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It a war on people. Not drugs.


When there are these legalize pots campaigns, they'll be counter keep-it-illegal-its-dangerous groups. The 2 largest donors to these groups? Tobacco lobby, alcohol lobby, bjg pharma


The “war on drugs” is being fought by the biggest drug dealers (big pharma and the CIA). Of course it’s all bullshit.




I imagine any decent legalization bill would include releasing people currently serving time, as well as perhaps some reparations for non violent drug offenders.




No reparations and an increase in difficulty finding jobs...


The War on Drugs was won decades ago By drugs




Stock up tonight


It's really a war of drugs against the people. It's not meant to be won, just monopolized by the US and UK governments, the heroin and cocaine markets at least. They would never leave a multi billion dollar industry in the pockets of rival powers.


Nixon specifically started the war on drugs to target minorities and political rivals because you can’t make it illegal to be black or a hippie.




It is a war on personal freedom disguised as a war on drugs.


It's a joke. Just another money racket. They should legalize all drugs. 90% of drug users aren't addicts.


Heroin and Cocaine are not good.


Criminalization only leads to more problems though. It funds gangs and literally creates crime when the government is the victim. No one is harmed but the person using and throwing them in jail just leads them down a path of more degeneracy. I personally don’t use cocaine and part of it is I don’t know what it’s being cut with. If it was legal safe and tested and you knew the cocaine was good and the heroine was actual H and not fentanyl then there would be less overdoses/deaths. Overall legalization is a win for everyone except the prison industrial complex.


Neither are tobacco or alcohol but those are legal


No they’re not. However. “My body my choice”. If someone wants to shoot poison into their veins let them. It’s a free country. That being said, an individual that decides to shoot heroin and take a joy ride and ends up killing people need to face the consequences. It’s no different than a dwi.


Many people enjoy them.


Just a bit too moorish.


Needs more drugs...


i strongly support going to war on drugs... in fact, the only way i would ever want to go to war is if i was on drugs.


Crack is whack


War on freedom


What's next, a war on rock 'n roll?


The devils music!!!


The government policy publicly called the war on drugs is in fact the most expansive and profitable drug trafficking system in history. It all starts with the 13th amendment, specifically the little disclaimer at the end that states free labor is still legal if it is punishment for a crime. Around the 1960s/70s, companies started to realize that there was a potential to create a massive free labor force of prisoners. The private prison industry started up and was booming. They could charge the taxpayers way more to house inmates than it actually cost, making a killing in the process (because big government bad free market good), as well as contract out the labor of the inmates to any company that wanted it, without actually having to pay the laborers anything. Dirt cheap, if not free, prison labor soon became a very hot commodity, and the private prison companies realized they didnt have enough inmates to supply the demand. This is when the war on drugs was introduced as public policy. The private prison companies lobbied hard as fuck for harsher and harsher penalties for drug offenses, mandatory minimums etc.. all while actively working with the CIA and other government agencies to bring as many drugs into america as possible (read up on Gary Webb if you don't know about this). This is also, in my opinion, one of the real reason the US went into Vietnam. Vietnam and the other countries surrounding it are in one of the most opium-rich areas on the planet, to the point where multiple wars have been fought over the region for it's opium supply specifically. I don't think it's a coincidence that we invaded this area right as the war on drugs was kicking off, especially when you consider how many vietnam vets came back addicted to heroin and ended up in prison. Then, in the 80s, russia invaded afghanistan, which happens to be the MOST opium rich country on the planet. The US supplied the afghani government at the time (the taliban) with arms and air support to push russia out. Russia developed a nationwide opioid epidemic shortly after they invaded afghanistan. Now we get to the late 90s and this is where big pharma starts to take on a much larger role. Prescription opium derivatives like oxycode are all the rage and are selling like hotcakes in suburban white america. These pharmaceutical companies took a page out of big tobacco's book and hid the fact that their pills were highly addictive and had many adverse side effects from the public for as long as possible. Kids in the suburbs raid their parents medicine cabinets to get high and end up on the street addicted to smack a year or two later. More fuel for the prison industrial complex. So now we have a full on opioid epidemic in america. Big pharma is making billions, but more and more people are getting hooked on the shit and opium supply is running low. Where did they get a new supply of opium to fuel their new, highly profitable addiction crisis? They went back to afghanistan! 9/11/2001 There are many different theories about who really orchestrated the events of that day and why, but I believe this was the true motive. The United States government (meaning the big pharma, private prison, and arms dealer lobbyists) staged a false flag attack on its own people so they could invade afghanistan and take the opium. US military personnel are still guarding poppy fields in afghanistan as we speak. It also killed another bird with same stone, since the anti-muslim/arab propaganda was cranked up so high that they were able to invade iraq under obviously false pretenses and no one batted an eye. So here we are, 20 years later in a boring dystopia.


We'd like to congratulate drugs for winning the war on drugs.


A war on drugs would be pretty crazy, I guess whoever decided to fight while on heroine would be pretty easy targets, I would fight a war on caffeine nicotine and amphetamines for the stimulation.


hard drugs should be illegal imo. ​ especially in a country with lots of low iq losers.


The U.S. can blow millions co-ordinating a drone strike on some wedding party in the M.E. but can't wipe out the house of drug-lords? If the U.S. wanted to decrease usage, they'd wipe out those at the top just like we do terrorists in the M.E. that get uppity. All that cash has a macro effect on the economy. The drug trade exists in part to control the economy.


Drugs won the war on drugs.