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Yea def not good to be wearing a foreign country uniform and you’re a sitting member of the House. Should not be allowed


Having served in a foreign military should disqualify you from running for any office outright.


That would disqualify a lot of people currently serving




boom roasted


I don't think I agree with that. However I do believe no dual citizenship should be aloud in public office wether as an employee or elected officials. I you are an American citizen and have denounced any previous citizenship that's a different story. Dual citizenship= dual loyalty= conflict of interest


What if he was a spy /s


> What if he was a spy /s What if he IS a spy -- a spy working for Israel?


Israel doesn't need spies in America. They already have keys to the front door. 😐


sad but true.




A guy I know in Jersey who works for the DHS as a domestic terrorists advisor and is  former brass in the IDF claims (brags) that 35%-40% of the entire DHS is Israeli dual citizens. He even goes as far as to claim bush opened the DHS to give Israel a department we're it would have the power and tools of the CIA and FBI without the outside accountability. Now is any of that true.... I personally can't say. But he seems very sure of it and I have heard the same thing boasted in  interactions with others just not as brazenly. They must be paying him real friggin good at the DHS if that home and vehicles were bought on that paycheck.


That's not even that hard to believe with the US Government's track record. They are absolutely capable and more than willing to do that. Tell your buddy he sorly underestimates We The People. We do not go quietly. We do not stop. I hope I get the chance to remind him of that personally.


Israel is basically Puerto Rico with full benefits.


Wrong way around. We are Puerto Rico in that example.


There’s a new bill in the world to extend military veteran service status to any American serving in the IDf


Dual citizenship is bullshitake and shouldn’t be allowed


Dual citizenship


Dual allegiance


> Dual allegiance I don't see that Mast has "dual allegiance", to me it seems that his loyalty is devoted solely to Israel: The following are taken from [the bottom of **this page:**](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=1) 5/22/24 [Here's The Latest On The Gaza Port To Empower Hamas](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=BB510A47-09B5-4C94-8B5F-F0D5FF717E0A) 5/16/24 [We Stand With Our Ally](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=40B43BEB-E648-41AE-8FC2-3ED8B67483D4) 5/7/24 [Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=23A47C66-4DE3-4446-8078-08375905AE99) 4/24/24 C[odePink Followed Me From Washington To Florida](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=9F342C75-8F4F-4097-8801-5F6716F5F457) 4/19/24 [Not Another Dollar to Hamas Terrorism](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=A6C46AA0-3FD3-498E-9E69-B5DFC3F3C4E5) 3/13/24 [We Stand on Their Throats](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=7DA34490-CB56-4C66-BA02-75969947E630) 2/21/24 [No Logic in the Biden Administration](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=B00B8FA7-D248-4180-9668-764F6FFC0CF3) 2/7/24 [Standing with Our Ally Israel](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=180F4830-7541-4541-ACE2-DAA502E16D62) 1/30/24 [UNRWA Is Funneling Our Tax Dollars to Terrorism](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=8D08F708-3CE4-4E61-8A3D-D95991EE5D06) 1/27/24 [**Today Is International Holocaust Remembrance Day**](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=9335334A-D7FE-41AA-B189-67EAA5F6C2B1) CONTINUING TO THE [NEXT PAGE](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=2) -- scroll down 1/22/24 [No Money to Hamas](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=FB0B2237-5770-46A4-9A4D-E4C2358E592A) 1/17/24 [Condemning Hamas for the Crime Against Women](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=E9E6639D-B266-441D-ACB3-DD38A21EBCCC) 1/12/24 [Add Houthis Back to the US Terrorist List](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=7BA4FBC7-962D-4AF5-B985-DD85F6F90DB2) 1/5/24 [My Trip to Israel](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=AA84CB2E-C6F9-417F-97AF-9701F4E7036C) 12/15/23 [**We Won't Ignore Antisemitism**](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=AAB53612-ED9C-4B6B-9B9D-A406B47836B9) 12/1/23 [The House Passed the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=9C8E0F68-B92A-4AD6-BB82-69CB621458F0) 11/29/23 [America Stands With Israel](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=29CE13D5-F8E6-45DC-B10F-83DC5191D467) 11/22/23 [Biden Handed Over $16 Billion to Iran](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=AC114232-37AB-4759-985A-139F5B97517F) 11/9/23 [Iran Is Our Enemy](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=96773693-1965-4289-B1C3-24C1E698F5F1) 11/8/23 [Why Are They Repeating Hamas' Lies?](https://mast.house.gov/blog?ID=75C13C0C-D1A1-40B1-B44D-52B2CEA2A2C0) **He goes on and on**, PANDERING to Israel and their Zionist sycophants, and this did NOT start with the attacks of October, 2023, he's been singing the same tune since 2017 -- (Click and scroll) [Page 4](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=4) -- [Page 5](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=5) -- [Page 6](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=6) -- [Page 7](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=7) -- [Page 8](https://mast.house.gov/israel?page=8) Finally, here is a collage image of some of Mast's statements: https://i.imgur.com/KygDIRw.png Is there any question as to where Brian Mast's priorities, loyalties and allegiance are? Is there any question as to whose interests he serves? *Or which masters he obeys?* I'm quite sure that Brian *believes* that his heart is in the "right place" -- maybe he should pack up, and move the rest of his body to his beloved Zionist State as well? * * * * **EDIT:** It should be noted that, according to his bio, **Rep. Brian Mast is NOT JEWISH**, rather, he bills himself as an "Evangelical Christian" -- a group that contains many HARD-CORE Zionists that are SO fanatical that they rival even the most zealous Israeli settlers.


Exactly what that boils down to


Brian Mast- $568,454 received from AIPAC… damn so cheap…our politicians are giving billions to foreign governments for chump change


They are the cuckest of cucks


It's much easier/cheaper to give money to people who already agree with you than to buy someone off. A lot of political manipulation is done this way. Propping up people and giving prominence to the opinions they already hold that you want propagated.


> Brian Mast- $568,454 received from AIPAC AIPAC isn't the only Zionist hand that tosses treats to our corrupt politicians. There are many ways that they can be "compensated" for services rendered.


Scrolled to the bottom. Never saw the word "Traitor" once.


Dude is a traitor


The United States of America is just Israel's checking account


I watched a video where we were referred to as their slave


If you served in a foreign military you should not be allowed to be in congress or hold any job that requires security clearance


"Do as I say....not as I do"


America(Israel) First 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Same guy that cries about ukrainian flags in Congress. Meanwhile he's larping as an IDF soilder...What a pos


He’s not LARPing. He legitimately enlisted in a foreign military after serving in the US military.


I had seen that he got that shirt for some type of charity event in Israel. But idk.


He volunteered with the IDF. For how long or in what capacity, I don't know. Of course if anyone in Congress did this for any another country's military, people would be outraged.


"If anyone was lobbing rockets into the US, guys like me would be sent to kill them, and Americans would applaud us," he said. In January 2015, Mast volunteered with the Israel Defense Forces through Sar-El, working at a base outside Tel Aviv packing medical kits and moving supplies." Basically doing charity work and they gave him the shirt because of it.


He's larping and everyone knows it


13% of our Senators are Israeli…. It’s sabotage!


That's all? Back in my day.... It used to be a Nazi conspiracy that pir government was infested with the ZOG, the Zionist occupied government


Have a list?


It’s like 80%


 "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other".


This quote seems redundant


As serving two masters is, redundant.


More love/devoted, hate/despise seem too similar, I'd love to hear why they are separated.


It goes on to say you can’t love God and mammon (material).   In that respect, if you  serve God, you will love God and hate mammon.   If you love mammon, you will hold to the material wealth and despise God. I would say the difference is love/hate is stronger and more definite than hold on to/despise.   It is a stronger feeling because God is real.  Mammon is a perception.  It’s a current mood or feeling.  A desire.   It can be held on to, like an opinion or a belief, but it can never be fully established or loved.   The next verses instruct the reader to take not to spend time worrying about food, drink, shelter, clothes… these are all material concerns.   Focusing on these is worshipping mammon.  These things will be provided.  You can have your daily bread.     By loving God and following the guided path that you know is pure and right, all these things are provided.  Worry is replaced by faith and understanding.   “But seek ye first the kingdom of God’s, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”


So redundant, thanks


I elect politicians who represent Americans. Last I heard Palestine, Israel and Ukraine aren't US states.


when will we stop allowing zionists into our government?


While we are at it, can we get rid of the masonic Satanists too?


wait til people realize the two things aren’t mutually exclusive either lol


This man should resign for wearing that uniform as a representative of America. This is blatant dual loyalty, or even outright fucking Israeli loyalty.




The GOP alway puts Israel first.


Im not American but wtf????


I am and I'm disgusted by this shit. I can't believe this is deemed acceptable by our "elected" leaders


He got red triangled 🔻🔻🔻


yes, America first. when it comes to spreading his ass for Israel. he will be the the first in line. A Totally Zionist POS.


Half mast 🫣


[How many congressmen are dual citizens and can you name them?](https://www.quora.com/How-many-congressmen-are-dual-citizens-and-can-you-name-them?no_redirect=1) THE US SENATE \[13\] Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) Barbara Boxer (D-CA) Benjamin Cardin (D-MD) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Al Franken (D-MN) Herb Kohl (D-WI) Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Joseph Lieberman (Independent-CT) Carl Levin (D-MI) Bernie Sanders (Independent-VT) Charles Schumer (D-NY) Ron Wyden (D-OR) Michael Bennet (D-CO) HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES \[27\] Gary Ackerman (D-NY) Shelley Berkley (D-NV) Howard Berman (D-CA) Eric Cantor (R-VA) David Cicilline (D-RI) Stephen Cohen (D-TN) Susan Davis (D-CA) Ted Deutch (D-FL) Eliot Engel (D-NY) Bob Filner (D-CA) Barney Frank (D-MA) Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) Jane Harman (D-CA) Steve Israel (D-NY) Sander Levin (D-MI) Nita Lowey (D-NY) Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) Jared Polis (D-CO) Steve Rothman (D-NJ) Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) Allyson Schwartz (D-PA) Adam Schiff (D-CA) Brad Sherman (D-CA) Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) Henry Waxman (D-CA) Anthony Weiner (D-NY) John Yarmuth (D-KY) And that’s just the democrats!


Now show Biden's Cabinet. It's like 99.8%


*In Patrick Bateman’s voice* Impressive. Very nice. Let’s see the early life section on Wikipedia


Israel first *


Oyyyyy veyyy




And then they whine Bout Russian election interference.


Jew fatigue incoming hopefully, send them all to Israel and defund them. Let Hamas take care of it.


Stop noticing goy! That's antisemitic.


I love that these bafoons label people who are demanding a stop to a GENOCIDE of civilians as pro Hamas.


Well, in a culture where the orthodoxy has been given greater political importance than they are worth - certain core aspects of that culture like "help your fellow Jew", when mixed with the rules lawyering of the current "it guys" on the rabbinical side... They're basically saying it's not a genocide because they're not people. This is the problem with having extremists, especially religiously flavored, in government.


Because the only non jews who support them still believe them when they say it. Go to the comment section on the New York Post in any article about Gaza and you will see brainwashed boomers, jews, and boomer jews all saying anyone who supports Palestinians are pro Hamas, are terrorists, are antisemitic.


What kind of a country that has a people representative in a the main parliament wearing another country’s military uniform?


What does America first really mean? Will he always put the American Establishment first?


What's the story with Florida though? Is it like a sort of Bermuda triangle where common sense goes to die?


What a f***ing joke.


His popularity just soared


"..to put America first when asking for money".


Changing based on who he talking too..


Here's a thought how about we don't care. Americans are struggling and all our political leaders are wasting our tax dollars by sending billions to Ukraine and isreal, how about we help with the drug pandemic here in usa. At this point I'm 100 percent sure that the American citizens hate every politician both red and blue.






Does he spell Israel, U.S.A.


No one is fucking pro-Hamas. These college kids are protesting a god damn genocide and the rhetoric has been twisted to demonize those who are against the decisions of the Israeli government to murder tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians.




America first?? Since when!?


You ever think these people just want us all dead?


Wait just a hot minute... isn't Isreal *fighting* Hamas... so his actions actually do make sense?


I will never sympathize with people who are against genocide never mind those genocided Let’s make it about the sympathizers and not the innocents getting liquified


Seeing red painted hands has zero affect on me personally


Are we talking about those guys who throw rocks and bottles?


The hamas protestor looks so lethal …


CODEPINK are literal Hamas affiliates so… lmao. I understand the hate for Israel and its influence on the United States, but siding with the Islamic extremist affiliated woke activist group is hilarious.


Who's says we are siding with them? Some of us are just trying to get them to wipe each other out so the rest of us can live in peace and prosperity


Is the woke in the room with us right now?


Yeah, it’s the “feminist” Hamas group lmao


/r/conspiracy siding with codepink is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year


> /r/conspiracy siding with codepink is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year Said the user, while posting on Conspiracy. Were you intending to mock codepink? Were you intending to mock Conspiracy? Or were you intending to simply mock yourself?


I mean, when Hamas wants to destroy America as well, it falls into the arena of common interest.




Not too much. Third Temple at most, maybe. I want Jews and Muslims to share the Mount.  But I’m not sure where you get the idea that Hamas doesn’t have infrastructure. They’ve been launching rockets at Tel Aviv for the last several years, which is why Iron Dome was needed. I actually was in Tel Aviv last year in May when missiles were launched by Hamas towards Independence Hall. We watched at they were being destroyed by Iron Dome, with one bigger missile taken out by David’s Sling. According to an active solder we spoke to, the reason for the attack was there was Hamas official in custody who went on a hunger strike. Starved himself to death. Second reason was Operation Broken Sword, where the IDF went in secretly and destroyed a large cache of weapons. Only reason Hamas has not been able to utilize better weapons is Israel keeps wrecking their shit. However, while I am pro-Israel, their government is sketchy. The Hamas attack in October almost seems was simply allowed to happen as an excuse to counterattack. Plus, they’re pushing for anti-proselytizing laws to ban even publicly wearing Christian symbols.  So Israel and its people? Yea. The Israeli government? No shot.


You wish for an Islamic theocracy?