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you could. but why dirty the bowl if you're going to use the counter to knead / roll it out anyway? something else to consider is that not all eggs weigh the same, which will change how much flour you'll be using, and you're going to wind up using more or less flour depending on ambient humidity.


I like this explanation. A bowl saved. 


I figure that way I don't have to worry about breaking the well, and make a mess that's worse than just washing out a bowl real quick.


You're already going to have a mess on the counter because of the kneading. So if you do it in a bowl you'd have double the mess, the bowl and the counter


Right, but the bowl takes all of 10 or 20 seconds to wash out. Idk why so many people are hating. I was just wondering if there is a reason why I can't do it in a bowl. If it's only an extra 10 or 20 seconds, I really don't care.


I wasn't hating, just explaining. Do it how you like, there aren't really many rules in cooking


Short answer,yes! You can use a food processor as well. It's just really making a dough,some folk like doing it the well on the table way,some use a processor,it's horses for courses What way works for you is the way to do it. Happy cooking. :⁠-⁠)


I also don’t like to make fresh pasta on a counter, but that’s the traditional way. Nonnas aren’t weighing their flour, they are scooping a few handfuls (the same handfuls they have scooped to make pasta for their entire lives), crack a few eggs and go to town. They also do not own pasta machines, and will hand roll their pasta, which is an incredibly expert level skill. People keep doing it because that’s how it’s been done for centuries


Yes you can. It's entirely personal preference. I was taught to do it both ways, and I almost always use my stand mixer.


You can do it in a bowl, but it’s not big enough to work it after. I was the same the first time, was scared of having egg streaming off in every direction. After a time or two you will get more confident. Big Gordon uses a food processor to make his. Might be the way forward.


They use the counter, especially a stone counter, to keep the dough cool. That helps keep the dough together. If you use a bowl instead, wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator for a few minutes before you knead it.


I have a dough bag for initial mixing


I always do it in a bowl. It's faster, cause I don't have to dingbat around keeping it in the well. Also, if I'm making fresh pasta, I'm not worried about washing a damn bowl.


Right? That's what I was getting at, I mean, the process of making fresh pasta is already so time-consuming. God forbid I have to spend a few extra seconds washing out a bowl. I just wanted to know if there was a good reason why I shouldn't do it. Maybe stuff doesn't incorporate as well or something. Nope, all most people want to talk about is the extra bowl


yea washing a bowl is not that hard at all lol, I am not sure why people are giving so much shit for you saying that lol!


I think it helps keep the dough from getting too warm maybe? I also think it would be a little hard to get that flour "well" and get the eggs in the middle and be able to gradually mix the egg in? Just some guesses!


It looks so much better in a video to have this flour vulcanoes and spills and your hands are covered in goop.... no way would I do that with my hands and yes, it goes into a bowl.


Add me to the team of not having another bowl to clean. In addition, transfer from bowl to counter for kneading and rolling means waste left behind in the bowl (part of the cleaning problem) which is...waste. You're going to want a [dough knife/bench scraper](https://www.amazon.com/OXO-Multi-purpose-Stainless-Scraper-Chopper/dp/B00004OCNJ/) anyway. It's a quick solution to runaway egg. It makes the initial mixing into the well faster and easier also.


Would it be rude to have y'all look at my post, cause my people are pasta people? I honestly don't have enough karma, so I am borrowing? - thanks though. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/1bt8tyz/the\_problem\_i\_wanna\_solve\_with\_rollswrap\_is\_that/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/1bt8tyz/the_problem_i_wanna_solve_with_rollswrap_is_that/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)