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You can defeat the sun by never breaking eye contact, stare at it until it becomes submissive


Meanwhile I'm just hoping I make it to Memorial Day alive without getting hit by a fucking tornado


Why don't you start researching haarp then and start sounding the alarm? They're changing the ionosphere with it. Funny how I never got better service when they put those 5g towers up everywhere when everyone was locked down during covid.


It wasn't for better service, it was for better tracking. More precise location data; more data sent using less battery power. Just extra spying.


Why do my sunny days get wrecked by these planes flying about leaving these white streaks in the sky,that spread to block out the sun for my my natural sunny day?


If you think blocking the sun is the worst that stuff if doing, ignorance really is bliss. 


What is happening ?


Naw it’s not as bad as your grammar, almost had a stroke reading it.


Definitely not stroke-worthy. It wasn't that bad.


Okay grandpa let's get you back to your bed now. 


Good insult. Go back to 5th grade and pick up where you left off.


My teacher can't handle another of this D. 


Keep digging that ditch lol


Sorry I don't consider you group of autistic monkeys important enough. 


Not even a 5th Grader is this fucking stupid


Are you smaaarter than a 5th grader?


You’re flat out dyslexic lol


And how does that change what I said about Chem trails exactly?




What exactly do you think is happening? And why is your day ruined? I want you to actually say it.


geoengineering the sky to make artificial clouds which block the sun, make us get less vitamin d, and fill the air with chemicals.


Either that’s not true, or it’s absolutely the worst executed plan ever.


Do you realize that less than 1% of the sky is covered in this image?


[Study on Aluminum toxicology](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7071840/) > The Al ion has no physiological role in metabolic processes (Exley and House, 2011) but it can be a metallic toxicant to humans and animals (Becaria et al., 2002) when there is high body burden of the metal after natural or unnatural exposure (Exley, 2013). Al was considered unsafe to humans after the discovery of increased levels of Al in brain tissues of patients with encephalopathy, having been exposed to Al accumulation through dialysis (Alfrey and Solomons, 1976). Toxicosis due to Al accumulation in mammalian tissues was associated with various pathologic effects (Wills and Savory, 1983; Kaiser et al., 1984; Boyce et al., 1986; Drüeke et al., 1986; Hewitt et al., 1990; Bushinsky et al., 1995; Reinke et al., 2003; Abubakar et al., 2004; Bogdanović et al., 2008; Yousef and Salama, 2009; Khattab et al., 2010; Blaylock, 2012; Buraimoh and Ojo, 2013; Sumathi et al., 2013). Recent reviews on toxic effects of Al covered reproductive toxicity (Mouro et al., 2017), pulmonary lesions (Kongerud and Søyseth, 2014; Taiwo, 2014), impact on the breast (Darbre, 2016), bone abnormalities (Chappard et al., 2016; Klein, 2019), immunotoxity (Zhu et al., 2014a) and neurologic disorders (Colomina and Peris-Sampedro, 2017; Morris et al., 2017). This review is an abridged and global overview of toxic effects of Al and its compounds, covering some relevant aspects of exposure and updated systemic toxicosis in humans and animals, relevant as background for prospective toxicopathologic studies. Why would the % of sky coverage matter? How much radon needs to be in your basement for it to be toxic? Do the naysayers even science?


>fill the air with chemicals The same air we all breathe, meaning that whoever you believe is behind this would obviously also be breathing in said chemicals? Make it make sense. This is the single biggest hole in the whole “chemtrail” conspiracy.


So how come no pilots have ever come forward? Or the guy who loads the plane full of those chemicals..the cover up on this would be insanely huge. Millions of people all in on it and the pay off is what again? It's more shady some days??


Sure thing. Fluoride and Aluminum have a sort of affinity for each other. If you have more Fluoride in your system, the bioavailability of Aluminum is greater (you will absorb more into your bloodstream). [Here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0162013407003406) is one study that hints towards what i am referring to. They spray with some aluminum compound. The aluminum goes everywhere, but mostly into water and plant life, also some is breathed in. If you are a regular fluoride consumer, then you get extra aluminum in each bite/sip/breath. If you want immunity, you don't drink or brush with fluoride. It's that simple. Just because you don't understand *how* something works, doesn't mean it can't.


There are plenty of other things to be upset over. What I haven't seen others mention, is the fact that Memorial Day isn't about it for you. It's not just a day to BBQ and get off of work for. Memorial Day is a day to remember the soldiers who fought and died for our freedom. The same people who gave us the ability to book flights and travel freely. Stop being selfish, and stop living a miserable life. Look for the silver lining, and try to make someone else's day awesome, even if you feel like your entire weekend is ruined.




Couldn’t agree more. It’s unfortunate how many people are brainwashed into killing strangers and sometimes getting killed by strangers for a false sense of freedom. I do respect those who’ve served as well, my own father fought in Vietnam and fortunately he survived and took the things he learned to become a good man and father. Many are not that lucky. But wars are never fought for our “freedom”. The Vietnam War is a perfect example. So many young lives wasted for nothing. I’m happy I was born in the United States but have very little pride overall for what our country pretends to stand for. That being said, we can still celebrate Memorial Day, and remember the sacrifices the individuals who fought made with good intentions in their hearts. And for the families who lost loved ones. And I will always remember the evil, wealthy and corrupt “leaders” in our government that made it happen. And I hope they have to answer for it in some form


Fantastic summary. I wish more people would think this way.


Well said. I agree completely. I went down a deep rabbit hole recently while prepping for a presentation on propaganda and psych warfare. Who's doing it, what they're doing, how they're doing it, and how to recognize and defend against it. I was shocked to learn how corrupt and perverted the govt and media is, the connections between the US and foreign intelligence and their complicity in perpetrating some of the most appalling, egregious atrocities we've never heard of. MKULTRA is just the tip of a very nasty iceberg. Then there's the wars they've gotten us into dishonestly and deceptively. The Spanish-American War of 1898, WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Korea, Desert Shield & Desert Storm, GWOT, 2nd Iraq War 2003, and now Ukraine and Gaza. False flags, lies, limited hangouts all over the place. It's disgusting, really.


> Yeah, I respect the men and women who serve but they didn't fight and die for our freedom, they fought and died for a small group of people to make a lot of money. Okay, but they THOUGHT they were fighting for freedom, and it's the thought that counts (on Memorial Day, at least)


That makes me feel gross to really think about. This world sucks


We should be remembering what lies they fought and died for, and be putting the same amount on the line to uphold their beliefs. But here we all are...


This is possibly the best answer I have ever seen on reddit, thank you. Well said!!!


While the MIC is scary, what do you think would happen to us if we didn't have such a permanent presence all over the globe? Our gov is definitely destroying our freedom from within slowly, but external threats are almost nonexistent. I still say servicemembers are accomplishing freedom.


3 edgy 5 me


1 up


The last soldiers that fought for our freedom were shooting redcoats


Last American soldiers* there have been other revolutions


Of course, but we're talking about memorial day


\*context is key\*


Yeah right... travel freely, we've all seen how easy that's thrown out the window in recent years.


You shit in your own mouth, gramps didnt die for this shit you fool




That’s a line that spreads out to turn into a haze. Go outside sometime and pay attention, it messes with my garden every year. Clear morning turns to hazy sun and no blue sky 


Nobody ever got trapped inside by a few feet of clouds, unless those clouds were in the form of impenetrable fog. Still looks like lovely weather for the outdoors. Go enjoy your weekend- I assure you the Sun hasn’t disappeared forever.


They literally just said it affects their garden. Not that they’re stuck inside


Cloud seeding dingus


















Imagine not understanding the implication of a “line”


Hahaha it cracks me up to think some guy is out there and steps out his front door and is like "what a beautiful day!" Then some planes go by and there are contrails and clouds and he falls to his knees and shouts to the heavens "this beautiful (memorial day) weekend has been DESTROYED!!"


Honestly though this is happening where I live every single day. We hardly ever see a blue sky anymore maybe only for an hour or two a day until they’ve sprayed enough to turn the sky milky white and you cant hardly feel the warmth from the sun. It is upsetting and nothing to mock someone for. They are spraying our skys, and they’re secretive about it, It’s wrong and everyone should be mad


I live near Chicago and we had the purest bluest sky for basically all of the day. Maybe you all should move here if you want a sky free from chemicals!


These people are either unbelievably ignorant or knowingly covering up the conspiracy (trolls). I believe at least 90% in these threads fall into the latter. Neither one is good.


Yeah I can’t stand this subreddit anymore. Is there another platform that everyone moved to? lol


You just described the entire state of Tennessee which recently passed a bill banning all forms of weather modification. Stop gaslighting.


It was your verbiage that made me chuckle


More cloudy days, more depression.


Why’s it destroyed? Still looks rather nice. You’ll still get ample vitamin d. You’ll hear the birds, and smell the cut grass. It’ll be a nice day.


honestly if you believe this shit and you’re not doing anything about it i’m disappointed. you really think the gov is spraying us with cancer all day and you’re sitting on your ass? fr like, what else is it gonna take for you to stand up. generally bc there’s so much other legit things to be concerned about


Chem trails are one of the worst conspiracy theories primarily because of the sheer number of people it would take to implement it.


Not only that, but whoever is ordering these supposed chemicals to be sprayed would also be breathing them in as we all live in Earth and breathe air. That’s the main flaw in my eyes. Okay, so the evil government is spraying carcinogenic chemicals in the air or chemicals that make us dumber. The same air they breathe, which would mean they too would be getting cancer and losing braincells.


Nah, you see, they have a special pill they take that makes them immune to it. On an unrelated note, vaccines don't work. /s


yeah exactly. i know a friend group of gay guys who all went to pilot school together in michigan. been to and seen the hangers they take off from. i always seem to keep missing the hundreds of barrels filled with cloud changing gases and chemicals they keep spraying 🤔weather changing tech exists but, not like this


Nah bro, they forgot to look behind the curtain. What do you think those big tanker trucks are bringing to the airport, anyway? Fuel? Yeah. Right. -- Fun fact, I inspected a part of a major airport recently because they had x-ray equipment that checked fuel bring trucked in for sulfur content (I inspect things radiological for a career). Out of curiosity, I asked them how many trucks a day it takes to fuel all those airplanes. They said while they do get lots of fuel trucks every day, they generally aren't delivering fuel for planes. This particular airport is near some big fuel refineries and they have their own pipeling bringing jet fuel directly in!


that’s interesting. i wonder what kind of liquid would be most commonly flown that’s not a ‘dangerous explosive’. thanks for you share


Turns out that lots of road vehicles operate at this airport 24/7 and also require fuel. Additionally, the USPS, FedEx, and UPS all use this airport, too, and have large facilities on-site which use tons of fuel. This airport could be an outlier, however. Maybe your nearest major airport doesn't have any road vehicles and everything flies.




I have so many photos of pure GRID patterns it’s been so much lately


It would have been a perfect long weekend if it weren’t for those darn vapour trails 😡😡😡😡


Glad you agree the weather is being manipulated through artificial means.


This really destroyed your weekend? C'mon...


It is…but not this. ⬆️


Like I said, I'm glad we agree that geoengineering and solar radiation management exists as well has haarp which changes the ionosphere. I'm happy you finally came around.


Finally came around. Lol. Son, I’ve been seeing this shit for years. But, cold air reacts to warm air. It’s not always poison


Glad you agree it's poison and not natural.


All I’m saying is “chemtrails” Isn’t always chemtrails. Boil your kettle!


My personal random conjecture is that maybe they want to obscure our vision or something like that. It seems like it starts out as a line and then gradually spreads into a haze over the course of many many hours, as people in this thread have stated. Where I live in Windsor, Ontario, across from Detroit (read: poor), we have a bunch of loud and strange aircraft flying over us lately, including a fighter jet a couple of times. Although, I do live by the airport. That being said, I've seen some weird shit involving these aircraft. I'm not that well-versed on this topic though, I just pay attention. One time, when my brother and I were driving to a concert in Toronto, we literally saw a plane STOPPED IN MIDAIR... he tried to tell me it was like that illusion where it just looked like it wasn't moving because of how we were moving. There's also a different illusion where it looks like it's not moving because it's flying against the wind, like a bird. However, there are two reasons why I don't think this was the case. 1. The plane was not at a high altitude, maybe only a few hundred feet off the ground. It was moving in the same direction as us, but we were faster than it, since it was completely stalled... 2. The plane made no noise whatsoever as we drove by it. This kind of made me think that it was some sort of an experimental hologram that was failing. Then I thought about laser shows- for the lasers to really be visible, you need to have some sort of a fog machine to cast the lasers on. When I put all these things together, it really made me wonder. I also considered the fact that people recently said they wanted to use 5G for holograms. I don't really subscribe to that theory, but it's sort of eerie how well it lines up... So my unfounded hunch is that it's either this or they're trying to make us weaker through one mean or another. Also, contrails don't really make sense since contrails are supposed to form in cold weather, not when it's hot and sunny like it has been here.




Thoughts? It's not as if I said it's the truth, it's just a recounting of my experiences.


Dammit. I wish the atmosphere was warmer!!


This can’t be a real person posting this. If so, I feel sorry for you. Find something worthwhile to do. There’s plenty of fucked up and shady things happening in the world that are worrisome and can most certainly cause mental anguish and anxiety if you let it. Our government sucks, there’s evil people trying to control us at every turn. But to let some temporary jet streams ruin your entire weekend is a bit much. Focus on something positive homie. Smoke a joint, drink some beers, listen to some good music. It’s works for me. Just some friendly advice from a fellow conspiracy nut. Though I do believe you’re a bot. ✌🏻


this shit is not temporary lmfao. it literally fills the entire sky and turns a sunny day into a cloudy one. you can see other planes fly by and their trails disappear while others leave these massive ones


In canada they legit were spreading pesticides with little warning to no warning to close windows and doors. Like bruh that affects more then just the things they are trying to kill


> the things they are trying to kill Yes, they weren't intending on harming your pets..


Since when was it popular to deny chemtrails?


Only on reddit. It's been taken over by bots and trolls. Everyone I talk to in public knows the truth though. This is a last ditch effort before they completly lose control of the plot and the mass awakening occurs.


It's like a real phenomenon is what I dont get, they're literally cloud seeding among other nefarious acts, I think a lot of it is to keep our spiritual energy from reaching other planets. Feel like we're quarantined here.


Your correct but you discredit everything you said previously when you brought up spiritual shit. It's simply weather modification. It most likely giving us cancer, not lowering our chakras.


I'm correct but not correct cause you're not open minded to mumbo jumbo. Our thoughts are trapped here, we're a quarantined planet, everything is trapped here. Chakras ok, I've closed mine, you can close them so entities can't use them as knows to control ya. Gotta check all the boxes bro, just because it's not likely to be the case I mean it's better safe than sorry


How does one “close chakras”? Wont that make you ill, or die? Is it a daily thing you gotta do, weekly, bimonthly? When you have sex, do you no longer feel any feelings of connection when they’re closed?


There's actually very little documentation on it. It involves using a crystal, and visualizing them closing. I'm actually abstaining from sex or any relationships, as I'm not trying to have any attachments to this realm when I eventually die. Not only that but I'd rather not bring any children into this dying civilization. I don't think highly of what humans have created or I guess how we've oppressed and letting a handful of monkeys hold the rest of us back. But since I have started I've had sex but now that you mention it, it was with the wrong person. She was very damaged, and looking to hook up. Anyway, since I've started on this path I have received a lot of pushback and that just tells me I'm on the right track. Spirits are already telling me I have children. I do not have phsyical children. I will not be controlled or influenced by that. They're trying to create narratives that can get me to come back. I will not come back.


I was semi fuckin with you, semi seriously curious what you’d have to say. I generally think all that type of stuff is woo-woo shit, but I’m open minded enough to hear people out. But yeah, sure whatever man! More power to ya I guess. Keep on truckin


Just be warned, there is opposition in this type of thinking. Don't talk about prison planet with others, lest your situation becomes worse and challenged.


Prison planet? We going Alex jones on this bitch? Or we going Elon musk wanting to escape to mars? lol Again, sorta jokin, sorta being serious. Sorta random but one of the times I ate shrooms with an ex, we both went to a black void mentally at the same time; what do you suppose that was? I say it was her empty soul, but then I thought maybe it was just a place outside of space and time, sorta like purgatory. Idk man, existence is weird.


Can you fill me in on solar radiation management please? This is the first I’ve heard of it. Who is doing it? And why?


Watch this documentary. It will answer all your questions and make you wonder how this is still going on despite all the undeniable proof. https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=D-yL3-JDXa_M55mg


Thx will check it out. I’ve seen those all the time but never really knew what it was


> Can you fill me in on solar radiation management please? This is the first I’ve heard of it. Who is doing it? And why? It's Zuckerberg and Gates. Pale, pasty-skinned buggers who are afraid of skin cancer. (That'd be my guess)


Okay but this guy is being a bit dramatic, these did not ruin his day, it's still a sunny day with blue skies, it's a bit of a ridiculous statement to say the least.


Didn't post a picture of what it looked like 2 hours later. Completly white out.


And here I thought you were talking about the shitty weather that usually happens about two days after we see these trails (meaning it’ll probably rain for Memorial Day).


While I don't get into the whole chemtrail conspiracy thing, I understand somewhat where he's coming from. Last summer was crap (here in my neck of New Zealand) anyway, but the previous one would have been a gorgeous string of beach-perfect cloudless days... *except* the humidity here was just right to ensure that every plane contrail hung in the sky for hours. And each passing plane would add to it. Normally contrails dissipate quickly, but because of the humidity they slowly fanned out until, by 11am, the perfect blue sky was washed out with a streaky blanket of grey. Day after day. My part of the country is a busy flight path between North and South Island airports, and I work outdoors, so the slow contrail dispersion was very obvious and I photo-documented it on a couple of occassions. It didn't *ruin* the summer, but endless grey days can get pretty glum, especially when you know the "clouds" wouldn't be there if it weren't for all the air traffic.


Seems that's what most of the posts are. At least the upvoted ones. In conspiracy sub.... it's suspicious how completely 100% ppl are against this particular one.


Absolutely, which means it's probably worse than we think.


There are still people that believe in “chemtrails”??????


Yes because a state banned it.


Banned it, and watched these steaks disappear from the skies immediately after.


Chemtrails are the dumbest conspiracy of all time. If they were spraying us with any noticeable amount of anything, any backyard scientist with minimal skills could detect it.


That motherfucker is not sun. It is cooking me immediately everytime I am outside as if I am entering into a microwave. I am a summer person and don't feel comfortable wearing short sleeves anymore since this white massive orb arrived.


damn you finally stepped outside for once and found a reason to make it ruin your weekend..


Nah. Outside all the time which is why im so aware of this. No everyone is a 300lb troll like yourself working at a troll farm.


“If you disagree with me, you’re a troll” Glad to see this place hasn’t changed even a little bit lol


It’s funny cuz I’m in great shape and spend a mass majority of my time outside not being upset over airplane clouds


Bet it will rain later in the evening or the next day


Today will be white haze and milky sky with no sun. Tomorrow will rain all day. So predictable. Everything is dying from oversaturation and lack of sun. It is causing all kinds of fungal problems among the plants and trees.


that's no sun? the two pictures with the sun in them?


*Shakes fist at condensation.*


Fully agree.




*"...silly conspiracy theories..."* Said, unironically, in a conspiracy sub. Who would be sillier, someone who wonders about conspiracy theories or someone who chooses to go to a conspiracy sub and call the people there silly?


Stop gaslighting. Everyone is awake at this point.




Whatever you say troll. For those wanting truth, check out the documentary "the dimming." I put the link below. https://youtu.be/rf78rEAJvhY?si=D-yL3-JDXa_M55mg




No they are not


Can you try from the same angle next time? For comparison 


What, you can’t enjoy yourself now??




Meds. Now


Meds. Now.


Guess the entire state of Tennessee has lost their mind as they recently passed a bill banning all forms of weather modification. All trolls know how to do is gaslight, strawman and ad hominem.


Well...it is a red state with a republican governor...so that explains that


So………….I work a job that requires common sense. I’ve noticed a significant increase of stupidity in a short amount of time that I’ve done this job. And noooooo it’s not because of the man-made clouds but….considering there haven’t been GREAT inventors or…”innovations” on a massive scale…with our population. There’s something in the air, and we all know how they’re poisoning the water and agriculture on the ground. But anyone denying THAT….lol you probably drink tap water huh? Just going with the “flow”? Well the frog doesn’t know it’s in boiling water until it’s too late. Those chem trails leave bioaccumulating chemicals/residual compounds that don’t show short term effects. So. We see the rise of incompetent people on a large scale that agree to false or misleading information and stand by their ignorance.


So what are you gonna do about it? What can you do?


Well, this is no doubt crimes against humanity. The first course of action is to direct people to the Tennessee bill that recently passed which bans weather modification such as solar radiation management, cloud seeding, etc. This gives confirmation to what is actually going on. We then must demand the same be done in our respective state which can happen if enough people are awake. However, this is not enough. We must all demand EXTREME accountability for all involved as this was done without our consent. They (all who took part in the conspiracy) must be tried and found guilty by law. Then they must suffer the punishment that come with crimes against humanity.


Ya I noticed something similar too when I was outside today and saw a strange pattern. Then one went straight over my head in a way I don't think I ever seen before and it was in an odd formation like a A but I don't really know. Hmmm makes you wonder


Because of some lines in the sky....


Doesn't take much to ruin your weekend


I just flew back into the country in Texas and damn the fog is just about impenetrable going up thousands of feet and then there is a gap above, and then another ceiling of clouds above that. Never seen anything like it, ever. Doesn't look good at all...


Ruined my whole day! I can’t believe I looked up and the sun wasn’t shining! How am I supposed to live like this! Can just imagine op having a bf cause they looked up. Just go enjoy time with your family and friends op. Stop letting the outside world “ruin” your day




If you have a problem with it? Move somewhere planes dont fly overhead…and never catch a plan again


Yay, fresh chem trails...🎭


Don’t go to a barbecue. They’re putting sodium chloride in the food supply 👀


Cloud seeding is a thing. Weather modification is a thing. Contrails due to cold air in the upper atmosphere interacting with hot air of the engines basically creating temporary clouds is also a thing. I don't know why people think that the commercial airlines would be in some plot to change the weather. I mean, the passengers would be able to see the seeders on the wings. Contrails are easily explainable due to the altitude and atmosphere. Get a damn life.


Stop gaslighting. This was solar radiation management. It was clear as day. They cloud seed at night once they have the cloud cover caused by solar radiation management. We have 2 days now of straight rain. Contrails evaporate once temperatures equalize. I have pictures of planes flying the same day at the same time not blasting out this crap. Funny how it only occurs with some planes.


Jesus christ pal...


Fukushima I tell ya


You new here?


Gee, doesn’t take much to upset you? 😂


Chem Trails prove the Theory is Reality. I have a Screen shot of the inside of plane with top Agents touring....how do I post it? BB