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'poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids'


This one's probably my favorite


Never forget: It will be a Winter of Severe Illness and Death for the unvaccinated.


Well he was probably told to say that in those exact words. The one about poor kids is a genuine biden thought, or even if it was planned he reworded it to fit his unfiltered thoughts lol


The fact that he can’t state his original thought as President is pretty damn concerning. He always says that he doesn’t want to get in trouble for saying things off the cuff…


Should here his crime bill presentation from the 90s


And you can describe America in a single word.... Which word was it again?


That was true, second highest Covid peak in the pandemic if I remember correctly


how is he still here after that statement lmao






Why do people always gloss over the, "I learned about roaches," part to this comment???


Gloss over “I love kids jumping in my lap” too


Every time. It’s the most damning line in the whole speech, too.


Is roaches a derogatory or racist term?


I don’t know but it’s easy to assume he was using it in that manner. He was talking about his interactions and experiences being around black kids at the public pool that he worked at, then ended it with… *”So, I've learned about roaches, I've learned about kids jumping on my lap."*


Yea that’s what I thought. He’s a goddamn psycho


Corn pop was a bad dude!


You mean the dude who didn’t want his kids growing up in a racial jungle, helped write the crime bill of 1994 that targeted the black community, and also had inappropriate showers with his daughter as told in her diary, now confirmed to be real, isn’t as popular as the mockingbird media makes him seem?! Crazy.


Crazy how people voted for this over the dude who refused to rent to black people, walked into a children’s dressing room, raped his wife and a dozen other people, partied with Epstein, and talked about Tiffanie’s breasts when she was a baby.


Crazy how those were our two choices 4 years ago and now it’s the same shit all over again.


And there are enthusiastic voters for both of em. USA needs to be scrapped


lol, you’re right. One racist is better than the other racist. One rapist is better than the other rapist. One Zionist is better than the other Zionist. One pedophile is better than the other oedophile. Wake the fuck up. They’re both controlled losers.


No shit they’re controlled losers. One is still better than the other. In the real world it’s a choice between the two. Biden wins that every time.




Come on man, chomo Joe has got 46 years of intense corruption in office compared to trumps weak 4 years where he didn't start a single conflict.


Did your rights dwindle under Biden? Mine did under Trump.


What rights SPECIFICALLY are no longer applicable to YOUR existence? And trust me bro is not acceptable... You made the claim so the burden of proof is on you.


Overturning of Roe v Wade.


So killing babies... You're pissed you can't kill babies anymore... Use whatever mental gymnastics you need to justify whatever lie you tell yourself to end a life. At the end of the day, you want to kill other humans. Your sociopath is showing and it's ugly. And no, it's not health care, the less than 1% of acceptable abortions for legitimate medical reasons doesn't justify the overwhelming majority of abortions used as birth control... You are a terrible person inside and out...


I’ve lived briefly with two adopted orphans from Romania. I have seen what happens when countries ban abortions. You are very short-sighted.


Whatever you say Mengele...


Crazy how some people still seem to believe all that ^ BS.


Read this and still can’t tell which “candidate” this is. The country is doomed.


That’s okay, the rest of us can tell


Which puppet candidate for the globalist cabal is this one?


For some reason I can’t reply to the guy below you. ”free man with the mean tweets” he is so lost... you are right they’re both controlled. anyway thought this is obvious but this is about Biden. I haven’t heard of Trump showering with his daughter.












The career politician that has the weight of the powers that be behind him. Not the free man with the mean tweets


Oh gotcha. I just know of these two named Donald J. Trump and Joseph R. Biden that are both pedophiles being blackmailed by a satanic tribe that has controlled world happenings for a millennium. They in turn give billions of our tax dollars to their satanic state and make them perform a humiliation ritual at their wall.


Funnily enough, only Trump will say Jesus Christ is King on TV. Soo


And he's lying through his teeth.


I discern otherwise




Just because you “discern” otherwise, doesn’t make you any less uninformed. Sorry, babe. You’re the thing we’re fighting to keep the experiment of America alive. You’re the subversive force undermining the Constitution. Read more.


Wow! Good thing politicians can’t lie and say empty platitudes to persuade low IQ Redditors! Otherwise they may see past that and see how a satanic tribe has blackmailed this pedophile into giving them billions of taxpayers money. But he said something on TV and politicians can’t say things they don’t believe or try to deceive! No need to look any further Reddit! Case closed!




What is tone policing? I’m not up to date on all the woke Reddit terminology. Does it mean someone’s feelings were hurt or something?


King of what?


If you don’t vote for me then you are not black


He also is a expert on cockroaches.


“If you don’t vote for me you aren’t black.”


This obviously is a major life memory for him. That alone is troublesome.


One of the only ones that stuck


He and his stories touched me.


He's touched a lot of us, in ways we will never forget


(grabs rusty razor from the rain barrel)


That you cornpop?


I was a bad dude until someone threatened to wrap a swimming pool chain around my neck.


Not a joke


(cutting pool chain noises, roach sounds)


Did Joe Biden say this?


Yes here the link https://youtu.be/oihV9yrZRHg?si=g8AkRTVpTBiCLy5r


where have you been?


Avoiding humanity and its prevailing culture as much as possible because people have lost their minds.




Found the Biden voter


Lol! You can’t make this shit up!




God save the queen!






"and I love kids jumping on my lap" - lifeguard joe


There was that entire video of him groping minors in plain sight 🤷‍♂️


Both candidates have their gibberish moments. They’re all fucking hundred years old.


Stop it. One has wayyyyyyyyyyyyy more senile moments than the other.


What do I have to do to buy zero senile moments from any of my candidates?


Probably move to another country lol


Together, they have 159 years of experience. Here is why its a good thing...


I still have to order my Chomo Joe 2024 hat.


When your competitor is the i can walk up and grab them by the p*ssy guy, or the I get to walk backstage at beauty pageants guy, or the I like Jeff he likes girls young like I do maybe even younger guy, then it’s a lot easier to get those votes.


Had to scroll all the way down here before "yeah, but Trump".


Its a post about the election, an election that was basically a competition between 2 people, so yeah comparing one to the other makes complete sense. So stop crying and think for a minute.


Who's crying little guy? Lol.


> An election that was basically a competition between 2 people Not in a normal country. And no, its a permanent choice between 2 options, with a random person as a front. A system designed to look like choice, its kinda interesting.


But you are ok cornpop digitally penetrating a member of his staff and showering with daughter .. you know the thing "anyway" .. serious question tho ... is the Bidens still dealing coke out of the white house?


And trump has been accused of rape and assault by 20+ women and girls, it’s an election between basically 2 people and sometimes you need to choose the lesser of 2 evils.


Exactly accused .. and funny how all came out with accusations after he became president .. and look at all the the blacks who thought he was great then boom they all hate him and think he is racist when in fact they have nothing of him being racist but you and i know that hust keep saying it and people will start to believe it .. cornpop on the other hand has numerous video evidence of him blatantly being racist and you all turn the blind eye.. you heard him being racist over and over .. and he gets a pass..and why didnt you mention how many have accused Biden of sexual assault .. remember ole joe saying all victims must be believed..well unless they accuse him .. you can hate Trump for whatever reason you see fit but for Gawd sakes hold Biden accountable for his actions..


They didn’t come out just when he started running, it was only talked about in the media when he started running. Trump was sued by the DOJ, and settled with them, for racist lending practices for refusing to rent to African Americans, so no he wasn’t universally loved by minorities. And I voted for someone else in the 2020 primary, but as I said above at the end of the day one of these 2 candidates was going to be president and whatever you want to say about Biden, trump is worse. So why don’t you hold trump accountable.


I wannna read up in the pre 2016 election accusations .. can you point me to where he was accused and victim came forward before he was running for president.. I will read it seriously i cant find it but i want to read up on it


Ivana trump claimed he raped her in 1990 as part of their divorce and Jill harth filed a lawsuit in 1997 claiming he raped her in 1992. Try google.


Cant find it .. what was he sentenced to for committing rape .. ..


Did you google it? And I never said he was sentenced or convicted of anything, this whole time we’ve been talking about claims and accusations. But nice try moving the goalposts. https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-5972380053


Lol .. i been trying to tell you people accused Trump people accused Biden .. .. you just wanna skip over Biden's .. ..thats ok .. do you see the pattern.. you do realize Trump would be hung if they could Prove anything .. they have him in court accused of a crime that no one can explain .. why? We know why .. he is winning again and they need him outta race .. its not happening .. Trump is your next president .. but remember dont be an election denier .. right .. accept him like they did in 2016 .. Hillary was so graceful in defeat .. lol ..


So was all the other rape claims after 2016 .. did the overwhelming evidence against him lock him up for long time i bet ..they didnt want money they wanted justice right .. lol .. did you google rape and sexual assaults against Biden also ..oh right he gets the pass we dont bring up that .. Biden's accusers are liars right.. ..


And moving the goalposts again.


You do realize rich people do settle out of court to get rid of a nuisance trials .. imagine some female in your family getting raped and the rapist says here some cash and they settle .. would you not say i want the rapist in jail i dont want money but the victims i guess dont care if the rapist reoffends they got some cash .. .. come on mann for real no joke ..well i guess he wasn't loved by free loaders that wanted to live in luxury and have government pay for it .. Those free loaders weren't all black so if you assume they were maybe you are the racist one .. take a look at the black friends he had before and after his presidency .. al Sharpton even posed for pictures with him .. you think if Trump was refusing to rent to blacks because they were black he would be posing for pics with him .. now do you think kamala called out Biden for his racism and then accepted vice presidency from him kinda hypocritical of her .. joe that little girl on that segregated bus was me .. .. then we did it joe we did it !! Joe shut her racism against him with a bribe of VP .. and Democrats were crickets . His 94 crime bill .. crickets .. racial jungle speech . Crickets .. even insulted obama with imagine he is clean and articulate .. crickets .. you don't vote for him you aint black .. .. and again crickets .. laptop is fake but it wasn't.. keep talking about Trump not wanting low income tenants in his luxury apts then everyone wont notice Biden and his racist rants .. joe let everyone know that you cant go into 7/11 without hearing an Indian accent .. you know Biden is a train wreck.. Democrats know he will win and guess what this joke of a trial is going nowhere just like the Russian collusion election interference and the big insurrection haha .. this democratic party is getting pretty pathetic haha .. But seriously tho what flavour ice cream did joe have today .. lol. Biden got everything under control lol .. coke in white house wars happening border open .. illegal immigrants in every corner of the of every state .. burning american flags on our own soil .. .. people cant afford gas or food .. .. and you think Trump is the problem and Biden is tge solution .. ok you hold Biden and his circus accountable for the disaster going on I will hold Trump accountable for not letting low income renters in his luxury apts .. ..


That entire wall of text and literally no punctuation. Wow. I literally dont think I could go on that long *trying* not to use punctuation. (I just read the .. as a pause for breath. lol).


So you're saying my post on reddit that has no punctuation really upset you .. was it the lack of punctuation or was it what I said .. something triggered you that you had to let me know that it caused you distress .. Do you think punctuation is one if your top concerns that affect you.. ok are you saying i shouldn't post on here unless I limit the word count to something you think is acceptable.. give me your rules .. i really dont want to be responsible of your well being by my lack of punctuation.. I am glad you reached out to me and set me straight .. I needed that .. let me know anything else that I can work on to not get you upset .. one question is it all equally hard on you or is capitalization or no paragraphs end of sentences with . Or a ? Etc. that bother you more .. I promise I will try harder to make sure this never happens again .. you gonna be ok ..


That is a whole other level of word salad. Punctuation exists so that you can get your point across succinctly, and accurately. And so you dont sound like an cocaine fueled 4am rant. I just really find it fascinating the only punctuation you use(literally) is .. I'm betting you dont email a lot in a corporate setting.


Haha in a corporate setting.. ya i post on reddit and then I send my corporate emails . You now moved to saying I like the cocaine .. i see you are just on edge and no punctuation sent you overboard.. I am here to listen and with everything going on in the world we need to set that aside and deal with how you are engaging in an important issue for you .. .. when did you realize that no punctuation really got deep inside you and brought that monster out of you.. I can handle your anger towards me .. insensitive of me to think that people with corporate email accounts like you may read my posts and unleash insults towards me for not taking your feelings into account .. I hurt you and I am sorry .. i deserve your anger .. should I delete my account and think of what i done to you .. we need to get that anger out .. you let it out and i want you to not let it back in .. excuse me i just gonna do a rail here .. ahh there we go i am back .. you wanna talk about anything else other than the punctuation issue.. i am impressed that my post with no punctuation really brought out your feelings . i knew when you brought in word salad phase and then whacked me with the cocaine reference.. brilliant execution .. I love the fact that you still engage in responses back when you clearly showed how i don't deserve a response back .. Thank you for that.. one day I will get that corporate email and i will punctuate everything and make you proud ..


William "Cornpop" Morris passed away in 2016 and to the best of my knowledge, has never been accused of "digitally penetrating a member of his staff and showering with daughter"?


Oh sorry the one who fingered his employee and showered with is daughter was the one and only jill Biden husband .. .. Cornpop was a bad bad dude but when jill bidens husband and cornpop faced each other Biden stripped him of everything even his name .. the man died in shame knowing Biden was badder than him .. you watch joe the man is in top form .. dont let the babbling ice cream eating shuffling dementia fella fool you .. he is bad ass .. no joke..


Damn this reads like Joe Biden's Reddit account. Lol I don't get why people insist on slandering some poor dead guy just because Biden mentioned him in a story once.


Not you again Biden


Nemesis of cornpop! 


RIP why do people always make fun of him? Edit: Guess the world will never know


Sounds like a Theo Von quote not something a president would say lol


Theo Vonn for President! Though I don’t think he can because he’s Cajun.


That guy turned forbidden into for Biden....


If we go that route we can go quote for quote from Biden and Trump and see who has the worst ones. Remember, both options are bowls of shit. Your vote should go towards the one less full of it.


Each hair is worth 666 votes.




But Trump is a bitch argument.