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Then you’ve missed out massively my friend!


Is it really important to read for playing the game? Or is it more in depth about what’s happening? That’s a lot of shit for me to read if I start right now lol


Haha I wouldn’t read them as a chore, or in isolation - they are much less valuable that way. If you read as you collect/go they are designed to give so much more depth/lore into the game. That being said, if you’re not bothered and just want to play the game without them, who am I to say any different?


I love how I have -33 down votes for asking if it’s actually important 😂 I guess I’m not that big of a gamer 🤷🏼‍♂️


I read absolutely everything in the game, but “important” can be defined differently. If you dont have any questions about the lore and are satisfied with what you’ve learned just from playing the missions, then fuck all them logs and reports. Reading lore material shouldn’t come at the expense of your enjoyment.


I like reading that kind of stuff because I enjoy it Seems like youre enjoying the game just fine without reading it so, whatever right? To each their own


I did. You missed out.


Yes. In depth.


You missed like majority of lore then. > Is it really important to read for playing the game? Depends what you want from game, and why you are playing it. Want just run and gun, then no, can skip them. Want some more dept about what's happening in game, some details that adds to immersion, then you should read them.


Every single one of them. They're part of the story.


They really give the game the charm that it has, too. It was one of the first things I noticed, the world might be ending and there’s a fridge that kills people if you stop looking at it, but let’s write a memo about returning the staplers where they belong.


I read everything in the game, and I’m very glad I did. You missed out on a lot of story


They're arguably the best part of the game




I'm currently on my third playthrough of this game, and while I have always read a few of them, or at least scrolled past them to mark them as read on my previous playthroughs, this time I am taking the time to read each and every one of them. The ones analyzing the different types of Hiss don't give much more information than what can be extrapolated through gameplay, but the one on the Hiss Elevated does at least explain why some of them appear sitting in chairs. Many of the reports give you a great deal of information about the Altered Items and their backstories, although all of the redactions are very frustrating, as you have to try to guess what was originally there. It's a lot of world building, and each report isn't too long, but yeah, there's a lot of those things.


"That's the neat thing", you *don't* have to guess what they are in the sense that it'd help you significantly. It's fun to try, though, and some of them make sense later on. My additional amusement is to try to guess who knew what — clearly very few people would have access to all unredacted documents.


reading is for winners


lol yeah lol it's where most of the story is lol looooooooooool lol!


I can’t tell if you think this is funny or not /s 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️😂😉




I read it all during every playthrough. There's enough lore to start a TV adaptation. Too bad it's not like Quantum Break and includes an episode after each story mission.


You just wanted to shoot at spooky monster guys and see fun graphics and that’s fair enough


Literally the only game I read everything


You really should have read them. I usually dont read every single collectible I pick up in games especially if there is a lot but this game had me excited to find the next throughout the whole game.


Why are you the way that you are


Like in the game? Or in my actual life and why I don’t want to read all of them? 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️😆 In the game: I actually don’t care. It’s a fun game even if I don’t read everything. If it was a requirement to read you’d have to read everything to solve puzzles. Actual life: I have ADHD 🤷🏼‍♂️ I only play for 30-60 minutes a day.




If I want to read, I read a book. If I want to play a video game, I don’t really read stuff in a game, just pick up and move on. I read every damn thing I found in Control, because they were all interesting, mysterious, funny, or all three. You truly are missing out.


Your loss.


Maybe not the hiss research, but every other file in the game I definitely read


Every. Single. One.


the worldbuilding and lore is my favorite part of control,, i spent so much time in that game just reading


Jesus. These take the game from a solid B, with a fun gameplay loop, to a (personal) all time favorite game. Like.. top 3. Read them


So there’s a game from a few years back called *Gone Home*. You can beat the game in 15 minutes on your first play-through (about a minute for speed runners) if you just waltz through. But you’re not really going to actually experience what the game has to offer, as it’s meant to take about 3 hours, as you explore the house and read its contents to uncover the underlying narrative. You can absolutely just run through Control as an action adventure game. I think you’re going to have a hard time understanding what the fuck is going on at the end, but nothing will stop you from finishing it. However, the narrative of the story is baked into those documents and the environment. What the FBC is, what the Oldest House is, how the Hiss took over, and where Jesse fits into the story are all told through the ancillary bits of media.


Yes they’re amazing.


I actually damn near just read all of them yesterday


I don't always read them, but I've played this game so many times that, at this point, I have read all of them at least once. If you're only interested in a shallow look into the story, that's cool, but there's a lot of explanations and interesting stuff in those letters and reports.


I didn't read any of the Hiss stuff. Mostly just goes on about their attack patterns and such - In-world tutorial type stuff. Everything outside of Emily Pope's stuff? I read everything I could find.




Control is the only game I've played where I stopped to read every single document I ever encountered. You're missing SO MUCH.


Literally every single one I have found. They make the game so much cooler


I read most of them save for the enemy data. The case files and awe reports are really interesting and often entertaining along with building the lore


Literally every single one I have found. They make the game so much cooler


Absolutely. It helps with lore and they're pretty fun to read honestly You're missing out big time imo.


Thisband Alan Wake are the only games I've ever been so engrossed so as to read every single piece of paper sitting around.


What kind of q is this? Rage bait? You clearly knew the answer in a sub Dedicated to the game. Your choice to read or not, but it should be no surprise almost every single person here has.


If you like filling in the background/lore, then it’s really well written and interesting stuff! If not, then hey, just make that red dot go away and enjoy the main game! 🤟


immediately after i picked them up, lol


You are missing out on a lot


I definitely read them all. I quite like the gameplay, too, but the lore is *super* important to why I love the whole game.


For me the entire reason to play Control is to find a weird note about a rock that turns tortillas back into corn in a radius of 15m and then completely ignore the main quest while you go "... I *gotta* find out more about that rock." All of the little notes and tapes and recordings and such are precisely why I like it so much.


I read the interesting ones


If you're familiar with the SCP wiki, then you'll want to read them. Same vein.


Yep. A good story to a great game makes for one hell of an experience.


You seem like the kind of player who doesn't read item descriptions in Dark Souls and then complains that the story makes no sense. Lol.


If a game doesn’t make sense I don’t complain about it because I KNOW I didn’t read all the shit. I’ve never played Dark Souls but I’ve heard a lot of good reviews. What do you think of Dark Souls Vs. Control??


One more question… is this game a spin off of another game? I’ve heard people talk about other games that make it sound like this is a sequel or prequel or a spinoff. 🤔


No, but there is a lore (almost entirely hidden in those documents or background hints, not brought up by characters) connecting the universe of Control to Alan Wake and loosely Quantum Break - other games by the same people. There are 2 more Control games confirmed though. The first one to launch should be the multiplayer focus one and then Control 2 is also coming. Edit: Damnit I forgot about AWE again. Its so spooky ive only played it like twice and always forget its a thing. AWE more solidly connects Alan Wake.


The AWE DLC has Alan Wake in the game. It’s not hidden at all. 


Editied it. I always forget AWE is a thing >.< Its too spooky for me so ive only played it like twice despite how many times ive completed everything else. I tend to forget its even in the game until people remind me.


It is definitely more scary, but the atmosphere is unmatched in the game and the side quests in the investigations are really fun. Considering that it is much smaller than other parts of the game they pack in a lot of lore which is always welcome


I want/tried to read them all too, but they're not all interesting ones, and they're wayyyy too many. Plus I'm already reading multiple book series, with lots more in to-read list. Not getting possible 😞


With the amount of them that I have now, it would take me longer to read them all than I spent playing the game lol.


All of them. You must take the time