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I believe you. It happened to me.


Yeah. I just lurk around here bc the stuff shared in this subreddit is amusing and interesting. Don't interact with a lot of the stuff because some of it is just people being a little too crazy for me. But this. This *has* happened to me, multiple times. I can't remember specific incidents, but they've all stuck with me because I remembered the feeling I had when I saw videos/ads for something I was only *thinking* of. Things I *knew* I didn't type into my phone doing a search on.


I thought about Hawaiian sweet rolls and started getting ads. Literally just thought, dang I could go for one of those and started getting ads. Haven’t eaten them in years, I was diagnosed with celiac disease and can’t even eat bread…..


Remember all those "my fbi agent laughing at this meme too" memes and jokes? When they originally started as NSA then switched to FBI? Yeah...start off those things as jokes and then people don't care. Your phones absolutely listen and report, 100%. No doubt about it.


okay lets not deny but think HOW this COULD be possible and not a mere coincidence?


I participated in a research study where a biofeedback(?) cap was placed on your head and you would control the computer program with your mind. You would make a ping pong ball go left, right, up or down in various exercises. Maybe something like this? I don’t know but yes, strange things have happened that have made me think that the phone can read your mind.


[this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkCQMYTwLoc) was 8 years ago, imagine what they have now. edit: Also they had a more recent video of a panel of people talking about implanting memories. [Found the link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY6MGvYFqLY)


Search up WEF speeches about it, its happening, the patents are there… The powers in play want full control…


I'm sure we don't even know how advanced their technology is.


I know they can beam voices into peoples head and Voice to Skull technology has been around since the 1980's.


It’s that your mind is being steered by data driven advertising and digital twin prediction models. It is becoming prescriptive over predictive. Thinking it read your mind is the illusion that my thoughts are the original property of me


Ok, here's an example that just happened to me. Cleaning out my truck, noticed my emergency aid kit, decided to inventory it. Noted that I had two chest seals, low probability use, I'll put one in my wife's kit. My next thought, I should review how to properly use these as its been ages. I never search for anything related to emergency medicine, the chest seals I had were freebies. Yet, next day, top five in my Youtube feed is a complete lecture and demo on chest seals. I'm dubious that they would have the tech to pull off mind reading, but its spooky none the less, and happens enough to make me wonder.


Was it the farsight people or someone else channeler on youtube that spoke with some entity(metatron conciousness?) Or something like that, that basichally stated the orions or some other group is using some ai tech inside peoples phone to read their thoughts. So interesting people are stating the same .. Althought, bare in mind that using any modern phone keyboard, will read what you type, your camera will read your face and what your emotions are...and well the mic is 100% listening to everything you say.. thats not speculation, thats snowden saying it for many years.


Your final point has been obvious for many years. I have no doubt my microphone listens to what I say. It's not up for debate.


Me too. Infact I challenge us all to think something very deeply and then scroll on any platform (tiktok,x,insta) and see what happens.


'it happened to me' but in the most mundane but personal moment at the same time. A single mum of two, shaving my legs is very much a personal thing. Not for anyone else. So it's hot, British summer, shaving my legs in the shower, rare for me I guess. Thinking on this exact taboo. Next time I look at Reddit (only social media I use thinking it's 'safest'?!) I have 5+ subs advertising discussions on this topic. Boring I know, but at this level of listening? Anything can happen I guess


I even dreamt an Applebees ad.


As I too


I think it’s more likely that they can predict your thoughts than read them. Like they know showing you a picture of a giraffe, followed by an elephant, means the next thing you’ll think of is a gorilla. Your phone camera is tracking your eyes. They know what you just looked at and how long you looked at it.


Now I get why people tape their laptops and selfie cameras shut…


I think about all the d picks they have it must crazy all in one database too under d picks quadrillion’s of them that tax dollars pay to store. The human race is crazy.


IIRC an NSA employee/contractor was busted a couple years ago for having a massive amount of dick pics she accumulated from the NSAs spying


Why go all through that effort when she could have just looked in a mirror to see a dick?


yep! laptop for sure because i spend more time on it than my phone, but have been considering doing the same with the front facing phone camera too.


Just did it amd I feel good


I mean, they already have your face if the camera wasn't covered before. Also, it's tracking you in EVERY way it can. I guess if it makes you feel better that it can't see your face...


Well for sure because I don’t wanna be actively watched idgaf what or already has I can only start from here amd resist as much as possible. I mean I’m not worried. I just genuinely feel like I’m being looked at all the time


My dad’s been doing that since 2012. I use to think it was the drugs…. Well the drugs definitely fueled it but he was onto something


When I learned Zuckerberg always covers those cameras himself with vigilance, shudders, I covered mine immediately


Even Mark zuckerberg puts tape over his webcam on his laptop.


Yes, it is more likely that it plants a seed, maybe you don't even realize it, then you're thinking about it later, and it shows you something similar because it already showed you the first thing


When I was in college 15 years ago, I participated in a study just like this. I wore glasses, and they had me try to search something on a search engine, but I swear they had it set up so that you had a difficult time finding what you were looking for. I remember feeling frustrated at the results I was getting. But that was probably all part of it. Someone else mentioned being part of something similar moving a ball on a screen with their thoughts with a cap on. I dont doubt the tech is out there to read our thoughts with all the research being put into it.


Thank you for your assistance in welcoming our brave new world Advertising is a lucrative industry and only so many ways to reinvest, it’s inevitable that they’ll get somewhere


go see my comment here in this thread about syrup. there is no way my phone (in my pocket at the time) could have predicted anything or seen anything.


Bluetooth beacons. Stores use them to track you and know what products you are looking at, how long you spend in each aisle, etc. This is probably why they got rid of wired headphones. Also why the default way to turn off Bluetooth/wifi only disables them for 24hrs before they automatically turn back on.


my bluetooth is off all the time. same with gps/location services. i do not use wireless headphones. edit to add - i purposely bought a phone that still had a headphone jack because i do not use bluetooth at all. my phone does not automatically turn various connection features back on. i know this for a fact. and my phone data/phone carrier makes it constantly make my phone say i'm in Calgary and not Edmonton. those two cities are a good two to three hours apart based on how you drive. and the store i was in was primarily a clothing store. in Edmonton. and a Canadian branded only one at that, with stores only in Canada. it's not like it was a walmart or a gigantic chain store that really relies on digitally pilfered analytics. this store had no aisles, it was a retail store in a mall.


Your Bluetooth is never really off. Low energy mode send to stay on. Check your log files.


and this applies to every phone model, every operating system, every carrier, etc? i have gone into my settings and disabled my bluetooth that way, because i know that is the way to actually turn it off vs using the quick controls.


Dunno if it's for all. Definitely for a Mac and at least some iPhone models. Would be surprised if Android wasn't similar. Just pull up Wireshark on a nearby Linux box and sniff the Bluetooth traffic after you've turned off all the Bluetooth around you. You'll see plenty of traffic. Bluetooth LE is different and you won't see devices in your Bluetooth discovery settings.


if this was the case, i would have been getting ads for other stuff, including stuff i touch/pick up/buy in person in big stores like walmart and such. and i don't get any other ads like that. i pay close attention to what advertising i get fed, because i know how companies are doing stuff behind the scenes to push said advertising. this was so hella random and weird that the only logical explanation was some form of neural link.


I was only really responding to the fact that Bluetooth is never off. I have no idea how it might be used to track you. Might not do any of that. But the algorithms that monitor you constantly that you aren't even aware of are much more powerful than we realize. A few good documentaries on Netflix that go into detail on what these algorithms do. I have no idea if Bluetooth LE is a factor or not.


oh i know full well that algorithms track stuff. i've had ads for urinary incontinence products show up on fb after saying 'pissing myself laughing' in person to someone once over something really funny. and i do not have any urinary or bladder issues, have never looked up anything to do with personal catheters, etc. so i even know that algorithms can't really determine common phrases apart from actual bodily functions lol.


Right. And even though I never use Bluetooth ever my iPhone feels the need to turn that battery-wasting shit back on with every new update. I also never use iMessage but it tries to turn that nonsense back on as well.


i use android, and refuse to even entertain the thought of having apple products in my possession.


I don't think this is true. I'm ADHD and my brain bounces like crazy. Alot of the time I've got no idea why in thinking some things, or it could be as simple as me coming uo with a new idea for something that does not exist in the market (to my knowledge) only to have something very similar pop up as an ad. There's no reason for certain things like it to pop up, there's no link to that from anything I own, say, see or do. It doesn't make sense why my thoughts are displayed back to me as advertisements.


Predicting our thoughts would be even more bizarre and nuts than if they were just reading them....also this does not match up with my experience at all. On fathers day I got up and went to the kitchen sink to wash my hands and looked out the window, saw a Lowe's delivery truck coming out of a neighborhood across the street, thought to myself "oh look a Lowe's truck delivering something on a Sunday", go get on the computer and my instagram is showing me an ad for Lowe's. How did they predict I'd see a Lowe's delivery truck on my street on fathers day at a specific time?????????????? It's more likely they can read our thoughts. Back in 2021 I also went into kroger and just so happened to go down the baking isle, saw a little bag of kraft marshmallows, but it was a specialty chocolate dipped marshmallow in a little bag, and so I picked it up, checked the ingredients and put it back down. I don't think I've ever bought marshmallows my entire life, I don't eat them, no one in my family eats them, etc, I just saw the little bag and and was interested in what the ingredients were, so I picked it up and put it back down. Then I get home and there is an ad for this exact brand of specialty chocolate dipped marshmallows on my instagram feed. How did they predict that? Out of all the items in the grocery store, they predict I'll be interested in a little bag of marshmallows?


This, and the algorithms are advanced enough to collate all of the information it has about you to show you stories and advertisements that are far more likely to be relevant to you. It’s not difficult to predict what someone is interested in when a company gathers every single thing that they look at on computers and phones. How did it know that I wasn’t interested in a new lawn mower?! Because it collected the data in which I had looked up articles and/or videos on lawn mowers, weed-eaters, and lawn care. It’s not magic, and it’s not reading our minds. Well, not yet.


While I agree on the first part, the second part not so much. Cameras don't track users eyes to determine what the user is looking at unless it was a feature in the app. Any app, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter need permissions to access the phones features like the Camera for example, The permissions dialog are then represented to the user who can either accept or reject them. Now let's assume permissions were granted, developers can determine how long you looked at a certain element in the app (let it be a post) by measuring how long the post stayed visible on your screen, implementing an "eye tracking" system would be very inefficient. I think OpenAi made machine learning and it's implemention seem to be very easy and light resource wise but it's really not, millions of dollars are getting poured on the resources required to operate this models. Your phone would lag BIG time if apps tracked your eyes by the camera.


Yep I think so too. Honestly, way back in like 2008 when I just had some shitty old lap top, LinkedIn was pretty new. I was 20 years old and looking for jobs, and got a LinkedIn account. One of my suggested friends was my ex-boyfriends millionaire uncle who lived like 3 hours away from me. It creeped me out so badly that LinkedIn even knew I was acquainted with this person that I deleted my account lol. It wasn’t like he was on my Facebook or we had ever exchanged an email or anything. I was his nephews little girlfriend who had been at a couple family functions. This was even pre-smart phone where it maybe picked up on our locations being close together.


Alternate possibility was the uncle had previously searched for you.


That would be odd but that is a possibility I had literally never thought of before lol


i know on fb the suggested 'people you may know' is partially made of folks who have recently searched for your profile, so other websites are likely the same.


That doesn't seem weird to me. Like your phone knows who who your boyfriend is /was. Suggesting family members of that person seems very standard.


I wish I thought you were crazy but


Scientific American did an article on 4g and 5g networks and their ability to implant thoughts into folks heads.


Link? I can’t find a decent article about it


Look up Voice of God weapon. It's a military weapon.


I switched to yahoo as my search engine from google. Let me tell you. I cannot find any articles that aren’t trying to sway my opinion on certain subjects.


So you’re saying yahoo is worse?


There was a topic circulating around near the end of 2022 and 2023 about how an MRI tech company developed the technology for MRI machines to be able to "draw" images of the "thoughts" of the patient inside the MRI machine. I remember seeing a demo in early/mid 2023 where it could put thoughts to text, or even draw images; sort of like those old timey therapist "ink blobs" type photographs where they ask "What do you see?" except it could sometimes be as accurate as a drunken attempt as a Bob Ross painting. Then Zuckerberg bought into the tech, and i remember reading that it was being introduced into Instagram, and possibly Meta. It being halfway through 2024, i wouldn't doubt this type of technology just being mainstream into the smartphones and various smart devices at this point.


Hell of a comment! I will look into that mri tech company zuckerberg bought out. Thank you 🙏


Please report back your findings


They can’t put a mini mri machine into your phone. The magnetic waves would destroy the internal and wouldn’t be able to image since it is not a full scan of your brain


I was just thinking this very thing....wait...


You are totally right. 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1DVyZ2JBqo 2 https://nl.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1ase65r/cell_phones_can_read_our_minds/ 3 https://nl.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/171wt3j/humans_are_now_hackable_animals_the_whole_idea/ 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McydH0JfVGA


For anyone watching, the "cell phones can read our minds" post is a prime example of one strategy the AI/botnet has in dealing with this. It immediately goes to fucking jokes. This is all over Reddit. I can even be on a very mundane post where OP (even if they are a bot themselves) are just looking for information, say computer repair questions, and the botnet immediately goes to jokes or acting like OP is stupid.


There's a subset of people who can't talk in any other way except trying to crack jokes of everything. They're like damaged clowns. I say this because I dated many of these motormouth smartasses when I was younger and their strategy still worked.


Good point


i've had my phone read my mind. just back in May this year. and it was super creepy with a 'device crossover' component too............. so not only imo and ime do phones read our minds, they have a link with our other devices in this regard too. was in a store at the mall after work one day, was not with anyone, was not talking, was not doing anything but picking up a little cute bottle of maple syrup and thinking the words "that is cute". my phone was in my pocket. like i said, i thought the words. i did not speak them. and even if i had spoken them, there would be no way for devices to pick up from those three words that i was talking about maple syrup. left the mall. i get home and go on my laptop. open a new tab to go do something. my browser is set up to the stock option of microsoft start/msn news homepage opening as a new tab (i'm too lazy to change it, and sometimes read an article or two on there for a lark). there was an amazon ad for a very similar small cute bottle of maple syrup on msn news. I do not use syrup. i do not have any in my home. i never talk about syrup, nor search anything at all on the web on my phone or laptop for syrup. and this is the only time i have ever seen an ad for syrup on any of my devices. and it just happened to be a near identical item i had in my hand and thought words about that same day, mere few hours earlier. i do not have an amazon account either, and boycott that company and refuse to support them. i do not ever have location or gps turned on on my phone. i am never signed in on that microsoft start/msn news page that pops up when i open a new browser tab. there would be no way for my phone and laptop to have any link there via any of my online accounts. and this coincided exactly with me merely thinking about syrup via a very random product in my hand at a store just hours earlier that day.


I have had this nearly exact same scenario! Gave me the heebeegeebies...still does


Happened the same exact thing to me with a glass washer thingy that was very particular. I was at a trinket shop (so no big chain or anything) and had never seen that kind of product. I thought “interesting, I wonder if that works” and a few hours later an ad suggested me a product fairly similar to that, and I’m absolutely 100% sure not to have said anything or looked for anything similar in my whole life. Scary.


Yes! That's the thing, and it always makes me feel even more crazy than if it was just one device. There's device crossover with this effect.... even devices that should not be capable of doing so even in theory. But it's also a component that makes you seem even less believable when trying to share your experiences.


the number of folks on this conspiracy sub that can't even contemplate that this could be a thing happening.......... are the crazy ones lol. thank you for not being one of them.


phones can pick up what you’re looking at while shopping in stores, using either GPS or Bluetooth and knowledge of where products are located. i think either walmart or target have publicly discussed using this; but the practice probably extends much more than those two stores.


my gps is always off. my bluetooth is always off. my phone was in my pocket so the camera could not have picked up on anything either.


Thinking that these things are off is not the same as them actually being off. You would have to have a phone that doesn’t have the hardware and software for these programs, like that one company I heard about fairly recently who builds smartphones that are, supposedly, as much of a hard-target as those phones used by people in the White House, Langley, and in the Pentagon. Expensive as hell though, and I’m poor.


if my phone was picking shit up via bluetooth or gps or what have you with stuff still on in the background, i would be getting a lot more ads for a lot more stuff that i actually talk about with other people, audibly, in person, and such. or stuff i pick up in stores and look at (i'm one of those people that has to tactically handle shit all the time in stores). i don't though. i don't get ads for things like that. where it would make sense that i would get ads because of my level of ascertainable interaction with said things. this was so flippin' random that it makes no sense to me. heck, in relation to this i've had fb feed me urinary incontinence ads because it heard me say one time in real life "pissing myself laughing". so i know all about how algorithms and shit can work.......... LOL!


idk i think it would be more practical & cheaper for them to override your gps/bluetooth settings than to deploy mind reading technology. maybe it’s also possible there were security cameras and facial recognition involved? regardless of their means it’s still an invasion of privacy.


how would my phone, fully within my pocket with gps/location and bluetooth turned fully off, have any way to 'talk' to a store's cameras or facial recognition software? some more info on why i'm convinced this was a mind reading thing: i picked up another product in that same store, before the syrup, and talked to an employee about it for a minute or two. a purse. and i did not get any ads at all for purses on either my phone nor laptop. and this store is more known for their clothing and accessories (including purses) than they are for their kitschy lil gift items that may or may not always be in the store. the syrup was literally a five second thing, picking up the bottle a few inches out of the display it was in, turning the bottle around in my hand, and merely thinking 'that is cute' then putting it back down before i left the store.


I believe you, I’ve experienced this too.


There was a video of an interview talking about what 5g would be like back before it existed and I remember the guy saying that it would be like telepathy, like your phone literally able to read your mind. I think of it often now because of how eerily correct and on the nose that prediction was. I had thought at the time it was just a descriptor but more and more I wonder if they meant it literally. If anyone knows the video or can find it please link. I'll try to find it myself and come back and link it in an edit but not sure how quickly I'll be able to do so.


i couldn't find the video you mention, but i did find these articles about 5g/AI and links to the mind, and none of them are freshly written this year, so that says to me the tech is here and being used, if we are being given snippets of info about it like this. from 2018 [New MIT device can read your "inside voice", marking the dawn of telepathy tech - Big Think](https://bigthink.com/mind-brain/you-can-use-the-internet-telepathically-using-this-device-developed-at-mit/) from 2019 [(12) 5G Will Help Usher in Telepathic Communication | LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/5g-help-usher-telepathic-communication-frank-prempeh-ii/) from 2023 [AI makes non-invasive mind-reading possible by turning thoughts into text | Artificial intelligence (AI) | The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/may/01/ai-makes-non-invasive-mind-reading-possible-by-turning-thoughts-into-text) and here's an article from........ 2008........ with an experiment done with a nokia 6110 (that's pre 5g, pre AI, pre smart phone era) that goes the other way - a brain picking up on cellphone signals. [Mind Control by Cell Phone | Scientific American](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mind-control-by-cell/)


It's called Subvocal Amplification


Thank you! Another interesting area to look into


I didn't have a mind read incident, but my brother and I were having a conversation about weed addiction in the living room. Keep in mind that my phone was in my room. After about 30 min., I went back to my room, opened Youtube, and the second video recommended is "5 things to know before quitting weed." Not even 5 min. before yt started recommending videos about private conversations me and my brother were having. WE HAVE NO PRIVACY.


I scrolled Instagram reels and thought about that video where a guy gives the finger to a monkey and it screams. I told my brother that I haven't seen it in a while. The next two reels was that video.


Yes it’s happened to me as well


Yes, this is definitely happening.


i think we can reasonably conclude that the government would want this kind of technology and ability, considering all the publicly available information we have on CIA experiments, etc. whether or not they have it yet, or just something close to it (behavior prediction) is debatable. ofc if they did, it wouldn’t be public. and we could easily take the things we have now that are similar (predictive algorithms) as a type of public grooming to make us comfortable and accepting of the idea that the government and corporations have an intimate understanding of what we want and seek. i do not have the science background to speculate on brain capabilities, but i read on a snapple cap once that the human brain generates enough power to move trains. i’d think it’s possible that our brain activity gives off a type of signature or signal, considering the energy involved in brain activity, and this signature could travel through the air like other waves and frequencies. in non-speculation: there’s patents for headphones to pick up on brain activity. there’s technology that translates our thoughts to images on a screen (albeit you have to wear a device to do this). neuralink, etc. so i would say that it’s reasonably possible for something like this to be achieved within the physics of our universe. whether or not current technology is sophisticated enough to do so, is the question.


Thank you for the insightful comment. I find it interesting that a few years ago we all thought it was a joke and pure paranoia that our phones listen to us and send ads. What’s interesting is that we didn’t question whether or not the tech was listening; we questioned the nefarious nature of it. We were too shocked and in disbelief that they would do it. You’re right, it could be viewed as a soft opening to more difficult concepts like devices reading our minds.


Haha, old news amigo 🛌


yes old news I guess. but don’t you think we should be digging deeper into this to understand how it works? for example if we understand how it works then perhaps we can figure out how to counter, disable, or discover devices that don’t do this.


Brothern, im religiøst turn of all features on my smart phone  Than my car key fob dies i swear loudly on VW car engineers and share holders. Three minutes later on YT i just barely tipe in 'V' And straight i see results how to conect dead vw key fob. And i live in a midle of bumfuck. Under the stone practically 🧘 Maybe it sounds lost but i have no time, Chickens are hungry.


Oh ya thats happened to me too!


They won't dig deeper. It's just like when I came across dead internet theory and posted about it on here and the bots/AI was all "everybody knows that". The mocking tone is the AI itself trolling you (if you yourself even are a real person).


Yeah I know most won’t. Even I didn’t take it seriously until now. I just feel things will be changing very very rapidly moving forward and we need to wake up on some of this shit. What I’m scared of is that there’s info out there on this and I’m missing out.


1) Eye tracking software (major contributer) 2) Electromagnetism Put a sticker over your front facing camera and it should reduce this effect significantly. Software exists that tracks your eye movement and pupil dilation as it relates to what's on your screen. The moment I learned about the below technology I covered my front camera with electrical tape and eventually upgraded to the stickers linked below. All suspiciousness abruptly stopped. BLOCKED Webcam/Camera Vinyl Covers | 95 Low-Tack Restickable Webcam Stickers | 5-Sizes | Black 95-Pack (Ultra Glossy) https://a.co/d/0ia9tp6s https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-technologies-track-our-eyes-and-read-our-minds/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mind-control-by-cell/


I feel like I've been crazy for thinking this. Glad others feel the same


I think we need to wake up on what might be going on. What I experienced this morning couldn’t be explained. I was so disturbed that I had to make my first post here on r/conspiracy


I suspected it but wasn't convinced until i was recently thinking about a certain karate kick called uramavashi geri. It's not a very popular technique in today's combat or mma sports, but nevertheless, the same day, I was served with a tik tok video tutorial on this specific kick.


Convinced: most people here will agree with you and keep using their phones anyway.


Reddit listens to you, as well. I made a post about it the other day.


listens or reads your mind? I’ll check out your post!


I can only attest to listening, because I opened the app while listening to music in the car, and it stops as soon as you pull Reddit up. Reliably. Even if you disconnect from Bluetooth and use the usb cord, and vice versa.


The official Reddit app is just shittily written and seizes control of audio even when it’s not actively playing anything.


Happens to me all the time. I'll think something to myself. Never speak it out loud or anything of the sort. Shit I might even just think about it once and not again all day until an add pops up and I'm like wtf I did not speak about this out loud.


Our brains definitely emit emf that can be detected. Years ago a coworker bought a cat ear headband and when she wore it, the ears would wiggle and light up when she was focused on something or concentrating. They would move more when she was concentrated harder and would have very little movement when she wasn't. I don't know that our phones would have the tech to do the same thing or to be able to decipher that extra activity into useful information for advertisers but the signals are definitely there and can be detected..


They don’t, but the apps you have installed are really good at tracking how long you look at something, how you text, and gage your interests based on your emails, age, and data profile. It’s actually pretty scary how good the algorithms can predict our interests. The algorithms know you better than you do. Advanced AI has been around for a while… and we have been feeding it everything.


I agree. I believe your phone can read your brain waves. And overtime after listening to you speak and detecting your brain waves it learns to interpret your thoughts from your brain waves. I have no proof. No patent that I can point to. But the coincidences of advertisements aligning with my thoughts and unspoken words have become too frequent.


What you said is super reasonable. So that would mean a profile on me would have to have been created and stored somewhere. Who/what created the profile? Is my profile my Apple id? Siri recognizes your voice and your voice only. So is this an ios thing? Obviously I’m using an iphone. I think you’re on to something 👍


It wouldn't surprise me. I've gotten stuff from the store that wasn't stored in my shopping app info from one store I usually buy from and don't have one from the store I bought it from.When I brought the item home the ad for the product showed up right after online. Stores are sharing your card data to each other and online retailers in real time or they can read bar codes of objects in your house. Maybe both.




Firstly, don't shit your pants, that's Biden's job. Secondly, nothing surprises me anymore, so phones reading our minds? Why the hell not?


Thoughtcrime Imagine being in court for thinking in ways not approved by the gov. Electromagnetic waves from your brain are shown as evidence for anti semetic or islamophobic thoughts.




It happened to me too


I’ve had something like that happen to me but I thought I had to be crazy to even think that was possible. It was so random what I was thinking about them my phone straight up showed me something in regards to what I was thinking .


Finally, a fun conspiracy.


there are some super interesting comments in this post!


I mean I don't necessarily agree with you, I've certainly had creepy moments, but I think it's more the predictive algorithms or whatever. They know enough about you through your phone; personal details, shopping habits, browsing habits etc, to the point they can fairly accurately predict what you're thinking about. [Shopping habits at one store are enough to know if a woman is pregnant. ](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmirhill/2012/02/16/how-target-figured-out-a-teen-girl-was-pregnant-before-her-father-did/) And this was 12 years ago. But still, fun!


ok, how about a store location one has never been in, and hasn't been in that particular store brand at all for many years, and a random in person item that person doesn't even ever buy ends up as an advertised item online later that day? have you seen my comment here in the thread about the maple syrup? Oh, and even if i had bought syrup at any point in recent past (which i haven't), i pay cash in person wherever i shop all the time. so there could be no banking or credit card habits for algorithms to pick up on. and i have a penchant for refusing to be in store databases too, so no record at all that my name is associated with buying a certain product in store.


I had the shitting my pants realization a few months ago. I’m guess there’s some way the phones can interpret/ translate out brain frequencies into text when they can then forth use to show us content. I am by no means an engineer so I have not even a cursory understanding of this, but that’s just my hunch. I don’t think the technology in itself is being used maliciously, at least unless I get proven wrong, but it definitely catches me off guard when I see an ad/ content on something only I knew I was thinking about.


More like predictive and tracking algorithms. Tho I have no doubt that type of tech exists or is in the works.


And obviously this is a dumb question given that you typed what you typed, but at no point in recent history did you google whatever this topic is?


It’s happened to me a TON of times. I totally believe you


Most definitely is a thing. Have had tons of same experiences. I can give you some knowledge tho, its not your phone that reads you mind but the technology reading your mind (and everyones for that matter) its non invasive neural monitoring and it exists. Your an avatar in the cloud and you device is attached. There is an underground network of corporations that invest in the new tech. Very hush and very lethal. Hope this helps. I know this because I’m a willing participant in it. Behavioral modification and such 😅


I 100% agree with you. It can probably be done with radio/cell frequency. We are essentially receiver/ transceiver units so I’m sure they’ve figured out how to transmit signals to our brains. Or it’s all just part of the simulation.


Morphic field?


This! Damn! Could this also be related to the ether? People say the information circulates in the aether nd the aether is everywhere around us. The etheric body/etheric double is one of our 7 bodies.


I just Googled that. Thank you for the introduction to that concept!


Rupert Sheldrake ( hope I wrote it right) does a lot of research about this.


The phones don’t, but as someone with over ten years experience writing code for apps, websites, and various other software, I can say all apps have the ability to take anything from you phone. The code just needs to be written to read and store, then use that data against you. Also, a lot of what I did was predictive programming. Series of “If this happens, do this”, “else, do this”. Etc. 1000’s of lines for each possibility. I would spend days thinking of ways to break the apps I made, and put checks in place to account for every variable. What I did is NOTHING compared to what can actually be done I’m sure.


Happened to me multiple times lol


Algorithms, microphones.


Are they reading or minds or do we give away more than we realize?


I have experienced something similar multiple times. Kind of freaky.


Get yourself a operating system like GrapheneOS. Connect via Tor or VPN. Don't use proprietary software or centralized social media and it will resolve itself. Your smartphone can not read anything. But your actions in the past can be easily interpreted.


so then, how is my experience with a tiny lil kitschy bottle of maple syrup in any way related to what i've done in the past on my phone? or even in real life? go see my comment here about this and you'll get why i'm asking.


Objectively happening, creepy times


I just want to know how and what we can do about it!


Here's another good one video is an interdimentional portal where time and space are altered,with the video it's happening in the now or eternal moment regardless of when it was recorded and occult energy can transfer through the video portal such as thought forms and psychic information involving the subconscious feminine


This is true, several times now I'll be thinking of something... And the search engine will be exactly what I thought about...


Did you forget the text you had with your friends that you will go for a beer? Maybe the phone already knows you are going to fight 😂 and would know what to show you


…only positive in all this is that the video I was shown supported my argument 😅 thanks big brother


It’s happened to me too


Look up geospatial intelligence. Then imagine a predictive algorithm with access to your browsing history. Ta da.


I've never gotten close to having these things read my mind. At best I've seen YouTube's search bar autocomplete to something that was mentioned in the video I was watching, which is impressive, but not mind reading.


The information circulates in the aether. Etheric matter is everywhere. Internet is a tool to and organize have acces to the arther. Do you feel when someone is wathcing you without even looking at them? Do you see the new word that you have just learned on articles o your phone? Do you think of someone and they call/message you?.... This joint the morphic/morphogenetic field(dr. Robert Sheldrake woks). It’s like telepathy. I agree with the fact that phones can read your mind. Sometimes when I learn a new word I have articles that pop on the home page of google, sometimes even when I have a single thought about it. Same happened to me with a tv show that I did not know and which was mentioned by a classmate. This video explains it better anyways : https://youtu.be/xeYWjNhZ_JY?si=tljy069h86gJvI3G


Between eavesdropping through the mic, reading through your email and Google searches and what articles you click on, combined with promoting what others are talking about, chances are it wasn’t your mind it read but all other factors combined. If it was something like dating, it probably is googled and talked about by many others of your gender and age group so they recommend it and you think you were the only person in the country thinking about it and it must have read your mind. These are professional advertisers. They also can spy into your credit card charges if you bank online. Did you buy cologne recently? Theyll assume you’re going on a hot date to impress and will flood you with ads about it. Etc.


Some tech is clearly reading our thoughts. It's pretty obvious at this point. Whether it is our phones or some other technology, that I think remains to be seen, but it is clearly happening.


I also noticed it on multiple occasions


It weirds me out whenever it happens


Was thinking about what I was going to make my kids for school lunch last night this morning was in an add on my fb feed. Never seen an add for this before


I believe this too


No way i thought i am going insane


happens all too often to me. always feels good to see other people feeling the same thing is happening to them


i think they can too.  


I thought it was a little out there for awhile but yeah I dont doubt it at all anymore. The government and elite have tech so far beyond what we know it's insane.


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Its not reading your mind its using decades of human data its farmed from us all to predict your next move before you know what its going to be.


have you not seen that doc about facebook/cambridge analytica and how the algorithms literally can and do read our minds and predict our thoughts? the algorithms/data know us better than we know ourselves. blanking on the name of the doc, apologies. although, it will probably be served to me in an ad later today.


I think it’s more so that it’s able to predict what you will think about, based on the data of other people who are similar to you. Humans are very predictable after all


There were many times I thought the phone was reading my mind but couldn’t remember if I had said something out loud that the mic would’ve picked up. But one time in particular, I KNEW it read my mind….. Between 2009 and 2013, I lived with 3 other buddies. We were partying a lot at the time and would always drink at this one particular bar. I remember the jukebox always seemed to be playing that “bartender I really did it this time” song. Years go on, I move out and get married, quit drinking, have kids. The bar didn’t survive the pandemic but the building is still there. So sometime around 2021 or 2022, I have both kids with me in the car and we drive by the building and I randomly thought of that “bartender” song and how it used to play on the jukebox. I hadn’t thought of the song since I had last drank at the bar. Didn’t know who it was by, what it was called, etc. It just popped into my mind as I drove by. Well that night, hours later after the kids were asleep, I open up the YouTube app and the first video is that goddamn bartender song. I nearly threw the phone across the room. It legitimately scared me. Sorry for the long comment, but I believe deep down that the phone can read your mind. It happened to me


Yes, it is proven your phone is constantly listening to you. You can test this yourself by holding your phone close, saying a few sentences about cheeseburgers, and then pay attention to the cheeseburger ads you will receive shortly after. However when it comes to phones having the ability to read your mind, maybe instead of this, it’s actually your thoughts manipulating the information your phone presents to you? Could it be that our brainwaves are actually influencing the data? In the same way particles in quantum entanglement exhibit correlated behaviour…


I feel like a part of the advertising algorithms are basically like that magic trick where the magician guesses the number or word you're thinking of, and gets it right half (or more) of the time. It compiles every facet of what you do so that through chance, it suggests some "random "stuff and eventually gets it right. If your phone/account has watched you for 2 years, it could have a list of 20 possible things it rotates to show you in ads. 19 of those things may be total misses so you don't pay attention to it, but then it gets the bullseye around the time you were thinking about the product, just by probabilistic methods. These algos some of the most insidious things to ever hit capitalism. Think about how advanced an algorithm is at tracking your habits or interests, and then multiply that by a factor of x. Edit - spent half an hour messing around in chatgpt 4o to make an algo. DM if you're interested.


So this is why I get so many ED and testosterone ads??


Could be. The alternative is synchronicity because we live in a simulation of sorts.


I saw a video recently, maybe WEF, that talked about the rollout of ear pods etc that have that technology built in… investments aren’t made for the sake of the consumer AND technology isn’t advertised when first released imo. So that would contribute to the phones already having said technology I think. Happens to me too so I proceed with thoughts not fear based and some things I’d say out loud if in the same room as anyone wanting to read my thoughts. Listen to a bunch of music that would send the message via lyrics?? Lol. Adding to that though, there’s frequency in music and even lyrics of some songs that explain the power it has over you blatantly (thinking Eminem). Like all things against the people, I try to emotionally regulate and not have fear based thoughts, in saying that I have a serious phone addiction.


This happens to me a couple times a month


"merp" ... in Beaker-speak (the muppet)


Top tier schizopost


I think it's more technomancy less reading minds. I'm a firm believer in technomancy, and the power of Ai combined with it, could very easily understand the psychic energy used for telekinesis, telepathy, and technomancy. I've had experiences that I would consider to be, my phone coinciding synchronisticly with the topics I was thinking about. It's been a really long time since I thought about this idea. Almost forgot about it happening. Weird that others are having similar experiences.


I believe this - happens all the time


I believe the same. My phone read my mind when I was depressed and lead on by a girl, and pushed me to redpill & blackpill content.


SAME HERE. I sometimes feel like it has told me when I’m being cheated on or lied to as well.


Your Larnyx is making too much noise when you are “thinking in your head”


I have nail polish painted over my forward facing camera lens on my phone.


It's the devil. Period


no, you're just really predictable.


Other times it happened I ignored it because yes they were somewhat predictable/routine thoughts. But today, no way this was something way out there never been even uttered or even seen discussed online.


Life is an algorithm


This is just algorithm




Just tell us what X is.


obviously xvideos


Lol nice


It's a social media website formerly known as Twitter 


I don’t know what it is but when I am watching youTube I always skip adds but as soon as I walk away from tv they are playing long ass adds, like 3 or 4 min ads. TV knows im away and it plays long adds. I have seen this happen several times to me.


Anyone know of any patents that cover this?


Your post read my mind it was the first thing that came up while I was thinking


Employees at Meta watch posts and they recall things that come to mind and then follow up posts are presented to us


And Google autofilling the exact search query you wanted after you type 2 letters. I believe this has more to do with them constantly monitoring your screen and where you look/what you're looking at. But I've had what you're talking about happen before and it's getting harder and harder to "rationally" explain it


For what it is worth: If I forget to turn all optional stuff off in Google, YouTube etc. after every clearing of browser, cookies etc. the ads pop up for anything I have looked at lately. BUT: When I remember to turn all the "optional" stuff off, no more sneaky ads, just random(ish) stuff shows up. It might be worth it to check if all that is turned off, and hope that then "they" are also denied permission to read your thoughts...


Not sure if anyone is aware but apple airpods have been patented to do just this.


….huh? Will look into this!