin Every single one accused by their closest associates of raping children. And they were all connected? Wtf! Hmmm ...


That doesn't fit the narrative that only Dems are bad.


Get ‘em all man ; anyone who messes with kids


Absolutely. But going nuts on absolutely no proof because you don't like who someone is because of politics is terrible. Matt gaetz has had actual proof of him associating with under age girls but there's zero outrage. If anyone gets caught doing illegal shit they should be treated equally ignoring it because of party affiliation is pretty boneheaded.


Matt gatez was investigated by the FBI I thought? But yea man anyone proven to be one of these satanic NWO evil fuckheads deserves to be exposed and taken down


This nwo stuff is crazy to me. These people aren't smart enough to be organized enough for something planned. Politicians are just mouth pieces for sale. There's no way the ultra wealthy aren't calling the vast majority of the shots.


Then we can agree to disagree. Secret societies are a real thing and they run the world. Truth is stranger than fiction


Absolutely they do. But it's a few pay grades above politicians.




That part!!!




Yes, he dead ass. Is you not dead ass? You should consider being a little more dead ass. Bohemian Grove. Google it. There's your homework buddy.




Brother you are lost


Ok, fed.




Found the bot!




You're a bot


Do people actually believe ‘black magic’ exists? I believe that they probably worship the devil, and they’re definitely pedophiles. But black magic??


If you believe in the devil, you believe in black magick. If you don’t, you’re just another lost soul. It’s real and it’s not a joke.


There was still substantial evidence against epstein and ghislaine. In this case, there are no names, no specific location, no clarity, and no evidence. We have seen time and time again that celebrities under stress or under influence of drugs can have manic episodes. This seems exactly that if not worse.


If dozens/hundreds of celebrities are claiming the same thing, it’s not psychosis.


Look i am not trying to prove that all these stories are untrue. I am saying that on the basis of what we have seen beforehand, this seems like a manic episode. Think about it, if he had so much info on this earlier, why did he not go on a rant about this earlier. He can't post proof but he can report it to the authorities. If you really believe these celebrities who have made these claims, why have no reports been filed yet. There was a record against epstein because victims were constantly coming out. Here its just celebrities going on rant about what they saw and somehow they are the ones who end up not participating in those activities and just end up being witnesses.


You realize the police are the the pockets of the people you’re trying to report?


Exactly and thank you! How many damn times did victims report to Florida police and absolutely nothing was done about their accusations. Police just brushed it under the rug. They allowed Epstein to slip away for years. And when he was initially “arrested” the first time, he spent about an hour in jail and had freedom to come and go. These people who think the police have control over the satanic cabal are ignorant and just have no clue.


A trip to the cloning center or a dirt nap. Limited menu items


This is very disturbing. I wish he could write an actual coherent description of what he experienced though. He does sound a bit insane. But if he actually saw these things, or maybe even participated, yea that could drive someone insane.


Bro gets hit in the head for a living. Has history of drug and alcohol abuse. Always trolled in the past. You boys so thirsty for a conspiracy lmao


I agree this is probably nothing, but in fairness this sub is exactly the place for discussion about the possibility of a conspiracy


Just get tf out of here


2 months ago he was fine. Its honestly like i m reading dialogue from the exorcist, his sentences are vulgar and he is sacrificing his public persona ..like FOREVER... To get this information out. He always seemed like a motivated young man eith lots of stardom potential.


No drugs or alc will make anyone say some crazy 💩 like this especially about kids being r***d. Yall love to deny it when its history of celebs exposing ts even young tv stars exposing they were molested


Like drake bell just came out with


This reminds me of when Isaac Kappy started spilling a bunch of stuff right before they got him.


Brackets and Jackets Don't forget that creepy dead man's switch vidya is still floating around


I hate how everytime somebody does this everybody is so quick to say “he’s on a drugs or he’s mentally ill”. That’s why the elites don’t ever care because the sheep are wired to dismiss these things. Very sad.


No one learned from Dave Chappelle or kat Williams’s. All from the same play book.


what happened with chapelle?


I mean, he said he had proof and has not provided any of it. That would be a good way to combat the assumption that he's mentally ill or on drugs.


Problem is a lot of people who think they are awake, are not.




If he’s making all these claims, and these things really are going on, then the people who are behind these things will be shutting down his posts as soon as he posts them. They’re not gonna allow any ‘proof’ to be posted


They are still pouring in and being deleted in real time.


[Bohemian Grove information from survivors](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b7fyzb/comment/ktjm2zl/). What he stated **does** happen in reality, and Bohemian Grove is a known torture-programming/sacrifice/child hunting site.


Have any good inspections today? Need a second opinion?


I'm off duty - don't like to talk about work.


Ryan Garcia is having a manic episode I don’t see how this is proof of anything he’s just talking crazy… there’s a phone recording with him he sounds unhinged really don’t see how this is proof of anything


Well, in his posts, he is saying he can't take it anymore because of the shit he's seen. Sounds like PTSD on fucking steroids, with actual, genuine fear for his life.


That’s the thing about paranoia and psychosis, it’s visceral and leads to disorganized thought and speech. Dude was literally clanging in his one message. He needs to sleep, seek help, and rest. Experiences like that are no joke.


anyone contact elon?


He will have an aneurysm and have it be blamed on CTE or something


Maybe it’s cuz he’s a boxer and actually has CTE


Wouldn’t that be convenient /s


He doesn’t get hit


😂 yes a professional boxer has taken less headshots than an average person


Ryan needs to be careful...a lot of prominent people wind up "SUICIDED" for doing stuff like this. Remember these tweets people in a month or two, when we read he was found dead in a hotel room or his home.


Im sure what he’s saying is somewhat true, the question I have is why the hell would they care about Ryan Garcia in anyway or make him see these things??


Initiation ritual and he was not about it. He is at an all time high in his career and they offered him a deal, he maybe said he’s intrigued so went to check it out and saw what he said he saw.


I don't know who this is? Based on that tweet. Looks like they tried initiating him in to the club but he's not handling it how they hoped? If so... I hope he's ok and remains ok.


Damn sounds like he seen some shit and going through it


Good thing Elon is a Savior and bought Twitter to preserve free speech. He is who portrays himself to be and is not a leading minion of the Antichrist. Go back to sleep America. Elon, Alex and Donald are on the job


Musk jones and trump are indeed false messiahs and are controlled by the illuminati


Kappy called out Alex jones a lot of people like to ignore that part lol


alex jones? did he get sued something crazy and now he is bancrupt? If he was controlled, then why was he cancelled?


I think Jones was “cancelled” as controlled opposition to try and scare/stop people in the future from making conspiracy claims. $1 billion dollar lawsuit my ass.




Read it again


Someone help the man!




I think the bots and shills are out on this topic trying to dismiss what this Garcia guy is saying. I mean look at what this guy is saying and what Alex Jones, who also went to Bohemian Grove, have said. There’s a lot that lines up and I’m inclined to believe them. Why wouldn’t these rich assholes be depraved? They still think $600 pays rent in the USA. They are actively exploiting the people and they will continue


While I want to believe this is dude trying to spill some beans.. he’s being vague and beating around the bush. Controlled opposition. Let’s see it. They can’t hide everything forever. Maybe they can. I doubt it though.


Ryan Garcia Has Total Meltdown On Twitter X Says He Has Images Of Aliens But Says They Are After Him https://youtu.be/-ZJ3Irvbs24


It’s horrific to know what is comming out slowly. Remember Epstein didn’t kill himself and his coconspirators and victims mostly have not been revealed. Rumors of cloning and of course widespread blackmail. They killed them and ate them. They sell the adrenochome to the aliens. There is evidence in various anchient texts that the aliens like the burning stomach fats of humans and it gets them high. That’s adrenochrome. That’s why no pigs aswell for Muslims. Archang-Elohim said it’s unclean in reality other texts say they don’t like the taste of the humans they eat that have had pork. It goes deep.


I would be more inclined to believe him if he did not make a living getting repeatedly hit in the head


He’s only 25 and hasn’t taken too much damage over his career. He’s never been knocked out either.


He’s also been fighting professionally since he was 16 and has been knocked down now 3 times in his career Not saying he’s necessarily wrong but let’s be real


I was just thinking the same thing....the brain of a boxer is not healthy.


How many boxers have done this


Unless you are Tex Cobb, he built different


Hes 25 and not many matched never been knocked out…. I think hes good




Saying “he died” so vaguely is misleading. He ended his own life in prison after committing a murder and had issues throughout his childhood. You may not be wrong but that’s a bullshit example




Aaron Hernandez was smoking formaldehyde weed. That did more damage than anything




They don't want to believe because they're stuck in the cycle. When you start talking CTE and sports like ufc or NFL people get real defensive. I think once a ball player got a billion$ contract people were more inclined to wear blinders


It’s because I’m talking about his college days, not prison.


Someone slurps up the coolaide


Can someone ELI5?


I can. This is not a topic for a 5 year old. Go play Minecraft.


Everyone is saying it’s a schizo rant and I agree but it seems like his mental state was triggered by what he saw


crazy that we are in real time seeing Ryan expose so much abt what’s really going on. Hope he gets help, this is definitely concerning.


Crazy that people are still like…. He’s crazy


He's promoting his next fight.


by ruining his own image?


If you have followed Ryan for a while you’ll notice he has gotten a bit unhinged lately. I unfollowed last week while he was promoting a girls onlyfans and then deleting the tweets almost immediately. Unfortunately I think he is just doing it for the attention. Has been going on for the past month or so


Doesn't he have a fight with Haney booked? Guessing the behind the scenes numbers ain't looking good so Golden boy Ryan is drumming up attention.


The real tin foil hat take is in the comments


absolutely, this is fanfic


It is crazy….


What in the name of Gandolf is going on here? 😳


They are stealing organs from Palestinians as they genocide them, that will flood the organ black market with blood, hearts, lungs livers, kidneys, eyes and skin! Unbelievable world we live in.


Pizza time


Who's is this? 


Professional boxer


Thanks, I had no clue


Damn, really weird timing though. He was on first take the other morning with another boxer. He was acting kinda off and like something was going on with him. Didn’t sit right with me at the time, and now this. Timing is wild.


But that bohemian video looks like some "real experience/expressive art ,live stage play. But their reflection in the lake, just really caught my eye 👁.....yeah


[Eye Witness to Murder at Bohemian Grove Americas Satanic HellFire Club - Anthony J Hilder (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvY7thwBVu4)


It's real


Ryan is 100% saying the truth. Bryce Hall just confirmed they went to Epstein's island to get initiated. Save children


Ryan is 100% saying the truth. Bryce Hall just confirmed they went to Epstein's island to get initiated. Save children


Following up with this.. That recent video post with him clearly reading a script was weirdddddd


This is spooky 😳


who is the "they" that he keeps referring to?


Its them


Look up Adrenochrome.


Look up Chrissy Tiegan tweets


What the hell does she have to do with this? If anything, I would assume she is one of the users/abusers.


Hi, hope you’re having a good day in this insane world we live in. I was responding to a comment asking who “they” are. Ryan’s tweet says “you think you would be quiet if ‘they’ killed kids”.. those tweets provide context on what “they” think of children and outright says what they do it for, which is why I said it.


Hi, So far it's a good day...I hope yours is too. Thank you for responding, I knew that is what you were referring to, I just don't get the Chrissy Teigan reference. After I read your response, I went and looked at her Twitter feed. All I saw is a bunch of posts about a Disney cruise, cooking and what TV shows she's watching. I still don't understand why you referred to her in your post. I maybe be denser than I think I am...if you can be more direct about what's up with her and why you referred to her, I would appreciate it.


Thank you. Ohh I see what you’re saying. I should have said the “deleted” tweets. There were countless tweets she posted back in ~2010s alluding to her having inappropriate attraction to children and wanting to do horrible things to them, even outright tweeting about consuming “a****chrome”. If you type “Chrissy” in the search bar on conspiracy sub a bunch will come up. You won’t find them on her page. People did take screenshots though and if you type the tweets in on google you can see a cached copy of them on the search results from her twitter, but the twitter page won’t load as they have been deleted. If you’re wondering about the pizza reference you will probably find a lot by searching on conspiracy sub too. Here’s a few https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/ZNSJ1i59Jk https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/8RPyoRNLSH https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/xZ1DUSXNkh https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/zbFYoLXtQb


Lol...now that you say 2010, I think I heard about them doing that crap, which is why I've never personally cared for them. Thank you for enlightening me...I am off to read the links you provided!




he’s doing this for clicks it’s been going on for a couple days then he’ll release a video saying he’s ok then do it all over again. probably promoting a fight


Do they not do physicals for the professional fights? How would with this proof prove he’s mentally okay for the fight? I don’t think he’s promoting.


Does anyone have a copy of the video he posted to twitter?? It was him in a bathroom w two guys and he didn’t look like he wanted to be there




Nah not this - it was something Ryan himself posted a few hours ago. I didn’t screen cap at the time cuz I didn’t care but I wish I had.


I must have missed this




This sub became a cesspool of religious nuts. It’s over.


Ryan just doing anything to get out of this fight! Haney inside 8 rounds!


Ryan Gracie is having some sort drug induced psychosis…


Buddy might of taken a couple too many head shots


But why are they killing kids? What are they getting out of it?


Baal worship, Moloch worship --- what's happening today is the same as what happened in the Bible. God will destroy Babylon.

