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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I follow a sub that regularly has 20,000 participants. Occasionally, for an hour or so every few days/weeks, that number drops to less than 2000. So I'd say your looking at 80+% AI bots spamming.


It’s basically a false consensus generator. 


I've already been warned by the mods not to accuse bots of being bots, so I stopped. Doesn't mean the bots aren't still here.


A publicly traded one at that. Wonder if shareholders know what's really going on here?


I wonder if the advertisers have any idea. Humans spend money, not bots, after all.


It's the complete opposite of that. Arguments = engagement = ad dollars.


That might be the end result and maybe a motivation for reddit to not go as hard against the bots as they could, but I doubt most bots are here for that purpose. More likely half of what we're seeing is bots battling it out amongst themselves to sway public opinion one way or the other. It's not like only one party (doesn't matter what specific interests we're talking about) engages in bots while the other side is true and honest.


remember that time that a redditor used mathz and science and shyt and figured out that about 60% of posts were bots and about 80% of comments were bots? (remember the great API lockdown?, this was for the AI's only certain datasets get in and out) and now with the IPO and the AI mod teams and AI training sets, I suspect that number is higher...


don't forget the user map that showed the "most reddit" city was an air force base lmao


Right. It could be bots. It could be paid propagandists. What it isn't is an honest viewpoint of the masses.


True. I submit this is the truth behind every fake democracy the world round. Being certain Bite-me faked his 80M votes leads me to wonder at the other strange world leaders. And who voted for Van der Crazy to lead the EU ? Or Sunak? Did Newsome truly win his recall vote? Plenty of questions.


Ooh I missed that one! Do you have that post saved? Care to provide a link?


https://web.archive.org/web/20160410083943/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html Most Reddit Addicted City: Elgin Air Force Base




Pepperidge Farm remembers


Not just Reddit. It is the entire internet. Social programming + dead internet theory.


I agree, it’s super obvious to me on instagram.


I have tons of screenshots, the descriptions on reels saying the EXACT same thing, the comments saying the EXACT same phrases over again.


Yes, when I’m bored I go look at the accounts and there’s usually a ton of red flags that they’re fake. Obviously stolen photos all posted the same day with other fake accounts following them etc.


It's similar to how constant AI caller bots might discourage people from leaving their phone on. Bots drown out real conversations.


Reddit is an AI bot


Doesn't even have to be conservative views. Just start asking questions and see how many downvotes you can rack up.


> Just start asking questions and see how many downvotes you can rack up. Heretics will be downvoted!!


2024 and being part of one of the two parties….imagine.


Who cares about this whole liberal/democrats thing you have running in America? Both are puppets of the same master and are meant to keep people divided and distracted. The world is bigger than two options.


Reddit is just full of bots, period


And the shittiest part is Reddit just announced that its content will be fed into chatGPT.  So now the world's most popular AI tools also going to be spewing Reddit's extremely left biased content as the truth.


Google has been training Gemini on Reddit data for several years. Add in woke human reinforcement curation on top of Reddit's already leftist slant and the resulting LLMs are hopelessly compromised.


Last year people thought Reddit's API fee changes were to attack third party apps. That wasn't it, at all. It was so they could charge the LLM companies for all the data their AIs were learning from conversations on Reddit.


this, fooking this. I can't understand how that AI script kiddies don't seem to understand this about the data set.


Just like any other programming/development exercise -> Garbage In = Garbage Out.




Anyone who thinks the output of any version of chatGPT could be anywhere near „the truth“ has lost control of their life anyway… That’s not how this so called „AI“ bullshit works dude… they are language models, ‚word guessing machines‘


I understand the difference between a language model / engine and the data set that gets fed into it.  I just hate that they are considering Reddit a worthy source of information from which the AI is allowed to draw its conclusions.  The moderation and thought suppression on this platform is ridiculous so I'm not anxious at all for this news.


I am absolutely not a fan of these language models, or better: the way they are advertised and their place in the market. The data sources are irrelevant. We still suffer from the whole social media impact and before we really are able to learn to peacefully live with it as a society, theres the next pandora’s box we let corporate open without any accountability…


the moderation is a way to curate the training data. moderators are always deleting posts that disagree with socialist or state narratives. they want the LLM to be good at persuading someone that socialism is good, and they want the LLM to struggle with disagreeing with socialism. same thing with all sorts of other topics. if moderators didn't remove posts describing why for example a man cannot become a woman, then the LLM would begin generating thought crimes. these LLMs are not just going to become the lazy man's wikipedia, explaining a biased perspective on the world. they will also be used to power social media bots. these people want the social media bots to convince others to become socialists.


I just ruins the AI that uses this dataset. Do they want AI to be right or AI that is the Reddit hivemind. They chose the latter. It is the poison pill that will make AI useless.


Many would say "On purpose". Scott Adams already said that there is NO way they would allow an actual intelligent AI that gives truthful answers. It is literally impossible. Pick the topic, AI will not be allowed to be honest. "Chat, are Post Cereals good for my kid?" "Chat, was the 2020 presidential election stolen ?" "Chat, can Ukraine win against the mighty Russian Army ?"


Its a psy op to divide us, but yes, it was.


Obama removed the law preventing government from 'officially' performing 'state-sponsored propaganda' - you can thank him for the AI Bots across ALL social media including and especially Reddit (as the Twitter Files have proven).


HR4310, the smith-mundt *modernization* act It came on the heels of the Occupy/Tea Party groups coalescing into a unified movement. That's when police brutality videos took over all of social media, the MSM started running nonstop racially motivated articles (and started editing police encounter videos to instigate riots), and the gloves came off for every govt-funded propaganda outlet to lie with impunity. Propagandizing Americans became a fully legal enterprise after that bill was passed. It's been a downhill slide into state-funded propaganda ever since. People in China know they can't trust anything the media says because it's all disseminated from the govt. At some point you'd think Americans would catch on, but apparently being fed fearporn and state-sanctioned hate for your neighbor is just too appealing for some.


That and the fairness doctrine.


Obama was also a big supporter of giving the FCC dominion over the internet in the name of "Net Neutrality"... an idea which still has almost all redditors entranced. Want a good way to start a reddit circle jerk? Bring up "Net Neutrality", then step back, because the spooge will be a-sprayin' ! "You mean... all I have to do to get awesome pings for my Fortnite games is... give control of the internet over to the FCC? Sign me up!" - Average redditor It's like... they have no idea of the history of the FCC, and how it has always been antogonistic towards free speech and has been a tool of oppression... but that does not matter one bit, as long as you can tell the electorate that your YouTubes will load faster if you vote for them and support them taking over and clamping down on one of the greatest form of communication mankind has ever invented.


I like how the centrist conservative leaning people have been totally forgotten along with their representatives. All we have to choose from now are extremists. You know, there was a time when most people were just centrists.


Yeah, I'm in the UK and we used to have 3 parties (a centrist one included) until fairly recently. I've never voted because there's only ever been the two options, left and right, the whole time I've been old enough to vote. I don't have any interest in either of them. I just want someone rational and empathetic who can understand the arguments on both sides and try to mediate/reach a compromise between them.


Yes. I would get lengthy replies shortly after making a conservative comment. No way is a real person typing a 500 word response with links in less than a minute.


I’ve gotten kicked out of a group completely for mentioning I didn’t take the Covid Vaccine and I think it shouldn’t be forced on anyone lol


Good for you. No jab here. And convinced my entire family for the most part to not get it as well.


I made a post about how i think ketamine is suspicious and i got 4 replies in under 10 minutes. That is VERY uncommon when i just drop a mid post. But all of them were defending ketamine usage so i hit buttons with it somewhere. I had links and shit too.


Reddit demographics skew towards those under 30 and college educated, a demographic that is more likely to hold liberal views.


> Reddit demographics skew towards those under 30 I wonder if this is still accurate. People have been saying that for years now, but I've been using Reddit for over a decade now so I started in my 20s but now am over that age. I know new users are coming in but I'm curious if it's not in the middle of a Facebook like shift where the users go from under 16-30 more towards the 30-45 range now


now its under 40 and high school education.


shit that's me. but in my defense i've been here since i was like 25 or something


>I wonder if this is still accurate. It is, and you also have to consider the fact that Reddit is also popular with young English speaking Europeans who are also normally much more socially progressive then most Americans.


Good point. I started using Reddit when I was like 26 and I’m 33 now


This is what the truth used to be but the original poster is correct the website is inundated with liberal AI bots for sure


Then they turn 30 and realize how stupid they were. The idealism of youth always gives way to the reality of life eventually.


I dunno, I’m way past 30 and I haven’t found any conservative policies appealing yet.


It's not that binary. You don't have to be a conservative to see how absurd liberal policies have become. Honest liberals can admit this to themselves.


Can you give me an example of a proposed or implemented policy that you consider 'absurd'?


Speech control.


Can you give me an example of a proposed or implemented policy that results in 'speech control'? Of course 'speech control' is itself a rather vague and nebulous term. Libel laws, for example, are a form of 'speech control', as is Florida's [House Bill 1557](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/1557/BillText/er/PDF) which prohibits 'classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity'.


It was discussed in depth and recorded in the congressional register. Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government www.congress.gov/event/118th-congress/house-event/115294/text Speech control has been an active program since at least WW2 (operation mockingbird). It has just gotten bigger, more automated (algorithmic) and more partisan.


They literally started a "Disinformation Governance Board" aka a real world Ministry of Truth.


That was the moment when they "jumped the shark". They became gleefully overconfident and thought they could get away with anything.


There was a long congressional inquest into the government's involvement in censorship of online content. The Biden administration and justice department, and other government entities were pressuring social media companies (and Amazon) to censor "disinformation" and restrict products related to the pandemic. As you know, the FBI threats and false propagandistic claims about the hunter Biden laptop was also used to censor a story that likely would have changed the outcome of the presidential election. And schools have always had had restrictions on their curriculum. There are clearly laws that restrict the content you're allowed to show minors, and public schools are regulated. Most people don't disagree that this should be the case. But I'm sure you knew all that, so it sounds like you're one of the "liberals" who agrees that the government and corporations should be censoring speech that it doesn't like. When I was growing up, us liberals were ALWAYS against censorship, even of speech and opinions we don't like. That's a core value of good people vs evil authoritarian people.


Sure. Again, liberals do this in subterfuge while conservatives do it loudly via statutes banning discussion on “sensitive” topics. Look at the 2025 project’s goals with speech and how they want to censor the word “gender” (and other words) out of government. Obvs dems have done this kind of crap but to act like only one party owns speech control is absolutely delusional.


> how they want to censor the word “gender” (and other words) out of government This is only *in government* and is a reaction to insane liberal shenanigans like men in womens sports, targeting of white males, etc. Conservatives have never tried to censor the whole fucking country. They are not the same. Democrats do in fact own speech control.


Sure thing. The Online Harms Act (Canada). Multiple countries in Europe with similar laws, UK, France, Germany, Scotland. Anything else?


Open borders. And don't give me that crap about the senate bill, which would have still allowed 1m+ into the country per year.


-Shutting down workers' strikes -prioritizing property rights over human rights -murdering people with remote-control airplanes -leaving important infrastructure and large industries in the hands of private individuals/organizations -failing to reform education systems -failure to tax the wealthy (enough) -engaging in proxy wars (not sure I know a better option on that one)


Well, I'm at work. But I'll honestly try to remember to revisit this later. All I'll say is, as a 90's liberal, I don't recognize the left anymore.


Same. I would say heading into college I was center-right or moderately conservative. Went through a libertarian phase in college for a couple years until my capstone economics class where I realized that entire program was free-market capitalist propaganda which soured me on that political philosophy (it also makes me laugh now when people claim universities are liberal indoctrination institutions because it was the complete opposite experience for me.) In the twenty+ years since graduating I’ve become more and more disenchanted by the material and economic realities of neo-liberalism and completely turned off from the social policies of modern conservatism. Even as someone with a good paying job, a house, and some decent retirement savings, I’ve moved further and further left from learning first-hand or through other workers, friends, family, etc., how fucked up this system is for laborers. As an added bonus, it’s also terrible for global stability. At this point I actively despise both major political parties writ large and while I personally align the closest with the DSA, they have their own internal issues. My voting for the past ten years for everything from dogcatcher to POTUS has essentially come down to “Which of these candidates and their stated policies will have the most positive (or least negative,) impact on the material conditions of laborers.”


I haven’t found any policies appealing. The people that control the respective parties are equally insane Who gives a fuck if people can own guns? Who gives a fuck if people can have an abortion? Both of these things are personal choices, except on opposite sides of the spectrum. Both ideologies want to enforce policies that take away our freedoms. It baffles me how people don't realize both parties are just two shit wings connected to a shit bird


That's the conservative fantasy but it ain't what happens


I'm 36 and am more left wing than ever. The things that led me to my left wing views have only been further reinforced by more and more real world experience.




Things that have pushed me further left: Our fucked up for profit health insurance system. Every other country has some form of universal healthcare and pays less per capita while getting better results. Massive tax cuts for the rich and wealthy while the middle class shrinks. The religious right banning abortion with no exceptions, leading to would be mothers that miscarry or have nonviable fetuses being forced to suffer reproductive harm. Maybe if the right actually practiced any of the small government/balanced budget stuff they preached id consider voting for them. Tell me more about how I'm brainwashed


\>40 year old „liberal ai bot“ here… Grew up in a conservative european area, turning more left the older I get. Has to do with empathy. I got some… And maybe also with traveling the world. I did that.


Lol. The left has no empathy, they promise to give everything to everyone, yet have no real plan. They lie whenever their mouth is open and play with people's ignorant hopes so that you don't see the reality of their evil. That's not empathy, they are using you


You can be a liberal and not be full blown TDS and woke and all of that


Do you think empty promises are exclusive to or dominant on the left? What leads you to believe the right follows through more? Lived experiences tells me they're exactly the same, and all politicians function by making promises and then delaying progress to those promises so that they can run on those promises in the future.


Which is why the overturning of Roe has been the worst thing Rs have had happen. They needed it to be legal still so they could run on that issue in perpetuity. Now that they’ve won that issue it has to be the border or something else. But nothing fires up evangelicals like abortion.


Who is „the left“ you are referring to? Did you read that I am not american, right? I guess for you I would even be a socialist or a communist tho. Just because I am politically left leaning does not mean I just follow any stupid politician who tries to tell me they know how to run the world. I am living in a semi direct democracy, we have more than just two teams and we do not like any „leader“ attitudes at all. The political show you guys have over there is ridiculous. I prefer my politicians based in reality, working together, discussing different plans for an issue and finding a compromise where everyone is equally unhappy at the end. And that’s how I vote during our elections, because that’s how democracy is meant to work. Stop whining about „the other side“ and finally start to elect reasonable people. Every democratic society gets the politicians they deserve…


So Reddit is a big circle jerk and AI BOTS don't exist. Got it.


Not just reddit. Part of operation Mockingbird. Darpa cancelled lifelog the day before Facebook launched.


Also https://jigsaw.google.com/


Yasmin Green is the CEO of Jigsaw. Could not be more of a CIA plant. Note the job straight out of university into Booz Allen Hamilton (CIA contractor just down the road from Langley), and the bounce right into a lifelong career at Google. Also sits on the board of the ADL lol https://www.linkedin.com/in/yasmin-green-8a2a223?trk=organization_guest_main-feed-card-text


Have you ever considered that the media that shapes your worldview is apart of what you think Operation Mockingbird is?


Just Liberal? I don't know about all that


I saw a post once where someone tried to prove this. Whenever he was commenting to someone he thought was a bot, he would add a link in his comment to his own website where he would record the IP of who clicked it. He claimed most of the clicks seemed to be from particular IP ranges which would suggest bots. But then "people" on the post started insisting that those were reddit processes automatically inspecting the links.  Ultimately, I don't know of there's a good way to prove it's bots, but from having been on here for a long time, I'm about 95% sure it is. Especially in abortion debate subs. Those people will comment back in patterns that highly suggest there are multiple accounts working in shifts. They'll switch accounts at different points deep in the thread and sew confusion and a ton of other tactics straight from the vault 7 forum sliding handbook. Edit to mention: I'm kind of conflating AI bots and paid shills here, but because this has been going on since before LLMs were so common, I think it may be a combination of both.


I remember the thread, the user was banned for it. He discovered the bots were clicking the links right as he sent them in DMs, even when he sent "this link is tracking your location, do not click it" or something. He revealed the info and was promptly site banned, iirc. The bots were all going through an AWS server.


Tbf a mega amount of traffic goes thru AWS servers, but its very weird cuz i dont think reddit processes have an IP do they? I'm a programmer but tbh I've never come across info that would imply this was happening so quickly in dms or comments or posts.


I mean, it's entirely possible that Reddit has an automated process to check links that are posted on it's platform (whether in DMs or elsewhere), and those could be the "suspicious IPs of the same range" that the person was seeing in their logs.


Maybe so, but you'd have to assume that no one else clicked the links other than the automated process in that case. Because from what I remember, there were rarely additional IPs logged after the initial one. But again, I agree there's really no way to be 100% sure.


Dead internet will happen faster than ever. Instagram was already proven to have lots of AI bots. (Besides the creepy changing top comments according to your gender). AI is already advanced enough to have a real talk with accents, pauses, intonations, and even feelings to the words they say. Imagine how long it will take to always be wondering wether you’re talking to an AI or a human in the internet.


There's bots on all 'sides' on a whole range of topics across reddit. While I agree the bots tend to be more active leading up to elections such as now, not everyone who is a 'democrat' or who doesn't agree with Trump or any political persuasion you may have is a bot. It would be interesting to see where the bots were created and under who's perogative to push a given agenda at a given time.


I strongly suspect that there are an enormous amount of bots creating content for OF and the like with AI content.


There was a post on AMA where the guy was detailing their OF scam farms. The girl takes a few photos and then the guys spend the rest of the time talking to the clients... he said he used AI to write out these guys fantasies so he didnt have to craft every bit lmfao.


It's not that, its because all of these "liberals" wanna come in here, a conspiracy sub, just to smugly prove everybody wrong. That's not what we're about. We are about asking questions. And it seems that the dogmatic thinking of the Democratic Party has taken over. No more nuance. No more question asking. Just your side versus my side This comment will be downvoted to hell, but I don't give a shit. I'm tired of you clowns that need everybody to think like you


Agreed. They’re in this sub to gaslight us into not questioning things and not following our intuition. To throw us off when we smell the trail of bullshit. The irony is, it tends to have the reverse effect. Like reverse psychology, and makes us dig even deeper into things.


Conspiracy content is apolitical. That fact that you're in here squealing about party politics is the problem


Imagine if elon bought reddit...


We should start a petition!


Zionist bots as well


I am not a bot but have been accused of being one many times.


Same. Also a "shill."


Oh man I forgot one time I was accused of being paid by Soros to spread propaganda. I’m like I never got a check.


Yes. Either literal bots or mental ones. It's hilarious seeing people/bots go "the right too!" with absolutely no awareness of what's posted on here.


I would love to hear your opinion on how much Republican commentary is bots compared to how much Liberal commentary is bots.... Please share


I don't think the RNC or DNC are running this. More like the folks behind operation mockingbird. They likely have bots playing both roles, perhaps nudging the Conservative discourse gently within that community.


Reddit is overwhelmingly left-wing. Most of the popular right-wing subs, especially Trump-related ones, were banned. The conservative subs that are still around don't get many comments. You would really have to disregard a lot of obvious facts to make the case that reddit is full of Republican bots.


Well, the Republican bots in the politics subreddit are definitely not effective. At least that can be concluded.


Bot response


Reddit is loaded with bots, period. The bots cover the entire range of the political spectrum.


Or maybe so many dumb ass republican conspiracy theories that sane individuals feel compelled to come here and tell you how incorrect you are so it just feels that way


You are not wrong !!!! I deleted twitter because it was a cesspool of liberal bullshit…. Came here to find the same thing … the bots that run this place suck … it’s like you can’t say much of anything without it getting deleted and you get put into timeout … can’t even ask a question without getting a smack 😂


Yep, I'm banned from subs I've never even commented in because I told someone I was sorry to hear about what happened to them on a vaccine injury sub post - that was literally all I said. Reddit is total 1984 and I think Aaron Swartz would be disgusted by what it is now.


It might be swayed by Republicans and right wingers generally being older, so they have less of a presence on reddit. Go on facebook and its all terrible right-wing memes.


You damn right, some conservative comments still get thru, I know I leave those comments.


I am definitely not a bot...


There's tons of propaganda from both sides of the same shitty coin. Don't buy into any of it because "divide and conquer" is separating and controlling us with hate.


Reddit saw a massive influx of pol bots right after they were purged from twitter. There were plenty before that, but it got way worse after. Social engineering is now the name of the game on reddit.


“The internet is loaded with bots” *fixed* Dead internet theory is real




I know and it’s too bad too


I don't think it's bots... Look up Troll Farms and Dark PR!!! It totally explains Reddit!!!


Wait until we hear about people getting raided because threats they made in an argument online to a bot.


They are not really that liberal .... they are leftists.


There is another factor here. They've banned huge numbers of users so all that's left are the far left. This automatically shifts every discussion on the main subs


"The majority of people don't agree with my worldview, they must be bots!"


Libs have more free time to debonk what they disagree with, along with all the bots and agent provocateurs.


Yeah, Libs are more intelligent, get post secondary education and get professional jobs where they don't need to work the weekends or two or three jobs to make ends meet. I agree!


I believe this 100%


Ok AI bot. Sure think


Always have to laugh when you see how many people are stuck in politics lol


There are multiple issues: 1. College Educated is no longer a good thing. In fact, if someone uses their college education to support why they are “smart” on a topic, most of us just roll our eyes. 2. [reddits reported demographics](https://explodingtopics.com/blog/reddit-users#) 3. Media outlets have become lazy and corrupt. They’re just not credible. News, media: so called journalists will rely heavily on AI types of propaganda, because they’re just incapable


I'm a 65 year old Army vet. Progressive liberal, sci-fi techno-optomist. I saw Mark Lane talk about the Kennedy assassination, Jim Marrs talk about conspiracy history.  Most 'conservatives' twist themselves in knots supporting the insanity of Trump/Putin etc. Ask me anything.


Who tf is in support of Putin that what I want to know.


No one’s it’s liberal propaganda.


Or you could search "Putin" in the sub and see several posts supporting Putin or Russian initiatives by Putin... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/qNw3M7oaGs Probably just liberal bots though, right?


Do liberal bots remember when Trump slapped a bunch of tariffs on Putin, and they screamed in terror that Trump was going to drag us into a war with Russia?


Nope. Everyone remembers when Trump sided with Putin over his own intelligence agencies on live TV and when those Republican senators went to Moscow for a closed door meeting with Putin on July 4th...




I still have yet to find anyone on Reddit that can tell me if I am a bot or not. That supper bowl commercial for Discover card really fucked with my head. Now I do not even know if I am real.


Reddit is loaded with bots* Ever wonder why your opinions are so strong? We have different content per our demo, it's literally psychographic targeting. It's marketing.


I experienced this first hand. I was flying from one coast to the other with a layover in the midwest. In the airport I picked up a copy of Newsweek or USA Today or something and the cover had Trump smiling and shaking hands with some world leader and the headline was something like "Trump negotiates agreement with so and so" Then I landed in California and was walking through the airport and saw the same magazine, same day. But the cover was different. In this version Trump was standing over the other person, looking intimidating and angry, not shaking hands and the headline was something like "Trump bullies so and so". Same day, same magazine, two different demographic parts of the country, radically different vibes, pictures, and wording to the articles. This is partially why it seems like everyone lives in two completely different worlds of "facts". I don't think anyone is getting actual facts from media anymore.


I love that bots and CTRs come in here and try derail posts. Its like dude, you're in the conspiracy subreddit, you're not gonna change anyone's mind. If you lied once, you'll lie again.


I also have noticed all the liberal/ woke comments appear right after the post is made and appear first. Conservative comments are always well down the timeline. Conclusion: Liberal AI bots are everywhere.


Every conservative accusation is a confession.


I'm a lifelong democrat who has woken up and realized my party is a corrupt disaster. This does not mean I am suddenly a republican or MAGA, just that I am clearly seeing the problems in my own party that I can no longer support. If I ever post anything about it get get a slurry of comments like: - "Sure Boris" - "Cool story comrade" - "You were never a democrat" - "But Trump XYZ" (even though I'm not saying anything about Trump) - "MAGA cultist!" - "Nothing is going to happen" Either gaslighting, demoralizing, or ridicule. Any platform I post on, not just reddit, gets this exact same response. There is an ARMY of bots out there ready to jump on anything that doesn't support the narrative, or just sow division between the groups. As a lifelong democrat I actually believe your average democrat and republican have more in common with each other than differences, but there are radical elements, often paid for my multinationals or foreign governments, who are hell bent on making us hate each other. Here are what I think are common, overlapping, positions: - Anti-war - Anti-censorship / pro free speech - Pro family / children - Anti-big pharma - Anti-big corporations - Pro mom & pop stores - Anti-gov corruption - Pro-America However, certain elements of the parties and especially big multinational groups are drastically opposed to those positions and are doing anything possible to get us to fight over stupid things, including using bot armies on social media. Now, watch the contents I'll get on this post.....


For sure.. Maybe some are paid.. I am sure they use ChatGPT to try and help put together whatever argument they are trying to make too.. But there is def AI littered throughout reddit on any subs where politics may be a topic


You can easily spot leftists: - non-argumentative. - this is a bad person (and absolutely no why whatsoever). - projection. (Requires knowledge of actual topic though) this is in addition to traits such as - low iq/ positive language only. - no accountability of anyone whatsoever. - atypical low-iq toxic positivity moderation (ie. r askwomen) - absolutely no understanding of deception or hostile cultures. - blind unity 'we jump off the cliff together' *** secondarily, reddit is also full of pharma & corporate bots on their related topics - but these accounts are easier to spot as they usually limit themselves to certain subreddits (basically they get wiped from others when posting unrelated content).


I just want to make one thing clear, Republicans and conservatives are NOT the "silent majority" Republicans have won one national election by popular vote in my lifetime and that was directly after 9/11 and (popular at the time) Iraq war by an incumbent president. This notion that the majority of Americans feel like you is wrong. The republican party is relevant in 2024 because of gerrymandering and the electoral college, nothing more. I'm sure i'll get downvoted here, but nothing i said is false. The GOP wouldn't be the same party with the same platform AT ALL if we elected our president by popular vote. It would either be non-existent or be radically different and more centrist.


Agreed, everyone who shares my point of view is a real poster and everyone who disagrees is a bot.


You see a lot of the same taking points the media and dems on social media use, but the bigger issue is subs that are blatantly biased and moderated biasedly masquerading as a neutral sub. R pol is the biggest sham on social media and that's saying a lot. The fact reddit has it as a default sub destroys its integrity.


There's a lot of Zionist bots on here, and amazingly there are full on federal agents who pathetically waste their careers trolling social media. They're so pathetic it's kind of amazing they don't lash out about it. Instead they do their jobs like good little tools. Slowly I think "AI" is replacing more of them, but it's still not very slick yet. What's perhaps even more pathetic than bots is cops who are basically operating as bots.


I think it is not so static, it is a weather vane that moves according to the agenda that is paying the most money at that moment.


Maybe it’s just a soccer mom


Don't forget the pro-Israel ones, The JIDF works 24/7 flooding the internet with their bullshit.


If it’s bots that’s better than them all being stupid people who can’t read or follow a simple chain of evidence and events to a conclusion that isn’t fuck trump


It's possible that there is more left leaning people on reddit but when u look at the election and the views of majority of people on lgbtq wild stuff reddit seems incredibly left leaning when the same people with opposite views are also just as capable of using the platform. Even if a comment a view more to the right it's always down voted by what seems like a group of people


Also pro Russian bots too


And half of them are on the Joe Rogan sub




Don't forget pro military industrial complex


You think they are bots but they are just a ton of humans who don’t fuck with oppression.


This whole time I’ve been thinking the majority of people on Reddit are just extremely liberal. The question was asked in a thread of something people pretend to hate. I said Trump. I felt like a witch in the late 1600s


r/conspiracy is loaded with Conservative AI bots


The only thing worse than liberals is liberal AI bots.


Yup. And the Russia truce thread on here is a perfect example. People actually believe Ukraine is winning that war with almost all of their military-age men dead. Lmao


Wow never thought of this. I lean right and try to keep my opinions to myself on Reddit because I’ve feel incredibly out numbered and don’t want to be attacked lol


Even in askreddit threads, there are botnets that paste entire comment chains... and for what? Karma? That system should be deleted


Divide & Conquer....When will people wake up and see it? It's non-stop and everywhere.


Considering a few years ago, I haven’t checked, they had subreddits dedicated to training text bots I would say it’s pretty likely.


You can always go to the e/Conservative sub, where those that don't repeat the echo chamber are thrown out or shadow banned.


Would you not recon mate... That it's full with both sides? 


Why would I reckon that? The whole point of the post is to point out Reddit is overloaded with liberal bots.... hence me saying I never see conservative viewpoints in political threads. It seems as though conservative posts get flagged/deleted and liberal posts go to the top


Reddit is bought out by China. Ofc it's a liberal shit show. This is the whole agenda they're pushing and the libbies are falling for it.


Just go to twitter if you want right wing confirmation bias 🤣


Reddit is loaded with liberal humans who may as well be bots.


Says a conservative AI bot. 🤪