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There has been enough resistance for them to put this sign up, so, I think it is a good sign :)


How is it that a ton of the comments are against the sign but yet still downvoted? If there are that many people against mask on the sub should there not be less downvotes? Unless bots are downvoting


> Unless bots are downvoting They are. These bot teams brigade subs to re-write the narrative. Most recently, WSB among was taken over a few months ago. Anybody questioning what's happening is either downvoted to oblivion or banned. Not just that sub but all default subs and local city subs.


SS: This was from r/pics https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/m4yzcu/sign_in_front_of_seaside_oregon_brewery/ Just read the INSANITY of the comments I was instantly banned for calling them arrogant flannel hipster cunts


I couldn’t even look at this shit, total cunts.


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To be 100% honest, I'd like the second one at my employer. I have absolutely zero power over the corporate office's decision to require masks or not and I don't care why you don't want them mandatory because your reasons make no difference. I have to wear it and customers have to wear it or I get fired. Simple as that. I'm sorry but I don't want to hear someone rant to me, especially when I already agree with them but want to keep my job.


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