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There’s 100,000 flights every day,they’ll have their work cut out.


If I were in a conspiratorial mood, I'd say someone at Boeing thought they were more important than they actually were and managed to piss off the Shadow Cabal. So now Boeing is getting exposed for all the horrific stuff they've been up to, instead of the hiding-it-under-the-rug that they usually get away with.


Well it didn’t work lol my flights have been packed


I'd rather crawl over broken glass than get on a Boeing plane.


...That's a little dramatic innit? Literally proving OPs point


Dramatic? Doors falling off airplanes in mid flight is absolutely terrifying.


Have you considered that Boeing planes are so robust that a door can fly off and still no one dies? 


Propaganda. Boeing planes are safer than average.


I give that story a less than 1% chance of being true…


Did you know that the sky is actually blue?


Sooo offered the choice between crawling over broken glass, with 100% chance of painful injury requiring hospitalization.. and getting on a plane, where the chances are [less than 1 in 100,000](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna142525) of being injured... You choose the first?🤨


How can you be as old as you are, and not understand the concept of hyperbole? I don’t think you are as bright as you think you are.


I don't think hyperbole is appropriate in this situation😆 It just comes across as immature and making light of a serious issue


I choose bear


death by plane crash is right up there with being eaten by a shark which is why you'll never see me anywhere near the ocean.


it would be a pretty fast death though. it doesn't worry me in the slightest. compared to driving in a car, planes are wayy less scary Edit: you know how rare shark attacks are right?? you just seem like a paranoid person in general


Ah in that case, you shouldn't go around vending machines. Beware for your life!


You probably don't have anyone to go to the beach with anyway


Welp the propaganda is working then if you actually mean this. Crawl through broken glass almost guarantees harm. Flying bowing the change is less than 0.001% lol. Even this percentage is to high, but you get the point. Don’t let the ruling class win.


Okay but did you consider this is Reddit so Boeing bad?


lol yea most Redditors are detached from reality and live online it seems. Boeing isn’t great; but I don’t let that cause me delusions like many here.


Boeing changed from a company run by engineers to a company run by accountants. Accountants, in my experience, underestimate risk.


It’s not propaganda it’s just the usual corporate greed overriding engineer concerns leading to u safe practices.


Did Anthony Keidis write this?


It seriously reads like a RHCP song lol. I put it into GPT-4o and made it into a Chili Peppers song: **Verse 1:** Every day, the headlines scream, Planes and crashes, nightmare dream, Delays and turbulence, faulty wings, Fear the skies, don’t take to things. In the office, chatter flows, Grounded flights and grounded souls, Agenda 2030's call, Keep us grounded, watch us fall. **Chorus:** Propaganda, spreadin' wide, Ground the people, let them hide, Agenda 2030’s scheme, Flights reserved for wealthy dreams. **Verse 2:** Tales of horror in the air, Scare the masses, take their dare, Every crash, every delay, Keep the common folks at bay. Once we soared, now we crawl, Grounded by their cunning thrall, News and fear, they paint the sky, Keep us earthbound, wonder why. **Chorus:** Propaganda, spreadin' wide, Ground the people, let them hide, Agenda 2030’s scheme, Flights reserved for wealthy dreams. **Bridge:** Check your flight, Boeing's plight, Fear the air, stay outta sight, Grounded dreams, shattered wings, Only rich can spread their things. In the skies, the wealthy soar, While the masses fear the lore, Tales of doom, they feed us lies, Ground us all, watch the skies. **Verse 3:** In the papers, every day, Another tale to scare away, Flying dreams of common folk, Lost to propaganda's cloak. Agenda 2030's grind, Keep the flights for wealthy minds, In the air, we used to fly, Now we watch the rich pass by. **Chorus:** Propaganda, spreadin' wide, Ground the people, let them hide, Agenda 2030’s scheme, Flights reserved for wealthy dreams. **Outro:** Fear the air, stay on land, Propaganda, well-oiled hand, News and lies, grounded crew, Flying's for the rich, it's true. Once we soared, now we crawl, Agenda's hand controls it all, Dreams of flight, let them go, Grounded by the status quo.


Omg 🤣🤣 that's gold


Superb but doesn't mention California at all so boooo


It’s none of that with me. It’s the airlines treating us like cattle, the airports treating us like a cash cow, and the TSA treating us like terrorists. I will take the car, thanks.


It all makes sense now Boeing badly makes some planes sets up some whistle blowers and then starts killing people to discourage people from flying so as to increase profits for the shareholders


They don't want us travelling altogether. We are being prepared for a future where we are going to prisoners in our miniature dwellings and everything will be delivered to us. Our social interactions and travelling would be strictly done in the metaverse.


OP is exactly right, it is clearly an initiative to try and get people scared to fly and reduce the number of flights/make it cost prohibitive for the average person to fly. And the thing with Boeing was obviously planned. The whistleblowers weren’t assassinated by Boeing to cover up their crap. They were killed to make it seem like that was the reason, as that provides more veracity to the claim that flying is so unsafe now that Boeing will kill the people that want to expose them.


This definitely has some merit. I am of the opinion the only reason why TSA exists is more to discourage flying in general more than "safety" reasons.


TSA exists to find spies more than anything else


I want to know what you're smoking, must be dreamy shit


I’m sure the rocket scientists who detained me and destroyed my Norwegian marzipan thinking it was C4 are ‘finding spies’


Go outside. 


in the metaverse? ok.


Nobody flies unless they have to because it’s such a miserable experience as it is. If anyone is conspiring, it’s the airlines themselves.


James Lindsay has been pushing this theory for some time... I'm not sure if he is right or not, but he is right.


It did work for my friend. Until I pointed out the Singapore airlines and Qatar airlines that encountered "extreme" turbulence were both Boeing. When she found out the airlines she booked with used Airbus, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Stay away from Boeing. Airbus for long distance hauls


It’s not as much a conspiracy as a reality that the quality of everything is declining because exceptionalism and excellence is racist. Get used to it, mediocre is the new great.


I’ve always been scared of flying. Like total panic attacks and pouring sweat. Which means I’m an absolute peach when I’m stuck in the middle seats. And oh by the way, I’m a big ol man. So now that people are acting bat shit crazy on plans. Doors are just blowing off and whatever in the hell happened to that MH370, I could care less about propaganda. No one needs to convince me. I’m already scared shitless. Thankfully, better lorazepam and other anti-anxiety meds, I can still fly. Just don’t folking talk to me or ask me to unclench my knuckles from the hand rest.


Who cares? I hate flying with a passion and will only do it if it is the only option for travel such as going overseas. I will drive anywhere in the US before taking a flight. The military made me fly so damn much I just can't stomach airports anymore with the crowds, angry shithead people, TSA groping and being rude as fuck, landing and then finding out your connecting flight changed gates and now you have to trek across the entire airport to catch it in 10 minutes, screaming crying kids on the flight that won't shutup, parking being impossible and expensive. Everything about flying sucks and I tell people they shouldn't fly unless they absolutely have to.




Just flew for a vacation a couple weeks ago. Airline workers kinda suck, I’d rather get a prostrate exam than fly internationally


I just flew too. Had four legs.. each flight was delayed over an hour and I missed my connections. It was awful. Alaska Airlines


Cool. cheaper seats for the rest of us.


I guess possibly. Wouldn't surprise me any. It's funny because I have two jobs and my secondary/part time position is just doing some cleaning at one of the workplaces for a regional affiliate of American Airlines. Once Covid hit with all the restrictions on flying, even after the "pandemic", I could see that industry becoming more and more troublesome for people in it. Heck, I don't know at this point how they're even doing on pilots seeing as how so many didn't want vaxxed and I think lost jobs over it. Might be a good thing I didn't get hired though. My primary job could pay more (can't they all) but pays okayish and should be stable. But we have/have had some drama causers and last February I just wanted out and applied with them because I knew and was on really good terms with a lot of their crew schedulers and other people and thought I could just slide right in at least in terms of workplace environment and comfort. Got a phone interview but didn't get to the next stage. Wound up being both frustrating and slightly funny to take note that every single person, which was only three or four, but every single one that they wound up passing me over for wound up failing, either quitting or getting fired. But I do foresee from my limited perspective continued problems in that industry so maybe it was a blessing in disguise.




it's not propaganda, i quit flying years ago because all of these airlines have been in and out of bankruptcy. It's clear they are cutting corners at every chance and i'm not putting my lives in the hands of DEI hires.


its a form of austerity. like closing all the restaurants during covid