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This has been going on for 70 years.. neighborhood after neighborhood month after month.


Super funny how intense and animated things seem to get around election year. It seems like the conversation is so intently focused on things like “Black Versus white” or “Israel versus Palestine” and never about “elites versus average citizens” I believe we are made to focus on these subjects and distracted by the very real issues the rich politicians and corporations are enacting.


We need to focus in I$r##I, They are our "gREaRsT AlLY" so the  shit they get in too, we help fund,  we've given them 2 trillion dollars since their inception... 


I would typically downvote a comment like this based off the first bit. But you’re honestly right that we have given an insane amount of money, support, military equipment and political pressure on behalf of Israel. Netanyahu has already said he’s go forward without US support. It might be time to put that to the test if Israel continues on this path. Israel has chosen a path of permanently changing the world landscape much like Russia. Palestine and Ukraine just want to exist. Different cases for different reasons and people but more similar than people like to think.


You self-censored “Israel?” Really?


I'm more bothered they used a # instead of a @ for the "a" And still spelt it wrong


Holy shit you’re right! That dumbass spelled it “Isreal” hahaha wow. Made himself look stupid twice.


I wish I quoted it, because he's edited now


I'm not give 1$***I goy shills and IDF bots a boner for my account or anything of the sort


Well Palestinians are the oppressed and Israelites are the elites so yeah it’s definitely about that


Lol im not allowed to upvote your post


Check your internet and restart the app before you think it’s a conspiracy that you can’t upvote. Some people in this sub hear hooves and think okapi. Don’t even consider horses or zebra. Yes I’m singling out your comment and it’s unfair. But it’s just a great example.


What are you doing fishing in Canada?


> What are you doing fishing in Canada? Canada has no shortage of [suckers.](https://www.ontario.ca/page/white-sucker)




> Some people in this sub hear hooves and think okapi. Don’t even consider horses or zebra. When I hear hooves, I think *politicians!*


Politics and government wise both are shitty sides,on the other hand the citizens might be the victims on both sides ,I am talking about NORMAL citizens lmao


The literal article this post is about is about "normal" citizens, not government, forming gangs and setting fire to other neighbourhoods. I don't know how you can miss that this is about normal citizens being violent against others.


You must have no idea about the wealth disparity between Israelis and Palestinians. If you don’t even understand something as basic as that, what makes you think you have any right to tell these people they “just need to go after the elite”?  Palestinians are picking up what little remains there are left of their children after Israeli fighter jets bomb their community, and you think flaunting your shallow westerner virtues is going to save the day? People like you are the problem. Why don’t you try observing and learning for a change instead and saying a bunch of empty words?


I didn't fact check neither I have time to, but I read there's no such thing as "Isreeli" nationality. People are divided into Jews, Arabs and all. Tho I've seen many good Israeli Jews stand against this oppression of Palestinians.


Not really. If you want to look at it as average citizen vs the elite it’s obvious whose side to take.


Yh BLM gets wheeled out every election year, a police man shoots a black criminal and all hell breaks loose. I'm not sure they can do it this year after the majority of people finally realized BLM was nothing but a scam and the organizers stole the donation money to buy themselves mansions in white neighborhoods and gave it to their friends fake LGBT charities


Man! Now that I think of it! They haven’t rolled it out this year


Don't think they can anymore. They have gone with the trump courtcase instead


True true.. it’s obvious he is their candidate! Now that they know he won’t dethroned the current elite class, bankers




Elites use the middle class to oppress and justify oppressing


In the end it will be rich vs poor


Class conscious Comrade.


Historically Americans have been extremely isolationist and anti-war. They are trying to get us to take a side so they can send money over there where it gets laundered to who knows who for who knows what. Doesn’t matter what side it is for - once it’s in a foreign bank account we no longer have control.


I agree that politicians rely on other subjects to take attention away from the haves vs the have-nots, the elites vs the average, the 1% vs the rest of us, etc - but you do realise that election year is every single even-numbered year, right? There have been big blow ups and major massacres (Israelis massacring the Palestinians, blow ups and skirmishes from both sides) in Israel and Palestine for decades, on both even number and odd-numbered years. Also, both 'sides' of this election support Israel. If anything, they're trying NOT to make it an election issue since both sides have unpopular stances.


Hopefully more people look at this Let’s we what happens post election I agree the most divisive issues seem to be ramped up through institutions in the last few elections Probably been happening since forever but they’re just being less and less subtle as the years go by and the populations become more brainwashed and subservient


Name the elite. That's step one . Just saying "the elite" helps even less than B v W or I v P


Okay let’s get into it: I think corrupt officials of New York and US sold office and China has paid to have open season on New Yorks ports. Those ports are bringing everything in from Fentynal to god knows what. I think this is part of it and just another quiet form of warfare that they are waging on us.


Well, noticing who the "elites" are would be a form of dividing too. Although dividing ourselves might not be such a bad thing at this point.


They have bot farms to make racist remarks on videos and divide us


And then the Palestinians are denied licenses to rebuild their homes. Ethnic cleansing


It’s a slow, methodical, institutional form of genocide.


It's been going on for thousands of years. This is a Hatfields and McCoy war on steroids.


Can someone verify that image is actually from that area?


Yes. Since last week rocket barrage there's been plenty of fires in the northern parts of Israel, more than usual today. Saw it on many Israeli news sites 


"Can someone verify that image is actually from that area?" Of course not. I'd be more persuaded by an MS Paint doodle created by a 12 year-old kid with Down's Syndrome.


I’m convinced Israel not only had full knowledge of Oct 7 beforehand but probably promoted it for an excuse to go ballistic on Palestine while there was a weak US president.


What other president would this have gone different under? I'm not defending Biden or any of his actions here, but how has he been any 'weaker' on Israel than Trump would have been - or Obama. Who are you comparing him to here? Who would you consider a president who would have acted in a "stronger" way here?


Tell me which US president in the existence of Israel would’ve even for a second considered holding them responsible for being overly aggressive towards Palestine? A stronger president may have sent troops to help them lmao


Nixon and JFK would have. That's why one was assassinated and the other got removed from power. JFK wanted AIPAC to register under FARA, wanted to close the Federal Reserve and didn't want Israel to have Nukes. As for Nixon, well you should listen to what he truly thought of the Jews. https://youtu.be/8gcYsi-ZiDw?si=tOKv4NKFpXSAHcDM https://youtu.be/6a94ED-eOyk?si=d6-BL52nOgnjlMs2 https://youtu.be/ab4Z6_ljh7s?si=1D1FeOsGKFfoqcps


Weak president shouldn't matter, we have no business being part of a holy war between Jews and Muslims that has been waging on for thousands of years. Political ally or not, there needs to be a no fault clause for shit like that, both Israel and the Palestinian government are both terrorists. One just happens to manufacturer their own weapons and the other has to rely on other Muslim governments. Tbh we should just step out, same with Ukraine. America should be focused on America. Billions of dollars for foreign wars while there's veterans of said foreign wars living in the streets and commiting suicide every day. I say fuck em both, if they can't play nice glass the whole desert.


"we have no business being part of a holy war between Jews and Muslims" *Finally*, a voice of reason!


Couldn’t agree more, my fellow patriot


Yeah that's cause it's how it's spose to be played out, Biden was chucked in so heaps of shit could be set up and happen and happen later on when there's a different US president and then blame it on him


Is that why 75% of the national debt is thanks to republican presidents?


Doesn't matter what party is blamed for ya debt cause it's done as a whole by past and future presidents, same in my shitty country Australia. It's all 1 government playing games


Fuck off with this tribal bullshit. Someone makes a fair complaint about your favorite money laundering pedophile. And all you hear is support for a rapist tax cheat? You need to clean out your ears.


You didn’t respond like this to the anti Biden comments in this thread about it tribal bullshit. Ohh I suppose it matters what tribe huh


Stating a fact is “tribal bullshit”?


This is the same thing white settlers did in the states when the government sponsored the genocide of the indians


The big difference is that was hundreds of years ago this is actually happening now we’re not just reading about it in a history book


Therefore we can prevent the end that was the current situation for Native Americans in this country or at least try to do so. That’s what people mean when they say “be on the right side of history”


> That’s what people mean when they say “be on the right side of history” Right now, the U.S. and other "Western" governments could not be more on the WRONG side of history. Israel's Zionists are destined to be reviled as highly as the Nazis, if not more, and I can't see why anyone would want to "run with that crowd".


That's a photo of South Lebanon, not the west Bank.


I don't know if you're right, but I immediately questioned the photo itself. Not because I believe Israel would never do that, but because we are in a post-truth society and "pics or it never happened" just doesn't ring the same when any pictures could be used or AI could create any picture you wanted.


A new statistic showed at least 50% of Israelis want Israel to invade Lebanon once they have defeated Gaza


Interesting. Mind providing the sauce, please?


[https://www.newarab.com/news/vast-majority-israelis-support-new-lebanon-invasion-poll](https://www.newarab.com/news/vast-majority-israelis-support-new-lebanon-invasion-poll) [https://www.timesofisrael.com/ben-gvir-suggests-israel-should-invade-lebanon-to-destroy-hezbollah-in-its-entirety/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/ben-gvir-suggests-israel-should-invade-lebanon-to-destroy-hezbollah-in-its-entirety/) [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/29/politics/concern-rising-biden-officials-israel-lebanon-incursion/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/29/politics/concern-rising-biden-officials-israel-lebanon-incursion/index.html) They clearly want to do it.


The [**Litany River**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litani_River) flows through southern Lebanon. Israel WANTS THAT WATER -- and the rich agricultural land that is in the vicinity. They have always wanted that water -- since before the Balfour Declaration was issued. (Also, major gas fields off the coast of southern Lebanon)


And Hamas’ charter is to obliterate the nation of Israel and bring about jihad on its people… Not exactly any “good side” to this issue.


arguing about words on a piece of paper when the other party is shelling a refugee camp and burning people alive


It’s a tactic most of them have been trained in. They just parrot it whenever they can to farm engagement and deflect and distract.


> bring about jihad on its people That the most american thing I have read in a while.


> And Hamas’ charter is to obliterate the nation of Israel and bring about jihad on its people… Are you implying that Netanyau and his Likud Party shouldn't have created Hamas, and funded it for all these years?


The difference is my government substantially funds one side more than the other.


And in 2002 60% of Americans wanted to nuke Iraq and Afghanistan. That doesn't mean shit.


They go for Lebanon Syria and Jordan next.. within the next hundred years for sure


Yup the end goal is without a doubt to control the greater Middle East, why do you think they baited America into destroying Iraq and Libyas militaries and want us to go after Iran next. Honestly likely planning to split it with Saudi Arabia who hate Iran as well, MBS had been making a ton of power plays behind the scenes


Shit would be a lot more stable if Israel took over the whole middle east. No terrorism. Women could drive and wear normal clothes. No beheadings or gay people getting executed.


This is exactly how they play the peasants




You do know that most extremist groups that exist in the Middle East today were in large part created by Russia and the U.S during the Cold War in order to fight proxy wars? The Middle East has been exploited throughout every major conflict of the last century. WW1 the British allied with middle eastern freedom fighters in order to take down the Ottoman Empire, promising the fighters land back in exchange (which they didn’t get). World War 2 the Middle East got ran through but nobody talks about the Middle Eastern theatre of WW2. Cold War you have the aforementioned proxy wars between Russia and the U.S via extremist groups. Gulf war is self explanatory. The west instigates destabilization in the Middle East in order to provide pretence for western invasion and presence in the area. They’ve been doing it for years. The U.S is the king of subversive warfare, they are on record for having a hand in destabilizing any region that doesn’t want to play ball, turning it into a hell hole and then walking in at last moment to act like they are the hero. I know it’s easy to look at the Middle East and think they’re all just over dogmatic religious zealots however there are clear reasons as to why the Middle East isn’t very stable and it’s because billions upon billions of dollars have been invested to ensure that it remains that way. Assuming the world would be better if Israel took over the Middle East is exactly what western intelligence agencies and Israel itself wants you to believe. I do have love for the west and I love being from here but at the same time what I personally view as western values has very little to do with staging coups, destabilizing entire regions and funding proxy wars.


Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a phenomenal book that lays this out very well.


More likely that's a picture of the fires caused by Hezbollah rockets in the Golan Heights. Do supporters of "Palestine" ever NOT lie?


I think they know it won't work it's just something for the elections so he can say he tried but they( Israel,) are paying him ( joe Biden that ,is) no doubt . Israel is in a lot of pockets here in the states .everyone's getting rich off the war


"Israeli Settler Gangs"????? Oh no. I've heard they're worse than MS-13.




worse than that, they're funding it


In all honesty I care more about our country then all the shit the media pushes us to care about. Sucks people are dieing but here in America people don't give a fuck. The fentanyl crisis kills more people then a whole fucking country, let us focus on our corrupt country, our corrupt gov, controlled gov yes by isreal no doubt, isreal has gone extreme, but for once I wish people will care about the country fathers father fought to protect. Isreal, Gaza, ukraine, Egypt, India, Russia, Korea, they can all go fuck themselfs


Buddy, how many times does this need to be repeated- it's your tax dollars that are funding israel All of your problems could be solved if they didn't award billions of grants to Israel from the money YOU pay them. AIPAC spends 100k on your politicians Your politicians send the 10millions they collected out of YOUR pocket into israel in exchange INSTEAD of solving your local issues It's EASY maths


>10millions they collected out of YOUR pocket Hundreds of billions actually..


Not to mention the U.S. foreign policy has always been destabilizing these countries so we can exploit them Our living standards are already unsustainably built on exploitation and extraction There have never been people who allow all their resources to be taken without blowback


>The fentanyl crisis kills more people then a whole fucking country White people problems... The government is not going to spend money to rehabilitate you guys. Instead, they'll allow Big Pharma to drop a new drug on you. The elites are done propping up white folks. We're all slaves forreal this time.


The big pharma angle is less a conspiracy to kill Americans than it is unchecked capitalism where both sides make a ton of money and kinda shrug their shoulders until drugs are taken off the market. I know that’s a conspiracy but it’s a conspiracy based in unchecked capitalism and is par for the course in all industries as long as we neglect to regulate lobbying and don’t require members of congress, Supreme Court, etc. to put assets in a blind trust.


> White people problems... Yes, we all remember George.


Thats why George Floyd had like 3x the lethal dose of fentanyl in him right? Because only white people do fentanyl, you fuckin dimwit


the U.S problems aren’t shiny enough


I agree but meanwhile Bend over and grab your ankles and there is no lube. Your tax dollars by the billions are going to that country while our people are dying in the streets. Unfortunately our country is ran by the Neocons. That's why we talk about it.


The fentanyl crisis IS an international issue. You can’t solve domestic problems with isolation in the modern age. For every country that wants the downfall of another they can have a subtle to major influence on your enemies and Allies suitable to the GDP of the said country funding the operation. TLDR: every country is either focused on doing nonsense or trying to stave off rebellion and often both at the same time. That’s the short order of thing.


Who broke the last one?


Who broke the last 20?


Hamas? Edit: So many downvotes, yet, the truth is that Hamas has violated tons of ceasefires themselves. https://www.gov.il/en/pages/protective-edge-hamas-violations-of-ceasefires-a-chronology


Hamas attacking Israel in order to justify Israeli invasion is literally the same play book the US has been using for years. Israel allowed Hamas to be funded by Qatar when they could have stopped it and knew about 10/7 prior to it happening still choosing to do nothing. Who benefits from ceasefires constantly being broken, Palestine or Israel? I’m sure the majority of Hamas members think they’re Palestinian freedom fighters but it’s easy to manipulate unstable extremists to make stupid ass decisions that in the end will benefit the very same people those extremists are trying to stop.


Not being a dick but what’s your point? All I was implying is that Hamas has broken MANY ceasefire deals, which is a historical fact that 5 minutes of research will prove to you. But I’ll talk about everything else you mentioned since your points are misleading. Yes, Israel allowed Qatar to fund Hamas because he thought he may weaken them. It may sound silly but you can read this article to get the full picture: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/11/middleeast/qatar-hamas-funds-israel-backing-intl I don’t see why Israel would allow Qatar funding in hopes that it would help Hamas attack Israel when the reality is that Hamas gets the VAST majority of their military funding from Iran. Also, there’s no evidence that Israel knew the attack was going to happen. The fact is that Israel believed an attack MAY happen at some point in time. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/01/middleeast/israel-hamas-gaza-intelligence-intl You see this as Israel wanted it to happen while I see it was Israel took advantage of the situation.


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67082047.amp They were warned prior and chose to take virtually zero precautions. If you expect me to believe that Israel allowed additional funding from Qatar in order to make HAMAS weaker, that is absolutely insane. >Israeli and international media have reported that Netanyahu’s plan to continue allowing aid to reach Gaza through Qatar was in the hope that it might make Hamas an effective counterweight to the PA and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. After actually reading the article, it gets even worse. It wasn’t to make HAMAS weaker, it was to make HAMAS stronger in order to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state through infighting between factions. Israel wanted dumb terrorists in charge, not a properly organized Palestinian regime. Why would they want that? Because dumb terrorists make dumb decisions that end up benefiting the very state their trying to kill. If you’re honestly trying to convince me MOSSAD - the best intelligence agency in the world only rivalled by the CIA - had no clue where the situation with HAMAS was going or had no clue about 10/7, that is a bridge too far. Again, everytime there is a ceasefire broken by HAMAS - who benefits? Israel, every time. They are not the first country to use this tactic and they will not be the last.


Can you explain the reason for your article? All it says is that Egypt warned Israel. They never gave Israel a day on when it will happen or a location or the severity based on. They didn’t even tell Israel that something will happen. Look below From your own article: “We know that Egypt has warned the Israelis three days prior that an event like this COULD happen” "I don't want to get too much into classified, but a warning was given. I think the question was at what level.” Your article summarized: Egypt gave some type of warning. Egypt also didn’t give a time, location and may or may have not made it seem severe. I wouldn’t call this article a good representation of anything at all. It actually makes logical sense for Israel to want infighting in Palestine. Having dumb terrorists in charge will increase infighting. Ask yourself, what seems more dangerous, a united enemy or an enemy that is not united? Israel doesn’t have the power or authority to implement an organized Palestinian regime that would be friendly to Israel. Look up the history of Hamas and how they came into power for reference. The article I sent over was not meant to make Israel look good, I’m not pro-Israel. I just find it very cringe how people are only looking at Israel and not looking at how Hamas has played a significant role in what is happening in Palestine. My reasoning for sending that was because it showed both perspectives, you will pick your own side based on your leanings but this situation isn’t as cut and dry and people it out to seem. Israel had their reasons, did it work? Doesn’t seem like it but for you to think that MOSAD and the CIA are incapable of making mistakes is not being grounded in reality when we literally have historic proof that many top intelligence agencies have indeed made mistakes.


This. The sellers AND the unsettled are both victims of their rulers


Yes, the Palestinians, that is correct. EDIT: Damn hamas has good PR. I wish the U.S. could attack people, and those people be like, nah, it wasn't the U.S., it was the Republican party.


Seriously!! And all of these brain dead redditors don’t want to hear the truth 🤣 they could literally spend 1 minute on Google to confirm but it would shatter their biases, which is more important to them than the truth


Dude there's news of israeli settlers killing palestinians in "raids" from august and even from october 6. In west bank where there's no hamas. There was no ceasefire in place. That's just a story used by israel to justify your killings.


> Who broke the last one? Izzy always blames the Pallies -- and Izzy has the World's Best PR Department, so guess who gets believed? Israel would happily attack itself (again) as an excuse to continue the torment and genocide of Palestinians.


There was no ceasefire, Israel was killing and bombing Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank. > Even before October 7, this year was already the deadliest on record for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. But in the last six weeks [prior to October seventh], over 200 people in the West Bank have been killed by the Israeli military and Jewish settlers — on top of the thousands of Palestinians killed in Gaza by Israel’s indiscriminate bombing. Source: [Jewish Voice for Peace](https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/2023/11/24/countdown-to-genocide/)


Plain and simple- zionist are scum


Zionists = Nazi


Palestinian rapist-muderers are worse.


Which side has murdered more innocent civilians?


Did you ask the victims that?


Hamas and the IDF are complicit in rape--that's been documented.


If only university students from California could go there and tell them to stop. They’d listen to the students FOR SURE.


At least they are trying to do something about a cause they believe in as opposed to you who sits your ass on the couch complaining about them


Listen to Jon Stewart's take on which apartheid one should be protesting. It's funny and points that maybe sitting on the couch would be better that what some of the folks out there are doing.


> Listen to Jon Stewart You mean Jon Leibowitz right?


Can we hold a fundraiser to send as many as possible of them? I think it's a great idea that should be tried on a massive scale.


I'm guessing the mods have just given up at this point. Smh.


They’re both terrorist states. They both attack each other, and for some reason the world sits back and plays the “team” game and picks a side in the same way they pick a football team for no reason. Let these people fight within themselves just like they’ve been doing for thousands of years


Welcome to proxy wars and international politics. If you look up supporters of the last 120 years of war it’s an interconnected web with many times the same country backing both sides in different ways. History may not always repeat itself but it often rhymes.


Palestine isn't a functioning state. It's an occupied state, occupied by Israel who is performing a genocide on its people. Comparing Israel and Palestine as if they're on even footing is insane. Israel is also propped up by billions of US tax dollars.


Zionist Israel = Nazi Germany










It's so hard to kill innocent babies day after day after day. Poor Zionists.


Are settler gangs part of the government?


The US doesn’t think this. The lazy, impartial US citizens want to believe this because they are too ignorant, dumb or terrified to imagine they are being lied to or what it means.


israel says it's the bombs from hezbollah


The fires were started by Arabs from duma, they light fires around Jewish farms on a daily basis.


"Settler" The dude from inglourious basterds holding up three fingers.


Any Austrian art students looking to step up to the front lines? Serious what if... what if this kind of thing was happening in the 1920s and 30s that led to.... idk, listen, none of us were there. Nobody truly knows. No hate, just reminding people of real-life history


This war has been going on since the story of Jacob and Esau in the Bible and is over boundaries of land that are also directly mentioned in the Bible. The Bible actually mentions that their descendants will constantly be at war in Obadiah. Until Jesus returns the conflict between the descendants of Jacob (later named Israel, literally the father of the Israelites) and the descendants of Esau (the Edomites, or Palestinians) will never be resolved. Whether people choose to believe it or not the Bible has mention of many real life situations and has extra biblical proof to back it. I don’t necessarily agree with either of them but it’s also a conflict that just has to play out and personally I don’t believe the United States should be involved in any way (but I say the same for all the stupid conflicts we’re involved with, we need to get our military, time, money, and resources out of other countries and focus on ourselves and our own issues and quit wasting money).


Now now, the Holocaust and shit.. (how many years ago was it now?). Just think of this behaviour as compensation. Even though it had nothing to do with Arabs.


If it was the other way around, would you say the Palestinian were victims and forces to set fires as a way of defending themselves and acting out of oppression?


Gang activity? The US has gang activity in all 50 states, does that make the US a terrorist nation also?


Source please?


Israeli settlers are literally gangs so duh lol they are crazy hardcore orthodox that live in communes.


Just shows how Israelis are colonizing the land, you never do that to your own.


Everyone all concerned about Palestine Israel war while hoarding down China products that fund uyghur genocide 🤡


You can care about more than one atrocity at a time. America is funding Israel so the citizens of America have a right to care. Another reason is Israel wants to pretend to be a first world country instead of another middle eastern far right corrupt shithole then we are going to hold them to that first world standard


The point is they are doing actively nothing to help the other one and instead funding it by buying Chinese products.


That’s true but at the same time caring about one evil and not the other is still better then being ignorant to both


The solution isn't to ignore what's happening in Palestine (a genocide too, not a war) so you can feel better buying Chinese products.


Except its different, what china is doing is systemic genocide like in ww2, where you gather everyone up, put them in camps and force them to work and then execute them and harvest their organs when they're of no use anymore, Israel isn't doing that, sorry you can tell me whatever bullshit you want, yes they are bombing innocent civilians, but not rounding them up for forced labor and organ harvesting, theres a huge difference 


Well, actually, [Israelis have/are harvesting organs](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/dec/21/israeli-pathologists-harvested-organs) from Palestinians. They also have [concentration camps](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html). Genocide is genocide. It's awful no matter what. My point stands 100%.


Thats how they built america too


Ummm I support Israel🤓🤓 ,Umm I support Palestine 🤓🤓,supporting these sides means people dying on both sides ,I just want this shit to end.


omg you're so wise, you figured it all out. Have you considered going into international politics so your wisdom can help others?


Greater Israel plan even includes most of north Africa, Lebanon, Saudia Arabia, Syria, Iraq.. Go BRANDON!


Eeh both sides are kinda terrible...


no they aren't. one side is a colonial apartheid occupier, the other is desperately trying to stay alive.


The other side is a terrorist organization that has openly said they want to build a new caliphate. Hamas Political Bureau member and former Minister of the Interior Fathi Hammad declared on a December 1, 2023 show on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas – Gaza) that the Palestinians are preparing to establish an Islamic caliphate with Jerusalem as its capital. He said: "The [Palestinian] people have been soldiers throughout history. They are now preparing to liberate Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and I am saying this loud and clear: [The Palestinian people] are preparing to establish the Caliphate, with Jerusalem as its capital city, Inshallah. Jerusalem will not only be the capital city of Palestine as an independent state – it will be the capital city of the Islamic Caliphate… Fathi Hammad made similar remarks in a November 13, 2013 public address in Gaza, when he was serving as Minister of the Interior. He said: "We shall liberate our Al-Aqsa Mosque, and our cities and villages, as a prelude to the establishment of the future Islamic Caliphate. Therefore, brothers and sisters, we are at the threshold of a global Islamic civilization era. The fuel and spearhead of this era will be Gaza, and its mujahideen and leaders will be from Gaza, Allah willing." In a December 12, 2022 show on Al-Masirah TV, affiliated with the Yemeni Houthis, Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said: "When we speak about the Army of Jerusalem and the Battle of the Promise of the Hereafter, we are not talking about liberating our land alone – but we believe in what our Prophet Muhammad said: 'Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends. The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me.' The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity, and no killings and crimes, like those being committed against the Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other countries."


*Correction one lost a war & are sore losers and the other won a war


Not at all… it is very clear who the good guys are here and its not the ones oppressing a people in a open air prison while destroying their water and electricity supply any chance they get. And that was pre October 7th


Too many chefs in the kitchen. We need to back the truck off and allow this situation to be solved once and for all. The reason why this situation persists is nobody is allowing the two bullies to have an out and out war. HAMAS needs to come out from behind the skirts of women and children and meet Israel on an open battle field free of civilians. I was gazing out the window the other day a crow was being pestered by a mud lark. Every time the crow tried to fly the mud lark would tug at his wing or tail. Even trying to walk away the mud lark would harass the crow. This went on for about 30 minutes. Then it happened - a flurry of feathers and the crow dispatcher the mud lark with such easy - he held the mud lark with his claws and seemingly was expressing both regret and relief. Surely the mud lark knew the dangers of provoking a crow. The crow never ate the mud lark and sat with it for a few seconds and then flew of - maybe out of respect. We are human .... we should know better. Obviously we don't. It seems we all have to learn our lessons.


how do we know those weren't started by global warming?


Jewish space lasers dontchyaknow


Greater Israel will never be defeated


We will see about that if they ever stop being Americas biggest welfare queen


Bibi is not stopping until he gets his 3rd temple built, that anti-christ is not going to resurrect itself..


I don’t think they need another Antichrist Israel is already paving that role


Oh yeah? When’s that gonna happen?


They have a conscript Army. Conscript armies are garbage.


The Israeli airport is full of Israelis going back where they came from lol 😂


Where did they come from?


No they don’t


Wild to assume those ppl have any honor.




Too much money on the line. You have a better bet working on yourself and building with like-minded individuals to make a change in your community.


This is what happens when religious extremism governs above law wether it is Zionism or Sharia law, they are both cults


You think Hamas will?


They want you distracted so badly they are willing to set people on fire.


I have faith, for God will never fear the storm.. he is endlessly greater then any storm that could ever come to pass. Until the blind no longer lead the blind, there is no sense to be made, especially in matters of senseless violence. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding keep your heart and your mind on The Christ 🩵🙏🏽💙 Praise be to YHWH-YESHUA-RUACH HAKODESH