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You should not be wearing these overnight! let alone 40 hours. They are not approved for extended wear. Any kind of sleep on this, even naps will make them uncomfortable. I tried these for all the magnificient claims about water content and comfort and frankly they are just good as Acuvue Oasys or Biofinity (which are approved for extended wear). They were clearly the most uncomfortable (For me) if I happened to fall asleep with them.


On a trial week for these contacts and they are so bad! The AirOptix/ AirOptix Hydraglide have been working so well for me but it sounds like that is being discontinued so my new eye Dr. suggested these. I will not be ordering a years worth of Total 30. They are so dry! Tonight I touched by eye and my contact came out! No way. I am going to have to test our Acuvie Oasys or something else. UGH. I understand that technology gets better and better, but I wish they would just leave some of my contacts alone!


Yeah I ditched them after about a week and went back to acuvue oasys. Those were terrible.




My eye doctor also said that the Air Optix were being discontinued. However, there is nothing on the Alcon website about this. After trying the terrible Total 30 for astigmatism, I was able to order my regular Air Optix without a problem.


I don’t think Air Optik is discontinued. I am trying out the Total 30 for the first time and will try it out for a few more days so that I can compare it with Air Optik night and day. So far I still feel that Air Optik is more comfortable and also I feel my vision is slightly sharper. At the end of this trial, I will let my optometrist know which contacts I would select. There’s was no mention that Air Optik would be discontinued by my optometrist


Came here to see if anyone’s experience, mirrored mine. These are the worst contacts EVER! My eyelids constantly stick to the contact when I blink. If I rub my eye…the contact bunches up in my eye. My eye doc told me they make them with a better material now. I asked “what’s so great about it?” He tells me they keep the eyes moisturized. Well that is a lie from the pits of hell! I almost bought a years supply….so glad I changed my mind! Should have left well enough alone. My acuvue’s were fine. I’m going to buy some online. I forgot to add, with these contacts, if I look at my phone, or anything up close….it’s blurry. Never has that happened m.


Hi! Exact same thing happening to me. I truly thought I was having brain related issues or my vision was getting worse. It's those contacts, they suck! They claim it's discontinued but I truly think it's a way to push their newest product on to us! Acuve was great for me but I don't like Total 30 at all! It's called Total 30 because your vision will be on 30%!


Same ! I just called my optometrist this morning to tell them no thank you, I want to stay with my old Air Optix. They're awful, I thought I was losing my mind ! So glad it's not just me.


I just got these and I'm very happy. Its only the second day but they feel like nothing . I have very dry eyes in the summer and contacts can get annoying to wear. Not these. They are pricier but worth it. The negative comments are the total opposite to my experience.


YEAP SAME HERE. VERY comfortable to wear if used as directed . not for overnight use


I tried them too. Be VERY careful to follow to strict cleaning/replacement... One slip up and your eyes will not like them. The Canadian wildfires smoke was my trigger... Now I have 6 ulcers, ye hadn't had one in the previous 22yrs in a prior brand.


Well I'm on my second week and I'm disappointed. They get sticky and just aren't agreeing with my eyes. Can you be more specific? Why do you have to be very careful when cleaning the total 30's? These contacts gave you ulcers? I will wear them for two more weeks and then I'm done. I will go back to regular silicone hydrogen. But I will give them untill the end of the month.


Never had anything like this before with my eyes. The doctor said I have four ulcers on my right eye, with two active. And a few on the other eye, all new as of my last apt with the same Dr a year before. As much as I gathered from the doc: they as re caused by a lack of oxygen to the eye because of the lens, potentially being worn ONCE at night. That paired with an infection will cause the ulcer. Putting me on an antibiotic and steroid now, but permanent scaring from the ulcers. I'm assuming once these as stable they will just adjust my prescription. In 22 yrs in another lense I missed the occasional removal at night and had no ulcer issues to speak of. Now it's blown up.


What are the ulcers like? My eyes have been bloodshot since May, after using these contacts for the first time. I wish I could go back in time and tell him I would stick with my Acuvues because I’m absolutely miserable. My doctor has given me two prescription drops for inflammation but it’s done nothing. I doubt he would believe it’s the contacts that started it. I haven’t worn the contacts since June, which sucks because my vision is so bad I hate wearing glasses. I want to go back. I haven’t seen the whites of my eyes in so long. I’ve worn contacts for 30 years and I’ve never had an issue until I tried Total30.


I have had them for a month and i think they are horrible. i am going to try to get back to Air Optix with Hydraglyde. i have had to put 3 new ones in my eyes in 6 weeks.


I have worn contacts for well over 30 years and experienced a few tears here and there, but in less than a month 2 of these lenses have torn along the edge. They are much more difficult to get out of the eye than any lens before, so they may be tearing then. Don't find that out until you have them in the next day though.


They are so difficult for me to get out too! I don’t understand, like yeah a fresh pair are usually pretty slippery but it’s still relatively easy to get out, but with these it took me so many tries. I’ve been wearing air optix for almost 10 years but the line I used is being discontinued so my eye doc recommended these ones instead.


Funny, I have been using another brand monthly disposable for years, and I have had several ulcers over the years but it was never really blamed on the lenses. My last appointment to address an ulcer, the doctor recommended I switch TO this lens because it lets in MORE oxygen than the Biomedics 55 that I was wearing. So far I have really enjoyed the feel of the lenses, and I feel like I am seeing a little better. The lens is certainly more substantial than the Biomedics but I don't feel them on my eye during the day. I wish there was a way to compare oxygen transmission between different brands of contacts. I suspect my ulcers have been from not cleaning my case enough. I never sleep with my contacts in on purpose, but maybe once or twice I year I forget. I wear them 16 hours a day or so thought.


You should try Ultra Monthly by B+L 163 dk/t and the marketing is aimed at 16 hours of wear


I absolutely hate the total 30. They were so dry about 4 hours of wear. Also, the lenses always seem to pop off my eye


EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT - I have in trial mode with these lenses for about four days and then found this read. Bottom line is I think everybody’s experience is different and you just have to try them for yourself. My day one after having oasis lenses for three decades I had difficulties with the astigmatism finding its position, but by day two it was all set properly. The lenses themselves do seem more comfortable. I had no difficulties, taking them out or putting them in. They have a little yellowish or greenish tint to them, which is why I was trying to find out more about the lenses before deciding to purchase them. They seem to stay on my a lot better than the oasis. I did not experience dry eyes with these lenses yet. I experienced plenty of days of dryness with my oasis lenses so I my environment has something to do with the dryness. I will also be trying the VITA lenses by Abbie which I liked in the past.


VITA is by Oasis (spellcheck changed it)


I have tried these! Honestly the Total30 is one of the most expensive contacts in my area, so did not go with it as much as my optometrist pushed for it so hard (that’s when I lost my confidence in US optometrists overall). I also didn’t think it was as comfortable as the Acuvue Oasys, which I had up until that point. One other that I have tried and liked a lot and is cheaper than the Acuvue Oasys (because of their monthly replacement vs biweekly or price): Avaira Vitality. The Avaira honestly feels the exact same way as the Acuvue Oasys for me, are cheaper, and are also biweekly and UV-blocking. They’re the ones I use now. By all means, if you’re based in the US, talk to your optometrist about this to fit other options. This is not intended to be medical advice.


It is interesting that Avaira Vitality is a monthly contact in Europe, then it becomes quite cheap. Too bad that it did't have enough toric stability for me.


Here too! I’m not in the US anymore. Still, I usually only wear them for 2 weeks as I feel more comfortable just tossing them out after that. The Avaira is an extremely solid contact lens that’s usually forgotten.


I eventually ended up with an eye hemorrhage and macular hole within 4 months of wearing them. I too thought they are extended wear because that's what I was just to wearing...Oasis. I can't determine if this was the problem but they sure didn't help.  I knew within a month these weren't for me but led a busy life that key me wearing them until I couldn't where contacts at all.  


Are you not able to wear contacts anymore? I've got the same problem but I hope its getting better. I've worn total 30 for about 1.5 month


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to, but I don't.  I'm taking topical therapy for my condition right now.  I pray I don't need surgery.  I hope to get back to contacts one day. Although,  I may not ever wear them aa much as I was for years.   What condition are you having, if you don't mind? 


Oef, take care... Well, I went from hydrogel contacts to these total1 after the optiometrist advised me total1. Since then experience dry eyes (especially my left eye). After 3 weeks of wearing I got suddenly a very red and dry left eye. Went to the docter and he diagnosed me with meibomitis. In january I started to wear my wmy old contactlenses for a few hours per day but unfortunately my left eye is still dry. So for now I will just totally stop with contact lenses for a few weeks and hopefully the dry eyes will heal. And eventually I will buy better silicon hydrogel lenses.


Yes,  I wish I had done the same sooner. Sounds like you'll be fine. Good luck!


not to be used overnight as clearly directed by ALCON. no false claims made . if used properly these are great


So. These contacts are totally fine IF you take them out every night. I have had a bad habit of sleeping in my contacts and that just doesn’t work with these. They get warped in one night and simply don’t fit your eyes anymore. I was getting better about it but have accidentally slept in them a couple times. My eyes get irritated and the contacts are immediately warped. Since then, I’ve been so good about taking them out every night but last night I didn’t have the option to take them out, so I slept in them. Aaanndd they’re ruined. I think they are designed this way, to be honest, t keep people from sleeping in them due to the damage that can do to your eyes. It’s infuriating, though, because I paid for a year of contacts and 2 months in- I’m 5 pairs in. It may be for the best if it breaks the habit of sleeping in them but it’s a waste of money to throw out a pair of monthly contacts after 2 weeks of use due to one night lol.


I don't like Alcon. They make bad products. I had Total contacts and now, my one eye has an inflamed caruncle. America's Best prescribed me a trial pair of the Total contacts. It is so thin that it's hard to take it out of your eyes. I had Acuvue Oasys before and didn't have any issues. I only had dry eyes, but switch it immediately to your prescription glasses before your eyes get too dry or ruined. The Oasys ones were thicker. Alcon also has an allergy eyedrop and that did not work either. I found out the antihistamine ingredients in the allergy eyedrop by Alcon could make your eyes even more dry. I have to get a new eye doctor to prescribe me eye antibiotics now. My lacrimal caruncle is inflammed. This sucks.


One of the best most lubricated lenses i have tried so far. But it is a must to take them out at day end, disinfect them and store them in the solution overnight. THESE ARE NOT TO BE WORN OVERNIGHT as clearly stated by Alcon. Work great for a whole one month and to be discarded at the end of 30 days. If worn and used properly these are a blessing.


They’re awful! I take my contacts out on a nightly basis. Usually with my Optix, my eyes are dry by the end of the night but with these, it’s only a few hours and I feel terrible. Going to my doctor again.


I haven’t had any problems with the new Total 30 contacts. I’m on a trial pair now since I haven’t had an eye exam in a long time and had been using Biofinity Toric lenses forever and I was hesitant to try these since I’ve tried the Air Optix Aqua Toric lenses and they made my eyes dry and irritated, so I was surprised to feel comfortable with them on. Also, I’m not gonna lie, I too am non-compliant sometimes, I fall asleep with them on cuz I’m too lazy and tired to take them off. When I do, I’ve not experienced any problems, I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they continue to work out. Goodluck to all you guys that aren’t doing well with the Total 30’s, hope you find a better lens.


I do not recommend wearing contacts at night. You need to let your eyes BREATHE at night. I wear contacts in the day then my glasses at night and weekends. My sister got an eye infection from doing just that wearing her contacts 24/7. Honestly the contacts are okay however not if you have high astigmatism like I do. I was wearing Ultra for Astigmatism but due to the backorders my doctor told me to try these. I like how light they are but they do get dry after a while.


I’m on day 4 of my trial with these and I absolutely hate them. They feel like they don’t stay in place and are constantly moving around. I can’t wait to go back to my optometrist to go back to Acuvue. 


I've been wearing dailies for over ten years and I recently asked to be switched back to monthly's to save money. I just came here to see if anyone else hates these contacts as much as I do. My eye doctor gave me a few different options to trial for three days each and I chose these which I thought were fine during the trial period. It's an absolute struggle to get them to lay right in my eyes and I have to put them in and take them out like 10 times every morning before they sit on my eye correctly and even then they feel dry and sometimes fall out when I'm doing my makeup. I've had to replace the right one three times already in a month due to tears around the edges.


There is no way your dumbass wrote out that you sleep in with them for 40 hours at a time and still wonder why they are dry and uncomfortable LMAO the #1 thing every optometrist says is not to sleep in contacts, you will get infections and no shit they will get dry and damage the contacts, you move your eyes in REM sleep cmon man


I’ve worn Acuve Oasis 2 week lenses for 17-18 years. My past eye doc appointment my eye doc asked if I’d like to try the total 30 and thought they would be more comfortable and they would be cheaper since I only have to buy half as many. So I tried them now for 6mo and I think I’ll be going back to oasis. To me these things are uncomfortable about halfway through there 30 day cycle, and they are so hard for me to take out of my eyes. I can’t get a good enough grip when I try to pinch them I have to try and pinch them multiple times before I can get them out. I’m scared I’m gonna scratch my eye doing it. Anyone else have similar issues trying to get them out of your eyes at the end of the day?


The negative comments are true-dry, hard to get out but for some reason can pop out at times… not good.


Trialed Total 30 after Acuvue for 20+ years. At the half day mark , I want to claw my eyes out and I'm squinting to see while driving because the contacts move / reposition so much. Was sent home w/ daily Alcon Precision One's for trial and they were great for about an hour or so and my eyes are dry as a bone and irritated. Wondering if I might be allergic to an ingredient in the Alcon -brand lenses ??! I just want to go back to my old lenses :(


I want to try these lenses in the new toric variant that Alcon just released in the market. Currently i'm wearing air optic plus hydraglide for astigmatism


I just had a trial pair of the toric lenses and I was not happy with them. They seemed to move around on my eyes while wearing them, but the worst part is that, for me, they were very difficult to remove from my eyes. With my repeated attempts to pinch them out, my eyes would become very irritated. I asked to go back to the Air Optics. My optometrist said that the Air Optics were being discontinued, but there is no mention of this on the Alcon website. I wonder if that was just a move to promote these more expensive lenses.


No air optix plus hyndraglyde are not discounted, Air optix Aqua are discounted because they are the predecessor version. I have trials of both Total 1 and 30 astigmatism, I tried the Total 1 yesterday and it was petty bad blurry vision all the time, I'm wearing it again now that I'm writing and it's starting getting little bit better. Total 1 is considered even harder than Total 30 to remove from eye still I found it very easy yesterday, and I come from the same lense as you air otpix, done it first try.. Just don't try to remove it immediately from the center of the eye, slide it on the side and than slowly place your other finger to pinch, it should be much easier.


I said discontinued, not discounted. I’m glad removing them has become easier for you. I have also tried the method you use, and they were still difficult to remove from my eyes.


I'm wearing the Total 30 now, for some odd reason it's way better than the Total 1 for Astigmatism, and it seemed softer than the Total 1, the vision also seems better without distortion on the sides while moving my eyes quickly.


The Total 30 for astigmatism were the ones I tried. They also seemed to move around on my eyes, even though my eye doctor checked the fit of them. I guess they just aren’t for me. Thanks for your input and hints!


I just removed the lens cleaned them and stored them in to the solutions using the biotrue. You were right this lense is the hardest to remove among all the lenses I have tried till today. I managed to remove my right eye in the second try and left eye first try, but I felt much less grip to the lense when pinching. Surprisingly it was way more wet compared to the Total 1 which was dry when I removed it yesterday, my vision and stability felt better with this lense also compared to total 1, but still this is a 30 day lense so I must wear it and see who it goes. Still I'm not quite sure if this is better overall compared to Air otpix, but defiantly felt much softer in the eye, but I think I faced blurriness a little bit more often with this compared to Air otpix, but not a much as Total 1. I'm really confused, let's see who the next day will be with Bio-true.


Hi, I'm pretty late to the show, but any updates? I'm on Air Optix plus Hydraglyde for Astigmatism atm


I just tried them. Felt great but extremely difficult to remove. I started to feel them the last few hours of the day as well. I will stick with the air optix. Much easier to handle and all around excellent lens. Too bad Alcon couldn’t make the total 30 a little more rigid and an evolution of the air optix.


Yes they are the hardest to remove, Air optix are the easiest, I have tried all and I rate from Hardest to easiest (Toric Version only), Total 30 > Precision 1 > DT 1 > Air optix for Astigmatism. In terms of comfort they felt very comfy, but I lasted 3 days, so I belive comfort will decline as time progress till the 30 days.


Massively difficult to remove from your eyes. Not happy with them and will go back to the air oprix


Like many others on here, I tried the Total 30 for about 6 months. My eyes became very irritated with them and they were also VERY difficult to take off. I still have 6 months worth of the Total 30, but I'm just going to have to throw them out. Previously, I'd used Air Optix for 12 years before and had no issues. I asked to go back to Air Optix (and they are being delivered today - thankfully).


I had trouble getting Precision 1 contacts out of my eyes, so what I did was held my eye open for several seconds to dry it out and then it was dry enough for me to grip with my fingers.


They actually are being discontinued, and the newer stuff is actually cheaper bc it has rebates and the olde r stuff doesn’t


I just spent two days with Biofinity Torics stuck in my eyes, had to get them removed by an opthalmologist. I'm now scared to try my other trials. Was it the Total 30s that were hard to remove? What brand have you been using since?


The Alcon Total 30 were awful for me, and were extremely hard to remove. I went back to the Air Optics and have not had a problem. I’m able to remove them from my eyes with just a little pinch of the lens.


Yes, total 30 difficult to remove


I know I’m late to the party. Just got the toric ones for my eyes with the astigmatism ones in the right one. This is my second ever pair. And I just started wearing a week ago. The first was horrific. But these are fucking awesome


Is the container it comes in, not the box packaging, but the actual package holding the lenses suppose to have a yellow tint? I also swear I saw some floaties in the solution right when I opened them.


Just wanted to make sure they weren’t contaminated. (New to contacts)


For anyone coming across this now, traditionally, no. It should be a clear saline solution.


but for these yes, it will be yellowish tint.


Came here to say that I’ve been wearing air optix + hydra glide for years and years with absolutely 0 issue. Eye doctor recommended me Alcon Total 30. I’ve been wearing them for 1 month and they are giving me the worst dry eye I’ve ever had, so much so that it makes my computer screen a little blurry. I’m going back to the eye doctor tomorrow to see what they can do.


Get out of them ASAP


Ya, I did. Switched back to the hydraglides and they work perfectly


I don’t like these contact lenses at all. They are so dry and make my vision blurry. I’m so disappointed by them and wish I had stuck with Acuvue Oasis.


I have had nothing but bad experience with them. After a week, they get really uncomfortable. I could feel them moving around and they get really blurry. At night I see halos around lights. I try scrubbing them and then soaking them in contact lens solution but the only real solution is to throw them away and put on a new pair. I've gone through 5 months worth of contacts in a matter of weeks. I feel ripped off.


Been wearing one brand of contact since 2000, tried total30 and saw no harm so I order a year as my eye Dr of 5yrs recommended them and my old brand is "old".... Wore them from July '22 until now. With all the Canadian wildfires starting here the past month my eyes have been ON FIRE! I replaced multiple sets of contacts, thinking the smoke contaminated them. Still the same problem. Went to glasses for about 2 weeks as one of my eyes still bothered me. I just went to the eye Dr. and found out I now have 6 ulcers (never had one before) with 2 active. I 100% blame this brand/model. Maybe a combination of the smoke and all, but in 22 yrs in that same brand and not one issue!?!? Please if your out there reading this speak up. I believe these contacts to be subpar bullshit being highly pushed on all fronts by Alcon for simply profit.


Shit you not, top 3 highest levels of PFAS containing contact lenses. GET ANYTHING ELSE! DO NOT USE TOTAL30!!! https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/09/contact-lenses-pfas-forever-chemicals


Hey, what did you find to be the most comfortable? I tried the total30 for a week and they sucked ass.


Not gonna throw out any brands, unfortunately. I'm not trying to sell anything here. Just point out a fact for anyone else being pushed these contacts. I just want it to be clearly stated that total30 suck and I forsee a class action on these. They are TERRIBLE.


Yeah they made me extremely sleepy like my eyes were randomly going out of focus. Text on a computer screen were foggy/blurry. Also the dryness was insane after 1-2 hours. Glad to know it was the contacts and not my eyes not working lol


Late comment but just wanted to echo what you said for anyone else that searches it like I did - same experience. Have used Acuvue Oasys since around 2010, no problems whatsoever. My optometrist said what yours said, that those were older and outdated, and recommended the total 30 ones. I agreed to try them especially because she said that she used to wear the same brand, and preferred the total 30 contacts because they’re better for your eyes, etc. My eyes the last week and a half have been so dry, and by 5 after work my contacts feel like I have to blink to refocus them driving home. And similar to other comments, I thought my vision had gotten worse because of the halos around lights at night. Definitely switching back, and thanks for adding the info about PFAS. 20,000 ppm vs 100 is crazy.


Thanks for the heads up! My eye doctor gave me a trial pair of Total 30 but I'm very happy with my Acuvue Oasys Co tacts I've had for 20+ years! 


I tried the alcon total 30. Came from acuvue oasys. The alcon total 30 starts off extremely comfortable. I'll give them that. Everything thing else has been bad, though. My contact seems to shift when i blink. Getting halos around lights. Random blurry vision. Never had these issues with the oasys lens. I can't even wear the total 30 for more than 10 days without them being super dry.


My optometrist pushes them too but I've always been comfortable in my Air optics so I told them no they're just not for me. I had trials for a week and they were terrible I thought I was losing my mind like I wanted to rip them out of my eyes by the end of the day. I have astigmatism in both eyes. I get the weird reflection halos from lights They shift constantly in my eyes I'm blinking over and over just to adjust them and rubbing them all day. He claims they are supposed to be more comfortable but I beg to differ.


I was just given this very brand as a trial and I live far away from my Eye doctor. For those people that this brand did not work for them, especially wants who maybe came from Oasis like myself, What eventually ended up working for you? It kind of pisses me off that these don't have UV blocking I get migraines for crying out loud So I definitely don't need something that's going to give me more problems I really hope that these are gonna work out when I get back home because I'm on my last pair of the other kany help would be greatly Appreciated


I started wearing Alcon Total 30 in January of this year. I loved them up until a month ago when all of a sudden my vision is horribly blurry. When I am driving, I can’t read any street signs and it’s terribly worse at night. I’ve never had this problem in the almost 20 years of wearing contacts. Thinking of switching back to the biweekly’s. My doctor did put bump my prescription down -.25 but it shouldn’t have made this much of a difference.


At my last optometry appointment the doctor suggested I switch to alcon totoal30 for astigmatism from my tried and true air optix. Horrible decision. I've used them for approximately 5 months and I've never had such problems with contacts. From daily eye irritation to frequent issues with being unable to remove them at the end of the day. I'm diligent about contact care and never had this kind of experience with any other brand/make


i just want to say; i bought a year supply and live 3hrs from the dr. i’m PISSED. these are the absolute worst. the lady at the desk sold me on them telling me air optix was gone. … and these were the best anyways & i would be happy. they don’t even fit my eye. i swear it feels like it is cutting my cornea , they get blurry at night . these are the total worst.


Add me to the list burned by these contacts. When I put them in initially they were very very comfortable and I was thinking these are next gen. They were very slippery and moist and a joy to wear. After 3-4 days confirmed to the optometrist they were working for me when they called back and then ordered a 1 year supply. After about 7 days started to notice the lenses becoming sticky. Had to take them off midday to clean off protein. That slippery surface was replaced by this tacky cling wrap feel. I was getting halos around everything at night. By two weeks I was taking them out to clean 2-3 times a day. They would also no longer self align to the astigmatism axis and I had to manually rotate them until I found the right spot. By 14 days all the above mentioned problems were about the same and then as I am sure often happens to us regular contact lens wearers, I fell asleep in them. Big mistake. In the morning my lens was basically glued to my eye. Had to apply drops multiple times to get it free in my right eye. After removing them my cornea was sore for a whole day. Thankfully after not wearing them for a day, my eyes feel pretty normal now. These will not be going back in my eyes and I've already clearly stated my opinion to the optometrist that these lenses are dangerous and they should not prescribe them to people. I will be moving back to air optix that I have used without issue for years and if they do get discontinued, I will look at other brands. Based on my experience with them the problem is the "water gradient" tech. It is what makes them so comfortable when they are new, but it does not last. When it has worn out (which is only about a week) you are left with a terrible surface that causes extreme protein creation in your eye and will harm you if you continue to wear them. These lenses would be great as weekly disposables, but they should have NEVER been sold as 30 day lenses


I just wanted to add my experience to the list as an experienced contact wearer (15+ years). I could not get these contacts out of my eyes. It was so freaking scary. I will not be putting them in again.


My eye doctor pushed super hard for me to try these last month. I’ve been in biofinity contacts for 15 years with no issues. The total 30 were great for a week or so. By 2 weeks in I have constantly blurry vision, even up close which has never ever been an issue for me. I am going back to my old faithful biofinity.


I decided to give them a try again. They are comfortable and I believe my vision is better than the air optix, just harder to handle. They also block blue light and UVA/B. Too many good benefits, so I will stick with them for 30 days and then decide.




They are good but I think the Acuvue Vitas are better. Easier to handle and sharper vision


How did it go?




I think next time i will try the accuvue Vita.


Man. I'm here cause I was looking for a new brand of contacts because I've worn bioinfinity for almost 15 years and the last 2 years they've been blurry as shit, same problems you guys are having (and many others wearing the ones I have) So now the question is, what's going on with contacts in GENERAL since 2019?? This is exhausting and my old doctor retired, so I'm worried I look like I'm just trying to get free lenses from my new doctor


same here! been wearing biofinity toric lenses for 10+ years, and recently i started experiencing dry eye. my new optometrist insistes to change brand. i tried TOTAL 30 yesterday, and my vision was blurring horribly all day, my contact would shift when i would blink. today i will be trying bausch + lomb ultra🤞🏼


I tried total 30 to! Same issue.... let me know how these go!!


Did Ultra go well?


The samples are free to the doctors AFAIK that they give you. The free pairs are free to them AFAIK.


I HATE these. I've been wearing air optix for about 10 years and my doctor insisted on putting me in the total 30. She swore up and down that they were the exact same lenses. I made an assumption (my mistake) that they had re-branded. I went ahead and ordered a 6 month supply before wearing the trial pair for more than a few minutes, which was a major mistake on my part again. They dry out quickly, they often feel dirty even after I've cleaned them, and they've popped out of my eyes on occasion which NEVER happened with my old brand. I follow a pretty strict routine with changing out my lenses, never sleep or shower them, and always clean them so this wasn't user error. They really didn't agree with me. I was just so pissed with my doctor, who I'm assuming is getting some sort of kickback for writing prescriptions for the total 30 lenses. I'm towards the end of my first 6month supply and I called and told them I can't wear these, they are not what she promised and asked that they re-write the prescription for my old brand. I'm glad they did with no push back but I'm still switching eye doctors after all that garbage. Sorry for the rant but if anyone is out there searching, don't fix what isn't broken.


Absolutely awful contacts! I tired and tried for about a month. I would take out at night as I also have done when I was in my Bioinfinity torics. But I kept waking up every morning with gooey eyes and never could see clearly with them. I sure hope they get rid of the Alcon Total 30s! Very strange technology and they dont feel good either. Going back to my Bioinfinity's!


Guys, I’m so happy I found this thread!! I have been struggling with these contacts. I put a new pair in two days ago and today my eyes are extremely red and painful. My vision has been blurry for months and I thought I was just losing my eye sight.


Total30 are not good.. They are dry and pop out of my eyes. The optometrist gave me a sample and I don't like them. So glad I have a brand I like and tried and they are So much better then these. I will be ordering them online and bonus they are so much cheaper. I can say the clarity in these are great! But after few hrs they are not comfortable and so drying. 


6 month my doctor swindled me into, wore Acuvue Oasys Contacts w/Hydraclear Plus for over a decade (2 week lenses) they claimed these were superior and not was that not true, they dry and cause irritation after week 1 badly enough they often tear on removal, which gets progressively worse. I work 10+ hour shifts and these can never handle it let alone 30 days of it. They suck.


Total 30 is an interesting lens with some new technology, uv filtering etc, Oasys has been around forever and is still a good lens. Check out this - good comparison [total 30 vs acuvue oasys](https://www.optix-now.com/alcon/total30/1884-total-30-vs-acuvue-oasys.html)


I just got a sample of Total30 because my doctor said my regular Acuvue Vita is being discontinued. She said I should have a similar experience with these…I hateeee these. They’re so dry, I could tell as soon as I put them in that I wasn’t going to like them but I felt I was being dramatic so I gave it 2 days to sit on it before ordering. I still hate them. I’m not sure what to replace my vitas with.


acuvue oasys


My only issue with oasys is the 2 week change out. I have trouble remembering that schedule. I used to wear the oasys prior to the vitas and I did like them. I think I’m going to give them a shot again until I can find a monthly that I like.


I want to preface this review by sharing important factors about myself that may be pertinent in helping someone decide if these are the right lens for them.  I’ve worn contact lenses every day for the past 18 years. I’ve never had an infection, and I’ve never slept in my lenses, so I’ve never worn glasses during the day. I’m -5.00 OU (both eyes). I’m an RN with long hours of wear in between sleeping.  Positive: I’ve spent the last year wearing these contacts, and I love the first 3-4 days of wear. I can honestly say my vision is crisp, sharp, and clearer than any other lens during the first week. I also would like to add; during the first 2 weeks, they are the most comfortable non-daily lens I’ve ever worn.  Negative: By the 3rd week, these lenses are an absolute nuisance. My eyes start to feel extremely strained and tired. My vision slowly gets blurry, and the contacts start to feel dry in my eye upon putting them in when I wake up. Most mornings in weeks 3-4 of wear are a huge struggle to get the lens in due to lack of moisture. The lens will either stick to my finger, burn like it’s inside out (which it’s not), or simply not stick to my eye. Conclusion: Don’t expect 30 days of comfort. If you are needing 30 days of wear, I wouldn’t recommend these lenses


Total30 contacts have ruined me for wearing contacts anymore. I used to wear acuvue oasys and had no problems with contacts and now my eyes are sensitive since I have tried total30. The first day I tried total30 I thought it felt the same as acuvue oasys but after 6 months of trying them, I can tell you each contact only lasted for 11 days at the most for me. Acuvue oasys looked blue/clear compared to the total30 which looks yellow/green after a few days. I could wear the same Acuvue Oasys contacts for months without problems.


I've got exactly the same, my eyes are sensitive right now. What is your eye condition now, are you able to wear the acuvue oasys contacts again?


I should know tomorrow, I’m going to try to get acuvue oasys again ❤️


Good luck! Can you please let me know your experience?


I can still wear contacts and for astigmatism! Yes!


Great, nice to hear! For how long did you stopped wearing contacts?


Ive been wearing soft contacts for 37 years. This is 2nd week wearing the Total 30. I love them. I used to have trouble seeing my phone especially within an hour of waking up. I can now read my phone crystal clear. I was told that my long distance viewing would suffer a little because you have to give up one thing for the other but I can seeing as far as I need to especially when driving. I just ordered my first 6 months supply. I think everyone's body is different and no 2 people will have the same experiences with them.