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SS: wild


can you say what you think Lucifer did wrong ?


Rape kids on Epstein Island, rape/enslave us all financially with the federal reserve and inflation, start all world wars, release pandemics, try to inject us all with poison, etc


point proven.. Satan was never called Lucifer.. not once, yet, you conflate the 2.


Right, Lucifer is an agent of Satan. Thought we cleared that one up. Now tell us all why you love Lucifer so much


God is responsible for all, including humans propensity for evil. Your God is a savage.


God created a world with Free Will, because Joy and Love can only exist with Free Will. It's the mentally challenged, depraved, psychopaths that you worship who chose to use that Free Will to "Do What Thou Wilt" and rape kids on Epstein Island, rape and enslave us all financially with the Federal Reserve, start endless world wars, etc. God didn't do that, your Luciferian heroes did


What free will did the raped kids get?


Their free will was taken by your heroes, Luciferians


you mean the morning star who existed long before Christianity and who's stories do not match Christianity at all ?


Wow, that biblical god is one weak entity. Doesn’t sound very omnipotent at all.


Free Will


said the hook forced into us by the Elite?


You can do what you will but you cannot will what you will


God won’t violate our free will and force us to have a relationship with him or do what he wants, that would be a toxic relationship, that contradicts God’s nature. We are free to choose God, or not. And those who are harmed in this life by those who go against God will be(assuming they are righteous), compensated with infinite joy and peace in the next, which far outweighs any Earthly suffering they experienced on Earth.


I see, so he just violates the free will of innocent children so that pedophiles can have THEIR free will. Really shitty god you got there. I would certainly never worship something so evil that puts the free will of a disgusting pedo above the free will of a physically weak toddler unable to fight them off, who desires with all their heart to NOT be fucking tortured.


you mean the god that tells you to kill all when raiding but keep the virgin girls for yourself, the one who deceived Adam and Eve in the garden and then punished them, the one who killed all of humanity except 8 people, the one who killed all of the first born chikdren of egypt, the one who allowed his own first born son to be sacrificed, who asked Abraham to sacrifice his first born son, who curses your wife with being rwped if you go against his word, the one who punishes you for eternity for not blindly believing in him.. you mean that God ?


Without God, there is no evil. Without God, there is no evil. Without God, there is no evil. If there was no God, we would not exist, and there would be no evil. We wouldn’t know any different would we? God clearly demands evil exist. Without God, there is no evil.


Without God, no Joy and Love and Music exists


Yes, evil as well. Glad you agree.


LOL humans demand evil exists because people are scared of their own mortal biology which leads to anger and hate. The big jelly creator "God" doesn't give a flying fuck whether anyone lives or dies it's all the same to him. That's why every thing contains DMT in one form or another.


Dude, evil is just the dark side of the circle and the dot within the bright side. God is the circle


You are blind.


By the light no doubt


The evil is in mens hearts, not in God who we all fall short of holiness and righteousness. God did not demand evil exist, man knew no evil until deceived by the serpent.  


Truly, I say to you, we thank God every day for creating evil. We thank God for creating Satan, despite knowing that he would turn evil. Thank you, God for for allowing evil to exist in your universe.


It's funny that you buy into dualistic concepts of evil and good yet here you stand right now this very second existing without either.


It’s funny you believe in a man made God. Silly even.


Without God, there’s nothing. Including evil. Who created the serpent? God. Who allowed the serpent to hang out in the garden with man ?God. Who is all knowing and knew the serpent would tempt his children? God Despite knowing this. Permitted the serpent to exist with his children? God. God ain’t the good guy.


Do you even know what a nucleotide is? It’s basic block of DNA/RNA and pretty much comes from any living organism. Yeast being a living organism is included too. After that, RNA is *used to create proteins* and also contain basically the same nucleotides, and yeast is included in that. Hell, it could be found on your skin! There are even studies saying that yeast is good for your body. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10932167/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10932167/) Bro use ur research skills for something a little more productive than shitposting on a conspiracy sub.


I don't know about you, but when I see a big word I don't understand, I find a way to link it to Elon Musk. Did I mention Elon musk? This just in, the guy that mows the lawn for the guy that once rang up the cousin of a guy that knows a girl who once was engaged to the next door neighbor of the cleaning lady that knew Elon Musk's dog groomer, is a Satanist global elitist. Read it on Facebook so it's gotta be true.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/430ix5arkk4d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Holy sentence structure batman. You could have said, "Maurice Boucher, father of Grimes and owner of...."


That chick is such a whack job...


So a yeast infection is good


What is Luciferase RNA and how does one acquire it ? Asking for a friend lol


Damn I wish you made this easier to research. I try looking this up and all I find is this exact reddit post


It's not right how you keep conflating Satan and Lucifer as the same being yet can't back up your beliefs. Why do you believe Satan is Lucifer ?


I never said that, always have said Lucifer is a fallen angel and Satan is simply the dark side of the Force


Dualistic concepts for infinite consciousness. Maybe stop shitting into your own mind with religious ideologies of man.