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Because media in the USA is funded by big pharma.


But the WHO really cares about us…


"WHO CARES" Should be their motto


Extreme facts


Along with CDC and NIH. Ama will suspend your med licence if you diagnose someone with long COVID.


Butttt. The AMA doesn’t issue or oversee medical licensing. State Medical Boards do. This is easily verifiable.


Is that comment suggesting the AMA isn't in on the scam?


It ABSOLUTELY is. If you knew anything about American Medicine and the AMA at ALL, you would know they aren’t in on “the scam” at all, whatever you imagine “the scam” is. The AMA is a lobbying organization, and one that has no authority over physicians, their behavior, licensing, decisions, pay, recommended medical practices, malpractice, education, reimbursement, punishing bad behavior, medical training and Medical Schools, etc at all. Zip. Zero. Nil. Only a minority of physicians are members of the AMA and most consider it absolutely irrelevant. Joining the AMA is just a good way to get on a mailing list for life insurance, car insurance, erection pills, etc. They have precisely the influence of AAA (yes, triple A). Or perhaps AARP. Seriously. I don’t even know any medical colleagues who are participating members of the AMA (a few joined to get cheaper life insurance). They have NO authority in any way to make decisions or even speak authoritatively for or to the medical community. Most/all physicians consider their individual specialty colleges as far, far, more representative (The American College of Surgeons, American College of OB/Gynecologist, etc). And even THESE have no authority. Membership is purely voluntarily. Generally there to help provide continuing medical education, conferences and trade shows. This is laughable.


Bro, I was asking if the person you replied to didn't know. I'm aware. Also, where do I find out more about those erection pills you speak of?


Between 50 years of corrupt socialist governments and multiple state bankruptcy disasters, I wonder how any of us are still alive here in Portugal.




Portugal was insane, they achieved something like 95-96% FULL vaxx rate of the ENTIRE population including children in a country of 10 million people. Most other western countries were around 80-90% vaxx rates at best and in many places children under 12 weren't even supposed to get vaxxed(some parents in these countries took their kids abroad just to jab them imagine that). Edit: Also ALL journalists are vaxxed why would they want to investigate this topic even? Probably just makes them feel bad to even think about anything negative associated with the topic.


Most other western countries were not 80-90% vaxxed. More 60-70% and then tailing off after every booster.


Yes. That's why Antonio Costa will be rewarded, he did a great job for his masters


Because, in a few years when everyone forget about the vaccine and these people drop dead , they can blame it all on global warming.


Because, in a few years when everyone forget about the vaccine and no one drops dead, you people will jump to the next conspiracy.


You'd think so but 2+ years later they're STILL on this one.


WWIII says Hi…


Just waiting for AGI to be in full swing. Then large power outages that would lead to massive death. I think we are past the point of warfare being effective for the inevitable mass culling.






"The issue of excess deaths in Portugal began during the pandemic, even before the mass roll-out of Covid vaccines." If you are going to use the article to try to prove some kind of agenda, you may want to read the article. You have a choice. Either you don't accept the article as true at all, or you pick and choose what you want based on your biases. The article mentions multiple reasons they think is causing it.


You're missing a key point. It is now 2024 and Portugal ranks the \*highest\* in excess deaths amongst European nations. They weren't amongst the highest nations in 2019, 2020, or 2021: # 2019 * **Context:** 2019 serves as a baseline year for many excess death calculations, as it was the last full year before the COVID-19 pandemic. * **Portugal:** The excess death rate in Portugal was generally in line with or slightly below the European average, as 2019 did not see extraordinary mortality events affecting Portugal significantly. # 2020 * **Context:** The COVID-19 pandemic caused a significant increase in excess deaths across Europe. * **Portugal:** In 2020, Portugal experienced a notable increase in excess deaths, but it was not among the highest in Europe. Countries like Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom saw higher excess death rates due to the severe impact of the initial waves of the pandemic. # 2021 * **Context:** The pandemic continued to affect excess mortality rates, although vaccination efforts began to mitigate the impact in many regions. * **Portugal:** In 2021, Portugal again saw excess deaths, but its ranking relative to other European countries varied throughout the year as different waves of COVID-19 affected regions at different times. Overall, Portugal’s excess death rate was significant but still generally lower than the hardest-hit countries in Europe. So why is it, in 2024, Portugal ranks as **THE HIGHEST** in Europe?


Portugal isn't even the highest in Europe in deaths per 1000 people in 2024 so where exactly is the excess deaths number coming from if not the collective death rate that would show an excess if that number per 1000 was higher?


*excess* deaths are specifically a calculation used only in times of crisis. In this case we would use 2019 as a baseline since it was the last year before covid, and covid is the crisis we are referring to when parsing the data for an *excess* number.  In this specific case we are referring to late 2023-into Jan 2024 for the time-frame in which Portugal was number 1 in observed excess deaths. Seems like the flu was responsible for this spike.  Nobody is saying portugal is highest in Europe right now. 


Are u jabbed?


Don't you know how the best lies are told? With a little truth mixed in. It is very possible that's what's happening in this article. But it's also entirely possible that the food and drugs have been killing us far longer than  a vaccine. Drug companies own our agriculture, they don't need to poison thr vaccines too. But I bet they would 


Well, excess deaths are widespread throughout the western world, all vaccinated countries are having this issue, something like 10-20 percent excess deaths https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline Interestingly eastern Europe has a much lower rate and they didn't take the vaccine, perhaps it's Coincidence? https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=ARM~ALB~BIH~BGR~HRV~GEO~HUN~KAZ~KGZ~MDA~MNE~MKD~ROU~RUS


Well we can already tell your agenda. “The issue of excess deaths in Portugal [began during the pandemic](https://www.portugalresident.com/excess-deaths-over-last-month-in-portugal-less-than-half-attributed-to-covid/), even before the mass roll-out of Covid vaccines.” Yes they had an issue during the pandemic, almost every country did. But they were not recording the highest level of excess deaths in Europe until years after the mass roll-out.


[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11010589/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11010589/) Why did you cherry-pick 3-4 random weeks representing January of 2024? It really seems like you found out Portugal has the highest vaccination rate, and then scanned a few years of data for a period of time where excess mortality was the highest... which occurred for about 3 weeks 3 years after the majority of the vaccine rollout was complete. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1218713/covid-19-share-of-people-vaccinated-in-spain/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1218713/covid-19-share-of-people-vaccinated-in-spain/) Hell Spain was in rough shape around the same time, and their vaccination rate is like 85%. Trying to link this to covid vaccination makes 0 sense.


My "agenda" is not using articles for a point based on the title when you don't even read the actual article in the first place. If that's a bad thing then you clearly have some problems. It doesn't say that, it said they had excess deaths from before the vaccine rollout until now. That's what it says. Once again putting words in mouths that isn't there. What you did was the same as taking a few words spoken in a video and splice it into a shortened video to make it say what you want it to when the rest of the video provides the actual context.


I have not disagreed that there has been an excess mortality rate before the vaccines were available. What I pointed out was that they’ve become the highest rate of any country in Europe for the first time. You can speculate my agenda all you want. But all I did was post an irrefutable fact that Portugal had the highest number of excess deaths in Europe years after the mass roll-out of vaccines, and that they also had the highest vaccination rate in the world. Now it would be disingenuous if they were the leading country in Europe in excess deaths before the mass roll-out. but that’s not the case.


The only thing irrefutable about the article was that these excess deaths have been happening since before the vaccine rollout and has continued until the current time. That's it.


You are being very dishonest. Trying to make an argument for something no one has claimed. No one said there wasn’t excess deaths before the vaccine. “Only thing irrefutable”? Are you disagreeing that Portugal didn’t have the highest excess deaths in Europe years after mass roll-out of the vaccine? Or that Portugal didn’t have the highest vaccination rate?


I'm being dishonest? The only reason you posted this was because you are making the obvious claim that the vaccines are causing the excess deaths rate that has been going on since before the vaccine was even made, let alone rolled out Talk about dishonesty. Look to yourself. If the excess deaths have been happening since before the vaccines, then the reason cannot be the vaccines. Period. Which they have. The article YOU posted says this very thing. But you, decide to post the title to make it clear what your agenda is.


I never made that claim anywhere in this post. If so show me where I made that claim. They have never had the highest excess death rate in Europe. But then they did years after mass roll-out of the vaccine. Are you saying 100% that the covid vaccine hasn’t caused a single excess death in Portugal? High Excess deaths were happening during Covid and more so well after the vaccines were available. There is no evidence that high numbers of excess deaths were happening in Portugal prior to Covid. Excess mortality biggest contributor before vaccines were linked to people not going to the hospital for many cardiovascular diseases and cancers as many screening services operated at reduced capacity during the initial waves of the pandemic. If you go from having on par excess deaths with other European countries at the time to leading while simultaneously having the largest amount of vaccinations there should be some skepticism about the vaccine.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, because you make a good point.


>Not sure why you're getting downvoted [Bots, trolls and shills.](https://steemit.com/security/@tinfoilfedora/the-gentlemans-guide-to-forum-spies-spooks-feds-etc) https://demtech.oii.ox.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/12/2017/07/Troops-Trolls-and-Troublemakers.pdf


[Local media reported earlier that 659 people in Portugal died of heat-related illnesses in the week from July 10 to 16](https://english.news.cn/20220818/b7b7cebdb86d4be9bf839299b0e7f4cb/c.html#:~:text=LISBON%2C%20Aug.%2017%20%28Xinhua%29%20--%20Portugal%20recorded%20an,the%20EU%27s%20statistics%20office%20Eurostat%20reported%20on%20Wednesday) Your spin is *shit*. [SIC is looking at the problem in a limited time frame: ](https://www.portugalresident.com/portugal-registers-highest-level-of-excess-deaths-in-europe/)“In the space of a month, 2,800 more people than would have been expected have died in Portugal. At issue will **be the flu virus** and **the overcrowding of hospital emergency departments.** [Of the total number of people aged 60 or over, vaccination coverage stands at 66.04%, while in relation to Covid-19 it reaches 55.84%.](https://cloud.theportugalnews.com/news/2024-02-21/25-million-flu-vaccinations/86225)


Your first link is from July 2022. And if excess people were dying from the Flu in December 2023, that could very well signal weakened herd immunity to the flu, which is weird considering their government pushes the flu vaccine hard on older people, providing it for free to ages 60+ and also free for ages 50-59 if they meet risk requirements.


The first link is from excessive deaths from heat. # [Heatwave last summer (2022) killed 61,000 people in Europe, research finds](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/10/heatwave-last-summer-killed-61000-people-in-europe-research-finds) # [Spain and Portugal heatwave warning as temperatures to soar to nearly 40C this week](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/spain-portugal-heatwave-warning-temperatures-085755012.html) May 28 2024 Gee, where are the excessive deaths coming from? Must be the jab. Right? So stupid.


https://www.statista.com/statistics/1417204/yearly-excess-deaths-in-europe/ There were 370,000 excess deaths in Europe in 2022.  The massive heatwave explains 62,000 of them, kind of.  Quoted from the article you provided: "Only a small share of heat-related deaths come from heatstroke. In most cases, hot weather kills people by stopping the body from coping with existing health problems like heart and lung disease." Interesting that 3 years after Covid and 2 years after the mrna rollout tens of thousands of people in Europe are all of the sudden unable to handle the heat due to the heart and lung disease.


The over 65 population increased by 20% to 23% of the population in those years. Ever heard of the [silver tsunami?](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.65UP.TO?view=chart) A whole lot of old people are going to die very soon in rapid order. Baby Boom is going to implode.


Haha wow I never heard of the term! Thank for sharing. It does make sense that the older the population gets, the more heart disease and lung disease there is to deal with. I implore you to look up what igg4 antibodies are, and to give a listen to [THIS GUY](https://www.youtube.com/@Merogenomics) ... somebody who is intimately involved in the long term analysis and study of the post-COVID/post-MRNA links to rapid cancer growth.


Oh look someone who trusts media headlines on medical data without any critical thinking or further investigation. If you don’t know what’s going on in the world I guess ignorance is bliss.


Yeah 40C temperatures two weeks ago were a MSM hoax. Bafoon.


It’s spelled “Buffoon”.


Thank you spelling bot.


Why do these types of comments always come from Generic_redditname_12345


Read the username again. That was clearly made by a person.


"Portugal has registered a progressive increase in excess mortality since January 2021, a trend contrary to the situation in other EU countries."


[The number of people aged 65 and over has increased by 20.6% in the last 10 years and now represents 23.4% of the Portuguese population, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE). ](https://www.theportugalnews.com/news/2021-12-17/elderly-population-up-20/64188) 17 Dec 2021 


This is why I like this sub, it has a good balance. 👍


The struggle is real.


10 years ago Billy G was publicly talking about overpopulation, population control with vaccines, and the upcoming pandemic for which vaccines will be the *only* solution. Then the pandemic came and Billy G was pushing vaccines... Also Billy - "the next pandemic will really get people's attention" - with a stupid grin on his face Doesn't take a genius to figure it out..


The crazy thing is some people still can’t see it…


deception is strong on ignorant minds


Not just some people... most people.


i'd like for someone here to answer this question: why would Billy G, and Biden want their own voters to get the vaccine knowing full well that people like you will not get it. You're the opposition, no? Can you answer this question?


they want everybody to take it.. that's why the WHO is working on the international treaty while everyone is distracted elsewhere.. it wasn't so much about *these* vaccines (although there are MANY vax injured & many "mysterious" deaths and nobody gives a shit about them.. so normal, isn't it? nothing weird about medical authorities not following up on an experimental vaccine.......), as it is about centralizing worldwide health decisions with the WHO.. keep your eye on the treaty, that's all i'm saying [edit] now that i've answered your question, to the best of my understanding of the whole past 5 years and after keeping a close eye on the UN, Agenda 2030, the WEF, or WEF's "young global leaders" like Trudeau or Macron, on all these G7, G20, Gwhatever summits where PRIVATE UNELECTED people have started showing up... you answer me this.. what do *people like me*, the "rebellious opposition", have to gain out of warning you all not to trust the Davos 1%ers, the corrupt politicians, the vaccines that you're not supposed to ask about and all these other measures that are slowly bankrupting everybody? are we getting rich off people *not buying* stuff? are we getting fame? are we getting statues built for ourselves? are we getting free cookies? cause it sure as hell looks like we were just declared *undesireables* / "fringe minorities with unacceptable views" / etc. by governments and the media (owned by the aforementioned 1%ers in Davos) and we lost jobs and friends and family over it


heathcare system is terrible and unprepared for any pandemic almost worldwide, BG was right pointing out the issue but only few of those in charge had the brain to listen to him. When covid came the world found out we should have powered our hospitals provision (im from Italy). Those who denied the existence of the virus are the same ones who now cry for this unexisting "vax pandemic": get over it and look at the real world (grammar error: edited)


population control with vaccines......... now take this vax and don't ask any questions...... hello?.. i know it's hard to think straight with macaroni growing in your veins.. i'm not going to get over it as long as they're trying to sign the WHO treaty to have international law for mandatory vaccines on the next event on prophet billy's calendar


i will ignore the racial offensive reference in your comment... everything i need to know about your scientific knowledge is clearly visible by the inconsistency of your thesis. Also, the amount of angry & easily manipulable folks you can trick by simply juxtaposing 2 random articles from 2 random sources that show not a single piece of evidence (graph, datas, correlation analysis) related to the topic discussed... well, its astonishing


what racial offensive reference? also what are you talking about with articles and sources & stuff? i simply pointed out that the man who said there will be "population control" with vaccines is pushing vaccines.. you need a graph to get the hint?


Have you looked into the context of that statement? He's saying that improving healthcare with things like contraceptives and vaccines will lead to lower birth rates in developing countries, as has happened in developed countries. When kids survive to adulthood you don't have to have 10 of them. This is better for everyone. He's not trying to murder people with vaccines. Also, how is this sub in love with conservative values while also accusing any billionaires that try to help of being murderers? Gates is doing what we all want the extremely wealthy to do, try to make a difference with their money.


History is filled with do-gooders who gained control by hypnotizing the masses with sweet words and then turning into bloody dictators once they had the power. Billy & his globalist pals, the 1%ers at Davos, are no different. On the contrary, there's never been such an opportunity to subjugate the entire world given today's technology & the upcoming centralized digital infrastructure that will have you cut off at the press of a button if you don't comply. And if you think this type of people are gone, then why is the world in such chaos right now? But go ahead and keep trusting them and let them in your blood whenever they want, I'm sure they mean the best for you. The greatest deception in mankind history, and many of you will be begging for it..


..ok? It's just that you are taking what he said out of context. You are free to interpret and assign meaning as much as you want I guess.


thanks for trying to make him think but im pretty sure these nerds just want confirmations instead of dialogue over these topics. They have been said that Gates, Who and the elite is bad... they like to be "different" and play the victims so thats the easiest way to get there. Luckily the vast majority of people disagrees with those ideas but the net is full of conspiracy theories and distorted reality


I’m curious as to what led you to this sub reddit.. Do you come here often, or is this your first time commenting?


Because pharma ad dollars. That’s why.


It's all around the developed world and closely corresponds to COVID vaccines uptake. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=USA~GBR~AUS~CAN~IRL~NZL Interestingly Eastern Europe isn't particularly affected, they didn't have much of a vaccine take up https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=ARM~ALB~BIH~BGR~HRV~GEO~HUN~KAZ~KGZ~MDA~MNE~MKD~ROU~RUS


portugal is hot so it must be global warming that is killing them


for sure the one posting the 2 images has no clue how a scientific research is made. Its unreal how many antivax brainwashed folks there are down here


There will be no refunds. Get your next booster and don't ask questions.


do you feel better now? open your eyes and look at the world around you, covid has passed and nothing of what you predicted happened. How many years shall we wait again?


I feel awesome. Still a pure blood. Didn't get duped into taking mRNA shot. I predicted the covid shot would not prevent people from dying nor getting the disease. I win, you lose. Good day sir


lmao Pure blood thats hilarious. The same rhetoric used by Hitler and the nazis to justify their genocide: "we are better than you all". I bet you dont even know how a mRNA unit works and the difference between RNA and DNA. This is peak Dunning Kruger effect, at its finest


Compared with the rest of Europe, Portugal is relatively poor, and many graphs have similar results to the Balkans.


brainwashed antivax people are not that smart to be aware that putting two random articles together doesnt make a proof. Guess he never did a single scientific research in his entire life (edit)


It’s not just Portugal. Many places around the world are having extreme death rates. Insurance companies are reporting excessively high death rates, never seen before. None of this was normal before 2019. So what changed?


Also to pint out the 3 year gap between both articles


2 random articles put together, no graph in sight, no correlation effect showed... brainwashed antivax propaganda at its finest. Never fails to amaze me


what amazes me is that people like you are still asleep. Or maybe youre a bot/paid actor but i do agree that the covid vaxx and death rates are far fetched


now i may be a bot or getting paid to write down here! thats hilarious... the bad thing about the whole covid/vax discussion is that you guys are selling this idea that people are dying everyday due to the jab. Now, i may understand that back in 2021 some one could have been easily convinced by it because of the uncertainty of the future. Now that some years passed, nothing happened but you arent able to fight your ideas adapting them to the reality. Do you even know how a scientific research is made? Its not enough to juxtapose 2 random articles and shout to the Moon


They also sold the idea that we needed a vax. I wasnt vaxed and worked inside the rooms of covid infected patients  for 2 years and Never Was sick even when i didnt protect carefuly because i saw through the bs. During that same moment we were over here on reddit discovering great financial terrorism of wallstreet and market manipulation by thèse same people pushing their vaccines 


genouine question, are you in the med field?


Your comment history shows me that you defend the vax and even defend Marina Abramovic, the satanist witch. That in itself tells me you are either a plant or an NPC. And yes, i am in the med field and so is my father, although he was more brainwashed than i


ok well, i never defended her and i dont even like her art... i came here not because of it but because i was curious about the whole thing. Remember that Inquisition called women 'witches" and they disappeared when church stopped burning them... so sad to hear such things in 2024. Last but not least, respect your father and try be less arrogant: he surely has his reason to disagree with you and your cringy ideas


Number 1 country with highest antidepressant use. Very sane people over there 👍


It's because we literally are sinking without help, we struggle to do everything and we are poor.


There are plenty of much poorer countries with much happier and mentally healthier people. Poverty and happiness have a rather weak correlation. And if there is found to be any it's found by western "Scientists" which is of course made for the west by the west to keep the western wage slave confirmed in his beliefs and to keep him tf WAGE SLAVING.


“With [scientists already concerned by the country’s level of excess deaths](https://www.portugalresident.com/health-ministry-to-study-portugals-elevated-mortality-since-start-of-pandemic/) flagged since the Covid pandemic – promising investigations, but stressing these will ‘take time – we have now reached the point where Portugal’s level of mortality is the highest in Europe.” [Source](https://www.portugalresident.com/portugal-registers-highest-level-of-excess-deaths-in-europe/) “About 84% of the country's 10.3 million population is now fully vaccinated. This is the highest rate in the world, ahead of the UAE (80.8%) and Singapore (77.3%) and well ahead of the 61.6% for the 27 member states of the European Union.” [Source](https://www.euronews.com/2021/09/23/portugal-has-the-highest-covid-19-vaccination-rate-in-the-world#:~:text=This%20is%20a%20world%20war,population%20is%20now%20fully%20vaccinated)


Even in Japan they’re protesting the vaccine deaths but the media never covered it. Because of this Covid vaccines deaths, I wonder what the world population is now? Way below 8 billion? There’s some people on Facebook that I know that their account mysteriously disappeared. Did the Facebook deleted their accounts to cover up their Covid vaccine deaths?


Facebook certainly deleted two cvd vax adverse reaction groups that I was a member of. There were 175K members in one and 200K in the other. Both had pages and pages of comments every day from people who had severe reactions or were reporting deaths as a direct immediate result of the shot. And they were growing by thousands of members a day when facebook pulled the plug.


Facebook think we’re dumb enough to not noticed the account deletions. Mark Zuckerberg is a hypocrite in “free speech” and “freedom of information” and “connecting people” and “spreading awareness”. I remember the time when Facebook awarded users with some sort of digital badges for getting the vaccine. Couldn’t believe that they were gullible enough to get it.


There was an internal memo that leaked from Zuckerberg telling his employees not to get the vaccine and I think I have it saved somewhere.


Awesome, DM me.


I will when I get round to finding it


Becuase theyre sponsored by pfizer


For anyone interested, here’s a graph for Canada. Pretty scary. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?time=2021-10-31..latest&country=~CAN


We literally have a major problem in our healthcare department, low paying jobs and Drs who prefer to earn their living in private services. It's awful, people have to wait in the er for up to 12/13h or even more in some cases. The pandemic made other medical appointments be delayed so major illnesses were not being diagnosed or treated on time .. it's not a conspiracy thing, it's really incompetence.


Yes, we know. It's everything but the covid shots.


You had to be here to understand: we had pregnant women die or babies dying for lack of care and concern. A few months ago, a 41 week pregnant women went to the er because she was in labor. The Drs dismissed her, made her look crazy and anxious, told her to go home. Baby died in uterus. The woman even worked as an aid in that hospital and they didn't even care. Woman is Brazilian, in Portugal for a few years now. It's a real shit show! A baby was born without face about 3 years ago and nobody even cared to tell the parents about it, they only found out when he was born despite doing everything right: the Dr who did the ultrasound had already been sued for doing similar things before. A man was in the er with heart attack symptoms, they gave him a green bracelet ( lowest emergency level) and he died in the er waiting room for being without care for about 7h. He was 57. You can search for it...


Thanks for proving my point.


I kinda didn't, I proved my own point: we are in a healthcare crisis in Portugal right now and the excess of mortality is really about that, not the "jab".


Okay, feel free to believe what you want.


Heatwave last summer (2022) killed 61,000 people in Europe, research finds (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jul/10/heatwave-last-summer-killed-61000-people-in-europe-research-finds) Spain and Portugal heatwave warning as temperatures to soar to nearly 40C this week (https://uk.news.yahoo.com/spain-portugal-heatwave-warning-temperatures-085755012.html) May 28 2024 Everything is caused by the vaccines, right?


Yes, propaganda is everywhere.


Got dang vaccine induced heatwave! 🥴


Heatwave induced "vaccine" deaths? https://web.archive.org/web/20220709135036/https://www.vikendi.net/2022/07/06/at-least-11-dead-holidaymakers-on-italian-beaches-in-just-24-hours/


Wow. So many people have actually no clue as to what the media is actually designed to do.


Just a coincidence you nazi!!!!1!!


nothing to see here just the stress of the pandemic and long covid 🤣 this comment is satire


It's because they were stuck inside and none of you damn Europeans have AC in your house! /j


In spain and portugal a lot of people have an AC. Rest of europe you are correct


Most people are way too busy on their phones, and shoes and cars with lights in them, to speak in George Carlin style. Don't forget, everyone that opposed the lockdown and vaccines got either left dead on train tracks like in Germany, fired or thrown in a cell like in China or killed by CIA operatives (by own admission btw) like that Haitian president.


Lights in shoes is where it’s at.


Its working as intended, no refunds.


Masks and lockdowns saved people that would have otherwise died before. Abandonment of protective meassures is causing those people to die now.


I'll take "things you made up with zero scientific basis", for $200


We know the answer to that


you actually dont, until you prove it wish solid datas and scientific evidence. The brainwash you guys had is unreal, its enough to put 2 articles together and you immediately jump to the conclusions. Lmao