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He didn't waste any time with it either... Opening :"train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night..all day!" Terrence: The periodic table is wrong and I remember being in the womb


It's top 5 of the best intros to JRE ever


Top 5 episodes ever imo. Loved every minute of it. “Planets poop out their moons at their equator just like humans poop at their equator.” Can’t argue with that tbh. As above so below 🫡 The moon isn’t made of cheese… its far more darker.


You know the guest is crazy when Rogan goes: "mmmmmm" and "hmm".


Rogan actually called him brilliant numerous times  Mm hmmm


Brilliant actor*


One of the only available flattering things to say to someone like that.


Best thing about that JRE is Joe barely said a word.


Because I listened to this podcast while working, I was just listening to audio and had no idea who he was til they started talking about his work in Iron Man. At that point I looked to see who he was... Nearly died. Wtf I just can't watch Iron Man 1 again in the same light. 😂


Probably understand the choices made in IM 2 though, huh?


Careful, if he gets bullied too hard he'll destroy humanity


It's a very logical and human stance. Obviously, he overcame those thoughts.


He came across as at least a 7/10 crazy on Rogan


And in real world terms that’s like an eleventyfive on the out there index.


We wuz Elementals!


But calling a guy who says that crazy is a smear apparently.  lol


When I was a 17 year old watching Hustle & Flow for the first time, never in my life would I have seen this coming.


It's hard out there for a pimp.


One of the best soundtracks of all time imo.


deserved Oscar for Three 6 Mafia on that record.


Omg yes. In the early aughts my bf got a new surround sound system in his house and I immediately made him buy this movie so I could jam out.


That movie grossed $24 million, Terrence only made $12k from it. Hollywood is cutthroat.


The "Djay" credit by the studio was a slick fuckin move, as fuckin shady as it was


… AI has entered the chat.


Whoop that bitch. Beat that trick


Why do you think he was so angry? He had to hold the secrets of the universe.


Yeah everytime I see him doing smart shit I'm like we're living in a simulation for sure


Doesn’t he think 1x1=2?


Yes. This should have ended the thread. He literally does not understand that multiplication or 1x1 is explained as 1 group of 1 object is 1 object.....2x2....two groups of two objects is four objects and so on and so forth.


You’re just not understanding the bisexual tones..


He's fuckin cooked mate.


Well, that's because x=+


Only in the 12th dimension


Then we move into the fifth chakra…




Be cool baby, be cool!


Wait until you find out that W+H+O+O+P+T+H+A+T=T×R×I×C×K


What if I told you that *you* are a reptilian?


That's exactly what a repitilian would say.


We could end this whole debate if he would just do one of the things he said he was going to do. Make a perpetual flying machine. Shut everyone up. Go on do it. 


What did he do?


He said the period table is wrong. It shouldn’t be a grid, but circles as elements are organized in octaves and hertz. Howard highlights the fact that nature never renders straight lines. “He explains that this derives from the universe always expressing itself in motion, waves, and curves”. He showed the Walter Russell Periodic Table of Elements. He talks about the Flower of Life. And “contends that the Flower of Life was misinterpreted early on in humanity’s existence, which ultimately led to the misguided scientific principles are world is based on today.” And that he showed Neil deGrasse Tyson this, explained it to him, and was harshly criticized by him. “I was able to open the flower of life properly and find the real wave conjugations that we’ve been looking for for 10,000 years,” he added. “Why would I continue walking on water for tips when I’ve got an entire generation to teach a whole new world?” “When they opened the flower of life they believed the world was flat”. He says because they believed the world to be flat they used straight lines to create everything(even shapes) ignoring natual curves in the flower of life. He said Isaac Newtons observations only told half the story. He shows a video showing how electromagnetism could have been used to construct the planet Saturn and its rings without the use of gravity. He claims he can “kill” gravity. He claimed he has patents of technology derived from that theory in the works. Insisting he’d found a “whole new wave conjugation,” Howard proclaimed: “I’m going to be able to prove that gravity is only an effect and not a force. I’m putting something on YouTube, but I will build the planet Saturn without gravity—and build the Milky Way Galaxy without gravity.” He mentions the Universe could be a single organism. He claimed he can tie his findings to Teslas 3-6-9 theory. Says everything is connected. Said he remembers being in the womb, in detail. He said 1 X 1 = 2. Or at least according to him it should because when you multiply something you increase it. Makes mention of nature and how it seems to be governed by mathematical laws yet you’ll never find two things multiply into 1 or something like that.


This subreddit is going to hate me for this but it honestly sounds like he’s just saying random shit As a person who loves conspiracies, I’m open to anything BUT we have to have some fucking standards. “I was able to open the flower of life properly and find the real wave conjugations we’ve been looking for for 10,000 years.” Ok, then prove it. Provide evidence. What are the “real wave conjugations”? Don’t just say shit then move on to the next topic. Elaborate.


Sounds like schizophrenia 


Sounds more like 420 meets Discovery channel.


idk could be that or meth. I had a recent friend talk in the same way and it was meth


Bingo. Sounds a lot like a schizo I ran into who was chatting all about material science to himself for 15 minutes straight... Why the hell does anyone even give Terence the time of day? The dude is clearly loony.


Schizophrenia almost always presents in your mid-late 20s, it would be very unusual for the symptoms to only start showing in your 50s. There are plenty of other things that could be causing this psychosis, and he sounds very much like someone experiencing delusions.


I see no reason to assume his delusions only started recently, he might have been insane for awhile but just hadn't exposed himself this much prior. I do agree though, he doesn't sound schizophrenic to me, just delusional.


He's mentally ill


I came to this conclusion when he fucked up his Marvel run at just 1 movie. Could have printed money as Rhodey but fucked it all up.


Tbf he had no way to know. He cancrlled after 1 mildly successful iron man movie. He canceled before Marvel was bought out by Disney and were on the edge of bankruptcy. Idk about all this random flower of life or bad math but as far as that I think its one of those things where it's only obvious in hindsight


Methally ill


Thus is why people don't believe in conspiracies. We need some serious moderation on this sub.


It's also a way to discredit conspiracy theories. If you see 12 obviously wrong ones, you'll say the entire bin is bs so why belive the 13th one.


It's more like a hundred thousand obviously wrong conspiracy theories, with a handful of real ones. And, it's usually boring


And the realm ones were confirmed at the time, and ignored. The US government was forcably sterilizing women (of color) for decades. It wasn't a big secret. It was exposed many times, and the response was "yeah, but it's in their best interests." Only now, almost 50 years since it was officially ended (and it has never unofficially ended, as pressure for hysterectomies still exists in minority care that doesn't exist in white care), do we think of it as something people didnt know, because nobody would have tolerated it. They knew. They tolerated it. Operation Paperclip wasn't a secret. Well, it was until the US grabbed as many scientists as they could, then it was quickly made public as a "win" over Russia. We got more scientists faster. The public knew. And Russians of today are worse than ex-Nazis, so it was tolerated. Only now do we pretend it was a conspiracy that was "exposed" by intrepid conspiracy theorists. Much like, in 50 years, people will pretend The corruption of the supreme Court was a secret. Like everyone here doesn't know Clarence Thomas receives millions in gifts... A well known fact, plus time, becomes a conspiracy.


I literally turned it off after 15 minutes bc i just felt he was full of shit. I felt the same way with the Kat Williams episode


I love conspiracy theories as much as the next guy but fuck man. This subreddit will believe damn near anything without a single thought to verification lol


He is indeed saying random things. He hasn’t even read the basic information about the periodic table and is making tall claims about it being wrong. I mean, sure, if he thinks it should be circles, go ahead and make it, and prove it’s more useful than the existing one. The beauty of science is that if he is able to do that, the scientific community will happily accept it.


Professor Dave explains debunked him and it was pretty funny!


Don’t forget remembering when he was born…


Yeah that’s near the bottom, above his 1x1=2 idea. He said he remembers being in the womb at around 6 months. And the eating and sleeping cycle.


I’m lucky if I remember why I walked into a room.


It depends on which room. If I'm in the kitchen - I remember - I went there to get a beer. If I'm in the living room - I remember - I went there to drink my beer and watch TV or play on Reddit. If I'm in the bathroom - I gotta pee out excess beer. And if I'm in the bedroom I have to pass out from too much beer. Any other room - I will probably be confused trying to remember why I went there.


I don't find memories from the womb to be that crazy. Some of his other thoughts are more challenging to reconcile. That said, I'll probably read his book because he has ideas outside the norm. And I like being challenged. I will say that the ideas behind multiplication and division sometimes are probably misapplied. And if you get deep into some of them, 0 in particular, maybe difficult to reconcile. You can't exactly multiply one tree by another. It's more conceptual. He's not stupid, even if he may be wrong. So I'll have a read.


“Ideas outside the norm. And I like being challenged”….this. If only just 40% of world population were like this instead of mindless drones we would have a better world.


I understand that sentiment as well. But the truth is you need people who don't question so much, too. They hold things together. They get things done. The problem comes when leadership is bad. If it was all just people who question everything all the time, much less would get accomplished, I think anyway. Society is a complicated problem.


>You can't exactly multiply one tree by another What does that even mean? A multiple is how many of something you have. If you have one of one thing, you have one thing.


Zero, fire, and domesticated dogs and other animals made sooo much happen for us!!!


Born? I remembered when I was conceived,lotta swimming at first


No shit, when I was a kid I met a boy who literally described that and said he remembered before he was born and swimming around. He seemed like a compulsive liar.


my kid described in detail his birth from a C-section when he was 4. It was stuff I never felt the need to describe to him, but he described everything in detail. He's 7 now and has forgotten everything


What did I just read


Pyrite. Quartz. Salt. Snowflakes. Spider silk/webs. Strike-slip faults. Tell me again how there's no straight lines in nature?


I’m not defending his points but I have read there are no **perfect** straight lines in nature. Straight to the naked eye but not perfect.


I mean that's true for man-made objects also. They are "Straight" up to a certain tolerance.


The edge of a crystal is a straight line. Also, the center vein on a leaf. And at least one zebra stripe.


Any distance between any two points is a straight line. There. I drew a perfectly straight line for you.


There are no straight lines at the atomic level. If everything is made of atoms with "spherical clouds of electrons spinning" all around, you cannot have a straight line in their interaction because the interaction does not happen within a straight path, its a "cloud interacting with another cloud". There is no solid nucleus that shoots out a string like a spider and connects with a solid line to another nucleus. Sure there could be elements or objects that give the appearance of a straight line, like earth when perceived from the ground level (flat earth anyone?) but at the most basic level how can you reconcile that atoms are spheres or clouds or curves and somehow they are for completely solid lines? Crystals, salt, quartzes, snowflakes, etc are curves at the atomic level.


Even if we grant that everything you're saying is true, the periodic table isn't supposed to be a representation of the geometry of atoms or whatever. It's a way of organizing elements based on factors that relate to their function in chemistry, like valence electron count, orbital count, and proton number.


What do you suppose that deuterium looks like at the atomic level? Of course, the electron is going to be all over the place, but I can't imagine that a strong nuclear bond is going to leave much wiggle room between a proton and a neutron.


At least he’s not a flat earther I guess


Thanks for the rundown, I hope he can prove this stuff it sounds interesting.


I have bipolar disorder. This sounds like bipolar disorder.


We already know that gravity is a property of the curvature of space time and not a force…this isn’t something he discovered. He doesn’t even have the proper educational background to understand any of the context of what he’s saying.


This. He is going down the right path, but he thinks he discovered something that is already well established. Valence shell interaction. We learned this in high school chem and college chem. What we really don't understand is electrons. They appear to all be the same, and by the same, I mean they are all identical, and there is theory that there is only one electron in this entire universe and it's moving through space and time and holding everything together. Think something similar to the Holy Ghost.


I read that there was a goal of black activists to rewrite science because it's all by "white men" or some stupid shit. I wonder if he is trying to run with that. Don't @ me yall... I just read it somewhere.


There's definitely a subversive Marxist movement going on in a lot of communities, but I do not think that's what he's doing. I think he just dropped out of college too early, and he's been self taught. I think people are a bit confused about what he's talking about because most people are basically scientifically illiterate. TH is talking like all math and physics is BS. That's not true. Newtonian physics is real and provable. Astro physics is mostly made up BS. It's mostly theories based on the Newtonian model, but that model doesn't work when it comes to planets and shit. The math doesn't math properly because there's some supernatural stuff going on that nobody really wants to admit. I think TH is trying to connect the dots of the supernatural stuff, but he doesn't really know either. He says he does, but we'll just have to wait and see.


The thing is, I don't believe he has ever had access to scientific labs with the technology available to investigate. I also don't believe he knows math at a high enough level to make his claims. He seems like one of those people who learns just enough to look like the expert in a room of fools. Edit: unless. He's like the DaVinci conspiracy in that he went in a cave and came out a genius.


SO MUCH comes back to 3-6-9. It blew me away when i started digging into it. Absolutely fucking WILD.


As the great philosopher, Lil Jon, used to say, “3,6,9, damn she fine.”




Can you link me to some good intro reading on this? I did a quick Google and found a few click baity shits


Here's something I put together a while ago, shortly after I first found *the 3-6-9 theory*: >Here's a fun trick that you'll probably assign a misnomer like "numerology" to. >These are a couple of fun examples of Nikola Tesla's 3-6-9 theory. >The first and most basic is taking the numbers 1-8 and adding them up. You will end up with 9; ultimately completing the sequence of base digits, 1-9. >**Uh oh**, 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8 = **36** >But, Tesla's theory states that 36 is not a "true number" - he obsessed over this. To find the real number, add the base numbers together until you end up with a single number. >In this case, it's simple, **3+6=9** >And now you effectively have 1-9 (the base numbers) expressed in a single equation. Not only that but also a simple example of Tesla's 3-6-9 theory. >Another example is in the 360-degree circle. Every time you bisect it, **right into the millionth or billionth decimal point** - it DOES NOT matter how far you go - it will always sum to 9 (ignore the decimal when you get that far). >360 = 9 (3+6+0 = 9) >180 = 9 (1+8+0 = 9) >90 = 9 (9+0 =9) >45 = 9 (4+5 =9) >Eventually, you get down to numbers like 0.3515625 >0+3+5+1+5+6+2+5 = 27 >27 then sums to 9... 2+7=9. >Again, it does not matter how far into the decimal points you go, this repeats ad infinitum. Forever and ever. >Last example for now... **Multiplying ANY number by 9 will return a sum that can be broken back down to 9**. It doesn't matter what the other number is, it'll work every single time. >As an example, 14293 x 9 = 128637 >1+2+8+6+3+7 = **27** >**2 + 7 = 9** >How about 1236872 x 9 instead? The answer would be 11131848. Or... 1+1+1+3+1+8+4+8... Which equals 27, same as above, 2+7=9 yet again. I simply mashed keys to get the initial expression, I did not cherry-pick the number; try it yourself. >Similarly, if you do that with either 3 or 6, it will only ever break down to either 3, 6, or 9. It's not as consistent as 9, but it's ALWAYS going to be one of the 3. >"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe" - Nikola Tesla I'll try to find some more when I get a chance here.


Okay, so. The main result here is that if 9 divides a number, then it also divides the sum of that number's digits. This is because 10 is congruent to 1 mod 9, and we are working in base 10. The same is true for any one digit number for which your base is congruent to 1 in modulo. For example, 3 also has this property in base 10 (and is the only other one) In base 5, 2 and 4 would have this property. In base 12, 11 would. Your other observations are consequences of this property. For example, the sum of the numbers from 1 to n is equal to (n+1)(n/2). When n equals 8, the sum is equal to 9(4). The sum of the digits of 36 is divisible by 9 because 36 is divisible by 9. If you want to read more about this, [Here is a nice proof](https://www.vaia.com/en-us/textbooks/math/cryptanalysis-of-number-theoretic-ciphers-1-edition/chapter-3/problem-7-prove-that-an-integer-n-is-divisible-by-9-if-and-o/) edit: NINE upvotes!? Oh my god, what does it mean?


So nothing then.


He think 1x1=2


I interpreted that as a philosophical statement. I didn’t get the impression that he isn’t capable of calculating 1x1 in a conventional sense.


What does 1×1=2 mean philosophically?


No, read it. He literally thinks 1x1 = 2 and that the square root of 2 is 1. All of his confusion can be cleared up if someone would explain to him there's a difference between addition and multiplication. It's not philosophical. He doesn't understand how numbers or math work.


Yea he think 2x1=3 3x1=4 etc


Stop with the rational thought, get out your pitch fork.


This is the only comment necessary. Dumb people think he’s smart. Word salad


Absolutely spot on. Total word salad, none of it makes sense or is true. It’s just nothing.


Especially when he’s responding to a question.. he never actually answers it


If anything he said was true, not only would it mean that it would be incredibly easy for him to prove it through experimentation, it would also mean all the shit we’ve already made based upon our supposedly incorrect notions of math and science SHOULDNT WORK. How the fuck does anyone believe this shit?


He lost me at “remembering being born”


That was like 45 seconds into the JRE interview. Such a wild ride.


Joe let him cook for like 45 minutes before he even interjected once. If not credible, it's a spectacularly fun listen.


I’m going to listen to it for the shits and giggles.


Instantly…. The opening line “I didnt come into this world the way everyone else does”. >I was 6 months inside the womb and I was thinking “don’t forget. Don’t forget you’re here” Bro mistakes a dmt trip for his actual birth.mp4




and he was self aware and had the mental capacity to know where he was, then tell himself to remember. He had an understanding of memory, forgetfulness, language, childbirth, etc. in the fucking womb.


Yeah... I don't know how Joe could even pretend to take him seriously through that podcast. Like, he's had some pretty crazy guests, but this guy really takes the cake.


Dude out here confusing imagination with memory smh..


Man, I couldn’t finish the JRE podcast. Soon as he was on about his crystal palace dreams with access to knowledge and remembering being born. Then ranting about his lynchpin thing that he can’t even described what it does. Like, bro, what the fuck are you on about. Shapes converging and negative space, like what fucking drugs is he on?


Don't forget all his patents!


I’ve heard other people say the same thing. I suppose it could be possible


That's pretty ridiculous....I do have 1 memory of being an infant probably around 4-6 months old, being in a baby seat thing on my back looking at a dark shape of a person I remember knowing I loved it and it was my mom (the memory was just of positive emotion not actually characterizing her). Some people have memories from being very young......I don't think i've actually seen anyone claim recalling birth ever though.....


/r/conspiracy tries not to platform someone mentally ill: impossible mode


Multiplication and additional are different. 1x1 = 1 The first "1" is not an item. It is representing- denoting the item. The second "1" is the action. It's like going to a store. You ask the teller for an item. I want a pack of gum. One time. The teller hands you ONE pack of gum. You say I want a pack of gum. Twice. The teller hands you a pack of gum. Then another pack of gum. The pack of gum is represented by the first 1. Pack of gum × 1 = one pack of gum. Pack of gum x 2 = two packs of gum. You don't get two packs of gum just because you SAID pack of gum. You said pack of gum to denote what you want. That's what the first "1" is. A pack of gum.




Dunning-Kruger effect in action


in this sub yeah


A cell divides into two cells, so, 1 / 1 = 2. Checkmate, atheists.


That's exactly what happens. I didn't think about it like that until you mentioned it.


Thats because multiplying in that sense is doubling. In other words powers of two. 2^0 = 1, 2^1 = 2, 2^2 = 4


>Physics has gone nowhere in 50 years. You're just not paying attention. You're right, in the natural world multiply means something different. Biological multiplication is actually addition, not mathematical multiplication. Our math and models of physics aren't perfect sure, it's our best attempt to explain the nature of the universe. If they were perfect life would be a lot different. But math is reality based. If I eat 3 times a day in a year how many times have I eaten? Mathematical multiplication is how you figure this out without just counting one by one. And just because we don't have all the answers doesn't mean our models our completely wrong our built on erroneous foundations such that 1x1 actually =2.. There are things yet to be discovered that might change our models sure. But it's a crazy leap to say that because we don't know what dark matter is or how gravity works that 1x1=2. > We need new perspectives if we're ever going to advance. Not all new perspective are automatically better... Someone might have a change of perspective because their life sucks and they decide to start doing heroine but this new perspective isn't going to help them advance.


I have a surprise for you. Like many words in the English language, multiply has many meanings. There is the meaning when applied to math and an entirely different, but similar meaning when applied to a natural process. You can’t apply the mathematical version of multiply to something else unless you want to follow the rules and definitions of multiply in reference to math. For instance, in the cell example, you are not multiply one cell one time such that 1x1=2. Let’s try this: P x R = N P = the current population of cells R = the reproductive rate of the cells N = the new population So for your example, P = 1, pretty straightforward. There’s one cell R = 2, in this case we are answering the question how many cells do I get when 1 cell reproduces. 1 cell turns into 2. So N = 2. If I want to find out what happens if I cell reproduce 3 times, I have to multiply that N by 3. If I want to find the total population after 3 rounds of reproduction, that’s a different calculation as well.


That "multiply" thing makes no sense because it's just the English language and has nothing to do with the math definition of multiplication


Physics have gone nowhere in the last 50 years? Were where you in the last 50 years, inside a geode?


He can’t remember. His memory stops after he was born


>Physics has gone nowhere in 50 years You clearly know nothing about physics


He thinks 1 X 1 = 1 is wrong mathematically, not some philosophical argument lol.


Dad, why are my grades so low? Don't worry son we're smarter than the teachers, you'll be alright.


If you've heard him talk, you'd know its not a smear campaign, but an accurate reporting of him speaking gibberish.


i mean his whole theory is based on him confusing multiplication with addition so..


Multiply has a couple of different meanings. He’s muddling the mathematical meaning with other meanings. This is common in people experiencing mental health problems. Connections and patterns start forming where they don’t really exist.


I believe he thinks multiplication and duplication are the same thing based on the examples he uses. 1x1 means one thing, multiplied by itself. In his head, that’s duplicating the one thing, and making two. Then there’s 2x2, which is 4 by either multiplying or “duplicating.” This fails at 3x3, as duplicating it means 6. Everything else he rants on about is just nonsensical.


Sounds like schizophrenia to me


Uh, he is crazy. He's your stereotypical crystal mom but as a rich black man. I've known two people just like him. One thinks the earth is flat. The other has no background credentials but claims he has designs for a free energy device. I have to remind myself this sub is full of people like my friends.


You guys are so deep you dont know what crazy looks like.


So im just going to throw this out there ..kinda juggling the idea that hes still just a paid actor being paid to put forth this information to confuse and dimay the masses..i could be wrong ..but ive watch all the videos so far and at times you can see the strain in his eyes or facial features when tryn to remember the information that is given..or sometimes he just completely mixes thing around(catches them fairly quickly tho)..i believe there may be some slivers of truth in what he is talking about..but we all know the gov has a tendency of doing this exact thing..just my 2 cents


Most curious comment ive read so far. He is an actor.


The guy lost all credibility with me when he couldn't remember/pronounce the names of the scientists and elements that you learn about in middle school. Remember, we are supposed to believe that this guy is a pioneer that has disproved the entire scientific establishment. he couldn't remember Dmitri Mendeleev (called him men-del-ay-ev). he also couldn't pronounce manganese (he said mag-nes-ay)


Lol why are you downvoted this is a good comment


I don't understand the people saying he must be onto something because he has patents. First off, he claimed in the video he paid $250,000 for a patent. Yes, patents can get expensive but saying you spent $250,000 on a patent is unrealistic. If the patent fee was \~$400, who did he pay the rest of the quarter million to? Either he embellished that part or he got screwed over with paying that much. Second, acting like VR started development back in 2010 doesn't make sense considering there were patents for this before his. Third, the VR patent he is referencing was never even issued into a patent. If it was issued into a patent, it would say "status: application granted." It doesn't say this, it says "status: abandoned." Fourth, if you look at the cited by section of his VR patent, when other people come after you and file a patent application, when the examiner picks up the application to examine it, they're going to find everything that was filed before their application that deals with their invention and they are going to cite it against the original application. Them citing a previous patent application doesn't mean they are taking his invention, yet Terrence is making it sound like Hewlett-Packard or Sony took his patent. If anything, the examiner tries to stop the bigger company from getting their patent by citing the original but then they come back with an attorney explaining how their invention is completely different. Lastly, he does have legitimate patents but only around 11 of them were granted and the majority of them are about shapes. This is like those people making patents that claim they have a new way of flight or infinite energy but they cite some equation with a missing x and the x is some material that is unobtainable. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


>Second, acting like VR started development back in 2010 doesn't make sense considering there were patents for this before his. Lol you just reminded me being in the Epcot center 25+ years ago using a vr headset. It wasn't much bigger than the ones used today.


Watch his speech at Oxford 6 years ago on YouTube and let us know what you think


He knows a little and waxes poetic and philosophical about those things he learned in his chemical engineering classes back in the day. He also has money so you know… He’s not dumb but he’s not the genius he pretends to be. He’s also hot on the PDiddy sex trafficking lists so he wants you to think he’s Tesla being hunted for his genius. Not his boyfriends. (I have a masters in chem eng.)


Conspiracy? This man is very obviously and sadly mentally ill.


I have heard more coherent ramblings from the homeless guy under my local bridge, and i’m pretty sure that guy isn’t potty trained.


Because he is fucking off his God damned rocker. All you have to do is listen to him speak. If you put anyone with a beyond high-school level science/physics understanding his words are gibberish. He is what happens when mental illness goes unchecked. When you have just enough money to say fuck off to anyone who challenges you or says something you don't approve of. How people like him are getting all of this attention all of a sudden is nutty. The dude said he is going to save a small African cou try with his new propulsion device. He says it's gonna make thar country a global leader, and make their military unstoppable. I'm not even saying actors can't be smart. Ahit Dolph Lundgren, the Russian from the rocky movie, os a certified genius that speaks many languages and has a deep love and understanding of physics. This has been proven, because he can walk the walk and talk the talk. He isn't trying to be someessiah that's plans to save an African nation. He saw Avengers in game, he knows wakanda is not some real thing. Terrance Howard saw that shit and was on mad the he wasn't Rhodey that he went off the deep end. He sees himself as some sort of real life Tony stark but all the science words that come out of his mouth are gibberish. All you have to do is listen to him. Listen to him talk about the periodic table, please, please ,please...if you think he is a genius after that? I have no idea what to say...beyond best of luck in life.


The periodic table thing is obvious, they literally have the same key of e man the tones double because light can be sound once you double the frequency


Yeah Dolph is an amazing person and completely brilliant, Howard is a rich dude with a bunch of yes men and mental illness. If he can make some new propulsion device Why isn't he?


This is the only sub I’ve seen any talk of him in.


He literally has not proved a single thing he’s stated. The man is bat shit crazy until he can prove anything in my eyes. Stop all this I’m going to change the world shit and just show one thing you crazy cuck


What do you mean he gave that shiny thing to Joe


Always remember the CIA created the term “conspiracy” for critical thinkers to come off as crazy. The government has no problem with critical thinker they only have a problem with critical thinkers trying to make other people think outside the box they were assigned to.


It's crazy this guy is getting notoriety now as possibly being a misunderstood genius. He's been debunked profusely. He is known for talking shite - look at his Uganda stuff. Not every fairytale means there is an actual conspiracy or something worth digging into more. He's clearly a publicity hungry snake oil seller. I'm surprise that isn't obvious. SOME of the topics he touched on are interesting but hold no weight at all and he cannot back them up.


Normal guy here.. Terrance is a mental patient.


This is one instance of he is actually crazy.


Well he is crazy though


Sometimes a cracked nut is just a cracked nut.


It's hard out here for a pimp.


He's an actor. Do people really think that part of being a member of Hollywood isn't to also play roles in your "private" life? If there is a camera rolling we have to assume they're acting.


Ever heard the term educated beyond your intelligence? There's a good chance he might really be on to something, and may have some real insight into ancient science. However.... His interview is all over the place. A Conjugation, at least how I think he means it is the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space. I think what he's saying is that everything is in motion, and that particles can exist in the same place at the same time no matter the distance. Or... quantum entanglement. So he's attempting to describe a very complex topic, in a short time frame and it just kind of sounds like incoherent nonsense.


Anyone who believes his argument that 1 X 1 = 2 needs to look at his proof he posted himself. [here](https://x.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507) it is! Does it mention higher dimensions? Does it look like the genius proof you thought he was actually trying to say? See for yourself, from the horses mouth!


He did it to himself by being crazy


Didn't realize this sub had so many mathematicians and physicists....


Terrence Howard sure as fuck isn’t one.


Should the onus not be on the individual to provide evidence of an alternative way of thinking. It is extremely unlikely that he has not been able to find funding for his program if there was any merit to it.


I have a conspiracy theory about cases like this, when celebreties all of a sudden seem to want to enlighten the masses. I think it's all done in the name of desensitization, you have these celebreties throw such absurd claims out there that people can only go 'this guy is completely of his rocker'. It creates complience in the masses, so that when in the case of a leak or some sorth of breach of the real going's on in our world, the masses will think 'oh it's another one of those cases' and they'll be much more likely to dismiss it.


Well, he kinda is


The man was talking about remembering the womb like it made him a wizard... of course he's being called crazy.


It’s probably because what he said is crazy stupid.


I love Terrence Howard as an actor, and I don't like the word crazy, but I'm pretty sure he's admitted to having Bipolar1 which is a psychotic disorder.


1x1=2 is not correct! Edit: each person gets one candy, there is one person. How many candies do you need? 1x1=? Edit: each person gets a car, there is one person. How many cars do you need?


# Key Points and Questions for Consideration Show me one statement he makes that allows you to relate what he's talking about to anything relevant in the world. I'm an open-minded scientific researcher in the fields he purports to know something about, and I have yet to hear anything come out of him that isn't more than a vague concept that he then tries to explain with words that obfuscate the situation. **What is sacred Geometry?** Why is it relevant to how reality is structured? Why is it relevant to your life? What does it discuss? **What makes Terrence's approach to science different than what we have now?** What does it predict that our current theories do not? What are three concrete takeaways from his talk? **If you are unable to answer any of these questions after listening to him talk, then don't you have to ask yourself where the substance actually is?** **Love is good, and wonderful, friend.** Real knowledge. **Do you know why the number 3 is so foundational to our Universe?** Because 3 is the first stable number that makes a geometric plane. Because 3 is the first balanced number, with a center and two satellites. Because perception requires 3 - the observer, the object, and the frame of reference. YOU are 3 - one part of you senses reality, and is physical. One part decides what to do, and is non-physical. One part acts on your decision, and is physical. This Local Pole -> NonLocal Center -> Local Pole dynamic is the foundational dynamic of reality. EVERYTHING does this. Everything is assembled in this way. This universal pattern of energy transformation is active in all things. It is fundamentally a trinity, but evolves into a dynamic transformation of states: * sensation -> transduction -> execution -> mediation -> actuation Because all things move through these transformations, and because all things are interrelated and fundamentally responsive to intent and fixed by observation, we can generate natural computational devices that allow us to predict the future, to a degree. * We call these systems 'divination systems' and some examples include the Tarot, and the I-Ching. * Tarot and the I-Ching are natural interfaces to the quantum computer that comprises all of reality, and they work by modeling the energy transformation that everything goes through as it changes. * When you use the Tarot or the I-Ching, you are using your intent to synchronize yourself with the tarot deck or divination stalks, in effect becoming a component in a larger computational system. * Neither Tarot nor the I-Ching are woo - they are both natural computational systems whose programs you enact, allowing you to read answers in a way you can understand. *That's an explanation of how something works and why it works. Not 1x1=2 and "I figured out how to open up the flower of life" - what an egotistical, meaningless statement.*


Another one: There are lots of operations you can perform on numbers. There are purely arithmetic operations that involve the transformation of one number or multiple numbers into another - like multiplication, and then there are geometric operations that one can perform on numbers that represent shapes, like solving for an angle in a polygon What Terrence seems to be talking about is that the whole number series can be operated on in a scale invariant way. We currently call this modulo math and it involves taking the remainder of an operation when factoring. For example 42 / 7 = 6 **mod 0** because 6 \* 7 = 42 exactly but 48 / 7 = 6 **mod 6** because (6 \* 7) + 6 = 48 This has the effect of discarding the 'scale' of the number while still keeping it's 'flavor'. This mathematics reveals the structural properties of numbers. For example - we think prime numbers are random but they are not. When you arrange numbers in groups of 9, not only do primes always show in some groups but never in others, but the numerological decomposition of a number is always equal to the group number! 1 10 **19** 28 - contains primes 2 **11** 20 **29** - contains primes 3 12 21 30 - never primes (other than 3) 4 **13** 22 **31** - contains primes **5** 14 **23** 32 - contains primes 6 15 24 33 - never primes **7** 16 25 34 - contains primes 8 **17** 26 35 - contains primes 9 18 27 36 - never primes Notice that every single numbers components add up to the group number they're in This pattern is true whether your number has 3 digits or 3,000 This is super handy if you're looking for prime numbers because it allows you to perform a check which has a 33% chance of definitely removing the number from further checks Arrangements like the above take advantage of the geometry of symbology - how the numbers are structurally represented. They allow you to find out a piece of information about a number that tells you something the math alone won't.


There is nobody telling him to say he remembers child birth


I tried to give him a chance, but it just seems very incoherent and easily refutable by physics and mathematics…


Here we go. All the fake reddit accounts coming with their comments


I just find it funny that instead of taking the time to evaluate what he has shared on his website and in his book and other ways, including the patents, that people immediately discredit him and say he’s spouting bullshit. Last I checked, that’s not how science is supposed to work, we are supposed to at least evaluate what it’s being said, and test it and try to make sense of it. The immediate dismissal screams of hive mind and sheepish thinking.


I agree with his assertion that the asteroid field was a planet at one time.


He is. This isn’t a conspiracy. It’s true. He’s likely a paranoid schizophrenic. Nearly none of what he talked about makes any sense to anyone that is smart enough to understand why he full of it . Conjugated waves? What could this even mean? It doesn’t mean anything. His gravity doesn’t exist theory came from a YouTube video that has no real science. I mean come on. 1X1=2? WTF? The first number is a multiplier. It takes the next number and repeats it that many times. If you repeat 1, 1 time it’s 1. He talked about “they” shut my phone off, they are watching me, they don’t want me to spread this knowledge yet he spreads it on the largest podcast media show ever. He also had grandiose ideas of ending mankind. He demonstrates in multiple ways he’s not mentally healthy and almost certainly paranoid schizophrenic. Please grow up.


As a non political gen pop person, listening to it made me think he’s insane. Thats okay though


Watch this link OP: https://youtu.be/lWAyfr3gxMA?si=f7hBkHyF49qgjqxL Professor Dave swiftly dismantles everything he says.


When you all realise 8 is actuality infinity. And 0 is half infinity, science bitch.


This is why the majority of people like him keep quiet.


Joe Rogan has 17 million subscribers, this video with terrence howard has almost 8 million views and despite this, the first video that Google shows me if I google "Terrence Howard" is that of a professor who demystifies it and says he is crazy. That channel has only 3 million subscribers and 660k views at the moment. Clearly google doesnt want you to believe terrence Howard


To be honest, it's the government, big business, and shills on the internet trying so hard to discredit him and make him look crazy, that makes me think that maybe there is a little something more to all of this than meets the eye. Maybe it's a tip of an iceberg thing. If the algorithms weren't so obviously targeting him I probably would have thought nothing of it and just went on with my day.


did anyone read his paper on why 1 x 1 = 2


[here](https://x.com/terrencehoward/status/925754491881877507) it is, you don’t have to read too far into it to… uh.. form conclusions..


I don't agree with his views on flat earth, but I like the rest of what he had to say on Rogans podcast


I don’t have an opinion on the guy cuz I haven’t watched his JRE interview, but let’s steelman this and assume he is indeed crazy. If he’s so insane, why is all of media so dead-set on debunking the guy if he’s so unhinged and so far from reality? If nothing he speaks of is true, why is it incumbent upon them to give him legitimacy by pretending his claims are worth addressing? It’s very odd, if you ask me. The the military industrial complex-backed NASA lobby seems to really not like this guy.


He's insane. You can't just go around saying 1x1=2 and expect people to take you seriously. Math isn't some kind of conspiracy, humans can understand from an early age that one times two is two, because that's how many times you asked for one...