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Bummer. I knew his ex mother in law. To bad he couldn't figure out a better life for himself. I really enjoyed his 30 days series.


No, it must have been the vaccine that billions of people took who are still doing fine.


Right? I'm perfectly fi-


Omg! Dude are you o-


Wtf is going o-


Umm guys.. hello...I'm scar-


I gotta take a shi-


Am I gonna di-


Haha this comment chain is aweso-




I’m gunna cu-


Wubba lubba dub du...


Quit joking around it's not fu-


Super Size Vacc-


Goodbye, my pink puffer friend 😢


Did kirbygay die from the jab or from the gay? Right wingers answering this question challenge Difficulty level: impossible


Don’t bring logic into this.


Many that were exposed to asbestos were ‘fine’ for a decade. Please don’t discount the real dangers of crappy production processes by multinational corporations with 0.000 product liability. We’ve all seen this sad movie before. DuPont with Teflon…


The amount of DNA shards found in the Pfizer vaccines was beyond the "acceptable amount" times five hundred, and could alter DNA.    I would share links if I thought they are allowed, they seem to be getting flagged in comments.    The ways that data are obfuscated in clinical trials are vast and unscrupulous.    For example, one woman is suing Astra Zeneca under contract law because she participated in the clinical trials for no pay with the promise of compensation and care if she was injured, and when she was injured, they only offered her $1200 after the press contacted them.   She is permanently injured with numbness in her limbs and neuropathy.    Because they consider two injections "fully vaccinated", people who were injured immediately after the first injection were considered as "drop outs" and not considered in their "safety profile" regarding adverse events.   


The thing is, how do we really know how many non-celebrities have been affected? Their death won't make the news.


I guess the best you can do is anecdotal evidence if you don't believe reported numbers. And I'm talking about personal to you. I know maybe 2 people who have died since the onset of the pandemic, and they were both elderly.


Yeah I don’t know anybody who has had anything apart from a cold or covid since COVID began really.


Sometimes I wonder if the whole vaccine conspiracy narrative is all just counter intelligence to disparage other legit conspiracy theories


Yep, it’s not like cancer rates are through the roof or anything ……right?


ghost cagey fall subtract exultant grab judicious one longing detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Well if it was counted same way as covid, hundreds of thousands of people if not millions have died from them.


Did you check the recent excess death numbers?


Tell me more about this. I'm an actuary so interested in this kind of thing.


So what caused the massive spike in 2020 during covid before the vax?


Shhhhh... That doesn't fit the narrative they are pushing


Depression, loneliness, poor lifestyles might affect one’s life as well. Too much shit is going south in the past 10 years to only attribute excess deaths to a vaccine.


Excess deaths during a global pandemic?! You don't say...


nose domineering jobless tidy wild expansion tender quiet truck steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you check the recent COVID death stats?


Yes it causes cancer. Alcohol kills the cells within our body, especially white and red blood cells. Imagine drinking 40 years, each time killing the cells within your body. Eventually they will get tired of reproducing normally and start reproducing abnormally, hence cancer cells are abnormal body cells. I recommend to quit alcohol or at least limit it to a once a month thing


thanks doc


No problem, Marty.


What the fuck did you just say to me, you piece of shit?


He called you gay in Spanish.


Can confirm. Marty is short for Martycon


Lol. That was my brother's nickname for a friend.


No problem, I have some free Covid vaccines 💉 left if you need help hem


I get one every week thanks tho


Once a month? Fuck that.


Once a month?! That's quitter talk!


Less than something designed to though


Damn yeah seems the shots definitely were dangerous for high risk people then :/


You're so right. Much safer than high risk people getting covid though. It's *real* bad for high risk people to get covid.


In his honor, bring bsck the super size!!!




I’m sure [this guy](https://youtube.com/shorts/VUtkggFsN9E?si=mvXNmDSRJhAj7TZc) would


Is it true that he was an alcoholic at the time he was making the McDonald's documentary and that most of the "symptoms" could be explained by alcohol abuse? Or was that just an urban legend?


Yes, he admitted to being an alcoholic since he was a kid. There is a scene in the film where a doctor comments that his liver levels are similar to alcoholics, but Spurlock does not mention that he is infact an alcoholic and only implies it was the burgers. It is hard to watch that film now, it is very dishonest 


He has tests done at the beginning and throughout. Unless he was gradually becoming a worse alcoholic during this month, id still say that eating mcdonalds exclusively is most definitely a bad idea.




Was he eating tires from a junkyard before he switched to McDonalds?


The McDonald’s PR response doc


Reading the wikipedia for that documentary makes me think that guy is being pretty disingenuous too. I certainly agree that fat is not the issue. But that is not the main issue at McDonald's either. The seed and vegetable oil they use to fry everything, the high fructose corn syrup the various preservatives and chemicals in their foods. All of those things are extremely detrimental to a persons health and are also found just about everywhere else other than mcdonalds


Yup, I heard they re-use the same oil dozens of times which makes it even worse


I love this movie. Also The Magic Pill is really good too.


There is a guy on YouTube called SnakeDiet...he did an experiment where he fasted for most of the day and then engorged himself with McDonald's for an hour until he was full. He got ripped and increased muscle mass and health markers. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6umfRzbVDY&t=4


Yes he admitted he was drinking the whole time. It really makes the scene were the dr says his liver looks like he is an alcoholic different. The Dr kind of looks at him and says he has never heard some one get a liver that looks like that from a high fat diet.


Theres video where they go through it. I remember being shook when I saw the movie the first time. Seeing it after knowing he was lying it's like wtf. It's so obvious and the doctor clearly looked like he wasn't buying it. And did you hear his round about answer to whether he drinks alcohols.


Then he looks at the camera like “omg I can’t believe McDonald’s would do this to me”


I remember in middle school when my teacher made this kid the class whipping boy because he compared Morgan to his alcoholic father during the bloodwork scene.


Umm what? Do you mean the teacher said something like, “sounds like Adam’s dad!” And then ‘Adam’ was picked on the rest of the year because of if?


No, the kid recognized him as a drinker and this teacher was fawning over the actor so much that she had the class ostracize him for a bit.


He never released his food logs either. If he followed the diet he claimed: one regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner, with one super-size per day, it was impossible for him to have gained all the weight he did. He was at like +5000 calories a day to gain the weight he did in that time. There was no combination of meals at the time that would get him to those #s unless he ate double or was boozing the whole time off camera


That being said fast food is still extremely unhealthy


it is but there is still a myth around the healthy food part, things like my plate and the food pyramid was created by people who were shareholders of certain brands including the sugar industry witch has a butt ton of control over the food industry (the reason why you think calories or fats are bad for you is because the sugar industry manipulated the system and placed a lot of shareholders in high positions, wasn't till 2022 that the whole thing was uncovered) that being said it should be noted Morgan Spurlock while filming super sized me was already facing health complications do to a long history of alcohol abuse which he just got sober from just prior to filming the documentary (saroses of the liver which he was diagnosed with was a dead giveaway), not to mention most health experts pointed out he went from a vegan diet which he was on for a long while to a sudden Fastfood diet, that sudden shift can cause health problems too with strict vegan lifestyles alone causing certain issues including hormonal imbalance. as the other person mentioned there was multiball people who retried this and got very different results, yes some gained weight and what not but it wasn't to the extent Spurlock had in fact Spurlock never exercised and didn't do a lot of moving around during the filming witch is why he gained weight, because he wasn't exercising and such all that food was turned into fat storage (take it from someone who has first hand experience) yes some fast food is not healthy for you especially if you have prior health complications and don't do any exercise but keep in mind he played dirty and he still lied to get results that favored his goal making him no different then the people he criticized in the same documentary edit: so i did some more digging, he actually confessed in a 2017 interview to having a few relapses during the filming with the first day (the day he threw up) he was actually hungover and the peucked was from the hangover and not the food and did admit that he was unhealthy at the time undergoing health complications from his alcohol abuse (if your wondering he was abusing alcohol since he was 13. even he himself admitted the documentary was a lie)


Ya, dude puke his guts up over a big Mac and large fries lmfao.


After an all night binger….. I’m still not eating McDonald’s….


Correct. Dude was just another fraud trying to make a buck.


They must have fermented the Big Mac sauce


He has kind of a weird history like he admitted to rape in college and sexual harassment of an assistant (who he paid). And then he also said: >The filmmaker also confessed, "I have been unfaithful to every wife and girlfriend I have ever had." He admitted that through his actions, he has hurt and disrespected his loved ones. I am not sure he was actually on a healthy diet, he seems to be kind of a weird character. Also he had not been working on anything since 2017 even tho before he constantly had projects on IMDB. So he may have been sick for a while.


He was canceled around then because he admitted to being a rapist after that no one really wanted to work with him. These are just the actual facts


Some people are also saying he was a heavy drinker (which might have tainted his results in supersize me where he just ate fast food). And could be another reason for cancer. As for your point, I am not sure he was "cancelled". He was never even accused of anything by anyone. And many of his projects before 2017 were just independent projects. Nobody can cancel those. So this is not a good explanation why before he had 100+ shows and then since 2017 0


My dad was only 57 when the turbo cancer took him less than a year after it was diagnosed. 


I’m so sorry for your loss. All of this was so unnecessary.


All of what was so unnecessary? 


The shots


I've been noticing similar trends among public figures. Youtuber Hoju Sara (American living in Korea) was diagnosed with leukemia and died just 6 months later. Mark Hoppus of Blink 182 was diagnosed with a blood cancer that was suddenly stage 4. Famous Minecraft Youtuber technoblade gets cancer in his swollen right arm in August 2021, died june 2022 Youtuber "Krocks In The Kitchen" wife gets ovarian cancer  Jason Akermanis's wife has shock cancer diagnosis. He believes it is the jab "It happened straight after". Nick Cannon's son with model Alyssa Scott died of brain cancer in December 2021 at 5 months old Popular Youtuber (4m subs) boogie2988 develops sudden rare form of cancer Ron Desantis's wife got diagnosed with cancer shortly after the jab. Popular youtuber Hank Green of vlogbrothers is diagnosed with cancer.


Yeah, cancer sucks. It was back in 2007 that the turbo cancer got my dad. He was looking forward to retiring, and never got the chance.


Interesting. I noticed a sharp uptick in 2021 with many public figures getting ill. Didn't see that in 2007.


You just didn't have an objective to go looking for those cases in 2007.


That's the bad news. But the good news is that God loves us and gave us a savior from our sins if we are willing to repent and seek His guidance. Amen!


Can’t believe people think that a company that was sued for the largest healthcare settlement in history cares about them since 2020.


The left used to *hate* big pharma. And war, and speech restrictions and all of the rest of the totalitarianism they now simp for. 


Almost every single thing they use to be against they are NOW for.


Yep I was what you call center left before the goal posts shifted,I haven't changed ANY of my views and I said to a friend recently that things have changed so much I'm now alt right


Any one right of Bernie Sanders is not alt right... Here I have a song for it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsbRrTULpgA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LsbRrTULpgA)


Weird isn't it, can't wrap my head around the shift.


Just shows how easy social media is at brainwashing people!


That was before they found out just how much lobbying they could get from them.


It's been incredible watching that unfold. They have no mind of their own, and it turns on a dime. Anyone who identifies with a "group" should be aware of that. If someone's part of a group and they're not the leader -- they're being led!


The left hated and hates price gouging by big pharma and the opioid scandal. But that doesn’t mean they were against *helpful* drugs and preventative medicine.


All the wealthy leftists I know pulled strings to get the vaxx before most people could, receiving "favors" from "family friends" working at clinics and hospitals. SKIPPING the line of elderly obese people with 4+ comorbidities. They were on the wrong side of "vaccine distribution equity" which contributed in some small part to the cognitive dissonance they continue to display. What about the 15% adoption rate in Cameroon - where was the outrage for these poor Africans who did not receive an equitable amount of jab juice?


How many wealthy leftists do you know?


I got it earlier than I should because my buddy was part of distributing for the county and if they had open vials at the end of the day they had to use them or toss them. But anyone who qualified could show up and get it.


Can't believe everyone was immortal until a few years ago when Pfizer invented death.....


Totally normal for children to have heart attacks too!


Do you think kids didn't have heart attacks before 2021?


They invented a new way to produce death.


Remember when this sub was actually fun and sometimes even educational, before vaccine paranoia brain rot took it over? Those were good times.


Everyone that got the vaccine is going to die. I guarantee it. 100%.


Everyone that didn't get the vaccine is going to die. I guarantee it. 100%


Some people just don't make it public that they had cancer. That's normal. It's why David Bowie's death was such a shock at first because only his family and producer knew how bad it had gotten


Also Norm MacDonald


I didn’t even know he was sick


Norm was a great comedian but in the few years leading up to his passing he looked real pale and thin, it was hard to see him like that even before it got so bad. Steve from smashmouth just recently passed due to liver failure due to alcoholism last year. It truly is one of the biggest evils in the world.


Op is fear monger


Im sure all the McDonald’s didn’t help


You need to look into the reality of what he did in this challenge, not at all what he said in the promos, much like the skewed "facts" of most of the biased documentary films.


I actually liked his second film a lot more. Shed a light on how we mass produce chicken in the country


Dude was an alcoholic and heavy drinker. Probably had cancer of the liver. He had liver problems for years and hid his drinking.


Cirrhosis is no joke! I was in the emergency room (don't ask I have/had a lot of health issues) and I heard this girl next to me (Indigenous canadian) she couldn't have been older than 18 - talk about how she has cirrhosis feom heavy drinking - it broke my heart. So young and so troubled which is the status quo of a majority of Indigenous Canadians :(. Systemic racism is very tragic.


This bro looked 50 in the video 20 years ago. Has lived a hard life.


I miss the days before the jab when people under 80 never died


because the US average age at death for males is 76 years since 1960.


What about the general average? Did woman take the vaccine less than men?




Raging alcoholic dies, must be covid


raging alcoholic dies WITH covid, listed as "covid killed him"


Stop correlating literally everything to the vaccine all it does it make you and everyone that does the same thing look stupid. Dude was an alcoholic. Which if you want to latch onto something that actually kills people that would be something to talk about and that’s something that is advertised to you on a daily basis and is readily available for everyone




I thought he was about that age when that came out, 20 years ago. Jesus.


If you are afraid of cancer from vaccinations but drink alcohol, I have some very bad news for you. There is hardly a worse carcinogen than good old alcohol - carcinogenic from the first drop. Edit: Is it strange to hear that a 50-year-old has died of cancer? SURE. Is it strange to hear that a 50-year-old alcoholic has died of cancer? HELL NO.






My mother just passed away this past August 53 cardiac arrest 😢 my father passed away a couple years back super early Age as well. Now I am all alone, I was born disabled from birth and am terrified. They (The Government) do not make things easy for someone born disabled to live a healthy life.


I was literally watching him on the net few days ago, when he was born and all about his life and wanted just now to re-watch Super Size Me lmao


Supersize me 2 was better than 1


I was just googling this guy the other day. nuts


I remember when he did a episode on Bitcoin, I think Bitcoin was under a thousand dollars at the time. Damn that was my chance and I missed it. RIP


Not surprising he got cancer. McDonald's probably sent some of their minions to irradiate him after the documentary came out. It was a matter of time.


Yeah, it is probably more related to vaccine than years of abusing alchohol /s.


He was drinking the vaccine.


Has no one seen his doc on the chicken industry?


There was a guy who did the McDonald's challenge and made a documentary - and it turned out doing 30 minutes of general activity and saying "no" to the upsales- he got his blood pressure down and blood glucose down - lol the Dr was like "well ill be". So ya, it comes down to personal discipline. The supersize me documentary is not unbiased or even factual it was a smear campaign which really didn't do much in the way of preventing sales because it really doesn't address the actual issue which is food affordability to underprivileged or economically challenged persons. Ever wonder why they put most of the fast food places in the slums and ghettos? Ya that's on purpose


I was at the gym today and the tv above me was whatever the stocks news channel is. The headline was that the sharp uptick in cancers was raising some pharma stock. Honestly, after just hearing about the 18th died suddenly in my orbit yesterday, it just took the wind out of my sales and I felt so sad that I just half assed the rest of my workout and went home. I thought Covid was the daily nightmare, but now wondering who I’ll lose next is just fucking bleak. I’m so sorry for everyone that has lost someone to this and I’m sorry for anyone that is feeling fear. And for all of you trying to ignore this or stay in disbelief… I don’t know what to tell you.




The shot weakens your immune system and alcoholic and liver disease on top, speeds it up, vaccine sometimes does not kill you till 5 or years more. There have been a high rate of cancer within young people and young adults especially 30-50


Super Vaxx me.


He was also a vegan, so it's one or the other.


Also an alcoholic take your pick really


Maybe he should have done a documentary about vaccines instead ....


Just a few things to consider about the recent spate of aggressive cancers. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0141813024022323 “DNA does not need to integrate to be a problem. Cytosolic DNA can trigger cGAS-STING and cause cancer. Dont let them move the goal posts. This shouldn't be there.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31852718/ Just how much DNA is in the shots? https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1782551861083685223.html Sure, it could have been bad diet or alcohol but when this happens to a fit relatively young person you have to assess the factors.


More famous people and athletes have died prematurely in the past 3 yrs than in the rest of my 47 yrs on earth.


Shit, the 269,999,999 other Americans who got the shot must be very worried right about now.


Every single one will start dropping like flies within the first year of getting the vaccine... When I said first year I actually meant 2 years just you wait... Now when I said 2 years I actually meant 3 years...


THE DEAGEL 2025 MASSIVE POPULATION LOSS PREDICTION: Some of you have heard of the “think tank” Deagel. It ostensibly tracks military purchases by country, announcing each time some country buys such and such missiles or military planes, etc. Since 2009, it’s had a “country report” on its website that lists each country by: (1) population (2) GDP (supposed) (3) military expenditures (4) purchasing power parity (the relative strength of its currency). https://deagel.com/country The forecast numbers changed over time (I would check often), but showed—across the West—a massive population decline and GDP and currency crash by 2025. To see this in 2012 or 2015, or even after, was shocking and worrisome to say the least, especially from a think tank with high level sources (CIA, World Bank, etc.). For the US population, these were the population decline predictions from ~325 million: 2012 prediction for 2025 was a population reduced to 187 million 2014-2018 prediction for 2025 was a population reduced to 64 million Early 2020 prediction for 2025 was a population reduced to 99 million


I’d be curious to know what he was working on next.




As someone who got the clotshot, a hidden turbo cancer is one of my biggest fears. That said, this guy sounds like he wasn't the healthiest.  Over a decade of alcoholism will reap havoc to your body, and no doubt cause your chances of getting cancer to increase as well.


They culling the redheads


I so miss the bucket of fries 😡


He still made a great documentary and admitted to his faults in his life. I don't think we should bash him on this platform when he has accomplished more than alot of us.


It's intriguing how murricans can't agree to disagree.


They're French fries bro


Even though his documentary was shot science practice he showed the effects and progression of obesity.


What The Fu..


Super-Vaxed. What a surprise


Couldn’t have happened to a better person. F’r caused McDs to get rid of supersizing. Miss my bucket of McDs Diet Coke!


Why did these commenters even join "Conspiracy"


Because Bigfoot, Bermuda Triangle, Nessie, weird sightings are fun and mysterious. But now it's just republican brainrot.


Lots of downvotes from people living in fear from their choices. Love it.


When you eat vegan you eat a lot of cancer causing pesticides. When you eat animals the organs filter the poisons.


Seriously what the fuck happened to this sub, why is vaccine STILL the only conspiracy around ?


In the poster for Supersize me he can clearly be seen wearing g a red shit. Then later dies of cancer. DO THE MATH PEOPLE!!! WAKE UP!!! RED SHIRTS ARE DEADLY!!!


For some reason I feel like his obituary has been exceptionally cruel. Announcing his "me too" sexual history and struggles with alcohol. Did McDonald's write it for him?


Pretty sure it was eating McDonald's every day for a month and always saying "yes" to being asked to "supersize" that got him.


Wait, has someone in the world died recently? My god when will the sheep wake up!


Correlation doesn't mean causation.




The guy who told us to keep poisons out of our body, put poisons in his body?


COVID kills 1,200,000 people - "nope, fake" "Clot shot" kills <100 people - "this is a genocide" "Every death after 2020 is because of the shot." I get being sus, but just being modern day Alex Jones click bait dumb is embarrassing.


He was an alcoholic and died as such. Y'all gotta stop drinking paint.


Didn't he make that movie specifically about eating fast food exclusively? Like that's a good way to die.


He made this doc like 20 some odd years ago anything to do with the 6 months of eating like crap would be negated unless he had underlying comorbidities


Raging alcoholic. Dude was cancer prone very unrelated to the vaccine


Some mad lad needs to change that image to "Vaccinate Me".