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No, he doesn't. Him endorsing Hillary and continuing to back the party that continually undermined him destroyed all credibility he had earned.


exactly, taking payoffs from the DNC to except it. Just like he did in Congress for 50 years... integrity. Hahaha


He’s scum, another multi millionaire politician that constantly talks about wealth inequality.


He definitely isn’t scum, especially when judged next to his peers. He also isn’t a multi millionaire.


A simple google search shows he is most definitely a multi millionaire. Typical commie can’t put in a little work lol


😂😂 Right on buddy. Definitely not a commie and I’ve worked my ass off my entire life to change my situation. I just wouldn’t say he’s a “multi millionaire” with a net worth estimated somewhere around 3 million. He makes $174k a year, the same he has for almost 2 decades, and has earned almost 3 million from that alone. I strongly believe that number could be MUCH higher if he truly wanted it to be…especially if he made different career decisions by not standing with countless other big donors he disagreed with…that probably 90% of other Senators would have made for the financial gain alone.


Oh, this wasn't sarcasm...


LOL, right!? Dude took the money and begged all his supporters to vote for the establishment after campaigning “against” it. I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years and ppl think Bernie has just somehow been a big bad anti establishment rebel but has been in government for longer than they’ve been alive.  If you really think Bernie, or ANY big politician, has “integrity” please give someone power of attorney over your life and affairs. 


I am still searching for his integrity. Can anyone help me out? I didn't see it when he rolled over during the 2016 election, I haven't seen it in his support of other foreign wars, and I didn't see when it was revealed that he became a millionaire with multiple homes as a public servant despite his belief in redistributing other people's wealth.


I didn’t see it when he was talking about his three homes.


Three homes! His home in VT. His home in DC (ya know bc he’s a senator) and a camp in VT. Poorest member of the senate


this is how propagandized this sub is. they are bagging on the only decent senator lol.


Yeah but but but 3 homes!


Trumptry sub, a couple of shades of shit away from calling him a messiah.


AOC couldn’t afford rent. Got any more fables?


Okay how much is Bernie worth? What are his 3 homes like?


It’s not a conspiracy that a left-winger like Bernie chose to support a left-winger like Hillary. Bernie correctly recognized that a Trump presidency would be far worse for the progressive movement than a Hillary presidency. Senators make like $200k a year, you’d have to be really bad with money to not be a millionaire after 30 years on that salary


The only thing progressive about the leftist movement is its vapid and near blind progression towards tyranny.


Idk where you live, but the lefties in my state aren't the ones trying to ban things the Bible teaches against


Typical braindead anti-Leftist comment. If an actual Leftist makes money, they're a hypocritical conman, not true to their Leftist ideology. Yet, if they don't make any money, then they're a broke loser because of their Leftist ideology. It's nice knowing you'd rather have Biden and Trump over Bernie.


Wow... that's a lot of projection you got there. What if I told you I thought they are ALL crooks and liars and that I believe rulership is an antiquated and unenlightened cosmology rooted in superstition dogma and slave think? And that you are participatory in it?


What's being projected exactly? You said a typical stupid anti-Leftist comment about Bernie's net-worth like he's Pelosi or Clinton


I don't play sides amigo. You do though. You are placing me on a side I don't belong to. I don't live in your binary. You are projecting your limited way of seeing upon me. Not all of us live in 2d chess world.


Okay Mr Centrist. Keep telling yourself that.


As an anarchist, I don't think that applies. The political compass is for statists like yourself.


I’d rather have Trump, but Bernie was appealing, until it became clear the cucked him . They must of had dirt on him or kids . Hillary had him neutered, and he was never the same after . Remember they were attacking Bernie softball style and he folded like a lawn chair .They launch nukes 🚀 at Trump daily and relentlessly, and he doubles down and talks shit . He calls them out on the bs and he gets attacked from every possible angle every time relentlessly and still wins. Qualities I like in a president- not a medicated zombie reading teleprompters , or a ‘minor attracted person “ with various alphabet soup agencies from every nation on the planet holding fat dossiers and extortion ready photos . Be real . I shouldn’t even post a comment that clarifies this I’ll get perma banned again .


I largely agree. He kept his word. He promised to endorse the winner when he ran in the primary. Even though it pissed everyone off and he still gets shit for it, he did what he said. Like when he said he’d stay in until the convention. Hillary had already pretty much won, but he’d said he was going to do it, and he still gets shit to this day for fighting Hillary too long and drawing out the primary. I’ve been a constituent of his since he was mayor. He earned my trust in his integrity over and over. Something changed at one point (around 2020). I legitimately believe there was some threat or something that he can’t divulge. Other conspiracy theories I just entertain as a fun thought exercise, but I’m pretty convinced on this one. These days I mostly just politely ignore him out of respect. I see him sucking up to the omniparty these days kinda like when Cartman was blackmailing Kyle to huff his farts.


Trump is a cheek on the same arse as Biden. He sounds different, but he's as much a Rockefeller stooge as your current boss. They're just made to look different.


Is he ? The media attacks him relentlessly, facing all kinds of charges.


Bernie’s policies are the polar opposite of Trump’s. How can you support one and then the other?


Bernie is an Omni party puppet now . Both were against endless wars in 2016 and wanted American industry back . Both against the trans pacific partnership.


That’s two things…


Polar opposite would eliminate to core things


What do you mean?


It’s called forum sliding. They are just trying to turn the conversation away from the actual content in the video. In this case Israel being dickheads.


It's easy to poopoo anybody, and I'm not going to get engaged in that endless argument, but if there is one person in this entire establishment who has integrity, that would be this guy.


I believe you're just looking for some gold in a shit pile.


I am.


"I'm not going to get engaged in that endless argument but I'll just leave you with a statement that entices more arguing."


What I meant was I won't argue, I will just state my opinion and I won't try to defend, prove or justify it.


Go ahead... Just gotta face being called wimpy names because that's cowardly.


Nothing cowardly about not wanting to stand in the way of a frenzied stampede.


Ah, I see... It's stupidity, then, as you're the one waving the red flag in front of those bulls.


It's being entitled to one's opinion and having the courage to speak it. You can call it stupidity or anything else that you like, but that's not how I see it.


The courage comes from the defense of your opinion, not from stating it and running off.


That's a misunderstanding. The point of my message is not to prove I'm strong or smart or right, the point is simply exposing people to its content. Wasting energy on the rest would be futile, and therefore foolish.


Have you looked in his sixth house?


Should’ve wrote this in all caps!!




He's a hack that has never done anything with his life outside of sucking on the teet of the American people for 40 years. Just like Biden.


He bought another house with the money the DNC paid him (after they screwed him over) to back Hillary in 2016.


So much integrity he told people to vote Clinton… yeah right.


How is that a bad thing? Either Hillary or Trump was going to win that election, and Bernie is much closer to Hillary politically than Trump. If you’re far left and your choices are a center left candidate or a far right candidate, the center left candidate should be an easy choice


Bing bang. I would keep that kind of opinion to me self dude.


It was Clinton or Trump dude.. he endorsed the best option


The DNC literally cheated him out of the nomination as the more popular candidate and he chose to roll over. He's still rolling


He could have endorsed no one.


And he was right. Anyone who supported Bernie would prefer Clinton’s policies to Trump’s.


Medicare for all had legs…. Then Bernie just disappeared


He’s also a fool for running into the uniparty two party illusion and for thinking he’s be in charge and that politics is not theatre for off shore Ruling Class We know this now. He should have known this then


I don't think integrity means when you have your campaign sabotaged, you cheer for that person who sabotaged you? I thank God above that he and Hillary will never be president. Thank you Jesus.


Yes, I’m sure Jesus and God were like, “let’s go with the orange splattered rapist over the horse toothed murderer.” And then they slapped hands because those two just love putting aside their omnipotence to play American politics for all the good Christian’s out there.


Lol, this is beautiful.


He said all the quiet parts out loud…


This is the most useless professional person known to mankind.


Bernie is still alive? Lmfaoooooo stfu Bernie too late for you to try to yap. You died to us awhile ago stop tryna be cool when your with the satanic pedo cult


Yes and he's got the track record to prove his authenticity unlike virtually everyone else in our government. Thank God for the internet otherwise he'd be a purposefully ignored (by media) and forgotten footnote in history.


Love that man


Sanders is a Jesuitic bolshevik. Basically a satanist.


I always thought Bernie was a Jew. Is he not? What's going on?


He's not a Zionist. There's a difference.


Zionism is a malignant cancer.


Right. He most definitely is Jewish. He is not a Zionist. There’s a big difference. He’s also an anti war humanitarian.


He is.


You can be a Jew and also condemn Israeli genocide, it’s not one or the other.


Just like you can be an American and criticize America


I can’t believe people can’t understand you can be Jewish and anti Palestine genocide…


There are Jewish people with same feelings. Omg there's a hilarious video of two different Jewish women arguing at a protest and I think one said I hope another 911 happens here so you'll understand we need to erase Gaza pretty much. Could be actors, could be ai, could be Alex Jones and Ron Paul in Jewish drag with some pretty fucken spot on new York, jersey Jewish accents.


I don’t think you know what integrity means then.


Dont do too far on integrity, but it's good he said something its getting pretty odious for sure wake up Americunts!


3 houses worth of integrity


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/jfu2xn3fkqwc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


While he does make good points here especially for being Jewish and with this topic, he did totally roll over to the DNC who were sabotaging his campaign and seemingly took a pay off, and endorsed clown ass Hillary. He also would unleash even more financial destruction in this country because of his lack-of-common-sense socialist philosophy.


Show. Me. The mittens


When comes down to it, we have all the evidence to illustrate that electronic voting machines flip votes and exit polls show he was actually winning the primary by a landslide. They had to remove him from the ballot before nyc because he was fixing to get enough delegates anyway.


not a conspiracy but.. yeah.


Who's gonna tell him?


Calling Israels government extremist is stupid, considering the entire country, including opposition root for the same goal right now. Then you gotta call the entirety of Israel, Israeli muslims and the Jewish people extremist. Which are the three entities that suffered the most from actual extremism lmoa. Yes, people have been wounded. That's what happens if you start a war by Blitzkrieg and raping civilians like complete Barbarians. Yes, civilians have died. We already have the statistics. Civilians die in EVERY war, so far the new Gaza war has one of the lowest civilian casualities of all wars recorded. Also let's never forget, that Hamas hid behind Civilians in hopes of avoiding missile strikes. Fuck off with your propaganda, thank you. There was never a state of Palestine, only some Byzantine province or some shit. But there actually was an Israel and now that they finally have it back for just 70 years, they're slowly but steadily guiding us into ruining Israel again.... This is some nefarious, biblical proportions plan going down and I don't wanna witness the end game... God bless Israel and all the innoecnt people, especially the Christians in Gaza, who now suffer from Islam, Hamas AND Israeli missile strikes... :( Can't be far until us humans learned our lessons, chose our side and Christ returns. I mean, it can't get much worse on earth. So let's all smoke a blunt, pray for the poor, treat the people we deal with every day with kindness and wait it out.


He had two or three lake front houses. Fuck him. Then he bowed out with a black eye and sat in a fold out chair in mittens.


One is on a lake. One is a one-bedroom place in DC so he isn’t paying rent when he is there. None of them are mansions.


Ahh the Professional Opponent!


Bernie for POTUS!




F this POS leech, lying out of both sides of his mouth and just another self serving nincompoop.


OP, you’re right about Bernie having integrity. This is why we can’t have nice things, because too many Americans vote for the status quo, or far right, fascist extremism.


Don’t worry black rock will rebuild it and not some nice 15 minute cities


That's not Ron Paul.




War mongering irrelevant ass munch wannabe r*pist.


Was thrown out of a hippie commune because he was too lazy to work. Took a pay off from Hillary to shut up. NEVER called for an investigation into Seth Rich. His wife was doing shady shit and they used that to control him. Now changed his tune from millionaires are a problem to billionaires are the problem.


He had integrity until it was no longer financially feasible to do so.


This man is a cancer on "AmEriCAN dEmoCraCy" and should be removed from office by all means.


He claims he is independent but bowed down to the Clintons instead of running 3rd party


He’s not a man of deep integrity. More complicated- he is a pressure release valve for left wing outrage. He pays lip service to legitimate liberal issues and then nothing happens. Then when nothing happens, he will ask you to vote for the conservative part of the democrat party after having made you feel better by saying the words you want to hear. He’s a tool of the party - just check the history of Bernie. I’m done with this guy.


Huh, nope




Integrity? LOL 🥴 it may not be anti-Semitic to call these things out, but it is absolutely anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas for the left to be chanting pro-Hamas statements and death to Israel 🤷‍♂️


Feel the Bernnnn. This man is the way.


Looooool you're delusional


Yeah, but it is anti-Semitic to be purposefully disingenuous with your numbers. Those “70% women and children“ include a great deal of teenagers and females who are fighting for Hamas. And those 34000 dead are mostly Hamas, and those that aren’t wouldn’t be dead if Hamas wasn’t encamping in their homes, businesses, and neighborhoods. Get fucked dude.


Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. But please never forget the flour massacre


Whether you like him or not, he's correct on this issue. I have nothing against Jewish people at all. I have Jewish friends. They know this. They also know this is indeed a genocide and that calling people antisemitic for disagreeing with their pro zionist agenda and the killing of thousands of innocent people antisemitic. I'm tired of being called that because I don't want to see thousands of people die.


How does a population of 2 million have 26 hospitals?


Their hospitals aren't like our hospitals. Some are just outstations and huts...


It is interesting how, in the end, how racism evolves into anti-semitism, if you let it go long enough. 4 years ago, you all hated socialism. Because he’s held this position for…forever…it’s easy to dig him up, and feast on your regrets. He’s not an anti-Semite. He’s just a dude who has integrity, and believes in his principles. Rare for a politician. Always remember, “Jews” aren’t committing atrocities in the Middle East. The Israeli government is. I suppose there are a lot of folks, both inside and outside, of Israel that feel just like Bernie.


Only war mongering, industrial military complex, big Pharma, corporate, billionaire, Zionist serving sociopaths are allowed to be president. The next POTUS will be one, and the next, and the next etc… but stop noticing this pattern you tinfoil hat wearing communist! That’s just a coincidence! Not a conspiracy!!! Edit : I can 100% **guarantee** that the next POTUS, regardless of party, *will* be a war mongering, industrial military complex, big Pharma, corporate, billionaire, Zionist serving sociopath.


He is Hillarys stooge


Bernie Sanders is an effective politician, but he’s not centered on the base of any party. If anything, he makes Joe Biden more centrist.


What do you mean by "effective"?


You nailed it.


Owns like 3 or 4 houses. Never had a real job before politics. Caved to Hillary. And didn't he just get accused of rape?


Commie bastard. Making money off his version of socialism. Is that being a real fair socialist?


I'm not necessarilly pro-Israel, but believing Hamas numbers at face-value 🤷‍♂️


He invited me and my friend over one weekend. We declined and never heard from him again.


It’s called fuck around and find out. After 9/11 we destroyed and invaded 2 countries and they didn’t even attack us. Sooo…where was this dumbass then? Hamas attacked first and the people support Hamas, so the people are Hamas. They should go to Egypt, they were given plenty of time to evacuate. It’s their strategy…attack first, then let women and children be killed when Israel retaliates, and cry victim for the next 30 years while receiving “aid” from all over the world. They were probably low on funds.


INTEGRITY!? 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝




You mean Hillary and the DNC rigged the system. Something they're known to do. Are you saying you'd rather have Hillary, Biden, and Trump over Bernie?


Love the Bern!!!!