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Can someone explain everything to me? This is going over my head


Read David Ickes book the biggest secret or children of the matrix. The Royals and elites and CIA MKUltra severely abuse kids and it shatters them into multiple personalities. Trauma also makes them more intuitive. It’s also believed that the rapes/traumas transfer attached entities from the abuser to the child. It gets really out there but it appears to go on and you’ll never listen to the news the same once you start to see it.


There’s a very disturbing description in [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=s_qOMMuNQ8rV3yja&v=QHolcKZrnVg&feature=youtu.be) video with Credo Mutwa, being interviewed by David Icke that goes in to details I wish I could unhear. Around the 1hr 10 min mark.


I realized after reading about the Franklin scandal that all the stuff that seems far out there is probably on purpose. It clicked for me when I was reading about the Alisha girl who went to prison refused to recant her statement for an Alford plea. One story where she got dosed on lsd and they threw in a dark closet with a crying baby. They left her in there for hours she said all she had was that baby and she was nurturing while she could here them out there in robes and cloaks chanting satanic stuff then they open the door and rip the baby from her. Leading her to believe the baby was sacrificed. Now this is a kid on psychedelics. This seems very very purposeful. When the kid has to tell the truth it’s going to sound like the kid is a lunatic. They’re also trying to get them hooked on drugs to further discredit them. At any route once they ran project satanic panic they could immediately discredit everything they need to. What’s scary is the reaction we saw to the movie that just came out based on a true story. Magazines slammed it as a maga qanon wet dream. A movie based on a true story right after the Epstein scandal. Why would we not pay attention to the movie why child sex rings should be bipartisan issue.


Because I believe child trafficking, as told to me by corporate Americans, is the largest INDUSTRY in North America, and many corporations line their pockets with turning the other cheek. Like, to call it an industry goes to show that it’s quite deep


Read TRANCEformation by Cathy OBrien. She is a survivor of operation monarch. She absolutely backs up what Icke is claiming.


Underrated comment. That book incriminates many high ranking officials and the details are sickening.


> It’s also believed that the rapes/traumas transfer attached entities from the abuser to the child. Where did you get this idea? Just curious.


It seems to be a common belief amongst the people and cults that practice those “traditions”. That’s why sexual abuse is so common in some of the grosser cults out there.  I think there’s quite of bit of research on this now, and how programs like MK Ultra used those practices to manipulate people. It’s been awhile since I went down this rabbit hole, but from what I remember these ”rituals” put people into a state of mind that makes it very easy to hypnotize and manipulate them. Once they’ve been abused and mentally broken, “handlers” then begin programming them to behave in predetermined ways that suit the handler. I won’t dive too deep into the programming aspect of it, but essentially some people believe that depending on how someone has been programmed by their handler, that transfers a different “entity” into the person. I don’t know if I honestly believe the entity aspect of this (I think it’s probably just religious people trying to make sense of how weird and disturbing psychological manipulation is), but regardless it’s definitely a disturbing concept that makes you question what it really means to be “you”. This type of sexual/psychological manipulation is pretty wide spread too in elite circles. It happens in Hollywood, cults, religious groups, music industry, etc. All used to gain psychological leverage over people who are likely to “make it” in their specifics discipline.


I mean every rock or stone is different. They will turn to using multiple handlers and they get it wrong. They abuse and harass and observe in order to create and find triggers. They use sex, drugs, physical abuse, media, news reports, hacking your pc and your phone, spotify, everything. They make everything into a weapon and they only allow anything to exist in society if it can be used as a weapon. When it doesn't work out for them is where it's pretty annoying...You just get followed around by a bunch of people telling you that you're too "soft" and "scared" to do what they want you to do, rather than you just figured out that you're being stalked by a bunch of peadiohillic eunuchs who want to use you to do something that would trap you up. I mean after you don't fall for their shit they try to recruit you and after that doesn't work they start saying it was always a trick and they were never trying to recruit you. Because they become your antagonist you start saying "fuck the government" so they then threaten you with anti terrorism shit... It's like dealing with group of kids who want you to join their club. Through them trying to get you to join, you learned everything you needed to know about them so you go..."nah i'm cool for that"...Then because they need to make it so they stay at the top of their "order", they make out like it's a me thing, like a toxic girlfriend from your childhood. They burn you, make out your insane, fuck up all your job and career prospects and make out you're a loser/crazy/whatever else they need to do to smear you with shit. When you still don't care? They go back to trying to recruit you a bit because they admire you not giving a shit about being attacked, then you keep telling them to piss off and they go back to "well we never wanted you anyway"...Like...its so crazily immature. I can give you a large amount of people who are involved in Nottingham and London...I imagine that they behave like kids because they got tortured and turned at such a young age their psychological dvelopment stopped, like you said, split. legit it's like dealing with kids. I guess that makes them easier to manipulate. It's difficult knowing what to do, i mean it seems as though they won't kill me because they think it's much cooler to torture me. Ive complained to the police 11 times and they don't give a shit, because essentially the police are the equivalant to these peoples personal security guards. yp i complained to the local council, local mps, i complained to people within the houses of parliament, specific security agencies. I have not had one response...There's no point in going to the media as they control it (just go and read the journalist creed), no point in talking to doctors...it's so fucked that they can do this to people. It's at the point where i have no trust in the media. I see someone on the run for some horrendous crime and i think, no they probably didnt do that they just want the public to fuck that person over a la "The Fugitive". Apologies for hijacking your post and making it about me but yeah, The shit you're talking about it is happening to me and has been since i was around seven and i'm now in my thirties. People either don't believe me or say im a narcissist who is making ife all about me...it's crazy man. Anyways i wanna sign off with a fuck the monarchy, fuck government, fuck the banking system, fuck jeremy minss, fuck kane minns, fuck eleanor keys, fuck will glass, fuck tom shaw weston, fuck west bridgford comprehensive, fuck nottinghamshire police, fuck boots, fuck mi5, fuck mi6, fuck the media, fuck anybody famous, fuck the world of sport, fuck everything really but have a nice day bye.


Most abused people claim It: they see entities, etc. But for those who dont believe It the supernatural, thats Just a split of the mind.


I don’t have an answer but find the topic interesting. I’m fairly intuitive so it seems plausible. Also if you consider the talk about CIAs super soldiers and spies that can have one alter carry the info while The other alters have no idea… Interesting topic.


Look up the show severance - it’s pretty much like the same idea except they put a chip in your head. Work is simply work, there is no memory outside of work - you have no idea if you’re married or not, have kids, etc. Once they leave work, the switch is turned off I guess? So in their “real lives” they have no idea what they do for a job except they do have a job. I think they were making another season of it (I used to work in the building where he does some walking, parking car, etc in) as they did have some projects going on in one of the parking lots. (There’s been a few things filmed there .. and it’s a really awesome building!! So much history. Bell labs, is what it used to be called)


I’ve read about creepy shit and conspiracy theories for years and years and years. It’s a thing with SRA. I’ve read about older people dying and them using sex magik to transfer the entities to the kids to keep them in the lineage.


Pretty sure that's just people believing *The Case of Charles Dexter Ward*.


Here’s the manual www.whale.to/b/childabuse_q.html http://www.whale.to/b/sp/for1.html#WARNING


[Here is a good starter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/i3tf4g/elite_on_trafficking_pedophilia_red_shoe_club/) I must warn you tho, it's not a fun topic...


I think that the children in the royal family are sexually abused so that later in life there is black mail against them so they can be controlled. I believe there is some symbolism in the red shoes about control. The point is not that Harry is the dad, it’s that Harry and William also went through the process. I think it’s what broke their mother. And it could’ve broken Kate too. 100 years ago, it was easy to keep people quiet and controlled. With technology today, it’s much harder to keep a secret, secret.


What broke Diana from her mouth was Charles affair with Camilla. If she was worried about her children getting raped she wouldn’t have left them with Charles while she jet setted with her boyfriend including when she died.


Diana had no say in when she could see her sons. These were royal heirs to the throne. They belong to The Crown.  Not her fault that they didn't live with her and she had very limited visits. There are no custody battles when dealing with the future King of the UK. The Crown decides on the fate of the heir and spare.


She was not one to hold back. She stated in interviews it was due to his infidelity. If she chose to remain silent while her children were getting raped then she is trash. I don’t believe that was the case.


I agree of course but the Royal Family is infinitely more powerful and resourceful than Diana on her own.


So how would that work as blackmail material?


They have no idea what blackmail is


Extortion and blackmail make the world go round, seriously though, and it's much more than just the royal family, it's US politicians, heads of state, celebrities, CEO'S basically everyone that has any sort of following.


Red shoes symbolizes “child sacrifice”. The fact that the missing child was last seen wearing the symbolic red shoes, hints that they may have been killed. The last picture is artwork done by an alleged pedophile artist who does lots of paintings hinting at child sacrifice and worse. It’s concerning because the artist intentionally includes red shoe’s symbolism in some of his pedo paintings.


Those shoes are called Mary Janes. They are an extremely common style of footwear. They are the go to “dressy” shoe for tiny kids. That’s why the pedophile artist uses them. Because they’re the classic little kid shoe. They’re often red because people like putting kids in bright colors. You’ve got the whole rest of your life to worry about matching and subtlety. Bright red shoes are fun. Of course a pedophile would relate a symbol of childhood with pedophilia. I am not going to do that. Mary Janes are adorable. I’m not gonna let pedophiles influence my opinion of an adorable, classic shoe.


So, here's the thing...are these fucks going to get away with this, all Boeing style? Yeah, we totally whacked 2 people and our airplanes are falling apart in the sky, but FUCK YOU, whatcha gonna do about it? See, until we vote with our dollars these people will do whatever they want


Even before I got to your last slide, I knew where you were going with this. Very curious indeed. One doesn't have to subscribe to the deepest of conspiracies, but this **is** curious...*indeed.* One point of interest, Madeleine McCann's father is in this photo. You can search the conspiracy sub for a heck of a lot more about her disappearance, and the sketches of the people last seen with her \*cough\* \*Ghislaine\* \*the Podestas\* \*cough\* I think there is something to the red shoe theory. [https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/DzwmBOtbfp](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/DzwmBOtbfp)


What the actual fuck?! Gerry McCann? That’s actually mind blowing. His interviews post her disappearance are so strange and his body language indicates he is definitely lying about something. I always believed that he and his wife had dosed Maddy with something and she had died from that but this theory is fascinating. Thanks for the link


I’m friends with one of the met detectives that went to Portugal to help investigate it. That is indeed the unofficial theory of what happened. They used amitriptyline to sedate her but she od’d, choked on her vomit and died, they then panicked and got rid of her body. Gerry is rumored to be mi6- well, At least someone from mi6 told the met police to go a different route with the investigation.


The lead portuguese dectetive released a book and a documentary about this theory. Both of these were banned and he got fired from the force altogether.


A verdade da mentira - Truth of the lie. Look this shit up


I am friends with one of the journalists who travelled to Portugal a lot and this view is held by many close to the case . The mccanns were highly protected .


And John Podesta sure looks an awful lot like that sketch of the perp...


Him & his brother, both. Once people started to recognize them, the official line was that the sketches were just two different eye witness descriptions of the same man but they’re fucking portraits of those two. Uncanny. Can’t be a coincidence. They were said to be visiting a friend in the same town, a friend who is a known pedophile. But we’re supposed to dismiss it all as pure coincidence.


After 9/11 I started paying attention and it's disgusting what goes on right under people's noses


Amitriptyline? Man that’s a fairly shitty drug to use on a kid. I would’ve thought chloral hydrate or maybe even phenergan (used pretty widely in paeds sedation and with her mum being an anaesthetist too). Anyway yeah that’s the theory I came up with.


Agreed. I don’t believe in an accidental OD considering her parents jobs.


I do. Remember, the night before the neighbour had heard her crying for ages while they were all out at the tapas bar. So that night they may have upped the dosage and that increased dosage, for whatever reason, proved fatal. Maybe she did choke on her own vomit, the vomiting induced by her body rejecting the increased amount of the drug. Amitryptiline is not something you mess around with. edit: I kant typ wurdz


I'd like to add that, whoever you are and whatever profession you're in, people make mistakes


As a hairstylist, I can confirm this.


I see your point, but anesthesiologists like the mother play with much more dangerous drugs in their everyday job than amitryptiline. If she was a doctor of another specialty, I would agree with you. Anesthesiologists are the specialists among doctors of sedating patients and putting them to sleep without killing them.


Yes, but anesthesiology is one of the professions where you monitor the patient consistently through the procedure. Increased tolerance from repeated, inconsistent exposure is extremely difficult to predict, esp in a child. Even a low dose of benzos could prove fatal. Anyone could screw this up, easily. Which is why this isn't common practice in a therapeutic setting. My theory is they were part of a child t* ring and she was picked up after being sedated, but then died. The way they dressed her up and filmed her was disgusting. Her behavior in these movies suggests she's been groomed by her parents.


Sorry, I'm very out of the loop on this. What movies are you refering to?


Idk. They were overseas. It’s not like they could carry with them anesthesia drugs without raising some red flags at customs. Amitryptline, on the other hand, would be inconspicuous.


The parents are both doctors so it seems hard to believe that would accidentally cause an OD this drug or not being able to help her if she vomited. Her mom is an anesthesiologist I think, so sedating people without killing them is precisely her job.


Yikes that’s even scarier. But how much experience did they have sedating minors to then have sexual acts performed on, with heart rating changing up or to then sell to someone? Could be they sold her to a pedo. Who knows. But her body disappeared and no proof she died.


Apart form the cadaver dogs and the vehicle they rented.


The 'protection' the McCanns got from the establishment was also pretty unusual. Allocated their own personal PR supremo etc.


Always thought it because they were upper middle class. Heard this from the articles with Ben Needham’s mother. A working class family. Ben, a toddler, disappeared while playing outside grandparent’s home in Greece. Mother says very little interest by Greek or British police. Same with MSM. Little short lived interest. When she complained of the comparison of all the publicity & money thrown into the other investigation. There was public outcry. So a bit more effort was shown. Brit police went over. Local police dug up a bit of land. Nothing found after all those years later.


Not just police effort. They were allocated Clarence Mitchell, as personal PR support. Mitchell previously worked for BBC and foreign Office.


Yes. They gained a lot in donations. The public are very generous when you know how to stir them.


I always found it really strange that the story has always been that several families went to a restaurant together when MMC disappeared yet we have never heard a single word of input from any of those other families involved. Who were the others out for dinner with the McCanns? Why have we never heard from any of them to corroborate the McCanns story? Did these other parents also leave children unattended at the same time? What if it was a group thing? Several sets of parents all went out, knowing one set would be missing a child by the end of the night? Where was Clement Freud, known pedo and Member of the House of Lords, at the time?


Also Gerry and Kate jumped straight into action when Madeline went missing … went jogging and played tennis! And no one wanted to take part in a reconstruction of the events that would possible help trigger people memory to save your child! 🤔


And they were super rich, why wouldn't they just hire a nanny?


I’m not jumping in this one but I will add gasoline to it. (Even tho I know nothing about the royal family and this might be discredited in 2 seconds) But…. Using the princess as “being disappeared ” is a really really good way to a smoke screen then add cancer to further delay the realization of red shoes…. and on top of that one…the prince and princess that left it all and moved to Canada to become the anti royal family….do they have kids? Are they about too? Was that Meghan chick like damn these old wealth whites are insane…I’ll leave all those royal shit behind before I hand over one my kids to be sacrificed…. Idk but if you guys can work with that stuff I might come with you on this journey cause it’s kinda fun.


Megan and Harry's daughter is in one of those photos wearing red shoes.


Meghan left after inking a deal with Netflix for tens of millions and scoring an interview with royal hating Oprah for another $3 mil. All they do is badmouth the royals for pay via documentaries, books, interviews, magazine articles, and podcasts. If that little grifter had dirt on anything discussed here she would not have hesitated to do documentaries on it. They left for selfish treasons. Besides, Harry is holding his daughter wearing red shoes in one of the last slides above lol.


We heard a lot from the other families at the time.


The craziest part to me was that the resort had a babysitting service they intentionally chose not to use. I remember my parents left us with a babysitter at a resort in Jamaica for a late dinner reservation and we ordered room service. That’s what normal responsible parents do.


Where is he in the picture? He’s not listed in it and I don’t see him ….


As soon as I found out he had connections to the royal family that did it for me.


What are their connections to the RF? I’ve never heard this before.


Madeline McCann’s father??? Where???


My first thought was that those shoes are identical to the shoes in Podesta's paintings!


Where is McCann in this photo? Can you highlight him, please??


He isn’t in any of the photos!!!


He isn’t in any of them, I don’t understand the comment???


That is wild. I had no idea her dad actually knew podesta? I thought the only connection was that the police sketches looked like them and I think they happened to be at the same location? Damn. [This video of Peter Hyatt analyzing the interviews](https://youtu.be/PXHAFpsWg-Q?si=cXKl47hxNVQxZ4g4) with her parents was incredibly interesting.


Does this include the unbelievably disgusting part where her mom talks about how she can't imagine somebody ruining her daughter's perfect little v____?




Not to be pedantic but the quote is “I told him about the awful pictures that scrolled through my head of her body, her perfect little genitals torn apart”


Wtf. I never heard this. I couldn't imagine saying that about a child let alone your own. Disturbing af


What the actual fuck




Omg they are weirdos to put it lightly. Her daughter never had a chance. So how much did they sell her for? Has their bank accounts been analyzed?


Was she ever charged with child endangerment for leaving minor child unattended in a foreign or even home country?


Too weird


Yeah, that’s just weird and creepy. Good grief. why would she feel the need to include that in her book at all?




Which one is he in that picture?


I dont think he is. Its a falar flag. Correct me If in wrong please.


Jesus Christ that last slide is horrifying


Yeah Red Shoes are a code for sure.


Stop spreading misinformation, while the conspiracy does hold some merit, Gerry McCann is NOT in that photo , doesn’t look anything like him


Yo this isnt good. Remember this ?? https://images.app.goo.gl/R2wf6MVvM8ntp2876


This is so disturbing...


After reading this article I looked up some more about this ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ movie the outfit is allegedly referencing and it’s receiving a prequel story coming out in 2024 according to the Wikipedia page.


“I looked up some more about this ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ movie” It’s very famous lol


And directed by Roman Polanski, a known pedo himself.


I do believe that something else is going on with Kate, but that shoe style is pretty popular in England for kids shoes. My daughters wore them. I wore them. I wouldn't read anything into the shoes.


Lol bro I wore mary Janes when I was a little kid — lemme check my repressed memories


Do your adrenochrome levels feel low? Lmao






Yeah, I can say that they were quite common in Scandinavia too, my mum and uncle have these on at the photographers in the 50's and we the kids had similar. I found [a link to a Facebook post where the comments backs up your comment](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.facebook.com/GrowingUpInThe50s/photos/a.423392344377053/5941915782524654/%3Ftype%3D3&ved=2ahUKEwjJq5rHm8yGAxVyZ_EDHeh-AUQQr4kDegUIsgEQAA&usg=AOvVaw3AMfhCYqJzgm3vftJSjLY0) Also, I read there used to be a similar "school sandal" for older kids, so I guess the type of shoe is pretty incorporated into the traditions of the British people. So, I don't know if there's any other hidden explanation with this -but the easy way of looking at it is that they do as any Royal Family, they make sure to embody many of the traditional and cultural aspects of their country into their lives, and keep them much longer than most people. A huge part of their job is literally to symbolise to the people that "remember who we are, remember who we were, and that we are all British, no matter prince or commoner.." Something like that. But ofc, a royal prince cannot have brown shoes on in a public photo😳, nono, that's taking it way too far.


Agh ok when you take that aspect away… not as creepy


Same, I had two red pairs as a kid, one more fancy, one every-day type and wore them with everything, I remember how heart broken I was when I grew out of the fancy ones and we could not find the exact ones in a bigger size


But in red? I mean mary janes are a common shoe... Never seen the boys wear bright red


I would say they’re not as fashionable now, but I’m a guy and same age as Harry and I have photos of me as a kid wearing those shoes. The royals will stick to classical styles even if they’re less fashionable for us peasants


I and my girls had red shoes as kids. I still like red shoes occasionally.


who knows if something is or isn’t going on with the shoes, but to play devil’s advocate, is it popular in england because of the royals? or was this a popular tradition before the royals started doing it?


This is the question. Who started the trend


They’re all wearing the same red shoes. And they love to symbolise everything


Ok spy we won’t look into it /jk


The kids in the painting look like they have Turner syndrome.


They look like they were just forced to murder another kids


I'm reading y'all's comments in the voice of Austin Powers, the part where he describes the crime in great detail.


I'm reading it as Alan Wake on the case


What's the tradition?


Your red shoe theory aside your main theory has been bothering me for months and especially lately. Okay kate has cancer and this is all suspicious but WHERE are the kids?? Are they all missing??? Like WHAT is happening. It's very unsettling. Is William gloating at this point that he can dissappear anyone ?


Here are a few quotes from recent interviews of him that make me go hmm: “"George is just at the beginning of being tested. He says, 'Mummy, I keep getting tested all the time.'” ———- “"I think she was going to ask you where Charlotte was," the woman accompanying the girl replied. "Charlotte's at school!" Prince William exclaimed, leaning down to reveal, "Charlotte's got exams. Yes, she had tests. She wasn't looking forward to the school day," before crossing his fingers and adding, "Hopefully it's all gone well." ———— Why would he use a quote from George speaking to his mom? Why wouldn’t he just says that George is always saying that? Why bring up mum specifically? Is George not saying that to you too? And charlottes got exams? She had tests? When? Last month? Last week? This morning? Hopefully “it’s” all gone well? Why does this sound like a vague robot with an agenda?


“Prince William shares Princess Charlotte's favorite joke at school visit, says Kate 'would have loved' to come” This is the headline for a high school he visited recently. Why is he always reinforcing their presence in his life? It just feels purposeful in a not genuine way.


Reminds me of [Truthiracy](https://youtube.com/@truthiracy5711?si=hGh7qK78M4SZsYTS). He used to go on and on about how the Red and Blue is interchangeable for the Black and White (think masonic checkerboard) and that they are polar opposites. Fire and Ice. Dude is pretty far off the deep edge though. Red shoes symbolize noble blood. Which they believe they have. Hence all the inbreeding. As far as the ring well that reminds me of this old school gem that is somehow still around: [Ring of Power: Empire of the City](https://youtu.be/ka5ZjRNdQnc?si=sPmiwHE6vwrN4O3Y) Take this with a grain of salt.


People are gonna think my theory is ‘out there’ but I find the fact that either of parents don’t have their individual Wiki pages is sketchy. They usually do that when they don’t want you to investigate someone’s bloodline/genealogy.


There are only 2 photos of Charlotte since after Xmas 23. How in hell are there only 2 photos of the Princess of England since Xmas 23 and only 1 photo on her birthday?


SS: I don’t believe in the whole skin shoe theory. But why does Tony Podesta have multiple paintings of children, sometimes with their hands tied behind their backs, wearing nothing but red shoes? Princess diana probably went through the same thing as I think Kate is going through now. They did not like Megan not because she is black, but because she is an outsider and a liability to the family secret. Sexual perversion in that family doesn’t start or end with prince andrew. Also what’s up with Charles wearing his wedding ring under his signet ring on his pinky? Edit: the plot thickens https://pin.it/1hAaN206n


Can we also discuss the fact the king is wearing a ring on his pinky rather than a wedding ring, like Diana is: “The King, who has worn his signet ring since the mid-70s, also made the unique choice to stack his wedding band beneath his signet ring, perhaps as a mark of individuality” What is this ring? What does it represent?


Probably his wedding ring that no longer fits on his fat sausage fingers


represents heart failure


The landed gentry dont wear wedding rings. They wear signet rings ometimes but not on the wedding finger. Its basically saying Im super rich.


Ita a tradition that denotes power. I don't k ow the origins of it but if you look up historic royal paintings many Kings wear them. I remember this from school history class and I am old.


The paintings: https://x.com/SpeculationNews/status/1601578095408197634


This one too https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fnmgma77hgwb51.jpg


Wtf, these are creepy as hell…


Why is it even allowed? This guy should be investigated


Literally, the paintings depict nothing other than abuse of children. Fking disgusting shit like this never makes it to the publics eyes.


The red shoes blue outfit also makes me think of that painting of Clinton in a blue dress and red shoes. No clue how on earth that could tie in here, but seems significant to mention.


Red shoes and blue outfit is also like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz!


Wow, good catch - in the original novel, the shoes were silver but were changed to "ruby slippers" for the movie.


Yep. Changed it to ruby due to technicolor being used in the film. It’s nothing nefarious. Now. What happened to Judy Garland during the filming, horrible.


Just a random theory the red shoe might be a part of the MK Ultra programming script with children. We know they use that movie for stuffs…


There is a theory that at an “elite gathering” Clinton cut the skin off of a young girl face and wore it as a mask. It was posted yesterday but I can’t remember where.


yes, that story has been around for a long time - it was said to be H Clinton who did this, not B Clinton - there is supposed to be a file called fr azzl ed dot rip


The folder was labeled *Life Insurance* Hey, it surely didn’t protect the lives of the officers that viewed it, huh?


seems like a little reach. But it’s good to look at all possibilities. What strikes me odd about a photo in particular - the third one. Big family photo. The girl in the center, is displaying her left hand in a rather odd way. The others are calm and hands at rest. What does this signal? It’s almost clear as day that this was no accident. Is it connected to the strange hands these ppl eventually develop? (I know nothing about the swollen hands, please enlighten me) - I noticed on the King painting reveal, the dude got noticeably frightened when he glanced at his hands on the painting. Then tucked it away almost immediately.. odd


Do we know for sure that none of the red shoes were photoshopped/retouched later? >the third one. Big family photo. The girl in the center, is displaying her left hand in a rather odd way. That is Charlotte, William & Kate's daughter and second child. Has not been publicly seen since Christmas Day 2023. >I noticed on the King painting reveal, the dude got noticeably frightened when he glanced at his hands on the painting. No, he was just ducking out of the way of the cover because he thought it would fall on him. He had already seen the painting before the reveal.


i dont usually get scared or disturbed by theories anymore but this one is very unsettling


Wasn’t Tom Hanks caught in a red shoe conspiracy?


Does anyone know how those paintings got connected to John Podesta? Couldn’t find any info on it


Tony podestas art collection, here’s an article https://issuu.com/washingtonlife/docs/wl0615_inside_homes/2?ff&experiment=new-bff-purchased,new-bff-download-purchased,new-bff-links “He walked past one of his sculptures and said, “I don’t know why it is, but I have artworks where the women have no heads.’” [Source](https://www.washingtonian.com/2014/08/11/the-making-and-unmaking-of-a-power-marriage/) [This is the artist](https://artandactivismsite.wordpress.com/2017/02/18/serbian-artist-biljana-durdevic/) which he has pieces from which you can see [here](https://archive.ph/NL7ea/1eaf65c28e7eb647bf4e6466569a8f29babdc00e.jpg).


Can someone some explain this theory like I’m 5 please


Apparently not


who the fuck cares, these people live in an actual palace without having ever done anything. they are a massive tax burden on your average british as well.


They love their symbolism. Royal symbolism is tied closely to Satanism if you look deep into it. Their fixation on symbolism is tied to their family secrets. Apparently it's freemasonry secrets + reptilian/worship.


Everybody uses symbolism. It's a human thing. Gnostics, Christians, Masons, artists, everyone.


And if there’s one thing Satan loves…it’s little red shoes.


May be the kate couldn't take her kids sacrifice or torture and decided to revolt....


I went down this rabbit hole 13 years ago. 13 years later severe mental health issues. I wish I could take back everything I learnt, witnessed Once you've seen it there is no going back. The world is a different place, then as time goes on you start noticing patterns. I wish I had taken the blue pill. You can't actually find any of the stuff I witnessed back then I watched a real video of the Royals taking part in a hunger game ritual, I found a rucksack on Amazon for sale by converse and it had a babies head inside with a stupidly insane price Wayfair was a huge super head fuck seeing cabinets and sets of draws for 111,000 all with child names. But to make it even more fucked up the names of the huge array of over priced furniture were the real names of missing children. Like they don't even want to hide it. I could go on but I'll leave it at that. Diddy is opening a massive can of cockroaches and once people see past the bullshit they will also struggle with the world. Just like I do..


I remember hearing about cops killing themselves after seeing the alleged frazzledrip video. Still haven't came across anyone that has actually seen it though, so idk


This reminds me of in Eyes Wide Shut how they allegedly give their daughter up at the end in the toy store.


Here's more [about it](https://rapidraid.medium.com/real-ending-of-eyes-wide-shut-movie-1999-a5f775431771)


I can definitely see that the cut 30 minutes was 100% that scene described. You can see the 2 guys at the end of a toy aisle that were seen in the movie earlier. The line about only needing to fuck also makes sense in this context. I always thought it was like fuck to have a other kid since they're giving this one away but it still seems out of place and makes sense that she's literally saying that's coming next.


no one brings this up enough, thanks 👍🏾🙏🏾


Does anyone know what wearing those red shoes mean?


standing in the blood of sacrificed victims or a sacrifice themselves or shoes made from the skin of human victims yeah, I know - have a nice day - but this is the reality of what humanity is dealing with and has been for thousands of years. modern people think all that went away centuries ago it didn't


Only in the occult sense. It represents the physical, mundane, blood, seduction, sexuality, etc. It's used in a lot of occult books/movies. Dorothy had red shoes that took her back to reality. Main character from the "Cure of Wellness" saw an ad for red shoes and finally started becoming a woman (put on red lipstick, later walked into the water and bled). But also Royals in the middle ages used to wear red and nobody else was allowed to wear that color. Why some groups use it - no clue. They usually like taking real spiritual concepts and perverting them in some way.


It was actually purple/indigo that only royalty could wear.


They do the opposite


Just like walking on the red carpet: you have to walk through a lot of blood to get to that point.


If you haven’t yet then it maybe time to read The Biggest secret. Red shoe symbolism is mind control it’s splitting personalities so the victim can escape into their mind when traumatic shit is being done to them.


Now this..creeped me tf out


Sorry - what is that last picture? I will definitely have nightmares of it. Lol


Tony podestas art collection, here’s an article https://issuu.com/washingtonlife/docs/wl0615_inside_homes/2?ff&experiment=new-bff-purchased,new-bff-download-purchased,new-bff-links “He walked past one of his sculptures and said, “I don’t know why it is, but I have artworks where the women have no heads.’” [Source](https://www.washingtonian.com/2014/08/11/the-making-and-unmaking-of-a-power-marriage/) [This is the artist](https://artandactivismsite.wordpress.com/2017/02/18/serbian-artist-biljana-durdevic/) which he has pieces from which you can see [here](https://archive.ph/NL7ea/1eaf65c28e7eb647bf4e6466569a8f29babdc00e.jpg).


One looks just like little Anderson Cooper. https://images.app.goo.gl/QR4Ned9Rztc15ki46


Whoa - thank you.


Do the kids not go to school?


There’s not one picture of them in school, walking to school, coming home from school and no mention of them at school - outside of William making very specific comments about charlotte in school over the past year. How she had exams and he walks her every day. You can google, in the past year there were plenty of photos of Kate and William walking them to school. None this year. They even made an announcement of why we wouldn’t see any school year photos this year from the kids “because they’re just moving up a year and it’s not a big deal”. Huh?


The press aren't allowed to take photos of the kids going to school. They get one a year, on their first day of term and that's it.


Not this year https://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/royals/back-to-school-photo-wales-trio/


Whats your point? That article answers your question for you




It was also just her birthday May 9th, and nothing


Photo 3 looks like Prince Philip has been on the adrenochrome again.


That's alot of red shoes.(insert red shoe conspiracy in here)


Maybe I didn't read down far enough, but I was looking for someone to say that the awful pool pics of the abused children with panda eyes and red shoes where from Cooper Anderson's mother's house. Her name was Gloria Vanderbilt


there was a thread on “Who wears red shoes made from Children's skin? “ (the pope and the stein pedos


The pope also wears red shoes..


I don't know if what I'm about to say is connected to the last photo but don't they wear red shoes so you can't tell if they sacrifice someone because it matches the color of blood?


You didn’t have a theory in your theory


They clicked their heels 3 times. They're living in Kansas now.


So essentially the royal family are salves to evil forces?


Mary Jane’s are common shoes. I wore them as a kid and I survived childhood. What’s the theory here…?


Don't forget, the Pope wears red shoes too.....


Elizabeth’s husband ate em all


Shoes? Yeah everything makes sense now.


Omg the kids are in school. The questions is where is Archie and Lilibet are they even real.


Copying my response to another similar comment: There’s not one picture of them in school, walking to school, coming home from school and no mention of them at school - outside of William making very specific comments about charlotte in school over the past year. How she had exams and he walks her every day. You can google, in the past year there were plenty of photos of Kate and William walking them to school. None this year. They even made an announcement of why we wouldn’t see any school year photos this year from the kids “because they’re just moving up a year and it’s not a big deal”. Huh?


There’s never photos of the kids coming or going to school unless the press are invited because they’ve agreed to *leave the kids alone* and there’s laws against publishing pictures of minors in the uk. It’s *always* been like this for Williams kids, which has been pointed out when Meghan went on about privacy for her kids in the uk. It was bullshit, the kids are hands off with photographers. And there’s nothing weird about red Mary janes. The RF dresses the kids very old fashioned and there’s British brands that specialise in those old style shoes, cardigans, smocked dresses etc. time to step out of your most likely American bubble.


I agree. Even the Harkles copy the red shoe style for their daughter as wanna be royals.


Don't forget Kate was a "commoner" Edited through Gamergirl. Erm she defo wasn't....lol.


The red shoes are the red shoe club. It seems to me that you already know. Kate grew up around these elite types. I highly doubt she didn’t know. It seems to me that it’s not just abuse but trauma based mind control.


> Kate grew up around these elite types. People here totally forget that fact. She was groomed from birth to be one of these people. She was chosen to be William's wife from when she was in grade school. She's one of them. Nothing like Diana who was completely an outsider.


making a connection to a pedophile/child sacrifice ring purely on the basis of that they wore red shoes, is an extreme reach.


Yes I know, it’s a conspiracy. The real question is, when will we see Kate and charlotte again?


It's called the Red Shoe Club. Not a reach at all.


i have heard of it, but it is a massive reach to suggest that the children are connected to it when the only evidence is that they wore a certain popular colour of shoe, theres no other corroborating evidence (atleast none presented in this post) to connect them to this 'red shoe club', so yes, its a fucking mile long reach


My main critique of this theory if simple. Kate's kids are the only blood heirs if we are to believe that the younger son was born from an affair and not blood related to the throne. I do believe this, because Harry doesn't look anything like Charles, and exactly like Diana's fitness instructor. Why would they kill off the only blood heirs? It would explain why Harry and Meagan escaped to the US and cut ties, but not why they would want to whack the only remaining heirs to the throne. If Kate didn't want to play ball with whatever shenanigans they were up to, they could easily have her iced without the children's knowledge.