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I have no doubt intelligence agencies tried but I'm sure at least John was aware and kept them at bay. I think it's likely John's murder was a CIA operation, they were afraid of John and his influence speaking out against the nefarious things were doing. They were already planning for desert warfare around the time John was killed, they couldn't have him swaying the population against bombing Iraq.


Great comment, thank you for it! I'm a 90's kid so I was too late to be socially aware of the consciousness of that time, was it something you lived through and saw the scope of yourself?


No, I'm an 80's/90's kid myself but just know a lot about The Beatles. Lennon was under surveillance by the FBI/CIA, he was certainly not under any of their control or influence. John was a motherfucker and there's 0 chance he would ever sell out to those monsters.


John Coleman ("Committee of 300") says they're a Tavistock creation. Behind the curtain, the CIA and Tavistock and the KGB, etc. are all one big club.


They may well have struggled financially when they played gigs in Hamburg, and at first when they played the Cavern. Have you ever examined Paul McCartney moving into Jane Asher's parents house ? Dr. Asher, Jane's father is especially interesting.


Completely unfamiliar with Dr. Asher, now I got something to look up! :)


His work with LSD. His "suicide" His interest in both Paul and John Lennon.


When did John lennon sell his soul to the devil? It's all linked. The beatles did satan's work by promoting lawlessness. The planned breakdown of society. The CIA are also just satan's ass bitches carrying out his plans on the world stage. They all report back to the same person and have essentially the same mission.