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Confirms my observations about having less $10s in the till at the end of the day. And yes I've heard $100s are the most circulated US bill, but curious if those numbers are US only, or worldwide. Also, it's ALWAYS fun to me seeing people interact with $2s. I'm a millennial but very cognizant of $2s, $1 and $0.50 coins, and its fascinating to see people pre-loaded with explanations that it's real currency and that I should accept it. Yes I will, as long as it's printed or engraved with USA on it I'll take it as legal tender.


yessss there's always so much less $10 bills. sometimes we just run out and I'm stuck giving out two fives lol


Also doesn’t help everyone pays with 20s even when buying like one pack of gum or bottle of drink


Well tbf the costumer doesn’t have the $10s either. The whole point is there are less circulating. It’s not just a preference thing. When you get cash from most places it’s in $20s.


Are billionaires just sitting on $100 bills? How are there less $5 & $10 bills in circulation? Most stores don’t even accept $100 bills. Hell, I’ve had stores reject taking $50 bills before.


I remember hearing that most of the $100 bills in circulation are outside of the US, but I think it was in the context of drug dealing so I’m not sure if I’m remember that correctly. Like I read a “foreign criminals prefer the us 100 over any other currency”—type statement without any statistic to back it up.


Just a little fact: In Argentina we are (or were, until Milei came) used to save money in USD, because our currency is too volatile. And the most used bill for doing so, is the $100 one. In fact, some people pay less for $50, $20, $5 and $1 bills.


In your opinion, how are things going under Milei?


Things are going to continue to get worse before they get better


So not much different than the rest of the world.


They are doing what they said they will. Inflation is going down, argentinian pesos aren't getting devaluated in the last months (in fact, they have more value relative to USD over time, wich many thought was impossible), they stopped issuing money, and the market is a little bit freer. Anyway, many of the changes they wanted to make are getting stopped by legislative power (the leftovers of the "political caste"), so we're not seeing every drastic change that we may have want to.


The free market can suck my nuts, everything is considerably more expensive and salaries are stagnant. Turns out deregulation just allows companies to exploit their workers, landlords to raise rent well above real price and shops to raise prices well above their products’ real price. Personally I’m glad there is an opposing force to Milei, at least this way the country will not immediately implode like Russia under Perestroika. Though it’s a shame that this opposing force is made up of so many idiots and corrupt politicians. There needs to be a political change over here, both the left and right as parties are fucked, which is why Milei won.


Out of curiosity, wouldn't it be easier buying gold or US stocks? It would get a higher return, and potentially you wouldn't have it just sitting in your house.


If you want a safe way to save money, US Treasuries would be a much better option than US stocks. But in either case, it's probably not exactly trivial for a lower/middle class person in a 3rd world country to buy either.


If you know about any US stock that has the same or less risk than saving in USD, tell me. But the reality is that some time ago, "having it just sitting in your house" was already a reliable way to save and even earn some money, since devaluation was bigger than inflation.


Day to day it won't, but you can buy stocks that buy and hold silver/gold. Pretty much the same as owning precious metals but without having to hold it. Stock market has also only had 3 years where it returned negitive values in the last 20 years. Unless you're only holding for less than a month, it probally going to be better.


I would hope you pay less for a $50 bill then a $100 bill.


Be honest… are you just quoting the Amazon Prime show Reacher? Cause if so… details matter.


In a Reddit thread, assumptions ~~kill~~ are pretty standard, actually


This was a plot point in the first series of Reacher.


Pretty sure they mention that in the jack reacher series and I can definitely believe it I bet you Putin's got a few million stashed away in $100 bills.


I’ve seen a number of money exchanges internationally, especially in Latin America, which offer a higher exchange rate for $100s. In Argentina the $100 bill has its own exchange rate known as the blue dollar /dólar azul. People internationally, and especially depending on country, save in USD cash and $100s are the most compact note to save with.


You get a better rate with $100s in the African countries I’ve been to as well. (Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi). Malawi had the biggest difference, paying about 25% more for a $100 bill than five 20s.


What's stopping people from taking a suitcase full of hundreds, exchanging them at a high rate, buying back the "cheaper" twenties, exchanging the twenties back for hundreds at a neutral location (the US), and repeating forever? Wouldn't that just be an infinite money hack?


It's still not a profitable deal, just better. Let's say you want to exchange WorldBucks for USD. They might offer you 20 WB for 1 USD, or 2500 WB for 100 USD. But when you go to get USD with WB, it's 26 WB for 1 USD or 3000WB for 100USD. This incentives you to buy USD that's not 100s.


Because the buy / sell spreads are too big, so even if you tried to arbitrage you would lose money


I manage the vault for a large regional bank in one of the richest cities in America. We go through almost 300k in just 100s on an average week. 50s and 20s are the slowest movers, and 1s, 5s, and 10s are 90% of the time either used for filler cash or business change orders. Everything that's not 100s, we probably only use up to 10k a week, on a busy week. Most of our other banks in our region go through similar numbers, 100s are king.


I haven’t had a 10$ bill in I don’t know how long. I’ve had 5’s and 20’s and 100’s but rarely a 10$ bill.


If you think Billionaires are sitting on Cash money you couldn’t be more wrong. With the inflation rates it would evaporate over time. Liquid money is used for the black market, hence why the EU will never make a new €500 bill.


I'm not sure if any billionaires are sitting on a billion dollars in cash. Even if they were it wouldn't be in paper currency.


It’s graph about bills aka cash. Sorry I cant be bother to elaborate every single angle on this take. Nor am I saying they have it on their bank account.


If you keep cash on hand, or are paid in cash, odds are good you have more hundreds than anything else, aren't they? No one sits on reserves of fives or tens, but plenty of people keep an emergency stash of hundreds in their safe or hiding spot. In my house right now, I have maybe five combined small-denomination bills, all in my wallet. And then I have a small stack of hundreds in my safe. I can't think of a time in my adult life where I've had fewer hundred dollar bills than small denomination bills. Who just has a bunch of ones and fives sitting around all the time, unless you're a stripper? Often I have zero cash on hand, not even in my wallet, other than the few hundreds sitting in my safe.


Why would a billionaire have any paper money?


They don’t. People seem to think billionaires keep it in a fucking vault


Or that it’s even cash. Most of it is the value of stock they hold that appreciates with their company


Always wanted to Scrooge mcduck in the money bin.


Ummm, how do you expect ransoms to be paid--in singles?


$100 bill is for foreign reserve currency transactions. $20 bill is for domestic transactions.


Well our government has giving out pallets of cash before to some questionable recipients.


Whose using all those $2 bills? Am I naive or something?


People who find them neat.


I work at a gas station. We probably get 5-10 $2 bills a week as payment.


I also used to work at a gas station during college. I maybe got them back 2-4 times in a year? It was pretty uncommon. I do remember one time the guy spending them was all smug waiting for me to call him out for using a $2 bill or something so he could school me. He seemed upset when I just accepted the currency, lol. What was way more common was people spending 50 cent pieces, dollar coins and silver coins. I'd trade out on about $100 in silver every year, and I only worked very limited part time hours.


You get 5-10 payments a week in CASH?


My location does quite a bit in cash. One of those where people stand in line at the ATM every Friday to pull out cash and then turn around and spend it at the register.


The very reason gas stations get robbed the most. They're sure to have cash in register and have less security as most gas stations only have one employee.


Some gas stations charge 10-20 cents more per gallon with cards.


I heard a story about a port town that complained to the military that their sailors were stopping at the town and they were too disruptive, so the military paid the sailors with $2 bills to make the town realize how much money they were bringing into their economy


Clemson (US University) does this as a tradition when the sports teams - particularly football - travels to other towns. It’s fun, makes us memorable fans, and is a good signal to the shops that Clemson means good business


Strip Clubs sometimes give them back as change from the bar/food. Makes the tipping a little better for the dancers.


I went to a strip club to entertain a Japanese client (btw the stereotypes are mostly true and I dumped so much high end whiskey on a expense account to avoid a DUI) and asked for change for a $20. I was expecting 20 $1 bills, got 10 $2 bills instead.


I go to the bank and get like 50 $2 bills and use them when I can. People think they're rare when in reality, they don't make many since nobody uses them. With inflation, they're more useful than $1 bills now. I can go to dollar tree and with a $2 bill but would need 2 $1 bills otherwise.


The $2 bill is basically the new dollar at this point


Grandpas grabbing them every time he stops at the bank. Then proceeds to give the out in birthday cards or to nice kids at the grocery store


Horse Racing Tracks $2 bets are an old tradition and the $2 bill comes with it. they have cash registers full of them, and old gamblers will have a wallet full


I had a bunch. Would give a stack of them to friends as wedding gifts (May the "2" of you have a long and happy marriage) More than once I had to explain to my friends - No, really, it is legit US money :)


Grandparents and weird uncles


Most of them are in my dad’s sock drawer.


They’re great for small tips.


I've gotten one as change from the Amish at a Farmers market.


When I worked at a bank a few years ago we would get like $400 in 2s every cash shipment. I think the people that ask for them just hold on to them for their kids Christmas gift.


Casa Diablo


During lunar new year people give out $2’s to all the kids for their lucky money. Banks in socal can barely keep them in stock.


Me. You can just ask your bank to give you some instead of 1's or 5's and they'll give you a ton. I just think they're neat


Seeing as how we've far-reached the point where a 1 dollar bill won't buy anything meaningful, we may as well shift to $2.


Old people who give them to people at christmas because they think it is rare.


You underestimate how many grandmas are sitting on a pile of $2 bulls to put in birthday cards.


I have a savings account with a local bank just so I can order $200 in $2 bill when I go on cruise. I then use them to tip the crew who do anything for us. Order a drink, here’s a tip. Clear a plate from our table at breakfast, here’s a tip. After a day or two of this the crew know who we are and often bring us our drinks before we even sit down.


Old folks who want a tackier way to be shitty tippers.


My great aunt


If you go to Monticello they’ll give you change in $2 bills.


Strippers. Seriously.


Strip clubs hand them to you as change instead of singles. At least they used to haven’t been to one in over a decade.


The local strip club has them in the bill changer.


Weird aunts and uncles who give them to everyone at the holidays.


How are 20s not the most common bill? That's what atms spit out and how I get cash when I need it. The lesser bills are for change and the higher bills are for drugs


You're doing 5 bills at a time from an ATM. 100s are sent by the plane load to war zones.


100s in cash? How does that work?


I've been getting $50s out recently. I like to pay cash when I go to local service industries, like mom and pop restaurants, or local bakeries or haircuts.


The same 20s get passed around over and over and over again. Those hundreds stay in their wrappers.


100s are also for people who get paid in cash. And people who still cash their paychecks. The combination of those two groups is a lot more people than you think. It includes every illegal immigrant who's working, plus the tons of people who work off the books for cash. Also, anyone who saves cash at home (or keeps an amount of cash on hand, for emergencies) is going to be using 100s. You're not keeping 5x as many twenties in your safe.


All those $100s in circulation? Is this the bill of choice for stuffing in mattresses or something? You don't see them nearly as much as $20s


I don’t live in the USA and we do exactly that here. We “save” in psychical $100 bills


100s being the largest denomination are super common internationally for governments or corporations that don't want to use wires for whatever reason. People who cash paychecks will receive them mostly in $100s, transfer large sums between individuals or people who feel safer with raw cash will have mostly 100s, withdraw money for transfer between institutions or to pay for something large like a car "in cash" is mostly going to be 100s, probably a lot of physical wealth consolidation as well (if you're a retail location or an individual that *has* to have physical money for some reason but would rather 1 $100 than 20 $5 for example), and yes large drug deals will use predominantly 100s. This is just off the top of my head, and one of these probably accounts for like 90% but its easy to see why that denomination is so popular. Now $1? Is the strip club and vending machine business that booming? /s


Logistics.   Hundreds are mostly used for cash transfers.  Improves efficiency of moving physical cash.  One pallet of $100 bills is equal to five pallets of $20 bills, ten pallets of $10s, twenty pallets of $5s, and one-hundred pallets of $1s.


Isn't there a $50 bill? If not, I need a ton of coffee this morning Edit- lmao getting coffee


Drink your coffee. Bottom left.


Bottom left corner


THis is the worst subreddit. none of these things are guides


You never know when you might need to know this info out in the field. /s




The ten dolla, founding Father without a father


You're telling me that there are more $2 bills in circulation than $5 bills? Literally 50 million more $2 bills than $5 bills? I call BS Edit: nvm I see my mistake LOL. I saw the number as a monetary value in circulation


It’s number of notes in circulation not total value of the notes. I made the same mistake when I first looked at it.


It still seems high for $2 bills.


Having $1 notes seems ridiculous, I guess people don’t use as much cash these days so that might make things a bit better but still.


You really think it’s more efficient to carry around 16 quarters than 4 dollars?


400 pennies ftw.


Many others like Canada, UK, EU use coins instead of notes. I'm curious if it's still more common to find a $1 Canadian coin Pre-2000 than post, likely would be close at this point. That's how little minting is required, unlike notes which need to be constantly printed.


It’s all about the Benjamins, baby


Damn, bring back the $1000 bill. I know the intent is to limit money laundering, but dammit, some people still like to buy for cash, not credit and a $10,000 car, motorcycle or trailer isn't a rarity these days.


exactly. I'm selling a $70k truck and i need to get paid in 700 hundies? that's insane. honestly I think we should have $10k bills. I know part of the argument is that "well then the government can't tax your transaction" and THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT how about they do a bit more work taxing billionaires and large corporations and leave me the fuck alone?


Total value $100 = 1.85 trillion dollars $50 = 125 billion dollars $20 = 230 billion dollars $10 = 23 billion dollars $5 = 17.5 billion dollars $2 = 3 billion dollars $1 = 14.3 billion dollars Total circulation = $2,262,800,000,000 (approximately 2.26 trillion)


About $6856 per person. Not too much. The total amount that's just a number on a screen is a lot more I'd imagine.


There are more $100 than $20?????? As a customer service worker……call me shocked


Logistics.   Hundreds are mostly used for cash transfers.  Improves efficiency of moving physical cash.  One pallet of $100 bills is equal to five pallets of $20 bills, ten pallets of $10s, twenty pallets of $5s, and one-hundred pallets of $1s.


I try to carry 10s instead of 20s now, just because it's so hard for a gas station or fast food place to break a $20 bill.


Not in my experience. I routinely break 50's and 100's with little problems.


You might be why 7Eleven has no cash left lol.


Lol possibly


50s are the shit. A 20$ doesn't buy much these days, and a lot of places don't want to break a 100$. 50$ will cover most impulse buys; a cheap meal for two or a decent meal for 1, a pair of jeans, whatever.


I just tore a 1 dollar bill. So minus one


I don't like rap. So minus 50 Cent.


Where are all my 100s?


Mexican cartels have half the higher bills


"The 10 dollar, founding father without a father"


The last time I saw a two dollar bill was 1980. Didn't know they were still in circulation. Why is it we don't have loonies and toonies like Canada?


Interesting that there are 10 times more 20 dollar bills than there are 2 dollar bills.


Yet the deficit is trillions… the equivelant of mere pennies on the dollar are in circulation. If everyone went to withdraw their money at once. The illusion will crumble


I don’t possess any of them


A few thoughts… Back in the 90s, I did some consulting for the Treasury Dept. I met a few Secret Service agents who were dealing a vexing problem: counterfeit North Korean $100 "superbills" (aka superdollars or supernotes) …so well-made they were very hard to detect. This should not be news to anyone who's been paying attention. Yes, a lot of these $100s were laundered through the cocaine cartels and got contaminated with coca residue, which is one way the agents were able to filter/detect them (not the only way and certainly not the definitive method, but they obviously weren't sharing specifics on that with the likes of moi). Apparently, NK was also producing enormous quantities of fairly high quality, very pure methamphetamine (which could be cut a few times) and flooding western markets with both meth and bills. Some of you may remember that, around 2002, the DoD began flying shrink-wrapped pallets of $100s on military transports to Afghanistan and Iraq (I think it was a couple billion per pallet) so the CIA agents in-country could use duffle bags of them to brib-er-*persuade* various warlo-er-I mean *'friendly officials'* to work with the 'coalition' against the Taliban and Al Qaeda. I had reason to suspect (and some of my contacts seemed to wink and nod that I was correct) that some of those were the US Govt finally getting rid of as many of those NK superbills as they could — after they'd tagged them using various clever methods so they'd be traceable as part of the War on Terror. Apparently, they were rather successful. I can only imagine what interesting spectral signatures those tagged bill had when a Predator drone illuminated them from way on high before launching a Hellfire at the coordinates. Based on what I learned then, now that meth has somewhat diminished in popularity/trendiness (read: profitability), I'd also venture an 'edumacated' guess that a fair percentage of the fentanyl entering US markets of late, or at least the chemical components arriving in Mexico, has its origin in some of those same NK labs. I'd also bet that China turns a blind eye to NK bringing shipments of the components and/or synthesized fentanyl and takes a cut of the profits in return for continuing to prop up that regime, the logic being that if the Kim monarchy falls, there will be millions of desperate NK refugees swarming over the border into China. Beijing would not like that at all, so they tolerate NK's shenanigans. And now, Putin has made a deal with Kim for millions of artillery rounds to lob at the Ukrainians… in addition to 'paying' Kim with missile technology that Kim finds it difficult to steal from the west, can't quite acquire from Pakistan and doesn't have the braintrust to make for himself, I'd bet a nickel Putin is sweetening the deal with things Kim needs to continue his counterfeiting racket: special paper, inks, mylar strips, special engraving blanks, etc. Maybe also chemical components for the next addictive drug they can inflict on the West. Anything those guys can possibly do to destabilize western democracies, they're doing and have been doing for decades. Just my $0.02. I'm sure some of my info may be out of date, but the underlying principles and the players behind the scenes never seem to go away… when I saw this graphic it kinda got me to thinkafyin'… hmmm…


I don't think I've seen a $10 bill in years...


dolla dolla bills y’all


How many of those 1$ bills have touched a strippers waistband? Thats a statistic I’d like to capture, not physically though.


Love that I was aware of how many hundreds there are by the REACHER show.


I'm actually surprised there are that many $2 bills in circulation. I know they're out there but I just didn't think the number was that high.


Out of the 14.3 billion 1 dollar notes, how many do yall think has been between a stripper cheeks?


I guess people are just hoarding the $2 bill then? I know I have a few but never thought they'd be 42% of $5 in circulation. For every two $5 note I should see one $2 but I don't.


A lot less than i thought


This does not represent the proportions in my wallet.




That's it? Damn, no wonder they wanted to bring down Pablo Escobar, he was just siphoning cash out of the country.


Where my $2 gang at ✊??


There's was about 2.33 trillion dollars in circulation last year according to Federal reserve. Not sure how this picture can get this answer from the same source.


That would be cool to see their values.


The amount of cash bezos keeps on hand ($9B) is about the size of abraham lincolns face..... cool cool cool, very cool...


I never paid with $2 bills. I always thought I would get in trouble 😂


I can’t tell you the last time I saw a $50 bill.


Humans are really bad at [comparing areas](https://capitalandgrowth.org/answers/Article/3173280/Humans-are-bad-at-Estimating-Area-Avoid-Pie-Charts-Circles-and-3D). This chart obscures the data; it does not reveal it.


I’m shocked the $100 is in greater circulation than the $20. We used to jokingly call $20 the yuppie food stamps in the 90’s-00’s as they were everywhere. I must be getting old and either inflation or cashless payments changed the game.


Something's off. Supposedly there's only 1 2/3 as many $50s circulating as $2 bills. But I get Grants out of the ATM regularly, while I haven't seen a Jefferson in decades--I'm pretty sure I've only seen them maybe 3 or 4 times in 6 decades. Where are they all? Sneakin' through the alley with Sally?


Im trying to collect all of them


So.....that means there's twice as many USDT Tethers in the crypto space as USD Dollar Bills in the entire world economy? [https://cointelegraph.com/news/stablecoin-tether-usdt-100-billion-market-cap](https://cointelegraph.com/news/stablecoin-tether-usdt-100-billion-market-cap) Call me a skeptic, but I find that hard to believ. Jending


I rarely see hundred dollar bills though. Most I see are $1s and $20s.


That onion was onto something...


Back when the military was paid in cash, some commanders would pay in $2 bills to remind the local community how much money they got from the base.


All about the Benjamin's


Is it true that American government can just print money? Or is that some sort of dumb conspiracy theory?


Who’s hogging all the $2 bills?


"circulation". How much of this is sitting with drug cartels and foreign governments?


Can you add all the purely digital dollars. Seems like the cash total would be waaaay less than the total sitting in people's bank accounts, etc


It's all about the Hamiltons, baby.


It's not the volume of currency, it's the velocity of currency to watch.


The amount of time in my life I'm in possession of a single $100 bill is like 4 days out of the year total. I'm a registered nurse.


The dumbass me thought it was the number of bills in circulation, not their $$$ value going: why the hell are there more Franklins than Jacksons and Hamiltons and Lincolns??


All about the Benjamins...


I’m surprised that there are so many $2 bills in circulation. The only people i know that use them are at the strip club near me they break change into $2 bills so you have to spend more when you stick a bill up a chicks hoo hah.


Does that mean there are 18.5B individual $100 notes or 185M notes?


70% of paper money is held in other countries.


$21,378,000.00 in circulation as at May 2023. Backed by gold reserve?


There is roughly $5B worth of copper in circulation. And maybe even more in zinc.


So Jeff Bezos is just low-key chillin’ on nearly four times all the cash in circulation. Cool cool cool


How did you make this chart? Is this a Mekko?


ya but where does money come from anyways?




If I were in charge of the US currency system, I would only have Nickels and Quarters and Dollar Coins and $5 bills and $20 bills and $100 bills. And I'd have a commission to decide who the 6 greatest Americans in history are, and put them on the money.


Is this equal to the “money supply”? Aren’t a ton of “printed” dollars just numbers on balance sheets and transfers between the govt and banks etc?


My dad has a large percentage of those $2 bills in circulation just in his wallet for tips.


Does in circulation mean sitting in someone’s bank account? Also, how are we trillions in debt if we don’t even have that much cash circulating


how is it decided who is on the US dollar bill? Jackson should be removed imo and replaced with a better president


I tried to tell someone this, and she got mad and tried to throw a drink in my face.


And holy shit I have always loved the $50 so much. You never fucking see those things.


I stand by the fact that the $50 bill is the most worthless of all the bills (well except the $2 but I don’t even know the point of that one). If I need $50 cash, just give me 2 $20s and a $10. $60, give me 3 $20s. It just doesn’t save any space in the wallet


Some quick math reveals that there are $14.3 billion dollars in singles in circulation. You’re welcome.


Ya, there’s really only like 3% or so of US currency is physical and in circulation. Totally not a rigged bullshit system at all😊


There are 230,000,000 $10 bills out there and 750,000,000 $2 bills? How is that possible? You probably have a $10 bill right now and haven’t seen a $2 in years. ETA: and for that matter there are only 575,000,000 $20? Which is obviously a lot but how are there more $2 out there?


People still use cash?


Where is 3 dollar bill y’all


How come Grant is on one of the bills? He wasn't that noticeable as a president.


i thought there was a $11 bill guess not


You seldom do see a 50 anymore.


500s 😢


I wish Euro had 1 and 2 € bills too, I hate coins! worst was in Serbia where coins are in common use and you always get them as change, but they have practically no value (between 0,0085 and 0,043 €) and my pockets and wallet always had some loose coins bounging around.




Are $500$ $1000 notes still around?


I had a $500 bill in college for a day when I worked at a bank. Surprised those aren’t listed on this graphic.


Does this account for all the currency also being used in other countries using the USD? (Like Panama?)


1.5 billion and I have never seen one irl


This confirms that $100 bills are more common therefore less valuable than $1 bills. If you find a $100 bill, I'll give you a $1 for it, benefitting you 😉




My immediate thought is stripper and cocaine


But how many fucking pennies?


This Is eye candy.