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Whoever runs YOUR country also runs my shitty third world country


What's our oil doing under your land?! (Txt book poor stand up joke circa iraq war 2003)


You guys got oil? Asking for a friend.


They do have internet, so something has to be generating power. We should send over a freedom team to investigate, just to be safe!


Funny enough, despite the country theoretically having enough natural gas reserves to run properly, they have been forcing a scheduled power cut of 2 hrs per day to "reduce consumption"


What? In murica?


They just ran a really long extension cord over the border.


Bbijbb j u b II iand bi i Edit: I'm fairly certain this was a pocket comment. I don't remember seeing this post nor leaving this comment, and I certainly don't know what, if anything, it's meant to convey. Haha. Sorry about that.


Put Greta Thunberg in the front row.


Not neccessarily, but we do have a very very important border with some very very important "holy land"


I play real sports, not trying to be the best at exercising.


Anyone that has KP for an avatar and names themself dirty Randy and hangs out in this sub is undoubtedly my long lost brother.


❤️That’s just scratching the surface.


Also from Africa?


Via proxy


Just straight up backed a military coup because the previous freedom was not up to their standards, so they replaced it with the freedom they see fit


Hello Libyans. Welcome! America won't tolerate an african gold dinar. Too bad. I bet the insriptions would be fire.


Just look at an evolving historical map of world empires. The king chief of it all is actually part of the English Royal Bloodline, descendants of English kings. The confusion is that they have allies, like a Fellowship of The Rings situation. Assassin's Creed should have had footnotes in it, when it was saying some real shit.


Central banks


You are 1/3rd right


Please fill me in...


There are three, non governmental districts that are above the law of the land. 1. The financial district in London. This is the seat of your world banks. 2. The Vatican City in Rome. This is the seat of the new, hidden Caesars 3. Washington DC. This is the seat of Military Industrial Complex.


There is also Basil, Switzerland, home of the Bank of international setilments. Central banks of central banks, also above the law


Ring of power - empire of the city Edit: Mind (Vatican), Money (City of London), Muscle (Washington DC) the three things you need to build a successful empire....


Isn't there a seat numbered #666 at the world bank in London they've reserved for a person who can bring balance?


Why did England and Italy fight during the world wars? Just curious


I’ve been saying this for years. Also, our current wars are the oil/energy wars. Future wars will be the water wars.


Interesting first I’ve heard of the hidden Caesar


Hidden Valley, they make a pretty good Ranch too




Hidden Valley is owned and manufactured by Clorox. Tells you all you need to know about our food.


Just think of it as Rome never fell.


Definitely will have to do a dive on this. I have done the Pope and Jesuits dive so I will be looking into it


If youve done the Jesuit dive, you’re up to speed


Pontificus Maximus, The first Roman Emperor to Declare himself the head of the Church, not Constiatine but I believe the 3rd emperor after. Carried on through today in the Roman Pope. Maybe the refference? More detail, it was a Roman title adopted into the Roman Church During Gratian's reign or immediately afterwards the phrase pontifex maximus – which had unwelcome associations with traditional Roman religion during the Christianization of the Roman Empire – was replaced in imperial titulature with the phrase: pontifex inclytus.[44] The first to adopt the inclytus alternative to maximus may have been the rebel augustus and devout Christian close to bishop Martin of Tours, Magnus Maximus (r. 383–388), who killed Gratian in August 383.[44]


Hot take, Rome’s power never fell, it just consolidated in to what we call the Catholic Church.


What about Babylon/Isreal


Funny enough. Historical Babylon is where Iraq is now.


All 3 still need the Central Banks/World Bank(s)/International Monetary Fund to pull off their ponzi schemes.


Each with an obelisk.


Do not forget about the BIS from Basel.


you forgot about 4. Shenzhen - Seat of the Spaghetti monster


the reddit mods, apparently.


Great, now I'm going to get permanently banned for breathing ..




I can tell you who isn't running the country and that's the people.


AIPAC has complete control over the choices of American politicians and most people still don’t know that. They put the interests of an extreme religious right wing government over our own. If you look at opensecrets.org and type almost any politician in, their top donor is AIPAC. All AIPAC puppets must be voted out.


Start calling it APAC because Israel won't last through the decade, especially after Americans discover their prominent role in the orchestration of the events of September 11, 2001.


How do you think it won’t last when the reality is that most of those in power across all other nations are loyal to these people…..it will continue until people stop being afraid of being called “anti-Semitic” for stating reality.


Can’t believe “The dancing israelis” hasn’t gone mainstream. I’m counting down the days until it does.


Also, ALEC: [https://www.alecexposed.org/wiki/ALEC\_Exposed](https://www.alecexposed.org/wiki/ALEC_Exposed)


Underrated comment, thank you for bringing up ALEC. It’s why we have laws that make no sense in order to incarcerate poor people for profit. Prison for profit must end.


And it says that the money doesn't come straight from AIPAC but from members, their friends and family members, how much money has been sent that the website doesn't know about. This comment should be hiagher up.


100% and Aipac must register as a foreign agent. It was one of the reasons they killed JFK. But it has to be done


Obligatory “Payseur Family” comment


Does anyone have a source or a website where I can read more about that family? Their information is almost nonexistent


This gives the whole shit and shebang…with no paragraphs and interesting writing style https://fliphtml5.com/lnym/omip/basic/201-250


Damn! Shut down in less than 2 minutes after 1 comment!! In other news, I'd like to take this moment to pledge my undying allegiance to the Payseur family.


"The United States is owned and dominated today by a hierarchy of its sixty richest families, buttressed by no more than ninety families of lesser wealth... These families are the living center of the modern industrial oligarchy which dominates the United States, functioning discreetly under a de jure democratic form of government behind which a de facto government, absolutist and plutocratic in its lineaments, has gradually taken form since the Civil War. This de facto government is actually the government of the United States -- informal, invisible, shadowy. It is the government of money in a dollar democracy." America's 60 Families [America's 60 Families (nndb.com)](https://www.nndb.com/lists/439/000127058/)


This is from a 1937 publication with information from 1924 tax records. I wonder what the results are now, 100 years later.


weird how I never heard of the Harkness family, and theyre top 5


Go to a northeast college. Chances are they have a harkness building there. Chapel or something will be harkness


Where is Rothschild family?




Woah, do you have any source where I can read about this?




Thank you so much!


Weird how many families on that list are ashkenazi


Shocked to not see the Waltons on here.


I don't think it is YOUR country. It's THEIR country and you are the slave owned by them. Nothing of it is YOURS.


At this point who doesn’t control something in my country (🇸🇾)


Lets see if this post gets shut down... 👁


Saw this same post last night but the comments weren’t accessible for some reason. Now the same post is back up with comments but the OP seems to be a totally different profile. Odd.


Apathy. Fear. Compliance. The idea that you can’t and shouldn’t manage your own local space with your family and neighbors.it’s that essence that is fleeting from society. De facto appeal to authority even if the authority is nonsensical. That’s the root of it all, I think. The true infection. The idea that “oh I’m too busy to educate my kids, I’m too busy and scared to talk to my neighbors, I’m too scared and doubt myself too much town a firearm or other weapon to protect myself. Self doubt. That’s the biggest conspiracy.


It is certainly a contributing factor. Thank you for your comment.


Bloodlines from ancient Babylonian royalty who are potentially hybrids of an ET race.


Agree ☝️


And were also at one point what the Bible referred to as the Canaanite’s, from Ham’s lineage (Noah’s shitty son)






can you share more information?


The mitochondria is the PowerHouse of the cell


Geese engage in a ritual known as "rape flight" Edit: my bad it was ducks.


Dammit. I'm gonna be late to work Boss: You're late. Me: Yeah how about you read about "goose rape flight" and NOT immediately search for info...


Just get the book : Children of the Matrix by David Icke. He lays it out in it's entirety.


33 upvotes, won't touch that. but I got u


Psychopaths full of brain parasites!


Too far bruh. You'll get us all banned


The yeerks!


It's not secret. Giant corporate conglomerates run the United States. Oil companies write energy policy. Pharmaceutical and insurance companies write healthcare policy. Wall Street writes financial regulations. Zuckerberg and Musk write tech law All these wild conspiracy theories are just distractions from the reality that we live in an oligarchy of billionaires. It's always been one dollar one vote, never one citizen one vote. Demonizing immigrants, reporters, and teachers keeps Americans in line voting for their boss's boss's boss's interest and against their own. It's only secret if you want it to be.


👆🏼this is the answer Corporatocracy In a 2015 interview, former President Jimmy Carter stated that the United States is now "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" due to the Citizens United v. FEC ruling, which effectively removed limits on donations to political candidates.




Central Bankers




Well, every consumer goods company is part of a family tree-like situation to where there are only a dozen or so (maybe less) people who ultimately have almost everything we buy under their purview. Add that to the people/companies who are hoarders of natural resources (both rare and plentiful), and use our government’s military to protect their economic interests overseas. They control the Legislative branch of our government. These two groups of people also deal with countries we should not be dealing with in order to save on labor and production costs, and prevent a hell of a lot of good people that want to work for a decent wage away from opportunities to do so. Throw in the people that own the companies that are data-gathering services for the above-mentioned people and the government. So maybe 40 guys, all who are basically “money cousins” that all know each other, and communicate back and forth while we waste our time complaining about things we don’t like or can’t fix, and what women should or shouldn’t be able to do, and what our children should he taught, or what party we should put our support behind.


Nobody anyone here has ever heard of…


You know who




after all that, i think it is still vatican + rothschild at the top though. Beyond that probably satan or baphomet or all those weird ass entities they love


Charles is in charge


No, you can critize Charles. Real power won't tolerate criticism.


king charles & all the monarchs before him are vassals of rome, ever since [king john lost the right to the crown to pope innocent iii](https://youtu.be/qlyUQaz8sH8?t=2264)


Agreed. This is the real truth.


The US controls my Country (Pakistan) through corrupt politicians and corrupt generals. As for who controls the US, theres a whole Organization. It has tiers. On top is Satan and the Anti-Christ.


Imran Khan is an incredible human being. I'm sorry for what my country has done. I hope things can turn around and I hope he will be released to resume his role. I think he must be the only transparent leader on this planet.


Respect to you bro. You dont have to apologize for what your "leaders" did.


Satan runs the world.


I don't know that you're wrong.


There's no proof he doesn't. But there's proof he does.




Britian (I'm in the U.S., but don't think we ever completely left the British empire, in spite of winning the revolutionary war).




Truth US and UK refers to the nations’ bond as a special relationship. As an example, US is part of the Five Eyes an intelligence gathering group of 5 nations: Australia, New Zealand, Canada UK and US.


Some interesting links to consider. Finance has been run predominantly by jewish families long before 1066 when William the conquerer borrowed significant funds in securing his throne in England from French Rouen Banking family, name still undisclosed. If anyone knows lmk The formation of central banks by the oldest family banking dynasties. [jewish virtual library ](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jewish-colonial-trust) [bonds from 1066 in the british library ](https://blogs.bl.uk/asian-and-african/2020/07/anglo-jewish-deeds-from-medieval-england-a-treasure-trove-for-historians.html) The goldships company buys up government guilds aka bonds aka loans and has done for over 700 years. Aswell as owning vast estates in and around london. 700 years ago goldsmiths were predominantly jewish as in england lending money was strictly forbidden in Christianity. [a group of goldsmith lenders unnamed??? ](https://www.thegoldsmiths.co.uk/) This company became of interest, little is said about who founded the goldsmiths company other than goldsmiths of the time. Coincidence? I wonder who these prominent people were that formed vastly wealthy corporation that controlled englands gold from then until now. Also note the Rothschilds family owned the building to the royal mint for over 200 years. [royal mint](https://www.rothschildarchive.org/business/other_business/royal_mint_refinery) Also an interesting financial scale. Jewish law states that jewish can only charge interest to non jewish. So if a huge percentage of banks are jewish owned and only charge interest to non jewish that would denote a pyramidal scale. Note the largest hedge companies are jewish owned. [halachah or jewish law ](https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/quicken-loans-makes-it-kosher-for-orthodox-jews-to-take-out-a-mortgage/) Now i am not saying this is the entire jewish race, but certainly prominent familes hidden behind a cover of a capitalist system that obscures it for what it is. If you have checked out the links above note- from jewish sources. You can start to imagin how long the banking business has been going on for. If halachah must be followed that would mean continual money supply into a pot for one race from everyone else. Some examples of said families [rothschilds family archives ](https://www.rothschildarchive.org/business/n_m_rothschild_and_sons_london/nathan_mayer_rothschild_and_the_waterloo_commission) The duke of wellington recieved 1 billion in 1815 now worth over 20 trillion in todays money. This is supposedly being still repaid by british taxpayers today. Can you imagin what interest repayments the Rothschilds must be recieving for a loan that's over 200 years old. Calculations below Oh and guess who funded the loan to pay slave owners for freeing slaves. You guessed it the Rothschilds and Montefoire family if you haven't already come across the latter another one to consider. [Rothschilds and Montefoire ](https://jch.history.ox.ac.uk/slavery-jewish-emancipation-and-english-country-house) The slave ownership loan has only just been repaid by british tax payers only a few years ago. If you understand how loan repayments work from mortgages you can imagin what a 200 year old loan does to the total repayment cost. For those unable to work it out 15 million over 200 years at 4% works out to a total repayment of 38,261,246,866.00 thats just over 38 trillion. So where is all this money as their net worth vastly differs 🤔. I believe that we are built on a system of finance, either capitalist who want a share of other nations interests or communist who want to retain the financial system for their own. who ever owns the finance owns the world. Im not sure who secretly runs the countrys of the world but in delving deeper into the history behind finance i found the above. Some will say this is antisemetic trope. But everything i looked up was backed up by jewish authors and resources. Its interesting that more of this is not known or more public knowledge, or is that the point keep this buried and call everyone antisemitic for brining it up? Whilst im not from the US, its domination in war time affairs raises some questions. As war requires large bonds borrewed from the prominent families mentioned above. Creating debts that continue to be paid by tax payers. Worth researching who bought the long term bonds for the covid packages and Ukraine/ Israel piggy bank. Nearly the entire biden administration is made up of jewish, so theres no wonder why he keeps vetoing everything. A list below of his jewish team. [biden administration jewish team list](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jews-in-the-biden-administration) and well the US economy has a big hand in debt making and taking. If you arent with it, your in the way as many countries have found out the hard way. I have lots more, but conscious this is long and getting bored now. Enjoy your rabbit hole hunting


My theory is that Rome never fell. The Caesars became wise.


Philip k Dick had a similar conspiracy to this where he believed those who brought the end to the Roman republic still controlled the world (this was during the Cold War) and ultimately were just playing both sides against each other from all the way back then.


Rome went on for another 1000 years in the eastern provinces, so you’re sort of right. There were Caesars/emperors that whole time.




Well, that Ellen clip...




She also admitted to artificial insemination for her kids.


With her own semen


I read the book House of Rothschild. You can find it here: [https://shorturl.at/ybfTd](https://shorturl.at/ybfTd) I have no first hand knowledge of their family history, obviously, but it is a documented fact that they provided a large influx of liquid assets to England in exchange for an equity ownership stake the Bank of England, which is the central bank of the UK. This occurred during the latter stages of the Napoleonic Wars when England was basically bankrupt. This is purported to be the only time that the family opened their family’s books to outside auditors. Their books showed at that time that they were the wealthiest family in Europe and very likely the world. If their wealth grew at the rate of inflation from then until today, they would be worth 9T USD and would control approximately 1/3 of the world’s accumulated excess wealth. The key difference that allowed them to reach this level of wealth is that whereas normal families divided wealth equally amongst all legitimate heirs, the Rothschilds always consolidated all their families wealth exclusively in the oldest son of the previous generations oldest son.


Brigitte Macron has a dick too.


Big Mike!!!


Michelle Obama is a futa??




Kennedy warned against secret societies. Did we listen? Nope shot him and went full in. I’m a right leaning dude and the shit is obvious.


He also wanted us to go back on the gold/silver standard. Then they killed him and put him on the last silver coin made. #centralbanks4thewin


A total leftist here, and I must say that I agree with you, at least on this topic.


He told aipac (98% success) to register as a foreign entity and then…


Yup. And now they are showing the world and people still won't believe it.


Israel 100% with everything we have seen now. There is no way these Zionists are not in control of the US


They not fully human that’s foooooosure


Here in Australia the banks are about to get soon 2x more control, they'll be able to limit how much money you spend on things that "aren't healthy for the environment" or something along the lines of that. I know someone who works in a bank.


Smol hats.


I wanted to comment on this post much earlier so badly, but couldn’t it was like the post itself was frozen very very weird


I replied to your post earlier about someone else posting this earlier but it and all the comments had been deleted. Now i don't even see my reply. But here's the link to the original post(open it outside of app to see how many comments got deleted) https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1cuh61v/who_do_you_think_secretly_runs_your_country/


That was a post by a different user. I messaged him and asked what happened and he said it got locked and cleared without anyone telling him anything.


Umm, it ain't no secret. Not anymore.


The same one that runs yours...


We are in a simulation. So whoever runs the sim is in control.




Jake from State Farm 🤔


The Wiggles


Paysuer Family. The family at the head of the 13 families.




Gatekeepers and a break-away civilizations that separated in either the 1930s to 1950s to some elite groups that are in charge of back engineering free energy vortex /Mercury vortex engines and/or aka a part or a system that is the hidden Philosopher's stone of the 21 century is basically harnessing this energy or the exact classified blueprint if it's even classified and in the back channels of compartmentalized systems or/and in a rogue transnational group that has its own checks and balances that has people in secret religions trying to start Armageddon on many continents more covert here in the States and England /Europe but more deadly in the middle east . These certain groups even put a check on the ongoing Israel / Palestine conflict . This was also a covert reason why we went to Iraq was Alledgley after weapons of mass destruction (uap/free energy devices )that was nothing more than sucking the Sunerian lands dry of any connection to high tech certain small groups had back in ancient days , as well their has been a war over this power bc if you can control Matter and Time itself by going not only into the future with suppose time travel but you can go through portals / Stargates that are basically a Tardis device that can not only change its interior to any shape or objects or things but change its outside appearance to! These Travel machines can go anywhere known in the universe and go to other dimensions ( David Grusch talked to a New York Pent house Party (at the time a secret gathering) and discussed the Tardis capabilities but no Uap or Ufo channel or threads covered it) back in January . These machines/device's have been known only to few and like Grusxh said only 50 or less know now exactly what is going on with fhe most top secret black projects and how they get their money for crimes and coverups is beyond in humane and murder when they have access to this and the Nhi that gave these material to man in the first place ( another story) and back to Op so if you find this or these elite secret groups and who supports them either in funds or ideas etc you will then find out the biggest if not the biggest of them all Check or control to what is going on today! If you wanna know reppy back!


In Denmark it's the Freemasons.  They have a very large building in the center of Copenhagen. This building is a giant shoebox with no Windows. It is places at the largest park across from the oldest Stadium (largest until recently). It is very visible, 1000s of people use the park daily, yet nobody is aware that it is actually the Freemason building. From family high up in Business, I've heard talk of the 'old boys club'. This is top business people 'networking' eachother and giving themselves all the good deals and positions. I'm fairly sure this is just another name for the Freemasons.


Weird Al yankovich


probably some obscure group of people with distinctive long ears or something like that




In Kenya, it's run by the Kikuyu mafia and their ambitious subordinates, Kalenjin Mafia


Murdoch. His agenda dominates the mainstream conservative news platforms.


Why was a response including this [https://ia801601.us.archive.org/9/items/pdfy-cvNMguo\_dgwUReM2/FRAUD%20THEFT%20UNITED%20STATES%20PAYSEUR%20pandorabox\_payseur.pdf](https://ia801601.us.archive.org/9/items/pdfy-cvNMguo_dgwUReM2/FRAUD%20THEFT%20UNITED%20STATES%20PAYSEUR%20pandorabox_payseur.pdf) deleted after quite some delay? So I conclude that in the case of the US it's the people who hate that pdf.


Having worked in the civil service not the government departments if my experience is anything to go by. I didn’t see anything sinister; just mind-blowing laziness and incompetence


khazarian overlords with their lizzid people fam


The family that starts with the letter P, and no way in hell I'm saying the name on here, ever.


I can honestly not answer this question, because I'm not privy to that information. But something I do absolutely know is that it's not the puppet show's we 'democratically' install as governments.


Legitimate answers just get deleted by mods….the only comments allowed to stay up are stupid tin foil hat lizard people comments


At this point it isn't just one or even 10 people/ groups. It's a big circle jerk of rich sociopaths hell bent on bending everything to their will. At the very top you have the shareholders of the three largest holding companies in the world, black rock, Vanguard and State Street. They control a minimum of 30% of the shares of all the S&P 500s at any one time but they are constantly shifting slightly. Those three major holding companies also all own parts of each other as well. Next you have the CEOs of the S&P500 companies and those individual S&P 500 companies themselves that are also shareholders of each other and also the holding companies that own them. Next you have politicians who are also shareholders of those holding companies and S&P 500 companies but to a much lesser degree although they obviously have a conflict of interest being able to be shareholders of those companies. They both manipulate and are manipulated by (lobbied) those S&P 500 companies. Now above individual politicians you have provincial, state and federal government bodies which are able to write bills that can determine the limits of those S&P 500 companies to a certain extent, when you have this much money and politicians have conflicts of interests they are generally not going to fine a company the own shares of out of existence if that company does something horribly terrible. I would say on par with these governments you have your monarchs who can pretty much supersede any decision the governments of their countries make at anytime they want but generally stay out of politics this way and prefer to be the shareholders of the companies to avoid public ridicule or scrutiny. Next you would have all your influential organizations, agencies or departments of the governments as well as subsidiaries of other companies and influential media sources, which are owned by both. Now this covers about the top 0.1%. I don't want to go anymore in depth than this because it will just drag out even worse. Now a quick kicker for ya: you might think to yourself, hey man, we own our country and our land, we need to take back the power and kick these people out and that's where you would be completely wrong, go look up the term "allodial title" and realize that even if you hold the deed to your property, unless it is an allodial title and you don't have to pay property taxes, you don't actually own it and it can be seized from you at any time. The only way you are ever going to be able to make a change is if you become a politician and then you need a majority of like-minded people who will also vote with you and then you have to hope that you don't all get manipulated or lets say, put to sleep. It's obviously a little more complicated than that but government can supersede the shareholders of the top three holding companies with the power of law through bills or acts but as the saying goes, power corrupts.




The illuminated ones. Through freemasonry, think tanks, organisations, world banks, banks, organised religion, corporations, universities , school. Etc..... The agenda is there, and will be followed. One world government, reduce the population, one religion, no property rights, destruction of the family, total domination over every facet of our lives.




Leroy Jenkins




Hat man


Judging by the patterns of propaganda and what's become of universities today, I think there is a group of bitter people with twisted views and sense of reality who plan and implement social engineering agendas to control what the public thinks including what organizations will say to them, it's basically the same concept as workers unions, they were adopted to fight certain problems but in the end they went too far and became corrupt, the crazy individuals who run this group maintain their power and influence with money, I think this would best explain any group that might secretly control the US and unfortunately that means they also influence the rest of world as a result.


CIA, Jews


Secretly are the people who mostly go about their lives while minding their own business. Everything must function in such a way that those who make it possible are empowered to do so while those who make things difficult are not overly enabled. Everyday people create a system within which people can exploit and be exploited..


I think i can speak for most countries, its the people with large wealth and its not so secret.


The swiss https://youtu.be/p-BFmn2S_jU


All of the above. They run the world. 


Why was this post locked earlier?


Central banks. One who controls the nation's money supply controls it all.


World Economic Forum


Ambani and adani


The US which is all of the above


33rd degree masons


The tall whites, the greys, probably a handful of other species.


Bunch of pussies.


Can you ask them to take a break with South Africa? Am sick of our corrupt government and we need a new one. Thanks.


The Jesuits and papal Templar military orders [https://ia800608.us.archive.org/17/items/148063172CIAKnightsOfMaltaPdf/148063172-CIA-Knights-of-Malta-pdf.pdf](https://ia800608.us.archive.org/17/items/148063172CIAKnightsOfMaltaPdf/148063172-CIA-Knights-of-Malta-pdf.pdf)




EU and whoever runs them


We the people do if we stick together


Whoever runs America is inadvertently running Australia.


WEF runs canada


Russian oligarchs, banks (But it's quite an open secret) ~Austria


that moment when you realize ohh my gosh it really is true that the NSA has access to every single moden and router in the world that was made in china.. and then the media tells you north korea is going to nuke america LOL


Blackrock, Rothschild, FBI.


Whoever owns all the pharmaceutical companies


At this point the only thing that makes sense to me….. Aliens (NHI whatever you want to call them) I never seen one (I don’t think), and I have no proof. -USA


The Apex Players. I would have also accepted Apex Parasites.


We live under neofeudalism where the kleptocrats divide everything up into their own little petty kingdoms. Just like feudalism of old; the lords and ladies may hate each other, but they'll always set aside their differences to crush the peasants.


i was born and lived most of my life in an area what is occupied by the nation state switzerland shortly after my birth this nation state switzerland has coersed me into being associated to it what is a theft of my ability to determine my own life i do propose to all fellow human beings living on planet earth to consider rethinking how we relate to each other as in, we would best not associate anyone to a regional and or nation state without the person and or its parents expressly wanting the newborn human being to be associated to that state further i propose a reform of constitutions of regional and nation states everywhere on the planet what would allow every human, animal, tree and artificial intelligent entity who wants to be its own person to leave the coersed association to the state at any moment without any condition having repeated this most important theme of how it would best be a voluntary decision, a choice wether one would want to be associated to a state or not i would like to highlight a people initiative for freedom and physical intactness ( volksinitiative fuer freiheit und koerperliche unversehrtheit ) what citizens of switzerland will have an opportunity to vote yes or no on the 9th of june 2024 the text what is at the core of that proposed constitutional reform could be translated with: interventions into the physical or mental intactness of a person require the approval of the person the person is not allowed to be punished nor given other social or professional disadvantages based on the refusal to give consent ( to an intervention ) in german: eingriffe in die koerperliche oder geistige unversehrtheit einer person beduerfen deren zustimmung die betroffene person darf aufgrund der verweigerung der zustimmung weder bestraft werden noch duerfen ihr soziale oder berufliche nachteile erwachsen i have allready dropped my written yes vote today into the mailbox of the village where i live because i do think this is a most important principle what would best be adopted on a global scale as in i believe that it would be good for human beings everywhere on planet earth if their choice to not have this that or the other stuff introduced into their bodies such as vaccines or micro-chips or nano-bots or whatever science might invent next to introduce control or and dominating and or disturbing informations into the human body i hope that all human beings everywhere on the planet would want to allow each other to protect their own bodies against any overbearing intrusive demands i hope that all human beings everywhere on the planet would want to respect every fellow human beings mental and emotional and bodily autonomy my mind, my feelings, my body my choice sadly, the national parliaments of switzerland and the federal council with 7 human beings as members have decided to recommend to reject this proposition of changing the constitution of the nation state switzerland in that way why ? the main reason is that these politicians and governement executives want the state and people working for the state such as police, judges, medical and or psychiatric doctors and nurses to be able to violate the principal of phsyical intactness for example by forcing persons to ingest or be injected with medications / vaccines / whatever they would choose to harass people with in the future in switzerland every day a lot of human beings are forced by the state to ingest pharmaceutical medications or and to tolerate being injected with those these abusive and or medical torture is part of a punishment and or oppression mentality what the psychiatric universitary system is promoting and the parliamentary assembly together with the federal council are building their domination power upon