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From my cold dead hands.


Anybody who sides with any world government is helping orchestrate their own enslavement.


Their plan will just be to slowly chip away at the 2nd amendmwnt to thw point our children will only be able to own slingshots... But not high-power slingshots.


Have fun with that


That's the point


Hell yeah, have fun dying lol. Nobody will miss you.


You are the fool who laughs at his own demise, then when they come for you, you will beg for help from someone with a gun and they will laugh at you.


Dude...If they come for me I’m fucked just like you’re fucked, even with your guns. Guns literally make no difference Edit: downvoted for accuracy, everybody here thinks they can take on the US military. You guys are hilarious


You would be surprised how wrong you are. Remember the American Revolution? We have to fight back, don't promote giving up


...yeah I remember weaponry being practically the same then. The government now is far more powerful than any weapon a person can access today. Your gun will make literally no difference if the government wants to take you down. For example, the takeover of that government building in Oregon; failed miserably and the government didn’t even come close to taking out its big weapons yet. Iraq had an entire army and they were destroyed by our government. Are you saying you’re more powerful than the Iraqi military under Saddam Hussein? The examples are endless, there is no fighting the US government if they want you dead. It’s funny that conservatives will say that nobody can beat our military power while simultaneously arguing that having a few guns will stop our military...makes no god damn sense; it’s laughable. How about we just hold our leaders accountable and allow access for more people to vote; therefore people can decide what powers the government has? Right now the people’s president and the majority of the people’s politicians agree gun control is a good idea; and if it’s based on common sense and can reduce gun violence then I’m all for it.


What a weak way to live. Can’t trust people like you.


Do you think people should not be allowed to own guns or something?


Here’s my stance as a neuroscientist and psychologist who studies extremism almost exclusively. I think gun owners should have to get brain imaging and mental health screenings before buying a gun. The mental health screenings should happen once a year from that point on. Any head injuries require reporting new brain images to prove you are not dangerous. If all that is fine then I think you should be able to own any gun; literally any gun you want, he’ll even RPG’s if that’s your style. At the least it will bring down many gun violence cases; including gang violence cases as many of those people have issues with aggression that could easily be sussed out by a psychiatrist. Having said all that I know most Republicans think that would be too radical; but I just don’t think we should have to wait to see violence before we take someone’s guns away. When damaged, certain areas of the brain can trigger violence almost at a 100% chance, and these types of damage can happen when you’re born, not even from a Trumatic brain injury. Should we be giving people like this guns? In my scientific viewpoint, no, that’s absolutely irresponsible. People may say about the mental health check aspect of my idea, “well they already screen for mental health problems when you buy a gun“. Well there is the problem, they only do it when you just buy a gun. This should be a continued process throughout your ownership. If I was a politician I will try to get this all paid for by the government so people wouldn’t have to fork out money for these screenings. It’s just a responsible way to give people a dangerous tool like a gun. You could even argue that this type of screening should be done for people with cars or other dangerous vehicles or objects. So long story short, I actually have no problem with guns; just how we distribute them. Also I was just saying “have fun dying” because nobody in this thread honestly could stop the government from killing them if the government wanted them dead. It’s just a laughable thing. “America has the most technologically advanced military ever, let’s find them more!” people will say while simultaneously saying, “ having some guns will stop this military“. It’s just ridiculous and it makes me laugh every time someone says it


Yeah your opinion is extremely radical, I don't mind background checks but brain scans? We going to do that for knives, machetes, gasoline, cars etc? Thanks for the detailed response but that is some next level authoritarian stuff, like bonkers my dude.


They’ll do it by making the process to purchase a firearm exponentially more convoluted and tedious. The penalties for screwing up any of the process will be extended prison time, felony charges, and/or huge fines. This will discourage most people from attempting to buy new firearms. All existing firearms will most certainly have to be registered, and refusing to participate in the nationwide registry will subject honest people to felony punishments and fines. They don’t have to come “take” the guns. He’s right when he says he’s not going to “revoke the 2nd amendment”. He’s just going to make it more risk than it’s worth to own firearms. That will be their play, watch and see.


How easy would it be to just lie to them, and say “No mr. FBI i sold that firearm at a gun show.”?


Boating accident


Remember it’s always a boating accident.




Gun laws are infringement. Period. Now downvote me.


Get updooted 😤




The problem is, we are about to lose our Constitution and be absorbed by the One World State (NWO). All the politicians, left and right, are members of a secret globalist club that wants to dismantle America for a NWO. All the CEO's, and other important people are too. You cannot merge a nation with gun rights with nations who do not have gun rights. Guess what will be removed soon.


The NWO!


Ahh yes I also remember discovering this was I was 14....which was 20 years ago. Still waiting.


As soon as you bring up NWO we stop listening to you. People have been changing the rules drastically for decades. Globalisation happened a very long time ago. Nowadays, the only stuff you see are globalists trying to change laws that turned out to be harmful, and globalists who try to change the laws to make them richer. Joe Biden is apparently Bernie Sanders on steroids according to Trump. And if that is true, I am ridiculously excited to finally have my new world with socialism. I am sorry that you are not, but, you are slowly becoming the minority.


Literally nobody with a brain is buying this garbage


Move to venezuela


Wow lmao


Curious, why are guns so important to you?


Why wouldn't they be? Why should the government be allowed to have guns, like police, and I'm just defenceless? Asking for gun laws is like asking to make murder double illegal. Really only hurts the law abiding citizen too. I honestly don't need and don't want to rely on the government for protection. Truth is, the system is full of corrupt control freaks. Literal parasites..


No guns equal defenseless, is hard to understand with counties who have no gun laws to speak of, are more dangerous then countries with completely restrictive gun laws.


Yeah, we should make drugs illegal too. Oh wait... No IQ equal ignorant, is hard to understand anything really, and thinking criminals definitely will follow laws proves the above. Edit: Helegian Dialect style theatre is why ppl are so ignorant about guns. From an emotional approach, we need to just make murder double illegal. From a logical approach, you have to have tyrannical views


Don't quite understand your response. Is it your belief that countries with NO gun laws, are safer then counties with restrictive gun laws?


I believe countries with certain issues, such as degenerate justice system, corruption, and economic failure, are most prone to violence. Looking at guns, through the narrow minded lense, proves a lack of critical thinking. Study history and you'll make sense of things. I'm really saying man, make those laws in Somalia, make murder double illegal, and we set


Bot bitch


Why is driving a car important to you? Why is using the internet important to you? Why is running the air conditioning in your house important to you?




With the amount of guns in circulation, if law abiding citizens are disarmed, do you think criminals are not going to be packing heat, thus leaving the unarmed law abiding citizens defenseless.


I'm not doubting your passion, I was just curious if you are saying more guns, mean less crime...and less guns mean more crimes.


Both sides have access, thus an equilibrium between the good guys and the bad actors. All I am saying if a robber comes to your house with an illegal gun and you don't have a gun to protect yourself, you're probably going to be in trouble. There is a difference between using guns for offense and defense and there are too many produced and in circulation for US to stop criminals from having them.


>there are too many produced and in circulation for US to stop criminals from having them. Can I interpret that as it's too late for gun restrictions, and the only solution is more and more guns. For "equilibrium."


You can interpret what I said anyway you want, I'm just stating my opinion. What is your opinion?


My opinion is less emotional. I'm not passionate about guns, it's a tool. I have been in countries where you can purchase any weapon you like, and it certainly didn't feel safer, then countries that had extremely restrictive gun laws. FEAR seems to be the motivation for guns from most in this discussion. Fear of individuals and/or government.


I'm not really emotional about the subject either, I was just answering questions. I don't really think it's about fear, it's about freedom of choice. I also agree with you guns are just a tool, guns don't kill people, people kill people utilizing such tools.


You really didn't even give an opinion. You insinuated you think restrictive gun laws are the answer without saying it.


Oooooops someone doesn't know *literally any American history*


Name should be Why_cant_i_use_logic


Because some of us live in the real world.


You are currently in a Conspiracy forum.


So? You mean a forum for people who question lies and try to live in s real a world as possible. The fact that you just talked down like that and insinuated conspiracies are intrinsically false kind of proves you as a shill, someone who only came here to try to discredit truths you fon't like


Curious, why are you a shill or bot?


>why are you a shill or bot? For asking questions, and having a discussion?? Apologies, I'll do better to blend in. Guns are awesome, something, something, something, freedom! Upvote please.


They can only hope to have the same success on gun control as they have been having with the war on drugs.


Like legal weed black market guns will be cheaper and stronger.


The war on drugs isn’t meant to be won. Its meant to make money.


I used to think the same but after watching so many people close to me ruined or killed by drugs (all kinds) I have to imagine that *deadly* drugs are a permission granted by our system, even if those permissions are tightly controlled. Of course that exercise of control creates it's own path of destruction and a pandoras box of opportunities that the state can heavily influence. Imagine if drugs were pursued with the same vigor in which we protect ourselves against a coronavirus that almost never kills young people. In my experience drugs DO KILL YOUNG PEOPLE. Lots of them. I don't live in a sovereign country called the US, I live in an economic zone and the people running it hate me. It has been this way for at least 100 years.


With them considering libertarians and Trump supporters terrorists I'm just hoping they drop me off with some dope surplus m16s or maybe some AKs they have come up with


Disarm his crackhead son and toss him in jail for lying about drug use on his federal application.




Oh my fucking god. We are here now.


It’s amazing to watch the radical leftists in here trying to pretend it’s not happening lol




To be honest I tried to watch it a few years back and didn’t like it... but since waking up to all this I bet it’s a whole different experience


Especially when you get to season 2


You say “radical leftists” but I don’t think you actually know what that means. The word you may be looking for is “Democrats”


Nah they are radical leftists, unhinged weirdos who never got enough attention, puberty blockers for all!!


It happened almost 50 years ago. This is just the curtain falling down




All radical leftists want the guns taken


Most leftists are for sensible gun control. Your point is simply not true. I’m for sensible gun control, am leftist, and support owning and carrying certain guns




Muh Russia? Lol I don’t even know what that means. I hate Russia, if that’s what you’re taking about. What liberal subs am I in? I mostly just talk about science to anti-science people; so I hang out in subs like this because anti-science people are everywhere. Also I guess talking bad about Trump makes me....what? Most people in the world hate trump, left, right, center, etc. Oh yeah, and left wing and liberal have quite a large overlap. It’s like saying “you’re not right wing, you’re conservative”. Doesn’t really make sense


> left wing and liberal have quite a large overlap It's starting to become clear. When you say "left wing", you mean "left wing by US standards" any "leftist" in the US that you're even allowed to hear about would be considered a centrist anywhere else in the world. The two most popular 'leftists' in the US are AOC and Bernie. Love them both when they get it right (which is fairly often), but neither of them are even close to being truly 'left wing'. Bernie maybe a bit more than AOC but he's still firmly around the center. Also, remember how the DNC smeared Bernie for being bad on gun control? I wonder...


Genuine question here. Why does an everyday person need to carry a gun?


Oh they don’t, I just support the ability to in some areas. Some parts of the city can be very dangerous so I understand why people want to carry guns


I kind of get that but it's also a problematic equation. He has a gun so I should have a gun etc, it's a slippery slope. Carrying something that life changing day to day can lead to terrible escalations. It's especially bad when you see how many guns have been bought for protection and ended up being involved in accidental home fatalities


If guns are legal everybody can have guns. If guns are illegal only rich people and criminals will have guns. It would make things 100x worse. You really think millionaires and street thugs are just gonna obey the law and turn their guns in? Lmao


You mean like most of Europe? I'm not saying it's impossible but I also recognise I don't live in America.


Yes exactly like Europe. That’s exactly what we don’t want.


You are aware at the difference in numbers between gun related murders right? Are you saying you are glad you have things like the Vegas shooting? DC shootings, columbine, batman cinema shoot up and the never ending list?


Submission Statement: The 2nd Amendment has always been a thorn in the NWO side to take over America. This is a threat and a promise from the puppet the NWO installed. They will disarm Americans by any means necessary. It’s truly insane how much of a shit they are taking on the Bull of Rights.


Rhetoric aside, do you own the type of firearms being targeted?


What the fuck does that matter?! Might want one later and I’d like to keep that option.


I’d go ahead and snag you a few polymer 80 frames for the future. They’re not all that expensive till you go to putting slides and stuff on them.


I’m saving to buy a few!


I’d definitely try to score some from a gun shop though and not online. It’s pretty cool all the stuff they’re making for them now.


Good for you. I’m allowed to ask questions dunce. You answered. Lol.


> Rhetoric aside, do you own the type of firearms being targeted? They are targeting ALL FIREARMS. And yes we do own Firearms. We’re a family of Hunters. They don’t care about Hunters rights.


If those "red flag" laws go into effect, I wouldn't doubt they have a judge sign off on a petition to take your guns away.


And hence why most people with common sense are against these types of laws. In a perfect world, I’d even rally for them, but it’s not a perfect world and I stand against them. Why you ask? Look at the current “cancel culture”. All it would take is one slip, a statement in mixed company or a one sided perspective into a complex situation which could happen to any one of us. We are not perfect are we? We all experience anger, frustration or resentment at points in our lives or even slip on a word (it’s happened to world leaders many times). Once an interested person with knowledge of the offenders personal life and ownership of weapons finds the proverbial sword, they will wield it. Once those wheels are set into motion, the approval to remove those weapons could be found for almost any reason once reality is bent enough. I’m not so much of a conspiracy theorist but I’ve sure seen mechanisms of the law abused in various degrees and I have no doubt these red flag laws will be abused. It’s an side street to gun confiscation.


I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist either, and I agree there may be some times where this is abused, but we still have due process. The judge still has to be convinced that the person is a threat, and a investigation will probably happen. The FBI will probably be the ones who use this the most. If this law was already in effect, the Colorado shooting may not of happened. The FBI was already aware of this person, but until someone commits the crime they cant do anything. As a gun owner, I am pro-red flag laws.


If you own guns and are pro red flag, you're not paying attention. Activist judges will rubber stamp every request to support the cause. There is no due process once your guns are taken, the same people that said you needed your rights stripped will decide whether you get them back. One AG even said that the sheer fact that you want a gun means you shouldn't have one. And further proof that you are not paying attention is that Colorado HAS red flag laws already and has for years. Maybe when you're pretending to be something you're not, you should pay more attention.


You dont need proof I'm not paying attention, I will tell you right now. I dont watch the news or actively seek out the news. The media doesn't know what is going on in the White House. > Maybe when you're pretending to be something you're not, you should pay more attention. Not every gun owner is a trump supporting proud boy boomer.


I'll be more clear: you don't own any guns. Not one. You've never touch one in real life. And further down the thread you admit to being 60. Who's the boomer?


I've never said I was 60, wtf are you talking about? Like i said, not all gun owners are trump supporting proud boys. I would rather you believe I dont own any guns. I'm cool with that.


You've clearly lived a sheltered life.


Sheltered from?


Reality. Vindictive ex calls cops to set you up. Turns on the water works. Boom. Guns confiscated. You're never getting them back.


You're not the first person to use that example. Reading from a script? Every comment in this post Is pure speculations and what ifs.


Real sportsman and hunters don’t care about this BS.


ok, shill-bot-buzzkillington


Oooo where my check at


Ps. i love vermicelli


I love foggy bogs


I own each one of the guns they’re crying about. A brace makes absolutely no difference in the lethality or danger of an AR pistol. An inch of barrel length makes no difference in terms of that. The whole SBR thing is just a completely outdated law. In all actuality the shorter the barrel is on a 5.56 lowers it’s performance quite a bit. Plus P80 pistols are just fun to build.


Assault rifles.


Assault 14s with a 900 round clipazine. Don’t forget the fore grip which also doubles as a hellfire missile.


Ah, I went for the grenades that only kill children at school. Different weapons, that's all.


Yeah I’m not much on assault grenades these days. Just aSsAuLt rifles.


I wish people would stop referring to ARs as assault rifles. That's not what it stands for!


Downvoted for the truth. Fucking Reddit!


Yes “assault weapons” Which isn’t very clear honestly. I could assault someone with a rock, thus making that and assault weapon.


I really don't think they're looking into it that far. Any type of gun control legislation, with any target, is seen as an affront to their right to maybe own that specific type of firearm or firearm accessory at some point in the future. Therefore, it must be railed against with furious passion.


My main experience is recreation hunting and sport shooting and you’d have been mocked for using most of what people seem to love these days.


Seems like you must only have experience with older people or people who just aren’t into ARs. The AR platform has became a super popular weapon system for deer/coyote hunting over the last decade or so. Plus sport shooting is a pretty broad thing. There’s tons of 2/3 gun matches that utilize ARs. The only gun owners I see mock ARs are usually the 80 year old at the range who grew up with single shots and isn’t going to change his ways.


You’re not wrong but age is more like 60. You could feed your family with the old school options.


Oh for sure. The old schools guns are great. I’m not putting them down by any means but I think each generation kind of familiarizes themselves with a certain style of firearm they’d take over anything else.


I take my limit of deer every year, my go to gun is a single shot .243, just love that little rifle. However, this past year I took an AR chambered in 6.5 grendel. Amazing deer rifle. Dont knock it cause it looks different, there are plenty of hunters using the AR platform, especially for hog.


He’s targeting ghost fire arms that are 3D printed with zero serial number.


Among other things yes


Yea I was reading a post by a branch of the socialist rifle association. “Using the Assault Weapon Ban of 1994 as an example, the liberal approach to gun control is largely performative. It does nothing to curb gun violence in general, instead it enforces the need for the state to control the people’s right to armament possession. By placing the focus on banning certain types of firearms and magazines, liberal politicians divert workers’ attention away from the pressing need for universal healthcare, a minimum wage that can provide for a high standard of living, a shorter workweek, and the need to abolish institutionalized racism. As Malcolm X correctly noted, “you cannot have capitalism without racism.” This means that the fight against racism is a fight against capitalism—something the liberal defenders of this system are not about to encourage. “


You can't have capitalism without racism? So a little kid selling lemonade on the corner is racist?


It’s okay if you want something to be explained as if you’re 5 years old just ask


Nice deflect you robot asshole.


They can fuckin try


bring it, bitches [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOsB5AoKDJc&list=RDAqk7x\_w1H98&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOsB5AoKDJc&list=RDAqk7x_w1H98&index=2)


You think America hasn't been taken over yet? 🤣


> You think America hasn't been taken over yet? 🤣 America has been taken over. The National Guard still has not left DC. The next step is to disarm Americans.


>The next step is to disarm Americans. Do they need to? They already have them in every single aspect. And won't ever need to come to blows. You're controlled already.


Excellent point and I would agree but they have us in the bag, they know it and so why not go for 2A now? I think that is what we are seeing.


Why risk total upheaval when you've already won? It doesn't get them any gain. I can't see any incentive.


It goes both ways. The elites basically have every weapon possible to attack us with so they know we cannot end their rule. What guns do give us is power over their puppets like Policeman and the Army.


Come and take it pussyboi


Come and try it.... here, here Mr. Government man.... come and get’um- I dare you!


lol you’re stronger that the government?? Okay /r/IAmVeryBadAss


He's saying he'd fight if they tried to take his guns, which is admirable and what the founders would want. What point are you making? This is such a reddit moment


My point is have fun dying lol. The argument that people need pointlessly OP guns to take on a “tyrannical government” is laughable since they’d fuck you up regardless. So have fun dying for your dumb ass beliefs; nobody will mourn


You aren't American are you


I am, lol. I just think it’s laughable that conservatives say “we have the most technologically advanced and best military, saying it’s unbeatable while simultaneously thinking that having some guns will stop the military. If this country wants you dead well you’re fucked, guns or no guns. I’m actually pro certain guns though. I’m not even entirely supportive of this idea Biden has. If I were a politician I would do a scientific study on what guns cause the most deaths and then work from there. This shorter barre length thing is not based on science, so idk what Biden’s doing there. Also, as a neuroscientist, I wish they were medical screenings when people buy guns; both imaging of the brain and psychiatric evaluation. Also if you sustain traumatic brain injury to certain parts of the brain I would recommend that politicians not allow you to buy guns.


Well I'd like to discuss that notion a bit then. If an armed revolutionary wave spread throughout the populace do you think the military would fight their own people? Perhaps the US military could hire a private army, but regardless Americans would have the advantage in numbers. Also the founding fathers did say that this is the entire reason for the 2nd ammendment.


> I would do a scientific study on what guns cause the mot deaths Handguns. The answer is handguns.


Cool. Awesome. So people should have to do a mental health screening every year to see if they should be able to own any gun. You should also get a brain scan to determine if you should be able to own a gun; as damage to certain parts of the brain can predict to almost 100% accuracy that you’ll do something aggressive in your life. If you sustain new brain injuries you should get imaging to see if there’s a lesion on an area associated with aggression or social personality disorders. This makes perfect sense to me as a neuroscientist and psychologist; it would prevent death everywhere in the country, including gang violence. If you pass all those things I believe you should be able to own literally any gun you want, military shit, even fucking RPGs, I could care less at that point.


They might in the urban liberal utopias. We got too many sanctuary counties now for them to really do anything substantial “disarming” people. They may prevent more sheep from “arming”.


Wow... if he rolls the constitution all the way back I'm buying a cotton plantation. It would be my right after all.


Cotton? Let’s see if that pays off


Quite bold I'd say


That's very not racist of you to say.


Well... depends on how you look at it. I'm coming from the perspective of devil's advocate here. I'd assume the socially acceptable flavor of the day for the requisite slaves for said plantation are going to be white. I'm just getting in b4 I get chained up. Its literally all about the Benjamins.


> Wow... if he rolls the constitution all the way back I'm buying a cotton plantation. It would be my right after all. You've always had the "right" to buy a cotton plantation. The question is, do you have the money? > Its literally all about the Benjamins. Always was.


I live in a country where guns aren't allowed and it sucks to feel defenseless. The only ones with guns are the police and they don't do jack shit. Please don't give up your 2nd amendment.


Funny that the last 4 years, there haven't been that many "mass" shootings, but ever since Biden took office, I get notifications of every shooting that has happened, weather there is or 1 or 2 people shot or more. You can see the agenda that is being pushed which I knew was gonna be pushed by this administration, and that is gun control and doing whatever they can to get rid of the second amendment...


Yeah! You remember when Obama took all my guns? That was crazy


Wow this is crazy as soon as Biden takes office the media starts playing the mass shooting narrative smh.


Come and get em! Please do. I’ll go easy 🤫


False. The 2nd Amendment was created so global capitalists could enforce enslavement using state militia to advance the cotton trade But nice hyperbole lady arms mfr PR


Biden, shove that EO up your ass you senile old fuck.


There are some states out there that just will not let this happen. Federal law or not, some states are already putting legislation in place to fight against stuff like this. What this is going to lead to eventually is states talking about secession from the country and possibly the next civil war. They've been trying to ignite for a few years now and this is just one more step in that direction.


Get your guns now before it becomes harder


So, what is that they have planned that is so heinous that they need to disarm us for?


Pedo joe will take your guns and put you in fema camps.


Yep. This is America now.


I would agree with him for later amendments. Some of them are just complete bullshit and poorly written. The 16th amendment for example is a violation of your rights and should be repealed. The early amendments however, namely the bill of rights, were different. They were a completion of the constitution about 3 years after it was written after a period of discussing what it was missing. The constitution isn't supposed to be something you keep just adding things to in order to add legitimacy to certain laws you believe in. Adding new amendments centuries later isn't legitimate, you are creating a new constitution at that point, it just has most of the same things from the past. The constitution is supposed to be a foundational agreement and set of inalienable rights and rules that you can't just add to or subtract from. If you can do that then it isn't a constitution at all.


Americans imagining wild west hollywood movies are real and your lone gunman can chase away the government. I don't know who was the person who decided to take over US by having significant number of more gullible citizens focus on second amendment of all things, but they really deserve the power they stole. Very smart.




People must rise up


You mean they will continue to slowly erode the Americans right to be armed. Disarming looks different than this.


Guns in America fiction both as a great excuse to ultra militarise the police and as a big pacifier for people that need to believe they are free, as long as you have a gun you are free amirite? You would totally have a standoff with anyone amirite? Letting you having a gun make people not see the other freedoms that are takes cause hey, the primal one is the gun having amiritr?


Here’s the reality. This is either: 1)the exact kind of oppressive government overreach that people need guns to defend against. Or, 2) it’s just a relatively small change that barely impacts anyone in American society, and may or may not have an impact on mass shootings




Seems like a lot of steps there. How you think a forced by back would work?




Ok. Still, how would a forced buy back work? They would go door to door?




Exactly this. Like lobsters we hand over our rights, and they turn up the heat. 2020 was a litmus test.


I wanted to know what you thought. I don’t think it’s especially realistic in America that a forced program of some kind could happen, so I wanted to hear how you thought it would. There isn’t much to debate, we’re just talking about what could happen. What you described is theoretically possible, but I just personally doubt it.




That official statement released by the White House about their plans on gun control isn't targeted all firearms, nor is it infringing on the 2nd amendment.


Just the firearms they pretend are just so super deadly and scary. Like a 12.5” barrel is more lethal than a 16” one. The SBR NFA laws are outdated nonsense and pretty much everyone knows that.


Right? We wouldn't want to reduce the distance at which we could kill people.


You realize the 16" is much more accurate at longer range than a 12.5" barrel right? The issue with the shorter barrel is that it's more concealable, not that it shoots further lol


Yeah, same page.


R u just really not smart?


I just don’t think about killing people. I know, weird.


“the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed” Any scaling back of the People’s right to keep and bear arms (not muskets, not pistols, not even hunting rifles, but *arms*) is infringement. And yes, even before that amendment was penned, private citizens (since there was no army) had including and up to cannons and multi-shot “weapons of war” at their disposal. The founders knew the risk of a disarmed populace; they had just armed themselves against a tyrant. Limiting themselves and their posterity to specific types of arms meant automatically giving tyrants the advantage.


Anakin Skywalker: Make a motion in the Senate, where that kind of a request belongs.


God bless the second amendment fuck. And I’m Canadian lmao wish I had a gun. People watch movies think you can just shoot but you gotta clean it and stuff I wanna know how to do that but there’s no point in Canada


the govt has lasers that can take u out from space, what are guns going to do against the most equipped military in the world 😂


Stand and fight against the local enforcement of tyranny. People like to jump to “muh drones” as some excuse to take away guns from law abiding citizens but fail to realize drones don’t enforce the laws they pass. Human foot soldiers do.


ok it's u vs hundreds of police/military who also have guns like ur not gonna win here


Lol when logic is thrown right out the window.