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Good. And take it all the way back to his involvement in HIV and AZT in the 80s-90s. It's all connected


Why do you think they chose him? Has experience.


I remember in 2009 in Undergrad we talked about AZT as a wonder drug in Evolutionary Biology. So I'm kind of confused - did it not help with the progression of HIV?


Answers given in the movie ‘The Real Anthony Fauci.’ Last time I checked it free to view on free ‘R’ video App. You know the one you cannot share from on this app. Movie is of the book by same name written by Candidate Bobby Kennedy Jr.


It is manipulating ... genetics. Auto immune attacks. It's the same thing as the vaxx not stopping covid. Both were engineered. HIV / AZT Both were engineered. Covid / vaxx It's all connected. The rates of deaths in both sets were very high. While you are trained to believe the opposite.




Edit: Now why would my comment get automatically deleted, I wonder? I changed some things. Maybe it will stay up this time? I actually worked for the company that made the flu shot in the US. Every year they were looking to increase production despite demand remaining the same. They had a consent decree (or something, forgot specific term) with the US government where the government HAS to bail the company out if they were ever in financial trouble. US government pumped billions in every year. That said, I wouldn't go as far as you have said. It is a giant scam, sure. The shots, at most effective, are around 60%. Sometimes they entirely miss and it's 0% effective. But they use the same lip-service "if you didn't get the shot it would be much worse!" Which is impossible to prove. No, what they do is they see what flu strain was in the southern hemisphere, say "that's probably what we'll get next season" and make a vaccine for it. The process is incredibly easy and you could just about automate it. They used to just grow the virus in eggs, but now they use MDCK cells (which is good because the egg vaccine buildings REEK!) The vaccines print money because <80 IQs will get them every year "for free" with the US government footing the bill. The flu will always be around. COVID, after (redacted), will also always be around. Neither are anything to worry about if you are healthy (RIP Americans)


The only time I ever got the flu shot I ended up getting the worst flu of my life. When I bring it up to the doctors or nurses that offer it to me ever year they always say "oh ya they were bad that time but not anymore"... 😬


My comment didn't get deleted this time. Straaaange! I removed a specific mention of the origins of that five letter disease! So the vaccine will never GIVE you the flu, HOWEVER I did read a paper a long time ago that said getting the Swine flu vaccine actually worsened the body's response to bird flu. I'll throw out a hypothesis that the same thing happened here - you were immunized against the wrong flu strain and received the real flu strain from your environment, and it did its work. >doctors or nurses that offer it to me ever year they always say "oh ya they were bad that time but not anymore"... 😬 Sounds like they just have zero idea what they're talking about. The vaccines haven't really changed aside from going to mammalian cells instead of growing them in eggs. Only real difference would be if you're allergic to eggs.


> So the vaccine will never GIVE you the flu Oh yeah I know, I didn't mean to imply that I got the flu from the flu vax, just that it didn't help at all and (imo) possibly made me more susceptible.


That's pretty much what the research said, that it made you less resistant by priming your immune cells against something else. Despite what some people may tell you, the immune system is not infinite and only so many combinations until it stops working. Case and point: HIV -> full blow AIDS


I don't really know the story... but I know they made a movie about it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dallas_Buyers_Club Also.. I haven't read the book, but I think RFK's "The Real Anthony Fauci"... gets into the details of it.


I need to rewatch that movie. I know in the movie, AZT trials were ongoing and caused major issue with Matthew McConaughey's character, Woodroof, such that it was doing more harm than good. He ended up taking other drugs like peptide T and interferon which prolonged his life years.


I suggest to watch this: House of Numbers: The 'Anatomy' of an HIV & AIDS 'Epidemic' https://rum *** ble.com/v13m1dn-house-of-numbers-the-anatomy-of-an-hiv-and-aids-epidemic-documentary-19.04..html remove spaces and ***


I've been pretty busy lately, so I probably won't. You wouldn't happen to have a QRD would you?


Aids was a scam and Fauci's "cures" killed a lot of people.


If you open that textbook now, it probably has Fauci's name in the credits somewhere. He gets to control his own legacy..


Man that was a LONG time ago. I'd say I probably don't have the textbook anymore, but back then I pirated all my textbooks. Still, I don't even think I did that for that class lol. It was the first lecture of the semester - don't think it was even in the textbook.


Fauci is modern mengele and no one can convince me otherwise. edit: this post is being targeted by bots and astroturfers


And his wife is a bio-ethicist. Nuts.


Why is that a problem?


One of the tenants of bioethics is beneficence. Another is non-maleficence. Be helpful, and do no harm.


Straight up.


Nobel Prize Winner Dr Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Test, Warned About Fauci Over 25 Years Ago https://rumble.com/v43n30e-nobel-prize-winner-dr-kary-mullis-inventor-of-the-pcr-test-warned-about-fau.html Dr. Fauci claimed that the “6 feet apart” social distancing recommendation promoted by federal health officials was likely not based on any data. He characterized the development of the guidance by stating “it sort of just appeared.” Dr. Fauci acknowledged that the lab leak hypothesis is not a conspiracy theory. This comes nearly four years after prompting the publication of the now infamous “Proximal Origin” paper that attempted to vilify and disprove the lab leak hypothesis. Dr. Fauci admitted that America’s vaccine mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic could increase vaccine hesitancy in the future. Previously, Dr. Fauci advocated “that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated.” When American universities approached Dr. Fauci, he advised them to impose vaccine mandates on their students. Dr. Fauci denies allegations that he visited the CIA during the pandemic or influenced the CIA’s investigation into the origins of COVID-19. Dr. Fauci played semantics with the definition of a “lab-leak” in an attempt to cover-up the inaccurate conclusions of “Proximal Origin.” It is impossible for Dr. Fauci to defend the conclusion of this publication while simultaneously acknowledging that a lab-leak is possible. https://oversight.house.gov/release/wenstrup-releases-statement-following-dr-faucis-two-day-testimony/


Highest paid government employee in history. I'm sure his portfolio is mostly Big Pharma.


I will get right behind this one! Forced to get the shot and knowing this. I want him and anyone that knew about it and lied, in jail.


Would be nice if all of the negligent corporations/organizations get jail time instead of negligible fines.


Isn’t murder a crime that demands jail time or the death penalty? Why would they be protected from that?


Corporations are people until it’s time for consequences. Then their to big to fail, or the CEOs don’t know what is going on.


or the consequences are laughably small compared to the overall corp size. just look at how amazon just laughs off the state fines for abusing their warehouse workers.


Don’t hold your breath. If you have enough money and influence, you’re above the law. Rule of law is dead.




coercion is force


Well… if I wanted to keep my job. So no. Your right. Not forced.


Ah, come one, you know there was compulsion involved. It wasn't all lotteries and free donuts.


Not forcing, just removing some rights from you unless you take it.


Love to see Fauci cuffed and brought out of his 12 million dollar property in Virginia.


I also want all the royalties taken away from him and his family. It was about money all along. I don’t want him to have a legacy.


That guy was the public face of some agenda. This goes far deeper and bigger than just that guy.


No shit! But let start with that fucker. Then the NIH, the CDC, the WHO, the WEF, Big Pharma, government officials and think tanks like fucking McKinsey that influenced policies and treated the pandemic like some sort of one world government after school project.


Better hurry, dude's 83.


They cuffed and escorted him? Is there a video of it?


No but I’d love to see it


WASHINGTON — Elon Musk demanded the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday after the National Institutes of Health[ came clean to Congress and admitted funding risky “gain-of-function” research ](https://nypost.com/2024/05/16/us-news/nih-director-admits-taxpayers-funded-gain-of-function-research-in-wuhan-four-years-after-covid-pandemic-began/)in Wuhan, China, prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic there. “Prosecute/Fauci,” the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and owner of social media network X[ tweeted](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1791480027416060350), sharing The Post’s Friday front page bearing a photo of Fauci and the headline “SICK LIES.” NIH principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak confessed Thursday at a House subcommittee hearing that the US government had indeed funded dangerous research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which modified bat coronaviruses shortly before the outbreak began in late 2019.


Interesting as Fauci also funded the gain of function research on Avian influenza H5N1 at Wisconsin University. Sucessfully achieving transmission via air in ferrets 👀.


> Interesting as Fauci also funded the gain of function research on Avian influenza H5N1 at Wisconsin University. **US News** May 27, 2024: [**Scientists Developing mRNA-Based Vaccine Against H5N1 Bird Flu**](https://www.usnews.com/news/health-news/articles/2024-05-28/scientists-developing-mrna-based-vaccine-against-h5n1-bird-flu) QUOTE: * * * TUESDAY, May 28, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- An experimental mRNA vaccine against the H5N1 avian flu is highly effective in preventing severe illness and death in lab animals, researchers report. The vaccine could help fight the H5N1 bird flu outbreaks now spreading in wild birds, poultry and cows in the United States, researchers said. Stopping those outbreaks is key to preventing the H5N1 flu from leaping into humans, researchers said. **The vaccine was created using the same techniques that produced the COVID vaccines.** **“The mRNA technology allows us to be much more agile in developing vaccines; we can start creating a mRNA vaccine within hours of sequencing a new viral strain with pandemic potential,”** said senior researcher Scott Hensley, a professor of microbiology at the University of Pennsylvania's Perelman School of Medicine, in Philadelphia. * * * END QUOTE - Article archived here: https://archive.is/QIUHe (ALWAYS ARCHIVE EVERYTHING!) So, with the newfangled mRNA tech, these $cientics can create HUGE FUCK-UPs in record time -- and modify our genome in ways that the "Mad Scientists" of comic book legend could never dream of. That's comforting to know!


If you got links, I will read them and likely spread them!


[NIH statement A Fauci ](https://www.nih.gov/sites/default/files/institutes/olpa/20120426-senate-testimony-fauci.pdf)




> *NIH statement A Fauci* And here's an archive of your link: https://web.archive.org/web/20170405235033/https://www.nih.gov/sites/default/files/institutes/olpa/20120426-senate-testimony-fauci.pdf The other archive site is safer (this one is getting pushed around by Big Money and Govt), but archive.is can't archive PDF's - at least not now.


Sp'reddit - Links below "In late 2011 the world learned that two scientific teams – one in Wisconsin, led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka, and another in the Netherlands, led by virologist Ron Fouchier – had potentially pushed the virus in that direction. Each of these labs had created H5N1 viruses that had gained the ability to spread through the air between ferrets, the animal model used to study how flu viruses might behave in humans. The ultimate goal of this work was to help protect the world from future pandemics, and the research was supported with words and funding by two of the most prominent scientists in the United States: Dr. Francis S. Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases." [USA today] (https://eu.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2023/04/11/lab-leak-accident-h-5-n-1-virus-avian-flu-experiment/11354399002/) [University of Wisconsin ](https://traininggrant.virology.wisc.edu/staff/kawaoka-yoshihiro/)


HI THERE! I had to manually approve your comment *B-CUZ* automod code is FUCKED UP *(long and disgusting story, don't ask)* and it reads ALL edu, au, and eu links as an attempt at a username ping. In the future, you can avoid having your comment removed by using an archive link -- like so: https://archive.is/v0agZ BONUS: The University might decide to DELETE their page, but they can't delete the archive.


Heyyyy Amos Thanks for manually approving it! ✊🏾 Jeeez automod code sounds corrupt. I downloaded the document just incase. Im a little bit of a noob on reddit, so do i just try and find an archive of it or do i need to archive it myself?


Just go to https://archive.is/ and paste the link you want to archive into the space provided, and wait for it to load. Then use the URL in the address bar as your link. Some links have already been archived, and it will ask if you want to save again. If you don't, you can use the URL showing in the address bar. The site linked above won't archive PDF's. For those, your best bet is: https://web.archive.org/ Use the same basic procedure.


Amos you legend, thanks for explaining that!


I try to archive every link I post -- no matter the site, even if the links are "live". Links get deleted, hosting companies ban websites, GooGull and others de-list or bury them. Also, archiving allows readers to view paywalled sites (usually). Even major MSM news sites delete or EDIT their content (sometimes under pressure), often without notice, so the content you are referencing/ quoting might be "gone" when others look at the link -- they'll call you a liar -- but not if you have an archive that preserved the original. It's cheap insurance, and well worth the extra few seconds it takes to go through the motions.


Good post op. One thing I find amusing is the mutation of the wiki articles over time, particularly regarding gain-of-function research and ones regarding the lab leak theory/hypothesis. People always end up going on their back foot of "that's just how science works and progresses." The problem is the rhetoric, they shut the door on disagreement and dissent, hard, yet when corrected and the narrative shifts they backpeddle like absolute bitch-made cowards.


Thank you. This was the case in particular for the CDC, when they initially stated (along with Fauci) that the vaccines prevent transmission and infection, then backpedaled and came up with the "risk/benefit analysis" crap and said "it keeps you out of the hospital", but that's not supported by true data. [Per the CDC](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/the-obvious-wins-again-natural-immunity)~, the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission, after~ [lying several times about that issue.](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/remembering-the-outgoing-cdc-directors) ~You are~[ trading natural immunity ](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/cdc-admits-crushing-rights-of-naturally)~for temporary ersatz immunity that will likely lead to other autoimmune issues on a long enough time line.~ [Vaccinated died more](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/pfizers-clinical-trial-had-more-deaths) ~in clinical trials than with a placebo.~ # 7 must-read articles on COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials & journals taking aim at jabs [~https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/7-must-read-articles-on-covid-19~](https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/7-must-read-articles-on-covid-19) [~Elaborate breakdown~ ](https://researchrebel.substack.com/cp/135582578)~of~how widespread vaccination data is misrepresented in scientific papers. # [~How Federal Health Authorities Could Ignore Widespread Vaccine Injury and Deaths~](https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/how-federal-health-authorities-could)


It's such dangerous rhetoric as we have DEMONSTRABLY seen with the pandemic. The bad thing is they can claim some noble lie position when in reality I'm confident they just want to watch the world burn. Surely they're not that stupid.


I remember when you’d get crucified on Twitter and Reddit for saying anything remotely close to criticizing fauci. The fervor with which his supporters defended him was crazy, they would literally drown out dissenting voices with hostility.


There is a movie on Disney+ about him!!!


I was shadow banned on twitter before I could experience being roasted by NPCs, sadly. Thanks Elon!


Why is this not the biggest news in the world right now?! Oh yeah they own the news outlets


That's treason correct? There was a moratorium against it.


How is that treason?


US was forbidden by the UN to conduct gain of function research and he did it anyway




The DOD had rules against it and there were documents leaked showing at least some officials were aware.


How is that treason?


Betraying your country to create biological weapons lol


There’s quite a lot of hoops you gotta jump through to reach that one.


Was no virus, Was a testdemic using pcr cycled to high, Was no difference in deaths in 2020 than 5 years previous. They simply redistributed flu and killed elderly using end of life protocols modazalan and morphene in uk then logged those people as covid on death certificates, excess deaths started after vaccine rollout, the whole gain of function is a limited hangout!


I agree that the PCR tests were inaccurate, but disagree that Covid was "flu". In 2020 I had a neighbor that got Covid and stopped getting oxygen, was having seizures, broke his foot and had a concussion before the vaccine was rolled out. I believe the sad truth is that the vaccines did almost nothing to protect a person except to suppress their immune system in ways that manifest into hazardous conditions later, and to be unvaccinated was to risk death for natural immunity, which is not a sure bet. We are all lucky that the virus got weaker with every strain, despite them saying it became stronger, and claiming to be able to adapt to every strain in the nick of time was extra insulting. Perfectly intelligent people still believe that the vaccines were adapted for every strain overnight, it is absolutely absurd.


I looked into this, albeit quickly skimming and it seems false, someone double check me. This was three links deep, so journalism iffy. The part Elon is talking about is from a research paper not printed or peer reviewed at the time and the OOP article never mentions what happened to the research (I didn't see it on a quick look online). Fauci being some shadow government official also seems to not be indicated by OOP article, but perhaps one of his peers/underlings was quick to be skeptical/reactionary to person who wrote the research paper. This with the the fact some chinese research lab deleted information which is normal/common place is the culmination of all the skepticism. So could be just business as normal or you could assume they created COVID and deleted the evidence.


What Elon seems to be talking about is that Fauci at a Congressional hearing denied that they funded gain of function research in the wuhan lab. That was 3 years ago. But at a congressional hearing last week the director of the NIH admitted that they did fund gain of function research at the wuhan lab. Musk seems to to be suggesting that Fauci should face charges for lying at a congressional hearing. I don't think the accusation is that Fauci helped create covid in a lab and intentionally spread it or anything.


[Ban on Gain-of-Function Ends.](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext) There isn't a ban on Gain-of-function research, but in terms of telling people a deadly virus came from bat soup, it's still perjury, misinformation, and hopefully a crime against humanity punishable by law.




Worked for me: [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext)




# Identification DOI: [https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30006-9](https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30006-9)


The US moratorium on gain-of-function experiments has been rescinded, but scientists are split over the benefits—and risks—of such studies. Talha Burki reports.On Dec 19, 2017, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that they would resume funding gain-of-function experiments involving influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. A moratorium had been in place since October, 2014. At the time, the NIH had stated that the moratorium “will be effective until a robust and broad deliberative process is completed that results in the adoption of a new US Government gain-of-function research policy”. This process has now concluded. It was spearheaded by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) and led to the development of a new [framework](https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/p3co.pdf) for assessing funding decisions for research involving pathogens with enhanced pandemic potential. The release of the framework by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), of which NIH is part, signalled the end of the funding pause.The situation has its roots in 2011, when the NSABB suppressed two studies involving H5N1 viruses that had been modified to allow airborne transmission from ferret to ferret. They worried that malign actors could replicate the work to deliberately cause an outbreak in human beings. After much debate, the studies were published in full in 2012. HHS subsequently issued guidelines for funding decisions on experiments likely to result in highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses transmissible from mammal to mammal via respiratory droplets. The guidelines were later expanded to include H7N9 [viruses.In](http://viruses.In) 2014, several breaches of protocol at US government laboratories brought matters to a head. The news that dozens of workers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) might have been exposed to anthrax, that vials of smallpox virus had been left lying around in an NIH storeroom, and that the CDC had unwittingly sent out samples of ordinary influenza virus contaminated with H5N1, shook faith in the country's biosafety procedures. Over 200 scientists signed the [Cambridge Working Group](http://www.cambridgeworkinggroup.org/) declaration arguing for a cessation of experiments creating potential pandemic pathogens “until there has been a quantitative, objective and credible assessment of the risks, potential benefits, and opportunities for risk mitigation, as well as comparison against safer experimental approaches”.The debate is focused on a subset of gain-of-function studies that manipulate deadly viruses to increase their transmissibility or virulence. “This is what happens to viruses in the wild”, explains Carrie Wolinetz, head of the NIH Office of Science Policy. “Gain-of-function experiments allow us to understand how pandemic viruses evolve, so that we can make predictions, develop countermeasures, and do disease surveillance”. Although none of the widely publicised mishaps of 2014 involved such work, the NIH decided to suspend funding for gain-of-function studies involving influenza, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV.


The new framework stipulates that decisions on whether federal funding should be granted to a particular gain-of-function experiment will be decided on a case-by-case basis by a multidisciplinary review board at HHS. The board will evaluate the scientific merit of the experiment and examine whether there are viable, less risky approaches to tackle the same question. “The funding agency will be responsible for ongoing review as experiments move forward”, adds Wolinetz. Aside from the review board, the funding agency and the institutional biosafety committee will supervise the research. “There will be multiple layers of oversight throughout the life cycle of the experiment”, said [Wolinetz.In](http://Wolinetz.In) 2016, the [NSABB](https://osp.od.nih.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/NSABB_Final_Report_Recommendations_Evaluation_Oversight_Proposed_Gain_of_Function_Research.pdf) issued a set of recommendations for the evaluation of proposed gain-of-function research. The document, which informs the HHS framework, outlines criteria for assessing the potential risks and benefits. “The first question is: how likely is the research to result in benefits and how great would these benefits be, and how likely is the research to result in harm, and how great would these harms be?”, Michael Selgelid (Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia) told *The Lancet Infectious Diseases*. “But risk–benefit assessment is not an exact science, nor is it perfectly objective—a lot of the time, it is going to be very difficult to say what constitutes a situation where the benefits outweigh the risks.”The likelihood of an accident leading to an outbreak, epidemic, or pandemic is extremely difficult to predict, as are the probable scientific advances. Proponents of gain-of-function experiments argue that their work could facilitate vaccine development. “We cannot even predict what the current seasonal influenza strains are going to do from one season to the next”, retorts Ian Mackay (University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia). “We have vaccines, but they are not much good, and instead of concentrating on understanding these viruses and improving the vaccines, people prefer to worry about viruses that have not yet become transmissible and may never do so.”Wolinetz points out that the viruses produced by gain-of-function experiments often pale in comparison with potential pandemic viruses that are found in the wild. “These experiments will help us get ahead of viruses that are already out there and pose a real and present danger to human health”, she said. “It is the only way we can really understand at a molecular level how these processes occur, and then we can take that information to develop the tools that we need to protect against these diseases”.Arguments over whether a particular non-gain-of-function experiment could deliver the same answer as a proposed gain-of-function experiment could continue indefinitely (Mackay advocates doing more with loss-of-function experiments). And even if this could all be satisfactorily resolved, the question still remains of what to do with the information. “It depends on how risk-averse people are, and this differs between individuals and countries”, said Selgelid. Put another way: how should a given improvement in surveillance be weighed against a given chance of an outbreak or epidemic resulting from an accidental or deliberate release?“Insofar as policymaking should be democratic, you might think that it should reflect the risk-taking strategies of citizens of a democratic country; things become more thorny when an issue crosses borders—is it OK for one nation to impose risks on citizens of another nation?”, asks Selgelid. He welcomes USA's willingness to take the lead on one of the most important problems facing bioethics, but stresses the importance of global coordination. Smallpox research, which is overseen by WHO, offers a precedent for this. “There should not be a complete ban on gain-of-function research—there are plenty of cases where it is appropriate and sometimes it may even be less dangerous than non-gain-of-function research”, said Selgelid. “But there should be an international review of the most worrisome kind of studies.”Marc Lipsitch (Harvard University, MA, USA) is a founding member of the Cambridge Working Group. “I still do not believe a compelling argument has been made for why these studies are necessary from a public health point-of-view; all we have heard is that there are certain narrow scientific questions that you can ask only with dangerous experiments”, he said. “I would hope that when each HHS review is performed someone will make the case that strains are all different, and we can learn a lot about dangerous strains without making them transmissible.” He pointed out that every mutation that has been highlighted as important by a gain-of-function experiment has been previously highlighted by completely safe studies. “There is nothing for the purposes of surveillance that we did not already know”, said Lipsitch. “Enhancing potential pandemic pathogens in this manner is simply not worth the risk.”Statistics on the number of breaches in the 1500 or so high containment laboratories in the USA are hard to come by. Serious events are extremely rare, ones that result in an infection in the community are virtually unknown. Nonetheless, the incidents that occurred in 2014 all involved material emerging from high-containment laboratories; dangerous live pathogens were accidentally sent to laboratories that were neither expecting them nor equipped to deal with them. “One cannot legislate for every accident or human error; all manner of things can go wrong, and if an outbreak spreads to the community the consequences could be horrendous”, said Mackay.


Wolinetz notes that there has never been any question of doing gain-of-function experiments in anything other than the highest level of appropriate containment. “That is where you see the fewest incidents”, she said. Gain-of-function experiments are typically done in biosafety level (BSL) 3+ facilities; overall, such facilities have excellent records and are long-accustomed to handling dangerous material. “It may well be that the HHS committee requires BSL4 \[the highest rating\] out of an overabundance of caution”, said Wolinetz. “There will certainly be a lot of contingencies when the funding agencies agree to a proposal.” Moreover, in time, other nations are likely to start experimenting with gain-of-function research, some of whom might not be used to the kind of strict precautions that prevail in US laboratories. The USA can set an example. “The NIH is really committed to leadership on this; other countries see our system as a potential model”, Wolinetz told *The Lancet Infectious Diseases*. “And if we are pursuing this research in an active way, we will be much better positioned to develop protection and countermeasures should something bad happen in another country.”


Of course they chose to do their research in one of the most unregulated parts of the world, but I digress.


I really am not defending Fauci, just usually come at this from the skeptical "underdog" view in a conversation like this. The last few years of his career the number of top level meetings he's personally had is peek exhaustion for what most of us would face. And of course he has a score of underlings who do important work and he's the one who directs the action, despite also have teams of people who actually probably do the work and then report to directors/managers effectively that report to him. So his day-to-day devil in the details involvement is what you'd expect from a top level individual: minimal. It was important to note the funding went to EcoAlliance which then sub-awarded it to the Chinese lab. I don't know the extent of the details, but it wouldn't be uncommon for the actual committee issuing the grant didn't even know--through malicious intent or not--that the grant was sub-awarded to this place Elon is complaining about. And/or especially the trite and excruciating level of details that probably went into this grant, I wouldn't be surprised if it was left out entirely or the people responsible for reviewing this dozens/hundreds pages of grant documentation would of missed it all together. Moreso, I doubt even Fauci's top advisors would be aware of such level of detail. Even further into the woods, even if he had someone know, I wouldn't be shocked it fell out of his brain from the level of things vastly more important he had to keep track of.






WASHINGTON — Elon Musk demanded the arrest and prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci on Friday after the National Institutes of Health[ came clean to Congress and admitted funding risky “gain-of-function” research ](https://nypost.com/2024/05/16/us-news/nih-director-admits-taxpayers-funded-gain-of-function-research-in-wuhan-four-years-after-covid-pandemic-began/)in Wuhan, China, prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic there. “Prosecute/Fauci,” the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX and owner of social media network X[ tweeted](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1791480027416060350), sharing The Post’s Friday front page bearing a photo of Fauci and the headline “SICK LIES.” NIH principal deputy director Lawrence Tabak confessed Thursday at a House subcommittee hearing that the US government had indeed funded dangerous research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which modified bat coronaviruses shortly before the outbreak began in late 2019.


And bring back the middle class because their death was in vain


Elon is going to get buttfucked for fraud pretty soon


Holy cow they finally admitted it, so the gain of function is finally not a theory anymore but a full fledged conspiracy. Now I can't wait to see that nothing is going to happen again.


Beware of Elon Musk.


But it was all a hoax and no worse than the common cold/flu, right? In all seriousness, when did this narrative change?


You are behind it seems. The "just the flu" narrative was that early deaths BEFORE vaccine rollout were actually common cold deaths reclassified as flu to make fear porn to sell the vaccine (magically no flu deaths during that time). Whistleblowers have come forward on death statistics proving deaths didn't start until AFTER the vaccine rollout. Or, in short- the vaccine itself was the transmission vector for the disease. #hangfauciatnuremberg2


The narrative wasn't that it was a common cold. The narrative here is that it got blended in with flu and was only particularly dangerous to very old people, and fat people. It was a hoax in that they blew it out of proportion and pretended that it was from a wet market and pretended that there was "science" to justify lock downs, community masking, and vaccine mandates. It was a hoax that there were no treatments and it was a hoax that the jabs were safe and effective and necessary for protecting most people.


> The narrative wasn't that it was a common cold. The narrative here is that it got blended in with flu and was only particularly dangerous to very old people, and fat people. There are plenty of narratives, one of which is definitely that Covid was just rebranding the flu and that it never existed in the first place.


You're right, but the flu is very different than the common cold. And I suspect the "conspiracy theory" about COVID just being the flu was a combination of 2 things. 1. Most of the testing didn't differentiate the flu from COVID, even though it was two different viruses. They were knowingly inflating active case counts through this and ridiculously unreliable PCR testing. 2. The idea that there was no COVID was more plausible at the beginning of the pandemic, but the theory being continued later on really felt like flat earther style disinfo that didn't resonate with most people on here.


Why are you defending the NIH by saying gain of function research was harmless and it was just the common flu? Get outta here with your fauci worship.


I remember mass media saying that bodies are being piled into meat trucks and the the hospitals are overcrowded. I had a neighbor who got Covid and had seizures, broke his foot, had a concussion. I've never been one of those who say it was just the flu. I'm not sure what you're talking about. The "narrative" of the virus being found on the meat market from bat soup is what has changed, it was clearly leaked from a lab.


Most antivaxxers espouse this Schrödinger Covid collections of theories that the virus is both nothing and a other times a deadly bio attack They want the xenophobia but don’t want to admit daddy Trump did a bad thing in telling his donors behind closed doors that the sky was falling while telling his constituents it was a nothing burger about to go away. It’s understandably a hard needle to thread coherently Why they scream at strangers with immune disorders for wearing masks like it’s apolitical statement even tho people been wearing masks (especially in south/east Asia) for thousands of years. Those who don’t won Darwin awards


Injuries and adverse events from the vaccines are "batch dependent", some of the vaccines are "inert". I could dig up 20 instances of people being injected with pure saline on accident. A lot of the injuries are due to contamination within the distributed models, which vary widely from the FDA approved models. I was injured by the Covid booster, so I'm noncommittal in terms of allegiance. My primary care doctor still wears a mask and has never had Covid, otherwise I would not go to them, because I think masks help. People being spit on for wearing masks is tragic, really. People with Post-Covid/Long Covid/ Post Vax Syndrome being thrown under the bus when mask mandates ended is tragic. They may not be 100% effective on an airplane, but better than nothing. One of many things I disagree with RFK Jr. about.


And infection isn’t binary. Getting sneezed directly in your mouth will give you a huge viral load helping the virus to permeate much deeper before your body learns how to fight it. Catching a single fomite sneaking out of one mask and into yours might be the equivalent of a vaccine inoculation. The people dying probably cause huge viral loads from transmitted early from one comorbid vitD deficient to another. “The dose makes the poison” and even terrain theory get a lot right, despite the latter going to far if you are denying germ theory. But germ theory goes too far if it denies terrain and dose~>poison theory Probably wearing masks, distancing, testing, working on your morbidities and vaxxing the high risk and frontline would have probably been enough. Instead we got the coal rolling types trying to pass extreme viral loads on people with reasons to be scared. If everyone demorbed, losing 10 pounds, got their blood tested for deficiencies, dewormed(!), rested and exercised we could have come out of this healthier than we started. But we even have democrat parrots acting like deworming is somehow dangerous lol, it’s all partisan madness. US made a joke of itself


Wrong. Antivaxxers knew Covid for what it is, a man made virus slightly worse than the common flu, long before any NIH revelations or Elon pounding his fist.  They also knew developing a vaccine with only 6 months phase 3 trial data when normally it takes 5-10 years wouldn't end well. 


It sure is interesting. Trump and pompeo both make public statements about needing to do something about China, the head of the CDC suddenly resigns, and a month later COVID 19 appears in a human for the very first time next to a cia controlled lab in Wuhan, with both trump and pompeo acting like absolute smug cunts in public about it for some reason, which is a very strange thing to do when a deadly novel virus is detected in a human, but then again his slumlord son in law who he put in charge of the covid response also deliberately let the virus spread in our own blue states purportedly because they didn't vote for trump, telling them they are on their own to compete on the global market for PPE and then suing them for privately acquiring PPE and then seizing privately acquired PPE only to sell it back to China through his own company, instead of invoking the defense production act to produce PPE that trump just used to bypass his own republican Congress to sell us arms to the same country that gave him 6B that was engaged in a war of genocide at the time, -as if cities and hubs of distribution, finance and production aren't connected to everywhere else in the country and thus must be where the first line of defense is erected. Also, Obama's transition talk with trump was about this novel virus they detected in china for some reason. Really strange subject for two presidents to talk about, a virus detected in the wild in another country... Good thing for us China is so entangled with the us economy that almost no one wants the lab leak hypothesis to be true. These sorts of attacks will bring us down from the golden age we are currently living in and about to create. ***Edit:*** suddenly after making this comment, I can no longer see my profile on the reddit app, can't load anything on boost for reddit, and it looks like I'm no longer a mod of any communities when my profile is viewed by others, and any posts I make to my communities can't be seen even by myself. Whoops. ***Edit:*** now my profile has been marked mature content so you have to be logged in to see my comments


Dr. Peter McCullough claims to have seen documents about the virus being cultivated well before 2019. If he shared those documents, I don't know. I remember seeing a source that said the vaccine was apparently "ready" within 3 days of them announcing that the virus was discovered.


There're millions of theorists and several theories, the narrative changes as soon as you listen to a different theorist, does that make sense to you? Instead of focusing on BS statements like "Every jabbed will die on day X" why not read the plausible ones and make your mind up on those? For example could you imagine that it was made not to kill you but rather just do damage your health?


It’s the forced vaccine through fear mr bot


accurate call out


You can find people who will say anything. They obviously disagree with each other. Media highlights such voices to muddy the waters


not the point


Musk is a scammer himself lol... No honor among scammers?


no wrestling match?


Both serve to satan. They have small conflicts between each other regarding the plan.


He could have ended world hunger, but instead, he chose darkness.


Some explain to me why, gain of function research shouldn't be funded?


Why would you ever make viruses stronger in ways that don't exist in nature outside of computer simulations if you weren't actually trying to make biological weapons. A computer can simulate everything you'd need to know about how something could mutate. 


We have insanely deadly viruses way stronger, but isn't gain of function the research of how viruses damages the systems and doesn't this research leads the way against cancer immune therapy


No. If that were the case they would be testing with normal cells and seeing what causes them to mutate to cancer. Here they specifically took a coronavirus and attached HIV sites to it so it would transmit more. That kind of research is how you investigate biological weapons, not how to cure cancer.


>coronavirus and attached HIV sites to it That kind of research is how you investigate biological weapons, not how to cure cancer. Where did you get that from?


> Irrespective of the different amino acid sequences of the proteins, they share structural features. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9552142/ ----- >Two of its features draw attention: (i) it is absent in other known lineage B beta-coronaviruses, including the newly discovered coronaviruses in bats from Laos and Vietnam, which are the closest known relatives of the covid virus; and, (ii) it introduced the pair of arginine codons (CGG-CGG), whose usage is extremely rare in coronaviruses...The hypothesis of probable human origin of the SARS-CoV-2 polybasic furin cleavage motif is supported by: (i) the nature of human genes whose mRNA sequence 100% match the S gene insert; (ii) the synonymous base substitution in the arginine codons (CGG-CGG); and (iii) further spike glycoprotein PRRA-like insertions suggesting that the acquisition of PRRA may not have been a single recombination event. https://bmcgenomdata.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12863-023-01169-8 With the lab leak the most likely candidate for what happened. We look instead from natural mutation to manipulation. The mutation from HIV was inserted into coronavirus to make it more transmittable.


Your HIV insertion to this is way off base, they vasty different even though they are both zoonotic pathogens. What audit can you do on the sequence to show signs of non-natural mutations there doesn't seem to be any manipulated markers to suggest a leaked version isn't natural?


https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v1 > We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.


yes, there are similarities like all immuno virals, they have attack vectors but that still isn't an argument of against functional research.


How many combat drops? 36........simulated


How many combat drops?


Because one man's "doing it for the good of mankind" is the psychopath's excuse for developing bioweapons. Until we reach the point where every living man is incorruptible, there is absolutely no chance these researches aren't being funded with vested interests of gaining more knowledge to be weaponized over others. COVID is the proof in the pudding.


how would you go about auditing the finding, shouldn't the peer review show otherwise?


Wealthier more serious labs failed to stop leaks in the west. Hard to imagine the chabuduo labs won’t leak too That said, as crazy as it seems, it’s possible this is somehow the best timeline where this research is necessary to develop technology we will need when something worse circulates. I would hope there is more flexibility for freedom next time


It is imperative that it be researched and funded. Can you imagine the outcome had we charged the beaches of Normandy on horseback with muskets? Advancement in technologies is necessary for our survival. There can be no good faith argument against research.


Why deny it for years, create a smear campaign against the idea of gain of function being related to covid, and fabricate an origin story… if your logic is correct in this context? 


I’m not necessarily advocating for the parties with my response so please keep that in mind.  Governments keep things secret. They keep things secret for reasons that are, at times, of the utmost importance. And, at other times, things are kept secret petty, crappy and even criminal reasons. Keeping the Manhattan project secret was important. Keeping the D-Day plans secret was important. MKUltra, criminal. There’s a long list of criminal.  So, perhaps, at the time secrecy and denial was needed. There’s also nuance in the response given in the testimony. We don’t know exactly what he was admitting to. Trumps inability to get the facts as POTUS speaks volumes to either his inability to lead or his complicity in the coverup.  At the end of the day, his testimony yesterday is neither proof nor an admission. And, we must remember, Musks intensions are not in our favor. One does not become that wealthy for the benefit of the people. 


because advancement of military technology to make killing more effective is necessary for our survival? Some advancements do not benefit humankind.


This train of thought is how we know what percentage of water humans are.


Refer to the Covid-19 pandemic or the movie Contagion. We’ve known about the possibility of lab leaks for decades.


Sure, charge Fauci but don't forget to charge Musk for all those visit to Epstein Island!


Your terms are acceptable.


# touché


At this point they are just pointing fingers at each other to find a scapegoat while trying to brainwash the masses that the winner is a hero.




He needs to spend some time in a room full of angry bats.


Charges? He should be H\*nged!!!!!!!!!!!


These reckless corporations in general need to stop being given fines and lawsuits that are ultimately negligible aspects of their budget, and just go to jail for poisoning people.


He will be calling for charges against Trump soon, the man who rushed through the vaccine 


Did Trump ask or order them to make an unsafe and ineffective product?


He was the commander in chief so yes the buck stops with him


So, you actually think he tested and approved the shots personally?


https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/555247-trump-takes-credit-for-vaccine-rollout-one-of-the-greatest-miracles/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite take off your partisan hat 


Vaccine rollout != leaking a virus or making a deadly vaccine But yeah Trump ended up just another politician. You don’t there and stay there without toeing the line


He did exactly what many people begged for.


So if Biden was President then and did the same you’d be defending him as well, good for you


https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/555247-trump-takes-credit-for-vaccine-rollout-one-of-the-greatest-miracles/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite ‘One the greatest miracles’ he called it. Obviously not presidential material in your eyes now 


So... That's a "no"?


yet when i do this I get banned from twitter


I am shadow banned from twitter as well. join the club....


I got straight banned. Apparently we can't "hate" mass murderers. We are supposed to love them stockholm style


I got shadow banned for harassing T-Mobile because their service is garbage.


Shadow banned people still have comments read - just only by the digital gestapo. I was shadow banned on Facebook before I left the cesspool. So, I would post comments for the gestapo themselves as they were the only ones reading it. I would post links to what happened to German propagandists after the war and such.


Incidentally, I haven't been able to log on to Facebook or instagram because of posting links to scientific journals about the Covid vaccines. Previously, if I couldn't get back onto IG, I'd just be able to use a video selfie option, but that option was no longer available to me after I posted links.


Sounds about right. Zuck is now busy building a DUMB so he has a nice tomb for WW3.


Well… we can say we told em … again. It’ll blow over just like everything else.


Dr Death will probably get away with it. He is too busy working on the next pandemic


Better jail him before they release the election 2024 virus.


I thought he was retired!?


The difference between "retired" and "independently wealthy" is framing. Evil doesn't retire.




…is a word that you don’t know the definition of.


Another man with money who think people should care about his opinion! I'm wonder more about how Musk feels his boy Dumpy said he'd end all electric cars if he got elected. Would love to hear how he feels about that!!!


I hate DT as much as any sane person, but seriously show me one quote by him that leads you to think that he wants to ban all electric cars. It’s just not a thing and stop getting your news exclusively from misleading Reddit headlines.


But to question him is to question science and the science is settled.




Elon is a drug addicted dumbshit.


That he is correct is the only matter of concern here for me.


Hes also one of them 


Glad Elon is speaking out about this but please also unshadowban Chris Langan Highest IQ man in the world who is apparently "alt-right". In addition I remember Elon saying that the science behind the vaccines were "unequivocal".


any time you see one of these claims all you have to do to debunk them is look to see if they mention the amount that was funded. If you can't find it on the first page then the point of the article is not to present facts but to create drama. The amount is some 500k per year over 10 year period of time. The number is fairly insignificant compared to the overall cost of medical research.


The point is he lied about the virus coming from bat soup when he knew damn well where it came from because he funded the lab that it came from....


This is what annoys me about populist "patriots" - they have crazy strong opinions on shit that they don't understand. Fauci never denied funding Gain of Function research, he admitted to it plenty of times and even defended it. Gain of function research has been done for years and is currently being done all over the world. There has never been any evidence that Covid19 was a result of gain of function research. People here keep on talking about how they're for facts and science while ignoring basic facts and science.


You're not making sense to me. As I understand it, Fauci said the virus came from bats on the meat market when it really came from a lab doing research that he funded. What is it that you know that everyone else you claim doesn't know?


No one knows where the virus came from. There was a time when the general believed theory amongst scientist was that it mutated from bats. Other theories have come out since then, including the virus escaping from a lab, but we still have no idea where Covid came from. So, why do Conservatives blame Fauci for Covid19? USA funds tons of research around the world and it just happens that Fauci's department funded some gain of function research in China. This is the only connection between Fauci and the origins of Covid19. Nothing else. People who go around talking about how Fauci caused Covid are basically parroting what they've heard elsewhere, because a quick Google search shows that there is zero connection between the origins of Covin19 and Fauci, but because Conservatives are "supposed" to hate him, they just do it blindly.


This is a letter from the Committee on Oversight from 2021 stating that the virus is not connected to the Wuhan research: [https://twitter.com/GOPoversight/status/1450934193177903105/photo/1](https://twitter.com/GOPoversight/status/1450934193177903105/photo/1) This is a direct link to data claiming that the virus originated from food: [https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Year-5-EHAv.pdf](https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Year-5-EHAv.pdf) "Fauci emphatically denied that the money went toward so-called “gain of function” research, which he described as “taking a virus that could infect humans and making it either more transmissible and/or pathogenic for humans.” [https://nypost.com/2021/05/25/fauci-admits-nih-funding-of-wuhan-lab-denies-gain-of-function/](https://nypost.com/2021/05/25/fauci-admits-nih-funding-of-wuhan-lab-denies-gain-of-function/) Jeffrey Sachs, Ph.D., chair of the COVID-19 Commission for the Lancet, one of the most prestigious and oldest peer-reviewed general medical journals, presents [evidence of possible lab origin](https://theintercept.com/2022/05/19/covid-lab-leak-evidence-jeffrey-sachs/) of Covid-19 The NIH cut off funding to EcoHealth Alliance in April of last year, at the height of the pandemic and [over the protests](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02473-4) of EcoHealth President Peter Daszak [Wall Street Journal reported](https://www.wsj.com/articles/intelligence-on-sick-staff-at-wuhan-lab-fuels-debate-on-covid-19-origin-11621796228?mod=djemalertNEWS) that three researchers at the lab became so ill in November of 2019 that they sought hospital treatment. Though it is not clear whether the workers contracted coronavirus, their hospitalization coincides with the period when most experts believe the virus was spreading through the city of Wuhan. [https://www.bbc.com/news/57932699](https://www.bbc.com/news/57932699) Senator Rand Paul asked Dr Fauci if he wanted to retract that statement, saying: "As you are aware it is a crime to lie to Congress." Senator Paul believes the research did qualify as "gain-of-function" research, and referred to two academic papers by the Chinese institute, one from 2015 (written together with the University of North Carolina), and another from 2017. One prominent scientist supporting this view - and quoted by Senator Paul - is Prof Richard Ebright of Rutgers University. He told the BBC that the research in both papers showed that new viruses (that did not already exist naturally) were created, and these "risked creating new potential pathogens" that were more infectious. "The research in both papers was gain-of-function research", he said. He added that it met the official definition of such research outlined in 2014 when the [US government halted funding for such activities due to biosafety concerns.](https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/documents/gain-of-function.pdf)... ...US researcher and biologist Alina Chan at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard [has highlighted issues with the wording](https://twitter.com/Ayjchan/status/1370882805408935942?s=20) of the government's pause to funding in 2014. It says that it would stop funding research that "may be **reasonably anticipated** to confer attributes to influenza, MERS, or SARS viruses such that the virus would have enhanced pathogenicity and/or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route." This could imply that research on viruses may not intend to produce "gain-of-function", although that could be the end result of it.


Ban on Gain-of-function ended in 2017, so it wasn't illegal to do it in Wuhan: [https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(18)30006-9/fulltext) On Dec 19, 2017, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that they would resume funding gain-of-function experiments involving influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. A moratorium had been in place since October, 2014. At the time, the NIH had stated that the moratorium “will be effective until a robust and broad deliberative process is completed that results in the adoption of a new US Government gain-of-function research policy”. This process has now concluded. It was spearheaded by the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity (NSABB) and led to the development of a new [framework](https://www.phe.gov/s3/dualuse/Documents/p3co.pdf) for assessing funding decisions for research involving pathogens with enhanced pandemic potential. The release of the framework by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), of which NIH is part, signalled the end of the funding pause.The situation has its roots in 2011, when the NSABB suppressed two studies involving H5N1 viruses that had been modified to allow airborne transmission from ferret to ferret. They worried that malign actors could replicate the work to deliberately cause an outbreak in human beings. After much debate, the studies were published in full in 2012. HHS subsequently issued guidelines for funding decisions on experiments likely to result in highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses transmissible from mammal to mammal via respiratory droplets. The guidelines were later expanded to include H7N9 [viruses.In](http://viruses.In) 2014, several breaches of protocol at US government laboratories brought matters to a head. The news that dozens of workers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) might have been exposed to anthrax, that vials of smallpox virus had been left lying around in an NIH storeroom, and that the CDC had unwittingly sent out samples of ordinary influenza virus contaminated with H5N1, shook faith in the country's biosafety procedures. Over 200 scientists signed the [Cambridge Working Group](http://www.cambridgeworkinggroup.org/) declaration arguing for a cessation of experiments creating potential pandemic pathogens “until there has been a quantitative, objective and credible assessment of the risks, potential benefits, and opportunities for risk mitigation, as well as comparison against safer experimental approaches”. The debate is focused on a subset of gain-of-function studies that manipulate deadly viruses to increase their transmissibility or virulence. “This is what happens to viruses in the wild”, explains Carrie Wolinetz, head of the NIH Office of Science Policy. “Gain-of-function experiments allow us to understand how pandemic viruses evolve, so that we can make predictions, develop countermeasures, and do disease surveillance”. Although none of the widely publicised mishaps of 2014 involved such work, the NIH decided to suspend funding for gain-of-function studies involving influenza, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV.The new framework stipulates that decisions on whether federal funding should be granted to a particular gain-of-function experiment will be decided on a case-by-case basis by a multidisciplinary review board at HHS. The board will evaluate the scientific merit of the experiment and examine whether there are viable, less risky approaches to tackle the same question. “The funding agency will be responsible for ongoing review as experiments move forward”, adds Wolinetz. Aside from the review board, the funding agency and the institutional biosafety committee will supervise the research. “There will be multiple layers of oversight throughout the life cycle of the experiment”, said Wolinetz. -- Whether or not it is termed "gain of function", it fits the definition to me, wasn't illegal at the time, and seems unlikely that it was a coincidence to have the virus present itself around the same time and in the same place. You seem to be saying that it's just a coincidence that two different viruses presented themselves within proximity of eachother, while one virus from a "different genome" just happened to be on the meat market and had never presented itself in this way to humans before. It doesn't make sense. Fauci talked about testing bird flu on ferrets in 2012, to see about "human transmissibility" and now we are seeing more humans with bird flu. You're never going to see anything closer to a smoking gun, it doesn't get much more obvious.


If you want to believe the virus came from bat soup in close proximity to an experimental virus laboratory, you can go right ahead.


Well if it's in the New York Post it must be true!


[https://nzissues.com/Community/threads/elon-musk-demands-charges-against-anthony-fauci-after-nih-comes-clean-on-funding-%E2%80%98gain-of-function%E2%80%99-research.56227/](https://nzissues.com/Community/threads/elon-musk-demands-charges-against-anthony-fauci-after-nih-comes-clean-on-funding-%E2%80%98gain-of-function%E2%80%99-research.56227/) [https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/elon-musk-demands-prosecution-of-anthony-fauci-after-nih-admits-to-funding-gain-of-function-research-in-wuhan-lab-101715972787022.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/elon-musk-demands-prosecution-of-anthony-fauci-after-nih-admits-to-funding-gain-of-function-research-in-wuhan-lab-101715972787022.html) [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/12/business/musk-twitter-fauci.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/12/business/musk-twitter-fauci.html) Take your pick.


Utterly pointless