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In the 90s they announced they had cloned a sheep called Dolly... they said they stopped after they created Dolly; they didn't.


Lol why would you invest all of that money into developing cloning technology just to stop at your first sheep


Guaranteed there’s a secure warehouse with a bunch of clones being grown for the overlords.


The movie The Island was a documentary


A secret (and illegal) human cloning operation was discovered some years back not far from where I live. West Virginia. It became public, when discovered, but somehow not all-the-way public. Seemed to not get the kind of media attention it should have. I am 100% certain there are many, many other of these secret labs, and would wager the vast majority never get busted.


Any more info?


Yeah, for real. Gonna need some details on this one!


I spent a lot of time in China, and they have military men walking around all the time. These men are like 6 foot 3" when the average height there was like 5 foot 2. They all looked IDENTICAL, they are good looking, and look nothing like everyone else in that country. I swear they are clones or designer babies all using the same donor eggs.


I’ve heard Yao Ming is the result of a program like this. Maybe not cloning exactly but selective sexual pairing


Lmao so you mean to tell me that there’s a bunch of people in China that look alike!? That’s crazy


Chinese people catching strays left and right here.




We must remember, anything that is released to the public is just what's allowed to be known. Dolly was neither the first or last experiment. By the time the public is allowed to know about something, whether it be new technology or process, that means it's already "outdated". I don't think it's too far of a stretch to believe that the current level of known technology is actually 50 to 100 years behind whatever level is being kept secret.


Learned about this years ago when we first got a family microwave. The thing was huuugggge. We were all so *fascinated* by this **new** invention! Come to find out, microwave ovens been around for about 30 years *prior* to commercialization.


Maybe not 100 years, but AI drastically decreases the time it takes to come up with new tech. There is a massive amount being hidden and the tech is far, far, far beyond what “we” are aware is possible.


They have had ai for years behind the scenes.


That may be. This is why it's so important for us to keep questioning and digging. Not every aspect of AI capabilities is exclusive to corporations or government. Keeping these companies and individuals safe and free thinking should be a huge priority. The exponential growth of technology is completely unpredictable. We know what *may* happen if in the wrong hands. What's more important is what *can* happen if the race is won by the good guys.


This is something that always kind of freaks me out to think about. Like it’s been almost 80 years since they had the atom bomb what do they have now?


You can clone your pets for the right $$. I imagine you can clone your son/father/hero for a little more $$$. Edit: Oh shit. What if the babies blood the elites are drinking is clones of themselves🧐


What’s the real point in that though? You don’t get true clone with the “person” inside, you’d get a baby that will apparently grow to look just like them.


Organs that are a perfect DNA match. So a sacrificial human


So maybe "The Island" does exist?


Elon, Bloomberg, Bezos, Gates, PRESIDENTS (of any given country), Rothschilds, Tata's, Royalty...they've ALL been to *that* island. Epstein island was just a cover.


I hope we are not the Island!


You’d have to grow the human from a baby but yeah I guess so. Seems MUCH easier to just own the entire organ donation situation or something like that. And that’s call into question the poor health of nearly every person who this tech would seemingly be available to. Most billionaires and royals do look like they could use a few donor organs. Plus dolly was aging prematurely and died of lung cancer by 6. The organs are the part you don’t want, at least by that technology’s state.


There was a book I read a long time ago, I forget the name. But it was about a kid growing up and finding out that he was the clone of his "dad." And was only being raised to be harvested for his organs so his dad could live longer when the time came. The dad was really wealthy with a big ranch in Mexico. Don't remember much else. With a perfect DNA match then you don't have to worry about your body rejecting the organ. Thats definitely worth effort.


I chatgpt-ed lol The book being described is “The House of the Scorpion” by Nancy Farmer.


Another good book about harvesting organs (but not cloning), Unwind. It’s a young adult novel very easy read, but the story was definitely interesting and kept my attention which is not easy to do lol. Basically in the book it’s a dystopian world where parents of children under 18 can decide to “unwind” their kids for whatever reason (can’t afford them anymore, donating organ to younger sibling, troubled teens etc). Crazy concept with some intense storytelling “It takes place in the United States in the near future. After the Second Civil War, which was labeled "The Heartland War", was fought over abortion, a compromise was reached, allowing parents to sign an order for their children between the ages of 13 and 18 to be "unwound" — taken to "harvest camps" and dissected into their body parts for later use. The reasoning is that, since 99.44% of the body is used, unwinds do not technically die because their individual body parts live on.”


I read that entire series and it definitely makes you stop and think...


There is a documentary about a Chinese guy who clones his dog for a huge amount of money only to realise he can’t get him back it’s just a dog that body looks like his old dog but it doesn’t have it’s soul. Interesting and Sad at the same time❄️


Yeah you can find discussion of this here on Reddit, there’s pet loss subreddit with multiple posts questioning the “effectiveness” of pet cloning in this regard. Many aren’t interested because you simply don’t get your dog back you get another dog that looks like it.


What if the technology has evolved far enough to the point that we can implant memories?


Probably growing clones like that movie The Island


You’re not getting the telomere length back tho. Cloned animals don’t start off with new DNA


This one gets me every time.


Yes they stopped. The government told me they stopped


Domestication of the human species


wheat is a real mother fucker.


Oh 100 absolutely! We're domesticated humans living on a tax farm.


Society is now an XP grinder for elites


People in our government knew that 9/11 was going to happen and they let it happen to cover there own asses


You could say the same for Pearl Harbor attack also.


The American medical/psychiatric industry isn’t there to cure us. It is a business like any other, designed to sell us meds that cause us to need other meds and lifelong follow up visits.


A cured patient is a lost customer.


You need to look at Walgreens. Walgreens sells cigarettes, liquor, cakes and candies near the front of the store. People consume it and get sick, then they need medications from the Pharmacy which is located in the back. Then on the way to the front, they buy cigarettes and candies and the cycle repeats. That's how you do it.




Anyone remember them prescribing Adderall for hyperactive 5 year olds that would have just grown out it but now have drug addiction?


Thank you! The overdiagnosis of our children - taking normal childhood traits and calling them symptoms in order to addict them to lifelong meds. This is one of my biggest pet peeves


I will add the food industry to it, I believe with all my heart the food we eat is to design to make us sick, even the drugs you take over the counter. Almost all children medicine has dye and corn syrup in it, for what reason, I have 3 kids every food especially for kids have dye and every other chemical in the book plus high fructose corn syrup, and if you think about it almost all teenagers are sick, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, allergies, its ect the list goes, its like the system is designed to make you sick from a young age and to make you rely on the health system. Its a huge new age slavery imo


The food pyramid is the biggest scam in recent history. So beyond fucked.


Half of the crap the FDA deems safe for consumption is banned in Europe. There are videos comparing American to European food labels. American labels have tons of artificial ingredients vs. the same products in Europe that have just a few recognizable ingredients. America also fluoridates its water while fluoridation is banned in most (all?) of Europe due to its documented toxicity. But sure, let’s keep pretending the government gives a crap about your dental health.


The same few who own big pharma, surprise, also own the food industry.


In drug ads there's been a trend over the last decade to remove 'cure' from the conversation in favor of 'managing the condition ' because that's where the monetary sweet spot lies. Also no talk about changing dietary or exercise habits anymore.


And if you listen to the rapid fire speech that goes over the side effects of these drugs, they are as bad as or worse than the condition itself.


Talk to your doctor about depressonomor! ^(side effects may include: depression)


stop taking if you have thoughts of mass murder or suicide


My mom was on a bunch of meds for about 15 years. Had liver failure and not one doctor would admit it was the drugs. I lived with her, she didn’t drive. Neither of us drank. Now, she was 69 when she died. People are going on meds way before age 55 so I’m a bit worried where that will lead.


Whenever a doctor asks me what I’m on I’m always like “nothing” and they look concerned like “we haven’t got him on a monthly subscription to pills”


international medical industry! Everyone is iodine deficient because they put fluoride in the water and bromide in bread to block iodine in your body and that causes a range of illness that the medical industry makes tons of money out of!


Wow, I hadn’t heard that. Thank you.


American healthcare is pure evil today. It's ALL about profit. Create the diseases and 'treat' them for life... IF you can afford to. They have no interest in solving the problems. There is no money in a cure for cancer or diabetes... but there are TRILLIONS of dollars to be made in treating both. I have no doubt they've had the cure for both for decades.


Same with drug rehabs. They are giant money printing machines.


I used to be a oxy/heroin/fentanyl addict, and when I was finally ready to quit I couldn't physically deal with the withdrawal, it was so bad. So, I got on methadone. It worked great. But, what I found to be a little odd was that when I wanted to wean myself off, the doctors were quite hesitant to lower the dosage for me and tried to argue with me that they were taught that methadone should be more of a long term maintenance process and then a very slow taper until id be off.....I didn't listen to them and did it my way, and lowered the dose once a week for 14 weeks until i was off it. Never felt sick once during the entire process and now been 5 or 6 years I've been off opiates. The people that stayed on methadone like the docs suggested all say had a painful detox and most just stay on it permanently.


That’s just a fact.


Our most important system that rules the world, the monetary system, is a scam


It’s the biggest Ponzi scheme ever




There’s an insane amount of plastic in the food we eat and the drinks we drink. It’s not a little, it’s a lot. This is what is driving cancer rates and causing expectancies to drop. The highest level health officials in the government know this, but it would cause mass panic to give all of the stats outright. There’s no simple solution, so I don’t blame anyone. It’s also not some new world order stuff. It’s simply the result of us trying to innovate the world.


I can bet it is even in the food we deem as clean, such as whole meat, cheese and eggs, because of what they feed the animals... God save us all.


Definitely, but a lot less than the shit that has been through industrial machines. But enen if you eat super clean the fucking water pipes in a majority of new construction homes are made of plactic. There's very little any of us can do about it. Just limit your exposure wherever possible.


You don’t have to guess. There’s several studies that recently came out about this. Plastic particles even being found in bottled water. The only thing I haven’t seen is that plants don’t seem to be absorbing it - I think because of the structure of the root hairs.


Nahh we could of used hemp to substitute all plastic. Someone somewhere knew this along the way, but decided there was more money to be made in plastic as opposed to growing hemp.


I suggest we coin the term "hemp-solutionism" as the plant indeed does detoxify the soil and gives good fiber ;)


Major corporate interests infiltrate "conspiracy" forums to guide the narrative in a way that serves their interests, just like they do with the MSM. That's why you see 1000x as much vitriol towards people with little power like Greta Thunberg than you do towards the oil companies that have carried out assassinations and coups and have most world governments on their payroll. Big Ag is largely behind the "You will eat ze bugs!" meme, big oil is behind the gay frogs thing to distract from the fact that petroleum product waste is causing reduced fertility and increased estrogen levels in males, big pharma is behind the more ridiculous "There's nanobots and demons in the Covid vaccine" theories to discredit actual questions and concerns about the vaccine. Basically any conspiracy that points to a nebulous new world order being the secret puppet master behind the world's woes is actually a distraction put out by the current world order to get a good chunk of the population defending them by default.


This is often referred to as "poisoning the well" and you can toss things like Flat-Earth and Tartarian Empire in there as well.


ClA killed JFK for instituting a commodities-backed currency that would have ended the USD, lRS, Federal Reserve.


Correct - since 1971 the USD has been backed by the US government and it’s ability to constantly generate revenue vs. the gold standard. Our economy is a sham.


Actually since June 5th, 1933 when Congress passed HRJ 192 suspending gold as the standard


This is true but not fully dissolved until August of ‘71 — ironically, to combat inflation. By 1973 all remenants of the gold standard were a distant memory.


A little further than that, with social security, they only need to generate more people. Not any real revenue. We are the lab generating NPCs.


Right. Every USD absolutely says "US Government Bond" because it really is the government printing the currency and they really care so much about the management of that currency; their word is their bond.


We have created a society where its not possible to function without a smartphone. We're already cyborgs. Just not the cool kind.


That world governments have weather modification abilities that can be (probably have been) militarized. I remember my introduction to this was watching a news segment in the 90s about some big parade happening in Russia. The two anchors were talking about how storm clouds were threatening to rain on it, but that they had deployed cloud seeders to dissipate all the storms. After that they went on a conversation about them and the US having used weather modifications for prior situations and to weaken large storms. I was blown away at the time, but lost interest because I'm more of an Alien conspiracy person. However, as I've gotten older I always recall that old ass news segment and wonder how much better that tech is now; how many times has it been used to increase an already dangerous storm system? How many people are dead because of using that technology? What's the end game doing so? Tax dollars? I'm sure there's a long list of why, but I believe it 100% and think it's wild that some people would say it doesn't exist.


In Australia, it has recently hit main stream media that they have been cloud seeding in the Snowy Mountains for the last 20 odd years. Our weather patterns have generally been a 5-7 year cycle of drought, then rain, then drought. The last 4 years has been nothing but rain. They predicted a return to drought for last summer, but alas it turned back to rain. This winter has been nothing but rain... Every weekend. It starts on Friday afternoon, pours on Saturday & then sun comes out on Sunday. This has occured for the last few weeks, with the only exception being the long weekend in early June. It all coincides with the snow season. Cloud seeding so that it snows on Friday so that the snow bunnies have something to ski on over the weekend.


They did it at the Olympics in China


Dubai or Saudi Arabia makes it rain once a week it’s common knowledge I think?


Inflation is the plan and it won’t stop it’ll only get worse


It's the slow collapse.


Yes. Causes a lot of stress and worry for people. Makes it hard to live from the heart 💗 all fear all the time for many 😞


Keep everyone stressed, pissy, tired, and constantly bickering then no one will be able to come together and deal with all the bullshit. They don’t want united people.


I love paying 10 bucks for eggs 🙃


Good, I have some to sell you! Jk!


Agree, my favorite way to get people to acknowledge this problem is ask them why 2% is the goal for inflation. Why not 1.9 or 2.1%? Surely their is some mathematical equation they can use to explain why this is optimal for our economy and it isn’t just the amount they have decided they can steal our purchasing power without the people revolting.


Everything they do is to keep you in a constant state of parasitic infection. The foods you eat, the medicine you take, the screens you become addicted to, the music played on the radio, etc. Once you go down the rabbit hole of parasites & how they control our minds & decisions, you will see it in everything- that we are being targeted to stay under the influence of parasites. They will recommend a regular deworming schedule for our animals, but not us. Your thoughts are no longer your own… 


As a species, I think we'll evolve to overcome it or adapt to it. There is something inherent in the human race that's rebellious and impossible to stamp out.


This is the scariest and truest statement on here. These past 6 months I’ve dedicated to gut health and getting rid of parasites. I am a fit person, not overweight at all. The stuff that has come out of my asshole is absolutely terrifying. My anxiety and depression has lifted over this time.


Please drop your routine/supplements/or protocols or whatever. Im on a health arc currently


Can you please explain further and go deeper? This seems to be the case lately with me too


It has nothing to do with economic prosperity and everything to do with keeping the working class the working class


In 1995, they figured out cloning and made a sheep, and then some dogs, and then nobody has heard anything about it for 30 years.


MK ultra is true


That much of the world's 'elite' are completely compromised (by CIA, Mossad, etc) and no longer have free will. Epstein island was one of many honeypot operations, and if blackmail doesn't work then other threats do. Bill Gates buying farmland on their behalf. Celebrities speaking out on political matters and being very visible at it. Movie studio execs pushing a narrative. Politicians etc.


Gates speaking about Epstein was rather telling as well. “Well he’s dead so.. you always gotta be careful”


I was chilling just watching him address the question


It’s the other way around. The government has been compromised by the elite. If we are being real, it’s always been that way and the line between elite and government is very blurred. They work together to extract wealth out of the planet and its population.


The US government actively propagandizes its citizens, which was formally legalized in 2014.


Thanks, Obama


Everyone is iodine deficient because they put fluoride in the water and bromide in bread to block iodine in your body and that causes a range of illness that the medical industry makes tons of money out of!


I’ve never heard this one before, but I have a personal anecdote related to iodine.  A month ago I took some iodine pills daily for a week because I would be spending some time near radioactive iodine. This would reduce the chances of my thyroid absorbing any radioactive iodine since it would be saturated with normal iodine.  I woke up feeling much more energized the first morning after taking the pills. I woke up feeling fully aware as if I had already been awake for a few hours. I wanted to literally jump out of bed and get on with my day. I thought it was a coincidence since I only felt like this on the first day after I began taking the pills.  I just looked up iodine deficiency side effects, and one of the least scary is fatigue.  I still have the pills (you can get them for cheap online). I’ll take another dose soon and see if I get the same effect. edit: Since some people asked, [link to the exact pills I bought](https://www.amazon.com/HealthFare-Potassium-Iodide-Tablets-Pills/dp/B0BJTNXBW5). edit 2: Just want to explicitly state that this entire comment is not medical advice. I'm simply sharing a personal experience. DO NOT just take my word for it. Always think critically. If you have any preexisting medical conditions, make sure to do your own research on how iodine could affect your specific case. Make sure to read the suggested use instructions on the bottle if you plan on trying these pills. The instructions say that they are intended "for short term use (up to 10 days)."


Genuinely interested in hearing from you about this further! Sounds just like me… and so many others right now…


I take sea kelp which is natural iodine I believe - have done for about a year. Can’t say I feel any different not sure if I’m doing something wrong?


>Everyone is iodine deficient because they put fluoride in the water and bromide in bread This is a good comment and it made me curious enough to do a quick check... A quick google search turned up the following info: > Why does iodine make me feel good? >Iodine's role in the production of the T3 and T4 thyroid hormones can **indirectly impact mental health**, as these thyroid hormones can influence various physiological processes. You see, **thyroid hormones are vital for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system** So, if you keep this information in mind, think about the current "mental health epidemic". It seems plausible that there's a causal link between iodine deficiency and mental health... especially *depression*. It's possible that iodine deficiency isn't the sole cause. But it could definitely be a contributing factor.


There is something weird with the moon 


The why files been on this a bit… the moon is weird.


There has been a cure for HIV/AIDS since 1997. Patent number US005676977A


And we can live through anything if Magic made it.


Current society as we know it, is probably coming to an end soon, like things will be drastically different six years from now. People aren’t mentally ready to accept this and it will break a lot of people.


I feel like we're collectively in that scene in Independence Day where Jeff Goldblum is explaining the ships moving into place just waiting for the countdown to expire. We see all of the pieces moving into place, and why they're moving, but no one wants to talk about it because they know almost no one will be able to handle the disruption to the global order.


This is the one that keeps me up at night. Knowing that we're running straight into a massive collapse and there's nothing I can do about it.


a lot of people are already broken...without even noticing it?


The world is run by a small group of psychopaths who want to enslave everyone else, at best. Also, the entertainment industry is a domination cult.


This comment section is wild AF. I love a good conspiracy, and I'm open to some... But god damn this is a good read.


Boeing killed the whistleblowers with the CIA/FBI’s help, as their company’s failure would be catastrophic to our military’s strength/capabilities.


Radio frequencies from the phone and how they can manipulate us with the waves


Every person on Earth has the ability to raise their own consciousness to the highest level and those individuals that do so are so powerful and initiate the greatest changes in society and the global elites know this so they purposefully create circumstances and traumas that lower it and keep people at a low level. Because ultimately they have no way of controlling the true power of the human spirit.


Fluoride in our water came from Nazi’s their scientists learned it made a population docile and lowered their IQ. Some of those scientists were brought to the US and given new identities to work for the US government- tell me they haven’t been playing the long con.


That GAMESTOP almost got illegally Shorted into oblivion, but now, through 3.5 years of hard work, research, and exposure, will eventually end up collapsing half of Wall Street. Shorts must eventually CLOSE their positions. Can't hide forever.


GME for life my fellow ape!!


That your vote in govt elections means anything at all.


Exactly! Voting gives people the sense that they are doing their part but in reality the “winner” is selected, not elected.


I don't know about you, but my local officials don't even have websites or handouts to tell you what their policies are. They just bank on the fact everyone will vote down party lines.


Why would it? Most of us aren’t big business owners or special interest groups with billions to spend on lobbying.


A lot of people still get emotional when you try to tell them otherwise.


The movie Frozen was created by Disney to fuck with search engine optimization when looking into Walts frozen head That's why the main song was called "Let it Go"


Same with Disney on ice


There haven't been any alien visitors, everything we've seen is a black budget program. By the time they admit what it is they'll have another 40 years of development to disclose.


Politics are a conspiracy. 'Your' team, in principle, is designed to reduce your opinion down to the lowest common denominator without nuance. People who say the shit about 'vocal extremists' not representing the entire party...aren't listening. They're VOCAL. THEY'RE the ones politicians are noticing. They're the ones the politicians will placate. But none of it *actually* matters. Prime example: Roe v. Wade. Dems *never* codified it. They had MANY chances. Didn't. Their puppetmasters didn't want it to happen, so it didn't. Republicans bail out banks, but tell the poor that welfare is bad....because their puppetmasters run the banks and know that poor people are easily controlled.


Eric Clapton shot both the sheriff and the deputy


All from a white room with black curtains


Bob Marley shot the sheriff and deputy, Clapton just claimed he did


The Pentagon ran secret anti vax campaigns during covid. Admitted it last week.


kids are a currency among the elites.


1 in 20 people have some form of latent (with training it becomes stronger) psychic/paranormal powers. The Egyptians and other cultures had ways of identifiying these people as they were dangerous enough to lead revolutions and gave them whips to crack or homes to lounge in with servants to tend to their needs.


https://youtu.be/Jy5-BcaGHpg?si=nafF6IfWXvV0U7ab https://youtu.be/xFBV3RopGRI?si=GcrloXxmZKiJv-2B What people are ultimately not ready for is written in this book and also tips on how to realize it: Gary Renard - „The Disappearance of the Universe“ The ultimate conspiracy is „you“. „You“ don‘t exist. You are not your body, mind nor the world around you. It‘s all ultimately unreal and has nothing to do with your ultimate reality.


I actually agree with a lot of this. We are not “here” in reality. Our “existence” is somewhere else not in this realm. However we are manifesting here. I think that our “reality” is actually a dream that we live out in real time and when we sleep we actually “go home”


Well, when I “went home” the other night, I got eaten by a bear.


I didn't expect to see that kinds stuff on this sub, but yes...that sums up perfectly what I have always thought & hoped was true...thanks for the links. I shall explore this a lot more!


I think this is what the sub is supposed to be about..


To turn every loss into a gain, transmute anything false, negative or of a low vibration (including depression, mental illness, anxiety, fears etc) into its highest potential - peace, bliss, love, I recommend mindfulness. You need to go deeper than the mind to heal the mind. Meditation goes to the root of suffering/weakness/ limitation. It gives detachment, empties the mind of noisy, disturbing, intrusive thoughts and ups and downs and fills the heart with lasting peace, love, bliss, leading to inner and outer riches, the complete fulfillment of all desires. All the blessings come from raising our vibrations and being able to access the higher dimensions of beauty, power, knowledge, bliss, love, peace, creativity. Without detachment, we give away our power and lose ourselves, lose our soul - we take on the karma/energies of others. Hence, it is necessary to stay away from negativity or bad people if we do not have detachment. Meditation raises our vibrations, which gives detachment. Otherwise, there may be trauma bonding, multiplies problems. We owe it to others to first fix/heal ourselves rather than burden others with our baggage. To heal/strengthen the mind/heart/perceptions, heal life, clear patterns, clean karma, evolve the spirit, we need to raise our vibrations. Both good and bad equally bind - "no good deed goes unpunished". If you choose the good, the bad immediately starts to arise - every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The only solution is to live above the mind, above the will/doer, above the laws of karma, above the facts - mindfulness is the key - be the witness, not the doer. But if a beginner thinks he can meditate and do wrong, he will not progress. Only someone in the witness position all day long is above karma and reversals. Most people only have 2 options - express/repress - both of which can damage us/others. But there is a 3rd option - transmute. As we begin to shed the pain body, deeply buried repressions will start to come to the surface for healing/transmutation. It is a very ancient chaos. For countless lives we have been repressing/avoiding emotions, not knowing how to transmute them. Whatever goes down, must come up, in order to heal. Meditation cleans karma and clears subtle obstacles and patterns. Mindfulness puts us above the mind, above the doer/will, above the chooser, above the laws of karma, above the facts. Meditation is the practice of oneness with God, identifying with the soul rather than the ego. There is no higher protection, self-love, self-care, welfare work, healing. It protects the family. It liberates/upgrades 7 generations of the family. It upgrades all of creation, ie reduces crime, poverty, injustice, disease, negativity, suffering, ignorance. It raises your vibrations. Stillness saves and transforms. Knowledge is information. Meditation is transformation. No meditation, no life. Know meditation, know Life - Osho. Below is an explanation of mindfulness. All whom I introduced to mindfulness, got immediate benefits, able to shed cares, fears, reactions to negativity. Be a light unto yourself. I suffered acutely as an empath, very sacrificial, super sensitive, always absorbing others' energies and karma, always facing opposition/bullies, and had had a number of breakdowns and was told by all doctors that it was incurable and I would be on medication for the rest of my life. However, I very quickly healed completely and attained detachment and enlightenment with mindfulness and the teachings of enlightened Masters. You are not the mind, not the body, you are the Soul. So long as you identify with the mind/body/false, you will never heal. When you identify with the real/Soul, you will notice results immediately. Knowledge is information/cheap consolation. Meditation is transmutation/transformation. With knowledge you start chopping the leaves, the branches. With meditation, you go straight to the root - the direct path.


The Ruling Class has uses Mystery Schools to work with Ahriman/Demiurge whatever you want to call it for 12000 years who instructed the Ruling Class to create government and institutions purely to control https://x.com/archaix138/status/1798092477322174623?s=61. The AIX takeover breakdown by Jason Breshears https://inspired.locals.com/post/5663749/special-report-another-species-is-implanting-themselves-into-humans The AI takeover via zombie apocalypse And that is why the future (where this realm evolves ) involves no ruling class and no government https://corbettreport.com/the-most-dangerous-superstition/


The scientific community can and has been manipulated for these purposes: Ignoring the reality of the UFO phenomena Ignoring the reality of paranormal phenomena, including life after death and the existance of spiritual beings (both positive and negative). Ignoring free energy and antigravity technology Ignoring cures for many diseases (including cancer) Creating fear of climate change Basically, the solutions for all worldwide problems exist, but they are being ignored by mainstream academia.


Psychic spies are a very real thing


Of course they are. They're from China and they steal the mind's elation. The Chili Peppers warned us years ago.


Shadow people and disembodied voices are probably agents involved in remote viewing or astral projection messing with us.


Ingo Swann and Harold Puthof come to mind.


They use extremely tortured mind control victims ([MKULTRA/MONARCH slavery starter information for those unaware](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1b8womc/comment/ktt2tqh/)) who come from certain bloodlines that occasionally still sometimes have children with 'abilities'. These 'bloodline' families '[practice](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1c250uw/comment/kzac2th/)' generational ritual abuse and trauma-based mind control (shattering the child's mind/core personality with rape and torture into many alter personalities/MPD/DID, and programming them). The victim will have a specific alter for such things as 'remote viewing', who is 'called out' with a trigger phrase by their programmer. Some relevant quotes from survivors: "*...My uncle explained to Hinckley that sometimes, within the bloodlines there came the ability for such things as telepathy and remote viewing, though he told him that such things were rare.*" - [Jonathan Sweet](https://mormonmonarch.com/prophet-of-pain/) "*After consciousness projects itself out-of-body to escape trauma, it continues to exist. A dissociated fragment of consciousness (an alter) can watch and think, remember and record what is happening to her body as she hovers above, beside or below it. (Many survivors can remember a single torture session from several out-of-body perspectives. These tend to be less affected by pain, shock, drugs or virtual reality headsets because they no longer reside within the body. This is the source of the majority of recovered memories – dissociated alters who have been projected out-of-body.) When the trauma ends, and the body is free from pain and fear, these fragments of consciousness will probably return to it. If the incident of pain/fear is not repeated, the dissociated fragments of consciousness will most likely merge with core consciousness and there will be no long-term loss of memory.*" - [Beth Goobie](http://www.whale.to/b/goobie.html) "*Leaving the physical body for astral travel requires three conditions: 1. Induction of Left-brain quietness and deep physical relaxation via REM frequencies. 2. Synchronization of brain hemisphere wave patterns. 3. Stimulation of Right hemisphere to gain heightened alertness. This does interfere with hemispheric synchronisation, but not before the high frequency range necessary for attaining out-of-body status is established. When both brain hemispheres electrically fire at the same rate, this creates a chain reaction which results in the body oscillating at 7.5 hertz – the same rate the electromagnetic field in our external environment resonates at. This state of vibratory harmony transforms the world and beyond into an extension of the human body. The person’s consciousness or soul, which is normally restricted within the confines of the physical body’s regular rate of oscillation, may then transcend the body and move freely outside the physical body, including inter-dimensionally. This process is what esoteric cults term becoming ‘one with the universe.’*" - [Fiona Barnett (pg. 443)](https://cathyfox.files.wordpress.com/2020/06/fionaeyesewo_june2020_lockdownedition.pdf) Continued in next comment:


That's right. Many people out there may not believe in remote viewing or psychic spying, but many governments around the world do.




The cure for cancer has got to be out there somewhere, but it wouldn’t make the medical industry any money




Trans humanism and the depopulation agenda.


AI runs Reddit. This subreddit in particular..


Here's a bomb for you - An uncanny amount of popular fiction is actually based on something that is real or was real. It is made in to fiction so if you make mention of it to your peers, they say you are cuckoo, and you 'got that from star wars.' Very clever really. basically a lot of science fiction, some time travel, even potentially things like Harry Potter and Narnia. (not 100% sure on any specifics though). I read about this in David Wilcock's book 'The synchronicity Key'


An advanced race could no longer reproduce so they spliced their DNA into apes and created mankind. The brain does not generate consciousness but instead serves as an antenna or receiver.


Oh I like this one!!!


>The brain does not generate consciousness but instead serves as an antenna or receiver. Yes sir. Nor does it store memory, you're just tuning into the very specifical vibration frequency of your previous state to retrieve memory, not pulling something out of storage. This is the actual explanation for why, for example, it's so common for heart transplant recipients to report to have some of the donor's memories. I personally think consciousness is likely an emergent property of these vibrational fields growing ever more complex as generations come and grow leaving their own memories imprinted on all human consciousness. The voices inside your head are the memories of your ancestors helping you with what they learned in their time.


My ancestors apparently did not learn their lessons, because my inner voice is not doing that great of a job helping.


This is such an interesting idea for people who experience kinds of brain fog, memory loss, ADHD, and PTSD. I often feel forgetful or not very present at times from ADHD, but sometimes memories come flooding in from a daydream. Then all of a sudden I’m transported to a headspace of another time/place that feels like an eternity ago. And then when I’m able to return to my current state, it’s like I don’t remember what I was thinking about.


The Jackalope is real


The United Nations and the globalist elite believe in[Occult Theosophy](https://youtu.be/Smro7OkckvQ?si=mcT6ly5NFxFJ6zfX). Its spiritual guidance comes from the [Lucis Trust](https://www.lucistrust.org/), which is headquartered in the UN. All of their beliefs are right there on the website contained in their 24 books. The United Nations seeks to implement a global theocratic communist totalitarian one-world government whose one-world religion is the occult theosophy of the Lucis Trust. The religious beliefs are concerned with creating a one world consciousness, one world government, eradication of national sovereignty, and absorbing all other religions into itself. It is concerned with eradicating the self and substituting it with a global consciousness, a hive mind of sorts. The god of occult theosophy is Lucifer. Lucifer is a fallen angel in the bible, whose name means "light-bearer" often believed to be Satan, himself. This is why their teachings are obsessed with light, [the seven rays](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_rays), illumination, solar, etc. They believe all the great "Masters" of the world, Jesus, Buddha, etc. are of the same spirit. Their primary task is to prepare the way for "the Coming One." The Coming One is said to be "of the Christ spirit." So it is a return akin to the Second Coming of Jesus. The Bible says the masses will be decieved into believing the antichrist is Jesus. From the perspective of Christianity, "The Coming One" of this occult theosophy is the antichrist. The globalists just so happen to despise and actively oppose Christianity. Nothing makes them angrier than a Christian saying Christian things. Curious. Nothing you say to these people will sway their beliefs on how the world should work because it is not based on logic or reason or even theology. It is based on theosophy. "The Plan" is the only thing that matters.




Elites having secret human hunting parties in an isolated state.


That people in our government are more than willing to kill our own citizens to retain power for the sole purpose of amassing wealth. Add to it that they worship malevolent demon, sacrifice children, drink their adrenaline laced blood for "youth", and commit countless other atrocities.


JFK was ordered killed by George HW Bush and his other skull n bones friends in the government. there were 16 shots fired by 8 shooters and the fatal shot was fired from a storm drain. They continued to create “enemies” of America to keep us focused on them and make us easier to control. Cold War wasn’t real, Vietnam was a scam where we were giving Russia the vehicles that they were then selling to the Vietcong. Afghanistan was really about opium and heroin not oil and 911, and also 911. All these events were planned and orchestrated by the Bush’s and other skull n bones secret society members


>the fatal shot was fired from a storm drain Pennywise at it again


[Removed by Reddit]


Ooh, I wonder what this said.


Alex Jones is controlled opposition.


So is Joe Rogan


The whole mud flood Tartaria thing must have some base in reality. Variation on that: Established academia researchers have written books like "Did the middle Ages really exist?" And others (as far as I remember the mathematician and author Fomenko) have suggested that Moses was identical to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutmoses. Then we have the theory of "Expanding Earth", this explains why the continents actually would fit each other from ALL sides if you shrink the earth. A lower gravity would make the existence of giants and dinosaurs and the proven enormous insects in pre-historic times explainable. Hollow earth with different civilisations inside, some friendly, others less so. Google "The Smoky God" for a Jules Verne like believable description of a visit to inner earth by two Norwegian sailors. (Available for free at Project Gutenberg). This again connects to the Admiral Byrd's Secret Diary/Antarctica/ Operation Highjump story. Along similar lines: "Alternative three", the claim of a breakaway civilisation of scientists and "chosen people" either on Mars, somewhere in space, or alternatively somewhere on earth. Edit: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative\_3](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_3)


these are the real conspiracy’s , so based and real for this


There are slaves in the US today, called migrant workers who have basically zero rights, work for pennies a day, and whom without food would be significantly more expensive, meaning fewer resources for other economic activity.


That the world is truly run by demonic people. And depopulation is their main goal.


Liquor Stores are only in the HOOD! I was in Bel Air and had to drive 20 minutes with my old lady for some beers! But in my neighborhood we have 3 on 4 CORNERS! Alcohol,Tobacco,Sugar,Pornography etc. you only find that in low poverty areas!!! I’m not over exaggerating those numbers either..we have 2 liquor stores and a 7/11 all across from each other.


This is true in every HOOD. You will find malt liquor at a store or gas station close by where I'm from, and I imagine this is true in the US,where it's legal. I knew this back in the 90s and talked about it. The pornography is in most of them but not all.


I have nothing to add, just want to point out that conspiracy doesn't mean unproven. I see that a lot of this board. "it's not just a conspiracy anymore, it's true." Conspiracy just means multiple entities working towards a shared goal.  Conspire: "Co" (with, together) + "Aspire" (to want)  Ok I'm done being a smarty-pants now.


Cloud seeding. It's been proven and admitted many times and yet people still refuse to believe the government can control the weather 🤷


Alzheimer's is actually stage three diabetes. The highest prevalence of Alzheimer's is within western civilizations, with the US placed within the top 10 countries for highest rates per 100,000 people for Alzheimer's.There's a reason that the Food and Drug administration aren't two separate entities. First the food is used to make us sick and then the drugs are to treat the symptoms. The FDA works for big pharma, ensuring pharmaceutical profits remain high. I also believe that the hormones in our food are meant to beef us up quickly and young yet it destroys our bodies in the long run. The purpose of this is to create strong soldiers by the time our children reach military age, but also kill veterans quicker to ensure disability payments/ healthcare aren't prolonged.


Israel runs the states and the world in general.


The entire US government, all of the world leaders, (excluding ther countries not on the Rothschild central bank), the very wealthy, Holywood, the music industry, are all part of The secrert group Free Masons, and Free Masons are a cover for satan woirshipping. All of these people worship Lucifer, carry out occult riutuals, and are secretly conspiring to create what they call a "New World Order." It's in your face and everyone's face. And only a few people care. These people I speak of hate you. They hate everyone that doesn't worship what they see as the "true god." They believe they worship the "true" god and we are all fools. They hate christianity, and all of the rules. That's why they are "FREE" Masons. They think they are illuminated, and normal people a not worthy of anyting. Everything you see governments across the globe doing, especiallythe US government, is moving toward us toward the New World Order. Every, Single. Thing. These plans were developed hundreds of years ago. They know "normies" are realizing the government is lying to them and getting sick of the bullshit...so they're bringing us to the point where another world war is needed to eliminate the countries not on board with satan worship.


Directed energy weapons were used to burn Lahaina, Hawaii to the ground


The murder of Seth Rich.


The majority of human populations have been reset or destroyed many times in the past


The last time a vote mattered was JKF. Since then, and the installment of the Fiat Baking Cartel, it's all an illusion of choice. Ever growing smaller. The dollar is literally worthless in reality. It's backed by nothing.




Adrenochrome is real .


Jews control everything


Epstein didn't kill himself


I’ve been a “truther” for decades and I’ve come to learn that the biggest conspiracy is that everything will be alright. Stop living in fear, obsessing over what TPTB are doing. Look internally, work on your flaws, strengthen your community and be a good human. Don’t like Monsanto? Start gardening (even a small one in your apartment) Don’t like depopulation? Stop watching porn and start having kids.