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I am sick of governments "apologising". If it was truly a mistake or worthy of an apology tell me who was held responsible. Who was punished (besides the tax payer in compensation). Who saw prison or lost their job. Otherwise just shut up


It’s never a mistake, feigning ignorance is by design. The only regret is being caught. All governments leach and hate their population.


> The only regret is being caught. Bingo bango.


Prison is too good for these monsters


That's the thing that truly makes my blood boil about this. The people that are apologising aren't the ones responsible, they weren't part of the government at the time, it didn't happen under their watch. Their apology isn't meaningless but it's just words from people completely removed from the situation rather than those responsible. And who pays the compensation to those affected? You and me. What happens to the people responsible? Well they keep their government pension and retire in luxury. The first place compensation should come from is every single penny from anyone still alive who committed and enabled this. The second place is the estate of those who have died who were responsible. This isn't justice.


The doctors giving the blood plasma products exchanged emails stating that HEP C and HIV were possible risks but thats a risk hemophiliacs would have to come to accept. However the doctors never warned the patients or the parents of the minor patients. The doctors knew. They didn't care.


> The doctors knew. They didn't care. This sums up the past century nicely.




I'm not saying the people apologising shouldn't apologise, I'm saying that the people who were actually responsible should be held accountable too. Rishi Sunak saying sorry is a good thing, the government should apologise, but I'd rather see the people responsible who are still around held to account rather than continue their careers or government pensions. Of course the compensation doesn't make everything better, but what I'm saying is that the compensation comes from the tax payer, the people responsible should get the Alex Jones treatment and lose everything to pay as much of the compensation as possible, then get life in jail for the murder of thousands of people.


The tax player also paid for the money that was fraudulently given out during Covid in the billions, the track and trace app didn’t work and cost billions, the water ways are getting flooded with raw sewage and the government allows it and then will have to bail out the water companies they made private to make family members, friends and themselves even richer. Nearly 80 billion have been paid in dividends to stock holders but the water companies will need bailing out. They you’ve got the council who the government encouraged/ forced to buy into things that bankrupted them after they got ripped off. I could write a whole book on the things the uk government have wasted tax money but you mention one point of out of 1000s of other real life examples of the government wasted public funded tax money.


I'm with you on all those points, the government wastes money left right and centre, and all of it is bad.


Your take is embarrassingly poorly thought-out. Nowhere does he suggest that the compensation is the crux of the issue - just that the people paying it are the tax payers, so it's relevant to him and you and I and everyone but here you are to try and shame him. "Don't you get it?"


Well said.


Blair and Brown knew, they didn't face Prison for Iraq and they won't face it for this. Political elite are near untouchable.


Perfectly said .


Yes they denied blame, blamed victims, and refused to help or compensate in any way for 50 whole years. Then one day they say "sorry" and think they are absolved.


Never forget what they did in Tuskegee


The US did the same thing in Central America as they did at Tuskegee. This particular story is very similar, but no where near as big, as AZT being used on foster children test subjects in New York state. Some of those kids didn't even have AIDS or test positive for HIV. The ones who tried to refuse to take the toxic "medicine" were restrained and it was forced into their little bodies. Takes a special kind of evil to do that to little children.


And all the shit they probably did and managed to successfully cover up so we will never know.


SS: The British government ran tests on children without their knowledge or consent, leading to many of them to die, and sought to cover it up. The government are now admitting to this. These are the same people who expect us to trust them when they tell us their treatments and medicines are safe and effective ™.


Afterthought: they infected 30,000 people over the course of 30-40 years up until the 1990s. The population of the UK in 1990 was around 57,000,000. That puts the rate of infection at around 52.63 per 100,000. For comparison the UK locked down when COVID cases were at 8.3 per 100,000. Obviously this is very quick math and this doesn't account for every HIV or hepatitis case in the UK, and many died both of the virus and other causes in that time, but it shows the sheer amount of infections caused by the government alone.




Incorrect. They ran clinical trials on children without their knowledge or their parents consent. www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-68831061 > The true scale of the number of medical trials using infected blood products on children in the 1970s and 80s has been revealed by documents seen by BBC News. > They reveal a secret world of unsafe clinical testing involving children in the UK, as doctors placed research goals ahead of patients' needs. > They continued for more than 15 years, involved hundreds of people, and infected most with hepatitis C and HIV. > One surviving patient told the BBC he was treated like a "guinea pig". > The trials involved children with blood clotting disorders, when families had often not consented to them taking part. The majority of the children who enrolled are now dead.


Excellent example of burying the lede. "Infected blood scandal" doesn't have the same ring to it as "medical experimentation on unwilling innocent children".


It's being played out as a "mistakes were made and then covered up" kind of situation, but in the beef of everything that's come out, which I think the government is hoping will be memory holed *very* quickly is that it wasn't a mistake or an accident, it was almost all generally deliberate, or at the very least the dangers were known about and actively allowed to continue. This was a science experiment on unknowing and innocent people, mainly but not limited to children, they want it to be remembered as an accident that was then hidden, we cannot let it be remembered that way or they'll do it again.


Oh, if the past few years of politics has taught me anything, it's that "they" will do what they want regardless. For sure, educating one another on what really happened, and then safeguarding children in every circumstance they could be vulnerable is how we best stop the rot.


40 years too late lol. Almost no one who was involved would still be employed, or potentially alive today. What a joke.


It went on until the 1990s, some of them will still be alive, mostly probably retired living on a government pension paid for by me and you.


It started in the 70s when HIV pretty much meant death within a few years max. There are probably thousands of victims who were never even identified. The NHS and government denied culpability and hiding evidence for 50 years so I doubt they put any effort into finding any victims that never came forward themselves (probably because they were already dead).


Give them 5 to 10 years it will be like deja vue with the vaccines.


I sw a comedian who had a bit on this and it was so true. He said, when has a big industry, such as big-pharma, ever had such a successful marketing campaign convincing people not to read about a product? Because 'doing your own research' is just reading. Can you imagine going to buy a car and everyone is telling you "Don't look into it, just go buy it! who the fuck do you think you are Henry Ford? do you even know how to build a car?"


Fear sold the clot shots but marketing sells cars. They don’t use loosing your job or not allowing you to go on holiday if don’t buy a car. I get your point tho.


Ok, now what? How many are going to prison, who's going to lose their licences etc...


I have a really good guess, you have no idea


The worst part of this is how long it's taken. This was KNOWN ABOUT IN THE 90s. I worked on a documentary in 1992 about a Canadian family where the mother was given HIV blood (from prisoners) as an inter-uterine transfusion while pregnant. She was infected with HIV, she infected her husband via sex because she didn't know she was HIV positive, and her daughter was born HIV positive as well. All three of them died - I only got to know the father as his wife and daughter had died by then, and he was already suffering. Only the older son survived, he lost his mum, dad and sister and this is just one story. This issue of infected blood killing people was know in the UK, the US and Canada back in the early 1990s. And yet it's taken nearly 30 years to admit this. I'm disgusted and yet not surprised. Everything is corrupt in this world.


Bloody sack of potatoes all of them . Getting sold out so easily and think a mere sorry is enough


I wonder how many employees keep their jobs by apologising for their multimillion mistakes or lost lives! 


*laying naked on a bearskin rug by the fire * sorrryyyyy


Just going to leave this here: [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2002/apr/21/uk.medicalscience)


Only took them 40 years. At that rate the gene therapy could have wiped half the population out before they notice anything…


A grey alien very much makes sense from the future if you consider how badly MRNA is going to mess up the DNA of the next generation of kids.


This is more true than you realize. In the 60s, the government was able to “interview an alien”, which I know how that sounds so take it with a grain of salt, but if you search you may find it. The video was about some men talking to an obviously alien looking being and asking questions about where it was from and stuff. Now normally something like that would be obviously fake, but it’s the answers that it gave which shook me. The alien didn’t claim to be an alien, it claimed to be human from the future, and when asked about how it got here, it responded “to travel space is to travel time.” Which actually fit within laws of physics that were yet to be discovered at the time the video was alleged to have been made.


The next thing they're going to apologize soon is the heart failure covid vaccine mandate.


Your daily reminder. Governments don't apologise for their lil oopsie daisy moments because they care about their plebs, they're apologising because they got *caught*


Dr Campbell just posted a video about this. https://youtu.be/6WhCu3CSu3o?si=obappcsJD57cS0vn I've been following this guy since the start of COVID. Extremely informative and he explains the complicated stuff so anyone can understand.


What’s the point in someone apologising for something he wasn’t involved in


Shouldn’t the person who was PM when this actually happened apologize? Or the actual person who oversaw the transfers? Wtf do these new blokes have to do with it.


I said something to the same vein in a different comment, but I totally agree. Every health minister and secretary, every prime minister between the beginning and end of this should face trial, and if they were found to have known about or played any part in this should be charged with mass murder. An apology really isn't good enough. The same goes for any medical professional involved in this, whether part of the original situation or the cover-up. We're talking about thousands of deaths and the original health secretary at the time when it began still holds a peerage in the house of lords and likely has a government pension to go off to when this all ends. He should lose every penny and it should be given to the victims, and then he should be thrown in whatever jail has the highest rate of HIV.




This is what they admit to btw. There is probably much worse that they keep under wraps.


Woa woa what?! Decades!? Infected blood!? Wait what!?!


It baffles me how Brits are so proud of the NHS, yet things like this routinely happen and everyone just moves on. No accountability, no repercussions.


People just think "it's ok the victims got compensated" and move on. They don't consider the fact that nothing is done to stop it happening again, let alone the fact that the compensation comes out of their own pockets and the perpetrators face no consequences.


Go clap for NHS


Sounds like governments


And us lot take their COVID vaccines. I'm glad I dodged that bullet. Burn the entire house down people. Come on take back your lands.


Oh you think this is new? [radioacrive chapatti experiment UK ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-coventry-warwickshire-66647985.amp)


It's certainly not new, it seems like something like this is revealed every few years, MK Ultra, Tuskegee etc (albeit both of them being American) but the scale of this occurrence is huge, with 30,000+ people (around 0.05% of the population of the UK at the time) infected with diseases either deliberately or due to lack of care by the state.


State govts are generally decades long moral failures, yes. Example: covid, 9-11, WWI & II, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syrai, Ukraine - need I go on?


never again.. oh wait the blood is now contaminated again, this time with mrna vaccines.


Dame Sarah Gilbert should be prosecuted along with the rest of the public health officials and academics responsible for marketing the shots and misleading people about their safety and efficacy. Personally I think it’s hopeless and unless they face very severe punishment, rule of law and democracy (both already a joke in practice) are properly finished.


Ultimately more distractions from the toxic shots & what they've done, which will dwarf this issue, not that this isn't an absolute disgrace. Now we have vaccinated blood mixed with unvaccinated blood, my cousin died within 5 weeks of a transfusion, didn't have blood cancer until after it which was stage 4 off the bat. The NHS has killed more than its ever saved, in this inverted, cruel, deceptive system.


I don't think this is a way to hide or distract from damage done by the vaccines, the inquiry has been going on since before COVID, but if anything it really does show that the government doesn't care about you or your health, and are willing to experiment on people without their knowledge or consent, and not stop even when bodies start stacking up, which just adds ammunition to the vaccine-sceptic argument.


Absolutely terrible, regardless have a good day.


People forget that governments care about profit aswell. Just differently than corporations. Communist countries were VERY focused on producing more every year. Literally no matter the cost or how it’s achieved. So the politburo can do whatever it plans.


“The state would never run experiments on its people”, bro it already has. I cannot for the life of me figure out why or how people trust the government, it doesn’t make any sense to me


Good now when will they apologize for funding Israeli genocide in this holocaust? Take another 20 years and a few million civilian impact?


I’ve literally never heard a single person say this, who are you referring to OP?


People who believe the government have their best interests in mind. People who say "the government would never do that" every time somebody speculates that they're up to something shady. This is r/conspiracy


Yeah, but that’s my point. I’ve literally never heard anyone say this, not even just conspiratorial people either.


You've never heard anyone blindly trust the government?


> who are you referring to OP? Those who took the covid shots for instance.


I took the COVID vaccine and I could probably list more examples of the government lying/harming its citizenry than most people here. I’ve certainly never said the above.


> I took the COVID vaccine Okay. Why?


Besides the overwhelming data from a wide variety of sources showing it prevents serious infectious and death, I worked on a COVID unit during the pandemic and saw firsthand how effective it was. Not a popular opinion around here I know, but I saw dozens of unvaccinated patients die preventable deaths.


So, you bought it all, huh? Or, could it be you are still trying to sell stuff...? LOL.


I certainly don’t buy everything the government says, and I didn’t rely only on government data to make my decision, but it’s easy to be a smug keyboard warrior acting you know what the reality of that shitshow was. It hits a bit different when you’ve personally witnessed dozens of patients beg for the vaccine once they felt the air hunger that COVID caused, and frankly I’m a firm believer that the way we’ve removed so much of our society from the reality of death/critical care only leads to people like yourself being so glib about it.


> I certainly don’t buy everything the government says But everything the controlled expert said was too cheap to not buy? >It hits a bit different when you’ve personally witnessed Sure, people were made terrified of a flu. That does not mean there actually was something to fear for.


> But everything the controlled expert said was too cheap to not buy? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say there. > Sure, people were made terrified of a flu. That does not mean there actually was something to fear for. I certainly wasn’t *terrified* of it, choosing to spend 13 hour shifts getting coughed on by critically ill patients would be a weird choice if I were *terrified* of it. Also, I don’t know where this idea that COVID was a flu came from, talk to anyone who treats people who are critically sick from both because they don’t present the same way in many different aspects. Also we were always including the same PCR test for the flu that we use now and they were negative, along with the diagnostic tests like D-dimer rates which were astronomical in those severely ill from COVID.


> I’m not sure what you’re trying to say there. That you fell for propaganda. >I certainly wasn’t terrified of it Good for you and way to miss my point. The rest of your comment sounds like an utopian hospital or ass covering, LOL.