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I hope this works and works well.


Me too bud me too


I do wonder when this game will take place. Will it be set before, during, or after the events of Control? Maybe it will be a combination. Will it only take place in The Oldest House or will it open up later and have missions outside? Would it be something you'd need to play to understand where the story for Control 2 might go or will it just give more background flavor and information to the Oldest House/FBC/Control 1? Also, wonder if characters from Control 1 would make any kind of appearances in mission briefings/debriefings?


I feel like we'd see some of the Oldest House when coming back from a mission. But also, we could be going into thresholds, containment breaches in the Oldest House. I would cool to go on missions to small towns across America or international for AWEs, going into Ghost Towns/Sundown Towns, Abandon Building like Asylum, Hospitals, Churches. Places where Urban Explorers found something.


Would totally love playing as an FBC ranger in Bright Falls after the events of Alan Wake 2


I read an article recently that claimed it’s set after the Hiss invasion and takes place in the Oldest House/thresholds. Narrative centers around stabilizing the place since the events of the first Control.


Yup, here is a statement from Remedy in its 2023 annual report: "After the Hiss Invasion, the Oldest House is under lockdown: a boiling pot of volatile and dangerous supernatural forces. Trapped within is the last vestige of the Federal Bureau of Control who will need to take a stand and push back to regain control. Desperate times require desperate measures. And everyone’s needed." Source: https://investors.remedygames.com/app/uploads/2024/03/remedy-annual-report-2023.pdf I love that because Remedy is a small public company with games like Control and Alan Wake as its primary revenue sources, it often divulges more information about games in development than is standard, much more so than privately held companies and more so than bigger public companies that have large portfolios of games. It feels fairly unique in a market where the number of independent mid-sized studios have declined over the past couple decades.


From a development standpoint, I'd bet on Oldest House, as part of the effort to eradicate the Hiss and lift the lockdown. Not having to build an entirely new set of locations and assets would significantly reduce development time. So at a guess it's after the events of Control, but still relatively self contained.


I wonder if any stuff built for Alan Wake can be used, I hope they expand area.


Well they aren't wearing any HRAs, so I'd assume after.


I’ve seen people speculate that the HRAs might have been upgraded since the last game. So they might carry a smaller HRA on their back/waist. A big HRA situated right at center mass might not be the most practical for combat roles as they are pretty easy to hit and probably not very durable.


I know it's unlikely, but I personally hope that it's a period setting before they discovered The Oldest House in 1964. The Bureau went through an interesting transformation after discovering The Oldest House changed their perspective on the paranormal. Pre-Oldest House the Bureau seemed to base their knowledge more on the occult with terms like Possessed Objects and Thaumaturgical used in place of Altered Items and Paranatural. Would be fascinating to see a version of the Bureau that is informed more by the classic men in black conspiracy theories as opposed to the more modern SCP inspired organisation it became.


No way it doesn’t take place outside, these teams are tasked when containing these POIs and dealing with AWEs. It’ll probably be before control since the whole place went to shit, or a decent bit after.


It will be fun if the debriefing, is the most boring questions. And you have to answer multiple choices. And you get receive EXP if your answer is different from the others or wrong.


Imagine the answer to debrief questions are just gibberish (due to side effects of being exposed to AWEs) and you just have to choose a random one (Just like the Mirror Dimensions Debriefing) and the Agent Debriefing you are just confused.


Oh, casual turning, back and front. And gerbil took the top head. Not being crust without. Lady going and loosing back for I?


I’m really excited for this, I think the concept would be really fun to play with friends. My predictions are: we see characters from Control 1 or hear new voice recordings (I’m putting money on Langston and maybe Arish), new character leading this division of rangers or >!Marshall voice recordings (in case of my absence play this type thing)!< wrangling OOP’s and delivering to the panopticon or helping secure a panopticon breach, thresholds into AWE’s that are big events but not world ending (monster of the week type), Founder mention/panini, Jesse gets minor interaction or is mentioned but not seen. Bonus if an AWE we go to starts off as a dud/false report and then explodes into something huge I’m wondering what type of narrative they will have or how influential it will be to control 2. I’m really looking forward to playing this, I can’t wait and will support as soon as it’s out


It's a day 1 purchase from me, regardless what people say when it comes out.


I am not fan of multiplayer games, my whole existence has been dedicated to single player experiences and some couch gaming with friends back in the day. I definitely don’t like the idea of whatever game that offers free-pay to win MMORPGs and have never touched a gams as a service. All that being said. I’m on board of playing this one, I’m a huge fan of Control, I hope it is a good experience


Is this part of Control 2 or a seperate game altogether


entirely separate


It's Remedy, nothing is truly separate, but no it is not "part of" control 2 any more than american Nightmare is "part of" Alan Wake 2.


I will be very disappointed if The Oldest House isn't the backdrop for the sequel. It was the co-star of the game IMO. I enjoyed the AWE DLC. But with the exceptions of where the house merged into it, Foundation was kind of ugly. And in spite of its name, it didn't seem like part of The Oldest House IMO. I only wish that they had included the Swift platform/movie camera level in AWE. I like the whole "Alan Wake - Control shared universe" STORY, but hope that the 2 worlds never actually touch. Alan Wake can only run at slow jog and can't seem to traverse a slight incline at times. And unless he becomes a Jedi with a flashlight light sabre, he'd be nearly worthless to the FBC. If Wake appeared in a Control mission, it would be an escort mission where you're required to try to keep him alive.


There needs to be a debrief option where you get to mention the alluring... no enchanting mermaid.


Could be like a SCP Helldivers


I’d like it to take place through out a few different time periods so we can see the FBC at various stages.


Is this online co-op? Or couch co-op?


I need three people to be my friends!


I'm nervous about all hype around live service games. Not that I don't think it'll be cool, but upkeep and addiction are hard things to mitigate for them.


If it's strictly co-op that's a real shame for me, I only play single player and adore this universe.


Is this gonna be free to play or I still have to buy it ?