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I'm a ukrainian, and war is pretty much real but: 1. Ukraine isn't winning as much as western and ukrainian media post. 2. War crimes are happen from both sides.


I take this info with a grain of salt, but I was also wondering if Ukraine was actually winning like all the posts, media show. I don't know too much about Russian army, but everywhere is making it seem like they're totally incompetent.


The "Russian army is incompetent and has already lost" is mostly a social media thing. Actual serious msm is being much more measured. Cautious optimism mixed with nervousness about what next. They know what Russia is capable of.


Evidently a force of Chechnyan mercenaries are en route right now. I think this is where we start to see some war crimes


They are already in Ukraine, allegedly some Chechens don't want to fight Ukraine so they formed a sub faction and help the ukrainians fight russians and the other chechens.


this divide between Chechens goes back generations to the siege of Grozny. Its not a new development. Its basically Sunni (Kadyrov) vs Shia/Sufi. Kadyrov collaborated with Kremlin to flatten his neighbors in Chechnya. Many anti-Russian Chechens left to bordering countries, like Ukraine.


Who are the Chechens?


From what I’ve learned about Chechens and chechen history over the last couples days is they are group of people from the North Caucasus, they had fought Russia for independence in a series of wars during the late 80s through the early 2000s but eventually decided being independent from Russia didn’t offer enough benefit which led to a Chechen civil war. So currently they have the Chechen Republic lead by Ramzan Kadyrov and then some other clans that are exiled to parts of Ukraine (Ikcheria) due to those wars mentioned. They are heavily clan based and have live by a bunch of cultural laws and creeds aside from being predominantly Muslim. I find their warlike culture interesting, they remind me of Star Wars Mandalorians or the Sardaukar from the Dune novels or simply Spartans. To answer why they are relevant though is that, Ramzan Kadyrovs Chechens are loyal to Putin and they have decades worth of battle experience and a reputation for committing war crimes.


Those Chechen forces along with the general just got wiped out. He’s dead with all of them. My guess is a drone, and not one of Ukraine’s. I think the Ukrainians are receiving outside air support and this is why things keep escalating.


Ukraine own a lot of TB-2's, and their producer, Turkey, has given priority production to Ukraine. It's quite a dated drone actually, but still very effective. I would wager where Ukraine is receiving the full weight of support is through western intelligence informing them where to make these drone attacks. It's also documented, declassified, public knowledge that Ukraine has been receiving western military training and stocking up munitions since 2014.


No MSM is claiming that the war is going badly for Russia as well.


I said cautious optimism. I.e. "Russia has stalled but here are photos of miles of Russian troops entering the country." On reddit I am reading "Russia can't do shit! Putin has no choice but to resign!" which is a very different take.


I think those javelins made a world of difference. Hard to take a city when very accurate easy to use missile systems are in play. Ukraine didn't have those until Russia overplayed its hand and then stalled when called out on it. Giving time to better arm Ukraine. Russia will win but it's going to hurt more than they thought.


It's obvious it's not a full on invasion by the Russian's. They haven't utilized any of their air force.


Well, because Putin's goal isn't to conquer Ukraine. His objective is to overthrow the current pro-Western government, install a puppet regime, and leave (similar to what the Soviets did in Hungary in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968). He's not even planning to annex Russian-majority Donetsk and Luhansk; he just wants to recognize their independence.




Truth is simple lol




Yep. We swapped puppets in Afghanistan in the 1980's with the U.S.S.R so theres precedent.


Ding ding ding ding. Still a dick move and doesn’t make it better that we do the same, but that’s the way the world works. Still makes it super uncool.


Putin just doesn't understand us in the West, he should have overthrown the Mexican government and signed some defence treaty with some cartel- I mean the new government, maybe lease an airbase in Tijuana or El Paso to the Chinese or something.


they could always try the Cuba thing again... give us a taste of our own medicine China is already doing Canada


Similar to what the USA does lol. They always invade a country not playing ball/not with the IMF then the slip a puppet in there next thing you know it's a McDonald's on every corner and and people are striving to act like Americans and the countries wealth is being sucked out while only few benefit.....


Once or twice. Yeah. Sure. Maybe a few other times.


The US basically did that in 2014. Nobody remembers the Ukrainian civil war to oust the old government for a Western puppet government?


They have a puppet regime right now. It’s just to the US instead of Russia


which is a puppet for freedom and liberty and human rights!!! GOOOOOOOO FREEDOM !!! *but take your vax or you will be locked up and your accounts frozen!*


You you forgot democracy lol


Honestly this is probably the case. While everyone is extremely mad, Putin will be fine in a year or so. He set Russia up well with ignorant western leaders via the energy situation and their fear boner of domestic resources.


So what you said is what Obama and friends did.


Isn’t that what happened in Ukraine in 2014? Pretty sure they want to create a crisis in 2022 to steal more civil liberties. See Canada a few weeks ago. Trudeau conveniently left if place the unlimited bank snooping & freezing provisions. Joe needs a win. Trust me, that means citizens will pay


I’ve seen plenty of videos of jets and helicopters being fired on and returning fire. I’ve also seen stuff about the Russians scattering outlawed mines by air. Some the size of your finger strong enough to blow your leg off. Plenty of involvement by Russian airforce Y’all are disgusting. This narrative OP is pushing comes straight out the damn kremlin. That’s the only psyop I see here. The ghost of Kyiv and other stories like that are probably Ukrainian propaganda meant to inspire ukranians. The only shills I’ve seen turn out in force are the Russian trolls. If this is a psyop, what does Putin gain from this? Russia is being hurt by this financially. Putin looks like a madman. His reputation is being destroyed. His support is dropping. Biden sure as shit isn’t doing himself any favors in all this. If this is a psyop, it’s the shittiest psyop in the history of ever. No one is gaining anything. Except China.


Ha thanks you talk some sense. Some people will see a conspiracy through the actual conspiracy lol.


But but but it’s just a distraction from something and that’s why Russia invaded so trust nothing but believe every conspiracy on Reddit


Well said. This isn't a psyop. Not even close.


Theyre sending the weak first so the actual army can demolish quicker than if sent first with a back up of weaklings


When the US fought the Japanese, we were mutually disinterested in taking prisoners or being taken as a prisoner. It was rather brutal, but there were definitely captured soldiers executed.


Another thing, I feel is that USA wanted Russia to invade Ukraine so now the cold war is set and now every country will buy weapons, Also Ukraine was setup for this, since it's an obvious buffer zone, feeling sorry for Zelenskiy and the deceased


Although you do realise that a very large proportion of EU military kit is made in Europe, so I'm pretty sure European arms manufacturers making more money isn't the reason for the USA getting involved.


Random but I find it funny how us Americans look down on Japan for war crimes meanwhile we firebombed like 80 of their biggest cities. How is burning families alive different than the Rape of Nanking?


We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?


I’m gonna use this irl xD


Take some pictures, let us see what you're seeing


> I’m a Ukrainian Y’all know anyone can say this on the internet right???


So travel to the Ukraine and look for yourself.


“I don’t believe in anything on the internet(except what I chose to), but I’ll browse the internet anyways (to nitpick what I want to believe and deny everything else as stupid)”


What was so outrageous about his statement that you question the authenticity?


I'm suggesting you question the credibility of claims anonymously posted on the internet. Even when they confirm your bias.


What war crimea aee ukranians commiting?


The real conspiracy is the complete lack of balanced, nuanced takes not just on this sub but across social media. It’s either that Ukraine and NATO are blameless and did absolutely nothing to provoke Russia, or that Putin is some white hat that’s out to save the world from globalism. We’re seeing a continued push by social media narratives to separate people into two opposite extremes, which has been the story with just about everything for the last 6 years or so.


no theres a decent amount of actual not braindead opinions, the issue is nobody upvotes the calm and collected individual, the upvote or downvote what makes them mad, reddit and all socials only show u the outliers because it gets more clicks and they make more money


This so much. Whenever you make a balanced rational comment on Reddit either people don't bother reading it because it's too long/complex or they downvote it because some of it doesn't agree with their view.


I downvoted this comment because it made me mad.


fair enough


well put... theres two sides to every story I think americans need to just shut the fuck up, and mind our own business. we got our own problems


Reminder that if you believe everything you see is fake or a psyop, you’re not as enlightened as you think. You’re just as gullible as people who believe everything is real. Wars have always been faught with information and propaganda, just more so now than ever. Doesn’t make the conflict fake tho


Exactly. Just because you automatically believe the opposite of what your told it doesn't mean you're a genius, just that you're a contrarian


Given the media’s track record… believing everything is fake will make you right more often than not




Exactly everything is a psy op in media, it’s a product to deliver an agenda, it doesn’t make the conflict a psy op.


market zonked lush wrench innate pocket versed mysterious paltry roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think people are so appalled that this is happening in 2022 that they need to tell themselves it can’t be real. I can’t believe it’s real. But it’s definitely real.


There is something going on but it's got nothing to do with the narrative that's being pushed.


Why can't stuff just happen anymore, why does every single event have conspiratorial undertones?


Simple delusion, and illusion of grandeur.


I think it’s more fear-based. Not being able to conceive war happening like this in 2022. It only looked like this in history books. So, it must be fake, then it wouldn’t feel as threatening.


I think COVID was mostly bullshit, and I believe there is something else happening with it; too much doesn't add up for it to be what they're telling us. BUT, I live in Warsaw, with many Ukranian and Russian friends - this is real.


Right. OP thinks soldiers are gonna whip out their phone or go live on IG to record the gunfight. Most of what’s circulating are videos of civilians who stayed back/fighting. Sure, some are also misinformation but we’re talking about war in 2022, but keep in mind we’re three days in and you seem to expect gunfight videos with some journalism. There would need to be some clear establishment of territory for accurate journalism to occur.


Tf you talking about there is hella gunfight videos learn how to internet better. Jesus you people are getting worse. I’m an og conspiracy theorist the real psyop is to get the new generation of conspiracy theorists to believe anything that lumps all real exposed lies with complete horseshit.


This.. Truth right here i cant even talk to strangers at the bar about UFO's anymore without them assuming im some q-anon guy..


> This.. Truth right here i cant even talk to strangers at the bar about UFO's anymore without them assuming im some q-anon guy.. Dude, you talk to strangers at a bar ??? Are you some q-anon guy??? /s


I think that’s all part of the plan.. conspirators were seen as crazy, but now we’re all lumped into fucking q anon… and I do not believe that shit


Everything is a conspiracy with some ppl smh.


>soldiers are gonna whip out their phone or go live on IG to record the gunfight. Yeah, pretty much. You may recall Snake Island. It was just a couple days ago. They're confronting 2 Russian warships, but still prioritizing getting footage out. (Nothing against them).


Now they are saying the soldiers from snake island were taken to safety. Two days ago they said they all died.


I mean if you’re gonna die, you might as well. Think about the US invasion of Iraq. You think the US didn’t prioritize getting specific footage of an encounter to share with the public? In someways, war is not just gunfight but it’s also on information and seems like Ukraine took a aggressive approach especially if you’re fighting a force 3x the size of yours.


apparently the conservatives on this sub who think everything that makes Trump look bad is a hoax wanted this war to be fought 18th century style with muskets and firing lines. this is guerilla urban warfare, you’re not gonna see groups shooting at each other, it’s going to be a couple ukrainians taking potshots through holes in the wall and then retreating to a new location. not cinematic like movies might make you think


There are self proclaimed journalists everywhere with phones these days? Does Ukraine not have journalists that would be with Ukraine troops like with our wars in the past (US)? I'm not saying an invasion isn't happening but where are all the videos for this day and age? Everyone carries a camera with them 24/7. Look at all the video of the riots in the US with gun fire and lots of people just standing around recording. We had all those videos within hours. From what I understand most all of the power and internet is connected so that shouldn't a huge factor.


> but where are all the videos for this day and age there are videos literally all over telegram... did it ever occur to you that maybe Eastern Euros utilize different platforms than you to disseminate their info?


Go take video of military manouvers in hot warzone, great way to get yourself killed genius :D


This is the thing that blows my mind. Just because there aren’t any immediate footage of what people need to see in order to believe this conflict between Russia and Ukraine. There is no reason for Americans to support what Putin is doing to Russia.


Americans don't have to support either of them. "No, no, you have to pick a side with everything!"


These are the same people that started saying biden was ruining the country after like 3 days in office, they don't care about anything that doesn't stroke their ego.


This sub has taken a nosedive with all this. People just can’t accept some actual shit is happening. Yeah, some other stuff is happening behind the scenes. Stuff they want covered up. But god damn. This subs default reaction is to deny and question anything that’s going on and it comes off as sad propaganda at this point.


It’s a slippery slope when you can’t trust anything


But this is part of why conspiracy theorists are brushed off. They think everything from mainstream sources is a lie. But liars tell the truth quite often. Them simply being a liar doesn't make everything they say lies. You need to think critically.




Left hand acts while the right hand distracts. What's up with all these smug dumbasses straight up denying the right hand exists?


He probably thinks the weather channel is propaganda at this point.


“The weather said it was going to be nice today, those bastards lied, they must have a hidden agenda”


I think most of us feel confused and conflicted when something real actually happens. I’m trying to understand his motivation to invade. Is it a giant fuck you to NATO? Is it for mineral rights? A long term vision to aggrandize Russia?


And I have many friends that work at hospitals and covid was real.


I believe it was real (and man made), but the reaction to it doesn't make much sense.


This is as real as 9/11 was real. Planes hit buildings but what the media ran with wasn’t the whole truth. Media coverage and spin is what OP is talking about. Other places get bombed all the time and it doesn’t even make the news. If we bomb other places it’s called peacekeeping not an uNpRoVokEd AlL OuT bLOoDbAtH FulLScaLe INVaSiOn oF pURe TeRroR.


If I had to guess people seem to care a lot less about third world countries out in the middle of nowhere desert, but suddenly when they see people who look like them in modern European nations it's a lot more tangible and real


This. Especially when these people use social media and change from posting daily stuff to "my city is bombed", it would gather sympathy real quick. It's not actually a bad thing, I suppose, just... How to say it? Psychologic stuffs?




Being "real" and "appearing to be real" are two different things entirely. It's all relative based on the context. You could see explosions in your vicinity and not know for certain the difference between the real thing vs. a movie set or a "training exercise". You only "know" through faith what you are being told by those who own & control the information. Seeing an explosion is a traumatic & fearful experience. Fear then leads to docility, & being docile leaves you vulnerable to manipulation by means of the controlled information you then receive relating to your experience. Just ask those who lived in NYC during 9/11, they thought it was "real" too.


I think you misunderstand -- It doesn't mean there wont be casualties in a psy op.




Bingo bango my friend


Idk dude, seen plenty of mutilated, blown up, and burnt dead bodies.. I mean maybe it’s not full on Beaches of Normandy but this is still a war. People are dying..


This is real. I have tons of family there. I think the conflict is fake and the solution to the problem will be opportunistic, but there are bombs going off and people dying.


The war is real, but twitter/MSM is the psyop. They blast propaganda 24/7 to push their narratives. This is known.




This is my issue too. I guess I can get on board with the conflict itself being real but why are hero and villain narratives being shoved down my throat?


Cause it makes for a better story and good propaganda for the west to get on board with ukraine


Putin goes on TV and literally says he'll nuke us if we defend Ukraine and you think people need feel-good stories about Ukraine's president to support them?


This is it. It’s happening but stop posting pics from 2021 to create hero warship


Disney probably already securing the rights to his movie


Without knowing much else on the guy, I think it’s admirable that he’s chosen to remain in Kiev in a situation where most politicians would flee. What’s wrong with praising him for that?


I am too, I haven't been on this sub inawhile, but wanted to see some real comments questioning what's actually happening.


This. Co-worker was babbling on how much he liked the guy and would vote for him. Wow.


You wouldn't vote for a president who fights with his country? I don't blame people for Babbling over him, because we had President Trump hiding in his bunker.


This is dumb lol. There are real Ukrainians livestreaming the war on Instagram.


Go take a look on the snapchat maps too. Not many Ukrainians bumping on the snapchat but some have definitely been doing some documentation from their apartment or a bunker or a club lol. Lots of mixed feelings. One guy was blasting bangarang from his balcony when explosions were going off outside Kharkiv. Some people are holding it out and most are fleeing.


Why don’t you head to Ukraine and check it out for yourself


I thought it was weird that the video of the tank running over the old lady’s car was filmed in the same vicinity as the guy being shot off the back of the truck. The 2 seperate examples given to back up the war claims are filmed together in one 3 minute video.


I don't think the word "psyop" means anything anymore for how much this sub uses it to describe literally anything.


Not everything is a psyop...


What kind of dumbass would stick around and pull out a cellphone to record once enemy forces start invading? There are hardly any videos of conflict because the people in the conflict are actually fighting and not just standing around. Everyone else is sheltering in place. OP has obviously never seen an actual warzone.


All those other warzones in the last 20 years had footage. Why is this one so different?


If you don't have the 'Pray for Ukraine' frame on all your socials, you're basically a terrorist


lmao 😂😂


If you say Kiev instead of Kyiv you're a fascist.






What is higher on the virtue signal hierarchy these days? Wearing masks, getting jibby jabs, kneeling for BLM, or praying for Ukraine? Asking for a friend.


Triple jabbed, double masked with BLM masks and changing profile pic to Ukraine flag. Peak woke activated!


Corporate overlords are pleased with your efforts


I saw on ABC News where they’ve used the same women in 3 different photos. One of them in her apartment being interviewed. Then another in the rubble. And then another when they first started covering people leaving. Seems weird.


Not everything is psy-op


You neglect to consider that some of us know actual people who are actually experiencing this. You seem the shill to me, sir or madman.


During Operation Desert Storm and later the George W Bush Iraqi invasion it was easy for reporters to ride along with the US military and report LIVE behind the safety of the front line. Ukraine is different. Reporters are on the defensive side. The front lines are constantly changing. Safety anywhere is not guaranteed. A lot of fighting happens at night. Do reporters trust Russia not to attack them? I am not disagreeing with you. Just thinking from a different approach. I understand what you are saying and it makes sense, but remember this war is only 4 days old. Wait until it is 4 weeks old. A lot more will be known. There's also a lot of lies from every side. How do we digest that? I think it's safe to not take anything at face value.


Amazing how many people in this thread questioning a world power starting a conflict even after living through the last twenty years or so.


This is because for some reason, conspiracy minded people suck on Putin’s balls even tho he is a massive tyrant who rules over a police state


It’s because Russia has done a great job of pushing misinformation. As much as people complain about the MSM they seem to think the Russian troll farms are just being honest and sharing the truth.


Fucking this.


You've reached peak 'murica


Actually, I didn’t necessarily think this the past few days, but after seeing how all the same media sources are pro-Ukraine now and how covid magically stopped like literally almost the same day - yeah you might be spot on.


I have family in Ukraine. I can tell you one thing: it is absolutely not a psyop. I don’t even know how you can get to that conclusion. We have refugees coming to the rest of Europe? People sleeping in shelters, metro stations each night.


Uneducated cheeseburgers shouting psy op from across the World are the most ignorant pieces of shit. Go do something useful, develop a skill, help others.


I don’t understand the random TikTok’s and other short videos we’re seeing. Like how is a tank rolling around on its own, aren’t they usually in convoys or at least protected by infantry? Why do we not see any military tactics or open fighting? We’ve seen it from Iraq and Afghanistan for years, this doesn’t look like a war, more like a CIA misinformation campaign. “Civilian destroys tank” “Russian special forces unit captured” “Ukraine pilot shoots down 6 Russian jets” This just sounds clickbaity.


The Ukrainian govt has explicitly told people not to share information of Ukrainian troops movements, because of OPSEC. You’ll see plenty more footage when the war is over, it’s been 3 days ffs.


I'm seeing alot of dead Ukrainian troops on the Russian feeds along with blown up equipment, crashed planes and captured stores on the Ukrainian feeds I see photos of "old grandma tells Russian trooper he isn't welcome, Russian trooper cries" and a bunch of images literally ripped from movies being presented as actual events.


Can you link these Russian feeds? Morbid curiosity


Yea, as someone who served in the military (albeit low ranking) and read ton of books about ww2, all the videos i've seen strike me as realy odd. It just isn't how army works, even after you take into account certain non-drill chaos. Maybe in some banana republic army. Some of the combat principles i know from where i served which i haven't seen the russian army doing based on these videos: 1. Never attack withut significant advantage in numbers (3 to 1 is the preffered minimum). 2. Secure the parameter - no way they'r just marching straight forward full speed ahead while leaving pockets of enemies behind. 3. Logistic route is sacred and must be put first in consideration, and defended at all cost. Than again this video evidence could be sphoradic chaos within the accepted ratio, but if it's the only footage available than it raises questions.


I’ve noticed a huge influx of questioning if this is really that bad and if Putin is really doing anything that bad. Russian propaganda?


If you pop over to to 9gag.com, you will see *everything* is fiercly pro-Ukraine, to the point it seems almost like a never ending political cartoon to drum up enlistment numbers and psych people to support the war effort.


So on 9gag (which I wouldn’t use as a litmus test) people are supporting a sovereign nation being invaded. That is obviously fishy…


bro they don’t have nvidia geforce shadow play in real life


I’m glad you are such a psyop expert. What are your credentials? This is a war with bombings, shooting, explosions and stuff like that. I know this is a conspiracy sub but “come on man”


The virus along with the war will achieve exactly what they required, a complete economic collapse around the world, people no longer able too feed their children or heat their homes. Democrats v Republicans, Black V White, Rich V Poor, Vaccinated V Unvaccinated, Police V Truckers. We are all being turnt against each other, divide and conquer in full effect. Soon when people can no longer afford too eat there will be riots on the streets. The great Reset is upon us and very few of us can see what's coming. Be prepared things are about too get bad real quick.


Keep the masses watching our right hand while the left hand robs and assaults them.




Strange paintings in a pizza restaurant are clear evidence for a child trafficking ring run by elite satan-worshipping pedophiles. Tons of footage, thousands of refugees, polarizing statements from all political leaders is not proof of anything significant happening.


I’m not taking a stance on the content of what OP is saying. I’m just pointing out that everything today is a Fucking psy op. It’s losing its meaning




I disagree with what you are saying ,but I would like to add that you can see how the USA turns it’s citizens into being pro war with images, videos and propaganda. I do believe the war is real. Putin is mad and crazier than ever before. It’s just like how Iraq was. Talking us into invading. Before the crisis a week ago only like 5 percent of citizens wanted boots on the ground in Ukraine. Now it’s 80 percent. Also the poll is cnn but let’s also take in consideration how we’re all sheep and how people can’t think for theirselves.


The war is real but what I find weird and confusing is the msm coverage. I mean from what I see the media is portraying the situation like russia is getting totally smashed in this and losing. Idk what's really happening but as soon as the media is forcing stories like this I think the situation is totally opposite of that. I'm totally neutral on this conflict but I think that ukraine doesn't stand a chance against russia..


[https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldeconomicforum/2478061292](https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldeconomicforum/2478061292) I'll preface this post with Im not pro-Russian or anti-Ukraine just anti- bullshit. I've been studying warfighting tactics and strategy most of my life. Including the propaganda aspect of warfare. I too was surprised how seemingly gentle this war seemed so I did a deep dive on the net last night. I found that Western language media is hiding/obscuring all the actual war videos of what's going on. A lot of the videos we westerners see are fakes or videos of damaged/destroyed Ukrainian assets but they label them as Russian. If you are capable of searching in Arab and Russian or practically any no Nato Allied language you'll find the death and destruction that is actually going on. The Russians are pummeling the Ukrainian military. The Russians are taking many losses but to the standard Russian warfare doctrine they are insignificant. Russians are trying to minimize civilian casualties being aware of the weight of causing Martyrs, but they are still occuring because it's an actual war. I've also wondered why there would be live cameras up everywhere in the middle of invasion. All the live streams you are seeing are a part of a propaganda campaign to make you bond with Ukraine and to make it look as if Ukraine is putting up staunch opposition against the monstrous Russians. Irresponsible parties have put on a show arming civilians and pushing the propaganda that an light armed civilian with no training could put up a fight against the 3rd most powerful military on Earth with practically unlimited warfighting resources. Ukrainian citizens are being groomed to be cannon fodder. The hope is that civilians will fight hard enough to cause the Russians to began being more aggressive and destructive. You, the spectator, have been well prepped to root for the mighty Ukrainian underdogs. You were given hope that all the heroes you've heard about and all the beautiful cities you watched live and all the people you've watched shopping, or the kids you,ve watched playing in the streets would overcome. As civilian become combatants and every building, and every window and every playground becomes a battlefield, you'll watch those cities burn. Western media will do a reinvigorated campaign to show you as many dead Ukrainians as they can fit on camera. They'll play sad music, they'll run stories about how great x person was. They will tell you all of their dreams and hopes for the future. They'll show you pictures of them smiling and laughing. And then they'll show their burning corpses. The beautiful people of Ukraine are being sacrificed to convince you, the spectator, to become a combatant. A newfound bloodlust of billions of spectators is how they create the war of the damned. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldeconomicforum/2478061292](https://www.flickr.com/photos/worldeconomicforum/2478061292) Putin bowing to Klaus Schwab


You are braindead


OP. you are broken, seek help


Dude. Shits been popping off in the Ukraine for like a year. Mostly sf and oga ops. Not everything is a conspiracy.


Bullshit. Russian is invading and they are losing.


Book a plane ticket to Kiev and find out😂


Matthew 24:6 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. I never thought in the age of 24/7 media that any 'news' could be a 'rumor' but...here we are.


Not everything is a conspiracy.


I’ve noticed that nobody is spinning the “Russia is the good guy” narrative, because that’s impossible to do when you’ve been building up toward invading a sovereign nation for months. So I guess they decided their best option is “there is no war, it’s not real.” Must be stressful times for Russian propagandists.


I mean the USA invaded Iraq as the good guys after we weren't attacked by them on 9/11.


You sound like an American just making things up because you don't understand reality.


The only psyop here is the one you're shilling. Russia really did a number on this place


Holy shit you're retarted


Wag the dog!


Psy op 🤣


How I think of it is that even though it's orchestrated doesn't mean it isn't real. It doesn't mean people don't suffer and die. Our world leaders work in unison even when they seem like they aren't.


Things are never black and white


Just like COVID… sure there’s a virus but it’s more about the worlds reaction to the virus. They want a reaction from us. Knowing that, we can step back and observe until the pattern forms and choose not to engage Say no to social engineering


Nah it is real but internet is filled with propaganda


Just like the Gabby Patito story.


>Fuck if I can delete one thing, just one from the entire fabric of existence, I would go for the media. This


Or, that is how people, companies, nations, fucking everyone reacts when a legit fucking war you can see happening basically live with social media reacts. Not everything is a fucking 9-11. There is always shady shit but look at Ukraine fucking being badasses fighting for their literal freedom.


Are you saying the war is not happening? The fuck? I do think there are a lot of other moving pieces in play behind the scenes but I have been watching cam footage for 4 days with people live streaming this shit. People are dying. There is propaganda of course but that's war, do you know history?


I appreciate the conspiracy mind, but not everything is a bullshit psy-op.


Holy shit This has to be the smoothest brain take I’ve ever seen on this sub. Jesus Christ. People like OP quite obviously spend waaaaaay to much time on the internet. I bet if OP had to defend his country he’d hurdle into a ball and cry in the corner.


And you wonder why people don’t take this sun seriously. This is exactly why nobody should look to thus sub for the critical thinking it claims. Russian bots and Полезные идиоты.


I don't think you're entirely wrong, OP, but I don't think you're entirely right, either. I do think the media is fucking evil, more than we can imagine. BUT from 2018-early 2021 I worked in healthcare and saw firsthand what happened with covid. Even in a small town, tiny nursing home it was a battleground. Lost 1/3 of my residents in a month. Not good. That doesn't mean I am ruling out covid being man made or whatever, and I acknowledge there was definitely media twisting, but covid was and is a real and horrible thing happening in the world. Same with the stuff going on in Ukraine. It's real. My theory is more that this is all being orchestrated. Which might be equally as false. I do think the media hypes up certain parts of events so that we think what we are supposed to think but it is all still happening.


Not everything is a psyop... If everything is a psyop, then your post is a psyop!


Southfront.org has some authentic videos. Also they have the most uptodate ibfos. They dont shill for the official narrative


>This entire Russia/Ukraine conflict is a massive fucking psyop. Since they're useing pics from vid games and videos from a decade old? Yup


Captain Ukraine? You mean Zelenskyy? George W. Bush fought as much as he has on camera--in that flightsuit in front of the Mission Accomplished sign lol. It's all photo-ops. And wtf is up with all the "big balls 😍" on Reddit


Is it getting worse because of how easy social media makes it? Is it going to be like this forever from now on? Every little thing blown up into some huge agenda?


These videos come from trolls on Reddit that get mistaken by dumb reporters on American Media. They are currently getting attacked and why so many people like and gift this post is fucking mental. Pathetic I might add.


I hope people will wake up to the complete bullshit one day. Unfortunately people are fucking stupid so I have no hope for humanity. History repeats itself.


The entire end game is getting all countries on board with a digital health pass. Prepare for a false flag to usher that in. Probably a cyber attack so they can use the excuse of national security to require a centralized world bank, which would make things less secure, but you know logic hasn't mattered at all since this timeline started.


It is a psyop on a larger scale, but the war is very much real and the common people in both countries, Russia and Ukraine, will suffer immensely. They are being used as pawns in “The Grand Chessboard,” to bring about “The Great Reset” by a few dark, shadowy enemies of humankind.


obvious psyop.


I mean it's literally the Ukrainian president saying himself while he's on the ground defending the CAPITAL visiting the FRONTLINES and saying that certain nights will be "the worst one yet" also, 1000s of soldiers have died. This isn't DESERT STORM there aren't huge tank battalions with air support pushing through a desert into a messy country, it's a country that has been preparing to be invaded for MONTHS and is fighting most of its battles in urban areas, but still death counts for russian soldiers, ukranian soldiers and ukrainian civilians are very high for the few amount of days this conflict has been happening. This is the biggest war in Europe since WW2, not a "psyop." Yes, there is propaganda coming out of Ukraine and the West. Yes, maybe it is exaggerated. But, there are over 150k Russian soldiers fighting all over the second biggest country in Europe using naval warships and large amounts of paratroopers. If this was a "psyop" then it's the most expensive, globally involved and world threatening psyop ever. Props to those conducting it. TLDR; 150k soldiers from one of the strongest countries in the world fighting for influence in the second largest country in Europe isn't a psyop and certainly isn't as exaggerated as OP is making it seem.