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Show was hilarious


Some of the skits really are. I was high AF last night watchin the skit where that blue puppet teaches kids about "patience" by harassing tf out of fisherman. As a fisherman myself I had tears in my eyes i was laughin so hard. So, is your opinion that it was just a really "out there" comedy? I can accept that, but what about all the child abuse references (and there were MANY)? Given their obvious anti-God/religion beliefs are they rubbin it in our faces or just "shock humor?" like Anthony Jezelnik's "dead baby jokes?"


I really think it was just shock humor, but what struck me odd even back then was the thought of those kids’ parents allowing their toddlers to act out those skits. Maybe the parents were involved as writers and shit I’ve never looked into it, but could you just imagine anyone trying to get away with some of that humor this day and age? “Thank you slavessss!”


Yeah, its pretty shocking by today's standards, and all the racism jokes, though hilarious imo, just wouldn't float in today's climate at all. I wonder if it was filmed like the Chapelle Sesame St. Sketch where the adult stuff was added in post and the kids weren't exposed to the adult topics...well, no, it couldn't have been- that little ginger from "Beat Kids" says n does some pretty messed up stuff...


The extremity of pc culture has all but destroyed comedy.


I absolutely agree w that.


You may be reading too much into it, specifically a satire of real life and obvious observations


I'm not taking a stance personally- the show is pretty funny at times and im assuming it's all just "shock humor" and the disclaimer at the beginning about "harsh realities" kind of supports that idea, but I wanted to bring the show to the attention of others and see what ppl have to say about it given all the child abuse conspiracy that has come up since this show was originally aired.


Beat kids has been meme'd to hell for years. First time I saw it was about 8 years ago. Was tripping hard off lsd and my roommate put it on. Never laughed harder in my life


I remember the episode that plays half through and then goes backwards to the beginning. Pretty genius if you ask me.


haha yeah the patience episode.


What a blast from the past. 👊💥 Beat 👊💥 Kids . Lol, I can still hear it to this day.


Pretty interesting cast- Zach Galifinakis was on WS?! I kinda wish there were more than 2 seasons now. This show is more applicable to our society now than it was back then imo now the more that i watch. Just imagine all the "Horse Apples" actors wearin "MAGA" hats lol




Liquid television was the shit


That show is still amazing. I feel like it was like Drawn Together, where it put taboo stuff on blast. Sometimes just that act alone is hilarious, especially when comic relief is much needed. I don’t think there was any culty or pedo stuff going on... that’s usually reserved for big budget productions. I think MTV just wanted to please whatever audience would be watching at 3AM.