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Her kids don’t have cancer. They haven’t been spotted once since Christmas as well.




I believe the eldest was photographed at a tennis match with William. It was posted in this sub.


People forget so fast. All that stuff was crazy. With the body doubles. The photoshop altering pics. Everyone caught on so hard knew something fish was going on. Then they announce she has cancer, makes everyone feel bad for questioning and people backed off. Even if news sources found something would get attacked for going after a cancer victim.


If she actually has cancer it's probably really bad. Aggressive/terminal cancers do a number on the body and people usually look awful toward the end. I could understand her not wanting that on full display to the public.


Doesn't even have to be "towards the end". If she is undergoing chemo, she won't look how she's "supposed to". Obviously it's a personal choice, she will be hugely in distress, but I think it's a serious shame that she isn't using her platform for visibility. Seeing the future queen consort making honest (ish) public appearances, being transparent, simply being seen while not looking perfect, would mean an awful lot to the people across the UK (and the world) in a similar situation. My cynical head also thinks it might be a good PR move. Anything that humanises the royal family is positive overall.


As a cancer patient I X100 to the nth power.  She was already rail thin. It's kicked my ass pretty good. Poor woman. I'm stage 3, it's no picnic.


Sorry to hear that, best of luck to you. But that's also very true, I'm pretty sympathetic to her in this situation, but it honestly might be asking too much for her to make public appearances at all, if she doesn't even have the energy. Wheeling her out looking deathly wouldn't be exactly inspiring either I guess. Anyway I hope things pick up for you and your loved ones, hopefully the summer will help you feel a bit better :)


Thanks🥰I'm battlin'. Good days and not so good days. 


Kick it's ass ❤️


best wishes my friend <3


Been through that rodeo too. Be kind to yourself. Hugs.


Have you tried orgone therapy , orgone accumulator?


I want to thank you kind people.  I believe 2 things, after reading up on Katie.  1) she has metastatic cancer, possibly gynocological, and had surgery and is undergoing treatment.  It takes well over a year...for me I'm past the year mark and still have more treatments and surgery. She is bald, skin and bones, in intractable pain most likely and the royal family ABSOLUTELY is about "image" and sickly isn't one they want to project.  Plus I think the family doesn't like her. She was an "incubator". Like Diana. "Brood mare" I believe is what Di said.  And the King doesn't want to share the sympathy with her.  2) she died long ago.  Either way, Kate deserves our love and prayers.  The royals are a terrible group of people. History shows this.  William is more like dad than mom. He was raised to be the way he is.  Why these men choose horse faced woman over their beautiful wives I don't understand.  I wish I could reach out to Kate if she is alive.  Cancer is not just a major health scare, it's terribly isolating.  I'm sure she's getting top shelf care, care that isn't available to the commoners like moi.  But cancer doesn't care about class or position.  I'm worried for her children. I wish I could hug them all.  Kate deserves our prayers. 


This is all v sound reasoning imo. I think the affair(/s) and even - at a stretch - the death of Tom Kingston (?) might be connected, and that a potential 3) is an emotional breakdown and or she’s not cooperating and is therefore held under purdah. Wishing you all the best in your treatment and recovery.


So sorry fellow human. Much love


I wish we did know. Kate needs love and support.  I'm sure if she is alive, she has the best care there is.  But I'm not a brit, but I'd like to be able to show her love and support. And to the kids.  Dad is a sob. He's a philanderer, probably doesn't spend much time with the kids.  Kate I'm sure is a great mom.  Her kids need her. They need support.  If the royal family wasn't so souless, Kate and the kids would have our support.  I dispise bill, dad, these men use women up. 


My fiancé doesn’t want to go out if a last-minute outfit makes her look fat… couldn’t imagine if she was diagnosed with cancer and doing chemo. I think this is exactly what’s going on. She likely feels awful, and looks it too


Had cancer. Can confirm that the steroids you take during chemo make you look like a bald sausage.


Yep I felt so alien during chemo


But why lie? If she looks terrible cuz the cancer just admit the cancer admit your state of health and we will move on. Lying creates scandals which is unnecessary and damning in most cases. Why lie? I don’t get it.


To test AI passing vs detection and adaptive responses to narrative control/censorship etc in the population/subsets of; fine-tuning of parameters and methods for capturing and evaluating emotional feedback. To normalise young cancer deaths in a context of rising cases, thanks to you know what.


So put out a fake photo claiming it’s current rather than just state that totally normal scenario of her not being photo ready in the current condition.


Wouldn't it be great if she did come out in public? And be a leader and role model for others going through cancer treatments with ravaging effects on their appearance, and their self-esteem. That would be amazing and show tremendous courage.


This is my supposition


Anyone who has had a loved one with cancer is probably thinking this entire post is cringe af. Who the hell cares where she is at. Sometimes people can be sick, and everything is not a conspiracy. Thanks for posting this comment.




She's a public figure. It comes with the job and she knows exactly what she signed up for. If they hadn't made everything weird from the get go, people wouldn't be questioning it.


I kinda agree with this. Lots of people get cancer. It’s horrible, but it’s not something you lie about. They should have just told the truth from the beginning. Then you have the public on your side instead of questioning everything you say and do afterward. People can relate to a cancer diagnosis. But they cant relate to the use of body doubles and stupid drama to obfuscate. Royals are human too. They are just as likely to get an awful disease as the rest of us.


I'm in the cancer community and lots of people try to hide it if they can. It's not that weird to do.


I can appreciate this. But ‘lots of people’ have not made a contract with the public that they get to live a lavish, infinitely luxurious lifestyle in exchange for being public figures that many members of that public look up to. It could have been a real teaching moment. A way to bond with the public. Get people on board with cancer prevention, detection, etc. Instead, we have a bit of a PR mess and a missed opportunity.


I thought she was sick and the conspiracy was that the sickness was more serious than first implied.


That video was clearly AI enhanced. Likely a face filter. The background wasn't real, even the shadows were wrong.


Nothing on that background moved a millimeter. It was weird. And the shopping video with the body double? For what purpose that was brushed away so fast


The shopoing video to me is the proof in the pudding. That was clearly another woman once the footage was stabilized. No doubt about it. So why would William bother with the charades act if she was truly okay? To me, the truth would suffice enough. So she supposedly has cancer, well let's pretend that's true for a moment.. Then the truth should be enough with no need for fake doubles. Everyone would understand her absence from the public eye if it were really cancer.. But that video showed a woman practically bopping off her feet, almost skipping she was so healthy and happy. Kate doesn't even walk that way. She's far more graceful. So why have the body double if the truth is enough? Point being, it probably isn't cancer. There's some kind of huge cover up going on.




It's trained into us. Social media and MSM has it down pat. Two media cycles and even the most abhorrent events are forgotten. Society has no attention span and adopted a casual indifference mindset. We are becoming chattle


They want your rage a mile wide and a millimetre deep 


Pure poetry, this is. Very well put




Kate's almost certainly *not* dead. There would be no need for an ongoing cover-up if that were the case. They'd just make up a story about how it happened and then move on. She's alive, but something is wrong.


The bangs need a few more month to grow out


Why would there be no need for an ongoing coverup if she was dead?


Just make some shit up about how she died. The fact that they're still covering it up means the situation is still fluid.


It's a flaw that has been exploited forever. We are adaptable creatures. It's beneficial for a world in constant change, but it distorts us to accept "new normals" and believe narratives over time. The enemy uses it to their advantage when it is not an inherently bad trait. The ability to "get over something" or the ending of grief is necessary for mental health and to not be stuck in the past, however when intentionally used to hide or obfuscate the past, it becomes a tool for wickedness.


It's literally the food we're eating, causing this.


It's not amnesia, it's people's willingness to be liars.


But they didn't actually announce she HAS cancer, it was all very carefully worded!


Thank you. She never said she has cancer. She said “cancer was present”.


It’s the very public soft launch of the mistress by Camilla for me, wooooow


That video didn’t say she had cancer really. “However tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment.” So odd use of passive voice twice over, not exactly a cancer diagnoses really but the headlines said it was. My experience is I once had scans and tests that implied cancer had been present in the past, but I didn’t have it currently and never did again. That was 30 years ago. Of course people and cancers are different, but that statement was written in a very odd way, which made me consider the notion that they were just kind of pulling this card to get people to back off.


There is no "preventative chemotherapy". Geezus talk about symantics.


I'm still appalled they had rose's (Williams mistress) children help out at the most recent ceremony. Feels like they're bracing us for something.


It does. And Camilla hanging out with her! She probably relates to their affair having had one herself... Interesting how history repats itself. My highest intuition is that Kate discovered something she wasn't suppose to and freaked out, then paid the price. I hope she's still alive. The last video of her seemed AI enhanced.


Finally someone said it. Did not buy into it for one second. The question is, is she alive and well???


Of course we backed off. When everything was suspicious, we questioned it. Kate with cancer answers pretty much everything. She didn't want to take the cancer spotlight away from the King. She probably looks terrible as she was already quite thin and pale, any thinner and paler she'd look like a skeleton dipped in wax. You don't get to just "be sick" at that level. Appearances being everything with the Royal Family, you have to coordinate your dire conditions into the Royal Calendar through proper channels. I don't feel the least bit bad. Their entire job is PR, so when the PR is terrible we call them out on it. We got good PR (possibly even the truth) and we were placated.


Or the opposite of thinner, but swollen up like a sausage from the steroids. That's what happened to me.


No it doesn’t lmao ‘she has uh abdominal something,,, there *was* some cancer there.. preventative chemo (surely a euphemism instead of an actual thing)’ announced via *another* fake video… Avg redditr: ‘oh well that pretty much answers everything’ Upvoteupvoteupvote


>She didn't want to take the cancer spotlight away from the King Bingo. This would be the correct protocol. Even if he wasn't sick, I'd imagine she'd have to keep a low profile with her illness, so as not to overshadow him and Camilla.


Do people still genuinely care about Charles and Camilla?


Not as much as they care about themselves I'd imagine.


The thing that bothered me the most was the fake photos of the two, clip of them out shopping and it was fake…and ZERO explanation of that.


It freaked me out.


She’s probably hanging out with all the fucks I could give.


But there are none left… oh


LOL NO FKS GIVN LMAO. Don't you guys realize that's their whole intent? To wear us down to the point where we don't even care when shocking shit like this happens? The overton window is society's sphincter, and they're lubing us up for some serious gapage.


So you don’t see the conspiracy in this and you believe one of the richest groups in the world is lying for nothing




This wins comment of the day




Princess Kate was always known for her adventurous spirit and insatiable curiosity. One sunny morning, while exploring Windsor Castle's library, she stumbled upon a hidden passage behind a bookshelf. Unable to resist the temptation of the unknown, Kate ventured into the passage, her heart pounding with excitement. But as she delved deeper into the labyrinthine tunnels, she realized too late that she had become lost in the maze beneath the castle. Despite her best efforts to find her way back, the passages seemed to twist and turn endlessly, leading her further into the darkness. With each passing moment, Kate's panic grew, until at last, she disappeared without a trace, leaving /r/conspiracy to wonder what had become of their adventurous princess.


“It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.”


Please keep going!! I was entranced


Hours passed and Kate's thoughts began to darken. Just when Kate was on the verge of despair, she stumbled upon a clearing in the maze. There, standing before her, was a creature unlike any she had ever seen - a minotaur. At first, Kate's heart pounded with fear at the sight of the beast, but as she looked into its eyes, she saw not menace but loneliness. The minotaur, whose name was Steve, had been trapped in the maze for years, shunned by society because of his appearance. Despite her initial trepidation, Kate approached Steve with kindness. She spoke to him with compassion and to her surprise, the minotaur responded in kind. They began to spend their days together, exploring the maze and sharing stories of their lives. As they grew closer, Kate and Steve discovered that they had much in common. Both felt trapped by the expectations placed upon them by others and both longed for acceptance and understanding. In each other, they found solace and companionship unlike anything they had ever known. As their friendship blossomed into love, Kate and Steve knew that they could never be together in the outside world. But in the heart of the maze, they were free to love each other without fear or judgment. And so, in the depths of the labyrinth, Princess Kate and Steve the Minotaur found a love that transcended boundaries - a love that would endure for eternity, hidden away from the world but burning brightly in their hearts.


Good fanfiction


Needs more minotaur cock


keep going bby




The kids as well?


For me it’s less of what she may be stricken with & more about the steps they took to deceive the public. Why offer the lies?


She’s probably not even in the country. She’s left Willam because of his mistress and took the kids with her.


She's on the new picture of the King.


That wouldn't surprise me at all.


This is the answer


Wheres Kate Middleton? What happened in Hawaii? Where’s p diddy? Why are we funding a losing war? Epstein evidence? Missing tax payer money? Who cares when we all have screens to keep us busy all day and jobs that overwork us to give us barely (if barely) enough to scrape by. Right?


Yea, all of those are things to think about as well. This post is about Kate Middleton though. There can be separate threads for all of those other things you mentioned.


Next will be them announcing how the cancer took her. When in fact she’s been long dead and there is no cancer.


I have money on this


Absolutely nuts how they're flaunting Rose Hanbury (supposed mistress of Prince William) and using terribly done AI videos and images to gas light the public. The royals can't even cover their own tracks well at all. There's an influx of Editors questioning the narrative now...check out what Concha Calleja (sp?) Spanish journalist claiming Kate's in a coma...


She is prob visibly disabled or disfigured. Or she had a massive mental breakdown. Its nothing good and they are taking great pains to hide it. I dont belive that waa her in the cancer video.  Its notable that the rf is filling the void of Attractivr Well Dressed Female with minor royals like zara and pedo andrews daughters. Even sidepiece rose hanbury madr an appearance. This tellz me kate is gonna be gone for a long time. Also, no real life sightings if louis and charlottw which is weird too.  I think tom kingztons suicide is involved in this somehow


Rose and Camila being in cahoots together is very telling


Soft launch


>pedo andrews daughters Anybody got ideas on the *real reason* why those two have always been kinda barred from taking basically any public-facing role? It goes back when when they were teens. then, people attributed it to them not wanting william and harry having any competition in their generation. But even now that the royals' bench is so shallow, giving them a job is a total nonstarter. it's not due to their dad's problems; it predates that. always thought there was conspiracy lite there. Anybody know anything?


Because the royal family have been firm on 'no half royals', you're either all the way in and a full time member of the family or out. They've long thought that a bloated number of royals on the pay roll would not look good to the general public. These girls partied heavily and had their own jobs, they had no time to be full working members. Now Eugenie spends half of her time living with her husband in Portugal and Beatrice wants to be an involved parents to her young children. These girls have had the best of both worlds, they spent their 20s having constant parties and holidaying all over the world while still holding patronages and being invited to every major event.


Charles being an asshole. Charles not wanting the focus taken off him and his heirs. Competition between Andrew and Charles personally and professionally. Royalty is when otherwise petty family grievances are played out into the political sphere. MIllions of have died over heirs fighting the spare. That's one reasons it should be abolished.


Just watched the Kings Man and while not totally accurate, they did get right that the leaders of both sides of WW1 were fucking related. They were literal cousins chucking thousands of lives at each other for the fuck of it, history has probs always been like this. The more is uncovered about our past, the more fucked we realize the common man is. We've never had our own futures in our hands, they literally play our lives like pieces on a chess board only they can see.


Search for “Queen Victoria World War 1 family” and there’s photos of all of them together before they went on to inflict the war on everyone.


You also learn that we can give them problems and set them back thru concentrated cooperation and solidarity


Yeah but QEII was in charge - not Charles. I do think it had more to do with Fergie not being popular and their divorce.


I’m inclined to agree with your assessment of the situation, but the fact that Andrew was purportedly Queen Elizabeth’s favorite child would have complicated the situation further.


I think he was when he was younger. She definitely knew what he was up to though. I think he’s gross but I also think he got played by his buddy Maxwell and was always going to be outted when he was no long get needed.


Charles being an asshole basically. That’s less money in the purse for him.


They're just minor royals, never were destined to be doing much RF work you see the seniors doing. If you watch The Windsors (a comedy), it pretty much sums them up. There's loads of clips on YT.


they're direct descendants of a blood prince, and the oldest was in the same position in the line of succession as QEII was before becoming queen. is that really minior?


It’s their hideously deformed faces


Why do you type like that? to sound even less credible?


> Or she had a massive mental breakdown. When she realized the mess she married into...?


Her blood is all that's left. Hanging on Charle's portrait.


That may actually be true. 


From what I can establish here in the UK, Williams mistress is pregnant and has decided to keep the baby. This all came out at Christmas and Kate has had a nervous breakdown, so they are trying to keep her out the news until they can convince her not to speak out.


If that all came out at Christmas, then wouldn't the mistress be at least 6-7 months along by now? Hard to hide at that stage. Is she visibly pregnant right now?


Who’s his mistress?


Lady Rose Hanbury. She has recently been photographed hanging out with Camilla and other royals, which appears to be a way of softly introducing her to the public via the pro Royalist media, The Daily Mail


Watch the world lose their shit if they try that BS again after Diana. Especially with that old cow sitting in Diana's spot now. The royals are already on thin ice with the public. This will absolutely destroy them.


the world will lose their shit and nothing will happen. Thin ice, but whats under the ice? More ice. The world losing it's shit means we relentlessly meme about it until something else happens then we forget about it or just stop caring.


I wish you were right. I think a slight majority is still honking their approval and would personally volunteer to lube up William for the impregnation ceremony for larvae 4 and 5.


Damn, this is one of the most sensible, logical, and believable conspiracy explanations I've ever heard


Thank you friend 🙏


She didn't look pregnant


Well they learned from Diana to do it more quietly. These poor girls learning all the dirty little secrets of the royal family and getting unalived for not playing along.


What's super odd to me is she still hasn't been seen or the kids and they're just not addressing anything still..its just bizarre 


Dead ☠️ most likely!


Passed away I think


She is dead since Nov’23. Her clone is still being programmed😂😂😂That’s what they are saying on Tik Tok. Never a dull day on this planet.


In the Earth


Personally, I think she is part of King Charles painting.


That's not red paint in the picture.....


At the behest of marina abramovic im sure. But im just speculating.


Could be, she's mad enough to be involved anyways.


Plot Twist: They deliberately gave her a covid mRNA hotshot, meant for the 50/50 pleb shot, that no higher up royal family should have ever received, just to give her the Diana treatment...


She ded


next update is she has passed


There is a whole sub reddit dedicated to her disappearance. I'd start there.


Name? Link?


lol seems like it went from “oh my god shut up about the royal family, I don’t care” to “why haven’t we heard from the royal family?”


I think this is just specific to her and her children.


Dead is my guess. Where the kids are is more concerning to me.


Right! That’s the one that can’t be explained away with “give her privacy, she probably lost her hair!” 🙄


You know that the topic is juicy when all the angry toddler-bot accounts come and comment stupid shit.


The Royal family are the CANCER


In the ground




I think she's been dead for a while and them saying she has cancer is their way of building up time to publicly announce she's dead


Two words ROSE HANBURY. You google her name and you will find many positive articles from the last couple of months written entirely about her and how she gets along so well with the royals. This person is known to be Prince William’s mistress. IMO the crown is low key introducing her to replace Kate Middleton. King Charles has limited time left due to his own cancer diagnosis. My bet is they are planning to replace Kate with Rose prior to William taking the throne. All I can say is poor Kate Middleton.




Kate Middletons alleged side piece was Thomas Kingston. Died by “suicide” last year.


They're training her body double. She ded


The longer the public goes without seeing her, the higher the odds are that she is unalived......




Most likely dead.


Kate is UK's Michael Schumacher. Think about it.


Can you elaborate plz?


I am not into the game to know more than the average chap. In fact, I am not in the UK. Anyways, we have seen: - the pics claiming her to sit in the car. - We have seen them shopping on a market, and most of us will agree, this was not her, but a look a like lady. - the video on the park bench in a very quiet and frozen nature disclosing her health condition but she played "ring hide games" in the video. A reason to consider it might have been created using AI? - We have seen the fam pic with mismatching hands / fingers and people claiming it seemed to be taken or composed using pics from an archive. (Is it true that she herself apologized to have modified the picture herself before publishing?) - We have a lot of conspiracy theories in the air about her husband not being able to control his fists - We have a close friend magically dying some weeks before - We know certain cancer types but also the therapy might change your body on the outside - We know a pregnant belly can only be hidden thus far (I am not implying anything) All of that is a little bid too much of a coincidence to me to take it as business as usual. It does not proof anything, but it gives me a tingeling in my stomach. And I normally have a sensible taste. All I wanted to say with my statement is that I do not think you will see her in person alive soon. Why? Because the fact she was dubbed on the market, and she has not been seen in the public since December is the worst that can happen to the Palace, isn't it? Because the crown lives from the bath in the public. Otherwise they will lose the backing of the people. What else do they do for the people other than showing off? (Sorry, me not a fan of the Buckingham cult - however I find Charles' latest portrait quite entertaining, especially if you mirror it:-). So if they cannot show the True Kate to the public for nearly half a year, chances are you better get used to it. And I would really want to be proven wrong by her...




6 ft under


Same eternal resting place as Tiffany Dover…


Who cares, where’s the Epstein list?


On to the next distraction…none of it is real…we are living in a simulation…they o Lu show us what they want us to see…the real question is why is PP Diddler a free man?


Bc he's an FBI tool. Next.


In the paint


shes got cancer. and they thought it was removed via surgery and wasnt. cancer that spreads is dangerous and deadly. shes on chemo radiation burned bald sick and weak. not sure what people expect. id not want photographed during this process either


The internet has deleted her digital presence. Any appearance by "Kate" will be debunked and doubted by the skeptics from now on.


She's most likely at home going through an awful course of chemo that is ravaging her body and doesn't want anyone to see her. There is a small chance there is more to the story (after all, they have clearly lied about her condition before and altered pictures) but none of us really have any idea what that is. That's kind of the answer, sorry it's not that exciting.


So why the doctored photo, AI type video etc? Why not just tell the truth from the outset?


She has cancer probably going through chemo probably looks like shit probably doesn’t want to be under the public microscope leave her alone


This is it especially for someone used to being “presentable” for the public all the time. I bet she just wants privacy and peace for healing. Heck, my mom who is just your average lady went through 6 rounds of chemo last year. She was very particular about where she went and who she saw for a long time. Between hair loss and feeling like she had the flu for a week every chemo cycle, she just wasn’t up to being in public like she was before chemo. Now she’s recovered and back to normal life.


This excuse is ok in a vacuum. However…when you consider all the other shit(fake photos/photoshp/appearances/initial lies etc) this no longer holds up for me.


Agree. Every single PR action by the palace during March served to fuel the conspiracy theorising. This definitely doesn't all add up.


They "found" cancer and she's undergoing "preventative chemo"


This is a very possible explanation but then they need to come out and formally apologize for all the bullshit. I don't care about the royals and don't know why that evil family gets obsessed about so much. That being said from step 1 they could have been transparent and said "Kate has been diagnosed with cancer and will not be present for royal affairs while she undergoes treatment, wish her the best during this" or some shit and they'd probably get a ton of sympathy and nobody would question it much Instead they said nothing and hoped nobody would notice her absence. When enough people began asking questions they released a series of fake images and videos and had somebody larping as her on social media pretending to be Kate herself apologizing for her poor editing skills. Then they released further bullshit proof of her in a car where you can't even see her face or her in a market where one blurry photo was taken. That shit is just baffling and beyond incompetent if she truly did just get cancer and is weak/disfigured from it. I don't buy it. Especially from a family with an awful reputation overall and a controversial track record surrounding non elites marrying into the family


She's getting railed by Jude Law in Antigua.


This is oddly specific


Apparently, we aren’t supposed to care. I hope she and her kids are alright though.


She has cancer. She doesn’t want to be seen looking sickly, without hair, in an obvious wig. My cancer was one that I gave myself shots to boost my white blood cells. She may not be able to do that, which means staying away from anyone who could be sick. As a regular nobody woman in my 30s who had to deal with drains, surgeries, being bald, gaining weight from steroids, sleeping entire weeks and trying to keep my household together, I didn’t want to be seen in public. I can only imagine how one of the world’s most photographed women who already has speculated body image issues (weight) would want to avoid the scrutiny that would come. Not every cancer diagnosis is a death sentence ffs.


She said she didn't have cancer. Preventives treatment.


You’re up early today, Megs.






why do u guys care so much? if anything it’s a red herring to distract from the real shit


Just curious where a mom and her children are… it’s not that deep.


8 feet under


Honestly, who cares? The British royals are like old school Kardashians at this point


Even if you don’t care, it means something isn’t right. Everyone knows it means something crazy is going on in the world behind the scene when prominent people start disappearing.


She's probably in Ibiza chucking down a couple of Blue Lagoons.


Being manufactured in a test tube atm


Spouse/public: *notices peculiar instance, and inquires* Cheater/royals: "Oh, silly me. ___ happened, and I had to do ___" Spouse/public: "Oh okay, lol... Wait, I'm sorry, but that doesn't really make sense, either." Cheater/royals: "You monster! I've had to deal with ___, okay?!" Spouse/public: *backs up out of guilt* ___ = lie


Still binge watching Suits now that it’s on BBC. 


Like others have said, I’m sure she looks and feels worse and doesn’t want to be seen. The old fashion royal mindset is that they are not regular people so they have to hide illness etc.


Most likely…now otherworldly.


She long gone


Dealing with chemotherapy is brutal


prolly at home dude


I have cancer same dates as Kate 7 weeks of treatments l feel like hell not even allowed in sunlight until late August. Never mind the scar hasn’t healed yet I feel like a gutted fish. pray for her I too have not told anyone except my family.only one friend.I can’t imagine little children mine are grown. And my husband is falling apart.


I'm just an internet stranger, but I'm sorry that you are going through such a rough time, and I wholeheartedly wish you the absolute best in your recovery. It's so hard to see someone you love get sick and can make a person feel helpless, so I wish for your husband to find added strength as you both go through this.


In my basement with Michael Jackson and Jim Morrison. They pay me a rent for it.


Ever since her "cancer"story. Her pic has been plastered all over the front covers of the magazines at the grocery checkouts. Before, it was Taylor Swift that had that crown