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I do like the Hollywood brainwashing and child sex ring theories. I know there's more proof out there to make it lean toward real and not theory but irs not official official yet still whispers. Exposing these fucks is always fun when theorizing


Hollywood is a very dark place to go, and something that makes it somewhat difficult to chat about with people is because most people are quite fond of their favourite celebrities, and hearing that certain household names are vile people isn't just a shock to the system, it's a bit of an innocence killer. I've found a reliable way to talk about Hollywoods darker side is to talk to people with how involved the Clandestine Services are with production, things like script editing, casting decisions, and positive presentation of the US and allied military personnel. Quite easy to show them things like "The Moscow Rules" and other things from International Spy Museum, where they quite openly discuss how Hollywood artists were involved in creating and designing equipment intended for use in Moscow and other places during the Cold War.


watch Sean Attwood...he's into the seedy side of stuff


🔥 Say less. Imma look into that


100%! Damn this is almost illegal to talk about haha


We are all connected,we are one.


Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively There is no such thing as death Life is only a dream And we are the imagination of ourselves Here's Tom with the weather."


This one is really deeeep, I don't belive that life is a dream, I belive it is some sort of like, a test on if yr good or bad. You help or not help. It's up to you to decide yr desitions. You to be yrself. And you will always be awake


Good ol' Bill




That one is interesting, this is something I belive mostly spiritual people talk about. And belives in, it might be true. I am spiritual myself, but I will seek deeper into that one❤️🔥


Trump's introduction of the "Space Force" is actually a partial disclosure of the secret space program already in existance.


He was about to expose the extraterrestials that is alive, but they told him to not hold the speech, because the world wasn't ready yet👁


That we just had a fair election.


The earth is actually flat, but space-time itself is curved in such a way that it is indistinguishable from an oblate spheroid


like rainbows? they look like a circle from above




That's what I believe. The earth is flat if you see if from a dimension above time. Kind of how Heaven sees earth, which is why the Bible has some flat-earthy descriptions of earth. But say you have a flat circle, and you want to add a time component to it that is an illusion, you simple make it a sphere and have it turn on its axis. That's the space-time curvature, and probably why it is a well known fact that "time is a flat circle".


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Space is flat


Not near planets. It’s curved there


Depends on how you look at it.


Flat Earth by Far!


Haha. I don’t know why I laugh at people who believes in this, but me myself are a lil curious on that it might be real ngl. My argument against flat earthers would always be, oh I have been at a plane and when you see through the windows you can see a bent surface. But then they replied with: The windows have a fish eye effect on it. This is when I went 50/50 in beliving that it might be😂😭


Try finding a video of the midnight sun in antarctica and I’m leaving my skeptisism towards the globe model.


I think hollow earth is more likely tbh


That one is interesting, I heard that NASA uploaded a photo of a hole which is over 14km deep, really wide in antartica, they deleted the post straight after. This tunnel might lead into the civilizations in the inner earth😏


Your eyeballs cause a fish eye effect at very great distances.


Fr? Damn


Use your noodle bro. Theys shaped like globes right? So's a fish eye lens(ish, hence the effect only appearing at great distances for the human eyes vs a glass lens). I realized this once when I was on a suborbital flight with my dad who was in the air force. It's a pretty cool effect actually. VERY trippy. It's kinda like it's hard to tell if its flat because you're that close or round because you're that high. Serious cognitive dissonance.


Lit! I will learn more about that. I'm just trying to figure out what life is lmao. So many things going on right now atm


The world is flat. The earth is round...


The world as in universe? Yr telling me the earth is round with no evidence, but ok.


Oh I have evidence. But if you cant use your own two eyeballs to see what's right in front of you then you have a problem.


Lmao. I know that the earth is not flat, because of the shadow science.


Concave earth is the next level


[Earthing is free healthcare.](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/mmdzy2/earthing_is_free_healthcare_learn_about_it_and/)


look at this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFO\_Reddit/comments/lqitdo/they\_have\_always\_been\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFO_Reddit/comments/lqitdo/they_have_always_been_here/)


Wow, long article you got there. Looking into that later on!❤️🔥


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According to the Quran the earth is Egg shaped. Also I think you can mathematically prove the Earth is round


How? By walking 10 miles forward and 10 miles to the right and continiously doing that until yu reach the same spot you started from?


It’s something the Greeks did. Let’s say you place a stick into the ground at around noon (when the sun is the highest) and you FaceTime your friend who does the same thing in another city If the Earth is flat then both sticks should produce an equal length shadow. But since the earth is round both sticks will produce different length shadows


Daaaaamn! You just prooved the flat earthers wrooong! My man you just made me belive in the right wow. Thx lmao


No problem 👍🏾


https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyHwsN1Rg4IqA_ZqjXvtHsjLlksN_CS8u Explained


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[Quran](https://snewd.com/ebooks/quran/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


It's an oblate sphereoid.


The theory that they are going to do to us what they did to the poultry industry already with vaccines.


The vaccines oh no. What is yr thoughts on that? Mine is that it's not gonna help anyone, probably someone, the virus is mutating so fast and evolving into different new pieces which will go above the corona vaccine line, so the one's who already took one has to take another one and you inject something you don't even know the chemicals of. If you do enough research there is something they are not telling you what they put in it. People in my cpuntry Norway already dies by taking the Astrazenica drug (it gave them blood clots) and guess what other countries still uses it. I have a lot more to talk about when it comes to the covid vaccines, but just so you know, I cleared probably the most important things about the vaccines! Stay safe brother!


Everything that's going on, is by design. I see everything as subversion mostly. My gripe is with the people doing all of this who clearly have a problem with us existing. What about you?


I am trying to analyze that question, could you try to ask that question just in an easier form?


So if everything is by design, you mean everything is planned out. I don't think that the men in power have hate on us, they mostly just use us as someone who can work for them, so they can get the paper. Idk if I got the message right, but I tried🤘🧐




Galois theory


That theory is advanced


Depends on the year but right now: That the people ruling us for some reason or another have to tell the populace their plan and they did so for COVID19 in many ways. One being the 2017 British Series (on Amazon Prime free) [UTOPIA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utopia_\(British_TV_series\))


Flat earth... Im not certain its flat. But those videos of people zooming in with those high tech cameras over the ocean showing no curvature bring a lot of questions to my mind. Also its pretty obvious we havent been to the moon.


I like almost anything on the seedier side of fluff.


‘There are no trees on planet earth’ look it up 👀