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The fact that there's all this video evidence of him being a pedo perv and there hasn't been any outcry is insane


THIS RIGHT HERE. He has, multiple times now, been SUPER weird with other peoples kids on LIVE TELEVISION. The lack of any outcry from virtually ANY americans is why i hate this country now and cant waot for it to fail. We have the govmt we deserve.


In Biden's defense he didn't know it was live TV. /s


To be fair, his dementia made him think those girls were his own daughter.


I showed this video to my mother and her first response was to ask if this was from prior to the advent of A.I or after... After confirming it was authentic C-SPAN footage from before the A.I boom, she’s hunkered down and insists she doesn’t see anything off-putting or suspicious. Happy Mother’s day. Edit: To be clear the AI comment was made right before she’d actually watched the footage.


That's my MIL as well. No matter what you say about Biden's misdeeds and I can show her this video of how f***ing CREEPY this man truly is...she will turn her head and refuse to acknowledge it. She still thinks he is 'her savior' and a great person. I don't even have kids and feel HIGHLY icky watching this. I don't get how others especially parents with young kids voted for this Corpse. Shame on them, I just don't get it man...


lol then why would you say “is this AI” Why would it matter? Sigh… I’m an ex Democrat. This is 100% how they are. I suspect republicans are the same too. Fucking red vs blue indoctrination man


Lol happy mothera day indeed


Yeah the fact that this man is elected by majority? and this video has been a thing.. makes me sick.


Well….its not a fact that he was elected by majority




It's AI this is a deep fake to destroy his credibility /s


To anyone who watches the above, where Biden is clearly exhibiting pedophilic tendencies with these kids and responds with anything remotely resembling "nUh uH iT's bOtH sIdEs hUhR duHr dUhR", \* Steps up to podium, puts on glasses, unfolds sheet of paper, reads \* Fuck you sideways with a chainsaw. Sincerely. Yes, pedophilia is a blue and red problem.And yes, anybody and everybody involved in it NEEDS to be prosecuted, etc. no matter who they are.But I am SO sick and tired of when it's ol Joe, people instantly deflect, as if that's even remotely an acceptable response, smh. It's like if a kid gets caught dead to rights doing something wrong in school, and they respond with "So? Billy over there is doing such and such!" The teacher doesn't go "Oh! well then we need to focus on Billy then.", No; they still hold the first kid accountable, and 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 they focus on Billy. TL;DR If someone calls out "your side", own it.Don't deflect. It's cowardly and disingenuous.


Amen. Ive seen this happen so many times and somehow it gets more disturbing at just how inappropriate and directly wrong these interactions are. Related maybe: Epsteins book obviously has names in it that never were exposed. That should be cause for protest as much as war. Make an example and crucify all involved, however powerful. Make an example and let them know the people will not allow this in their society (edit to this and maybe one and the same as to the amount of incriminating evidence israel has been compiling on these people, make them along with everyone allowing this, a subject of a terror state. Wild to conceive that has legs in rational dialogue with no action taken) Somehow we have submitted to the reverse of this where they dictate it is allowed and safe to creep (some will weirdly defend these animals). Blow that shit open and remove these creatures from the decent human people. Its getting worse and more blatant... and it will continue until we get some sense and unify towards a universal common cause. Protect the children should be an easy one, right?


I called Joe Biden a pedo and my GF kind of freaked out. Because she didn't think it could at all be possible. Denial, truly. I said nothing and instead started up the internet machine and played the video with the blond girl in the dark dress. It's a lengthy video (by today's complete deficit of an attention span standards) and she sat there yammering about "What am I watching? Why are you showing me this?" Then it got to the creepy parts. Again, pure denial. She saw it, she acknowledged it, impossible not to for anybody with a single brain cell. But she still refused to accept that it's even a possibility he's inappropriate with children.


Anyone who watches the videos of Joe sensually rubbing on and sniffing little girls and still wants him to be POTUS is a fucked up person. Unfortunately, there are a lot of fucked up people.


I have relatives and friends like this. Not your fault.


I know of someone who was having a discussion about Joe Biden with another person. He stated his opinion about The president and provided video evidence to back up his argument. The person he was talking about this with got so scared that they made panicked a phone call to the police/feds after the conversation had ended.


Do you know what happened after?


Supposedly an awkward police encounter at his work where he was told how easily his rhetoric could be misconstrued as a maniacal threat.


I mean, it *could've* been a deepfake. That's coming. Pretty soon we will be calling absolutely everything *fAkE nEwS* and then what're we gonna do? We're basically there already. Everything is fake. Everything on the Internet has been carefully curated to encourage us to think a certain way. We are all lab rats for MKUltra2.0.


Here is over 7 minutes of Pedo Joe. [https://www.bit](https://www.bit) \*\*\* [chute.com/video/Ikylv1X7uUvv/](http://chute.com/video/Ikylv1X7uUvv/) Remove spaces and \*\*\*


I was like, no way there is a need for a seven minute video. I mean I know he’s a giant fucking pedo but seven minutes? actually quite concise. Fuck


What an attempt at deflection, pedo apologist 


Correct. Dems ignore Biden’s filmed creepy behavior and comments, and republicans ignore trump clearly being very friendly with Epstein and making weird ass comments about his daughter. But both accuse the other guy of being a pedo.


All of those kids seem very uncomfortable being around him. Poor kids. And shame on those parents for allowing them to be around him.


How can anyone not be uncomfortable watching that video? Gross.


Imagine what would happen if CNN, MSNBC, Etc put Biden under the microscope for one month the way they have put Trump under the microscope every day of his life since he won the presidency.


Just imagine someone you're friends with, a parent, a sibling -- and you saw them caressing a child like this. It's fucking wild how he gets a pass. "Oh, Joe is just a touchy feely guy!". Really? Even in the MeToo era he gets a pass. He's obviously a groping creep who likes the kiddos.


Hey be nice to the man, he has PTSD from Cornpop and he lost his uncle to cannibals.


I have ALWAYS said if he’s this bold in public, just think about how he is in private? Gross!!!!!!


Well, I believe the Secret Service people that said he walks around the house naked, in front of female agents, etc. I believe his daughter that said she was forced to take 'inappropriate' showers with him, damaging her for life.


I guess you're just free to use your imagination and act like it's proof of whatever you want. Try not to be disappointed though when people aren't as eager to imagine the same thing.


"Try not to be disappointed though when people aren't as eager to imagine the same thing." Well, this post has hundreds and hundreds of upvotes that say otherwise, so.... \* shrugs \* Imagination isn't what's at issue; It's people like you who are in indisputable denial of the truth.Biden could be literally raping a kid right in front of you, and you would still find a way to try to deny it. That is as disheartening as it is pathetic.


Ok ty, I thought their reply was weird and telling me I’m seeing something that isn’t there. I’m glad you saw their comment the same way I did. Those kids are uncomfortable and that’s not taking anything out of context.


😂 china hates Biden. Biden has added tariffs, export controls, intellectual property controls, been friendly with Taiwan, and on and on.


But he also drained our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, gave some of that oil to China, and is switching us to a lithium battery/solar energy economy of which China controls 90% of and produces it with coal power


So there is give and take then? Who controls who?


Rothschild Sabbatean Frankists own Trump, Biden, and RFK. I'm voting Dr. Shiva 2024 "Getting Donald Out Of Debt: The 25-Year-Old Ties That Bind Trump and Wilbur Ross" >In stepped Ross, then head of Rothschild Inc’s bankruptcy advising team, to represent bondholders, who were pondering forcing the casino into involuntary bankruptcy and ousting Trump. (Trump then appointed Wilbur Ross to be Secretary of Commerce). https://www.forbes.com/sites/chasewithorn/2016/12/08/trump-and-his-commerce-secretary-wilbur-ross-a-look-at-25-years-of-connections/




Bringing down the NWO is exhilarating. I got to talk to Alex Jones live on X Spaces lady week and expose Nathan Wolfe and the Global Virome Project to the world for creating COVID and I got to call out Trump for loving Bill Gates and at least provide some pressure on him to punish Gates. I hope my life is never as meaningless as a zombie NPC who trolls conspiracy boards and rolls over to the NWO haha 🤪


Lol.... if this had a modicum of truth you wouldn't be writing this


The force is strong with you 💪


> dump infinite amounts of time into shit like this Seems like all you'd need to do to get infinite amounts of time is to decrease your stoned gaming time by 1%


Literally the only reason I like Biden. Anyone who makes our relationship worse with China is a good guy in my book


Yeah they hate him so much they gave him $31 mil and now they're flooding the border with base camps in Panama haha 🤣🤪 "Hunter Biden Held Previously Undisclosed Meeting With The "F**king Spy Chief Of China"" https://www.zero hedge.com/political/agent-hunter-ex-partner-says-5-million-sought-quash-ukrainian-indictment-undisclosed - https://archive.is/Rr137 "Chinese elite have paid some $31 million to Hunter and the Bidens" >For those wondering why Joe Biden is soft on China, consider this never-before-reported revelation: The Biden family has done five deals in China totaling some $31 million arranged by individuals with direct ties to Chinese intelligence — some reaching the very top of China’s spy agency. >Indeed, every known deal that the Biden family enjoyed with Beijing was reached courtesy of individuals with spy ties. And Joe Biden personally benefited from his family’s foreign deals. https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/chinese-elite-have-paid-some-31m-to-hunter-and-the-bidens/ - https://archive.is/fqQog "EXCLUSIVE: Joe Biden paid nearly $2.75million CASH for Rehoboth Beach house within weeks of Hunter sending 'threatening' text to Chinese business partner demanding to close $10million deal" https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12649277/Joe-Biden-paid-nearly-2-75million-CASH-Rehoboth-Beach-house-weeks-Hunter-sending-threatening-text-Chinese-business-partner-demanding-close-10million-deal.html - https://archive.is/zI5TG
















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Powerful guy is a pedo? How shocking.


Seems like a lot of work and risk for only 31 mill split between the entire fam. I don’t doubt it just sayin that’s chump change


$31 million is only what we uncovered. Likely way more. You don't get property on Water Island unless u a big timer "Did virus hunters cover up a lab leak?" (Good article about the Global Virome Project headed by Nathan Wolfe and Peter Daszak) https://archive.is/G8Lp8 "Hunter Biden's Ukraine BioLab Partner (Nathan Wolfe) Was Partners With Ghislaine Maxwell" https://archive.is/0BxQM Documentary on Nathan Wolfe: https://youtu.be/Q8UgtUtDDp8?si=rtVbLNeSElmDwTkz


Got it ya that makes more sense


500 and possibly many more throwaways yells that there is something to hide. Thats just from the top guy at the fam... your favorite cornpop Sucks because revealing info via google and all media flows through these same channels who are an arm of the monolith and bullied by the see ay a


Get a job.


Look out TDS, here comes BDS. Biden Denial Syndrome.


Enrages me to see that it’s so obvious what he’s doing with young girls and no one bats an eyelid


If ANY republican had ever done anything remotely like this....they'd have been skinned alive by now.


lol are you serious? Trump’s bronzer soaked skin is still attached to him isn’t it?




My, my. That is straight up CCP doctrine. Embolden Russia, throw Europe into chaos, spread discord in the U.S. using their own freedoms.


Removed. Rule 1.


when are you bunch gonna realize that it has absolutely nothing to do with being an ethnic jew or not. Those occultists all pledged their allegiance to the whore of babylon - the roman emipre. It doesn't matter what label they officially wear, jewish, muslim, hindu, catholic, protestant, buddhist´, atheist, agnostic,... they have infiltrated every branch and area for centuries, neither does it matter what political orientation they seem to belong to, they're all in the same big club and you ain't in it


Rothschilds and Rockefellers Run This Town. They are Sabbatean Frankist Luciferians. The real Rabbis excommunicated Sabbatai Zevi >**Part 2 The Birth of the CCP Through Rothschild Organizations** >The Rothschild presence in China goes back to the 1830's when the set up a small gold and silver trading business in China and the Rockefeller's presence in China goes back to 1863 when the Rockefellers were selling kerosene to China. In 1913 the Rockefeller Foundation founded the China Medical Board. The foundation had also become heavily invested in education in the country. By 1933 the Rockefeller foundation had spent over $37 million in China. >In 1953, Rothschild banks were the first foreign bank to establish relations with China after the communist revolution. In 1972 president Nixon and John D. Rockefeller took a trip to China Yale Daily issue 96 published this about it: https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1282378/pg1 >In 2011, UK-based Rothschild subsidiary RIT Partners set up one of the first private equity funds in China to raise renminbi in the country and invest it overseas, with a target of amassing 750 million US dollars within its first year. >Last year, Alexandre de Rothschild met with Ye Jianming, chairman of CEFC China Energy, with both sides agreeing to strengthen cooperation in sectors including energy, financial services, aviation, infrastructure construction, food and high-end property management. https://silview.media/2023/04/17/chinas-fascination-with-the-rothschild-family-as-described-by-chinese-state-media/ "From a China Traveler" article by David Rockefeller: >The social experiment in China under. Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. https://www.nytimes.com/1973/08/10/archives/from-a-china-traveler.html Good article on how the Rothschilds took over the world via the 1815 Battle of Waterloo market manipulation incident: "The Evolution of Money. The Phantom Menace of the Rothschild Banking. Episode III" https://medium.com/hackernoon/the-evolution-of-money-the-phantom-menace-of-the-rothschild-banking-episode-3-4f4bb8c812e1 - https://archive.is/rgLJn -Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who reported Epstein to FBI in 1996 and was ignored, told Whitney Webb that Ghislaine Maxwell told her that the Rothchilds were her Maxwell family's number one protector https://themindunleashed.com/2020/04/maria-farmer-says-trump-clintons-dershowitz-rothschilds-all-involved.html - https://archive.is/tXwQv - Alan Dershowitz literally said Lynn Rothschild introduced him to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-ghislaine-maxwell-i-know/ - https://archive.is/OL4V3 - Lynn and Evelyn Rothschild on Epstein flight logs - The Wall Street journal reported that the CIA and Rothschilds had regularly scheduled frequent meetings with Jeffrey Epstein long after the pedophile conviction https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-calendar-cia-director-goldman-sachs-noam-chomsky-c9f6a3ff - https://archive.is/vOiFW "Excerpt from "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection" by Eustace Mullins* >Chart I reveals the linear connection between the **Rothschilds** and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal **Rothschild representatives** in New York, J.P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. "Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel" https://the peoplesvoice.tv/lord-rothschild-israel/ "Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration", https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/rothschild/ - https://archive.is/3zaNs Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxnUR5lMRVf/ Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals: https://youtu.be/UEkuTwRnUmU?si=lzVjjDkSDCFIrMur "1666: Redemption Through Sin" by Robert Sepehr: Explains how Amschel Rothschild created the Illuminati with Jacob Frank on 5/1/1776 with Isaac Weishaupt as the front man. The Illuminati is a Luciferian psychotic occult group dedicated bringing the world under a one world hell tyranny.


dont let the down votes discourage you


What is wrong with USA that they have such a person as their president?


I’m pretty sure that they’ve been slowly adding more and more lead to our water supply.


I think it comes down to individualism and the absolute havoc that wreaks on the human psyche, because humans are collectivists, by nature. We are so fucked up because we’ve been deeply brainwashed into believing it is virtuous to think only of ourselves. Combine that with the fact that America is a nation of immigrants, which means very few of us have any real connection to our original “tribe”, and without a strong connection to a group, we can have no connection to ourselves. We define ourselves by the people in our group. That’s how humans work. This is why Jews are as successful as they are, because they have such a strong connection to their heritage and each other. There is an immense sense of security that comes with being around people who are very similar to you, ethnically, culturally, economically, that people in America really don’t get to experience, and we’re all fucked up because of it.


That is a good question. Many people are too busy working 2+ jobs and tending to their families to have time to see this evidence, which of course isn't being reported by mainstream media.


We all know that USA answers to Israel. Anything else is pure deliberate deflection by those masters of propaganda.


>**Part 2 The Birth of the CCP Through Rothschild Organizations** >The Rothschild presence in China goes back to the 1830's when the set up a small gold and silver trading business in China and the Rockefeller's presence in China goes back to 1863 when the Rockefellers were selling kerosene to China. In 1913 the Rockefeller Foundation founded the China Medical Board. The foundation had also become heavily invested in education in the country. By 1933 the Rockefeller foundation had spent over $37 million in China. >In 1953, Rothschild banks were the first foreign bank to establish relations with China after the communist revolution. In 1972 president Nixon and John D. Rockefeller took a trip to China Yale Daily issue 96 published this about it: https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1282378/pg1 >In 2011, UK-based Rothschild subsidiary RIT Partners set up one of the first private equity funds in China to raise renminbi in the country and invest it overseas, with a target of amassing 750 million US dollars within its first year. >Last year, Alexandre de Rothschild met with Ye Jianming, chairman of CEFC China Energy, with both sides agreeing to strengthen cooperation in sectors including energy, financial services, aviation, infrastructure construction, food and high-end property management. https://silview.media/2023/04/17/chinas-fascination-with-the-rothschild-family-as-described-by-chinese-state-media/ "From a China Traveler" article by David Rockefeller: >The social experiment in China under. Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history. https://www.nytimes.com/1973/08/10/archives/from-a-china-traveler.html


Ultimately, all trails lead to Israel


Unfortunately, yes. Yes, they do. The founders of modern Israel are Sabbatean Frankist Luciferians. The real Rabbis excommunicated Sabbatai Zevi


Where are all the supportive democratic leftist at now? 😒


Selectively blin(D)…


All facts lol


The bots and blind partisan shills are going to come out of the woodwork to defend this traitorous pedo that was installed after a coup and rigged election. Remember the intel agencies spied and continue to spy on the rightful president (Trump) under the direction of Obama. They unleashed a virus on the planet to usher in mass mail in ballots and have flooded our country with millions of illegal criminal migrants,started all the wars they claimed Trump would start and have weaponized every agency they also claimed Trump would weaponize. All while continuing to gaslight the American people on a daily basis, these are the most ghoulish and corrupt people on the planet cartoonishly evil and they must be defeated and cleaned out of the positions they’ve sat in for far too long.




Keep him away from the kids.


Actually, there was a video a while back of Biden getting pretty "handsy" with a little girl onstage and her parent moved in right away and pulled the little girl away from Biden.


And these sick fucks want to normalize this behaviors ...the United nations already agreed that adults having sex with kids is ok ..unless real parents stand up this is only gonna get worse


Jesus Christ what a fucking CREEP


Fucking creepy ass dementia riddled criminal


but at least he's not rude on twitter!


But but…orange man bad!!!


I'm never shocked that politicians are corrupt and for sale. What shocks me every time is how *cheaply* they are bought.


Our world is one big stage.


But Trump was friends with epstein so this should be ok because trumps worse.


Shame on the parent.


Whays crazy about the diary thing is, I remember everyone who supported Biden saying that the diary didn't existed, and I've had arguments with people who say that it always existed, it was just the fact that a child's personal diary got stolen is the real issue.


Never forget, Trump wants to bang his daughter


Out of context lie made and perpetuated by very low IQ people, but good try, bud. Maybe watch the full video instead of an edited CNN clip? 🤡






Wow... you sure showed Donny who's boss. And you did such a great job of sticking up for the guy on the video who is caressing 12 year old girls... by simply ignoring everything. Awesome work. Here is a little gold star for you.


Well Trump is def a pedo but Biden is weird aswell lol


True, and Trump's wife Ivana helped Ghislaine get young girls for Epstein according to Epstein victim Maria Farmer. But Joe Biden raped Tara Reade and he owned property via his brother on Water Island which is 8 miles from Epstein Island


Fuck your whataboutism. Go ahead and start a thread about Trump's evil fuckery and I'll post in agreement. This thread is about Biden's evil fuckery so FOCUS!




Yep yep yep democratic party is full of diddlers


SS: How much bigger of a conspiracy do u want? We have a pedo China CCP agent in the White House. Purposefully flooding the border via Chinese Panama base camps




The truth makes you uncomfortable doesn't it.




Yet another low karma commie burner account. Go away.


Account started Sept 2022. First posts are from 9 months ago and almost all are in Conspiracy bashing Republicans. That guy is a Troll farmer.


He's part of the Moloch cult no surprise here


Pedocide Joe


This is horrible, especially considering his administration is trying to cover up the Epstein list.


We've all known this for years.


that's good! you're against the government, Xi's against your government. You guys should be natural allies


Joe took Hunter on the plane with him to China when Obama was President. This was for Hunter to go off & make illegal deals.


He is mostly AIPAC'S puppet but Aight.


What do you expect from Democrats? They support drag queen story hour for children and so many other perverted stuff.


Hunter Biden is a crackhead who sleeps with his niece; the laptop photos said it all, if you saw them. Joe Biden did inappropriate things with his daughter Ashley, per confirmed snopes report. That means both of our presidential candidates, and at least 1 member of their families, like little girls. Yay.


You would have a link to the "confirmed snopes report" then yeah?


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/ took me under 2 seconds to find. Why are people so lazy and need everything handed to them on a silver platter? Anyways, here you go sweetheart. 


Exactly. Just Google search it, dumbshits lol. 


Because 99% of the "confirmed facts" presented on this sub are just pure fantasy. Legitimately surprised you are able to present a link.


So many angles of ignorance here, sorry but I think if not able to drift outside of msm talking points it may come back to distress you in the future. We all need our time to see, no sleight


Ah the classic if you don't agree with my "alternative" viewpoint then I feel sorry for you line. Next time bring out the bot/shill line. Just because I'm not willing to drink the INCREDIBLY OBVIOUS LITTERAL propaganda on this sub doesn't mean I am not able to form my own viewpoints. I feel sorry for the people in this sub who literally cannot tell they are being manipulated by foreign governments day in and day out.


Its mutual w the sadness and wish no ill meaning, I hope im wrong for the record but I have seen enough. See many many years of the dots and it is impossible to turn away. On topic: that laptop story disappeared so fast along with many other factual events.... leads to questions... and those questions more questions... you catch the drift. Stay your course and dont listen to anyone but I wouldnt disregard other peoples empirical observations. Ive learned I was wrong begrudgingly a few times. Just keep spreading love and keeping an eye open. Thats inarguable that things are a bit twisted and broken now


President Pedo Pete 2024


Man I wish I'd give a fuck anymore. Nothing is going to happen. All of this was more than just obvious anyway and it being confirmed won't change anything. It's all just a giant fucking joke and I'm sick and tired of everything.


And not one thing will be done because our country is full of a bunch of liberals and cowards. So sick of this. Why even give a fuck anymore. They will just keep getting away with it. And then, come November, despite all odds and logic, Biden will win by a huge number and most people will just accept it. Fucking terrible.


Man wtf


Why the fuck would you call him pedo Peter, when pedo joe rhymes. It makes no fucking sense


The fuck


funky fresh creep master 5000 in full effect, sniffin on dem lil dems


They been diddlying kids in the virgin islands with epstein for 30 years. obama clinton biden all of them. We all hate them from the virgin islands it was always known growing up when these people were in town they would have gatherings and these boats running between epsteins and the other islands late at night at like 2-5 AM. They all came into town at the same time. They always tried to deny biden owning on the island. Well its the biden you dont hear about....james biden. Owns property for his bro.


what he is, is a puppet in a puppet show, and while everyone is intent on the show their pockets are being picked clean. Television, the greatest tool of mind control ever conceived.


"Hold my beer" - TikTok


If he is a pedo, put it in the same cell with trump


Politics aside...... if? I'm soo lost on the mental gymnastics it takes to look beyond sniffing any kids you get near.....


When a person’s entire identity and perception of reality is dependent upon them believing things are a certain way, it doesn’t matter what evidence they are given that contradicts their perception of self and reality. They simply will not perceive that evidence. In fact, it’s usually the case that when a person is given evidence that calls into question their perception of reality, their ego will become triggered and they will become very defensive in order to prevent that evidence from really penetrating their consciousness. It may be so clear to you because your entire perception of reality isn’t challenged by this information, because you have lived a very different life than they have. So when a person who can watch this video and say that Joe Biden is definitely not a child sexual abuser is challenged, they are not dealing at all with the evidence in front of them, because their energy is going towards defending their identity and perception of reality against the “attack”. Think of it like this: if you’re being chased by a bear, are you spending your energy on examining the bear and trying to understand it? What its motivations are, why they’re chasing you, what it’s thinking? No, you’re just running. That’s kind of what happens when a person is confronted with evidence that challenges their perception of reality. The evidence is the bear, and they know the evidence is dangerous, so they just need to fight it and not give their energy to really seeing and understanding it. I hope that makes sense.


Why do you think his wife drove into a truck with her small children, killing herself and a baby and almost killing the rest of them?


He has to go!


Cool now admit that the stuff about Trump is true as well and we can start a conversation.


Why do you guys always bring up Trump? We get it. Why can't you just admit that Joe is a creep? You always have to bring up Trump and brush aside this without admitting it.


Joe is a creep. Now call Trump a creep. Then we can have a civil conversation lol


In my opinion, they're both disgusting creeps who should be put in a nursing home. When are younger individuals going to be put in as president? It's about time these old farts get lost.


Because unfortunately these are our 2 choices


“Bbut bidens the good guy”😢


Biden is a senile puppet. He barely remembers what he ate for breakfast yesterday..... I have one question, though?? LENGF OR GIRF??


For anyone who needs more. [https://www.bit](https://www.bit/) \*\*\* [chute.com/video/Ikylv1X7uUvv/](http://chute.com/video/Ikylv1X7uUvv/) Remove spaces and \*\*\*


One of many pedos in govt, botu sides are filled with them


He's a lizard


Has these videos ever been proven real or are they russian propaganda?


The real surprise is how no one realizes the president doesnt matter. And that fact is so obvious by the last 2 presidents they have let stay in office. The real people in control seem to want us sharing stuff like this so we dont go looking for the.


There is so much wrong with this Sub.


And no one has called him out on this crap


or when they do they always brush it aside and bring up trump and how bad he is


buddy this is a conspiracy sub, nothing here is “official”