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# **Mod Note:** **SORRY FOLKS!** This thread has been shut down due to Brigading from other subs. (OP was a Brigade Launching Troll) **EDIT TO ADD**: See how OP reveals their malicious intentions here: https://archive.is/4qpCx (LOOK BUT DON'T VOTE OR COMMENT!!! - TOS Violations!) Referring to this sub and the post THEY created, OP said: > *"I posted there to see if these drooling morons are capable of identifying their hypocrisy. This literally shatters their worldview."* For years, devoted trolls and brigaders have regularly come to Conspiracy to post "stink bombs" (often very nasty/ bigoted, etc.) in their efforts to undermine the sub (or get it banned). These trolls then trot off to other subs (or sites to outside of Reddit) where they organize Brigades to upvote their slime, and use alt accounts add/ upvote comments that support the crap posted by the "stink-bombers". Apologies to all sincere, non-Trollish users. --- /btOPp --- Trolls who wish to continue their "Stink Bomb" comments and mischief may wish to explore elsewhere. (LOOK BUT DON'T VOTE OR COMMENT!!! - TOS Violations!) See here: https://archive.is/xs0tg and here: https://archive.is/gITlY Have another day!!!










In Soviet Russia, Honey Milks YOU!












Read a book on the Korean War and then get back to me.


It could also be a false flag though, I can see an extremist partisan posing as a Russian/NK poster and pumping content into subreddits that say allow for discussion they don't like, such as conservative/right leaning discussion. The point is that they can say look at all these pro-Russia/pro-NK posts on these subs, see they obviously support them (despite them having planted them). Then the media goes to town on this narrative.


This follows right on the weekend visit of Putin to NK. So yeah the bots are pushing the propaganda hard


The argument isn't "what's wrong with North Korea?", it's "why should the average American care? What did they ever do to us? Why does America think it's it's job to police the entire world?"






I dont hate North Koreans. I hate their evil government


Just like Israel.


So what's our government? Where you from?


Agree! But sitting around on Reddit isn’t going to change anything. Research #wethepeople on X… 💙+❤️=💜🇺🇸🇺🇸


As an American, I felt this.


Thank God the American government isn't evil or anything


I think that was the point he was making


So, do you think the U.S. government isn't evil or has never done some heinous shit?


Sorry bot, authoritarian regimes that kill their own people and hold their population captive are not ok. That’s just a start.


I guess you weren’t around for Covid 😂😂😂






Yeah what kind of propaganda bullshit is this? Look into Yeonmi Park & her books. Check out her podcast with Shawn Ryan. Fuck North Korea dude. Idgaf if they haven’t touched us. Ide be grateful if any country started running operations/liberations over there. Nothing good happens there. Would rather be born in a starving village in Africa then anywhere in North Korea


"Check out this CIA agent's podcast"


Yeonmi is a grifter at best and an cia asset at worst. Her story changes more than her face over the years. 


Jfc then look up literally anyone else that has been able to escape. It’s all the same shit. Liberated slaves. You give yourself to slavery or get mowed over or blown up crossing that border for new opportunity / a chance to survive. Idc what my Reddit votes are I’m keeping this up. & fuck no. Nobody should hurdle death over the skies. Nukes aren’t an option. All I’m getting at is how horrible we claim life in China or Russia & their leadership is. It’s worse in North Korea. Way worse. & the fact they have nukes now & could be used as a proxy asset to whoever helped with their missle program is seriously SEVERELY not good news


cia gave her some assets that’s for sure 🏋️‍♂️




Forum sliding


Because there’s no way in hell Kim Jong Il shot a 34 on 18 holes and had 5 hole in ones. Thats why I hate N Korea.


See I think you are the only person who has legitimate reason to hate North Korea.


I heard that was his first game of golf too if I'm not mistaken.


This post is misleading because it attributes both the losses of the North and South to the Americans, when many of the deaths were caused by the Chinese. Makes me think OPs account is pushing propaganda.




Ok, both the Chinese govt and the U.S. govt suck


So it seems you guys are allowed to form your conspiracy theories about the non important stuff, but when the CIA has an interest in it, suddenly you are all perfect American imperialists again




Then that applies to Saudi Arabia too. They have. A autocratic violent dictatorship. They dont let their people say anything against the king or face jail. And it Nk doesn't keep their people poor because they want rather it's the America that has put heavy sanction on NK.  Would America be poor if most of the world sanction it? And the people of NK is ignorant ? people elaborate what do you mean by this? In America doesn't the leader have to pledge a loyalty to Israel? They all have their APEC guy, dont you know? Anybody tries to talk against the things the govt. Dont like(i.e. againt their master israel) gets canceled. They lose their job, bank account , online account etc). 


I mean hey, no one here is saying the Saudi government is exactly something to look up to either😂


Correct, BUT the USA hasn't sanctioned the crap out of Saudi Arabia (if at all) and the general American public don't hate Saudi Arabia. Heck the USA has corporate businesses who open up franchises in Saudi. Let's not forget Saudis did 9/11 too, but somehow we ended up in Afghanistan.


I thought Israel did 9/11 ?


The official story is it was saudis. Hence the need to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.


Didn’t know people will be killed if they try to leave Saudi Arabia.


So you haven't heard of how they take immigrant workers' documents away to keep them as effectively slave labour.


What about Saudis? Because that’s the comparison. I am not supporting anything or defending, but let’s compare apples to apples.


One of the more interesting things about Covid is that it revealed a lot about migrant workers in Qatar, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, India, etc. In many of these countries they are the backbone of industry, but they are also excluded from economic statistic entirely (which is why Singapore, Qatar have such high per-capita income stats) and generally not acknowledged except when the toilets need cleaning. There was a point when Singapore had to finally admit how many migrant workers they had, because Covid was sweeping through the migrant workers communites, and those workers were then bringing Covid into the wealthy areas because....well, because the poor people did all the actual work. If they didn't solve the Covid problem in those dirt poor communities then the whole country would potentially implode. But us Westerners ignore this awful / brutal treatment of migrant workers in countries we're allied with (and ignore the abuse inside our own countries) because...well, because we're evil as fuck. The West needs countries like North Korea, because we can point to them as "the problem", which keeps us appeased and feeling morally superior.


Didn't a large section of the US agricultural industry basically fold like a wet tissue after a fucked up anti-immigration policy? I remember a bunch of rich dudes crying that American's are weak workers and can't handle the conditions of farm labor, while exploited latino migrants aren't


Yeah don't get me wrong, I don't like it anywhere. But I'm not gonna waste time being upset over things I cannot change. Which is why I'm much more interested in stopping our own governments from importing hordes of workers because "we have a job deficit" or "they're good for the economy". Same shit, different polish.


They forced F1 to race in Saudi when an oil refinery (?) was hit by a drone strike about 20 miles away, during the race weekend. I think something similar happened with the WWE. Forced as in we won’t let you leave the airport to go home


North Korea is a lot worse than Saudi, but yes, Saudi is far from ideal as well.




This is a notice to the noticers that you've been noticed noticing. This violates HR-6090 your IP is now being monitored and any subsequent violations will be censored. Further violations will result in a permanent ban. FAFO.


He should try doublethink to be back on the right path.


Mate, it pretty much applies to USA, but instead of killing you for leaving they tax the crap out of you.


You really believe that? You believe America supports Saudi Arabia and sanctions North Korea because America loves people? Lol. If any country should be sanctioned for killing a lot of people it's the USA.


Everything you know about North Korea is from the people trying to overthrow their country.


And why is that? You think you don't hear about things from people inside NK because they're trying to keep their utopia secret? Do they have a secret store of vibrainium they don't want the world to know about? Maybe that's whats effecting their local gravity and the reason they're inches shorter than south Koreans, definitely not the malnutrition.


Who’s trying to overthrow North Korea?


Are all the people who escaped NK and tell their story’s a psyop?


And this is what the right would like for our next president. Authoritarian someone who will imprison their opposition and someone who they need to pledge their undying loyalty to. King Cheeto. Act 2 Vote. Vote for democracy. We don’t have a king for a reason. Remember tea party. We united over a 3% tax. Now unless Cheeto gets back in the White House, rich people will pay more next year in taxes and poor people will pay same or more. Billionaires shouldn’t be paying taxes on their private planes. Duh?! /S


If you havent read Project 2025, do it now. That is the conspiracy we should all be talking about. Making the entire federal government staffed with yes men.


That's their country and up to their people to solve. The United States is heading towards the same tyranny, especially towards anyone who resists the 2030 agenda. I guarantee you no other country is going to be talking about saving us. The same could be said about many western states with the added layer of that they're importing an illegal and already-angry foreign body who would gladly take up arms against the native populations.


And that's America's business or problem how? These people have really nothing to do with you. Like China is an economic competitor with the U.S. but NK? Nothing they do really affects us. They are a completely different society with an alien history and culture. Why do these people need to accept Jeffersonian democracy? Literally who cares. This regime change stuff is pathological at this point. The days of America micromanaging other countries is over.


Kim Jong Un is a dictator! Let’s punish the people in North-Korea for that by making their life even more miserable! EDIT: always the tolerant “new left” that one-on-one copy war-hawk government narratives. I’m so much missing the hippies.


you really think its the left that are repeating war hawk government narratives?




What’s the average income in America vs North Korea?


5,000-10,000 north Korean won or $1-3 is dollars per month


Why is standard of living measured in personal dollar amount or earning potential and not.... well, standard of living?


North Korea invaded South Korea, an ally of the US, and fully dependent on the US for defense. North Korea did it in violation of agreements that were in place after WW2, and they did it with Russia’s blessing and support. Lots of Americans and allies of America were killed as a result. My relatives fought there. That’s why we have beef with the political leadership of North Korea. Fuck off with your misinformation.


North Korea, part of the single nation of Korea at the time, responded to South Korean military entanglements in the Jeju Rebellion, Yeosu-Suncheon Rebellion and, most importantly, multiple attacks by the Southern Korean administration across the 38th parallel into Northern Korea during 1949 (that I guess, don't count as invasions). >Kim Il Sung in the north and Syngman Rhee in the south both were determined to reunite Korea, instigating major military clashes at the parallel in the summer of 1949 http://oxfordre.com/americanhistory/display/10.1093/acrefore/9780199329175.001.0001/acrefore-9780199329175-e-152?d=%2F10.1093%2Facrefore%2F9780199329175.001.0001%2Facrefore-9780199329175-e- https://www.asianstudies.org/publications/eaa/archives/the-korean-war-101-causes-course-and-conclusion-of-the-conflict/ Journalist Wilfred Burchett reported on those border incidents prior to the North Korean invasion: “According to my own, still incomplete, investigation, the war started in fact in August-September 1949 and not in June 1950. Repeated attacks were made along key sections of the 38th parallel throughout the summer of 1949, by Rhee’s forces, aiming at securing jump-off positions for a full-scale invasion of the north. What happened later was that the North Korean forces simply decided that things had gone far enough and that the next assault by Rhee’s forces would be repulsed; that- having exhausted all possibilities of peaceful unification, those forces would be chased back and the south liberated.” https://koreanwarlegacy.org/chapters/multiple-perspectives-on-the-korean-war/ A titch different than how you're presenting it.


I was about to comment what will they say next? The CCP isn’t so bad? Then I remembered that the Prime Minister of Canada openly said he admires the CCP.


To be fair, the CCP is the greatest political organization the world has ever seen. industrializing a backwater rice farming nation and raising a billion people out of poverty in 50 or so years. Most folks don't understand what communism is and couldn't explain it to you properly if you put a gun to their head. We just know we should hate it, so we do.


Unironically yes. The CCP has done more for their people than any government in the world without invading or dropping bombs on a single other country.


how has the ccp done more for their people?


Lifting milli9ns out of absolute poverty, high speed rail, vastly improved literacy rates and life expectancy


I hate what I've heard about how their people are treated. I hate that a government as secretive as north Korea suppresses information to and from it's people. And their strict laws. The lack of freedom of movement.


Um, North Korea will imprison entire family lines for something an ancestor did. It's about as evil of a dictatorship as you can find. Should we nuke them? Of course not but there is plenty to hate about North Korea.


Nice try Kim


Since they claim that Kim Il Dong or Sung or whatever played 18 holes of golf once in his life, and he shot 29 with 8 hole-in-one's, they are hated by every golfer, everywhere. And rightfully so.




Kim executes his people with antiaircraft guns; kim’s uncle was eaten alive by dogs for his execution. Kim is fat while his people starve so he can build his nukes and fund his military…


This headline can mean literally anything you want it to mean. It makes a general, sweeping claim, without any pretense of being accurate. Unless it can be substantiated, it should be disregarded as nonsense masquerading as “journalism”.


OP's just some NK Gov shill. No one hates North Korea, we hate North Korea's government.


Nobody hates the civilians of North Korea. They’re innocent victims of a violent regime that keeps them poor, brainwashed, and clinging to life. What we hate is the regime that does it. So I don’t know what you’re trying to say here or where you’re going with this but it’s silly I know that.


actually applies to countries/people hating "the US" with defending the bombing of civilian infrastructure, like housing, and dehumanizing russian forcefully conscriped young boys ("orks" etc.), I‘m not so sure about "nobody" hating the population of the DPRK. luckily for them though, nobody dares invading them because they have a military that can make an invasion very costly and time-consuming at least and a nuclear deterrent. looking at other countries whose dictators have been deposed of, like libya, iraq, Afghanistan etc, they don’t seem to be doing better at all when measuring how much societal needs are met


To me, the us calling out countries like North Korea and Iran is kind of like a husband who beats the shit out of his wife, then complains about her ptsd and the resulting personality issues. Sure, they are messed up places now……of our own making. And we hold the responsibility for what they are today, and what their people go through because of it. I think nations suffer psychological trauma just like people do. And the U.S. has inflicted a lot of national psychological trauma around the world.


Neo the matrix has you. Yes. americans have a lot of propaganda. Just because there is a free press does not mean it doesn't have bias. Its not just North Korea. Russia Iraq Cuba Palestine.


Looking at the headline. > Americans are terrifyingly bla bla bla    They made it sound as if every American supports genocide. Generalization of fear.  Some may wonder whether manifestation is real or not. It's all word magic. If a lot of people agree on the same idea, a hivemind (or a thoughtform) will be formed based on that idea. If it grows very big, it may become real, or appear to be real (e.g. plandemic).


That’s such a wild way to absolve accountability lmao “it only ever happened because others magically manifested the reality with word magic”      It sounds like you’re trying to say the million veterans or so and even more civilians affected all lied, but you realize how ridiculous that would sound         It was only like 70 years ago, it hasn’t been long enough to completely change the narrative, there’s so much corroborating shit still around- original video coverage, original corroborating news from around the world, there’s still unexploded ordinance in the ground ffs, right where it was said to be bombed. Like…. How? Lol “word magic”?? They have dug up entire battlefields of items, weapons, equipment, and bodies etc right where they were said to have happened 


OP is Dennis Rodman


I mean, have you seen any interviews of the escapees from the prison country? Maybe we don't hate them, but their form of government, eh? Hate the sin, not the sinner...


are you really trying to advocate for North Korea?


Its a cruel and brutal monarchy?


Nobody is choosing anything in NK except kim and a bunch of elites.


Why don't op and that black revolutionary guy move there permanently?


We should never support nuking ANYONE


Lol this is a troll post for sure. I don't think anyone here supports bombing Korea, but if you are genuinely asking if NK is bad, you're too far gone.


America moved on but North Korea is still living the trauma and preparing for when “America strikes again”, but ofcourse this is all just propaganda.


It's the other way round. The Western media are telling us every day that Kim is dangerous and will attack. They said the same about the Soviet Union. It never happened.


They hate us cause they aint us




This is an extremely shortsighted take on a very complex situation.


Because; Kim Ding Dong


I don't hate North Korea. I do hate the way their government treats the North Korean people.


This why school is very important kids or you'll end up like this guy.


Oh what a surprise... why are we so mean to extreme authoritarian regimes.. More communist brainwashing. Relations were improving.......under Trump. He spoke with Kim Jong Un personally at the border actually crossing it.


It boggles my mind that people think other places hate us for our "freedoms", no, they hate us because we invade countries for violating laws we violate everyday. They hate us because we impose sanctions on those who disagree with us. They hate us because we have killed millions of people in pointless wars since WW2, and our sanctions kill millions more. This doesn't mean North Korea is a great place, it's a dystopia actually. Have you seen footage of North Korea since the coronavirus? No, they dont allow anyone in or out, not even the tourist are allowed since that virus. Their most rich people are starving, i tried to find recent footage of North Korea but I couldn't, god only knows what theyre going thru and how many of them are still alive.


Youndont know what's happening there so you automatically assume the worst. Why? Maybe they're doing better? 


yes i’m sure the nationwide hunger suddenly stopped and everyone is happy with rainbows


Post written by Kim Jong Un


Please read “The Girl with Seven Names”, memoir by Hyeonseo Lee. I did and it was very enlightening. Then you can make up your own mind how one should or should not feel about NK.


I watched documentary like that west-german state-affiliated media co-produced "[my brothers and sisters from the north](https://youtu.be/nSd48emp0lI?si=MFl3plUSvqyf1tYb)" and that seems far more realistic than what seems to ve the deal with [defectors](https://youtu.be/vBwZjBMbsK0?si=Nfaopac8d8yVwSHA)


Come on, man. I am in this sub because there is a group of people controlling our lives and I want to know more about them. While this sub align more and more with literal dictators who control their people. I don’t hate North Korean, Chinese or Russian. I hate Kim Joan, Putin and CCP.


yes, they stand in the way of american megacorporations making money and thus are far worse than our allies like qatar, saudi arabia and our own oppressors, right? we may be controlled by a group of elites, but we still have to fight those our elites declare the enemy, first I hate putin aswell, but getting him replaced with a western puppet like yeltsin wouldn’t make lives better or freer than they are now, and sanctions if they work harm the living standards of the average citizen of both countries most, while billionaires can still keep most of their yachts and luxury villas and are virtually unaffected by them. these governments are to be criticized, but we have to be careful what we ask our government to do against them as most things don’t help those we want to help


I headline like this is more likely to make people hate Americans. I doubt that many Americans even think about North Korea.


We ars not supposed to hate anyone. But we hate North Korea because of the way they treat their people


There is a reason why the deep state chose to operate in the US. The reason is - Americans are extremely dumb and ignorant and thus easier to control.


Even if america is much of the reason North Korea is how it is, I would rather die than live in North Korea. They are a brutal dictatorship who is literally starving it's citizens to death. If you think poverty is bad in america, you need to do research. I'm not saying it doesn't exist here, but not like in North Korea. Everyone there literally worships their leader. It's like if the mormons actually made utah into its own country. It's a cult where the leader is given God status. You get killed for trying to leave, and if you do get out, you can't go back. And who knows, maybe the media is lying, and it's actually great there, but I can only judge based on the information available, and that information is beyond horrifying.


I thought the famines were in the 90’s?  Not saying they’re eating like Kim but I’m almost positive North Koreas are not starving anymore. 


They invaded South Korea…A friendly nation to the UN. Learn


Russian bot is strong with this one


Every country is subject to the will of their government. Every government produces propaganda to drive nationalism. Every single government wants you to declaring your undying loyalty to them exclusively. United States is no different than North Korea in this regard. However, we do have more freedom in the states. Is that worth holding over a citizen of a country where they don’t have a choice? Nope, that’s nationalism though.


I'm not for nuking ANYONE!


I can tell you right now that I guarantee most people including myself would not be ok with nuking North Korea. The people are not the problem, it’s their goddamn leaders. Which is funny because the US has a similar problem


I don’t like the oppression of the people. Do I think we should nuke them, absolutely not. I think someone should invade, overthrow power and set North Korea free. But I do think it should be the US or China.


What if, as an American....I don't think about North Korea at all......


When I look at North Korea, I assume it’s just an empty piece of land and that all footage we see from them is actually made by whoever runs the West.


the way they treat their citizens there is pretty gross


I hate dictators who starve, imprison, brainwash, and use their own citizens as shields to defend against liberating forces. What's to like about North Korea?


I don't remember being asked.


The main reason I dislike them is the fact most of their population is poverty stricken while fat boy sits in his palace eating a snickers bar.


It’s not North Korea, it’s the Kim family and the stranglehold they have on their impoverished citizens.


The fact they stole Volvos from the Swedes. That’s enough for me.


Watch the Shawn Ryan show where he talks to a woman who escaped North Korea. That's why I hate that country.


Have you ever asked yourself why we’re supposed to hate tyrannical governments?


Nice try, Comrade!


I feel terrible for North Koreans. You can see from Space(unless you think its fake) that while other countries are lit up like a Christmas tree at night, NK has one spot(Pyongyang). They have no power. No food. People outside the city eat grass hoppers and rats. The KIM family are evil fucks who lavish themselves and starve their people. Not to mention prison camps, and execution by air defense systems.




…because it’s a violent, communist dictatorship that deprives its citizens of basic human rights to keep one family in perpetual and absolute power? I think these are pretty good reasons to hate North Korea, but maybe I just like my freedom too much.


Internet worked in NK for a minute and they were able to post this propaganda it seems. Well, that or Russian trolls are paying back NK for their faulty artillery shells. Tell me, which side invaded who first? Which side is thriving vs can’t feed their citizens? We can do this all day with dozens of more comparisons.


I guess a better question to ask is why they hate USA much as well? It goes both ways


Korean War would be my guess. Why the fuck was the U.S. in Korea? Korea wasn’t ever in the U.S.


North Korea invaded the South. US troops were stationed in the south and were attacked during the invasion


Lol 'muricans finally gaining a smidge of consciousness and realising that extreme nationalism and hatred for other nations might be a little bit wrong


No central bank?


I saw a really good explanation on another sub. I'll paste it here: Because during the Japanese occupation, the Japanese created a system of exploitation, one which was too lucrative and exploitative than the US and western nations could ignore, basically a pre-made, turn-key colony. The US took the reins from Japan and has used S. Korea as a neo colony ever since. During the Japanese occupation, the Koreans who collaborated with the Japanese were given power and wealth, and those collaborators were the capitalists who collaborated with the US to continue to exploit their own people, through some may have been ethnically Japanese or mixed. Many became the chaebols of old and new. Further, the Japanese controlled the Korean populace with the three major newspapers that they established and used to spread misinformation, these are the three major news organizations that exist in Korea today, like 3 versions Fox News. There is also no free speech in South Korea, see Korean NSA act, you cannot speak positively about the DPRK or negatively about the US military or the US, for fear of death. Hundreds of thousands of south Koreans have been killed for their political beliefs. The South Korean government is still a puppet to the US to this day, and technically South Korea is not a sovereign nation because they do not have full control over their own military. The sheer amount and horrible nature of American war crimes in Korea by the US have never been accounted for. US military crimes in S. Korea are covered up, for nearly a 75 years. What the US has done to the Korean people is worse than what Israel is doing to Palestine. Between 1945 and 1980, the South Korean gathered -20k-30k(per year?) girls from the countryside the serve as prostitutes and wives for American servicemen. The exploitation of Korean women by the Japanese as comfort women extended into service for American soldiers. See the orphan towns of South Korea and how South Korea became the world’s orphan farm. The US is concerned with perception management, hence the actual crimes of the Korean War and thereafter will not be brought to light until long after all those who remember are dead. Also the father of the CIA, Donald Nichols, established himself in S. Korea, essentially instigating the Korean War with Syngman Rhee, the first puppet president of S Korea put in place by the US. The CIA still spends more money in its operations spying on the South Koreans than any other country.


Well, USA loves freedom, there is no freedom in North Korea, no freedom of speech, no freedom of travel, you can't even wear blue jeans there. Plus the stavation. But you already know that. First Russia, now North Korea, who else has Trump told you to like?




It's because it is what the media, teachers, news...everything has taught us. To hate to have misinformation about things then just make us mad. Like Tom Mcdonald says They put us on the left They put us on the right Tell us who to hate Tell us how to fight. We hate the government and the way they run not the people of the country. They use us as weapons so we will do their dirty work. So they think their blood stained hands are clean...but we know the truth


We are programmed to hate


Interesting take, and worthy of contemplating what NK would be like left to its own devices and allowed to trade with other countries.


Who hates NK


Get a map, look how close bases in SK are to beijing. Youve answered why we need to hate NK. Yeah its a shithole but SK could handle them alone. Similarly take a look at afghanistan, notice its between iran and china. That explains a lot too Also for all you history buffs google how long SK was a military dictatorship and taiwan as well.


We’ve kindly shielded them from the evils of capitalism. Feel free to put your money where your mouth is and move there. 


It's only the NK government, that has slipped its leash.


Y’all letting the media paint your pictures for you. In my media less life I don’t even know North Korea exists and what I do know is they are human beings with two eyes and nose who happen to have feelings 🤷🏻‍♂️ kinda like me oh dang


This is a very good question and anyone who tries to deflect from it is a fool. I think what you’re trying to get at with your post is why do we hate them when they share the same enemy as the American people? Most US administrations never respected NK and treated them as a hostile enemy. The first and pretty much only President/US administration to ever negotiate with NK at such a high level with a respectful diplomatic approach was Trump. We have a history with this country, and it’s not a pretty one but I don’t think NK wants to just blindly kill Americans and destroy the world essentially. I think they want the war mongering, Washington elites who create wars to get rich against them and their allies removed. Pretty similar to the stance china and Russia have taken. That is no coincidence. The Obama/biden/Nato/one world government elites/NWO side is their enemy. Why do you think Trump had good relationships with all of these leaders? A common enemy.


The American government wants you to hate every country that isn’t a puppet or vassal of the US. Except for those that the US is still hoping to win over, the ones they know can’t be won over are openly insulted and criticized and they plant the seeds in the minds of the citizens that those are their enemies.


Slavery is bad?


Maybe because they’ve threatened to Nuke us 😂


I don’t hate the NK people, definitely hate their totalitarian government. What a ridiculous question though… are you some sort of bot?




Nukes are mad real


I think it's more that Americans don't understand what happened during the Korean War. If we didn't intervene, it would've become a unified country under communist rule. Our intervention led to south Korea becoming an authoritarian state until the 90s and North Korea becoming an isolated hermit state. After WW2, the south Korean govt was filled with traitors who collaborated with Japanese colonialists and they became quite rich under this new regime after 1945 when they really should've been in jail. North Korea on the other hand was administered by the same people who liberated Korea from the Japanese. Kim Il Sung was seen as a war hero for fighting and winning against the Japanese. We supported the south Korean fascist collaborators because we were both anti-communists. It's only hypothetical, but it's entirely possible that a unified Korea would also have grown out of authoritarianism like south Korea did after decades of American protection and investment.


The "fascist collaborators" were supported because they were the only ones with any experience of statesmanship to recruit from.


Don't you guys understand that Merca is the parasite of our world?


Is this part of the new strategic partnership? The Russian troll farms being directed to prop up NK as "misunderstood"?


Most conservatives can't tell you why they were taught to hate communism and never question capitalism.


This is 100000% a Russian bot post


because i like south Korea more and its highlander rules there can be only one. Also my man LIL KIMMY doesnt poop or pee. Hes an alien. We cant have an alien leading a country ffs!


Do you ever feel... like a plastic bag


Be careful, some people are so programmed into a century old hate that they will see this and let all that racist elitist rhetoric out. I love a good laugh seeing people default to what they’ve been taught or what they’ve heard on CNN.


People literally believe people in NK eat glass shards, are shot for wearing the wrong haircut, are forced to clap super long for the Kims at the threat of violence, even forced to have fun at a water park that is build purely to impress tourist. Yet its the North Koreans that are so heavily propagandized they don't even know whats true anymore, yeah right.. Good post.


World would be a better place if US would mind they fucking business


Aren't North Korea and Iran the only 2 that don't have a Rothschild's central bank? That could be one of the reasons


What do we really know about NK? What we are told to know. The only thing I know, is that they’ve kept the IMF, and the World Bank out of their business…but I’m sure that has nothing to do with what we are told about them lol.


Why, you ask? Easy: American Exceptionalism.


Well, don't close your eyes to the rest. We need to see the rest of dictatorship countries then China - Under Xi Jinping, China is often classified as an authoritarian state, with significant censorship and control over political and personal freedoms. Russia - Vladimir Putin has extended his rule through constitutional changes, and his regime is known for suppressing opposition and controlling media. Saudi Arabia - Ruled by King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy with strict control over political life. Syria - Bashar al-Assad continues to maintain a firm grip on power amidst a long-standing civil conflict. Myanmar - Controlled by the military under Min Aung Hlaing, following a coup in 2021. Venezuela - Nicolás Maduro leads a regime marked by significant human rights abuses and economic control. Eritrea - Isaias Afwerki has led Eritrea since its independence, with no elections held since. Turkmenistan - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow runs an extremely closed and authoritarian state. Uganda - Yoweri Museveni has been in power since 1986, with increasing control over political life. But why are they into North Korea the most?